



Get Ready to Sell a Business
2023 is starting off to be a good year for business sales. With interest rates creating some issues in obtaining loans, wellinformed and prepared buyers are purchasing good opportunities.
With the property market slowing, investors are seeing the potential in business and franchise opportunities. Businesses with a good ROI and a stable sales history are getting good enquiry rates.
In this edition, we are focused on selling businesses. The process is complex and a number of professionals are required to get a business sale over the line. We share advice from leading Australian business brokers and professionals to assist you in this process.
Our featured business broker is Barton Cha. A business broker who experienced the difficulties in buying a business when he first moved to Australia. We explore the importance of identifying your potential buyer and ensuring your business is marketed to the right clientele.
As always, its important to have an exit strategy and to engage professionals to assist you with the process. Whether you intend to sell in the next 6 months or are building your asset to obtain an optimum sale price in 2-3 years - preparation is the key.
Happy reading,
Vanessa Lovie CEO Bsale Australia Pty Ltd

Selling a business can be a complex and emotional process, with a lot at stake for both the seller and the buyer. Unfortunately, many business owners make common mistakes when selling their business that can significantly impact the final outcome. This article will discuss some of the most common mistakes people make when selling their business and provide tips on how to avoid them.
planning for a sale until they are already in a financial crisis or experiencing burnout. As a result, they may end up rushing the process, making poor decisions, and leaving money on the table.
P: 02 4229 5555
E: justin.bunt@mmj.com.au mmj.com.au
One of the biggest mistakes business owners make when selling their business is failing to plan ahead. Selling a business generally isn’t something that can be done overnight - it requires a lot of preparation and thought. Many business owners don't start

To avoid this mistake, business owners should start planning for a sale one or even two years in advance. This will give them enough time to prepare the business for sale, identify potential buyers, and address any issues that may reduce the value of the business. Planning ahead will also help business owners avoid feeling rushed and overwhelmed during the sale process.

Another common mistake that business owners make when
Author: Justin Bunt Business Brokerselling their business is overvaluing it. This can happen for many reasons, including emotional attachment to the business, a lack of understanding of the market, or an unrealistic view of the business's potential. However, overvaluing a business will often lead to a lack of interest from potential buyers or a lower sale price.
To avoid this mistake, business owners should have a realistic understanding of a fair market price for their business. This can be done by conducting a business appraisal that takes into account factors such as financial performance, market trends, and comparable sales. Having a clear understanding of this fair market price will help business owners set a realistic asking price and negotiate with potential buyers.

Neglecting financial records is another common mistake that business owners make when selling their business. Buyers and their accountants will need to review financial records to evaluate the business's financial health and potential for future growth. If financial records are incomplete or inaccurate, it can reduce the value of the business or even scare away potential buyers.
To avoid this mistake, business owners should maintain accurate financial records and be prepared to provide them to potential buyers. This includes income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, tax returns, and any other relevant financial information. Having accurate financial records can also help business owners identify areas where they can improve the business's financial performance and increase its value.
Another mistake that business owners make when selling their business is failing to prepare it for sale. Buyers will want to see that the business is well-maintained, organised, and ready to be transferred to new ownership. Neglecting to prepare the business for sale can reduce its value and make it less attractive to potential buyers.
To avoid this mistake, business owners should take the time to prepare the business for sale. This may include organising files and documents, completing any outstanding repairs or renovations, and ensuring that all equipment and assets are in good working order. By preparing the business for sale, business owners can show potential buyers that the business
is well-maintained and ready for new ownership.
Finally, many business owners make the mistake of not engaging a business broker to help them sell their business. Business brokers have the experience and expertise to help business owners navigate the complex process of selling a business. They can also help business owners identify and qualify potential buyers, negotiate the sale price, and ensure that all legal and financial requirements are met.
It is important that the broker chosen has a thorough understanding of the business sales market in the region the business is located in. This will also mean they should have a pool of potential buyers in their database.
The first step in engaging a local business broker is to request a customised Business Appraisal from your chosen broker. As part of this process the broker should describe their plan to take the business to market in a way that will attract suitable potential buyers. The appraisal will give the business owner a chance to assess the style of the broker, which is important because they may be working with you for an extended time period.
With less than 50% of businesses listed in Australia selling, and an average time on market of over 6 months it is critical that business owners take measures to avoid these mistakes to give the best chance of a successful business sale.

So, what is the difference between a business valuation and a business appraisal?

The secret is not to worry about which word is being used, but to understand the reason for the assessment of business value being made.
A business valuation will always give you as its conclusion, an opinion of value. That will be the reason that the valuation is commissioned. A business appraisal may very well end up being a valuation of the business, but appraisal suggests that matters outside standard valuation factors may be considered in arriving at the final appraisal conclusion. History..
In the early days of business
valuation, especially around the time of the industrial revolution and the advance of the machine age in the early 20th century, businesses were valued on their tangible assets. These businesses were large manufacturing, engineering and farming plants, and they dominated the business landscape. These businesses were valued according to the balance sheet and goodwill was not even considered as a factor in valuation theory. Subsequently, business valuation wasn’t that difficult as asset valuation can be done with a high level of accuracy.
Value a business = value its assets.
With the advance of the services age, and now the information age, most of the time a business valuer will be valuing intangible assets and not tangible assets.

This will usually involve intellectual property, databases, customer information, relationships with customers, ongoing royalty income, etc.

So where does that leave the distinction between valuation and appraisal today? While accepting that the terms can be used interchangeably, what are some of the differences that you might find when people are talking about each term.
A Business Valuation is commissioned:
• For litigation purposes
• To solve commercial dispute.
• To determine value of shares among shareholders.
• For taxation investigation or general tax purposes
• When the opinion is required to be independent.
Business valuations in this category will be defining value as
market value, the price at which a willing but not anxious buyer, and a willing but not anxious seller would be prepared to transact with equal information on both sides of the transaction.
A Business Appraisal will be sought.
• To determine the value of a business prior to sale or purchase

• Where current owners want to understand how much the business is worth with a view to improving its value
• Where the aim may be not so much to arrive at a business valuation opinion, but to generally assess the strengths and weaknesses of a business.
• Where independence of the appraiser is not important.
Business appraisals in this category may be defining value as market value, but they may otherwise be defining value as investment value or value specific
to a particular buyer that exists in the marketplace.
If you’ve been asked by a solicitor acting for a party involved in litigation to act as an expert witness, you know you are going to do a business valuation, as it must be an independent report and you may be cross-examined on the accuracy of the report as well as the independence of your opinion.
If a business broker is asked on behalf of a business owner to appraise a business that the broker is going to sell, the broker is clearly doing an appraisal. A broker doing an appraisal, not been bound by the restraints of market value, can consider all matters relating to that business that could affect the potential sale.

Browse the Latest Businesses and Franchises for Sale

The role of your team is to ensure you get full value for your business when selling.
Selling a business, whether to a family member, your manager or someone outside the company, requires a lot of upfront planning if you want to get full value for your company.

In much the same way you would prepare your house to go on the market to show it in the best light, you want to get your business in order before you sell it, to get the maximum value out of it.
Preparing for a sale often starts by building a trusted team of advisors.
The first person to contact is a business broker your "trusted business advisor" who will help you to get an overall understanding of your business, and help you to clarify what you want to achieve with the sale and how you will get there.
Your strategy advisor is likely to be a business broker, exit planning expert or a mergers and
acquisitions specialist. This person will help you:

1. clarify why you’re selling
2. identify what you want to get out of the transaction
3. help you understand all aspects of the sales process (This includes valuation, due diligence, the transition process, do’s and don’t and the costliest mistakes to avoid.)
4. advise you on preparing your business for its sale
This advice will help you take personal stock of what you want, to help you get very clear on why you’re selling, this is a very important first step or first introspection point. Unless you’re very clear on the what and why behind the sale, you may not get what you want from the transaction.
It can be tempting to go to your lawyer or accountant first, but they are going to give you very specialized
advice from a single perspective. Your business broker, on the other hand, can bring together all the moving parts—legal, accounting, insurance and tax. It is a business broker's role to help the other advisors work simultaneously, rather than sequentially.
Most of all, your business broker will propose improvements and investments to help make your business more attractive to potential buyers and maximize its sale value.

Your lawyer will help you look at compliance laws and regulations affecting your business. The lawyer will also help you anticipate any changes in the legal or regulatory landscape.

As you examine your assets, including intangible
assets like intellectual property, the lawyer can also help you understand your ownership rights and what can be transferred as part of the sale.
Intellectual property may include:
5. trade secrets, such as customer and marketing information
6. your brand, logos and trademarks
7. patents and product designs
8. processes that are unique to your firm
The lawyer can help you draft a shareholder agreement and update the buy-sell agreement between all shareholders, something you should always have current regardless of sale. The lawyer also drafts the terms and agreement of the sale.
Before buying your business, the buyer will want to carry out thorough due diligence to ensure your books are in order. An accountant can help you prepare beforehand so there are no
unexpected surprises.
For example, many business owners mix their personal and business finances.
But if you’ve been writing off business expenses to lower your personal tax or sprinkling income among family members as a tax shelter, you may put off potential buyers. Your accountant can help you identify these types of red flags and clean up your books.
Your banker will ensure you can finance a deal if the buyer requires vendor financing. He or she can also play a role in finding a potential buyer. The banker can also play an important role in helping make the business more attractive for potential buyers by financing reinvestments into the business and providing strategic advice.
When the time comes to sell your business, it is critical to maximise the sale price. To do this you will need a team of professional experienced advisors. Give yourself an advantage and contact us today.
A co-founder of Advantage Business Sales and Valuations, Dione Mauric has a unique ability to create successful outcomes for her clients - through hard-work, and a little luck! Her results are the product of a combination of skills, mindset and abilities. She is passionate about assisting business owners achieve their biggest goals. Dione's background in business spans well over 20 years and includes professional practice, commercial advisory, accounting, business development and franchising.

You don’t need to be a tax guru, but there are some things you need to understand.

You don’t need me to tell you that selling your business is a big deal.
Author: Allan Johnson Founder and Director Accumul8 Advantage
It’s your chance to cash in on the years of hard work, lost family time, and mental stress you have invested. Often, the business is your superannuation or the seed capital for your next venture.
Your desire to realise as much as possible is natural.
Giving any of that to the ATO (Australian Tax Office, in case you need reminding) is painful at the best of times, so minimising your contribution to the Canberra blackhole is essential.
The good news is that paying no capital gains tax is possible.
Your accountant will do most of the heavy lifting here and a good accountant will also help you make the important decisions. But knowing the taxation basics beforehand will save you time and dollars.
Here are a few basics to get you started.
If a company owns the business, you have the option of selling the business or the shares in the company. As a vendor, selling the shares is often the best taxation outcome as all gains will be capital
gains and, therefore, easier to retain tax-free.
However, although there are no immediate tax detriments for the purchaser, buying shares is fraught with danger. Typically, a purchaser will opt to avoid buying shares. If the company's business assets include special licences/leases/ agreements that are not easily transferable, selling the shares may be the only viable option. For other ownership structures (sole trader/partnership/trust), you will be selling the business assets, hopefully as a going concern. In this case, you will deal with a combination of income and capital gains tax exposures.
Although selling your business is primarily an asset sale, some components of the transaction may affect your profit (and, therefore, your income tax) position. The main ones are -

1. Trading stock
“Plus stock at valuation” is a common condition in business sale agreements. Where trading stock is significant, an independent valuer may be appointed, but there is always room for negotiation. You need to understand the taxation implications of the valuation.
Like the annual end-of-year valuation in your income tax return, a higher valuation will increase the business profit, so consider how that will affect your income tax outcome.
And a warning - don’t declare a sale valuation significantly higher than the amounts included in past tax returns. Depending on the amounts involved, the ATO may conclude that you have been understating your past income.
2. Depreciated assets
Over recent years, you may have taken advantage of the instant asset write-off
concessions available to small businesses.
Any portion of the sale price attributed to those assets will need to be included as a “Profit on Sale” of those assets.
It is unusual to include that allocation in the sale agreement. Typically, both parties would make their independent allocations postsale. You, therefore, have some “wriggle room”. But again, if the amount involved is significant, an unjustifiably low valuation may pique the ATO’s interest.
3. Uncollected debts
If the business accounts are prepared on an accrual basis, you may claim a deduction for any debts existing at the sale date that are not collected.

Uncollected debts are ignored for businesses accounting on a cash basis.
Any of these income tax liabilities may be able to be avoided by making a concessional superannuation contribution.
The impact of CGT is far more complex than income tax. There is a minefield to navigate, which can materially alter the outcome. So DO NOT make any final decisions until you have consulted your accountant.
As stated at the start, all you can aim for is a general awareness of the possibilities and potential issues which may apply in your situation.
Before considering any exemptions or concessions available, you must pass the eligibility tests. These are
1. Your business must be a small business entity with an aggregated turnover of less
than $2 million, and your net assets must be less than $6 million.
2. The asset must be an active asset. It would be unusual for a business to fail this test, but some assets (e.g., shares or property) may not be considered active even if the business owns them.
3. For companies or trusts, there must be a significant individual. A significant individual would typically be you or your spouse holding at least 20% of the control of the business.
What could trick you? Aggregated turnover includes the turnover of affiliates where you control the business activities, so aggregation may cause you to fail the test. Similarly, net assets can include assets owned by affiliates.
Assuming you’ve cleared the eligibility hurdle, we can consider some options. The exemptions and concessions are not mutually exclusive. You can apply more than one to achieve the required result.
1. If you have owned the active asset for at least 15 years, are over 55, and are retiring, 100% of the capital gain will not be subject to CGT.
2. If you have owned the active asset for at least a year, you are entitled to the 50% general CGT exemption plus a further 50% reduction. Effectively, this means that 75% of the capital gain is exempt from CGT.
3. Capital gains made when selling an active asset may be exempt. You are allowed a lifetime CGT-free exemption of $500,000. If you are under 55, you must contribute this exempt amount to your superannuation account.
What could trick you? For the 15-
year exemption to apply, you must retire. That doesn’t mean you have to stay retired. Retiring at 55 may appeal to some, but for others, returning to some form of activity after a period of retirement is necessary - it’s still your call.
Any non-exempt capital gain will be taxed unless you apply the CGT concession available to business owners.
You can defer the capital gain made (and therefore CGT) by applying the small business rollover concession. This concession allows you to reduce the cost base of any other active asset you purchased in the previous 12 months or will purchase in the next two years.
The downside is that when you finally sell the replacement active asset, the capital gain could be higher as it will include the deferred capital gain. But, all the exemptions discussed above will still apply to the “new” capital gain, and your age/retirement status may mean more exemptions will apply.
Feeling confused is quite natural, but armed with this information, you now have a general idea of the issues involved when you consult your accountant.
Ask your accountant to set out your tax plan in writing well before the sale so you can understand how income tax & CGT may affect you post-sale.
If applicable, plan your retirement (however brief that happens to be).
And plan what you will do with the sale proceeds now that your accountant has helped you avoid sending any of it to Canberra!


