Issue 79 - Bsale Business for Sale eMagazine - Jan/Feb 2022

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Buying a Business in order to Immigrate Barton Cha | PAGE 05



ISSUE 079 • JAN 2022










































40. NSW

63. VIC

83. NT

49. ACT

69. SA

88. TAS

54. QLD

75. WA


Happy New Year! As we walk into 2022, I originally planned a very positive view on the year ahead with a ‘restrictions of the past’ style letter. The news headlines of the past week have shown a different environment. Increased Omicron infections, close contact isolations and the creation of staff shortages has created massive supply issues for businesses, especially in NSW and VIC. As businesses try to pivot with this most recent development and hospitality giants like KFC are creating ‘menu changes’ due to chicken shortages, it seems the effect of COVID restrictions on businesses is still here. Many professionals are now calling on the Government to start treating COVID like the common flu, and to ease the restrictions. This edition is focused on increased immigration as borders are reopening and what this can mean for business owners looking to buy or sell. Thousands of people immigrate to Australia on a business ownership or investment visa scheme. With the start of the year, many people will be looking at the options in the year ahead. Business brokers can play a vital role in this process, by assisting buyers to find businesses that meet the relevant visa requirements. There is a variety of different visa options available per state, so when evaluating options it’s important to speak with a broker in the state you wish to apply in. Buying a business can create change to your lifestyle in 2022, whether you are looking to buy your first business, expand, or have recently sold. Every edition this year we will bring you new content on a new area of business, to assist you in buying or selling a business. Best of wishes for 2022!

Vanessa Lovie CEO Bsale Australia Pty Ltd


Borders are Re-Opening: Invest in a Business More than a third of small businesses are run by migrants. This equates to at least 620,000 migrantowned businesses across Australia Migrant business owners employ 1.4 million people across Australia. Annual revenue is 53% higher for immigrant-owned businesses. 83% of migrant business owners didn’t own a business before coming to Australia. CGU Migrant Small Business Report, 2017 4

Buying A Business In Order To Immigrate The most common types of businesses sold for the purposes of immigration in Australia are retail, hospitality, wholesale, manufacturing and motel business with majority of business owners immigrating from China (including mainland, Hongkong, and Taiwan) India and southeast Asian countries. Buying an existing business can be a great way for those looking to come to Australia to obtain a visa. There is a business visa 188A and 888A section. Meaning buying an existing business and running about 2-3 years, the business owner or the applicant can get a Permanent Visa. It is a very good option for those business owners who are not qualified for other streams of visas like working visa, skill visa because of language or skill barriers. In NSW, the applicant needs to spend around $500K in Sydney Metropolitans and $300K in regional areas including Wollongong and Newcastle. Considering the inflation during Covid-19, it is not expensive to immigrate to Sydney by purchasing a successful business.

What expertise does a business broker need to handle this type of sale? You have to know immigration law details regarding the business visa, especially the details rules in your focused state because different state has different rules on nomination for business visa, more than federal government rules. Also, you have to know the customer needs behind the business and business visa. For instance, in order to sell a business to a prospective buyer, it is better if you can understand more about the buyer

like culture background, working or business experience, skill, personal characteristics, the reason why he or she wants to immigrate to Australia and what they are looking for in their new life. They may suit different businesses because they are different people. The re-opening of borders will bring back the customers and staff. Businesses are suffering because of less customer and less staff. With the immigration back, the sales will boom with more customer and more quality staff.

Recent Success Story I know a guy looking for a florist business for his wife early this year. I introduced to him a framing manufacturing business later on when I realized he is suitable for a bigger business himself. He has been running a travelling service business before Pandemic.

Barton Cha Director

M. 0478 824 168 E. Barton Cha moved to Sydney after his working in GE Medical China for 8 years and run his own business for another 8 years. He gained his experience in Raywhite Business Sales Sydney before he set up Sinosmart Business Brokering. He had more than 25 years solid experience in sales.

The travelling service business was quite affected, and he is not sure about his future. With this stable manufacturing business, he can feel settled and secured. The vendor has run the business for 30 years and is looking for a retirement. The vendor decided to stay with the buyer for one year transition period because he believes this time of period is very important for any buyer to take over the business smoothly. The needs from both sides made this deal happen. They are all nice people, hardworking people, looking for stable return and secured business. The buyer felt surprised to know how hard the vendor has been working for during transition period. That is the way the old generation business owners work, and I think that is the value should be appreciated.

“With the immigration come back, the sales will boom back with more customer and more quality staff. ”


Beirut to Owning the

FRIENDLIEST BAR IN CANBERRA From living and working around peacekeepers between bordering enemy nations to serving the Australian Prime Minister a beer. Soumi Tannous, the owner and founder of Bar Beirut, shared with Bsale his truly fascinating story of how he ended up in Australia, which was ultimately a decision out of love.

Soumi was born in Beirut during the Lebanese Civil War, with many of his earliest memories marred by the sounds of bullets and bombs. Sounds that still trigger him today when he hears a car backfire or a nail gun. However, Soumi says while the stories of Beirut are often overshadowed by war and regional tensions, his homeland is so much more than a place of conflict. “The Lebanese people are probably the happiest, friendliest, and most generous people you’ll ever meet. They’re hopeful, resilient, and have incredible faith. And they are world-class when it comes to hospitality.” Hospitality and tourism are some of the country’s largest employment sectors, which initially drew Soumi to the bartending trade – the promise of stable employment. While people on this side of the 6

globe may not have had Lebanon in their sights as a place to go clubbing, Beirut regularly ranks high on ‘best-of lists,’ including third on CNN Travel’s 2019 ‘Best Party Cities in the World.’ “Even during the war, people would still come together in underground bunkers to celebrate birthdays and weddings. We’d dodge bullets to drive to ‘Sunday Lunch,’ an important day on the weekly calendar for families to meet up and feast in their homes. This is a society that is determined to smile and refuses to be defined by war. And that is what makes Lebanon so great – the people and our connection to one another.” Soumi worked in various bars and popular nightclubs across Beirut, Jbeil, and Jounieh before taking a role with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) on the border with Israel. His role was to coordinate events for peacekeepers from some 46 nations.

From speaking to Soumi, it is clear this Beirut-born bartender has a strong love for his country, but he says it is a tough life. “Lebanon is a very corrupted nation. There is little opportunity to change the economic situation you are born into. If you are born rich, you die rich. If you are born poor, you die poor. The situation has worsened significantly over the past two years following the Beirut Blast. Unfortunately, the corrupt leaders who have put the country into complete economic collapse are not held to account. They still hold their positions in Office today.”

Making the big move “I had always dreamed of visiting Australia and seeing the Harbour Bridge, the Opera House, and the beaches. But I honestly never thought it would happen. It is so far away.” In 2011, Soumi met an Australian

backpacker, Chantelle, who by chance walked through the door of the bar he was working at in the bustling East Beirut nightlife district. “We fell in love, and lucky for me, Chantelle had also fallen in love with Lebanon. So she rented an apartment in Beirut, and we applied for a visa to Australia. “After a lengthy 19 month wait for my visa to be approved, I was on my way.” Upon arriving in Australia, Soumi was thrown in the deep end culturally as he first lived in rural NSW. “Chantelle picked me up from the airport, and we had a few nights in Sydney before we headed off to Leeton. I have never spent that much time in a car. Lebanon is literally half the size of Tasmania. Each time we approached a town, I hoped this might be ‘Leeton,’ but we just kept driving, further inland, away from the coast. And for someone who grew up on the Mediterranean, my head was spinning.” “I’m not going to lie; it was a big culture shock. “I took a job at the local Soldier’s Club. I called the raffles and the bingo and learned the lingo – ‘22

little ducks’ and ‘88 two fat ladies.’ I also picked up a lot of Australian slang like ‘righto’ and ‘fair dinkum.’ It was a great experience, but all of this came in a hard way. I would frequently be referred to as ‘Bin Laden,’ ‘Muhammad,’ ‘bloody Arab,’ or cautioned ‘don’t blow yourself up here.’” Soumi insists these names were always said as a joke and weren’t truly offensive, but they did serve as a reminder that he was a “stranger or outside,” going on to say that “these jokes always remind you that you need to make your way to belong. I became friends with those people who used to call me ‘Bin Laden,’ and now they don’t allow anybody to call me by these names.” “It was my experience that by engaging with people, I won them over. As a result, I was being invited to share my story as a new migrant guest speaker at local community events. People were genuinely interested to learn more about my country and culture. I took advantage of this to help change perceptions of not just me as a person but my country and my culture.” Soumi said. “I strongly encourage all new arrivals to spend some time out in the bush. I believe this should be part of everyone’s Australian migration story. It is such an

enriching experience, and you’ll get a real insight into daily ‘Australian’ lives. You’ll meet locals who will invite you in for a ‘cuppa’. It forces you out of your comfort zone and I believe my time in the Riverina set me up for success in my business.

Sweeping leaves and making friends Soumi and his wife Chantelle decided to move to Canberra because they felt it was time to get back to city life but were still close to family. “When we first moved to Canberra, I registered with a hospitality temping agency. I was called into work at the 2015 Budget night at Parliament House, where I served then Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Finance Minister Joe Hockey. This was a surreal experience for me. You are not allowed to see the prime minister in my country; you could get shot if you tried to approach them. Australia showed me this; even the country’s leader is just a person. My mum could not believe that the Prime Minister of Australia was standing beside me, and I served him a beer. She still reminds the neighbors of this story.” “I will never take for granted how great this country has been to me and continues to be. There is equality and opportunity. You know you are going to wake up tomorrow if you go to sleep, you know no one is going to come and take your home, and you know that if you are struggling financially, the government will give you an allowance to survive so you can keep your dignity as a human.” “It took me several months to find ongoing employment. I was offered and accepted a very junior position collecting glasses, polishing cutlery, and sweeping the leaves from the outdoor area. “An opportunity presented itself to prove my worth beyond my 7

broom skills, and I didn’t hold back. I overheard a customer order a classic cocktail; however, the bartender did not know how to make it. So, I piped up and said, ‘’I can make it’ and jumped behind the bar. This is how it started for Soumi in Canberra, where he began networking and making friends. “I was working from ground zero, so every person I met was my friend. This was my focus, to grow my network, making friends with the right people.” Soumi quickly became a wellknown and respected bartender in Canberra in just a year.

Bar Beirut’s authenticity is its point of difference Soumi describes his attitude towards hospitality as “making friends,” and that unique approach has paid off. When Soumi opened Bar Beirut in Canberra, two years after moving to the Capital, he said that people immediately followed him and that “without even a phone call or a message they were sitting in front of me at my bar.” Soumi and Chantelle took on business ownership when others may have shied away.

“We had a three-year-old child and a three-month-old baby. Chantelle was on unpaid maternity leave, and I had quit my job. We were at the park with our children when we received a call from a real estate agent who told us about a bar for sale. It felt like a now or never moment. We scraped together every penny we had to open the bar. We had just $6,000 left in our bank account when we opened the doors.” “We couldn’t afford a big renovation so focused on what we could offer. Our strategy was to win people over with our hearts, not our décor. We built our concept around an exciting and weekly changing cocktail menu that pushed the boundaries served by staff that truly gave a damn. It was critical it had the high vibing energy of Beirut’s nightlife districts. We gave the venue a lick of paint, moved a few bits around, popped up a sign, and off we went. And it worked.” “We have done things very differently. And this hasn’t always been received warmly. For example, we play a lot of Arabic music, and in the beginning, people would say, ‘what is this crap, play R’n’B.’ Then the next minute, I hear my music played by the bar at the end of the street. “We have always put our head down and focused on our own business. We don’t worry about trends or what others are doing. We test the waters, we experiment. One of our best-selling cocktails is a Wasabi Martini. Our food is an inspired blend of where the Middle East meets the Med crafted by Scottish chef, Struan Preston. We have burlesque performances every Wednesday danced to Beiruti beats. And if something doesn’t work, we’re not afraid to change it.” As Lebanon has been colonised so many times, Soumi says that a lot of the charm of Beirut is in the way it is a collection of so many cultures, it has picked all of the best bits.


“We have created a social space for people to come and enjoy our drinks, our food, our unique nightlight offering, and good hospitality. I’m proud to be able to share my culture and my country in Canberra.” “People say our bar is the friendliest in town, and that is all I could have hoped. This means more to me than titles of being the best or biggest or most flashy. I want to be the friendliest bar. A place where people feel comfortable to be their true selves, where no one feels like an outsider.” Soumi proudly proclaimed. On a more solemn note, Soumi says that after the recent Beirut Blast (which set the community back 45 years), he experienced great loss, and it further encouraged him to keep going with Bar Beirut. Moreover, it gave his success a much deeper purpose. “I lost many friends in the explosion. Most of the street I grew up on as a kid got destroyed, buildings fell apart.” Community and values mean a lot to Soumi, and he knows through the success of Bar Beirut, he can assist his mother and siblings in Lebanon, who lost so much in the aftermath of the explosion. It’s clear that Soumi’s authenticity and values are not only the driving force behind his approach to hospitality, but he believes it is indeed the reason why he is successful in business today. “The business is successful because of the values we live by and our genuine connection to the people we seek to serve.”

Caitlin Mary Bsale Journalist

Engineering a new way to do business and succeed.

Elle Likopoulos Absolute Business Brokers

Interview and Article by Caitlin Mary Bsale Journalist


Elle Likopolous wears many hats. A successful broker and the principal at Absolute Business Brokers, a specialist in international investor liaisons, a mother and a daughter of an immigrant. All hats that Elle is proud to put on because in her words, “why should we have to pretend we don’t exist outside of our work”. Elle Likopolous recently spoke to Bsale about her experiences during lockdown, the importance of work-life balance and the exciting adventures that lie ahead. Initially pursuing food science at university and having no intention of joining the family business, Elle said that she “got into it by chance” in spite of her father’s encouragement. “My father is a director of our company, it’s a family business. I was going on a completely different path and it was during the time I was pregnant with my first son that my dad said ‘you know you’d be really good at it [broking]’. I wanted flexible hours and I didn’t want to stay home, but I couldn’t be on my feet due to complications with my pregnancy, so, I started answering some emails.”. Before Elle knew it, answering some emails on the side quickly

turned into taking over files, going to inspections and then studying to officially be a licensed agent. “It just progressively was more and more responsibility and my dad was phasing out and retiring. “So it just kind of happened, I found I had a really big passion for it, found my calling.” Elle said. “What my dad really focused on and what his goal was, was to help migrants, he was a migrant himself he came from Greece. He didn’t know the language and he sort of stumbled into business, used that as stepping stones to grow his wealth because back then nobody would give him an opportunity, it was factory work or you had to buy your own business. Despite the fact that he was an engineer in Greece he wasn’t recognised for that here.” A familiar story for many people who migrate to Australia from nonEnglish speaking countries, it can be very challenging to enter the workforce, as Elle says: “There were a lot of migrants in his position and he wanted to help people that were coming to Australia that didn’t know how to speak the language. That was my dad’s personal passion, which we

still focus on and pride ourselves on and have very close ties with migration agents and helping people through their visas and making sure that they have a high success rate and getting their permanent residency. We are really proud of what we have achieved in that respect.” Elle said. Taking her role as both a woman and a mother very seriously, Elle strives to empower and support women in business. As a woman in this industry, Elle says that she’s “really happy to be leading the way in making sure that women are heard and women business owners have a representation of themselves,”. “I have a lot of first-time business owners that are women, mums looking to re-enter the workforce and needing to consider a small business because it has the flexible hours and these women have a lot of talent and skill they can put towards the business but they don’t know necessarily the realities of a business and what they need to look out for and things they need to be aware of. #BuyAJob was such a big movement in lockdown and I think it’s definitely been more women buying businesses and registering ABNs than ever before.” “When I first started in the industry, there weren’t a lot of women doing business broking and it was really hard to find your place within the industry and earn that respect. It was common for me to enter a board room and for the buyer to give me their coffee order and not realise I was the one heading the meeting. That hard work I had to put in initially, the hours, to make sure I was doing double what the men were doing just trying to prove myself, was really hard and it made me realise it can be really hard for women wanting to be in business and earn that same level of respect in certain industries.” Elle said. As more younger brokers enter


the industry and the industry itself diversifies, Elle believes that some of the older bad habits and toxic work environments are on their way out.

and prove myself when the reality is, we’re allowed to have kids, we’re allowed to have a family life, men and women are allowed to do that.” Elle said.

