Selfmotivation (level 2)

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Self Motivation: Interests & Empowerment Participating In Campaigns (Level 1)

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Power & P

Outline • • • •

What motivates you? Understanding Self interest Empower yourself Maintaining Motivation

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Power & P

Learning Outcomes • Identify internal and external motivators • Understand the relationship between needs, interests and motivation • Understand the link between self empowerment and successful campaigning • Learn tricks to maintain motivation

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Power & P

What motivates you? • External – Carrot – Stick

What is your WHY?

• Internal – Drivers – Values

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Power & P

What motivates you?

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Power & P

Understanding Self Interest Interest = inter esse (Latin) = to be among Self Interest = Self among others Where do my needs fit into those of larger society

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Power & P

Understanding Self Interest People are motivated to take part in campaigns by self interest To get something out of it for: Self, family, friends or community Sense of moral justice or idealology

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Power & P

Understanding Self Interest • What makes people feel good about themselves? • What materially benefits them?

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Power & P

Understanding Self Interest • Material Interests – Housing, healthcare, education, financial

• Social Interests – Friends, respect, recognition, feeling useful, feeling important, feeling a part of a larger community

• Generational Interests – Helping your children, grandchildren

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Power & P

Understanding Self Interest • Common Campaigner Motivations – Need to take responsibility of citizenship & play a role in shaping public affairs – Desire to work with different races/cultures to broaden perspective/ combat prejudice – Drawn to international issues because of want to make global difference

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Power & P

Empower yourself • Campaigning is about addressing the balance of power in society! • Regain some power! • Power comes from relationships, respect and reason!

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Power & P

Empower yourself • Relationships = Resource • Forming relationships = Talent/Power • Relationships need – Trust & Respect – Commitment & Honesty – Straightforward communication

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Power & P

Empower yourself • You will be known by your values: – CARE about others & let people see it – Treat everyone with RESPECT, whether they are big or small – JUDGE NOT, give others the benefit of doubt & refuse to talk negatively about anyone

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Power & P

Maintaining Motivation

Task matching

Tools and training MOTIVATION

Feedback Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Power & P

Maintaining Motivation • Task matching – Is this the right job for you? – Does it match your characteristics?

• Tools & Training – Do you have the tools you need? – Have you received adequate training?

• Feedback – Ask for constructive feedback on your performance – Focus on your behaviours and processes

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Power & P

Maintaining Motivation • And finally…. • Recognise your achievements – Big & small

• Remember why you are here!

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Power & P

And finally‌ A good campaigner is motivated by‌ Strong feelings of love and caring towards people/environment/animals Strong feelings of outrage and anger at how people/environment/animals are treated Tap into your emotions!

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Power & P

Summary • • • •

Understand your Motivators Recognise your Self Interests Empower yourself through relationships Keep your motivation going

Start contributing to SOCIAL CHANGE!

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Power & P

Evaluation! • Please fill out the evaluation forms and hand them in

• Thank you!

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Power & P

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