Barton Cha

Bill Gates famously observed that “people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in 10 years.” For Barton Cha, the director of Sinosmart Business Brokering in Sydney, the last decade has been one of significant achievement.
Coming to Australia in 2013 with his wife, who held a working visa, Barton craved the security of permanent residency. Buying a business was recommended as the solution, but this proved challenging.
Barton explained, “There were not many Chinese background business brokers in Sydney (when he started), and you could not get good advice. When you are in a new country, it’s difficult for you to understand the legal things about regulations, how to do the valuation, and how to get a lease. Everything is difficult and different.”
After approaching two Chinese background business brokers in Sydney and receiving very unprofessional treatment, Barton thought, “Why don’t I do it myself? Then I can give the service to newcomers after me.”
He started his own brokerage business and, except for a brief time as an employee of a national brokerage, has steadily built Sinosmart into the successful business it is today.
Barton’s experience highlights that business buyers come from all walks of life and look to purchase a business for multiple reasons. When the time comes to sell a business, it's critical to consider the potential buyer and how your business can suit their needs.
With the reopening of borders, we see more immigrants moving to Australia and buying a business as a natural and possible visa pathway to permanent residency and citizenship. We are also seeing an increase in buyer enquiries
from people with various ethnic backgrounds, such as Chinese, Indian, Pakistani, Vietnamese, and Korean.
So what does this mean for business brokers? We are seeing an increase in specialisation in specific niches such as Sinomarts' focus on assisting local and international Chinese buyers. A shared language and understanding of culture help to build bonds and guide the seller and buyer through the settlement process.
As a business brokerage specialising in assisting Chinese buyers, Barton observed, “there are not many overseas Chinese every year who are coming to Australia planning to buy a business. Unless they know Australia well, they are afraid to buy. They aren’t even sure where they want to liveMelbourne, Sydney, the other states, or regional centres. It’s all new.”
This limited pool of overseas buyers, plus the disruption of COVID, caused Barton to rethink what type of people are actually buying businesses in Sydney now. He was aware that in many suburbs of Sydney, the Chinese population could be as high as 30% to 40%.
“There is a strong demand from local Chinese who want to buy businesses, so I decided to sell to the Chinese who stay in Australia for a while and are ready for another adventure. Even students who come to Australia for three or four years of study may be interested in buying a business. ”
“And although we specialise in working with Chinese buyers, we also work well with other cultures. We have sold businesses to Korean, Vietnamese, Middle Eastern, Iranian, and Indian buyers .”
A common misconception is that immigrant buyers, in particular, Chinese buyers prefer hospitality businesses. Barton laughs at that stereotype.
“Small hospitality and retail businesses are a good start for Asian immigrants. They will work hard in those businesses and improve themselves and their understanding of Australian business laws before moving on to more complicated businesses such as small supermarkets, wholesale, manufacturing, and even childcare.”
“Remember, many of these immigrants (or their children) become lawyers, accountants, and doctors and build more business skills, understand the local background, and have more experience. They can be successful in any type of business.”
Barton also commented that the typical immigrant is highly motivated and willing to do whatever it takes to succeed. They will recruit family members to help with the workload and often benefit from the support of the local community, particularly when the business caters to the specific cultural needs of that community.
Despite Barton’s close contacts in China, selling a business to an overseas investor is still challenging.
Barton commented, “This is another reason we transitioned to include working with local buyers!”
In addition to the obvious difficulties of conveying business
information meaningfully to overseas buyers who need help understanding the Australian business environment, the added complication of visa applications can derail the negotiation process.
Speaking the same language is a significant advantage for Barton, and modern communication options also assist. But, the process can be too lengthy for some sellers and may only proceed if visa requirements are met.
The complex world of business visas is a specialist area, and the outcome will be life-changing for the applicant. The Sinosmart team fully understands the intricacies of the requirements to obtain a visa and how buying a business or property may be a critical component. Because the application process is administered by government departments, making sure the
correct procedure (including the eligibility criteria) is followed will improve the chances of success.
“The requirements can change at any time. We have to be aware of Commonwealth and New South Wales regulations. They sometimes regulate to prefer specific industries or impose employment conditions as well as capital investment requirements.”
“I am only licensed to operate in New South Wales and ACT, so we only focus on those regulations. We can collaborate with business brokers in other states (particularly Queensland) but keeping on top of the regulations here is enough.”
Barton has not noticed any preference by buyers to buy businesses in other states because those states offer business incentives. “Most buyers have already decided where they want to live before starting their search for a business. Any incentives are a bonus. The bonuses depend on what the government wants to promote at the time.”

Despite the difficulties, Barton still sells businesses to overseas buyers “mainly mainland China and a small portion from Hong Kong.”
However, he was keen to bust the myth that overseas buyers will pay extraordinary prices for businesses.
Barton explained, “I am often contacted by business owners wanting to sell to overseas buyers. They seem to think Chinese buyers will be willing to pay anything for their business.”
“But it’s not like that at all. Overseas buyers are smart and they know numbers so they can quickly work out whether it is a fair deal. Yes, they will usually pay a small premium, but it has to be fair. In Asian culture, we want to have a win-win.”
“Be ready to sell at a reasonable price. You need to recognise that business conditions will be tougher over the next few years. People have less money to spend so many businesses will suffer.”
Barton agreed that the postCOVID problems of supply chain bottlenecks and labour shortages are passing, particularly with the return of overseas students in significant numbers.
However, the effects of inflation and higher interest rates will reduce business profitability and, therefore the potential sale price of businesses in the short term.
“Rents, power, and higher wages costs all make it harder, and with customers having less to spend, buying a business is riskier at the moment.”
Consolidating his obvious advantage in this valuable niche is Barton’s focus.
“We are doing well in this niche market through collaboration and expanding our target market beyond Chinese to include anyone speaking Chinese, Mandarin, or Cantonese. We have helped buyers from Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, and Cambodia as well as Iran, Vietnam, India, and even Kenya.”
“We also help non-Chinese Australians as buyers or sellers, so although our primary focus is on Chinese, we can work with any nationality. We specialise in working with local business owners and their accountants to sell their businesses to Chinese or other Asian buyers (but not exclusively!). ”

Whether in the pages of magazines or on countless posts in social media, we are regularly presented or should I say bombarded with articles advising sellers the process of selling a business and what they will be required to do from the time the thought of selling comes to mind until the business sale is settled.
What if you are a buyer, especially a first-time buyer? Most would say that they do not have any idea of where to start or what will be required?

In most cases a potential buyer will make the decision to purchase
a business, whether their first or not. In the majority of cases, they will search the internet and find a business or several businesses that appeal to them, online. They will then contact the broker, by phone, a text message or the most common, they will lodge an enquiry online. That’s the easy part, what happens next?
Any reputable business broker will not provide any confidential information about a business, including the name or location without having a Non-Disclosure Agreement or a Confidentiality Agreement completed. The reputable business broker will also qualify the potential buyer

by requesting information about their background, their ability to fund the purchase of the business and many more questions.

The information is critical for several reasons, two of the most important are:
Finance: It is extremely difficult to obtain finance to purchase a business. If the buyer doesn’t possess solid assets and doesn’t already have a very substantial portion of the purchase price, obtaining finance will be very unlikely. The buyer’s background, experience in the industry can also come into play.
Lease: The landlord is very unlikely to assign the existing lease or offer a new one to a buyer who doesn’t have proven experience in the industry. The landlord will also want to know if the buyer has the funds to cover the rent bond and the first month’s rent. Even if the buyer has the funds to purchase the business and cover the bond, if he doesn’t have the experience in the industry, the landlord has every right to decline the assignment of the existing lease or provide a new lease.
Once the business broker qualifies the potential buyer, they will provide an Information

Memorandum prepared by the business broker or his agency. The Information Memorandum will generally provide all relevant information about the business, including the name, location and financials, such as Profit & Loss for the past few years.

After analysing the Information Memorandum, which can be confusing, especially for firsttime buyers, the potential buyer will usually have a number of questions for the broker. The broker might be able to provide the answers and if not, will obtain the information from the seller. If the potential buyer is satisfied with the information that is provided, the next step is an inspection of the business premises and a meeting with the seller.
If everything moves forward satisfactorily, the price will be negotiated and agreed to by both parties. This is part of the sale process where dealing with an experienced, capable business broker is absolutely priceless. Eventually, it will be time to sign a contract.
The buyer will be required to pay a deposit, generally 10% of the purchase price. I realise that certain business brokers will
attempt to have a contract signed and a deposit paid as soon as possible. I completely disagree with this practice. In my opinion, there’s absolutely no point going to contract if the buyer doesn’t have the funds, is not in a position to obtain finance or if he’s not going to obtain the landlord’s approval.
This is where a broker properly qualifying a buyer in the beginning of the process, is in my opinion critical. Keep in mind that even the most capable, experienced and reputable broker is mostly relying on the information provided by the potential buyer to be accurate and factual, there’s a limit to what a broker is able to check.
Potential buyers need to be honest and upfront about all the information they provide about their background, their financial position and be prepared to fully divulge all the required information to the business broker.
A number of potential buyers refuse to complete a Confidentiality Agreement and or answer the business broker’s qualifying questions. Personally, I shall never pass on any confidential information about a business without a Confidentiality Agreement completed and my qualifying questions answered.
If you are considering buying a business and require more information about what appears to be a mine field, an experienced, reputable business broker will make the process easy and seamless. If you require any assistance and would like a clearer understanding of the process, do not hesitate to contact me. as featured on

They say that the hardest part of being a parent is letting go of your children! Having provided the nurturing, care, support, teaching, training, education love and support that is part of the role of a parent, feeling that they will never make it without your support, it is very difficult to let go!
Have you prepared yourself for the day? Does this sound familiar? Does owning a business have similar resonances? Do business owners need assistance in letting go? Do you have an exit strategy? Are you subconsciously thinking, will I ever get the money I believe my business is worth?
The answer will invariably lie in ensuring that you have prepared yourself for the day, with an active exit strategy that is structured with timelines and actions. An exit strategy to ensure you get the most money in your pocket typically starts like this;
Make sure your business is in tip top condition. This will involve presenting the financial information for sale, and not for tax purposes. Get your accountant to review and normalise (adjustment) the accounts to reflect the business's revenue and costs in order to show the optimal returns the business generates. Address any legal or structural issues with the business. Make sure that the business is fully
compliant with the relevant legislation that applies to your business. If it is going to be a share sale, make sure the balance sheet doesn’t have any encumbrances.
You should determine the market value of your business before deciding to sell. Use a business broker who is a Registered Business Valuer (RBV) to establish a market price for your business. An RBV has access to market data and has undergone rigorous training to provide a fair market value for your business.

They will manage the sale process. A business broker will be able to advise you when your business is ready for sale and advise on the sale process.
Once a business broker has been appointed, an Information Memorandum or Prospectus will be developed that outlines and highlights the key features and benefits of the business. Then a detailed sales strategy will be determined that identifies the optimal sales channels and potential buyers for your business.

A buyer and their legal representatives will conduct an in depth due diligence on your business to verify the information and data provided. It is a good idea to conduct an internal due diligence to ensure that a sale is not compromised by inadequate preparation.
If key employees are critical to the sale, develop a transition plan.
If your business depends on specific supply chains or suppliers, develop a plan to transition those agency agreements. With multiple supply agreements a share sale may be the only pathway to a successful sale.
This is where a business broker becomes critical, they will negotiate the most favourable terms of the sale; how to get the top dollar for your business.
Overall, the key to getting more money in your pocket from the sale of your business is to be well prepared, to foresee any encumbrances or roadblocks and address them prior to putting your business on the market.
Then let the business broker get the top dollar for your business!
So you’ve decided it’s time to sell your business.
Whatever your reason(s) for selling, one of your first questions will be, “what can I sell the business for?“.
For most business owners, the logical starting point is the accountant.

After all, this is primarily a financial decision. The accountant has all the business details, knows the “interesting” transactions affecting the results, can perform the necessary calculations, and will have to deal with the tax consequences of the business sale.
Armed with the accountant’s appraisal or valuation, the hopeful business owner consults a business broker while dreaming of the exciting possibilities for the mountain of cash resulting from the sale.
Enter reality. The business broker has the unenviable task of informing the business owner that the expected listing price may be
somewhat less than the number provided by the accountant.
“How can this be?” cries the disappointed owner. “Did my accountant make a mistake?”
Probably not - there is a difference between intrinsic value (which is the domain of accountants) and market value that a potential seller needs to consider.
Here are three reasons for the difference.
An accountant's appraisal will focus on the business's profitability, particularly future profitability. In most cases, a buyer will ask, “how much am I prepared to pay for potential profits? If these are to materialise, I will have to make that happen. “
Because of this, a buyer will place less value on potential profits than

the accountants' valuation models will. This is not to say buyers consider future profitability unimportant, but everyone values potential differently.
Most accountants are not acutely aware of the current market conditions for selling any type of business (except accounting businesses). Conversely, business brokers are very aware of current market demand and can adjust the listing price to allow for these factors.
However, individual brokers will have differing views of the market conditions and how those may impact a sale price of a particular business in a specific location.
Which is why it is importat to get an appraisal from multiple business brokers, so you can set yourself up with a realistic asking price.
Even if everyone agrees on the future returns from the business, varying
appraisals are still likely.
When considering the business sale from a buyer's perspective, a return on investment (ROI) is often considered when determining the price they will pay.
Therefore, the seller needs to take the ROI into account when setting the asking price. This ROI percentage can vary.
Each potential buyer and their advisers will have a different target return. Some buyers may be prepared to accept a 20% return, while others will expect much higher returns.
The ROI can influence a buyers willingingess to buy a business.
Assuming everything else is constant, a business returning, say $100,000 annually may be valued at $500,000 by a buyer who will accept a 20% return but only $200,000 by a buyer expecting a 50% return.
So a buyer may place a different value on the business due to their own ROI expectations.
Selling a business is an important stage in the business owner’s life, and the desire to “get it right” is understandable. Therefore the vendor should:
1. Understand the factors that will affect the value of the
business. Profitability, loyalty of customers and staff, growth prospects for the industry, age of fixed assets, general economic conditions, and quality of operating systems are some of the factors to be considered.
2. Consult various experts. Yes, consult your accountant, but also talk to a few business brokers (local and national) to have a clearer idea of the range of possible values.
3. Be prepared to negotiate. While your broker can guide you, you will need some flexibility on price and conditions to achieve a successful sale.
Always remember value (like beauty) is in the eye of the beholder. The only objective measure of the value of a business is the number on the signed sales contract. Before that, any number contains an element of opinionwhoever prepares the appraisal.
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As experienced brokers we hear questions from business owners and potential buyers on a daily basis. Often it is the first time someone has bought or sold a business so it’s natural they want to understand what is involved. Here are the most common questions we get asked at SOT Business Brokers.
What you are buying is a proven track record. An existing business has infrastructure, financial history, brand power, assets, staff and more. Some estimates say that one in three new small
businesses in Australia fail in their first year of operation and two out of four by the end of the second year. By understanding the history of an established business, you are mitigating the risk of starting from scratch.
The reasons for sale differ from business to business but don’t be afraid to ask us why the seller has decided that now is the right time to sell. Some owners wish to retire in the near future, others are relocating out of Perth. Some sellers simply had an end goal to sell after they had built a successful business – allowing
them to move on to another venture. Sure, some owners wish to sell when their business when it is in financial decline, however potential buyers will be made aware of this. We operate with full transparency and in order to sell a business, we require a seller to provide full financial information which is available to potential buyers after they have been vetted and signed a NDA.
There has been a boom in franchising in recent years – you can find a franchise for sale in almost every industry. Unlike setting up your own business, when you buy a franchise the franchisor owns the brand, intellectual property and associated operating systems. You will benefit from a wellknown brand, typically with a long history and a good reputation. The business model is established, so you will get access to refined procedures, operating manuals, stock control systems, financial systems and more. Franchises also tend to have good initial training, ongoing support and assist with marketing/advertising. There are many benefits and disadvantages of buying a franchise.
The majority of sales with SOT Business Brokers Perth are confidential sales and as such potential buyers are vetted to ensure they are serious and then they will be asked to sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement). Once signed, you can review the business summary with headline financials. If you’d like to see the full P&Ls and financial picture, simply get in touch to arrange a meeting with one of our business brokers.
SOT Business Brokers Perth has a highly experienced team with strong financial backgrounds. The discounted cash flow valuation is still the most common methodology used when determining how to value a business and we review in detail the P&Ls (profit and loss statements), cash flow, asset and equipment value. We also take into account industry trends and competitor influences.

An offer is formalised with an ‘expression of interest’ form which we will supply you with. This is a non-legally binding document but ensures everyone is on the same page. This outlines what an offer will be, along with any terms and conditions that would be included/ excluded with the sale.
If an offer is accepted a deposit is payable and a settlement date is set. Due diligence is completed subject to the buyer’s satisfaction. Depending on the business this could be very simple or more complex for larger businesses.
The buyer can ask any questions they would like to understand the full business picture and get the confidence they need to continue the business. For example; can the claimed revenue and profit be verified? You may also wish to see legal agreements such as licences, permits, insurance policies, lease agreements, employee contracts, supplier contracts and more. The seller is responsible for collating any additional information that the buyer requires. A solicitor and accountant can be engaged at this point for any professional advice. How long the due diligence process takes really depends on
the business but you should allow roughly 15-30 days minimum.
Does the purchase price include SAV (stock at valuation)? Note that the calculation uses the wholesale value. Other costs to be aware of include; stamp duty, fees for any third parties you engage such as an Accountant or Lawyer, assignment charges (lease application fee, assignment fee, rental bond, franchise application fee, training fee), loan establishment fees, initial working capital and more.
We can put you in touch with people who may be able to help, just let us know if you’d like some recommendations.
Yes, SOT are partnered with Forrest Private Wealth who are a highly experienced team of financial planners who can advise in taxation and succession planning. Many businesses wait until a crisis occurs before success planning is considered. You may be in a great partnership now but what if things change down the track? Start the important conversation while everyone is happy and on the same page.
Got any questions? Contact SOT Business Brokers Perth today.
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about the reason for selling the business. The resultant answer after massaging will determine the course of how to approach the sale process.
In this article, I’ll share nine reasons and some tips on how to approach sellers in each of them. Although itemised, in a simple way, they can be extremely complicated and detrimentally impact the sales process if not identified early and managed. Remember, the initial reason presented my be a cover for another reason that the seller does not want to be aired.
As a business broker, I initiate conversations with entrepreneurs about selling their businesses as a matter of course. Brokers often underestimate the magnitude of making such a decision for a business owner. If the discussion is dealt with sensitively and empathetically, the broker is well placed to ask a core question
When speaking with business owners who are looking to retire, it’s important to approach the conversation with genuine awareness. They may have more attachment to their business, and their emotions may be running high.