“I’m really happy that it is not in all industries, but male-based industries like IT like business broking, you know we can’t pretend that it’s not an issue. Over the last few years, it’s gotten better, I’ve seen a lot of emerging women in business broking but if you look even 5 or 10 years ago, there was only 1 or 2 of us really in Victoria.”.

Office culture is really important to Elle and Absolute in general. Elle is passionate about changing the toxic office culture and setting new ground rules, actively changing what came before and this positivity helps the company in more ways than just one.

“It’s good to see it’s changing and that we don’t have that toxic work environment anymore where we feel like we have to do 20 hours a day just to earn our place which is what I was doing at the start. I was working ridiculous hours just to try

“We pride ourselves on having a really good work-life balance and it shows in our figures.” Elle said, even in lockdown Absolute grew by a further 5 million in the year, “we’re constantly growing.”. “The business grew, surprisingly against all odds, that really comes down to the fact that as

soon as we heard about the first lockdown (and we’ve had 6) I sat my staff down on zoom and I said to them ‘right we’re all doing homeschooling, what are the hours that everyone can do?’. The roster completely changed, it became a matrix of different hours and intervals from all of us and what we were able to do work around homeschooling.” Elle said that it was incredibly important to her that her team didn’t feel the pressure of ‘I have my kid at the bench not knowing what to do and then I have to answer this email and then I have this call’ and tried to alleviate that where she could. “I just thought it was crazy that some people expected anyone to work from home with their kids in the middle of homeschooling,


something was going to give. I made sure we were working when we could. I don’t like the idea of these false pretences that I need you to work 9 to 5. I would rather you work 5-to-6, then 2-to-3 and 8-10 if that means that you will give me better work and more quality and be happy.” Elle said. “It will save on burnout, save on mistakes and you’re gonna have a smile on your face. That I think is a really big part of why we did well, I mean we were all stressed don’t get me wrong it’s not easy being in lockdown for that long, but we didn’t have that added stress of a toxic work environment or being put under the pressure of having to do everything between 9to5. We’re human at the end of the day.” Elle openly says to her team that “we’re all here because we’ve got bills, I never want you to feel like you’re living to work, you’re working to live,” because, at Absolute Business Brokers, family comes first. “Because we’ve stayed true to that, we have a very loyal and hardworking team,” Elle said. It’s no secret ingredient, rather it’s the fact of embracing the family environment rather than fighting against it that is key to Elle’s success she believes. “One of the hardest things in lockdown was not seeing each other face-to-face, not being a part of each other’s lives. It’s a family environment, dad and I really care about the workers, the agents, and we call each other a family. We have round table meetings, any big decisions we vote on it as a team right from an admin girl that might be doing 6 hours a week to a topselling agent, all have an equal vote and a say in where the company is going and what direction they want to go. So that has always been really important to us that we have that culture where people 12

feel heard and it pays off because they’re loyal and they work hard because they’re happy.” There is even a ping pong table at the office for when children are there on school-free days. The strong family-oriented spirit doesn’t just help within the company, but Elle believes that quality has been one of the key factors to their success. “I think that is one of the reasons why people are so attracted to owning their own business because yes the work is hard and there is a lot of work to be done but there is flexibility and fluidity in your work and it is intertwined with your life and that is really important that they have a broker that understands that. Everyone in our team has owned a small business or been part of a small business they know what it takes they know what a business owner goes through in their day to day they know how hard it is to buy a business, the uncertainty, the lack of insight you can get sometimes, the risk generally in stepping into someone else’s shoes and the money at stake. It’s an object, it’s not a product we’re trying to sell. I think the fact that we understand that gives us a point of difference in the market.” “There were buyers [in lockdown] there were people that were still looking for an opportunity in the market and I personally think they did very well. There were a lot of savvy investors that saw the opportunity in a risk and they took it, so it was important that we still give them the level of service that they respect and needed.” According to Elle one of the biggest mistakes made in business is looking at it [business] ‘like a business’. “Yes it’s there to make you money, yes it’s an investment you have to think wisely and make business choices, we always say is this a

‘commercial decision that you’re making?’ All this applies and is very true, but if you want to be very successful, you also need to remember that no matter what you’re doing, no matter what your business is, you are dealing with people. The best business owners, the best entrepreneurs in the world, all have charisma and have this element of being approachable. That is the key to success. You can be good at numbers, you can be savvy and know the good opportunities and the right time, but if you want to stand out from the crowd you need to have that charisma.” Elle said. “You’ve always got to be positive, at the end of the day if you’re not willing to take ups and downs of business and you’re not prepared to make a lot of money and lose a lot of money, then being a business owner probably isn’t for you and that’s okay it’s not for everyone and any experienced business owner will tell you there are ups and downs and highs and lows and everybody wants to be a business owner in the highs but the successful ones are the ones that can paddle through the lows. The market, according to Elle, at the end of the day is not a complex algorithm or complicated matrix world that is hard to understand or predict. Instead, in reality, the market is just the actions of people and how a large collective of people behave. “I’m not a market expert and I don’t claim to be one, but in my experience, I think we’re on the right path and I think the market is really eager to recover and to try and make up for lost time. If you’re able to be in tune with what most people are feeling and saying, that is a very good reflection of the market in my opinion and I can see from my dealings that there is this yearning to recover, this yearning to make up for the lost time. I’m excited personally about what the market will hold and I’m seeing it

in the sales, the work that we’re doing.” Elle said. For Absolute, the sales have been phenomenal, it’s been a big boom and Elle predicts that we’ll be seeing more of that, especially with so many businesses not being able to survive in lockdown and having to close, there are so many staff members now that were let go and are really forced to consider nothing but buying a business. “We’re seeing that attitude and that mentality a lot now and there is a big emergence of people from industries that have been impacted who are trying their luck and taking that leap of faith that, before when they were in a comfort zone, they probably weren’t going to do but when you’re pushed out of your comfort zone as we know and as all successful entrepreneurs say is where the magic happens and I think we’re seeing a huge emergence of that. It’s exciting.” Coming out of lockdown with borders looking to open up “it’s a really exciting time to be a business broker,” Elle says and with borders and immigration looking to open up again in 2022 that provides even more opportunities for Elle. “I was the first person to be invited out of the business broking

industry in Victoria, the first to be given a formal invitation by the Chinese government to go and speak in China at seminars across different regions to investors and give them basically true information about buying a business and endorse investment opportunities in Victoria in small and medium-sized businesses and given that seal of approval that I’m trustworthy and give sound advice.” “That was a really big compliment for us when you’re getting that acknowledgement from authorities that are outside of your industry and just recognise that you’re trustworthy and that you’re going to give honest and true information is a really big achievement and that is something that we work really hard at doing over the years, it started with my dad 30 years ago and just having that full-circle moment and we were recognised for that and we can see that it paid off and that honesty was noticed and it was a really big moment,” Elle said.

recognised accreditation that we were to be the trusted source of contact for 188 Visas and any visa-related sales with them. So we are really looking forward to kickstarting that again and we are really excited about what we can do in Europe. We have been doing what we can over zoom and there are a lot of exciting things to come but it’s been difficult because of the border closures but that is probably the next step for Absolute.” Elle said. “Growing our reputation with visa buyers and moving towards Europe now. We made some really good contacts and really big groundbreaking steps, lockdown was a bit of a setback with borders closed but we’re really looking forward to starting that when it’s safe to do so.” We may still be experiencing a pandemic but the future looks bright for Elle and Absolute.

While Elle hasn’t been able to go overseas yet due to lockdown, working in Europe is also in the very near future for Absolute as they met with the Prime Minister of Greece just before lockdown.

“He was going to give us

P. 03 9566 7300 E.


Take the Step from TR to PR:



ith borders being restricted for the past 2 years due to Covid, there has been a decline in the number of temporary visas being issued. As of October 31, 2021 there are 1.6 million temporary visa holders in Australia, this is down from pre-covid numbers of 2.3 million. Of these, around 655,000 are New Zealand citizens on special category visas. The next major group is people on bridging visas at 338,674. The other major categories of temporary visas include Students (308,812), Temporary Skilled (94,713) and Temporary Graduates (91,607). Transitioning to permanent residency is the desire of many people currently within Australia. Once students graduate from colleges and universities they have the option of transitioning onto a skilled migrant visa which can involve working within their profession or through business options, such as buying a business. “I have just finished my masters in accounting. It’s hard to find a full-time position to get my 491 (visa) so I’m moving to Canberra in the new year and will buy a business” Haroon R.


Australia has a skilled migration program that aims to support and encourage professionals to continue to work and stay in Australia. “The Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) (subclass 491) visa allows points-tested skilled workers and their families to live, study and work in designated regional areas for a period of 5 years. If you are granted a Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) (subclass 491) visa, you may be eligible to apply for the Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional) (subclass 191) visa, which provides permanent residence and the right to live and work anywhere in Australia.” Visa Envoy The 491 Skilled Work Regional Visa has a small business owner scheme. We take a look at 3 states currently offering the SBO pathway.

The small business owner scheme has made it easier for people to buy a business and continue on the path of migration. You must be living in the ACT for the last 3 months before being eligible and be committed to staying in the ACT for at least 2 years from the date the visa is granted. To be part of the Small Business Owner pathway of the 491 Visa in the ACT, you must demonstrate the following: •

Own at least 51% of an eligible registered business located in the ACT

Your business must have a minimum turnover of AUD $200,000 per annum (or prorata).

The business must have actively traded in Canberra for at least 6 months from the date established or purchased.

Your business must be profitable

Your business must be paying you the following salary:

Buy a Business in the ACT with a $200,000 Turnover

190 nomination: at least $26,000 for six months.

491 nomination: at least $13,000 for three months.

You must employ at least one Australian citizen, permanent resident or New Zealand citizen for at least 13 weeks (minimum 20 hrs pw).

You must be able to claim Canberra Matrix points in the Small Business Owner Category.

Your spouse or partner must be a resident in Canberra for the last 3 months, or living overseas

When buying a business it’s important you are aware of the criteria and options - you don’t want to purchase a business only to find out you’re not eligible for the Small Business Owner (SBO) scheme. The following businesses are not eligible: sub-tenancy, ride-share, taxi, delivery, courier services or an on-sold business previously used to qualify for ACT nomination. Read more on ACT Government

Operating a profitable start-up for a minimum of 2 years with a turnover of $200,000 in the year directly prior to application is also an option. Franchises such as petrol stations and home-based businesses will not be considered. To be eligible for this visa people need to be under 45 years of age, have a points-test result of 65 or higher, meet minimum English language requirements and employ 1 Australian resident, working a minimum of 20 hours per week.

related businesses are not eligible.

This pathway is for migrants who are currently living and operating a small business in regional QLD in the following postcodes: 4124– 4125, 4133, 4183–4184, 4207–4275, 4280–4287, 4306–4498, 4507, 4517–4519, 4550–4575, 4580–4895.

Read More Tasmania Migration

This visa is only available to people who have full-time working rights and are not currently studying.

If you’re considering your options and buying a business to further your migration into becoming a permanent resident of Australia it’s important to obtain professional advice. There are specialised migration lawyers who can help you during the process.

Read more on Migration QLD View Businesses for Sale in QLD

View Businesses for Sale in ACT

Head to Tassie and Earn at least $53,900 a Year Buy a $100,000 business in Regional Queensland

Like the idea of living in regional Queensland and experiencing the country lifestyle? The QLD government is currently offering a Small Business Owners Scheme pathway in the 491 Visa. Businesses purchased after 1 April 2021 must have been in operation for 2 years and be purchased for a minimum price of $100,000 and be 100% owned by the visa applicant. The applicant must have owned and operated the business for 6 months before applying.

Whilst Tasmania may be one of Australia’s smallest states, it has a lot to offer! 2020 saw the population of Tasmania grow by 3,237 to a total of 541,506 people according to ABS. To obtain a 491 Visa on the small business owner scheme you must be a 100% owner of a business in Tasmania for at least 6 months. You need to demonstrate that the business is capable of paying you a salary of at least $53,900 per year for at least 3 years. Franchises, service stations, massage clinics and taxi/uber

A key part of this visa is demonstrating your ability to learn and understand business in Tasmania. Providing a comprehensive business plan with details into target markets, environmental impacts, and understanding business requirements in Tasmania is a crucial part of the application. Previous business ownership experience will also be assessed.

View Businesses for Sale in Tasmania

Next Step

There are business brokers who specialise in assisting people to buy businesses with the aim of obtaining a visa, so you don’t have to go on the journey alone. There are multiple business visas available in each state of Australia. Whether you are currently living in Australia on a temporary visa or looking to migrate, purchase or start a business is a real possibility to obtain permanent residency.

Vanessa Lovie CEO

P. 02 8006 7558 E.



ELIGIBILITY Age Business Turnover Personal & Business Assets


Rest of Australia

Under 50 years $1.25M AUD $1.75 AUD

Under 55 years $750K AUD $1.25M AUD


Based on existing business, generally overseas

Turnover assessed can be any 2 of the past 4 financial years

Personal and Business Assets can include partner/spouse assets as well

Business Ownership does not require to be 100% shareholding

This is a simple table of the eligibility criteria, there are further specific criteria that also must be adhered to

VISA 188 DETAILS • • • • • •

Advantages Visa Validity Work Rights Travel Family Permanent Residency

TRANSITION TO PR Business Investment Ownership Any 2 of the following

Sydney No Initial Investment Required | No COVID Travel Ban | No IELTS Required 5 years (extendable to 8 years) Full Work & Business Rights Full Travel Rights Family included Establish or Acquire a Business for 3 years to qualify for PR


Rest of Australia

$500K AUD 3 years $300K AUD in business assets, $600K AUD n personal assets or $2x F/T employees

$300K AUD 3 years $200K AUD in business assets, or $400K AUD in personal assets $2x F/T employee

NB: This is a simple table of the eligibility criteria, there are further specific criteria that also must be adhered to. 16


LINK Business Broker (specialist in the health space)

Some of my vendors will only sell to international buyers due to the small pool of operators nationally in the plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery sector and the confidentiality required for a sale. If a business can be run under management, then the buyers don’t have to work in the business or have experience in the sector. Whilst an overseas trained doctor (OTD) may struggle to get registration here as a clinician due to the extensive requirements from AHPRA to get assessed and registered in this country, a great option for an OTD is to buy a health business and manage it. That way, they are still working in the field that they love potential at the same time that they are undertaking the requirements needed for registration as a physician. Read more about Sally here


LINK Business Broker

Liquor Stores and supermarkets are popular with immigration/visa buyers. Here are a few reasons to explain their popularity:

They are an essential business

they had shown strong growth during pandemic period

whatever the condition of economy, people have to eat and drink

this underlying demand support the stability of the business, for example most of these businesses performed extremely well during lockdown

Asset value is high as bottle shop and supermarket usually operate with high stock levels

this will help qualify the minimum investment amount request

liquor has a long shelf life, so buyers see more reserve value for the stock

little labour to run, a typical bottle shop can be run by 1-2 staff. Immigrants may have language barriers, so it is challenging for them to have too many staff to manage, so they prefer a simplified business model.

Read more about Sabrina here


LINK Business Broker

As of January 2021, there are more than 20 million registered vehicles in Australia. The country’s continued reliance on fossil fuel means that petrol stations or service stations represent a fairly low-risk investment; delivering a steady flow of revenue & profit over a typically long lease. A service station with a convenience store or a bottle shop is an ‘easy to operate’ business without the need of any special skills or training. Perfectly suited as a family operated business, ownership of a service station can provide a reliable source of steady income along with provisions of permanent residency visa for the family. Read more about Amit here




had big plans for their life in Australia but as life tends to happen, sometimes those plans change.

Ash arrived in Australia in 1996, when he was just 6 years old. Originally from India, his parents

“Back then it was different moving to Australia. We relied on mum’s hard work and she’s worked hard ever since, still working at the same place 25 years later. Majority of the time it was only mum that went to work, so we didn’t have a lot growing up.”

shvin Sridhar is the CEO of Shakez, a successful shake bar in Melbourne’s South East suburbs. Ash recently spoke to Bsale about how he went from being an immigrant kid from India - after many failed business attempts - to a successful business owner.


“We need to make something of ourselves. I failed miserably in high school, I did so many courses after I did engineering, I did IT and I thought ‘why am I wasting my parents money?’ and I realised I’m an entrepreneur, I want to do something for myself. Our parents have always worked very hard, so for me, I didn’t just want to get another job and live an ordinary life. We always had big dreams but didn’t have the money to do that.” Ash said.

