BSALE - Business For Sale Magazine September 2020

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Business for Sale eMagazine Issue 067


• Sep 2020

I’m Selling and the Buyer has Backed out of the Business Sale.


100 YEARS in Business and Ready for the Next Generation.

See the Latest Businesses and Franchises For Sale Inside CAFE & GALLERY P. 18








States and Territories NSW Population: 7,439,200 Capital: Sydney ACT Population: 382,900 Capital: Canberra QLD Population: 4,676,400 Capital: Brisbane VIC Population: 5,768,600 Capital: Melbourne SA Population: 1,674,700 Capital: Adelaide WA Population: 2,535,700 Capital: Perth NT Population: 241,800 Capital: Darwin TAS Population: 513,400 Capital: Hobart BSALE - Business Sale Magazine is an online e-magazine produced monthly by To contact our office: | 02 8006 7558 2

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Buy in Time for Christmas As September rolls around I realise the end of the year is quickly approaching. Christmas decorations have started to appear and businesses are getting ready for what is hopefully a good summer season. People are looking for change and want to see this COVID crisis behind them. Hopefully the cases will continue to drop! Im glad to see Victoria is on the decline. The warmer seasons are coming which means business sales tend to pick up. Buying a business now, allows you to be settled in for the Christmas and New Year period. With changes to Job Keeper occurring at the end of September, many businesses may be looking for a change. Employees may no longer have work, or owners may be ready to exit their businesses. Both options driving the business for sale industry. As an employee or someone who is looking for work, now is a prime time to look at business and franchise opportunities. Whether you’re a first time business owner, or adding to your collection. Buying in time for the summer season means you can reap the benefits of gift giving and social outings. Most businesses have experienced the worst in terms of COVID, so you can see how they responded and how they started to bounce back. A good business can survive through tough times, it’s about good management and watching that cashflow. Remember to always get professional advice when buying a business, especially during COVID. If you’re a business owner who is considering selling, it’s very important you get prepared. Buyers are hunting and people are looking for work opportunities. To get the best possible price for your business its important to have everything organised and seek professional advice so you know when is the best time for you to sell. We wish everyone a happy September and congratulations to the recent winners of the AIBB annual business broker awards. Bring on the rest of 2020!

Vanessa Lovie CEO Bsale Australia Pty Ltd



The Annual Awards for the Australian Institute of Business Brokers (AIBB) was held via Zoom this year with members joining from around the country via their offices and homes. COVID-19 is having various effects on the business broking industry and it was a good opportunity for brokers to celebrate the success of their peers. Spirits were high amongst brokers as they welcomed the opportunity to connect within the industry. The past 18 months has had many ups and downs for business brokers with federal elections, banking reforms and now a worldwide pandemic. Brokers have seen it

harder to finalise sales and buyers becoming cautious. Though as we head towards the summer months, many states are seeing an increase in buyer enquiries and sales, as people are looking for work and business opportunities. Fortunately, many states have low covid numbers and business is heading towards some normality. As with all industries, some businesses have fared better than others during this pandemic. This has opened up opportunity for owners to exit their businesses and find the right buyer. It is with great pleasure, as sponsors of the AIBB that we share this year’s winners.

National Business Broker of the Year 2020 “I would like to sincerely thank the judging panel and the AIBB for this award in 2020. I am fortunate and grateful to have an amazing team here at Merchant Business Brokers. That are all dedicated to our business, our brand and our industry As business brokers we have had a turbulent 18 months or so with banking reforms, federal elections and a pandemic we are still navigating through. These challenges are not the first and they wont be the last for us as individuals and as brokers in within our industry. I encourage members and associates of the AIBB to embrace change and look for opportunity,. It is out there if you seek it. I wish all my fellow brokers, associates and sponsors of the AIBB every success in the year ahead, thank you again for this prestigious award” Shane Fox, Merchant Business Brokers