I always try to understand the reasons behind their decision to sell, and help them to feel comfortable with the process. I explain that the transition can be a positive experience, and that there are many buyers who would be interested in acquiring their business which would ensure that

the legacy is continued. Encourage such a seller to plan for the future so that they focus on what will happen after the sale.
Sometimes, a reason given by a business owner is that they are selling their company due to financial hardship, such a situation can be especially challenging. To all those involved in the sale as there are limited resources available to pay lawyers, advertising and get the obligatory accountancy reports.
It’s important to approach these conversations with sensitivity and caution as the owner may be feeling overwhelmed and embarrassed about their situation.
In this instance, the conversation should be focused on how I can help the business owner get back on their feet. I explain that I understand the challenges of running a business, and that I’m there to help them navigate the process of selling. I reassure them that selling their business is not a reflection on them as a business owner, but simply a means to an end.


Another common reason encountered is when a business owner is selling their company due to partnership disputes, Here, it’s important to approach the conversation with a neutral perspective and listen to both sides of the dispute. Credibility is gained by avoiding taking sides.
In these situations, it’s more compelling to be transparent about the process of selling a business, and to ensure that both partners understand the value of the business. (Even if a formal valuation is called for). I communicate the importance of keeping emotions out of the decision-making process which enables them to navigate the complexities of dividing assets and responsibilities.
If a business owner is selling their business due to a strategic change, they may have mixed emotions about the decision. It’s valid to approach the conversation with an understanding of the business owner’s vision and goals. In this instance, I am totally transparent about the benefits of selling the business and how it aligns with their new strategy. I highlight the value of the business and the opportunities that are available to potential buyers. I encourage the business owner to think about the benefits of the sale, rather than the potential loss of their company.
When a business owner is selling their company due to burnout, they may be feeling overwhelmed and stressed

but not fully understand the depth of exhaustion that they have reached. In this instance, it’s necessary to approach the conversation with simple but clearly identified steps and to help the business owner understand that they’re not alone.
In these situations, I listen to the business owner’s concerns and offer support. I communicate the benefits of selling the business and how it can help them achieve a better work-life balance. Furthermore, I encourage them to take time to reflect on their goals and aspirations, and to help guide them to make a decision for their future that is logical and beyond a “knee-jerk”.
If a business owner is selling their company due to health reasons, they may be feeling vulnerable and anxious. In this instance, it’s necessary to approach the conversation with care, compassion, understanding and confidentiality. I listen to the business owner’s concerns and offer support but I don’t take on their anxiety. I emphasize the benefits of selling the business and how it can help them focus on their health and recovery. I help them understand that selling the business is not a reflection on their abilities as a business owner, but simply a means to an end.
When a business owner is selling their company because of better opportunities, it’s important to approach the conversation with curiosity.
I ask questions about their new
venture, and help them to see how selling their current business can help them achieve their goals. I reiterate the benefits of selling the business and how it can help them move forward in their chosen new career or venture. I encourage them to think about the opportunities that are available to them and to see that the sale is just an empowering step to reach new targets.
A less frequent reason given and one that is often disguised, for obvious reasons, is that the business owner has discovered that the government will be making changes in regulations and statutes that will have a direct impact on their business. Such information may dramatically affect the value of the business. This also impacts the broker’s need for a duty of care. I look at the issues and see how the seller can restructure the business so that it can be better packaged for a potential sale.

The pandemic has largely exposed the last reason for selling in this brief list. That of course is the shortage of employees. Staffing is necessary and the shortage in a business will impact its value and some owners get fatigued because of the resultant challenges.
This brief list of reasons show us how important it is to look at the sale in a holistic way. The reasons given for selling will alert and focus you on the central, core thinking of the seller and ultimately the buyer.
Remember, the true reason for the sale may be initially hidden.
Purchasing a business can be a challenging process to navigate. Business finance structures are more complex than your average home loan and require specific experience from a specialist finance broker.
NMC Finance has over a decade of experience in commercial finance and can help you secure the best deal to suit your circumstances.

We look at your situation holistically. Our indepth understanding of the finance industry allows us to source, negotiate and execute even the most complex structures across all industries

We’ve worked inside the banks. Our understanding of their pricing models gives us the insight that achieving the best rate for a business is not as simple as calculating a home loan rate
We have more than 38 lenders on our panel available to you. This choice, combined with our skillset, will help deliver the best solution for your business and situation
We operate under a set of high personal ethical standards We don’t do deals based on the highest commission. Our goal is to lay the foundations to set you and your business up for short and long-term success. We work with you at every step to understand your options, mitigate risk and maximise achieving your business goals.

Using our knowledge of the current market combined with our integrity and professionalism, we relentlessly pursue the ideal business finance structure to meet your objectives WE

With the new year underway, it’s a great time to sell your cafe – especially if you got all your financials sorted. There are many buyers shopping for a business at the moment, and the majority would prefer to purchase an established enterprise, rather than starting from scratch.

Buying an established café/ restaurant is a great option, as it will have an established name and customer base, it is already trading, and the chances are the staff would be happy to stay on. There’s a fair bit to do once you decide to sell your cafe but, if you follow the processes, and seek expert advice, the whole transaction can be smooth and successful.
The way a cafe or restaurant looks can be a major factor when it comes to the selling price. Buyers would be willing to pay more for a business which looks well maintained and presents well since it means they can immediately concentrate on growing the business without requiring any additional cost or effort.
A business which looks dirty and run down means the buyer may need to spend on equipment repairs or close the business for renovations down the track which increases the risk of buying the business. It can also make

some buyers assume the seller has lost interest in the business causing them to make a low and opportunistic offer. Obviously, there’s no point in spending on a renovation just for the purpose of selling the business, however, things like making sure everything is clean and well organised go a long way in helping you attract more buyers to fall in love with the business. You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.
In addition to the physical location, online presentation is also becoming increasingly important and it's not uncommon for buyers to go on Facebook and Instagram to check what customers are saying about the business. A Facebook profile with a significant number of bad reviews can suggest a problem with the management and operation which causes doubt in the eyes of the buyer and can lead to them walking away if they feel they don’t have the experience or confidence to turn it around.
While a clean, fresh appearance might well attract prospective buyers to view, the value of the business is based on the bigger picture. For example,
• How much profit does the cafe make?
• What are the assets worth?
• What is the cash flow?
Even the circumstances of the sale can affect the value. For example, A forced sale will probably drive down the value, as the current owner needs a quick sale, so will take an early offer.
One of the biggest challenges in selling the café business is deciding on the asking price. Most sellers will have their business professionally valued. Why? Because sometimes, when you’ve quite literally put blood, sweat and tears into the business, it can be
hard to put a price on it! Because the seller is emotionally involved, it can be hard to see the factors that could reduce the asking price. Or, the owner might put more value on a particular feature than a prospective buyer would.
A positive is that a café/restaurant has tangible assets – kitchen fittings and equipment, furniture, crockery, glasses, cutlery, and so on. That makes it easier to value, and attractive to a buyer, as they feel they are getting their money’s worth!
Business owners tend to advertise their businesses at a price that is higher than what it’s worth assuming this will lead to a higher offer. This is a MISTAKE which could end up costing you more than just your time.
Owners need to understand that the number of cafes in Victoria has grown exponentially over the last few years and has led to an increased supply of cafes selling on the market. This gives buyers a huge number of businesses to choose from and has created a market that is massively in favour of the buyers. The vast majority of buyers which we deal with on a daily basis would have looked at dozens of businesses by the time we get to show them yours, so pricing your business correctly is key to a having a successful sales campaign. Being a buyer’s market, they are less likely to waste their time negotiating with you and far more likely to just move onto another business with a more realistic price tag.
Advertising the business at an inflated price can be detrimental even after you decide to lower it as buyers can get sceptical once a business has been on the market for a long time (if it’s so good then why hasn’t someone bought it already).
In the good old days, selling a café
or restaurant was much easier and it wasn't uncommon for buyers to make an offer on a cafe business purely based off a 2-week trial. Unfortunately, these days are well and truly over.
Even though we can still sell businesses without adequate paperwork, you would be setting yourself up to get a selling price that is LOWER than equivalent businesses which can prove their profitability by providing documentation since buyers will always pay more for a business if they are confident in the numbers.
A potential buyer will want to see the financial records to establish the profitability of what they are buying. Be organised and ask your accountant to prepare the necessary documents, increasing your likelihood of selling the business at a higher price.
At the same time, banks are enforcing stricter lending criteria making loans more difficult to obtain. This means businesses that can show profitability on their tax returns and can be financed are worth more to buyers when compared with businesses where the owner has not declared the majority of their cash income (to avoid their GST commitments) and have a lot of personal expenses claimed against it which in turn makes it near impossible to get any sort of finance from the business.
Reading the fine print in leases can put anyone to sleep, but it’s important you know where you stand legally. A large part of a café or restaurant’s goodwill is tied to their location and lease tenure. This means a business with a lease which allows the buyer sufficient time to make a return on his investment and resell the business to another buyer after himself will command a better sale price.
Most buyers prefer a lease with at least 5-7 years left, obviously the
longer the better.
Another factor often overlooked that can affect the sale price is how strict the landlord is when it comes to approving their next tenant (the buyer), a landlord who is open to accepting tenants with little to no experience means we can bring through more potential buyers and increase the likelihood of getting a better offer.
Depending on the relationship you have with the landlord, it may be worth talking to them about this before putting the business on the market as the last thing you want to happen is to think you have a

buyer, only for the landlord to turn him down during the final stages of the sales process.
In light of everything mentioned above, choosing a specialised broker to sell your cafe and restaurant has become more important than ever and campaigns that just involve putting your ad up and hoping for the best without preparing for when the buyer actually comes to do their due diligence on the business is likely to be a waste of your
valuable time and result in the buyer walking away.
Having a specialised business broker which knows how to properly price & prepare your business for sale according to the demands of the market and guide the buyer through the entire sales process means you increase the chances of selling your business faster and also likely to get a higher offer.


Ithink its important I premise this article with Bsale’s position. We are a business for sale marketpalce with the goal to generate leads for our clients. This includes business brokers and business owners. In order for Bsale to be a successful business for sale marketplace we have both clientele.
There are reasons people decide to sell a business privately vs with a business broker. I dont think it is a all one-way or the other.
When you sell a business privately you are basically selling your business without the assistance of an agent. This agent in Australia is typically a business broker, though may be a real estate agent.

In order to sell privately you must handle multiple steps in the process, such as:
• Prepare your business for sale
• Create an exit strategy - how you intend to sell, writing a business memorandum, training periods, negotiation process, settlement.
• Obtaining the necessary legal documents such as contract of sale and NDA.
• Understand the price you could sell your business for (get appraisals)
• Advertise your business for sale, whether its on business for sale websites like Bsale or other avenues such as approaching competitors, clients, employees etc.
• Negotiate with interested parties and undergo due diligence process.
When you sell a business privately you are involved in the entire process. This can be a positive or negative depending on the business you are selling and how confident you are with the process. As the business owner you know the most about your business and have the ability to communicate directly with buyers without the involvement of a third party.
You get to see when the enquiries come through, respond in a timely manner and followup directly with the buyer. Creating a quick connection - business owner to potential business owner.
Save costs from paying excessive marketing fees and business broker commissions. if you are selling a business sub $300,000 it may be a good option so you can reap as much profits from the sale as possible.
Selling a business is not a quick exercise. There are risks involved and finding a buyer may take time.
You need to be committed to the process, be a good negotiator and know how to close the deal. A solicitor can assist you with the legals and negotiations process, but as the owner you need to be ready to walk the path. Getting the most exposure for your busienss
sale is very important.
Listing directly on all the major business for sale websites and applying upgrades will get you the best exposure and set you back less then $1,500.
Business Brokers have a specilasied skillset. Even though they are registered as real estate agents in most states - they have a very different knowledge base.
Business Brokers can assist with:
• Preparing business for sale

• Establishing an asking price (appraisal)
• Marketing and writing a business memorandum
• Negotiations with buyers
• Guide you through the process
They can be there through the whole process. Whether your 3 months into your sale or 10 months. They are there to assist you. Experienced business brokers will give you guidance and be excellent communicators through the entire process - connecting the dots between you, your solicitor, buyer, buyers solicitor, accountants etc to get the deal done.
Finding the right business broker. It can be a bit of a balancing
act, finding a broker who will work with you and your best interests. You dont want to go with a business broker who gives you bad advice, provides you a bad appraisal, gives false hopes, doesnt list on the major business for sale websites - or simply isn’t fully committed to the process.
The AIBB is the peak body for business brokers. It is a good idea to check if they are a member. As the business owner, you need to realise alot of the work also involves getting the business ready for sale - internal systems, increasing profits, tax implications. A business broker is not a magic wand - a business is a separate entity that needs to be well prepared.
Like stated earlier, we are biased - we have both clientele. So I wont argue one or the other. If you ask a business broker - they will say a business broker. If you ask a business owner who sold privately or had issues with their business broker - they will say privately. So we stand neutral.
At the end of the day, when you are selling a business. You want to get good advice that can lead to a successful sale. So get advice! Dont just rely on one source, speak to accountants, solicitors, business brokers and make an informed decision that is good for your business.

When I ask business owners about their goals, one of the biggest things they tell me is that they want to make more money and grow their wealth. But when I then ask how much time they spend working on this goal, by getting close to the numbers and being super intentional about their expenses and income – I’m often met with silence.
Here’s the thing: if you want to create big profits, you need to create a plan to strive towards future wealth.
For some business owners, spending time and attention on their books doesn’t come naturally. But if you want to truly master your money and unlock a whole new world of potential profits, you need to be intentional in your approach. Here’s the steps I take my clients through to get started on this journey:
Open your accounting program and run your profit and loss report month-by-month for the last year. By generating the report over a 12-month period, you can
get an understanding of your sales cycle and notice the slow periods, the busy periods and your actual profit.
Don’t forget to adjust for wages if appropriate. For instance: if your profit runs at $100,000 but you also paid yourself a wage of $150,000, then you actually made $250,000. Also, if you’re not sure how to do this, refer to your accounting software guide or ask your accountant for help.
Are your numbers in line with what you thought they would be? Are you happy with your current profitability? Are there any surprises?
For some, looking at the cold, hard numbers can be confronting, especially if you discover your business isn’t performing as well as you thought. This was the case with one client, who was turning over $1m a year and thought she had a wildly successful business. When we ran these reports and took a closer look, we realised she was just breaking even – and she was able to pay herself
Clare Wood Qualified Accountant (CPA) and Author

reports and realise you’re actually in really healthy shape.
Whatever these reports show you, the bottom line is you gain valuable access to information – which can empower decisive action in step 3.
While your profit and loss has mapped out exactly what you earned and spent in the last 12 months, your budget sets out your
expenses for the year ahead. Refer to your spending and income in the past year to guide your plans for future spending, but keep in mind that it’s just a guide; just because you made $500,000 last year, doesn’t mean that’s the limit of what you could achieve this year.
Set up some regular appointments with yourself to keep these habits up.

Schedule a profit and loss appointment with yourself at the same time every month, and diarise appointments every quarter to check in with your budget to ensure your income and expenses are lining up with your projections. If they’re not, adjust your budget and forecasts so your numbers are accurate.
Work out what goals you want to set and what actions you can take to build on your success from here.
One exercise I often suggest to my clients is to imagine the sky’s the limit when
it comes to setting goals. If anything, absolutely ANYTHING, were possible for you and your business… what would you aim for?
With a really big, bold goal in mind, you can work backwards and identify the “baby steps” to get closer to your dream result.
Most people need to make some investments in your business to realise your dreams.
For instance, if you want to be the no.1 go-to provider of your service in your area and you want to consult with big brands and land six-figure deals, then you’re unlikely to attract those types of clients with a cheap/free website. You’ll need to intentionally invest in a bespoke brand campaign to give your business the professional look and feel you need, to attract the clients you want.
Not sure what you should invest in? Consider this: if you were handed $100,000 “no strings attached” and you had to invest it in your business, what would you spend it on? Write it out and allow yourself to get excited about the possibilities.
When you decide to sell your business, you may be walking into a minefield of issues that you have not encountered before.
In this issue, we get down to the nitty gritty, and outline for you the remaining 6 top legal considerations to be aware of, as you prepare yourself for a sale:
As part of the sale process, a buyer will want to conduct due diligence of your business. This is when they will review the accounts, and investigate other areas of your business.
Being prepared for due diligence will make the process quicker and easier, and result in a higher likelihood of a smoother transaction.
I have known of many transactions that have fallen apart at this due diligence phase because the seller had not been prepared before hand – make sure that’s not you. Make sure you understand the financial and legal items that a prospective buyer will be looking for, so that you can show your business in the best sale-ready condition.