This is a familiar story that many immigrants and children of immigrants can relate to. When Ash turned 20, he decided that he didn’t want his parents to work forever, that he wanted to work hard for the next generation. “I wanted my kids to have so much more than I did, so I started a partnership business with my uncle that failed terribly.” “My uncle came to Australia on a 3-month visa and he said ‘Ash why don’t we do something together?’. He sent me to Cyprus and while I was there, he took all my money. Everything I had. I was stuck in Cyprus with no return flight, and no money to get back.” Ash said. With the help of his girlfriend at the time, Ash of course did make it back to Australia, but having to start from scratch again with nothing was not easy, he took on factory work until he was able to make another attempt at making his business dreams a reality again.

“I can’t just do that normal life, I could earn $10 a day for all I care as long as I’m doing something for myself that I’m happy about, that I can really build something because realistically in our family I’m really the only businessman, I

want to make the family proud.

“If you have the money you can buy yourself a business, you can buy yourself a job, that’s one way

to do it but with us, my wife and I didn’t have much at all we literally had to start from ground zero.” Natalia Moses, Ash’s wife, is the cofounder of Shakez and Ash credits a lot of the companies success to her. Not just Natalia’s financial involvement but her neverending encouragement and support for Ash, even when the odds weren’t in their favour. “When we opened in 2016 the goal was to open Australia’s first protein shake bar. I was very much into health and fitness and I wanted a place for people to go to after the gym. I could never find a [suitable] place so I thought, Australia needs a good shake bar people can go to but I want this to be in shopping centres, I want this to be mainstream locations. So how can we do this? In the early stages we were looking for locations to open our first store and we decided to start with a food truck and eventually got the yes to put it in a shopping centre.”. Ash said. Unfortunately, before Shakez could even officially open they hit a roadblock. Right before they were supposed to open they were told they didn’t have the right permits, so it was back to the drawing board and seemingly another failure for Ash. Later that day, Ash found himself in front of a Wendy’s in that same shopping centre where he was supposed to open. The Wendy’s still had a fitout with almost everything Shakez needed. So Ash started the day with the worst news possible, all that money down the drain and having to start from scratch again, to signing a lease and taking over the old Wendy’s shop that evening. “That morning I was at the lowest point where we literally lost everything with a lease that’s already signed, but that evening we had a shop ready to go, it was seriously like a miracle. So we thought alright

let’s just do a minor fit out and just open and learn it as we go.” “Sometimes you get these signs, things happen and you just have to go with it. There are so many people out there that tell me ‘why didn’t you plan, why didn’t you do some research, why didn’t you do the due diligence?” Ash said, responding with a simple “I dunno, I was a young naive kid.”

“If you knew what that [due diligence] was at that age, then you’re way ahead of the rest of us. To begin with, we weren’t

even charging enough, we had to learn operations and how to employ staff AFTER opening. We love what we do. We want to be the leading shake bar in Australia and until that happens, we’re going to keep moving forward.” “When we first opened our store 6 years ago, I think I saved up about $30,000 and I invested all of it. Then we literally had the majority of that money stolen from us. We were literally in the deep waters and learning to swim. I didn’t know much about business, I literally just signed a lease and said let’s just learn, if it fails we fail who cares. Sometimes you have to do that, you know you trust yourself more than people around you.” Ash said. Ash never gave up his entrepreneurial dreams, he said he just wanted somebody to give him “something and I can work with it, I just need something to start with.”. Getting that first leg up in business, getting your foot in the door can sometimes be the hardest part of business, especially for people who not only have no experience or background in business but also don’t know anybody in business who can help them.

“100%, we’re very thankful to be in Australia, the opportunities you’re given here, it’s so much more than where we’re from. We wouldn’t have the same 19

life if we were back home.” Not only does Ash and the ShakeZ team know what works they also know what doesn’t work, as Ash says they “learnt the hard way, not the easy way” and now all of that

hard work has paid off with Shakez looking to franchise in 2022. “Franchising is not as easy as it sounds, it’s not just about creating this product and putting it out here for sale, you have to actually deliver. We’ve got 6 years worth of history to show so when I speak to our potential franchisees we’ve been operating for 6 years and built this from the ground up, we’ve got a passionate team we’re not going to let you down.” “Franchising has been in the back of my mind since day one. It was along the way though, that it actually started to become a reality, it became not just a dream


anymore it’s a mission. It was last year during COVID, we were really busy and our sales were up. We’ve already got inquiries, we know we’ve got a great product, so yeah, 2022 is what we’re aiming for.” “All I’ve had since the beginning was my wife, if I didn’t have her believing in me I wouldn’t have made it. They always say there is a woman behind every man’s success and behind my success? 100% I give her most of the credit.”

Caitlin Mary Bsale Journalist

Blessing In Disguise Results In


Business Analyst - Business Broker


was born in Libya in 1970, 2 years later due to the revolution in Libya we had to move back to Yugoslavia. Initially we were in Croatia then 2 years later we moved to Serbia. In 1991 trouble in Yugoslavia started, I had just finished my National service and I received call papers to join the Army. I had family in both Serbia

and Croatia and did not want to join. I was now a refugee who left the country because I didn’t want to participate in the civil war. I then spent the next 4 months traveling by land through Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka then back to India when I finally got my visa to enter Australia.

Soon after arriving in Australia I fell ill and learnt that I had contracted hepatitis in India and not having any access to Medicare, I had to borrow money to pay for the treatment. Although I only had a three-month Visa, the Australian Government granted Yugoslavs a special condition allowing them to stay in 21

Australia for the duration of the unrest. Had I returned, I would have been drafted into the either the Serbian or Croatian army, depending on where I landed. This is because my parents were Croatian but I grew up in Serbia. Yugoslavia was divided and I was not eligible for Serbian citizenship because I was born in Libya and I was not eligible for Croatian citizenship because I never had permanent residency in Croatia. When I arrived in Australia I had no job, spoke no English and had no money. Because of my lack of language skills, the only work I could find was as a labourer, but as I dug ditches, I dreamt of one day owning my own business. My father had been a businessman and that was my dream, but it seemed very remote in the early days, as I struggled in a new country without family support. When my Yugoslav passport


expired, I was unable to return home for my father’s funeral and I realised my future was in Australia. I applied for permanent residency and two years later became an Australian citizen. I had a degree from the former Yugoslavia as an electrical technician, and after several years in Australia I started an electrical contracting business called Odyssey Electrical. At the time it was formed I had no money and no contacts, so I had to work tirelessly to build the business from the ground up. Although the business flourished, there were always cash flow issues, and when two customers went into liquidation things worsened, and I had no choice but to put the business on the market. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise, as it led to the creation of Xcllusive Business Sales. I appointed an agent to sell

Odyssey Electrical and was so disappointed with the performance of the broker that after three months I decided to sell it myself. I bought a dozen business sales books, talked to as many people as I could and in no time developed a sales and marketing strategy designed specifically to sell my business. Four weeks and 30 enquiries later I had four offers on the table. Four weeks after that, I sold my business for the exact price that I wanted. At that point I realised that I could come up with a formula that could sell businesses other than my own, and, committed to a process that worked in the best interests of the seller, Xcllusive Business Sales was established. This whole experience gave me an appreciation for what it takes and I wanted to also hire staff from a diverse range of backgrounds.



e all know that the Covid 19 pandemic has put our lives “on hold” for much of the last two years. This has been particularly true for prospective business migrants with Australia’s travel restrictions and borders closures. During the pandemic, LUX Business Sales and Advisory has successfully sold many businesses to business Asian migrants for 188A visa and 491 Regional Skilled visa. With Australia opening its international borders from January 2022, it provides the opportunity for successful

business migrants to enter the local market once again as prospective business buyers. Our Brisbane business brokers are specialists in helping migration business buyers successfully purchase a business that suits all their business migration visa requirements. Each state and territory have different requirements for the Business Innovation and Investment Program (BIIP) Subclass 188 visa, and you should check their respective business migration websites for more information.

In Victoria, there is a focus on STEM related expertise and businesses. For NSW, the government requires a minimum investment in target sectors of $500,000 in Sydney and $300,000 in regional areas. The South Australian government seeks to attract investment into businesses that drives innovation and employment into the local economy. In my home state, Queensland, the minimum investment into a business is $400,000 in Brisbane and the Gold Coast, and $300,000 in regional areas of the state. The most preferred industries include agribusiness, 23

wholesaling, manufacturing, tourism, hospitality, and retail. And many migrants come to QLD to purchase a business. Queensland was also the first state to introduce the Small Business Owners (SBO) program utilising the 491 Regional Skilled visa. For the SBO, the migrant must purchase a business for a minimum of $100,000 in a regional area and have operated it for six months prior to applying for the 491 visa. The most popular SBO businesses includes restaurants and cafes, convenience and grocery stores, home improvement, handyman services, massage business, newsagency, and IT consultancy services. The origins of business migrants are mainly from Asia with Chinese heritage (same as ME!!) leading the way, but SE Asian countries like Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia being more prevalent. In other parts of the world, India, Pakistan, the Middle East nations like UAE and Iran and South Africa make up the emerging markets.

We all know Brisbane is going to host next Olympic Games in 2032. As a result, the surge in interstate migration and business migrants to Queensland will create a great opportunity for current business owners to sell their business. LUX Business Sales and Advisory recent successful sales are in the Gold Coast-Convenience stores, commercial laundry, wholes and suppliers, Australian made goods exporting, retail stores, sushi shops, cafes, Asian restaurants. In Sunshine Coase-Grocery stores, Play centre, Commercial cleaning, sushi shops, cafes, gift shops. Brisbane-retail shops, massage shops, tea houses, sushi shops and Cafes. Most business migrants and skilled visa applicants don’t have business experience in Australia. So, an experienced business broker can help migrants choose a suitable business to help them successfully gain their permanent residency. LUX Business Sales and Advisory, Is a boutique business brokerage firm with over 17 years of successful business experience. Our brokers have many years of experience and are licensed, qualified business brokers and advisors. We are experienced and specialized in 132, 188A and 491 SBO business migration sales. If you are looking for business brokers in Brisbane to sale your business in Queensland, you need to contact LUX Business Sales & Advisory. The Winner of Queensland Business Broker of The Year 2020. LUX Business Sales & Advisory boast an extensive database of international investors and buyers and have a great connection with overseas and local businesses. We also hold qualified cash buyer’s data base.

Team celebrating Moon Festival


We are helping business owners

to sell their businesses to the right buyers and helping the buyers purchase the right businesses. With conjunctional businesses agents, we are listing businesses for sale Australia wide. Our team are qualified, licenced, and experienced business brokers and advisors with experience running their own successful businesses. Our brokers often attend professional courses and conferences. We are well versed in the many regulations and requirements of a business sale. Our warm, engaging personality and eagerness to deliver winwin results ensures sellers and buyers enjoy the business transaction process with us. Most of our clients come from referrals. Our team has the expertise to undertake most business sales engagements. If you want your business to be SOLD to a business migrants cash buyer, contact us now- LUX Business Sales & Advisory

Lily Small Director

P. 0427 674 974 E.

What A Difference A Year Makes:



usiness buyers in 2021 have been more optimistic when searching for and buying businesses than they were in 2020. In Xcllusive’s 2020 State of Business Sales Market Report, 34.1% of participants who responded to its buyer confidence survey indicated that they were on the sidelines watching and waiting, with 32.6% seeing opportunities in the current “New Normal” environment. By 2021, 42.5% already see opportunities in the current environment while 39.6% are cautious but considering less affected businesses. Only 11.3% remain on the sidelines, signalling buyers’ confident return to actively engaging in the business sales market. This is further indicated by how keen buyers are now to be on the market for longer than 12 months (55.7%) compared to

last year (34.8%). In addition, 49.1% now foresee a reasonably fast recovery compared to last year where half of the survey participants foresaw a slow recovery. Even in the current environment of curtailed economic activity, serious buyers are out there looking for good businesses to buy.

Why Buyers Are Looking Xcllusive’s 2021 State of Business Sales Market Report shows that buyers’ main consideration in searching for good businesses to buy is still for investment (at 35.8%, up by 4% from 2020). Compared to last year, though, where the second topmost reason given was to change lifestyles (30.3%), this year it’s to expand their current businesses (30.2%) -- again signifying a more gung ho take on the market. Where three-quarters (76.3%) of

buyers last year expected prices to be significantly reduced, only less than half (43.4%) this year expect it to be so, indicating an expectation of increased business values as well as market competition. In both years, two-thirds (64.1% in 2020, 65.1% in 2021) of buyers indicated that they would be willing to buy a percentage of a good business now with an option to buy when the pandemic situation is resolved later.

What Makes the Difference? Three possible reasons could be causing the difference in business buyers’ outlook: increased vaccination of the population, government financial aid, and economic prospects. 1. Increased vaccination of the population. As of November 25

15, 2021, around 70% of Australia’s population has already been fully vaccinated, while 6.4% has been partly vaccinated. With close to three-fourths of the population vaccinated, there is an increased likelihood of more health protection for more people, and therefore, increased confidence of opening up the economy as well. When economies open, there is more business activity, so prospects for future increases in business values and returns on investment are looking up. 2. Government financial aid. There are several Australian government financial assistance programs for businesses in the following industries: accommodation and food services, administration and support services, agriculture, arts and recreation, construction;


professional, scientific, and technology services; rental, hiring, and real estate services; tourism, and transport, postal, and warehouse services. Government support range from support payments, fee waivers, and rebates, to funding through loans and outright grants. With government assistance, businesses in these industries are particularly attractive to buyers who are also looking for good businesses that can more easily transition into the “New Normal”. 3. Economic prospects. As of May 2021, the Australian economy is forecasted to grow by 5.1% in 2021 and 3.4% in 2022, driven by domestic demand, with labor demand strong and consumer confidence high. Rising incomes and declining saving rates will fuel consumption,

and unemployment rates will further decline. These, in addition to current low interest rates, support business buyers’ optimism and robustness in looking for good businesses to buy, in preparation for meeting the incoming tides of anticipated prosperous times when they come. So, if you’re a business owner considering selling your company soon or soon as an exit strategy, now is a good time to learn about the market so you will be prepared when you finally decide to sell your enterprise.

Xcllusive Business Sales P. 02 9817 3331 E.

What You Need To Know About


*Stock Image


ue to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are restrictions on entry and exit from Australia. However, as vaccination rates against COVID-19 increase in Australia, border regulations are changing frequently. Following the significant changes that were introduced on 1 November 2021, regarding who can enter and leave Australia and what quarantine arrangements will be in place, additional changes were introduced on 15 December 2021. As a result, significantly more people will be allowed to enter Australia without a travel exemption. This article will explain the changes to Australian border policy that were introduced on 1 November 2021 and 15 December 2021.

Can I Leave Australia? The Federal Government has made important changes that apply to all states and territories of Australia. As of 1 November 2021, fully vaccinated Australian citizens, permanent residents and New Zealand citizens who normally reside in Australia will no longer have to apply for a travel exemption to leave Australia. Unfortunately, Australian citizens and permanent residents who are unvaccinated must still apply for an exemption to leave the country. The Australian Border Force (ABF) will only exempt unvaccinated outbound travellers if the travel is:

part of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including providing aid;

for your business/employer;

to receive urgent medical treatment unavailable in Australia;

because you will be outside Australia for a compelling reason for three months or longer;

on compelling or compassionate grounds;

in the national interest; or

because you are ordinarily resident in a country other than Australia.

As of 15 December 2021, fully vaccinated eligible visa holders will no longer have to apply for an exemption to return or enter Australia. The eligible visa must be granted. If the eligible visa has been applied for but has not yet been granted then they are not an eligible visa holder. Temporary visa holders who normally reside in Australia who are not eligible visa holders can continue to depart Australia at any time. However, they are required to apply for an exemption to return or re-enter Australia.

Can I Travel to Australia? The following categories may enter Australia and are exempt from having to request permission to enter:

Australian citizens;

permanent residents of Australia;

immediate family members of Australian citizens or permanent residents;

New Zealand citizens typically resident in Australia and their immediate family members;

individuals who have been in New Zealand or Australia for 14 days or more immediately before arrival by air in Australia;

diplomats accredited to Australia, including their immediate family members (each member of the family unit must hold a valid subclass 995 visa);

individuals transiting Australia for 72 hours or less;

airline crew members and maritime crew members, including marine pilots;

individuals recruited under the Government approved Seasonal Worker Program or Pacific Labour Scheme;

individuals who hold a Business Innovation and Investment (subclass 188) visa;

individuals who hold a Temporary Activity (subclass 408) visa in the ‘Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery Event’ stream and is supported by the Global Business and Talent Attraction Taskforce; or 27

eligible visa holders who have been granted an eligible visa.