National Specialist Business Broker of the Year 2020 “I am absolutely honoured and delighted to be accepting this award from the AIBB for the business broker award for 2020. I am also more than excited as it is my third year in a row so I’m definitely looking to get into the hall of fame. The AIBB has been value to me as a member because I feel that the goal and wisdom that is there in this pool of fabulous business brokers allows me to tap into that knowledge at any time. Each and every broker i have ever phoned is more than generous with their time and there is always something I dont know and need to ask someone. To be a member of the AIBB and to have access to all that wisdom is the ultimate for me. I would like to thank the AIBB for everything that you do and all the hard work ..” Nikki Katz, Benchmark Business Sales 5

Rising Star Business Broker of the Year 2020 “Its a great honour to receive this award from the AIBB. I cant speak highly enough of this organisation. Its members and its associates are open and generous with its ideas and with its support. If your not a member, I highly recommend you join now. I would also like to thank Xcllusive Business Sales for all their support and encouragement. Our industry has got the great privilege of helping business owners realise the value of all their hard work when the time comes. Looking forward to helping many more business owners exit their business successfully and also continuing to benefit from and contribute to the AIBB� - Steve Blaby, Xcllusive Business Sales.

State and National Award Winners National Chair Award 2020


Kevin Lovewell

Specialist Business Broker of the Year 2020


John Kasapi

Specialist Business Broker of the Year 2020


Fred Samoun

Specialist Business Broker of the Year 2020

Western Australia

Bradley Potter

Specialist Business Broker of the Year 2020

South Australia

Nikki Katz

Specialist Business Broker of the Year 2020

New South Wales

Peter Fennell

Business Broker of the Year 2020


Choon Ng

Business Broker of the Year 2020

Western Australia

Catherine Jones

Business Broker of the Year 2020

New South Wales

Shane Fox

Business Broker of the Year 2020

South Australia

Brett Buckley

Business Broker of the Year 2020


Lily Small

National Specialist Business Broker of the Year 2020


Nikki Katz

National Business Broker of the Year 2020


Shane Fox

Rising Star Business Broker of the Year 2020


Steven Blaby

Vanessa Lovie Congratulations to all the winners! We look forward to the year ahead and seeing some great sales for business owners.


CEO Bsale Australia

Vanessa is the CEO of Bsale Australia. She has been the managing director for the past 9 years. With extensive knowledge in online marketing and the business for sale industry. Vanessa is a huge supporter and advocate for small business in Australia.


Shane Fox


I’m Selling and the Buyer has Backed out of the Business Sale.


At the date of this article, there are uncertain times ahead for all businesses. The COVID-19 pandemic is a once in a 100year health crisis that is impacting the Australian and world-wide economy. If you are selling a business and have recently signed a Business Sale Agreement (BSA), then the buyer may be thinking about pulling out as the prospects of the business are unknown. This can mean that although the buyer has signed the BSA, they are looking to get out of the sale. This article explains what you can do in these circumstances. It Depends on the Stage of the Process Your options and the risk of the buyer backing out depend on two factors: 1. the current stage of the sale process; and 2. the wording of the BSA or similar document you have signed. If you and the buyer have not signed a BSA, then it will be difficult to press them forward with the transaction. However, where a business broker is involved, typically, they will have you and the buyer sign a Heads of Agreement (HoA) during the initial stages of the sale process, which is a document that sets out the commercial terms of the sale. The HoA can be legally binding or non-binding. You should engage expert legal advice early on. This will help you to understand your options and prospects of success if you wish to challenge a buyer who wants to pull out of the sale. The following table summarises your position dependent on what documentation you have in place.



Your Options

No signed documentation

weak argument

look to email correspondence to point to an agreement and press that the buyer must proceed on the basis of this email ‘agreement’

Signed HoA (non-binding)

weak argument

point to specifics in the HoA that state that they must proceed; negotiate the transaction in good faith

Signed HoA (binding)

stronger argument

point to specifics in the HoA and note that it is a binding agreement. Where they do not comply with these obligations then you will argue that they have breached the agreement

Signed BSA

strongest argument

the BSA may dictate the terms and actions you can take. (More detail below. )

Practical Solution Before contemplating legal action, consider what agreement you can live with. Ask yourself: “What is the worst possible deal I will accept during COVID-19?” This could include simply accepting the deposit as compensation to avoid a long drawn-out legal battle. You should then engage with the buyer directly to determine their concerns and what they are willing to agree to. Once you understand their concerns, then you can take steps to address them. For instance, you could amend the agreement to include a deferred payment or earn-outs 8

(where the buyer only pays if the business hits certain revenue amounts). Such concessions should only be offered as a last resort and balanced against the strength of your claim. If you have: • a strong claim to make the buyer proceed; and/or • they have signed as a personal guarantor; then it would not be advisable to provide these concessions unless you have exhausted other options.