Make sure the key relationships in your business are supported by solid written agreements that are up to date. This includes relationships with any key clients, key suppliers, your contractors etc.
Your contracts should also be specifically geared up for a sale, and contain clauses that assist you in an easy transition to a new owner.
I highly recommend that you make sure all of these contracts are reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that when the time comes for a sale, your sale price is not diluted as a consequence of a buyer taking a dim view of the protections you have in your contracts.
Joanna Oakey Managing Partner
Bear in mind that these contracts can often be pivotal in helping you to prove that your business has locked-in and transferable value.
Review your business leases and ensure that the lease does not expire during the time you are looking to sell the business. Be prepared to deal with an assignment of the lease to the buyers. Sometimes when sellers are in a hurry to sell, they forget that issues like the assignment of leases can take time.
If the premises are freehold, it may be worth considering if a sale and leaseback would be beneficial.

You should have a good quality confidentiality agreement ready to hand out to potential buyers before discussing any specifics about your business, and definitely before releasing any
financials, client details or company documents. This document should be on hand and ready to go.
Will the sale be structured as cash, shares, or cash and shares?
If cash, will this be a one off cash payment? Or upfront plus a deferred payment?
If you are taking part of the sale as a deferred payment, what are the conditions to the deferral – will this be an agreed amount, or will it be calculated by reference to the performance of the business after sale?
There are many important legal implications tied to each of these decisions. An upfront payment may be the most appealing option, but a buyer may often require that the deal is comprised of some deferred payment.
If part of your payment will be deferred (as is often the case) then it is very important to consider what steps you should be taking to secure those payments. Will the deferred payment be guaranteed? Will you be able to take some security over the purchaser, over the shares, or over the assets of the company?
If your payment is tied in part to an earn-out, you must ensure that you have worked through the details of the calculation of the earn-out payment very closely. This can often be an area of dispute – so it is very important that you work through these calculations
carefully. And while earn-outs may increase the final amount you receive, you have to bear in mind that you may not receive as much as you expect (or at worst, you may not receive anything at all).
If you want to move quickly on a sale you need to make sure you have “all of your ducks in line”, so to speak. A sale can take a long time to negotiate, get the contract agreed, and do all of the steps required in transacting the sale – and sellers often badly misjudge how long the process will take. Make sure you get good solid advice from the start to help you build realistic timeframes around all of the key steps that are involved once you find a buyer.
Many of these items will need to be addressed a long time before you start down the path of gearing up for a sale. For example you may need to restructure the business to optimise it for sale – and if that is the case, this may need to be done years before a sale.
A large proportion of sellers that I meet have just not thought about these issues in the detail that they should have, and sometimes by the time I come along, its too late. The message is that there is a lot to do to prepare yourself for a sale, and it is never too early to start planning towards achieving a great outcome. Contact us on info@aspectlegal.com.au if you would like to discuss your business sale needs.

The greatest difference between the best and the rest is mindset. The way one thinks determines their entire life's path. The most successful people are those who don't focus on the negative or obstacles, but instead focus on their vision, their strategy, and their goal. Thinking about your future or about your past will only hinder you from focusing on the present moment.
Every day, no matter how much you may want to give up, there are going to be some things you can't control. The question is: Will you let that stop you or will you use it as motivation to achieve your goals?
A positive attitude makes all the difference. It can help you keep
going when things don’t go your way, stay motivated during tough times, and stay focused on what matters most in your life. When you have a growth mindset, you believe that your skills and abilities can be improved through learning, practice and effort. So how do you start?
Change those thoughts over time! Start by identifying the areas where your thinking makes you uncomfortable, such as thinking: "I'm too old to learn something new;" "I don't have enough patience for this;" or "I'm not good at anything," then look for ways to gradually alter these beliefs.
Your mindset is so important. The way you think about your life has a direct impact on how
Hemi Hossain is a Digital Entrepreneur, Business Coach and author of Fire Your Boss (Dean Publishing $39.95). An internationally acclaimed speaker, Hemi dedicates his life to coaching others in order to surface their true potential and make a positive, global impact of change and community.you live it. If you want to be successful, you need to start with the right mindset towards success. Achieving goals isn't just about hard work or dedication - it's also about how you see yourself and what you expect from yourself. Here’s 6 ways to develop the right mindset to set you up for success:
You've probably heard the old saying, "the journey is more important than the destination." And it's true. The secret to success is all about taking on challenges and learning from them, whether they're big or small. By seeking out challenges, you'll put yourself on a path to learn more lessons, take more risks, and achieve greater rewards than you would on the safest route through life.
Success is hard work and requires a lot of dedication. The first step to success is to realise that the journey is more important than the destination. If you want to succeed, you must be willing to take on challenges. Accept that there will be setbacks along the way, but don't let them stop you from pursuing your goals. As long as you're open-minded and willing to learn from your mistakes, you can turn every challenge into an opportunity for growth.
Start by setting both long-term

and short-term objectives. From there, break each one down into simple steps that you'll need to take in order to achieve your goal. This will help you build a wellorganised plan for the journey ahead. To help get you there, I've identified five steps that will help set your mindset for success. They are: Reflecting on the past, setting both long term and short term objectives, Nurturing your confidence, Making a habit of celebrating progress, Avoiding negative self-talk. Remember, maybe it's not possible for you to run a marathon right now but maybe being able to walk at least five miles each day would help!
It's easy to get stuck in a rut, so try new things! Just like you should seek out challenges, don't be afraid to try new things. You rarely know which new interest could develop into a lucrative new profession, for instance. You can allow yourself to grow by exposing yourself to new hobbies, people, experiences, and locations. You might feel like it's too much work at first but remember that it's all about the journey! Don't just sit around when there are so many other options out there.

You must constantly learn and develop if you want to be truly
successful. Make an effort to acquire practical skills in both your personal and professional life. For some people, this can mean establishing a morning routine and rising earlier. Others might decide to enroll in courses, get tutoring, or read a lot of self-help literature in order to achieve their personal development objectives.
You know that the ability to bounce back is a big part of what makes someone successful. Admit your failures and learn from them, that’s the way to get better at anything.
Our mindsets are significantly influenced by our environment. We are social beings who are influenced by people around us, after all. Be in the company of smart people who can share their knowledge with you and inspire you to advance both personally and professionally.
The process of modifying your mindset is slow. Accept that it will take time for you to adopt a positive view on life. You'll be able to push yourself more frequently and understand the advantages of going above and beyond the minimum level if you have a growth mentality.
Think carefully about the mental adjustments you want to make. Once you've figured that out, continue by refining your abilities and saying "yes" to chances that push you to grow and challenge you. Encourage yourself along the way, and don't forget to regularly take ownership of your progress.

Is your business for sale and not getting as much traction as you hoped? There could be a few things affecting the exposure of your listing that are dropping the enquiry rate. While a price reduction is usually the quick go-to that may be recommended. There are other methods to ensure your listing is getting the best exposure. After all, you want to get the best price when you sell a business and that comes from getting multiple buyer enquiries.

Listings that appear at the top of search results get the most exposure (it doesn't matter which business for sale website you are using - when you are at the top you get the most views). So look
at the upgrade options - it will be cheaper than dropping the asking price of your business!
This is especially important if your business has been on the market for a while. Most websites and marketplaces organise their listings based on featured > newest > updated > everything else. So if your business enquiries are going stale, it could be that you're now sitting on pages 2, 3, etc.
Get your listing back to page one with an upgrade! Whether selling with a business broker or privately - everyone has access to these features. Get back to the top asap!
Buyers are constantly looking.
They don't come once and decide that is the business and buy it - we're not selling beach umbrellas here!
We are talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars and a big investment. A buyer will come back. You want to get their attention. If your listing is ‘lackluster’ or has been sitting on the marketplace for a while - it needs a refresh to grab attention.
Update your title and include some numbers! “Selling 30kg of Coffee a Week” “Established 30 years” “Turning $20,000 a Week” - Gone are the days of “Cafe for Sale” - Where is the love? Tell your business's story. If you want a buyer to be excited about your business - you need to showcase its best features.
This goes for the lead image as well. It should be horizontal and clear - why do people load pixelated images in this day and age? Get out your phone (or whoever has the latest model) and take some quality images. If you are after the silent touch - ask the Bsale team about stock imageswe have thousands!
The more eyes on your listing the potential increase in buyer enquiries.
Everyone loves a good business story. If you want to get traction for your business - you need to tell its story. Building a business and brand is hard work - it took emotional and mental input to get it where it is today.
Instead of trying to “sell” look at strategies to tell your story. Tell why your business is a great asset to be acquired.
Consider options to do a press release and place on social media or in an email marketing campaign. Get the socials involved in the process and you can connect with people differently. Bsale understands socials with 34,000+ Facebook followers. We have social options for you and press releases.
To sell a business you need to connect with buyers. Read your listing again - have someone else read it. Get your advisors to read it. What is it telling about your business? As a business owner we are sometimes too close to the business to see it from the outside. Yes, you are selling a business, but on the flip side, someone is also looking to buy.
You need to have this buyer in mind.
Are they an owner-operator,
investor, family, couple, professional, industryexperienced, local, or international?
Are they buying a job, buying an opportunity, buying for a business visa, expanding their current business, or relocating?
You need to have an idea of your buyer. Write your ad for your buyer - hello marketing 101 and avatars!
A business is a separate entity to you, when you sell, you are selling that entity. Your ad needs to be enticing - you need to sell the business. What can the buyer get from buying your business?
Use sub-headings - make it easier for the buyer. Have a clear contact process. Good communication. Make it easy for a buyer to see the value in your business. Why they should be considering your business.
A lazy ad, looks like a lazy business. That's not what buyers want.
The best way to see what is listed is to register for buyer alerts. See when a new business is listed similar to yours. It may just give you an idea of the best marketing approach!


Once the decision is made to follow a certain career path there is one question to ask - what skills will be needed?
In the case of skills to be a successful entrepreneur perhaps the secret is that there is no secret. Skills can be innate or learnt, while the outcome may well be the same. So let's look at what having a skill is all about.
First, what exactly is a "skill"?
According to dictionary.com, a skill is "the ability, coming from one's knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc., to do something well." This definition includes several important elements that are crucial for any successful entrepreneur. However, entrepreneurship for many has insurmountable barriers and many folks may feel that they just don’t have the skills to ultimately succeed.
Let’s examine the five key skills that all successful entrepreneurs possess.
The power or capacity to do is a crucial element of success as an entrepreneur. Nike's famous slogan, "Just do it!", embodies this concept perfectly. Many aspiring entrepreneurs are held back by their own self-doubt and the perceived obstacles in their way, but successful entrepreneurs know how to overcome these
barriers and take action. Whether it's starting a new business, developing a new product, or launching a marketing campaign, successful entrepreneurs have the ability to bring their ideas to life.
Knowledge is power, and successful entrepreneurs know this better than anyone. They have a detailed knowledge of the industry and market they're entering and know their product or service in minute detail. This deep understanding of their business allows them to make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes. The need to know what you are talking about is often what separates success from failure. The sooner a working knowledge of what the great new idea is about the less likely a poor investment will be made.
Many would agree that being an entrepreneur requires a performance that is consistent with the image of someone others will have confidence in. Leaders are known to be habitual in the image that they present. Successful entrepreneurs are known for their strong work ethic and their ability to lead by example. Practice the right skills enough and you will become the entrepreneur you want to be.
Many regard talent as a God-given gift. Maybe that’s true in some cases, but a lot of entrepreneurs acquired the aptitude for developing a new business from nothing by trial and error before ever receiving applause for having the talent required for success. The hard work of gaining the aptitude is often called other names.
Perhaps the most important factor in success is not only to “just do it”, but rather to do something well. To be successful you will need to do whatever it is you intend to do, better than someone else. This could mean offering a superior product, providing better customer service, or having a more effective marketing strategy. Whatever the case may be, successful entrepreneurs know how to stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impression on their customers.
Ultimately, the skills of an entrepreneur may be innate or acquired through experience and hard work, but what matters most is the ability to put them into practice. Entrepreneurship is a challenging and competitive field, but with these skills and the right mindset, you’re giving yourself and your business the best chance of success.

Selling a Business Document Checklist
Just getting started? Here is a list of documents to prepare when selling your business. Read Full Guide
This information is usually prepared by your account and should include up to 3 years of information including the current year.
Before getting an appraisal its impor tant to prepare your documents
Details of the assets that will be included in the sale (Incl. any lease and loan information).

Equipment details such as;
Balance sheet
Tax Records (BAS, PAYG, NOA)
Depreciation schedule
Bank loans and outstanding debts
Documents related to the operation of your business.
ABN, ACN and GST details
Licenses and registrations
Lease agreements
Employment agreements
Supplier lists
Distributer lists
Client lists
Franchise agreement (if app.)
Training manuals
Ownership structure and contact information.
Computers and software
Stock list
IP, Copyrights and Trademarks
Land titles
Website and online presence
Selling a Business Guide
Thinking about selling your business? Whether its a sole-trader, parternship or company, we take a look at the steps from start to sold. Read Full Guide
Prepare the Business
1. Organise your documents
2. Systemise your business
3. Get an appraisal for your business
4. Assess your tax obligations
5. Establish your team
6. Decide when is the best time to sell
7. Prepare legal documents
8. Create a business memorandum
Adver tise your Business for Sale

9. Choose the best marketing channels
Did you know It takes 6-9 months on average to sell a business?
11. Filter buyer enquiries
Finalise the Sale 3
12. Negotiate with potential buyers
13. Accept a deposit
14. Undergo due diligence process
15. Exchange contracts
16. Exit your business
Australians are more conscious of their health than ever before, with two in five (43%) feeling they needed needed professional help managing their emotions, stress or the mental health over the last year. With healthcare being at the forefront of Australians minds now more than ever, comes the unfification of leaders in the private behavioural health space to expand and diversify rehabilitation in Australia.
Sana Health Group is set to launch in Australia at the beginning of 2023, the group supports more than 450 people per year with behavioural health conditions. With a historically fragmented treatment landscape, the launch of Sana Healthcare group will create an easier pathway to care for people seeking private behavioural health treatment. Under its umbrella will be The Banyans Healthcare, Byron
The Banyans Healthcare, offers a luxury residential treatment centre and premium outpatient programs, with a history of providing treatment for people from around Australia and overseas. The treatment centres allow recovery in a serene and luxurious environment, backed by clinically robust and evidence-based medical and biopsychosocial care.
Further down the coast nestled in the Byron Bay hinterland, Byron Private offers a clinically backed group therapy model. Similarly, the centre has a long history of treating Australian and overseas clients and provides an integrative program to support people with a range of behavioural health conditions.
Within the hinterlands of the Sunshine Coast, Palladium Private offers a farm style retreat nestled in
the grounds of an historic avocado farm. This offers an integrative program to therapy including one to one and group-based therapy to support people with a range of behavioural health issues.
Inspired by the Latin word for heal, Sana Health Group will launch in Australia early Jan 2023. The mission is to be Australasia’s leading specialist in behavioural health services, bringing together leading providers and offering prevention and treatment for addiction, mental health and eating disorders to those who are struggling the most.

The amalgamation of The Banyans Healthcare, Bryon Private and Palladium Private is a first for Australia says CEO of Sana Health Group, Georgie Blundell, and it echoes the overwhelming need today for high quality clinically based services to support many thousands of Australians in need.

Let us handle the sale or purchase of your business across Melbourne.
trends and determine the best approach to meet your business needs.

We are fresh and energetic. We have awardwinning valuation and marketing tools, finetuned after decades in the business, which help us to stay ahead of the pace and deliver advice that is both informed and current.
We are a game-changing brokerage in a rapidly evolving marketplace. Our hybrid, tech-enabled service model has inspired a new way of thinking and has revolutionised the way we manage the sale and purchase of businesses.

Our brokers are hand-picked for their integrity, professionalism, and team mentality; which means that you get the strength of every member of our team working for you!
We provide access to expert specialists in your sector; they will advise on current market
We offer you a team of experienced experts who are uncompromising in protecting your confidential information - rigorous, industryleading training results in sound, smart advice. Our brokers boast real-world experience and the highest professional standards.
Irrespective of the size or nature of your business, our team is perfectly positioned to help you connect with the right people. LINK has been connecting business buyer and sellers since 1996. We are trusted to get results.