The immediate family members of Australian citizens, permanent residents and New Zealand citizens who usually reside in Australia, refer to: •


de facto partners;

dependent children; and

parents/legal guardians of dependent children.

As of 1 November 2021, parents of Australian citizens, permanent residents and New Zealand Citizens who usually reside in

Australia are also eligible to travel to Australia. The definition of parents includes: •

biological parents;

legal (including adoptive) parents;

step-parents; and


Immediate family members and parents must hold a valid visa, apply for and receive a travel exemption before entering Australia. Temporary visa holders who do not hold an eligible visa are generally not permitted to

enter Australia unless they are individuals in critical sectors or with critical skills, hold an AsiaPacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) or a Business Travel Card (ABTC). Importantly, temporary visa holders are not eligible for reduced quarantine arrangements should they be granted a travel exemption to enter Australia unless they are an eligible visa holder. You must note that while the Commonwealth border policies are changing, each state in Australia has their own quarantine and entry requirements. Therefore, check with individual state authorities before attempting to enter.

Steps for Travelling to Australia Step 1

Only fully vaccinated Australian citizens, permanent residents and eligible visa holders. Immediate family members or parents may be eligible for reduced quarantine arrangements. However, this is dependent on each state or territory of arrival.

Step 2

You must hold a valid International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate (Australia) or foreign vaccination certificate.

Step 3

You must complete an Australia Travel Declaration at least 72 hours before your flight.

Step 4

You must undertake a pre-departure PCR COVID-19 test before travelling to Australia.

Step 5

You must present your vaccination certificate and negative COVID-19 test result to airline staff when you check in for your flight at the airport.

Step 6

You must conduct post arrival COVID-19 testing requirements as determined by each state.

Key Takeaways As of 15 December 2021, eligible visa holders have been added to the list of people that can enter or re-enter Australia. The situation is rapidly evolving with new travel corridors announced with certain countries deemed an international travel safe zone. However, not everyone can enter the country, and it is important to be aware of the changing rules. If you intend to travel soon, you should be up to date on the latest border controls and quarantine measures to ensure a smooth exit and entry to Australia. If you 28

have any questions, LegalVision’s immigration lawyers can help. Contact them on 1800 532 904 or fill out the form on this page.

Frequently Asked Questions Can temporary visa holders enter Australia? As of 15 December 2021, temporary visa holders who hold an eligible visa are able to enter Australia without an exemption. Other temporary visa holders are generally not able to enter or reenter Australia.

Can parents of Australian citizens and permanent residents enter Australia? As of 1 November 2021, fully vaccinated parents of Australian citizens are allowed to enter Australia. They must hold a valid visa and apply for an exemption before entering. Legal Vision P. 1300 544 755 E.

Managing Key Stakeholders in a Business Sale


business sale can be a complex process with multiple interested parties, all of whom can play a role in determining the timing and ultimate success of the sale. Whilst recognising the primary importance of the seller and the buyer, the impact of advisors such as lawyers and accountants, and other stakeholders such as franchisors and landlords should not be underestimated. As it is commonly the buyer and seller’s first experience of a business sale transaction it is critical to engage a business broker to manage key stakeholders

to maximise the chance of a successful business sale.

The average business in our experience receives 34 buyer enquiries before the right buyer is found, however it is not uncommon for a business to attract enquiries in the hundreds. The number of enquiries is dependent on the type of business, the quality and reach of the marketing and the asking price.

Agreement’ and partake in a phone interview to establish the seriousness of their intent to purchase and the appropriateness of the business for them. Suitable candidates who complete the Confidentiality Agreement should receive a detailed Prospectus or Information Memorandum which will provide highlights of key performance metrics e.g., recent profit and loss reports, critical contracts e.g., leases or franchise agreements and current staffing levels.

All potential buyers should complete a ‘Confidentiality

As the buyer advances through the due diligence process, they will

Business Buyers


request clarification of information in the Prospectus and more detailed financial or operational information. A business broker is well placed to know when to provide appropriate information e.g., detailed customer information is usually not disclosed until after exchange of contracts.

develop a marketing plan to ensure the right potential buyers know the business is for sale. Additionally, the broker should provide feedback regarding your marketing plan and its activity, the level of enquiry, the profile of any prospects and the progress of your sale.

In addition to handling incoming buyer enquiries, better brokers also discretely approach potential buyers that they believe may be interested in purchasing. With a thorough understanding of the buyer’s situation, a broker can confidently communicate the relevant benefits of acquiring the business.

The owners have an important role through the sale process in ensuring timely provision of information and open and honest discussions about the business and its future opportunities.

Buyers are expecting guidance through the sale process by a skillful business broker. The broker can call on their past experience to inform the buyer of the normal timing for information provision and assist them in interpreting data. A key step in this process is arranging an initial inspection, where the buyer will view the facility and importantly engage with the existing owner to gain a deeper understanding of the current position of the business. Once a buyer determines that they would like to move forward the broker can extract an offer and work with the buyer and seller to negotiate an acceptable price and the conditions of sale.

Business Sellers From the initial contact from a business owner considering selling, a business broker is well placed to help all owners understand the selling process and the important role they play. The first part of this is the Business Appraisal, which will help owners set an appropriate asking price. Prior to listing the business for sale, the broker will consult in depth with the business owner to prepare a prospectus and 30

Once an offer has been accepted, the business broker will continue working with the buyer and seller on the finer points of the agreement. Often an objective view is critical to ensure both parties remain focused on a successful outcome and are not overly distracted by minor obstacles.

continue running the business in line with the requirements of the franchise. A business broker can work with the franchisor to incorporate these requirements into the campaign marketing and initial questions for potential buyers.

Landlords A lease is generally a critical component of a business sale which makes the landlord a key stakeholder. The business broker can identify potential areas of concern in a lease which may need to be further investigated by the seller’s lawyer prior to a sale or acted upon after consultation with the landlord e.g., ensuring a lease option has been taken up.

Trusted Advisors

The broker will identify the right time to introduce a potential buyer to a landlord and work with legal advisors to start the lease transfer process.

Accountants, lawyers, and business financers prefer dealing with a skilled business broker who is working on the owner’s behalf. The broker should co-ordinate the financial and legal information flows to and from the advisors. This allows the business owner to concentrate on maintaining the smooth operation of their business.

In summary, a business broker is best placed to work in an objective way with all stakeholders in the business sales process. Engaging a dedicated, experienced business broker will give a business the best chance of a smooth and successful sale, whilst allowing business owners to remain focused on running their business.

Occasionally advisors do not have specific business sales experience, e.g., a buyer or seller’s lawyer may be a long-term trusted advisor on property or family matters but has not frequently been involved in business sales transactions. In these cases, a broker can provide advice on standard business sales procedures to encourage a successful outcome.

Franchisors & Licensors Franchisors & Licensors have a vested interest in ensuring potential buyers will be able to

Justin Bunt

Business Sales Consultant P. 0411 544 598 E.

What Is A Professional Online Identity And Why Is It Important? Blinq is the world’s top-rated digital business card provider, providing individuals and businesses with ways to share their professional identity with anyone, wherever they go. But what is a professional identity and why is it important? A professional identity is a way to showcase your; skills, expertise, beliefs, values and experiences. When considering the different and often disparate ways we share who we are online, it’s important to have a single place where people can highlight their professional identity and share who they are, what they do and what they care about with others. A digital business card is a great place to start! Business owners and brokers tell us they love using Blinq, the most common question business owners ask us is “can I download my card’s QR code?” The good news is, yes, you absolutely can download your unique QR and add it wherever you like. We’ve seen users add their QR codes to billboards, brochures, their websites and more. It’s a great way to help grow your network and make sure contacts have your most up to date information. While the pandemic has served as a catalyst for widespread adoption of QR codes their usage has been growing since Apple and Google decided to build them into their products. We’re really happy more people know how to scan and use this great technology for themselves.

The benefits of SaaS The growth of SaaS adoption has been accelerated by the pandemic, but this was a trend we were seeing beforehand as well. Importantly the number of

organisations using at least one SaaS product continues to expand and as these products continue to innovate, their pull for businesses will also continue to grow.

sector, the remote and personal healthcare industry and the continued growth of auxiliary businesses supporting greater business sustainability efforts.

Aside from the benefits of recurring revenue we see the biggest benefit of being a SaaS business in our abilities to be flexible to customer needs and to provide regular updates to our product, providing features that add value for our users. Speaking to customers and adding their suggested features to our roadmap is a really exciting feeling.

Networking tips for 2022

If you’re thinking about starting or buying a SaaS company, do your research, start with your friends and family. Share the product or product idea with them, get their honest feedback, would they use it? What do they like/not like about it? And would they be prepared to pay for it? From this you’ll get a decent idea of where your potential product-market fit could be (or not be as might be the case!)

During breaks at events, don’t succumb to the temptation to bow your head and check your phone. Turn to the person next to you and ask them what they’re doing for lunch or if they’d like to grab a coffee. These moments are the perfect time to strike up a conversation and if you provoke them, more than likely the other person will follow your lead (plus they know there’s a time limit on how long you can both talk for!).

Looking forward to 2022 When it comes to networking, important face to face meetings, conferences and networking events are back on the agenda. However, now more than ever brokers need contactless ways to share their professional identity. At the same time when brokers can’t attend meetings and events in person, they will still be able to share their card using Blinq virtual backgrounds for video conferencing programs like Zoom and MS Teams. As a team, we paid close attention to the trends at CES2022 and saw a couple of things emerge. I’m expecting to see more successful businesses emerge in the EV and autonomous automotive

Turn up! It’s been so long since we’ve had the opportunity for face-toface networking and we need to embrace every opportunity to get back out there. Be Tactical.

Matt Strutte Head of Growth

M. 0448 109 164 E.


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7 Ways to Support Your Employees



eeping your employees happy and ensuring they feel supported to grow in the organisation is essential to the success of your company. Employee retention, productivity and your company’s reputation can hang in the balance. Any CFO worth their salt knows that if you are not keeping employees happy, you will lose them. Likewise, if an employee is not feeling appreciated or challenged by their role, they will become complacent resulting in a loss of productivity and general morale. This discontent can spread through the company, ravaging a once healthy work culture, and breeding a general dislike of and disenfranchisement with the company. That is why it’s essential to support your employee’s growth and create an environment where they can thrive. Try these seven ways to support your employee’s professional development.


Constructive feedback

Adapt your management style their learning style

Try an LMS

Organise a mentoring program

Make space their upskilling

Taylor the role to the employee not the other way around

Recognition Everyone needs to feel that their work is appreciated, and your employees are no exception. Say you have a motivated, hardworking employee who stays late and comes in early going above and beyond to get the job done. If you are not acknowledging the extra work that employee is putting in, they will stop going the extra mile very quickly. The employee is going to start to feel as though they’re being taken advantage of,

as if no-one appreciates the extra effort they put in and they are going to start to wonder why they do it at all. This can lead them to looking for another more fulfilling role or just becoming complacent. A simple thank you, or an email acknowledging the extra work they have done, offering a day in lieu if you know they’ve done a lot of extra hours or praising their work in the company newsletter can really go a long way to shifting their perception on the situation. From ‘I’m being taken advantage of by the company’ to ‘I do important work that makes a difference to the company, and I am appreciated for it.’

Constructive Feedback Similarly, if you have an employee working hard and they’re just not quite getting the job done the way they need to, providing constructive feedback can make all the difference.


Constructive feedback can be difficult to navigate while maintaining an employee’s morale. If given incorrectly you can demotivate an employee rather motivate them. Try the sandwich approach. This is a technique where you sandwich the piece of constructive feedback between two positive performance notes you want to give. This helps the employee to feel as though they are not doing everything wrong but just have something to work on. And remember to keep constructive feedback constructive. By that we mean provide actionable feedback that will improve their performance. Be clear about what can be improved and if applicable offer resources to help your employee learn. Constructive feedback coupled with access to additional mentoring or learning resources will help them feel supported to succeed.

Adapt Your Management Style You should be adapting your management style to your individual employee’s learning style. If you have an employee who is a visual learner, you’re not going to get through to them with lengthy documents about a project. However, graphs and a visual presentation might help them to understand what the project goals and plans are. Obviously, this isn’t something you can do all the time but when dealing with specific employees and training them, it can be helpful to adapt your style. This will ensure that your employee gets the most from your meetings and training sessions and feels individually supported.

Try An LMS A LMS or a Learning Management System can be a real game changer for your company’s professional


development program. These systems can be installed software or web-based applications and they can be used to monitor and track learnings for your staff. It can take the pressure off your HR department by automating some of the administration and data entry involved. It gives your employees the ability to take responsibility for their study and complete it in their own time frames. You can learn more about different LMS systems here.

Organise A Mentoring Program It can be in house, or you can set an employee up with an external mentorship program but encouraging employees to engage in mentoring programs shows you are invested in their future and their professional growth. Mentorship programs have a number of benefits for your company and your employees. They help employees to gain confidence, and refine their career path, while providing a helpful outsider perspective to their dayto-day operations. Mentoring staff can be great for your higher-level employees as well. It helps to build and refine their leadership skills; it can build out their professional network and elevate their professional standing in the industry.

to complete their professional development activities and work with them to set them up to succeed. Employers should place great importance on their employees learning and development.

Tailor The Role To Employee, Not The Employee To The Role Your people are your most valuable assets. They make or break your business. So, cultivate employees that love to work with the company, that are passionate about the work you all do and want to do better every time. Treat your employees as people. Talk to them about their hopes and dreams, their passions and plans and find a way to make their role more rewarding for them. If they are passionate about data analysis and currently work in administration, help them to achieve their career goals by organising professional development courses in data analysis and giving them more data related tasks in their role. Your employees are going to give 110% if you offer them the chance to do work that they find meaningful and that supports their overall career goals.

Make Space For Their Upskilling It’s not much use telling employees you want them to grow in the company and pursue professional development and then not giving them the time and space to do that. Facilitate your employee’s professional development programs by offering them allotted time each month for PD. Open a dialogue with them and ask them directly what they need

Brooke Shellback

Marketing and Communications Manager


Visa Changes To Support The Reopening Of Australia And Our Economic Recovery ​ he Morrison Government is making it easier for T highly skilled migrants to remain in Australia and to continue working in critical sectors as Australia’s economic recovery continues. ​ inister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant M Services and Multicultural Affairs Alex Hawke said these measures recognise the contribution of skilled migrants who remained here during the COVID-19 pandemic and encourage them to stay in Australia. “Eligible skilled workers, already in Australia, will continue to support local businesses facing critical shortages, particularly in health, hospitality and our regions,” Minister Hawke said. “This recognises the economic value-add of these critical workers, and retaining them will greatly assist in Australia’s economic recovery.” “The changes complement the Government’s recent announcement that fully vaccinated eligible temporary and provisional visa holders may enter Australia without a travel exemption from 1 December 2021,” he said. These visa changes will improve access to permanent residence for: •

Existing Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) visa holders in the short-term stream

Legacy Temporary Work Skilled (subclass 457) visa holders who no longer meet the age requirement.

“This is a special concession recognising those highly skilled migrant workers who chose to stay in Australia throughout the pandemic, while continuing to address Australia’s acute shortages. This allows them to stay here, with a pathway to Australian citizenship,” Minister Hawke said. “There are currently about 20,000 primary Temporary Skill Shortage and 457 visa holders in Australia who may benefit from these arrangements. Most of these workers are employed in the highestskilled occupations and the largest cohorts of workers benefiting from these changes include those currently employed in the health and hospitality industries, including many workers in regional Australia,” Minister Hawke said. The Government will also extend visas for skilled regional (provisional visa) holders (subclass 489,

The Hon Alex Hawke MP

Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Aff​airs


491 and 494) in recognition that this cohort has been adversely affected by COVID-19 related travel restrictions.​ “Current and expired skilled regional provisional visas will be extended, providing additional time to meet regional work requirements for permanent residence,” Minister Hawke said. “There are currently around 9,000 skilled regional provisional visa holders overseas. These visa holders can enter Australia from 1 December 2021, and they will also be eligible for an extension of their visa,” he said. In recognition of ongoing border arrangements, the Government will also extend by a further six-months Visa Application Charge waivers for new Visitor visa applicants overseas where their visa expired, or will expire, between 1 January 2022 and 30 June 2022. “This measure will support the tourism industry by welcoming back visitors once it is safe to do so,” Minister Hawke said. The Government has announced further measures to support the return of international students and graduates, bolstering the international education industry by: Allowing Temporary Graduate visa holders, who have been unable to travel to Australia as a result of COVID-19 international border restrictions, to apply for a replacement visa; •

Increasing the length of stay on Temporary Graduate visas in the Masters by Coursework and Vocation Education and Training (VET) streams;

​ implifying the requirements for Temporary S Graduate visa applicants for VET sector graduates; and

Extending the existing measure for student and temporary graduates to recognise time spent offshore studying online to count towards qualifying for a Temporary Graduate visa application.

