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Selling Your Campaign Participating in Campaigns (Level One)

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Outline • • • •

Understanding the Issue Communication Methods Public Speaking Skills Elevator Pitches

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Learning Outcomes • Understand how campaigns address problems by focusing on issues • Be able to identify different communication techniques, including story telling styles • Learn tips for strong public speaking • Practice delivering an elevator pitch Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Understanding the Issue

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Issues vs Problems • Problem = What’s wrong • Issue = specific solution to a problem – Ie. A new law

Focus on winning something NOT just expounding on a problem! Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Issue Campaigns • Campaign = series of connected events over time = build strength & bring victory

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Issue Campaigns ≠ education campaign ≠ election campaign ≠ fundraising campaign ≠ service delivery campaign

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Issue Campaigns = specific victory = gain = beginning, middle, end = method to build POWER & ORGANISATION

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Know your Issue • What is the problem? • What are the long, intermediate and short term goals? • What is the issue? • Who is your target? • What tactics are you using? Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Communication Methods

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Stories • Engages both sides of the brain – Processing words, fact & rationality – Imagination fills in the gaps, inspires emotions & feelings

• Relating values – Memorable – Identifiable – Human interest Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Story Structure • • • • •

The inciting incident The progressive complications The crisis The climax The resolution

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Story types 1) Cinderella Unrecognized virtue recognized in the end.

2) Achilles The Fatal Flaw

3) Faust The fate that catches up with all of us sooner or later

4) Tristan and Isolde Standard triangular plot of two women and one man, or vice versa Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Story types 5) Circe The spider and the fly

6) Romeo and Juliet Boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy either finds or does not find girl

7) The gift taken away Either the tragedy of the loss itself, or the search that follows the loss

8) The hero who cannot be kept down Perseverance and determination that results in joy or destruction Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Techniques • • • • • • •

Words (linguistic intelligence) Pictures (visual-spatial) Music (musical) Self Reflection (intrapersonal) Physical experience (bodily-kinaesthetic) Social experience (interpersonal) Natural world experience (naturalist)

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Talking about it

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Talking about it • Presentation Skills • Elevator Pitch

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Nervousness Don’t fight it! Accept it as a positive influence There are several tricks to use to overcome the fear when you speak to a group: 1. Be well-prepared before speaking to a group 2. Practice your speech 3. Have a backup, in case you forget what you want to say 4. Reduce the fear of your audience 5. Relax yourself just before you speak

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Voice • Volume • Tone • Pitch • Pace • Colour Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Eye contact Eye contact aims: • • • • • • • • •

bonds together speakers and their audiences. keep in touch with your audience get feedback from them Look into the eyes Don’t look at the floor, the ceiling, outside. Look at everybody Look long enough: not just 1 second per person Maintain eye contact throughout your whole presentation Select one person at the beginning – a friend, or a friendly face – and use him/her as a start up point.

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Body language ~ 7 % verbal (words only), ~ 38 % vocal (including tone of voice, inflection and other sounds) ~ 55 % non-verbal.

Eye contact Facial expression Gestures Posture

Goals: Support your presentation Attract audience attention Show enthusiasm

Movements Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Body language • Before you start your presentation spot the place where you will stand. Find the right place. • Pay attention not to stand in front of visuals. • You can have a ‘free walk’: moving around naturally. Your walk should show confidence. • Moving, changing places keeps the attention up. Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Visual Aims: • Helps the group to concentrate • Support the structure of your speech • Sumarise and reinforce the information • Serve as a memory • Present figures, graphs Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Visual • • • • • •

Not more than 7 point per slide/flipchart Write important words or sentences only Use colours Integrate the given information Use coloured background on ppt Present clearly the chart/graphs

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Structure of the presentation Introduction: “Tell them what you’re going to tell them” - Introduce yourself - Define the goal - Give the structure (agenda) - Set some rules Body: “Tell them” - Clear structure and logical order - The most important at the beginning - Make connection Conclusion: “Tell them what you’ve told them” - Summarize - Repeat the main points - End with a positive note and thank the audience Questions and Answers

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Structure of the presentation Topic / 3 = 3 Key points Key points / 3 = 3 sub headings Sub heading / 3 = 3 detailed information

3x3 story board advantages: • Helps you navigate • Creates the picture in your mind • Easy to restructure • Clear for you • Clear for audience

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Elevator Pitch • • • •

Who are you (individual/ organisation)? Problem Solution (Issue) The Added Value of getting involved with your campaign – What needs/ interests/ motivators will it address for that individual?

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Practice • In pairs practice delivering an elevator pitch • Feedback to each other

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Summary • Issues are the battles over which campaigns are fought - know yours inside out! • Use stories to communicate values and elicit emotion • Use body language, eye contact and visual support in presentations • Always have an elevator pitch to hand - you never know when opportunity will knock! Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Evaluation • Please complete your evaluation form and hand it in! • Thanks and enjoy your day!

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

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