Azkadenya Launches Its Authentic Middle Eastern Restaurant Franchise In Australia

Exploring the fast-casual dining encounter, Azkadenya brings to Australia an immersive Middle Eastern dining experience. The hospitality, cuisine and culture all lay at the heart of Azkadenya.
Established in the Middle East, The vibrant brand embraces all facets of Mideastern dining, through a variety of signature dishes cooked and served in a retro atmosphere, that owes tribute to Middle Eastern 50s advertising.
The successful brand operates under EAT Group, an innovative and forwardlooking global restaurant group. Azkadenya launches its franchising model in Australia after initially opening its vibrant doors amidst a global pandemic, now bolstering 12 successful outlets in eight countries in the Middle East and North America.
DC Strategy, head of franchise sales James Young comments on the new partnership.
‘DC Strategy is excited to be working with this leading hospitality group which brings a new offer to the franchise space here in Australia. Successfully launching in Canada and driving virtual brand turnover within a unique Mideastern offer, we are seeing great franchise demand in Sydney and Melbourne’

Azkadenya, founded under Omar Tabbaa and Zaid Abu-Soud now look to expand its master plans throughout key territories in Australia. Azkadenya brings a wealth of knowledge and experience under EAT Group, with the hope of attracting high-calibre, likeminded franchise partners.
Azkadenya founder Zaid sheds further insight on launching in Australia
‘We have conducted extensive research with our strategic partner DC Strategy and with our experience in entering new markets, we are committed to finding and supporting fantastic franchise partners. We are looking for experienced and motivated master franchise partners and are also speaking with individual franchisees in key markets across Australia. We can’t wait to bring our
unique offer to the Australian masses!’
Omar is a seasoned Food entrepreneur with over two decades of experience in the Food space. He has a passion for building the fastest-growing food experiences while primarily obsessing over our customers. Omar's mission in life is to ensure that EAT's customers are at the foundation of what we do as we continue to bring the most exciting restaurant experiences, cloud kitchen brands, multi-brand franchise concepts, and a community-focused food delivery application. Whilst Zaid is driven by an entrepreneurial spirit and approach to business that seeks out change. He embraces critical thinking and innovation and continuously looks to improve everything we offer at EAT through digital enhancement, data analysis, and ease-of-operation making sure we get our great-tasting food into the hands of as many happy customers around the world as quickly as possible.
Azkadenya boasts a multitude of benefits for potential franchisee partners:
• International Network, Azkadenya is run under the support and experience of EAT Group, an international group that operates in over 14 cities and 3 continents.
• Training support Through an initial training program in Azkadenya’s training facility.
• Marketing support from online and offline marketing channels.
• Low competition in the Middle Eastern franchise market throughout Australia.
• Industry growth has endured and flourished throughout the global pandemic.
• Multi-stream income options through the use of virtual businesses (ghost kitchens)
If you are interested in joining Azkadenya and immersing yourself in an authentic Middle Eastern experience, enquire now to find out more.
P. 1300 993 624
E. Jennifer.Sumner@dcstrategy.com dcstrategy.com
Founded by Rod Young in 1983, the Australian end-to-end consulting, legal, recruitment and brand and marketing firm was created to assist entrepreneurs from start-ups and SMEs to NGOs, government bodies and large corporates to develop sustainable franchise networks.
Tutti Frutti’s Significant Franchise Expansion Around Australia

Tutti Frutti’s delicious and healthy self-serve frozen yogurt is taking Australia by storm. The brand is growing rapidly, and it is a really exciting time.
Due to its low set-up costs, very low cost of goods, low staffing model (via self-serve), no issues with the supply of produce, and a kiosk model, is gathering lots of interest and is set to grow by 10 to 15 outlets per year.
The below territories have been franchised with the team currently negotiating leases.
• Tutti Frutti Gold Coast
• Tutti Frutti Adelaide
• Tutti Frutti Geelong
James Young Head of Franchise Development for DC Strategy comments on the activity for this financial year,
“We have seen Tutti Frutti become more and more popular with potential franchisees and we are now receiving 50 plus enquiries per month. With major issues in other hospitality concepts groups supply and staffing, Tutti Frutti’s ease of operations and high profitability has meant that not only did December see three new franchisees enter the network but this strong growth looks set to continue in the year ahead”
Tutti Frutti is one of the largest frozen yogurt brands in the world. Their Head Office team have worked tirelessly to perfect the Tutti Frutti business model and has thrilling opportunities for enthusiastic and aspiring entrepreneurs. You’ll be in great hands as a new Tutti Frutti franchisee and will have abundant support at your fingertips from experts in the field.
Enquire today to find out more!
P. 1300 993 624
E. Jennifer.Sumner@dcstrategy.com dcstrategy.com
Founded by Rod Young in 1983, the Australian end-to-end consulting, legal, recruitment and brand and marketing firm was created to assist entrepreneurs from start-ups and SMEs to NGOs, government bodies and large corporates to develop sustainable franchise networks.

Introducing The Exciting New Franchise Opportunity: STACKED

STACKED is a popular restaurant that is known for its freshly made sandwiches made with only the highest quality, locally and ethically sourced ingredients. The restaurant's unique menu and emphasis on local, fresh, and ethical ingredients set them apart from other sandwich shops. Due to its success in the industry, STACKED is now expanding. They are offering potential franchisees the opportunity to own and operate their own Sandwich Artisan location. This expansion into franchising allows STACKED to bring its delicious sandwiches to even more customers across the country.
The franchise opportunity with STACKED is a chance for entrepreneurs to own their own businesses while also joining a brand that is dedicated to using only the freshest and highest quality ingredients. The franchise model also allows for training and support to ensure the success of each franchise location.
STACKED's commitment to using locally and ethically sourced ingredients sets them apart from other sandwich shops and is a key selling point for customers. This commitment to quality is something that franchisees can also take pride in and incorporate into their own locations.
The founders of STACKED, Danny and Steven, brought their diverse backgrounds in hospitality, business, and equity to the table when they opened their first store in December 2020. Despite the challenges posed by the global pandemic, STACKED managed to open its doors and remained operational. The brand expanded quickly and opened its remaining six stores in 2021.

“At STACKED, we take great pride in our accomplishments over the past two years, we have successfully launched seven stores and continue to gain momentum with each passing day. Our focus remains on further expansion and building lasting partnerships with franchisees for an exciting journey
of growth in the future”. - Steven Khawaga and Danny Assagby.
At STACKED, the focus is on providing real food to customers and sourcing ingredients locally. By doing so, the brand has differentiated itself from its competitors and gained a reputation for providing high-quality food that customers can trust. The brand is also committed to ethical sourcing and has extensive knowledge about where its produce comes from.
STACKED has been successful in its mission to bring real food to customers and is now looking to expand further throughout Australia.
James Young, Head of franchise sales at DC Strategy comments, “Stacked fills a gap in the food and franchise space adding fantastic systems, marketing and operational support to a product hugely popular with customers. With 7 sites operational in NSW, this is a fantastic chance for passionate partners to jump on board and grow with the brand.”
Overall, the expansion into franchising is a great opportunity for STACKED to grow its brand and reach even more customers across the country, while also providing a unique business opportunity for potential franchisees. If you're passionate about high-quality food and are interested in owning your own business, a STACKED franchise may be the perfect opportunity for you.
P. 1300 993 624
E. Jennifer.Sumner@dcstrategy.com dcstrategy.com
Founded by Rod Young in 1983, the Australian end-to-end consulting, legal, recruitment and brand and marketing firm was created to assist entrepreneurs from start-ups and SMEs to NGOs, government bodies and large corporates to develop sustainable franchise networks.


20 years as a business for sale website is a testament to how we operate. We have packages to suit owners, brokers and franchise groups to get your business or franchise sale seen. It's the New Year and buyers are looking!

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Mechanical Business Established 20+ Yrs Mechanics
Automotive Servicing & Repair Business Tweed Heads. Long Standing Established Mechanical Business. Regular Clientele, Repeat Business, Great Customer Base Room for Improvement. 3 x Hoists, 2 are only 1 year old. In Popular Industrial Estate, Close to Major Shopping Centres. WIWO.

Price: $189,000 WIWO
Region: Tweed Heads State: NSW
Contact: Todd Armstrong Phone: 07 5523 1988
View Online Bsale ID 607400
Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to bsale.com.au by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving

Aluminium Balustrade, Gate & Fabrication...

Building and Construction
The business has been established for 17 years, offering the fabrication and installation of: • Handrails/ Balustrades, • Gates, • Privacy Screens, • Pool Fencing, • General aluminium fabrication. The business is easy to manage, mainly requiring the skills of a Metal Fabricator with the ability to: • fabricate using mediums such as aluminium and stainless steel. • Accurately record measurements taken on site at time of quoting. • Competent with hand, battery operated and electrical power tools and equipment. Owner is willing to provide training, and is an ideal opportunity for a metal fabricator who would like to have his own business or use it as...
Price: $80,000 + SAV
Region: Dapto State: NSW
Contact: Private Seller
View Online Bsale ID 604208
Very Cool Small Bar In Marrickville

Alcohol Liquor Shop
This opportunity will make your jaw drop. Since reopening in January 2022 (after COVID) the business turnover has increased constantly month on month and is now achieving around $7000 per week. There is also great potential for an entrepreneurial owner to increase the revenue via takeaway bottle sales or coffee. It’s an ideal size for a single or dual owner operator who want to be part of the growing Marrickville bar scene. The small bar has a 50-person capacity with 7 day trading. It is currently operating 4pm to 10pm in the week and 4pm to midnight on the weekends.. There is an option to extend trading until 2am (Monday to Sunday). The...
Price: $99,000 WIWO
Region: Marrickville State: NSW
Contact: Private Seller
View Online Bsale ID 607603
Dreaming Of Owning Your Own Cafe

Cafe and Coffee Shop
This newly established cafe in the heart of Laurieton provides an affordable entry price in to the bustling cafe scene. Initially established to operate under management, the business will be best served by a hard working owner operator who has hospitality in their blood. * Price includes all stock, plant and equipment and cafe fit out. * All equipment is owned, nothing under lease. * 6 months figures are available, which show an owner operator can make this profitable. * Modern internal fit out and council approved site for cafe/ hospitality. * No grease trap or ducted hood is included. * Currently serving coffee and drinks selection,...
Price: $80,000 WIWO
Region: Laurieton
State: NSW
Contact: Simon Hancox
Phone: 0423 941 136
View Online Bsale ID 606871
Manufacturing Artisan Seafood...

Food Beverage Manufacturer
This is a family business established 2004. Producing premium artisan smoked seafood, we sell wholesale direct into NSW, QLD, WA and retail throughout Sydney. ~ Producer of smoked seafood and other complimentary product lines ~ Award winning products. ~ Products made are unique and can't be replicated by others. ~ Staff of 11 (full-time and casual). ~ Open 6 days 7am2pm (Sundays and public holidays closed). ~ Lease term 1.5yrs + 5yrs. ~ Potential to open 7 days, DA has capacity for a 24/7 production. ~ Opportunity to increase sales in wholesale and retail including export. ~ Production is operating at 30% of full capacity and could be scaled...
Price: $890,000 + SAV
Region: Sydney State: NSW
Contact: Jennifer Graham
Phone: 0409 991 934
View Online Bsale ID 603345
Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to bsale.com.au by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving
Gourmet Sandwich Shop

Takeaway Food
Well established business with unique product has been trading for 9 years. has very loyal customer base. Continued strong trading figures thru Covid. Currently trading 5 days a week 6.30 am to 2.00pm. Currently has delivery partners and own online ordering. Has ample sitting inside and out. Turnover $11,000 plus per week. Rent $630 PW. Comes with experienced staff. Located in busy business Park. Operating under management If you worked in the business could expect profit of $160,000 PA. Has lots of opportunities to grow further.
Price: $240,000 + SAV
Region: St Marys State: NSW
Contact: Cameron Medcalf Phone: 0412 405 554
View Online Bsale ID 607266
Give Away For Immediate Sale, Cafe...
Alcohol Liquor Shop
Give aways. Fried Chicken and Burgers Shop (ready to run as a cafe as well) For quick sale, Rent & Outgoings (incl. GST) $6,648.73 per month. Insurance & Utilities are around $600 per month. Lettable 90 sqm 10 outdoor seating and amenities. All items are included in the sale as per the Equipment List. 1. 3 X 3 Door under bar Fridge 2. 1 X Salad Cold Bar. 3. 1 X free standing gas double fryer. 4. Variety of Cutlery and Kitchen items. 5. 1 X 4 gas stove burner. 6. 1X Pie warmer. 7. 1X EPOS system with screen and printer. 8. 1 X preparation bench. 9. 1 X portable trolley. 10. 1 X Dish Washer. 11. 1X Sink and cleaning bench. 12. 1 X Upright Fridge and Freezer...

Price: $3,000 WIWO
Region: Willoughby State: NSW
Contact: Ayman Ahmed
Phone: 0475 454 865
View Online Bsale ID 607020

Mexican Restaurant For Sale

Mexican/Californian multi-award winning restaurant for sale. Recommended by TripAdvisor and winner of Chopping Block judged by Matt Moran. Fully licensed, established in 2006 with only 2 owners. Indoor seating for 80 customers with a dedicated bar. Intimate leafy courtyard dining seats up to 40 with dedicated bar and premium BBQ facilities, great for private functions. Pavement seating for 15. Prime Broadway/Glebe location – 200 meters from Sydney university, Broadway shopping centre and short walk to UTS. Abundant metered and unmetered parking day and night close by. Handy to public transport. Double fronted with long...
Price: $650,000
Region: Glebe

State: NSW
Contact: Richard Svik

Phone: 0420 925 887
View Online Bsale ID 598256
Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to bsale.com.au by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving

Good Hand Car Wash For Sale/ Five Dock Car Wash
Great business, less workers, more money, great opportunities, cheap rent, good customers. owner works Minimum earning $2500 gross income weekly, owner and 1 worker around $1500 gross income weekly. Rent $500 per week. 6 days per week, 8am-5pm Mon-Fri and Sat 8am-3pm.
Price: $45,000 WIWO
Region: Five Dock State: NSW
Contact: Mensie Menashie Phone: 0402 549 362

View Online Bsale ID 597391
Successful Baby Equipment Hire Business... Hire Services

If you are looking for a flexible lifestyle business capable of generating fantastic earnings from anywhere within the Sydney region, this is the perfect opportunity for you! Completely set up and ready to go, all that’s left to do is walk in and start earning in the rewarding baby/children product space! The Company is an established and profitable nursery and infant equipment hire business providing an extensive range of quality products to a captive market in Sydney and Wollongong. The business has developed a well-regarded reputation for stocking a large selection of cost-effective, high-quality nursery and infant equipment. The business is also an accredited...
Price: $95,000 WIWO
Region: Sydney State: NSW
Contact: Danni Guerreiro
Phone: 0431 093 707
View Online Bsale ID 599410
Mobile Seafood Business (3 Days Per Week...

Other Retail
Lifestyle and well established mobile seafood business. Established for over 10 years & enjoys a large & loyal clientele with an ongoing increase to its customer base each year. The Business is currently based on the Central Coast but could be based anywhere within NSW and is operated by a husband and wife team who work 3 days per week with no weekends & 6 weeks holiday per year. The owners are wanting to retire. The Business specialises in providing quality Fresh Seafood, direct from the Sydney Fish Markets, to people living in the Upper Hunter on a set weekly run. This is a Business that can continue in its current form providing a very...

Price: $150,000 WIWO
Region: Central Coast
State: NSW
Contact: Chris Littlejohn
Phone: 0419 803 196
View Online Bsale ID 597411
Iconic Bonny Hills Garden Cafe
Cafe and Coffee Shop
An outstanding opportunity to run your own business on the Mid North Coast of NSW in an iconic setting. Bonny Hills Garden Café is for sale for the first time to the public in the history of it's operation. Set amongst the grounds of the Bonny Hills Garden Centre, which is one of the largest garden centre's located between Sydney and Brisbane. Other facilities nearby are the gorgeous Rainbow Beach, just 1km away, and the Big4 caravan park, adjacent to the beach is just 800m away. Lifestyle retirement villages for over 55's at Ocean Club Resort & Gem Life are all within 3km. * The cafe prides itself on superior service, dedicated excellence to coffee and...