These changes are consistent with the National Plan to safely reopen Australia and follow earlier changes which have seen us welcome home fully vaccinated Australians, permanent residents and their immediate family members. For more information please visit the Department of Home Affairs website.

Monday, 13 December 2022: Royal Stacks has announced plans to expand its kingdom, now offering its innovative burger restaurant as a franchise model for Victorian based owner-operators. Franchisees will have the opportunity to own a Royal Stacks restaurant, immerse themselves in the brand culture and benefit from comprehensive education and training programs. Despite continual Covid setbacks, Royal Stacks has seen exponential growth and will open four new locations in the next four months doubling its restaurants to eight, and significantly increasing its footprint over the next two years. Royal Stacks Founder, Dani Zeini said gradual and considered growth is important in retaining the distinctive burger culture and character of the brand that he and his team have worked tirelessly to achieve. “The plan is not to be the most franchised, but to service the franchise well. Franchising the restaurant gives others the opportunity to build their own kingdom and we have taken our time to ensure that every piece of the project is world-class,” says Dani Zeini.

franchise partners every step of the way, sharing our innovative ideas and unique concepts in many more places,” he concluded. With plans to expand nationally in the second year, the franchise business predicts it will add over 200 to its workforce across its new locations, meaning the total business employs 300. Along with the fan-favourite menu, each Royal Stacks venue has a unique design element, currently ranging from a state of the art podcast booth to a vintage Flavour Shot machine. With a reasonable buy-in of $350,000 which covers the store fit-out, kitchen equipment, capital and the franchisee fee, Royal Stacks predicts a return on investment for partners within two and a half years, with six percent royalty and a one percent marketing fee back to Headquarters. The burger empire hopes to stand out in the franchising industry by offering a transparent and collaborative business model.

DC STRATEGY P. 1300 993 624 E. Founded by Rod Young in 1983, the Australian end-to-end consulting, legal, recruitment and brand and marketing firm was created to assist entrepreneurs from start-ups and SMEs to NGOs, government bodies and large corporates to develop sustainable franchise networks.

Enlisting DC Strategy to launch the franchise model, Founder and Chairman of DC Strategy Group, Rod Young sees growth in the burger restaurant category.

To ensure a smooth transition into business ownership and running a restaurant the Royal Stacks way, a bespoke training program has been created including a four to six weeks in-restaurant experience and ongoing head office support.

“Royal Stacks is a well-established brand which sees community and culture at its forefront. We see great potential for further growth through the franchise model and we look forward to seeing its presence nationwide soar,” says Mr Young.

Speaking to the growth of the franchise model, Dani Zeini says, “This is all about sharing success with people, providing others with an interest in our brand to build something of their own. Royal Stacks is a family at the end of day, I want to make people happy and this is the perfect opportunity to do so.“

Founder, Dani Zeini has transformed Melbourne’s burger culture which all began with a secret burger menu at Dandenong Pavilion, followed by the opening of Grand Trailer Park Taverna and Truck Stop Deluxe. Not long after, in 2016, Royal Stacks was born. The burger empire presents a unique take on classic fast-food Australians have enjoyed for years.

“This is only the beginning for our Royal Kingdom. We are so looking forward to having franchise partners on board and are 100 percent committed to supporting our


Royal Stacks Expands Its Kingdom

For more information on how to become a franchise partner via Royal Stacks.



My Cabin Mate Introduces Flexible Cabin-Rental Business Opportunity Australia and most of the world today are increasingly adopting the following trends: •

Work from home

A separate home-office space

The ability to operate a business without commercial and retail costs

The growing short stay vacation industry (Airbnb)

and the luxury of exploring the outback in the comfort of tiny homes and portable cabins.

My Cabin Mate has partnered with DC Strategy to set in motion its plan to expand around select Queensland neighbourhoods and further key cities around Australia. Australia’s leading long-term cabin provider evolved out of a need to service the portable cabin, tiny home and home-office space sector. Made to be an affordable way for people to extend and expand their space to live and work out of without the hefty expenses of relocating or renting an expensive office space. With the rise of Airbnb and other platforms offering lucrative short term stays, My Cabin Mate has helped people grow new revenue streams as the market booms by means of cabin hires. While also supplying cabins for the expansion of office space, portable homes, granny flats and a space for aspiring entrepreneurs to be able to operate their business with far lower expenses. The goal - as ever - is to make it affordable to combine living and work spaces, without the fuss of council consents or commitments to permanent structure. Gavin Aiken, the founder of My Cabin Mate has been in business for over 30 years’ operating successful businesses ranging from transport, earthmoving, and the construction industry. He saw a gap in the market not serviced effectively which was placing portable cabins on residential addresses providing extra space to accommodate a growing family or a work from home business. Without the fuss of council consents or commitments to permanent structure, the cabins are set up and removed 38

within an hour in most cases. “All of our exceptional cabins come hassle free, they are very easy to deliver, and once our team has installed it for you, there is nothing left to do but enjoy your new space.” said Gavin Aiken. “Our world-class cabins are hand crafted and built from the highest quality materials that money can buy”. Every single cabin is fully insulated and elevated with high quality wooden flooring and curtains which create a welcoming space for you and your guests. Key Benefits of franchising with My Cabin Mate range from full marketing and training support, and working out of the comfort of your own home whilst owning multiple sites if desired. My Cabin Mate has obtained a central platform where franchise partners will have access to videos and training manuals, making it an attractive business opportunity with simple systems and processes. New franchise partners will benefit from customers who are actively placing orders directly off the website, ensuring continued growth and loyalty through their ongoing marketing campaigns both online and off. Compulsory business hours don’t exist and living a balanced life is important. My Cabin Mate offers the benefit of multiple site ownership. As a franchisee, you’ll have the first right to refusal and the opportunity to expand into neighbouring territories. This is a truly unique aspect within the My Cabin Mate franchise model and could lead to exponential growth. With a business model as simple as booking in rental cabins, delivering them to clients, collecting and maintaining the cabins, and proactively repeat; why would you not own and operate a My Cabin Mate site from home? My Cabin Mate is searching for owners to successfully launch and grow its franchise business network across Australia by means of a tried and tested business model obtaining a low entry costs. Be part of the future with My Cabin Mate. Become a Cabin Mate.

DC STRATEGY P. 0435 168 575 E. Founded by Rod Young in 1983, the Australian end-to-end consulting, legal, recruitment and brand and marketing firm was created to assist entrepreneurs from start-ups and SMEs to NGOs, government bodies and large corporates to develop sustainable franchise networks.

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Rare Opportunity - Coffee & Cake - No Kit... Cafe and Coffee Shop

Well established cafe, rare opportunity located at Westfield CBD, amazing location in amongst all the high-end brands. This boutique cafe is one of the best on the market selling approx 55kg per week. Location Details: Located in a prime position of Westfield’s Sydney CBD shopping centre in high foot traffic area. Located in the heart of Sydney, surrounded by large office towers, hotels and residential apartments. One of Sydney’s best shopping tourist attractions. Training provided: As our franchise partner, you will be trained comprehensively in all aspects of the business. This way we are able to provide you with the best possible opportunity... Price: $395,000 + SAV Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Ulysses Vass Phone: 0415 555 557 View Online Bsale ID 564519


NSW Coffee Shop Railway Station For Sale Cafe and Coffee

Inner Sydney location, Great foot traffic, brand new shop, ready to go and operate, run as is , or add your specialty to it. Very busy cosmopolitan area.

Price: $65,000 WIWO Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Adam Notaras Phone: 0473 345 485 View Online Bsale ID 566683

Successful 12 Year Old Photo Scanning... Computer IT

Established in Blacktown NSW in July 2009 we have a dedicated standalone office (40 sq mt including customer reception) at our residential address that services the whole of Australia in the protection of our customers most precious items outside of their family, the family photos. We are an Australian business and do not outsource any of our work to another company nor do we send overseas for processing. We treat our customers photos as if they were our own family photos.Old photos, slides and negatives however are aging and require safeguarding now for several reasons including deterioration of the actual photo, accidental... Price: $150,000 Region: Blacktown State: NSW Contact: Kevin Mullock Phone: 0411 150 018 View Online Bsale ID 567095

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


NSW Non Franchise Vending Machine Business... Vending Machine

13 Snack & Drink vending machines in various locations with VAN INCLUDED. Approx. 3 days per week. Located on various Sydneys BIGGEST job sites with over 140 tradies on some sites: HIGH FOOT TRAFFIC AREAS. Long term projects - clients take your machines on all projects and multiple sites. Tap & Go on most machines. Track sales and inventory from your phone. Hours and days to suit operator. Huge opportunity for growth for the owner operator. Could suit astute operator willing to take it to the next level or semi-retired or young parent who needs to work around children and school hours. Price: $299,000 plus SAV... Price: $299,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Private Seller Phone: View Online Bsale ID 567267 *Stock photo only, not actual image

Environmentally Friendly Wholesale / Retail... Cleaning

Secure this great business now! Environmentally Friendly Commercial Grade green, septic sewage safe cleaning products, quality first aid, cleaning accessories, paper products, so much more. This business has thousands of products to sell! KEY FEATURES INCLUDE: *Located on busy road leading to Ballina Airport. Address: Shed 2/23 North Creek Road Ballina 2478. *This business has been established 15 years. *Huge growth potential. Good margins on all products. Very low rent. Low overheads. *Selling thousands of products from six of the largest wholesalers in Australia. *Take over owner’s new lease, 3x3 rent $230.00... Price: $665,000 Region: Mid + North Coast State: NSW Contact: Geoff Bryant Phone: 0410 511 645 View Online Bsale ID 567587




Boutique Florist & Gift Shop Florist

If you are a creative personality with a passion for flowers, this could be the business for you! This is a rare opportunity to purchase an established, much adored boutique florist & gift shop located in a busy seaside town on the NSW South Coast approximately one and a half hours from Sydney with a great reputation for wild, whimsical and unique fresh flowers plus exclusive gift lines. The Wildflower Studio is situated in a great location with a steady turnover, loyal clientele and the only stockist of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint south of Sydney, this is a fantastic opportunity to purchase a profitable business with potential for growth in a popular... Price: POA Region: Kiama State: NSW Contact: Private Advertiser Phone: View Online Bsale ID 557890

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


NSW Butcher For Sale Kings Langley Butcher and Deli

Mardon Meats is an established butcher shop in Kings Langley,Sydney’s Northwest. The shop is located in busy Kings Langley Shopping Centre with frontage facing the Coles and sales over 1.2 million pa. Located in a prime position inside the main entrance to the shopping centre, the shop has a footprint of approximately 85sq metres, a large single wrap around counter with a main display window of full glass. There is a large back bar display with shelves highly visible to customers. The back work space is extremely spacious with large benches and plenty of space for equipment. There is also a huge double walk in the... Price: $110,000 + SAV Region: Kings Langley State: NSW Contact: Jessica Cahill Phone: 0419 574 206 View Online Bsale ID 556098

Accounting/Bookkeeping Business Byron... Accounting

Accounting practice with fees 60K plus for sale. Single practitioner with growing client base situated in busy arcade with passing trade in sought after Byron Hinterland area of NSW. Leased premised set up for reception and 3 separate offices ready for expansion. Ideal for an accountant wishing to move to the beautiful Byron area and own your own accounting practice. If you do not have a tax agents license, for an extra fee I am wiling to mentor you to obtain your tax agents license.

Price: $60,000 Region: Mid + North Coast State: NSW Contact: Gail Rundle Phone: 0401 884 231 View Online Bsale ID 561028


NSW Florist & Cafe In Sydney Cafe and Coffee Shop

Rare opportunity. First time offered after 30 years in business. A Multi Awarded Winning Florist. Combining 3 in 1 businesses. 1. Florist & Gifts 2. Flora Art School learning for fun (birthday, hens party, team building or private lessons) 3. Cafe and Juice Bar. Beautiful shop with open street frontage In the center of Bexley North Shopping Town. Has great reputation and amazing potential in thriving community. Perfect for you who has a passion in floristry and hospitality industry.

Price: $250,000 Region: Bexley North State: NSW Contact: Shelly Parachini Phone: 0414 424 800 View Online Bsale ID 562087

Hairdressing Salon Hair Salon

Up market unisex hair salon in the beautiful beach side town of Ballina. Low rent. Long lease available. Established 15 years. 6 chairs. 2 basins. 3 part time sub contractors renting chairs. Room to grow and for another hairdresser possibly you. Owner happy to stay on and rent a chair to help with smooth transition. Computerised booking system. Life style business open only 5 to 6 hours a day for 6 days. Cash cow.

Price: $55,000 Region: Ballina State: NSW Contact: Marcus Dorsman Phone: 0434 028 328 View Online Bsale ID 561619

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


NSW Outstanding Australia Post Office Post Offices

A fantastic coastal Licensed Post Office is now on the market at Lighthouse Beach in Port Macquarie NSW. A twoterminal, including 550 PO boxes giving you a great return on your investment. Having a really secure/loyal local customer base that covers a wide territory in the suburbs of this region. This Post Office offers most of the Australia Post services ie-postal, banking, bill paying, western union, certification, PO box services etc..adding to our sales we have an awesome range of exclusive gift/glassware, cards and gift wrap, children’s toys and books, stationery and school supplies, phone and electrical goods, gift cards. Price: $695,000 + SAV Region: Port Macquarie State: NSW Contact: Robert Taylor Phone: 0466 066 195 View Online Bsale ID 557877

Preschool Educational Incursions... Children Services

Become a Ladybug Academy Ambassador today! Who are we? Ladybug Academy is the innovative leader in delivering fun and engaging educational incursions for preschool children promoting health, wellbeing, diversity and sustainability. Imagine being able to follow your passion and desire to inspire young children to look after the environment, take an active role in their wellness and develop a greater understanding of the global community. We have created an opportunity for you to develop a flexible mobile business and be your own boss. Most Ambassadors will operate their business during school hours. Being... Price: $15,500 Region: Central Coast State: NSW Contact: Helen Paver Phone: 0405 092 275 View Online Bsale ID 568584


NSW An Institution Of Armidale’s Cafe Scene Cafe and Coffee Shop

An opportunity to buy a longstanding institution in Armidale NSW with close to 40 years of trading. Current owner has been operating for 18 years. The Café was fully refurbished in 2020 with a move to a standalone building. Building has a 10.35 Kw solar system to help reduce electricity costs. The café has 2 entrances with 1 disability car space on site and ample parking on street or in shopping mall car park via western entrance. Features alfresco dining area as well as internal seating with a capacity of 55 persons. The business has been able to trade well through the pandemic, in part due to a strong takeaway and home delivery... Price: $150,000 WIWO Region: Armidale State: NSW Contact: Stuart Robertson Phone: 0412 669 810 View Online Bsale ID 562612

First Aid Kits, Supplies And Servicing Mobile Services

Be active in the business or not - your choice! A unique opportunity to own a business that can generate the average annual income without actually working in it! Ideal as a “side hustle”, so you can keep doing what you do/ love or an opportunity to develop an easily expandable business by being active in it. Skills easily transferrable and existing (casual), staff willing to stay on if required. Includes all equipment, racking, stock, motor vehicle and packing supplies in a literal walk in/walk out opportunity. No long term lease so you can choose to relocate or even work from home with a sizeable garage! Price: $149,000 WIWO Region: Quakers Hill State: NSW Contact: Rod Hucker Phone: 0401 533 334 View Online Bsale ID 562626

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


NSW SportsPower Nowra Other Retail

The current owners have decided it’s time to put their feet up & enjoy their fruits of labor. SportsPower Nowra has been operational for nearly 26 years with only two owners & has just recently moved into new premises. SportsPower is not a franchise, but is part of a buying group & has access to all the leading brands plus much much more. Exceptional opportunity to grow an established business, which has been Covid resilient even further.

Price: $299,000 + SAV Region: Nowra State: NSW Contact: George Kulcsar Phone: 0404 453 753 View Online Bsale ID 563263

Marine Repair Busines In Western Sydney... Marine

A profitable Western Sydney Boat and Marine Repair Business in now for sale. - Great location in Parramatta within 400m of the M4 Freeway exit/entry. - Established reputation with customers and insurance companies Profitable and a well-established, family owned and operated marine business enjoying a great reputation for quality and service in Sydney metro and beyond. The business is known as the one-stop shop for marine repairs. This business specialises in on-trailer boats and offers a wide range of services: fitouts, interior and exterior maintenance, fibreglass, decking and mechanical and electrical repairs. This business has... Price: $499,000 Region: Holroyd State: NSW Contact: Private Seller Phone: View Online Bsale ID 556454



Profitable And Long Established Iconic Cafe! Cafe and Coffee Shop

Cafe Copenhagen is known as an icon within Westfield Woden having been established since the inception of the Woden shopping centre in the early 1970s. The cafe is superbly positioned and has an excellent reputation for serving delicious food and beverages, as well as its fantastic customer service. It has a large and diverse regular clientele and is open 7 days per week. The owners are now wishing to retire therefore the business is on the market to be sold. The business would be best suited to an owner-operator in order to take advantage of reduced wages and increased profits. Don’t delay making an enquiry TODAY! Price: $95,000 + SAV Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Michael Newham Phone: 0419 263 014 View Online Bsale ID 567962

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


ACT Butchery & Providore Business For Sale... Butcher and Deli

Artisan butchery and providore offering premium, sustainable, and locally grown products is now for sale. Established in 2013, this unique craft butchery and providore is ideally located in a high traffic, coastal community shopping village. The business has a reputation for ethically sourced high-quality products which has resulted in a strong following and loyal customer base. The retail area includes refrigerated display cabinets and extensive shelving to attractively present the unique produce. The processing and preparation area includes all the tools of the trade, allowing a new operator to walk in and commence... Price: $139,000 + SAV Region: State: ACT Contact: Martin Lo Surdo Phone: 02 4229 5555 or 0432 653 576 View Online Bsale ID 567820

Profitable Pizza Restaurant Located In The... Restaurant

A fantastic opportunity has just become available to purchase this profitable and popular pizza restaurant located in Dickson. Originally Walter G’s and rebranded in February 2018 by the current owners, the restaurant has become quite an icon in the area since being voted the best pizza restaurant in Canberra in 2016. The strength of this restaurant is that it caters to all dietary requirements such as vegan, vegetarian, gluten intolerant, lactose intolerant, gym junkies, celiacs, paleo, halal meat, free range pork/ lamb, low carb bases, and wholemeal spelt bases. All the toppings and dough are freshly cut and made the night... Price: $99,000 + SAV Negotiable Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Michael Newham Phone: 0419 263 014 View Online Bsale ID 567862


ACT Iconic And Highly Profitable Italian Take... Restaurant

An exciting opportunity to purchase this iconic takeaway located in Tuggeranong has now become available. The takeaway was established in 2018 by the same owners who established the original Zucchini Bros restaurant at Chisholm Shops back in 1988. The owners are now wishing to retire and are looking for a buyer who can successfully continue on with their popular and much loved establishment. The takeaway offers traditional Italian cuisine such as delicious pizza, pasta, risotto, main meals & salad for dine in or takeaway and operates 7 nights per week from only 5pm - 9pm. GREAT POTENTIAL TO... Price: $440,000 + SAV Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Michael Newham Phone: 0419 263 014 View Online Bsale ID 567850

Popular Cafe Located Alongside The Beaut... Cafe and Coffee Shop

Established since 2011, this popular and exceptionally well located cafe/gift shop is now on the market to be sold as the current owner is wishing to retire. The business sells a large range of meals, beverages and gelato as well as pottery, glass and Jewellery. It also operates under a liquor licence selling beer and wine with meals. FEATURES: *Located beside the Queanbeyan Art Society historical building adjacent to the Sensory Gardens and two child friendly playgrounds fronted by a bike path around the river corridor. *Surrounded by beautiful gardens and large open spaces overlooking the Queanbeyan River with current... Price: $275,000 + SAV Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Michael Newham Phone: 0419 263 014 View Online Bsale ID 567849

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.




South Canberra Restaurant | $56k Per Week... Restaurant

For sale is one of Canberra’s most established and revered Restaurants that has been running for over 20 years. The business offers a menu that is available for dine in, takeaway and delivery options and generates strong margins across all of these platforms. The owners recently signed a new lease at their current location that offers a prestigious location with a lot of foot traffic. The business generates an average of around $56k per week in gross sales. The business would be well suited to an owner operator and the well established brand could be franchised or the business model replicated with more sites. Whoever buys this... Price: $1,000,000 + SAV Region: Woden State: ACT Contact: Rob Illsey Phone: 0415 243 750 View Online Bsale ID 562433


ACT Licensed Cafe And Restaurant | Prestigious... Cafe and Coffee Shop

For sale is a Licensed Restaurant located in the popular dining precinct at the Kingston Foreshore. The business has been trading since 2016 and has firmly established its brand presence in the local market. The business offers a range of home made Burgers, Fried chicken salads, local beer and wine and more. The Restaurant accommodates 60 customers inside and another 77 outside with covered seating. The current owners have made significant improvements to the business including updating parts of the fitout to keep the business attractive. Turnover is currently around $15k a week under limited trading hours... Price: $149,000 + SAV Region: Kingston State: ACT Contact: Rob Illsey Phone: 0415 243 750 View Online Bsale ID 562228

Great Opportunity For A Dedicated Owner... Franchise Business Opportunities

Snap Fitness is a world leader in the fitness franchising space. Part of the Lift Brands family, we are the world’s leading wellness organisation and our mission is to deliver the most rewarding fitness experience in the world. We are on a mission for healthier, happier people in Australia and New Zealand. This year Snap Fitness celebrates 15 years globally, 10 years in Australia, and 2000+ clubs worldwide and we are not stopping there with a strong development pipeline over the next few years. Our Snap fitness clubs feature 24/7 access, premium cardio and strength-training equipment, the latest functional training options and... Price: $60,000 All Offers Considered Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Michael Newham Phone: 0419 263 014 View Online Bsale ID 562051

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Outdoor Living - Specialist Outdoor Furn... Furniture

Looking for a Lifestyle Change? It’s all about discovering what’s important and changing your lifestyle to have more time, less stress, better life balance and create the life you want to live. About The Business: Well established retailer and recognised as outdoor furniture specialists, the business has been proudly supplying quality outdoor furniture for over 16 years in Mackay. What started as a franchise of The Outdoor Furniture Specialists has grown into an independent brand providing lifestyle furniture products in North Queensland. The business has an exceptional reputation for quality products and a high... Price: $730,000 + SAV Region: Mackay State: QLD Contact: Debbie Teske Phone: 0417 702 290 View Online Bsale ID 566365


QLD Well Established Safety Consultancy Busi... Professional Services

Well established high quality safety consultancy business based in Brisbane for sale. This business was started in 2008 and has grown to provide a broad range of safety services across many industries nationally. -High margin services with repeat business. -All systems in place (can be setup to run as a passive income). -New online safety subscription service developed and ready to launch (program valued at $15,000). -Database of over 2000+ businesses. -Can be based anywhere in Australia. -Extensive handover. -Run on part time hours. -High ranking website. -Opportunity to add services and grow existing service. Listed for only... Price: $90,000 Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Private Seller Phone: View Online Bsale ID 563321

Sunshine Coast Lifestyle - Bidfood Run... Distributors

This is a very simple business to own and operate. As a subcontractor to Bidfood, you have the protection and support of the largest food distribution company in Australia. Bidfood do all the marketing and sales, they hold all the accounts, they pick the orders and consolidate them onto pallets for you. In the morning you just load the pallets, collect your manifest and away you go. You will be delivering frozen, refrigerated and dry food products to cafes, restaurants, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, surf clubs, pubs and takeaway outlets etc. No need to go to the gym as this job will keep you fit and strong! Most orders are unloaded by... Price: $375,000 Region: Sunshine Coast State: QLD Contact: Mike Hooper Phone: 0408 988 268 View Online Bsale ID 565223

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


QLD Boutique Toowoomba CBD Salon Beauty Salon

Profitable Owner-Operator Salon. Ever wanted to own your own business, then this perfectly positioned Toowoomba CBD salon is for you. Start earning income from Day 1 with this well-established, walk-in-walk-out Boutique Salon. The arcade location guarantees significant foot traffic and its location close to Grand Central allows for long-term customer parking and easy access. This business has grown rapidly due to increased foot traffic in the almost fully tenanted arcade, which is home to a variety of popular small businesses. This is a great opportunity to hit the ground running with this established salon with over 300 regular... Price: $67,000 WIWO Region: Toowoomba State: QLD Contact: Bryan Gray Phone: 0414 568 936 View Online Bsale ID 566849

Mobile Ice Cream Vans (2 Vintage And Uni... Mobile Food Vans

Extremely Profitable business. 2 days weekend work equals two weeks full time income. Fully equipped. Strong client base. Plenty of repeated business. Established 15 years (same owners, wanting to retire). Based in S-E of Queensland, covering Brisbane, Gold Coast, Ipswich, Moreton Bay, Redland Bay. The whole of the S-E Corner of Qld and Northern Rivers of NSW. This business specialises and thrives on attending Shows, Festivals, School Fetes. Private & Corporate Functions, Weddings, Sporting Events of these regions.

Price: $200,000 Region: Gold Coast State: QLD Contact: Jack Rigaud Phone: 0420 352 271 View Online Bsale ID 565933


QLD Butchers Machinery Sales Machinery

This business has been operating for 28 years selling machinery & parts to the butchery industry. Sharp Attack is very well know within the industry and sales come mostly from our loyal customer base. New customers come to us regularly through our web site. We buy through local manufacturers and importers and only sell machinery of the highest quality. Our stock holding are relatively small in comparison to the high sales. Most machines are acquired after customer places an order with us. Very few accounts held as most is payment prior to delivery. Sales revenue shown over a five (5) period. This business has increased... Price: $273,000 + SAV Region: Mount Cotton State: QLD Contact: David Old Phone: 0419 753 849 View Online Bsale ID 565207

Plumbing Business Gold Coast Professional Services

Plumbing business located in North Gold Coast with opportunities to service all areas within the Gold Coast and up to South Brisbane. Operating for three years, I have accomplished the number one ranked position in Pimpama Gold Coast with over 100 five star reviews across all social platforms. The last year, I turned over $200k with a profit margin of $120k (minimal advertising). Well trusted brand with nothing but five star reviews and return customers. Professional website and social media platforms developed. This business is well built with smooth operating systems in place from admin to accounting. My focus has been... Price: $180,000 Region: Gold Coast State: QLD Contact: Shaun Ridley Phone: 0450 220 991 View Online Bsale ID 567775

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.




Aussie Dream Hostel Backpacker Hostel

Highly sought after hostel location in surfers paradise. This modern renovated hostel in the prime tourist capital of Queensland, offers the perfect mix and location for a backpacker’s accommodation and needs. Beautiful beaches by day and a buzz in the air by dark with abundant nightlife in the heart of Surfers Paradise. With international travel resuming in December, it is an exciting time to take the leap and enter this rewarding industry! Carefully throughout and modern amenities ensure this backpackers’ stands out from the rest. Nothing has been forgotten, from open plan communal kitchen and dining spaces to the bonus of an... Price: $150,000 Region: Surfers Paradise State: QLD Contact: Maggie Stanisic Phone: 0414 676 769 View Online Bsale ID 558061


QLD Mummas Hostel Backpacker Hostel

Live & work like every day is a holiday! Presenting to market, the outstanding opportunity to own the leasehold interest of this modern refurbished hostel, Mumma’s has all the comforts of home from far away! With international travel resuming in December, it is an exciting time to take the leap and enter this rewarding industry! Located in Surfers Paradise, arguably the Gold Coast’s premium location for international travelers, this hostel is conveniently positioned to enjoy all that the Coast is famous for: stunning beaches, eclectic nightlife, a fabulous selection of restaurants and cafés, shopping and entertainment. • Located in prime... Price: $150,000 Region: Surfers Paradise State: QLD Contact: Maggie Stanisic Phone: 0414 676 769 View Online Bsale ID 558059

ANZ Mobile Lending Cairns Finance

Total Imaging Pty Limited owns and operates the ANZ Mobile Lending Cairns franchise. The business has been operating since November 2004 and will soon reach a mile stone of 17 years of operation. In 2004, ANZ established ANZ Mobile Lending, a franchise system where each territory is owned and operated by individual business owners. Backed by one of Australia’s top banks, Mobile Lenders can provide our customers more options to speak to lending experts where and when they need, giving customers more ways to bank. Today ANZ Mobile Lending Franchisees, together with their staff, make up a channel of approximately 450+... Price: POA Region: Cairns State: QLD Contact: John Zenel Phone: 0410 838 188 View Online Bsale ID 560977

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


QLD Sunshine Coast - 30 year old Well Est... Building and Construction

Well established 30 year old Fencing company based on the beautiful Sunshine Coast of Queensland. The owners for the past 16 years have enjoyed the fruits of this easy to run Fencing company. A list of our current customer base market segments * Commercial, Rural and domestic fencing specialists *Governments, Councils, Public and Private Schools *Public infrastructure assets *All types of Insurance work *All types of fencing *Retaining walls Being one of the Sunshine Coasts longest standing Fencing Company’s, this business has been successful in many ways. Not only has the current owners enjoyed a... Price: $650,000 + SAV Region: Buderim State: QLD Contact: Darren Leeds Phone: 0439 443 115 View Online Bsale ID 563256

Well Established Safety Consultancy... Professional Services

Well established high quality safety consultancy business based in Brisbane for sale. This business was started in 2008 and has grown to provide a broad range of safety services across many industries nationally. - High margin services with repeat business. - All systems in place (can be setup to run as a passive income). - New online safety subscription service developed and ready to launch (program valued at $15,000). - Database of over 2000+ businesses. - Can be based anywhere in Australia. - Extensive handover. - Run on part time hours. - High ranking website. - Opportunity to add services and grow existing services.- $110,000k profit... Price: $100,000 Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Private Seller Phone: View Online Bsale ID 563321 *stock photo used


QLD Thriving Boilermaking Fabrication Shop Engineering Manufacturer

This successful Boilermaking Company has been providing all forms of light to medium fabrication/boilermaking services to the Mackay QLD region for the last 10 years building a great reputation and well-established, strong customer base. Located in a prime industrial area it is ideal for large truck deliveries with a good holding yard and 9M x 15M shed with 6.5M apex height. The workshop is set up with 3 phase power; hydraulic guillotine, hydraulic press (pipe bending and rolling), 2.5t CAT forklift; variety of welders and everything you need to start straight away. The sale also includes site trailer with generator and toolboxes... Price: $130,000 Region: Slade Point State: QLD Contact: Jessica Searles Phone: 0400 293 146 View Online Bsale ID 562774

Buddina Icon Takeaway Food

After 10 good years I’m taking my long service and it’s now time for the next owners to make their mark and carry on the long tradition of this icon. It’s got the 3 ingredients .Location, location, location only metres to the beach nestled amongst a very relaxed affluent beachside suburb,the perfect blend of home and work. Only metres from a magnificent surf beach, the mooloolah river and parking at the front door makes this the perfect location. Massive potential for the new owners to expand with plenty of space for a dine-in menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Opening Mondays will also increase t/o immediately. Easy to learn for the... Price: $329,000 Region: Buddina State: QLD Contact: Private Seller Phone: View Online Bsale ID 562754

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


QLD Carpet Cleaning & Pest Control Business... Cleaning

Carpet Cleaning & Pest Control Business (WIWO), Be your own boss with great returns & Excellent Growth. Would suit Husband & Wife or Single operator or add on to existing business. Lifestyle business and has been Established since 2002. Commercial & Domestic work. All training will be provided and generous free training period (No experience needed). Selling for personal reasons. It is structured to perform: Carpet cleaning, Upholstery cleaning, Fabric protection, Leather cleaning, Tile & Grout cleaning, Flood Damage Restorations, Pest Control & Termite management, Servicing Areas from Coomera to... Price: $260,000 WIWO Region: Surfers Paradise State: QLD Contact: Private Seller Phone: View Online Bsale ID 560456

LIST YOUR BUSINESS FOR SALE FIND A BUYER We have packages for brokers, owners and franchise groups. View Rates



Screen Printing & Promotional Products... Clothing Accessories

Busy screen printing and promotional products shop in regional Victoria. Established in 1983 this business has been operated by the original owners at the same address nearly 40 years. Fully equipped professional print shop allows for in-house production of artwork, film and screen preparation, heat transfers and digital printing. Producing vinyl stickers, signs, T-Shirts, Hoodies, Polo’s, Work wear and caps. Trade wholesale supply options established for outsourcing of promotional product, stubby holders, and embroidery makes for quick and profitable sales. Large repeat customer base and fully documented work records... Price: $128,000 WIWO Region: Shepparton State: VIC Contact: Private Seller Phone: View Online Bsale ID 565692

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


VIC Entertainment Agency / Nightlife Entertainment

Entertainment Agency Online Business. Operating in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland. Low outgoings. Online business. Work from home. Two websites included. Seo & developer contacts. Access to over 1000 entertainers. Work from home. Be your own boss. Perfect for a stay at home mum. Very flexible hours. All genuine offers considered.