Price: $549,000 WIWO
Region: Bonny Hills
State: NSW
Contact: Simon Hancox
Phone: 0423 941 136
View Online Bsale ID 600004
Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to bsale.com.au by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving
Lifestyle Opportunity - Beautifully Pres... Cafe and

Coffee Shop
Established in March 2021 this little gem located in the heart of Seaforth's busy shopping village at the busiest junction of the Northern Beaches en route to Manly has amassed a loyal following of customers addicted to the perfect cup of coffee. There is ample indoor seating catering for 32 customers. Having recently undergone a major refurbishment there is nothing left for a new owner to do except take over! While the business is owner operated the shop is being offered for sale due to personal family circumstances they have reluctantly decided to sell. The current lease runs through to 22 September 2024 upon which there is a Three (3) Year...
Price: $25,000 + SAV
Region: Seaforth State: NSW
Contact: George Malouf

Phone: 0410 686 129
View Online Bsale ID 597836
Historic Pub In Rural NSW

Alcohol Liquor Shop
The Walcha Road Hotel was built in the 1860's and stands today as an icon in the local area. The property is 1.368 Hectares, including the freestanding historic pub, railway carriage, sheds and three self-contained cabins for accomodation. Operating a Bar, Take Away Licence and Restaurant from the professional Chef's kitchen, with adjoining bakery facilities this is a unique opportunity. The current owners have been there 20 years, and are looking to retire. There is lots of potential here and other than Social media and in-house WiFi operates on a low tech basis, presenting an enormous opportunity to grow for the new owners. This is a tree...
Price: $850,000 WIWO
Region: Walcha
State: NSW
Contact: Trevor Long
Phone: 0412 418 146
View Online Bsale ID 597440
Service Station In Riverina
Petrol Station

Independent Mobil Service Station. Locally staffed. Its in a Famous Country Town about 3 hours drive Southwest of Sydney. Offers over $125,000 +SAV. Independent Mobil Service Station in a Famous Country Town about 3 hours drive Southwest of Sydney. Lot of potential to grow the business further as the location is famous as gateway to the Snowy mountains region. • Currently under management but the landlord would prefer a owner operator. • Head Lease $8,000+GST/month, Lease till 2028 + 5 +5 (2 options for another 10 years). • Monthly over 140,000 litres of fuel sale. Commission agent with 10 cents margin on fuel. • Monthly Shop sale is over...
Price: $125,000
Region: Wagga Wagga + Riverina
State: NSW
Contact: Justin Foster Phone: 0426 052 795
View Online Bsale ID 597883
Stunning Restaurant & Bar For Sale

This business presents a great opportunity to potential buyers - a stunning fit-out, key location, on-premise liquor licence and immaculately presented venue! 8 years remaining on current lease. Skilled and enthusiastic team already in place. Owners relocating interstate. A beautifully presented restaurant and bar located on the the high street of a bustling neighbourhood within the city fringe. Key points: - 50 seats inside, 25 seats outside - On-premise licence - All equipment owned outright, including an extremely well-equipped kitchen with all assets included in the sale - Great reputation, good reviews and strong social media following - New fit-out...
Price: $175,000
Region: Glebe
State: NSW
Contact: Private Seller
View Online Bsale ID 600798
Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to bsale.com.au by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving
Gift Basket Business - Online And In Store

Other Retail
Well established online gift hamper business with solid online presence and regular corporate customers, this is a bargain available right now! Business specialises in local products and provides a delivery service to local Canberra areas including regional Canberra. Also offers nationwide shipping of products. With a clean, spacious office space in Fyshwick - with low overheads and no shop front (office open by negotiation) - you can grow your online presence to a wider audience and beyond! Flexible work hours available. On Offer: Commercial Lease in Fyshwick - 111m2 with indoor toilet, air conditioning and 3 car parking spaces. Assets included...
Price: $70,000
Region: Fyshwick

State: ACT
Contact: Sharon Isherwood
Phone: 0403 093 715
View Online Bsale ID 605981
Hawker Take Away & Pizza/Very Well... Takeaway

Selling a family owned, well established business, Hawker Take Away and Pizza, with regular clients and passer-by including students, office staff, local workers, tradies etc. for $350,000(price negotiable). Offers welcome. It is located in Hawker Shops, close to local shops, butcher shop, pharmacy, Woolworths and plenty of free parking. Hawker Take Away and Pizza owners pride themselves on the freshly prepared and cooked food such as pizzas, fish and chips, burgers etc. with the customers really appreciating the good quality and taste of the food. Business Highlights: • Approximately 150 sqm which gives you the oportunity to either keep it as...

Price: $350,000
Region: Hawker State: ACT
Contact: Aristeidis Diamantis Phone: 0448 300 050
View Online Bsale ID 605563
Successful Restaurant In The Heart Of... Restaurant

Huge Price Reduction - Priced to Sell!!! Here is your opportunity to own a relatively new, but highly successful restaurant with a fantastic reputation in the heart of Canberra's booming Gungahlin region. It has built a reputation for providing delicious food and fantastic service both in the restaurant directly, as well as the surrounding areas via food delivery services. Open 7 days per week and a popular place for private functions the growth potential for a new owner is endless, whether run by the owner themselves, or under management as a fantastic investment opportunity. Do not miss your chance to snap up an amazing opportunity in a tightly...
Price: $239,000
Region: Gungahlin State: ACT
Contact: Kagan Skipper Phone: 02 5117 3106
View Online Bsale ID 598312
Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to bsale.com.au by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

Profitable Health Food Store Located In ... Natural Therapies

Established for approximately 20 years, this Go Vita store has certainly stood the test of time. They stock a large range of health foods, vitamins, supplements, household products, body products, as well as gifts. The business operates Monday to Friday 9am to 5.30pm, Saturday 9am - 5pm and Sunday 10am - 4pm. There is scope to open the store on Friday nights. There is long lease in place to 2026. The business has recently transitioned to be run under full-time management. Previously the current owner was working approximately 16 hours per week. If this sounds like the business for you, then don't delay making an enquiry TODAY! Sale Price $150,000...
Price: $150,000 + SAV
Region: Canberra State: ACT

Contact: Michael Newham
Phone: 0419 263 014
View Online Bsale ID 602447
Chipmunks Indoor Playground Franchise...

Franchise Business
Australasia's most popular kids indoor playground. Chipmunks Playland & Café is a unique business idea incorporating pay for play, specialised birthday parties & private venue hire, and a full-service café, making Chipmunks a most loved family entertainment destination. Today Chipmunks Playland & Café operates more than 20 kids indoor play centres throughout Queensland, Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia. Benefits of owning a Chipmunks indoor playground: -Proven business model with a track record of success and market longevity. -25+ years of industry experience. -Untapped market channelling children...

Price: $850,000
Region: Canberra
State: ACT
Contact: Bernie Carroll
Phone: 1300 227 227 or 0430 802 508
View Online Bsale ID 602515
Join Australia's #1 Rated Hair Salons...
Franchise Business Opportunities
Ever thought about owning a Parisian luxury brand? It is time to become associated with a global franchise network by acquiring a new Franck Provost hair salon in Australia. Extending the opportunity to own a 5-star hair salon in an exclusive territory, the franchise will help you to leverage the proven business model for a successful career. It is the perfect platform to enjoy an ideal worklife balance while earning a substantial income. With full training and support, it is the best deal to come on the market for a long time. Established in Paris in 1975, Franck Provost has become an internationally known brand which owns over 700 salons across 30 countries...

Price: From $250,000
Region: Canberra State: ACT
Contact: Smart Sales Brokers Admin
View Online Bsale ID 602107
Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to bsale.com.au by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving
Cafe Franchise Group Franchise - A Rewar..
Cafe and Coffee Shop
An Excellent Opportunity To Become A Part Of The HighPerforming And Fast-Growing Coffee Franchise Network! Become part of the Cafe Franchise Group , Established in 2002, we well established franchise system with multiple Brands across Canberra, Queensland and New South Wales. We are a locally owned and managed gourmet coffee chain, which boasts of quality coffee and exceptional customer service. Our cafes are designed around a passion for gourmet coffee and food. With a contemporary and consumer friendly environment, our cafes are custom built to drive both food and beverage sales along with retail products. As one of our Cafe...

Price: $150,000 - $250,000
Region: Canberra State: ACT
Contact: Smart Sales Brokers Admin
View Online Bsale ID 602554
Boutique Medical, Aesthetic, And Weight... Medical
Profits of $482k+ Sale Price $1,200,000. A boutique medical, aesthetic, and weight loss clinic with a regional monopoly on Cooltech non-surgical, fat-freezing machines, outside of medical clinics. This clinic is in the heart of a commercial center with cutting-edge medicalgrade technology to deliver the best, non-surgical, results with little or no downtime. All the major equipment is relatively new, fully owned, and maintained in excellent condition by the manufacturers. - Cooltech – The only clinic in the region that can offer these fat-freezing machines, of which the clinic offers 4, give permanent results to non-surgically remove, sculpt, and contour...

Price: $1,200,000
Region: Canberra
State: ACT
Contact: Xcllusive Business Sales
Phone: 02 9817 3331
View Online Bsale ID 601998
Pet Cremation - Moreton Bay Hire Services

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. These businesses very seldom get on the market. Due to the complex approval process by council , local and federal government it can take up to 1 year for approval. All that is done. I have laid the foundation and doing very well, I have approx 6 Vets on board and one national company. Also very well supported by the community. I am running this as a family business, but the opportunity to grow this as big as you want is easy to achieved. Great income and growing this is a fail proof business. All new equipment. Incinerators, freezers and 2 x vehicles included, ready...
Price: $290,000 WIWO
Region: Brisbane

State: QLD
Contact: Heinrich Francois Van Rensburg
Phone: 0433 031 015
View Online Bsale ID 607149
Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to bsale.com.au by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an
Work From Home - Niche, Unique...
Working from Home Businesses
Niche market - Easily operated by one person from anywhere in Australia - Home Based – Limited Opposition- Good Current Sales ( $104,500 in 3 months )
Unique Business as Australia’s only complete specialist supplier of a full range of church furniture. Great potential. No special skills required. Full training and 3 months ongoing support provided. We set up the business to be the specialist supplier of church furniture in Australia. There a few companies that sell individual steel framed church chairs as part of a wide range of other products. Also there are only two pew suppliers...

Price: $19,750
Region: Brisbane State: QLD
Contact: Peter Stewart
Phone: 07 3369 9668
View Online Bsale ID 604280
SteamPunk Time
Clothing Accessories
Mixed fashion and accessories

Price: $140,000 WIWO
Region: Sarina State: QLD
Contact: Barbara Davis
Phone: 0457 989 090
View Online Bsale ID 604833
Event Florals Business: Top-Tier Venues...

This is a unique opportunity to own a highly successful and well-established event florist business in the central Brisbane area. With a strong financial foundation and potential for growth, this business is a rare find and not to be missed. With a consistent pipeline of new leads and exceptional processes in place. The business would benefit from a marketing strategy and the potential to expand the sales team, with a strong online presence and exceptional referrals from past attendees & venues.
Skills: The ideal owner for this business would need to be business-savvy, detail-oriented, and have a strong...

Region: Brisbane State: QLD
Contact: Private Seller
View Online Bsale ID 606413
Bundaberg East Post Office

Post Offices
Phone Greg McMahon for more information on...
Price: $520,000 WIWO
Region: Bundaberg State: QLD
Contact: Stacey Petersen
View Online Bsale ID 606228
Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to bsale.com.au by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

Successful SEQ Business With Existing...

Building and Construction
Kitset Assembly Services is a Professional, International franchise brand with 40 franchisees across Australasia. This listing is for the sale of our successful corporately owned franchise and includes; - Kitset Assembly Services Franchise Opportunity Fee. - 2021 LDV G10+ Van. - Full Van Vinyl Wrap worth $6500. - Full Tool Setup worth $5000. - 4 Weeks of Training worth $4000.

- Initial Marketing Collateral and Uniform worth $2000.

- Ongoing support to help build your business. Ongoing Fees are: - Flat Monthly Royalty of $1000 - No percentage of turnover - Monthly Marketing Contribution of $250...

Price: $79,000
Region: Gold Coast State: QLD
Contact: Liam Flew
Phone: 0497 977 002
View Online Bsale ID 600458

Don't Miss Out - Florist And Gift Business...

Get in early so you can profit on the busiest trading day of the year - Valentines Day !! A love of flowers, gift giving, and creative flair is all you need. This business is an independent florist shop that is beautifully presented. Stocked with gorgeous, fresh florals, indoor plants and a high end range of gift lines. Key Features: -Online presence . -Staff in place. -Other income streams such as giftware, indoor plants and hampers. -Consistent loyal & repeat customers . -Ideal shop location . -Trading 6 days a week, including online orders. -Opportunity for growth. -Training in day-to-day operation will be provided...
Region: Brisbane State: QLD
Contact: Lara Cassidy Phone: 07 3368 4010 or 0450 567 800
View Online Bsale ID 599465
Dog Training Franchise, Sunshine Coast Franchise Business Opportunities

Selling due to ill health. WHO ARE WE? Bark Busters is a franchise with a difference. Founded in 1989, we are the largest dog training company in the world and every franchisee is treated like family with care and respect.
REGRETFUL SALE. I was with Bark Busters for 25 years and I loved every minute because the methods are kind, non physical, simple, and you will see results happen immediately in your first lesson! WHO IS THIS BUSINESS FOR? If you love dogs and love interacting with and helping people you will love this business. Anyone who wants to make peoples' and dogs' lives better by...
Price: $58,000
Region: Minyama State: QLD
Contact: Faith Wild Phone: 0412 017 799
View Online Bsale ID 600501
Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to bsale.com.au by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions
Stylish High Class Boutique Hair Salon...

Hair Salon
Perfect opportunity to purchase a high-class quality hair salon that ticks all the boxes. This profitable hair salon is located in a booming suburb only 15 minutes from Brisbane City. *This hair salon was established by the current owner about 5 years ago. *6 chairs, 2 basins in a beautifully decorated salon. *Excellent reliable staff . *Operates 5 days/week. *New online sales will increase the turnover substantially. *Large number of loyal local clientele. *Excellent Google reviews. *Very low rent $533/ wk. *Current lease expires in 3 years. *Owner prepared to trial. *Return to a working owner: 2022 $135,000+...
Price: $129,000 + SAV
Region: Brisbane
State: QLD
Contact: Arnold Pierce Kelsey
Phone: 07 3368 4010 or 0458 073 621
View Online Bsale ID 592969
Engine Reconditioning And Mechanical...
This unique workshop is centrally located on the Sunshine Coast which is the fastest growing city in Queensland, it benefits from the surge of residential, commercial, and tourist traffic, providing essential services to the surrounding areas. We provide a full range of automotive repair services including but not limited to, RWC and COI inspections, logbook services, brake and clutch repairs, transmission services, all mechanical services, and radiators, cooling systems, air conditioning, batteries and fleet car servicing. As one of the Sunshine Coast's largest Engine Reconditioning...

Price: $680,000 WIWO
Region: Sunshine + Fraser Coast
State: QLD
Contact: Private Seller
View Online Bsale ID 599369
Private Security Business For Sale Security
On offer is the opportunity to purchase a long established private security business operating in the Darling Downs country town. This is a family run operating business based mainly of commercial business security and feature night patrols and site inspections. Pittsworth Security is the only security business in town. The business has been operating since 1985 and the current owners have developed and operated the business for over 12 years and are now ready for a change of lifestyle. The security business has strong income with low expenses and ideal for a family operation...

Price: $150,000 + SAV
Region: Pittsworth State: QLD
Contact: Denise Ruhle Phone: 0413 956 153
View Online Bsale ID 601759
Well Established Indian Restaurant And... Restaurant

Well established Indian Restaurant in Brisbane south and north. Owners are retiring. Ours is an established, Indian restaurant in south and north of Brisbane, which provides the highest quality of authentic Indian food. We cater south Indian and North Indian cuisine. Ours is fully licensed restaurant with Dine in, functional room and take away options. With ample parking available on both sites. Well experienced staff in all departments. The business is now for sale and is ready for new owners to continue grow in the region with huge potential. We are looking for an energetic person or group who can...
Price: $650,000
Region: Brisbane State: QLD
Contact: George V Phone:
View Online Bsale ID 601971
Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to bsale.com.au by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving
Established Learning Centre - Franchise...