Price: Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Private Seller Phone: View Online Bsale ID 565067 *Stock photo only, not actual image

Independent Service Station For Sale In... Petrol Station

Excellent location on Busy Highway. Only Petrol Station in town. Easy to operate - one man operation. Fuel sales - 150,000 Litres (approximate). Shop sales - $65,000 (approximate). High Margins through shop sales. Fuel sale margin - 12 cents per Litre (approximate). Large site with renovated convenience store. Upgraded commercial kitchen- serving hot food. ULP, E10, Diesel and Adblue Tanks on site.

Price: $450,000 + SAV Region: Bendigo + Loddon Mallee State: VIC Contact: Chetan Zabde Phone: 0427 232 272 View Online Bsale ID 568453


VIC Licensed Pizza Restaurant With Function... Restaurant

Located on busy main road with excellent exposure and amazing lake views, this business offers: • Weekly t/o of $20,000 avg. • Excellent location and exposure. • Extremely well equipped. • 2 ovens produce approx. 100 pizzas per hour. • Trades 7 days a week – 4 Lunches / 7 Dinners. • Licensed to 11pm. • Ample parking. • Seated 90 inside and out. • Function room. • Regular clientele base.b • Vendor will assist if required. • Excellent profit margins. • Lots of room for further growth. • Ideal business for partner or families. Contact us for more information.

Price: $398,000 + SAV Region: Craigieburn State: VIC Contact: Marleine Porcellato Phone: 03 3909 4888 or 0414 933 007 View Online Bsale ID 566993

Burger / Souvlaki Takeaway Food

BURGER / SOUVLAKI. Current takings $35,000 plus pw. Excellent reputation, regular clientele. Business continues to grow. Busy hospitality precinct close to Caulfield. Excellent main busy road exposure. Surrounded by housing and apartments. Newly modern setup business. Double fronted restaurant. Liquor licence till 11:00pm. Take away, eat in and delivery . Seats 48 in / out. Modern commercial equipment. Trading 7 days. Secure lease. Rent $1,346 pw. Training provided. Ideal for family or partners. High profit business. Call Evan to inspect. This business opportunity is exclusively listed with BPA Business Brokers. Our Ref: 7297. Price: $598,000 Region: Caulfield State: VIC Contact: Evan Papadopoulos Phone: 0434 310 183 View Online Bsale ID 567619

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.




Country Business Opportunity Machinery

Excellent opportunity for owner operator. Get out of the city and own your own business with full time work for one excavator. Introduction to work , owners support for 12 months. 13.5t 2014 Hitachi excavator 5600 hours , brand new chains and sprockets , 3 buckets 1 log grab. 13.5t 2010 Sumitomo 8300 hours. 2002 Western star Truck 15L Cat and new 2021 Trailer . 2019 Volkswagen Amarok 120000 km with lockable 200 litre fuel tank. $500000+ turnover per year and opportunity for extra income. Scrap metal based business covering Western Victoria and parts of South Australia. Price: $660,000 Region: Victoria State: VIC Contact: Fred Warren Phone: 0474 082 845 View Online Bsale ID 560256


VIC Office/Commercial Cleaning Cleaning

Commercial cleaning business established 17years( not a franchise). Currently operated by a husband and wife team but could be an addition to a current business. We are only selling our client list due to interstate relocation, the sale price includes some equipment, vacuums etc. Commercial long term clients in and around eastern suburbs of Melbourne. Excellent potential to have growth, but it is currently generating a reasonable return. Full training. Low overheads. Some Day/evening/ weekend work.

Price: $80,000 Region: Ringwood State: VIC Contact: Private Seller Phone: View Online Bsale ID 562029

Business & Freehold Sale Cafe and Coffee

With an annual turnover in excess of 1 million dollars, this bustling Fish & Chip Cafe services the ever growing township of Koroit in South West Victoria. Located in the heart of a growth town on the major road it offers very high exposure. Take the chance to be the master of your own destiny owning both the freehold building and high profit business, while enjoying the scope a smaller community has to offer. - Only fish & chips in town with very strong all day trade. - Well established lunchtime cafe trade with scope to expand breakfast & coffee. - Recent new fitout of store including plant. - Plenty of parking... Price: $1,150,000 Region: Koroit State: VIC Contact: Jason Thwaites Phone: 0409 531 805 View Online Bsale ID 561153

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


VIC Curves - On The Mornington Peninsula... Gyms

An opportunity like this doesn’t come around often. Are you passionate about women’s health ? Then this is for you. Take an existing Curves Club to the next level and be in charge of your own destiny with the help of a successful business model. This Business has been operating for 14 years and still going strong. You could be part of a movement to help women live stronger together, every day. As a Curves Franchisee you will receive: • Ongoing training and support with a dedicated Business Development Manager. • Grand Opening operational support including on site assistance. • Comprehensive marketing tools, business systems... Price: $65,000 Region: Mornington Penninsula State: VIC Contact: Private Seller Phone: View Online Bsale ID 548016

LIST YOUR BUSINESS FOR SALE FIND A BUYER We have packages for brokers, owners and franchise groups. View Rates



Pet And Garden Retail Shop Nursery Gardening

This amazing retail business has been operating for 10 years and the owner has bought a caravan and wants to retire and spend time with his kids and Grand Kids. It is a covid safe business and has seen the business grow year after year. It has a huge data base, and a great Facebook following. The shop has it’s own drive through parking. It not only has a great variety of pet and garden products but it also has pets such as birds and guinea pigs. Highly trained staff make it an easy shop to run. I am sure you will thoroughly enjoy this fun shop.

Price: $495,000 + SAV Region: Caloundra State: SA Contact: Will Waterford Phone: 0408789266 View Online Bsale ID 565955

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


SA Long Established Natural Organic Sup... Agricultural

Established in 2004, initially selling one product to end users, now producing and selling a diverse range in several different markets/countries, some we produce ourselves and others are made for us. Over this time we have won 3 government export awards, recently improved our website presence which is growing rapidly due to some excellent internet marketing in this fast -developing global niche. I have worked full time until December 2018, when I had major cancer surgery. Since then i have substantially cut down my hours and now only work very part-time. I now wish to fully retire as I am well over 60. Many opportunities... Price: $220,000 + SAV Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Jim Seamer Phone: 0419 713 417 View Online Bsale ID 563325

Barossa Landmark Location – Restaurant... Restaurant

A rare and exciting opportunity in the hospitality space to lease a Barossa masterpiece in a landmark location. The new restaurant is located adjacent to the iconic Barossa Manor and the renowned Colonel Light Monument which commemorates the birthplace of today’s world famous Barossa Valley. The Restaurant is in the town of Lyndoch which is the first stop of the Barossa coming from Adelaide CBD, less than 60 minutes drive away. Ideally suited for an Italian themed restaurant. • To be leased with liquor license in place (50 persons) and 150 under application. • Fully equipped new kitchen and brand new fully furnished... Price: Region: Lyndoch State: SA Contact: Guido Auchli Phone: 0452 260 023 View Online Bsale ID 563929


SA First Aid Kits And Supplies - Over 30 Years... Medical

All serious offers will be considered. EOFY 2021 Gross Profit $98,247.34, Net Profit $71,117.94. 7-Year growth 118% (16.88% annually) as the business model is perfectly suited to the new ecommerce climate and is growing in customers while costs are already low, and online order fulfilment with delivery on demand is well established ahead of competitors. Shipping expenses can be minimised, and profit margins will grow if business moves to a metropolitan area (currently country). Part time work from home opportunity. Reliable return customers (primarily education sector). All plant & equipment required to operate included... Price: Under Offer / Offer Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Private Seller Phone: View Online Bsale ID 563842

Industrial Air Compressor Rentals Hire Services

Offers are invited to secure this well-defined Hire Business. Specialising in large compressors, complete with an extensive fleet of electric and diesel machines and accessories to service all industries. Production and Distribution clients from metro Sydney and the Hunter Valley Power and Heavy Industries are easily serviced from our Lake Macquarie location, just off the M1 motorway, 1 hour north of Sydney. Being well established, this business has the security of 70% income being derived from longterm blue-chip clients. Backed by $2M in asset value, this would be an instant profit acquisition for an enterprise... Price: Region: Central Coast State: SA Contact: Murray Auston Phone: 0418 437 880 View Online Bsale ID 565846

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.




Web Design/Mobile App/Seo - Digital Mark... Websites and Online Businesses

A Digital Marketing company (Blam Franchise) is up for Sale, as owner is working full time on another business and will be soon leaving Australia. The franchise specializes in Web Design, Mobile Apps, SEO & Digital Marketing. It can be operated by one person, as all the back-end work is carried out by the staff in Blam and all you have to do is sell and grow your business. The business made a gross revenue of AUD 40K (owner was working part-time) in 2020 and all the financials are available. The business has the potential of making AUD 100k per year if hard work, dedication and commitment is given by the owner. Price: $20,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Mohammed Atif Phone: 0416 101 068 View Online Bsale ID 556133


SA Cibo Espresso Waymouth St- Existing Store... Cafe and Coffee Shop

Cibo Waymouth is located in the busy hub of the CBD in Adelaide. The store has a unique fit-out which attracts new customers to its already strong regular customer base. There are many large businesses in close proximity, with government services and offices just a few minutes away. The owners are motivated to sell the store so submit your enquiry today!

Price: $250,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Smart Sales Brokers Admin Phone: View Online Bsale ID 562600

Join Australia’s #1 Rated Hair Salons - New... Beauty Salon

Ever thought about owning a Parisian luxury brand? It is time to become associated with a global franchise network by acquiring a new Franck Provost hair salon in Australia. Extending the opportunity to own a 5-star hair salon in an exclusive territory, the franchise will help you to leverage the proven business model for a successful career. It is the perfect platform to enjoy an ideal work-life balance while earning a substantial income. With full training and support, it is the best deal to come on the market for a long time. Established in Paris in 1975, Franck Provost has become an internationally known brand which owns over 700... Price: From $250,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Smart Sales Brokers Admin Phone: View Online Bsale ID 562288

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


SA Innovative Product With Strong Brand... Product Manufacturer

The Finn Group are delighted to bring to the market this Franchisor business for sale. This Franchise was established by its current owners in 2005 and has since its inception fostered an excellent response to its innovative product from its target market.The Franchise offers an integrated and intuitive franchise model that has put its franchisees on a path to entrepreneurial success. The Franchisor is a family-owned and operated entity currently head quartered in Queensland. However, due to the nature of the Franchisor operations it could really be operated anywhere within Australia. Since its inception, the... Price: $1,500,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Tom Jolly Phone: 0403 720 965 View Online Bsale ID 562404

Right At Home Australia - Coming Soon To... Franchise Business Opportunities

Ride the baby boomers retirement wave with a winning franchise model with GUARANTEED GROWTH. Right at Home is a global leader in home care franchises. With more than 590 locations in 8 different countries, this is a proven business model that generates substantial profit with FLEXIBLE WORKING CONDITIONS. What makes Right at Home a great investment? -Part of a $22 BILLION market. -Massive growth potential as 14% of the Australia population is over 65. -The market is guaranteed to grow for AT LEAST 20 years. -Strong brand name that’s trusted by people in Australia. -Flexible working hours and conditions... Price: $120,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Mike Fuller Phone: 1300 535 932 View Online Bsale ID 562350



Truck With Work Hire Services

Maddington based truck with work. 3 + 3 year contract on offer. Reliable well serviced 2008 Mercedes Atego 2328 truck included. 6 x 2 wheel tilt tray with winch. Transporting access hire equipment. Low operating costs. All work supplied by Principal Contractor. Currently 5 days per week. $110,000 including contract. Current contractor retiring. Phone between 6pm and 8pm Monday to Friday.

Price: $110,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Peter Thompson Phone: 0400 381 706 View Online Bsale ID 566058

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


WA Well Established Profitable Business For... Other Retail

Well Established Profitable Business For Sale, East Bunbury. This is a rare opportunity to own a wellestablished and lucrative water filtration and household pumps business located in prime commercial property in East Bunbury. Abbotts Water Filters & Pumps, a wellknown local company is in the business of selling all types of water filtration equipment, household pumps, Caravan plumbing and 12v pumps from its retail shop located in the heart of East Bunbury and operating a successful business for 27 years with a loyal customer base including mining & industry companies and repeat customers for its water... Price: $200,000 Region: East Bunbury State: WA Contact: Jay Standley Phone: 08 9792 6446 View Online Bsale ID 564156

Successful Cabinet Making Business In... Furniture Manufacturer

BHM Cabinets Pty Ltd (Formerly Broome Cabinets Pty Ltd) commenced business in 2006 and has traded solidly for 15 years. This is the perfect opportunity for a cabinetmaker looking for a sea change. The premises at 7/8 DeCastilla Street in Broome in leased with low rent and there is an opportunity to resign the existing lease on a long-term or short-term basis. Throughout the years BHM has grown its customer base and has regular commercial and private clients. BHM Cabinets has been quoting on Department of Community housing projects through Lake Maintenance for over 6 years, with this being 62% of its 2021 turnover... Price: $200,000 + SAV Region: Broome State: WA Contact: Vanessa Halliday Phone: 0411 824 119 View Online Bsale ID 565293


WA 5 Managed Hairdressing Franchises For Sale Hair Salon

Just Cuts is the largest hairdressing franchise in the Southern Hemisphere. Around 50% of owners are not hairdressers. We are not hairdressers and have owned 8 salons previously but are looking to retire after 15 years. Currently we have 5 salons for sale, either together or individually. They are run under management and when we bought our first one we asked ourselves what is the catch - there isn’t one. The team cut the hair, sweep the floor and count the money. Prices vary for each salon - price is starting price for higher priced ones. Located both North and South of river. Price: $220,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Graham Downs Phone: 0417 932 490 View Online Bsale ID 566950

Exceptional Profitable Business - $200k+... Cleaning

Whether your seeking a supplementary income or new direction in working life. An opportunity to achieve substantial income with minimum of owners commitment having small but exceptional dependable capable, well trained and experienced staff providing hassle free operation of services. Rare opportunity to step into well established operation with loyal customer base. Proudly built-up by experienced professional business owners who have maintained extremely high standard of continuous service to establish a regular loyal clientele in addition to continuous flow of passing trade from high profile busy... Price: From $300,000 Region: Mount Hawthorn State: WA Contact: Wayde Holtom Phone: 0433 505 511 View Online Bsale ID 565639

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


WA Automotive Interior Parts Restoration - The... Auto Accessories and Parts

The Dashboard Doctor is a highly profitable specialist automotive interior repair & restoration business that has been trading for 30 years. About the Business: The Dashboard Doctor is a specialist automotive interior repair and restoration business, currently located in Coburg, Melbourne. The business holds a strong reputation among car enthusiasts and trade customers as the “go-to” for quality restorations. With very few competitors, the bespoke methods and machinery, and strong expertise has led to a very profitable business over the past 30 years. Products and Services: Repairs, Reskinning and Restoration of... Price: $750,000 + SAV Region: Coburg State: WA Contact: Belinda Cusworth Phone: 0414 070 933 View Online Bsale ID 564524

Hair Beauty Salon #Golden Egg In A Great Beauty Salon

Unique Hair Beauty wellness salon. GREAT POSISTION Huge potential for right person! 44Burt st is situated in Tourist precent! Beautiful Historical Burt st Boulder which has 24 /7 Trading. Is the best posistion next to a chemist and little book shop ,oppersite a medicale centre with a Bright Street scape of jacaradas and updated facades. DO TO ALL THE CHANGES AND 44 YRS IN THE TRADE the current owner is retiring after 27yrs in Boulder and moving Home interstate early 2022. This is a Perfect OPPURTUNITY for a owner operater or you a invester to grow your wealth and have fun at the same time with the upbeat vibe of the town... Price: $25,000 WIWO Region: Kalgoorlie + Goldfields State: WA Contact: Leanne Boyd Phone: 0478 847 533 View Online Bsale ID 567203




Accommodation - Apartments - Margaret... Bed and Breakfast

Accommodation – Semi Self-Contained Apartments. RARE Margaret River Main Street Accommodation. Immense Growth Potential. $299,000 WIWO. Location: Margaret River – Western Australia. Category: Accommodation / Semi-self-contained apartments. Lease: Long Lease 2034. R.O.I: 27% High return on investment. Beautifully appointed Accommodation in THE HEART OF MARGARET RIVERS MAIN STREET, with private main street access to the bustling streets of Margaret River and off street rear parking for guests. This is desirable business features: High net profit. - One owner working 20 hours... Price: $299,000 Region: Bunbury + South West State: WA Contact: Private Seller Phone: View Online Bsale ID 561605

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


WA Beauty Salon Beauty Salon

An opportunity such as this does not come around very often. Here is an opportunity to acquire a well established business. The business offers a comprehensive range of skin and beauty treatments. This business success is built on strong public reputation built over a number of years. This business as a strong and loyal customer base, that is forever growing. The business is equipped with highly qualified and experienced team, quality medical grade equipment and cosmeceutical skin care brands to ensure that clients the best results. Stunning Space with 3 cubicles and shower. Advanced well maintained quality equipment... Price: $145,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Private Seller Phone: View Online Bsale ID 557880

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WA Panel Beating & Paint Business For Sale... Smash Repairer

Heated spray booth, pots in floor pulling system black hawk doser, drying lights, cartar scissor mobile lift Baslac water paint system 180m2 of floor space.