• This is a very proven profitable business in a niche market place. • Providing extensive training and support which helps you to run the business smoothly and successfully. • A unique & fun business allows your students to gain life skills and be successful in life. • A great opportunity to buy at a great price and rapidly expand the business. We specialise in teaching Abacus and Mental Arithmetic incorporating music, multimedia and online training. This is a holistic brain training program for children, that helps to reactivate and maintain their right brain connection by stimulating...
Price: $55,000
Region: Brisbane
State: QLD
Contact: Business Admin
Phone: 0493 579 071
View Online Bsale ID 601900
Commerical Cold Storage & Industrial...
Commerical Property Leasehold
Located halfway between Townsville and Cairns of Far North Queensland. Your commercial space of use has recently been significantly up graded and is literally brand new in showcase. You have 417 sqm of commercial area to use with fantastic open span, 15 metres wide with ceiling heights over 5 metres, with the full peak of the roof line at 7 metres. Including a 12-pallet built in freezer room and adjoining sealed packing room. With easy flow through driveway for major semi-trailer pickup and delivery if required. Under cover parking bays and external under cover retail awning with easy parking...

Price: $55,000 per annum
Region: Cardwell
State: QLD
Contact: Angelina Brazier
Phone: 0400 024 338
View Online Bsale ID 602330
Premium Boat Dealership, Highly... Marine
Summary: Highly successful and profitable boat dealership with $8.94m revenue, selling premium fishing boats, outboard engines, trailers and other equipment. Also offers boat servicing and detailing. Location Details: Inverloch VIC. The business is based in Inverloch VIC but services customers across VIC and interstate. About the Business: A unique opportunity to purchase a profitable and growing boat dealership, located on one of Victoria's most beautiful coastlines, only 1 hour 45 mins from inner-city Melbourne. Well-established with a large and loyal customer base that spans the local area, across...

Price: $1,635,000 + SAV
Region: Inverloch State: VIC
Contact: Gerard Tuck
Phone: 0467 185 071
View Online Bsale ID 607426
Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to bsale.com.au by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’

verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an
and is receiving
Thai Restaurant Eltham For Sale

Walk In Thai restaurant. Taking approx 18k /week for the last 10 years. Dine-In and Takeaway only. Comes with all equipment, 200sqm leased building, 100 seat capacity, unused upstairs for further development if wanted. Trading 6 nights a week for dinner only. Ample parking. Opportunity for additional nights trade and lnuch as well. Lunch was successful when opened during the week but discontinued a few years ago. Rent approx 8k per month. Woks, stoves, cool room, fridges, chairs, tables, coffee machine, stock everything included. New 7.5 year lease available. Full liqour license.
Price: $290,000
Region: Eltham
State: VIC
Contact: Matt Pook
View Online Bsale ID 603470
Prominent / Successful Portrait...
Outstanding Photography Studio For Sale - Long Established, Clear and easy to follow systems in place, meticulously kept records and procedures. Save yourself time and money by stepping into a profitable working business model. An excellent opportunity has become available to own a very successful studio-based portrait photography business located in inner city Melbourne (2.5km from Melbourne CBD). Whether you’re new to the industry or already established, this once in a lifetime opportunity allows you to level up your game to owning a long established and instantly recognisable studio...

Price: $227,000 WIWO

Region: Kensington
State: VIC
Contact: Eddy K
Phone: 0414 620 841
View Online Bsale ID 605800
A Popular Fashion Store For Sale In One...
Clothing Accessories
Have you the urge to balance lifestyle and enjoy keeping up with the latest fashion trends. Why not become the new owner of a popular Women's Fashion Boutique – in Port Fairy. Port Fairy is a tourist destination 365 days a year with an events program right across the year. The most well-known being the Port Fairy Folk Festival on the March labour day long weekend. Port Fairy is a shopping destination for the western district of Victoria. If you are interested in fashion and retailing and a lifestyle the envy of those in cities, this could be your future. Plenty of scope to make your own mark in expanding the...
Price: Price on application
Region: Port Fairy State: VIC
Contact: Private Seller Phone: 0438 412 233 or 0418 363 956
View Online Bsale ID 604777
Tradesman Online Booking Business For Sale
Building and Construction
Tradesman online booking business for sale. This business is carrying a database of customers over 2000. The business turnover for the financial year ended 30/6/2022 was $457,419, which has been fairly consistent over the last few ‘extreme condition’ years. The customer type is Body Corporates, Real Estate Property Management, corporate, other businesses, and private clientele. This business is servicing central and south eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Australia. The business has minimum overheads, mainly phone line, and internet hosting, paired with a solid ongoing...

Price: $140,000
Region: Melbourne State: VIC
Contact: Business Brokers Victoria Australia Phone: 0417 786 111
View Online Bsale ID 605290

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to bsale.com.au by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving

Fresh Seafood/Fresh Fish n Chips

Takeaway Food
This fresh seafood and fish and chip takeaway shop has been established for 13 yrs and is open 6 days a week. This business has great t/o and is next to an ice cream shop and main tennis courts, as well as opposite a very popular town lake, so customers are not an issue. Included in Sale: -3mtr x 3mtr fridge and 3mtr X 3mtr freezer, -air conditioned filleting area with bench/sink, -24/7 ice machine, -3grp coffee mach, dishwasher, -ice display cab for fresh fish, -shop also has drink and salad fridges, - 3 fryers, -grill salad bar. The shop has its own car park and a separate driveway and door for deliveries...
Price: $260,000 WIWO
Region: Bendigo + Loddon Mallee
State: VIC
Contact: Private Seller
View Online Bsale ID 598909
Post Office And 3 Bedroom Residence In...

Other Retail
-FREEHOLD Business & 3 Bedroom Residence which includes 2 x large living areas. -Business Currently Operates Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. -Located in Welshpool. A rural town only 2 hrs from Melbourne . -With Wilson’s Prom on your doorstep and great fishing at Port Welshpool this is a great setting to achieve a good work life balance. -Business has one electronic post terminal and 183 PO Boxes. -Post Office services are performed here, including banking . -Could be operated by a couple with no additional staff required. -Business also operates as a Sub Newsagent. -Business comes...
Price: $795,000 + SAV
Region: Gippsland
State: VIC
Contact: Alan O’neill Phone: 0407 771 708
View Online Bsale ID 598892
The Farmers Arms Hotel – Freehold Commerical Property Freehold

DMD are thrilled to offer for sale the historic Farmers Arms Hotel, an amazing opportunity to secure this outstanding freehold and the chance of a lifetime to live the dream of owning your own country pub, one set directly enroute between Melbourne and Adelaide. The Farmers Arms stands majestically on a prominent corner in the heart of the township of Nhill, the centre of the Wimmera District, with a stunning upstairs balcony stretching 70mtrs over two street frontages, this classic 1930s hotel commands its street presence. A convenient rest stop frequented by both travellers & locals alike,...
Price: $475,000 + GST - WIWO
Region: Nhill

State: VIC
Contact: Eleanor Young Phone: 0429 912 059
View Online Bsale ID 601464
Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to bsale.com.au by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving
Unique Wine Bottling and Labelling Busin...
Food Beverage Manufacturer
This is a unique business established in 2001 to cater for the demand for wine bottling and labelling services by wineries. The business is highly profitable with high barriers to entry and a fantastic competitive moat as a result. There are only a few operators in the market who can provide these specialised services, and the business is well known by wineries in Victoria. This business would be highly suitable for private investors, operators, partnerships and businesses with experience or strong exposure to the wine trade or associated market segments. The business would represent an excellent...

Price: $1,900,000
Region: Melbourne State: VIC
Contact: Ian Aldridge
Phone: 0406 171 969
View Online Bsale ID 599965
Party And Event Hire Business For Sale

We got you covered! Melbourne's leading marquee event hire business . This Business was Established in 2007 with a Vision to Fill a Gap in the Event and Party Hire Industry. Their Recipe for Success has been Down to Their Personal Customer Service and Their Incredibly High Standard of Hire Equipment. Their Core Stock Includes Clear Span Structures, Pagodas and Colourful Commercial Grade Instant Marquees of Various Size's That would Complete Any Event. Their Diverse Stock Ranges from 3m Wide to 20m Wide and Comes in a Variety of Lengths Which Can Be Increased or...
Price: $2,500,000
Region: Melbourne State: VIC
Contact: Simon Mostafa Phone: 0409 777 888
View Online Bsale ID 599211
Profitable Creative Agency: Opportunity...

Advertising Mkting
This 4 year old Digital Marketing Agency based in Australia has built a solid foundation with branding and recurring clients servicing businesses across Australia. The agency offers services in Video Production, Website Design, SEO services and Facebook Advertising. The business generates between $4,000 to $8,000 per month from recurring clients and new sales. The buyer will receive a network of past clients who are always returning for more services from the business as well as a list of subcontractors who can deliver these services. We have connections with videographers in Adelaide...
Price: $99,450 + SAV
Region: Adelaide State: SA

Contact: Fardis Jaber
Phone: 0403 535 298
View Online Bsale ID 607039
Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to bsale.com.au by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions
Mechanical Workshop

Established for 30 years - would have to be one of the best presented mechanical workshops in Adelaide! Located in the inner NE Suburbs, operating from modern well equipped premises with plenty of off street car parking. T.O. $611,000 2021/22 and Profitable! This busy workshop provides a wide range of everyday mechanical repairs and servicing for most makes and models, including: log book servicing, transmission, engine diagnostics, tune ups, air conditioning re-gas and repairs, brakes, steering and suspension, pre purchase inspections, exhausts and mufflers, tyre maintenance,...

Price: $160,000 + SAV
Region: State: SA
Contact: Adelaide Business Sales Admin
View Online Bsale ID 597522
Doggy Day Care And Training Business...

Turnover: $4000-$5000 weekly – Potential to Add More Services. This fun and successful business has everything going for it – including Increasing Demand, a Prime Location, and Proven Turnover. Offering many advantages over its competitors, this business would be even more profitable for an enthusiastic owneroperator. There is great potential to expand, by taking on more clients, launching more training programs, or adding a grooming service. Business Highlights: - No other Doggy Day Care facility like this one! Super clean, ramps for dogs, loads of toys. - Established December 2021 – Over 500+ registered customers. - Located...
Price: $170,000
Region: Adelaide
State: SA
Contact: Coast to Coast Business Sales
View Online Bsale ID 604903


Thriving Wholesale Business W/ Unique...
Food Wholesalers
A leading regional food distribution wholesaler is offering a unique business and lifestyle opportunity. Purchase includes:

• 6 acres of land • Warehouse facilities with recent upgrades
• Multiple commercial vehicles
• Established on-site retail outlet • Residential property and personal vehicle. Additional features:
• Vast and loyal customer base

• Strong supply chain
• Experienced and trusted team of employees

• Simple business model
• Positive workplace culture • Well-defined growth opportunities
• 4-week assisted handover 100% sales increase in the past 5 years. Jan-Dec 2022 on...

Price: $1,620,000 WIWO
State: SA
Contact: Marty M
Phone: 0405 007 441
View Online Bsale ID 597754
Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to bsale.com.au by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions
Fitness Membership Business Highly Prof...

Franchise Business Opportunities
Combine Air Training is a high altitude training phenomenon that unlocks benefits through science that elite athletes have been using for over 50 years to gain a competitive advantage - delivering it to the mainstream market as the ultimate fun, engaging and diverse health and fitness gym. Members obtain outstanding results. Register interest to obtain a detailed information pack. Partner with an elite team of experienced professionals within the business and fitness industries, combined with world class training gyms and business model! Exclusive Franchise Territories in Australia & New...
Price: $495,000
Region: Adelaide State: SA
Contact: Bernie Carroll
Phone: 1300 227 227 or 0430 802 508
View Online Bsale ID 602545
Award - Winning Retail Food Franchise...

Franchise Business Opportunities
Here is your chance to become the proud owner of a Soul Origin food franchise in the super busy location of Munno Para, SA. Serving delicious coffee and nutritious and convenient meals, the retail food chain has been growing fast and has won several accolades over the years. This is a golden opportunity for budding entrepreneurs as well as passionate individuals who wish to make it big with the support of an esteemed brand. Soul Origin was established in 2011 to introduce healthy fast food and boutique specialty grade coffee to Aussies looking for the best food options. Currently,...

Price: $260K-$320K + GST
Region: Munno Para
State: SA
Contact: Smart Sales Brokers Admin
View Online Bsale ID 602370
Gym and Fitness Membership Business...

Franchise Business Opportunities

Combine Air Training is a high altitude training phenomenon that unlocks the science that elite athletes have been using for over 50 years to gain a competitive advantage - delivering it to the mainstream market as the ultimate fun, engaging and diverse health and fitness service. Register interest to obtain a detailed information pack. Partner with an elite team of experienced professionals within the business and fitness industries, combined with world class training gyms and business model! Exclusive Franchise Territories in Australia & New Zealand now available! We are looking for results...
Price: $495,000
Region: Adelaide State: SA
Contact: Bernie Carroll Phone: 1300 227 227 or 0430 802 508
View Online Bsale ID 602544
New Site Opportunity - Burnside Village...
Cafe and Coffee Shop
Realise Your Cafe Ownership Dreams By Acquiring A Thriving Boutique Cafe. We are offering aspiring entrepreneurs an opportunity to own a well-recognised boutique cafe in one of the busiest Shopping Centres in Adelaide. Our cafes are well-appointed with a contemporary ambiance and high-end furniture and fixtures. We serve a unique signature range of decadent cakes, superior quality coffee, delicious gourmet sandwiches along with exceptional customer service. We maintain the highest standards of quality and taste to acquire an extensive client base. Why Should You...
Price: $290,000
Region: Adelaide State: SA
Contact: Smart Sales Brokers Admin
View Online Bsale ID 602349
Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to bsale.com.au by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving
Become Your Own Boss With A Great... Furniture
An incredible opportunity to operate this 20+ year old retail furniture business is up for grabs. Independent family owned furniture business is very well known for selling bedding products that are very popular. The warehouse/showroom is perfectly positioned in a sought-after location in one of Perth major East corridor locations. Key Features: * High Profit Margin. * Timeless Product Line Furniture. * Offers a great opportunity. This is an ideal acquisition opportunity for an astute buyer, a couple or an ideal acquisition opportunity. The seller is motivated to pass on years of trading secrets to a...

Price: $200,000 + SAV
Region: Midland State: WA

Contact: Rash Dhanjal
Phone: 0410 564 761
View Online Bsale ID 606434
Tathams Caravan Park
Caravan Park

Tathams Caravan Park is perfectly situated on the bank of the Murray River within the townsite of South Yunderup. Located 15 minutes to Mandurah or 90 km to Perth with direct access to the Forrest Highway, the Caravan Park is a boat lovers paradise on a 4 acre freehold lot with 90m river f rontage. Park Includes: 58 sites ( including semi permanent residents ), 6 Chalets, Canals shop ( currently leased ) Jetty & boat moorings, Beach area for swimming, 2 bedroom managers residence, 2 ablutions blocks, 2 large sheds.
Price: $4,000,000
Region: South Yunderup State: WA
Contact: Wayne Elliott Phone: 0409 841 510
View Online Bsale ID 604305
Stunning Hair Salon – Wiwo

Hair Salon
Near new, stylish and beautiful hair salon for sale. This salon has huge potential for the right operator and is a fantastic opportunity in a growing area. With quality fittings and a beautifully smart design, the salon provides a day spa like atmosphere. This is a perfect tenancy for an existing or new Hairdresser business to take on. The salon is located in a popular neighbourhood shopping centre with Woolworths as an anchor tenant. The tenancy has an NLA of 84m2 and has the potential for partial conversion to incorporate beauty. Salon features include: -8 cutting stations. -Blow dry bar. -3 seat hair...

Price: $90,000 WIWO
Region: Aveley State: WA
Contact: Robert Luca Phone: 0413 270 058
View Online Bsale ID 606617

Liquor Store & Freehold!!
Alcohol Liquor Shop

LJ Hooker Hopetoun are proud to present a once in a lifetime opportunity to secure a well established business and freehold in the heart of Ravensthorpe with room to expand on 2,000sqm of land and approx. 400sqm of buildings! From Dawry's Bottlo "Dawry's Bottlo is a locally owned drive thru bottleshop, located in Ravensthorpe within the Fitzgerald Coast. We stock a wide range of Australian and imported wine, spirits, champagnes and beer. Supporting local wineries, breweries and distilleries and hosting regular wine tastings. We offer home delivery and friendly service to...

Price: $625,000 + SAV
Region: Ravensthorpe
State: WA
Contact: Robert Miloseski
Phone: 0408 030 888
View Online Bsale ID 597623
Laser Engraving Business Bunbury

Product Manufacturer
Well established Laser Engraving business located in Bunbury, South West, Western Australia. Diverse range of repeat clients in the electrical, industrial, mining and commercial industries. Clients are predominantly from the South West with recent acquisition of new clients state-wide. Workshop and shop front located in the Light Industrial Area. Secure lease arrangements in place. Over 100k worth of plant and equipment. Excellent capabilities with 3 x CO2 lasers, galvo laser, UV printer, fibre cutting laser, industrial rotary engraver. Consistent sales growth with excellent scope to increase business...
Price: $175,000 + SAV
Region: Bunbury State: WA
Contact: Private Seller
View Online Bsale ID 601458
Leading Caravan Hire Business With...
Hire Services
This market leading caravan Hire business is in huge demand that is completely setup with easy operation. All the processes are set up with an easy to learn business. Bookings are online with an established warehouse and returning customer base that only requires part time commitment. -Fully equipped fleet. -Tow vehicle Included. -New rolling stock. -Established warehouse location close to perth. -Active database of 780 and growing. -Potential of forward bookings of $137,000 inclusive in price. -easy to manage enquiries and no need to advertise. Genuine reason for selling $590,000...

Price: $590,000
Region: Perth State: WA
Contact: Business Owner Phone: 0493 212 923
View Online Bsale ID 599360
Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to bsale.com.au by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements
Coffee Roasting Business

Cafe and Coffee Shop
Owner/Roaster selling the business (No Agent). Award Winning Coffee Roasting business, work from home, started as a hobby and now selling to several supermarkets and regular customers. Won 2 Golden Bean awards, website and brand established. It can go to the next level, which I'm not keen to do at my retirement age. Includes Tea Merchant Business. Ideal as a work-from-home business, it can easily be scaled up to however many days you wish to work. Roasting equipment, winning recipes, temperatures, significant IP know-how, and training included. Great Start for a...
Price: $28,000 + SAV
Region: Subiaco
State: WA
Contact: Robert Sealey
Phone: 0404 000 543
View Online Bsale ID 602195
First Class Pub / Hotel Business

Monopoly location. 21 Year lease in place. Rent 5% of revenue fixed + gst. Accommodation, food, bar, weddings – multiple revenue streams. Solid team of capable staff. Huge function trade. Open for breakfast, lunch & dinner 7 days a week. Sales july 22 – october 22 $1,500,000 (ex gst) with net operating profits of $389,000 approx. Full documented financial history. Exceptional business opportunity. Sure to impress! For further details please contact jonathon parker. Price: $2,250,000 + s.A.V. Of approximately $80,000. Perth's premier hospitality and retail business brokers.
Price: $2,250,000 + SAV
Region: State: WA
Contact: Jonathon Parker
Phone: 0417 140 882
View Online Bsale ID 599478
Beach Cafe, Rare Opportunity To Become...
Well known coffee shop in Freo for sale. Rent $1280/ month. Council rate $2400/ year. Electricity $1200/ month. Turnover 11k - 13k. Trading 6 days a week. Very good location. Ideally for husband and wife. Asking price $140k+SAV.

Price: $140,000 + SAV
Region: Fremantle State: WA

Contact: Mary Dang Phone: 0422 280 141
View Online Bsale ID 602803
Attractive Cafe - North of the River....
Cafe and Coffee Shop
• Great location next to busy medical centre. • Lifestyle hours - 5 days only - Close 2.30 pm. • Stunning presentation throughout , includes 4 undercover car bays. • Beautiful alfresco court yard area. • Great rent with secure 22 years lease. • Huge potential to trade on week-ends. • Price for Immediate Sale. Inspection by Appointment only. Please contact Erik Lingensjo. The BUSINESS CENTRE of WA.
Price: $138,000
Region: Perth State: WA
Contact: Erik Lingensjo Phone: 08 9324 1211 or 0412 234 000
View Online Bsale ID 603043
Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to bsale.com.au by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving
The Healthy Gut Centre - The NT’s Only... Health
A unique business opportunity has become available due to the current owner relocating interstate. The Healthy Gut Centre has been operating for 14 years in the Territory and is the only clinic of its kind offering colon hydrotherapy and gut health products to assist people on their gut health journey. As colonics have become more mainstream with gut health being on the forefront of health, The Healthy Gut Centre is a busy yet very rewarding place to work. With a strong clientele base of new and existing customers this clinic is an amazing opportunity for someone with a great entrepreneurial spirit. It operates by appointment only meaning more...

Price: $130,000

Region: Parap
State: NT
Contact: Lynn Finlay
Phone: 0402 744 921
View Online Bsale ID 607174
Established Asian Café/Restaurant - In...
Cafe and Coffee Shop
This well-established Asian Style Café/Restaurant has been running for more than 30 years serving the locals and tradies in the Winnellie area. Prime location with inside and outside dining located in the heart of the Winnellie Industrial Zone. All fixtures, fittings, furniture, freezers, and fridges are included in the sale with a fully equipped commercial kitchen. There is a walk-in cool room with plenty of space to store chiller items. There is a freezer room (currently not in use) exhaust and, grease trap. Owner selling for personal reasons. Selling on a walk-in walk-out basis as everything is ready to start...
Region: Winnellie State: NT
Contact: D J Phone: 0424 988 442
View Online Bsale ID 585003
Licensed Darwin CBD Hospitality...

Cafe and Coffee Shop
Large, modern, spacious fitout in Darwin CBD's highest growth area, surrounded by other successful cafes, restaurants and bars. Excellent lease conditions and priced to sell at an exceptional value mark at less than half its replacement cost. The business has a Midnight liquor licence and bar authority and a great outdoors area for patrons to enjoy. It is an ideal low cost opportunity for developing the hospitality dream of a new owner. Key features of the business include: * Exceptional location one of Darwin's premiere dining destinations. * Fully fitted out commercial kitchen with quality fryers, refrigeration and cookers. * Outstanding...
Price: $250,000
Region: Darwin State: NT
Contact: Andrew Hahn Phone: 08 8941 3000 or 0413 013 367
View Online Bsale ID 607873
Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to bsale.com.au by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions
Great Opportunity To Have Your Own Day...
Health Spa
Great opportunity to have your own Day spa! $50,000 Nego. Grand opening in Feb, 2020. Located in U2 5 Tiwi Gardens, Tiwi NT 0810 within a medical complex area, neighbours including GP, Eye specialist, Dentist, etc., Freshly painted, new fitting out, 3 single rooms + 1 bath + 2 toilets + staff room. Modern and relaxing decoration, all the stock products, equipment and furniture stay. For the last 2 years, we have accumulated a great reputation and have got many regular clients with 20 all 5-star reviews on Google map. You can find all services we do on our website. Only one girl working there is leaving in...
Price: $50,000
Region: Tiwi
State: NT
Contact: Lily Zhao
Phone: 0433 900 105
View Online Bsale ID 580822
Supermarket With Liquor Store Darwin

Alcohol Liquor Shop
This supermarket and liquor store has traded in its current location since opening. This business is situated in one of Darwin's premium areas with high passing traffic. Additionally, the business has a liquor license with a thriving bottle shop trade. The business has developed a reputation for supplying exceptional produce and products, every time, to the highest quality standards, at competitive pricing. By following this business model, the business has established a profitable niche in the market, while also cultivating consistent repeat business from a loyal customer base. This is a well-established and well-respected business in the market ready for...
Region: Darwin State: NT
Contact: Ray White Business Sales SA/NT
Phone: 08 7078 5814
View Online Bsale ID 601880

Takeaway Shop - Darwin Takeaway Food

Located in Darwin City, the Takeaway store is very busy and well known. Profitable and well established, top location and training included. Key Features & Benefits: -Training and support provided. -Strong orders. -Well established and easy to run. -They have recently upgraded our fit out and the store looks brand new. -Top location - Inner city location surrounded by corporate buildings. Store is also located under a carpark (about 230 cars). -Rent is only 5% of annual turnover. -All equipment are owned outright. -Solid local clientele. -Under same ownership for 24 years. -Most outgoings are covered in the rental price...
Price: $275,000
Region: Darwin State: NT
Contact: Barry Western Phone:
View Online Bsale ID 602373
Successful Retailer - Industrial Products... Hardware

Three businesses in one. Retail, Service, Rental. -Very profitable, long-established. -Based in Darwin - #1 in the NT. -Professional operation, very impressive. -Excellent recurring revenue from the rental fleet. -Lots of big oil & gas projects planned for the NT. -Growing business. -GM runs the day-to-day operations. -Owner at retirement age. Price: $3,300,000. Contact us NOW for a fast response – complete the enquiry section on this page!
Price: $3,300,000
Region: Darwin State: NT
Contact: Barry Western Phone:
View Online Bsale ID 600972
Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to bsale.com.au by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving
Ella Baché Fannie Bay Beauty Salon
Recent winner of Best Ella Baché Franchise in Australia. $570,000 + SAV. Ella Baché Fannie Bay has been Darwin's premium provider of high quality beauty services and products for nearly 30 years. The business has won multiple awards including being recognised as the best Ella Baché store in Australia in 2016. Ella Baché is the country's largest skincare franchise network, with products and services available in over 120 salons (and David Jones) nationwide. The franchise offers all of the benefits of a franchise structure including support, initial and ongoing training and access to the latest cutting...

Price: $570,000 + SAV
Region: Darwin State: NT
Contact: Andrew Hahn
Phone: 08 8941 3000 or 0413 013 367
View Online Bsale ID 602086
Domestic and Commercial Garden Mainte... Lawn Mowing
BS152468 - Immediate Income – Huge Potential for Increased Sales. With an outstanding reputation – and over 100 regular customers - the current owners are constantly turning away new clients as they cannot take on anymore. Demand for regular servicing and one-off jobs is now so great, a new owner could easily employ more staff to increase both turnover and the client base. Alternatively, NT Garden Maintenance would be a profitable add-on to an existing business in a similar field. · Immediate income + plenty of scope for increased sales. · Very strong trading position with a regular client base of over 100. · Regularly contacted by schools and...
Price: $230,000
Region: Darwin State: NT

Contact: Coast to Coast Business Sales
View Online Bsale ID 599796
Become A Business Broker & Advisor With... Brokerage

Do you love business, and are looking for a new lowcost opportunity with big financial potential? Apply to become part of The Finn Group, one of the largest network of business brokers in Australia. By owning a Finn Business Sale license, you own two businesses in one! You have potential to earn income from; business improvement consulting and exit planning, as well as attractive commissions from business sales. You will be selling businesses and matching buyers with businesses to best meet their criteria. Skills: We are seeking people with small business experience to specialise in...
Price: POA
Region: Darwin State: NT
Contact: Join Finn Phone: 1300 535 932
View Online Bsale ID 595573
Lifestyle Business. Owner’s Input...
Websites and Online Businesses
Lifestyle business. Owner’s input approximately 15 hours per week. Show Magic is an Online Wholesale Equine Grooming Products business. Asking $89,000 or nearest offer plus stock. Great opportunity to secure a WELL ESTABLISHED (Purchased in 2013) Brisbane based that can literally be operated anywhere where there is good internet and access to freight. Area covered: Australia Wide. Strong Customer Database with recurring Income. Reason for sale. Owner is retiring and wants to travel. Her instructions are simply… “Sell the business and she has priced the business for a quick sale.” About the Opportunity. Key Features include: • Business has been

Price: $89,000 or nearest offer plus stock
Region: Darwin State: NT
Contact: WhatPriceMyBusiness Admin
View Online Bsale ID 595128
Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to bsale.com.au by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving
Caravan Hire Hire Services

Tasmania's leading Caravan Hire business is up for sale. Take advantage of the boom in Tasmania’s tourism industry. Thinking about working from home, or running a side business, this could be for you!Great part time business with plenty of opportunity to expand. Set your hours to suit your lifestyle. All of the hard work has been done, so you can step in and immediately reap the rewards. Fully relocatable, and currently operating approx. 10-15hrs per week (over 5.5 days), in the north of Tasmania with some weekend hours by appointment only. Sale price includes four late model caravans with...

Price: $220,000
Region: Launceston + Northern State: TAS

Contact: Vin Goodie
Phone: 0448 685 951
View Online Bsale ID 606824
Tassie's Finest Micro Brewery With T/O... Alcohol Liquor Shop

- Impeccable state of the art micro-brewery now available in Tassie's mid north coast. - Business and freehold to be sold as one, new and modern setup with no expense spared. - Completely renovated late 19th century buildings with immaculate brewery and kitchen. - Only trading short hours of 15 hours p/w (4pm close), with potential to expand trading hours. - Adjacent to major tourist attraction with ample parking and growing local following. - Currently producing 3000 litres of beer per week, with capacity to expand to 4000. - Full commercial kitchen producing high quality food sourced from local...

Price: $2,248,000
Region: Beaconsfield
State: TAS
Contact: John Klonaris
Phone: 0417 141 621 or 03 9021 9888
View Online Bsale ID 602950
On Your Bike Tours Launceston Tasmania
Hire Services
On Your Bike Tours Launceston is an accredited, award winning EcoTourism Business based in Launceston Tasmania . The business has been operating successfully for 6 years and has a strong customer base and a well established brand. The business has 4 established guided tours with highly regarded food partners and hospitality businesses.The business also includes a well utilised bike hire service. The business is transportable and the operating costs are low. The business sale includes, 17 bikes, trailer, all bike equipment, accreditations, website and socials. See the website for business details

Price: $25,000
Region: Launceston + Northern
State: TAS
Contact: Alison Hugo
Phone: 0448 384 681
View Online Bsale ID 572442
Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to bsale.com.au by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

Fully Licensed Asian Restaurant...

Alcohol Liquor Shop
Location!! Location!! Location!! Highly Recommended. We are excited to offer a highly recommended fine dining fully licensed restaurant in one of Australia's most vibrant and Tasmania's most visited tourist attractions- Salamanca Place-Hobart. Rare offering in this highly sought-after location, pre-Covid there were at least a million people visiting Salamanca every year, and the visitor's numbers have almost returned to pre-Covid now. Thai Lao Isann Restaurant is centrally located in Salamanca Square and offers an outstanding Isann food which is very similar to Thai and Lao food, it is enjoyed by locals and anyone in...
Price: Offers over $149,000+sav
Region: Battery Point State: TAS
Contact: Paul Scott
Phone: 0477 771 098
View Online Bsale ID 602126
Mobile Boost Juice Van Opportunities...

Franchise Business Opportunities

Mobile Boost Juice opportunity - Tasmania. There are two options for your Boost Mobeel. The first is a trailer concept which can be attached to a vehicle and transported to events. The second is an all in one concept where the vehicle and trailer are built all in one. Each concept has a different price point as we build the Boost mobeel to cater to your needs as an operator. You can operate your Mobeel anywhere in your territory, providing of course you have the permission of the landowner or event organiser. No other Mobeel partner can operate their mobeel within your territory. Part of...

Price: $175,000
Region: Hobart State: TAS
Contact: Smart Sales Brokers Admin
View Online Bsale ID 602230
New Fully Promoted Franchise For Sale...
Clothing Accessories
Want to change your mundane life and office routine? Here is a fantastic franchise opportunity in Hobart that promises exceptional growth and success. You can become the proud owner of this Fully Promoted franchise territory, which is the undisputed leader in the promotional marketing industry. Offering marketingbased products and services of all kinds, this business is primed for growth because of its strategic location. It is an excellent opportunity for budding entrepreneurs who want to own a rewarding business in a high-growth region. As a Fully Promoted franchisee, you will get...
Price: POA
Region: Hobart State: TAS
Contact: Smart Sales Brokers Admin
View Online Bsale ID 602128
Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to bsale.com.au by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions
Launceston 4x4 Auto Wreckers Highly...
Make no mistake, this business represents very good value, is priced to sell, shows an excellent ROI and extremely financially rewarding. Specialising in new and second hand 4x4 parts, reconditioned engines, differentials and gearboxes. for most 4x4 vehicles. Located in a central high profile site, on approximately 10 acres. Specialising in Toyota models such as Landcruiser and Hilux. Retailing well known products such as Delkor, Drivetech, Cooldrive, Wurth, Clutch Industries, Natreed Radiators, Ironman$X and Gulf Western Oil. This business, has a massive range, has been established...

Price: o/o$399,000 wiwo

Region: Prospect
State: TAS
Contact: Paul Scott
Phone: 0477 771 098
View Online Bsale ID 602197
Strong Earnings 5-Days Per Week
Mobile Services

This family-owned & operated business began in 1983, with the current vendors buying it in 2008. Part of a national network that provides full Quality Management Support, Systems Documentation & expert marketing collateral. This professional services business affords the owners a family-friendly lifestyle and the industry seasonality creates opportunities for extended leave. In its field this business is the largest player with greater than 55% of the market. Other Features: *Highly profitable and growing. *No previous industry skill or experience required. *A comprehensive handover & training to...
Price: $820,000
Region: Hobart State: TAS
Contact: Dean Demeyer
Phone: 0419 382 359 or 03 6128 3333
View Online Bsale ID 601820

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
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