Price: $80,000 Region: Dunsborough State: WA Contact: Greg Lyons Phone: 0413 930 286 View Online Bsale ID 557885

2 X Award Winning Medi Spas For Sale Beauty Salon

Why buy a Franchise when you can have 2 beautiful fully set up Medi Spas and reap all the profits, play by your own rules and pay NO Franchise fees. Both Medi Spas are located in thriving south of the river suburbs with nothing to do but walk in and start making money from day one. They both perform and are set up as skin clinics which provide all advanced facial treatments including skin needling, plasma fibroblast, peels, dermaplaning, alkaline and enzyme therapy facials, LED, IPL and more...We also provide the full scope of traditional spa, body and beauty treatments. Both locations replicate each other with the same TGA... Price: $495,000 + SAV Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Private Seller Phone: 0404 833 058 View Online Bsale ID 561969

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


WA Portable Luxury Spa Hire Business Pool Services

Hiring portable LUXURY spa’s short and long term to the Perth Metro and surrounding regions year round. These are the only cedar linded hire spas in perth. No ugly signage, tarps or gas bottles boxes. Special event or party planed or just want to spend quality time with friends and family at home, a spa from Perth Spa Hire will add that bit of extra excitement and atmosphere to the occasion. Bucks/Hens party, Anniversary, Birthdays, long weekends, Australia Day & Grand Final days celebrations, Easter, Christmas and New Years Eve party, Romantic weekend, relaxing at home. What’s included: Website, Regular bookings... Price: $60,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Paul Lawrence Phone: 0419 040 830 View Online Bsale ID 563058

Busy Take Away Pizza, Pasta, Plus Restaurant Restaurant

Nestled in a leafy suburb of the Perth hills lies a great business opportunity. On trend take away and delivery format. Consistent turn over, loyal customer base, close to schools,colleges and sporting precints. Strong mix of tenants in newly refurbished shopping centre. Affluent trade area with household income levels of $104,708 p.a., 4% above the Perth benchmark* Large service bays, great access and plenty of level parking. Supportive community. Currently trading 20 hours per week, open 5 nights 5pm to 9pm, scope to open further - breakfast, lunch, 7-day trading, food production facility. Flowing high end, well designed... Price: $225,000 Region: Lesmurdie State: WA Contact: Brett Davenport Phone: 0497 501 927 View Online Bsale ID 561673



Fantastic Opportunity! Darwin Fishermans... Restaurant

Well established and successful business opportunity! This is a simple easy to run business ready for it’s new owners. Conveniently located just a stone throw away from the city. Large premises with parking at front and rear with very reasonable rent and outgoings. Great relationships with quality long term suppliers have been established which enables the business to continuously deliver high quality, delicious takeaway food. Darwin Fishermans Warf Eatery has a good reputation and has grown a loyal, repeat customer base which continues to grow. Everything you need to run the takeaway/eatery is already here and ready... Price: $400,000 + SAV Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Dan Thomson Phone: 0492 485 342 View Online Bsale ID 566856

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


NT Highly Profitable Established NT Nursery... Nursery Gardening

Plants Direct NT was established by its current owner in 2015. The business now retails and wholesales Tropical and Native plants throughout Australia. zSituated on a 5 acre block with a 25ML water license, high flow bore and over 2 acres of growing beds, most under shade house and all only 40 minutes from Darwin CBD, the business maximises the tropical Darwin Growing Climate. Plants are able to be grown at a far faster rate than in most cooler Southern Nurseries and are generally available all year round. Key Points on the Business: *Available for either freehold or leasehold. *2 bedroom residence included on... Price: $930,000 (Freehold) + SAV ($220k) Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Andrew Hahn Phone: 08 8941 3000 or 0413 013 367 View Online Bsale ID 568224

Little Miss Korea - Darwin Cafe and Coffee Shop

Opened by Celebrity Chef Chung Jae Lee in 2015, Little Miss Korea is a unique Korean Charcoal BBQ Restaurant, also offering a modern take on Korean a la carte and express lunches. The restaurant and bar are run under management with a million-dollar turnover and mid-sixfigure returns. Little Miss Korea is an iconic multi-awardwinning modern Korean restaurant, considered the shining light of restaurants, with an adjoining cocktail bar in the heart of Darwin’s eating precinct. The restaurant boasts indoor and outdoor dining areas and a modern, contemporary fitout where ‘east meets west. The Loading Bay cocktail bar... Price: $549,000 Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Mike Fuller Phone: 1300 535 932 View Online Bsale ID 568258


NT Work Wear Alice Springs Clothing Accessories

Annual Revenue Approaching $2 million 37 Year Trading History. Work Wear Alice Springs specialises in corporate uniforms for local Central Australian businesses and retail sales of Work Wear and Safety gear including footwear and high visibility clothing. They have been a principal supplier of the Alice Springs market for the past 37 years. Their clients range from Pastoral and Mining companies, Government Departments, Indigenous organisations, The Central Australian Business Community and a wide range of general retail direct to the public. The business is an independent retailer and free to stock the brands... Price: Seeking EOI above $250,000 + SAV (Approx. $500k) Region: Alice Springs State: NT Contact: Andrew Hahn Phone: 08 8941 3000 or 0413 013 367 View Online Bsale ID 568249

Mobile Boost Juice Van Opportunities... Takeaway Food

Mobile Boost Juice Opportunity - Tasmania. There are two options for your Boost Mobeel. The first is a trailer concept which can be attached to a vehicle and transported to events. The second is an all in one concept where the vehicle and trailer are built all in one. Each concept has a different price point as we build the Boost mobeel to cater to your needs as an operator. You can operate your Mobeel anywhere in your territory, providing of course you have the permission of the landowner or event organiser. No other Mobeel partner can operate their mobeel within your territory. Part of the fun of owning a Mobeel is finding... Price: $165,000 Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Smart Sales Brokers Admin Phone: View Online Bsale ID 562540

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


NT Cabinetry Business - Darwin NT Building and Construction

Highly profitable, well established Cabinetry Business located in Darwin NT. The business has traded for nearly 30 years and has an annual turnover in excess of $2.7 million. The business provides a wide range of specialised cabinetry services including Flat Pack Kitchen, Wardrobe and vanity unit fabrication and installation throughout Darwin and the Top End. Income is well diversified across a broad range of clients including direct consumer client sales. The key highlights of the business are: • Near 30 year Trading history extensive customer base and repeat business • Very strong market branding • Excellent trading... Price: EOI over $990,000 Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Andrew Hahn Phone: 08 8941 3000 or 0413 013 367 View Online Bsale ID 562301

Babyballers Soccer Franchise Business... Children Services

Kick-start BabyBallers down under! BabyBallers is a sensational international premier kids soccer brand launching in Australia. They focus on soccer skills and child development sporting activities. Own your own BabyBallers state master franchise to oversee your region! Benefits of owning a BabyBallers franchise business: Rewarding business model - The BabyBallers international business model has been tried, tested and proven. Low entry cost – Affordable and inexpensive to run a business. Regional opportunities – Franchisees will have the option to work or live within these territories. Training and Support... Price: $30,000 Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: DC Strategy Phone: 03 8615 7203 View Online Bsale ID 561621


NT Award-winning Gelatissimo Franchises For... Cafe and Coffee Shop

At Gelatissimo we want to be the world’s favourite gelato destination. We are in the business of selling smiles and our passion is bringing people together to share moments of happiness, one scoop of Gelato at a time! We are currently looking for driven and customer centric owner- operators to drive an exciting new store opportunity in Darwin, NT. Looking out over the Timor sea, Darwin is Australia’s only tropical Capital city. Built on the traditional lands of the Larrakia, the city is filled with natural beauty and home to innovative museums, galleries showcasing local indigenous art, wonderful night markets and energetic food scene... Price: From $280,000 Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Smart Sales Brokers Admin Phone: View Online Bsale ID 561729

Popular Modern Korea Restaurant Located... Cafe and Coffee Shop

Opened in 2015, this funky industrial looking space looks like it’s come straight out of the Melbourne Cityscape. Iconic multi-award-winning modern Korean restaurant, This is the shining light of restaurants, with an adjoining cocktail bar in the heart of the Darwin’s eating precinct. The restaurant boasts indoor and outdoor dining areas along with a modern, contemporary fit out where ‘east meets west’, serving Korean BBQ and a Korean a la carte dining with a modern twist. The cocktail bar is bringing a cool small bar to Darwin with a heavy focus on Gins and delicious food offerings from LMK. The business has a solid and positive... Price: $549,000 Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: National Brokerage Phone: 1300 535 932 View Online Bsale ID 561516

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Affordable, Compliant RTO For Sale Business For Sale

Most often, when an established RTO comes on the market, the price is out of reach. Not with this RTO for sale. Wellestablished and operating in a non-competitive niche, this will suit an experienced trainer looking to operate their own RTO. Forge your own exciting future in the VET sector. No one wants to start an RTO from scratch, these days. There are too many hoops to jump through. And, it takes way too long. Much better to buy an existing RTO. But theyre usually too expensive. Not so in this case. This RTO for sale can be operated from anywhere. And it has the niche to itself. Offering the Certificate IV in Community Culture... Price: $130,000 Region: Tasmania State: TAS Contact: Mark Crapper Phone: 0490 136 215 or 1300 366 521 View Online Bsale ID 567984


TAS Popular Country Hotel/Cafe - 50 Kms From... Hotel

INVESTMENT FOR LAND & BUSINESS: $2,500,000 + SAV. *long history of successful trading. *generates consistent weekly turnover of $43,000+. *2,800 sqm of additional land available for development (STCA). *high volume bottle-shop and some accommodation. This well located hotel & cafe in an eclectic town is popular with locals and tourists. Well known for its mix of fresh produce, artists, musicians and crafts. Providing day-trippers, locals and tourists with quality food sourced locally in the dining room and separate cafe. The Vendors have reinvested profits back into upgrading the hotel facilities over the last... Price: $2,500,000 + SAV Region: Hobart State: TAS Contact: Dean Demeyer Phone: 0419 382 359 or 03 6128 3333 View Online Bsale ID 567655

$17,000+ Weekly Takings - Weekly Rent... Restaurant

Established restaurant on a major road in growing foodie precinct. The restaurant has a high-level fit-out and fully equipped kitchen. Also has a 2nd kitchen for catering or similar. Huge income potential. Seller has other business interests to pursue and a young family. This business is ready to hit its stride with the new owners. Enquire now to receive a detailed Business Profile. All enquiries are treated in the strictest of confidence.

Price: $550,000 Region: Hobart State: TAS Contact: Dean Demeyer Phone: 0419 382 359 or 03 6128 3333 View Online Bsale ID 567799

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


TAS Profitable Supermarket + Freehold + 4... Supermarket

This busy IGA is located on the Lyell Highway - the main tourist route between Hobart and the West Coast - is only a one hour’s drive from Hobart CBD, and 30 minutes from New Norfolk. *Consistent $40,000 weekly turnover - growing annually. *No competitors for 50 kms. *Lots of passing traffic - a regular stop over point. *Repeat regular local customers. *Great business for a working family looking to get ahead financially. *all P&E/flooring has been refurbished and well-maintained. *Includes rent from an Aust. Post tenant. *Owners have operated successfully for 20+ years. *Owners want to pursue other current business... Price: $995,000 Region: Ouse State: TAS Contact: Dean Demeyer Phone: 0419 382 359 or 03 6128 3333 View Online Bsale ID 567642

Work From Home Online/Skincare & Gifts... Natural Therapies

INVESTMENT: $77,000 + Stock at Value. This business officially started trading in 2015. They have a welldeveloped online store, and supply a growing number of top-shelf stockists. *Ready for someone to take the biz to the next level. *Exceptional recognisable top-shelf brand. *A comprehensive handover available by the Vendor. *Only requires 15-20 hours work per week.

Price: $77,000 Region: Hobart State: TAS Contact: Dean Demeyer Phone: 0419 382 359 or 03 6128 3333 View Online Bsale ID 567657




Profitable Supermarket + Freehold + 4... Supermarket

This busy IGA is located on the Lyell Highway - the main tourist route between Hobart and the West Coast - is only a one hour’s drive from Hobart CBD, and 30 minutes from New Norfolk. * Consistent $40,000 weekly turnover - growing annually * No competitors for 50 kms * Lots of passing traffic - a regular stop over point * Repeat regular local customers * Great business for a working family looking to get ahead financially * all P&E/flooring has been refurbished and well-maintained * Includes rent from an Aust. Post tenant * Owners have operated successfully for 20+ years * Owners want to pursue other current... Price: $995,000 Region: Hobart State: TAS Contact: Dean Demeyer Phone: 0419 382 359 or 03 6128 3333 View Online Bsale ID 562116

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


TAS Busy Cafe Espresso Bar - Woolworths... Cafe and Coffee Shop

This is a first time opportunity in 20 years to own a popular independent cafe espresso bar in the very busy Woolworths Market Place Complex at Prospect Vale Mews in Launceston city. Located centrally within the complex the cafe espresso bar area has seating for 70. Sales include coffee, cakes & biscuits, light meals & toasties, and all day fully cooked breakfast. During COVID the owner decided to cook and bake his own products both increasing sales, food range and boosting gross profit margins. Further opportunity to add to product range. The most attractive feature of this business is staff are well trained and can easily manage... Price: $369,000 Region: Prospect Vale State: TAS Contact: Chris Mitchell Phone: 0448 887 398 or 03 6128 3333 View Online Bsale ID 562220

Work From Home Online/skincare & Gifts... Natural Therapies

Investment: $77,000 + Stock at Value. Suitable for Tasmanians or people who plan to move to Tasmania. This business officially started trading in 2015. They have a welldeveloped online store, and supply a growing number of top-shelf stockists. * Ready for someone to take the biz to the next level. * Exceptional recognisable top-shelf brand. * A comprehensive handover available by the Vendor. * Only requires 15-20 hours work per week.

Price: $77,000 Region: Hobart State: TAS Contact: Dean Demeyer Phone: 0419 382 359 or 03 6128 3333 View Online Bsale ID 562120



Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.

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