Deed of Release If you and the buyer agree to an amount of compensation in lieu of completing the sale, then it is very important that you receive the funds, despite the impact of COVID-19. However, it is to the buyer’s benefit if you then enter into a Deed of Release. This is a document that sets out the terms of the settlement and states that neither party can bring a claim against the other. If you do not enter into this deed, then it may still be possible to bring a claim against the buyer in the future. Nonetheless, the courts would not look favourably upon this as it is not negotiating in good faith. Signed BSA Where you have a signed BSA, the terms will dictate your options. They may act as a guide to the level of aggressiveness you use to pursue the business sale. For example, most BSAs require you to provide mandatory notice prior to initiating court proceedings. This can include the requirement for you to issue a default notice and allow a certain period of time for the buyer to fix the breach. Where the buyer has said they wish to end or terminate the agreement due to COVID-19, you must avoid accepting this termination as this could limit your options. Legal Avenues If you cannot come to an agreement with the buyer, the next step is to consider having your lawyer take the following more aggressive approaches: • Issue a Letter of Demand: this states your desired outcome and what will occur if they do not agree within the stated time frame; • Prepare Statement of Claim: this is what is lodged with the court to start litigation. The draft can be sent with the Letter of Demand or sent if they fail to respond; and/or • Lodge the Statement of Claim with the courts. Only threaten court proceedings where you have a valid claim that has a good chance of winning. Courts often order the loser to pay the winner’s legal costs (usually up to a maximum around 80%). This means if you lose the court proceedings you will be worse off, as the buyer may not have to proceed with the transaction and you may be required to pay their legal costs. Court Proceedings When initiating court proceedings, your main goal is to press the buyer to continue with the purchase. This is called an ‘order for specific performance’. If such an order is made by the court, it means the buyer needs to continue with the purchase. But what happens if the buyer does not have the funds to complete the transaction due to COVID-19?

If this occurs, then you can look to terminate the contract and sue for damages. These can be calculated at the amount that you would have received had the breach not occurred and will depend on the wording of the BSA. Remember to also mitigate any other losses, such as attempting to re-sell the business, then look to claim the difference in the price received. Ready Willing and Able to Complete Assuming the buyer is going forward with the sale, it is important that you are ready, willing and able to complete the transaction. In most business sales, there are preconditions (known as ‘conditions precedent’) that need to be satisfied before the sale can be completed. A common example is a landlord approving the buyer as a tenant. It is important that you have done all you can do to satisfy the pre-conditions so as not to hold up the sale. Personal Guarantee If the buyer is purchasing the BSA through a newly setup company, then this may limit your ability to recover damages as the company will not have any assets. Hopefully, the BSA includes the buyer giving a personal guarantee, which means that their personal assets can be used to satisfy costs if there is a court order made against them. Key Takeaways Before using a court claim to press a buyer into moving forward with their purchase of your business, despite COVID-19, seek expert advice on your prospects of success. You should then consider: “What is the worst deal that I would accept without going to court?” A personal discussion with the buyer can help to pressure them morally, while hinting at your legal options. If that fails, then your lawyer can assist by issuing a Letter of Demand and drafting or lodging a Statement of Claim with the Courts. Receiving a judgment through court can be costly, stressful and time-consuming, so look to this as your last option. If you need assistance with managing the sale of your business, or have legal questions about your options, Legal Vision can help.

Matthew DeRusha Lawyer

Matthew is a lawyer in LegalVision’s Sale of Business and Commercial teams. He specialises in franchising as well as asset and sale of business matters. Outside of LegalVision Matthew can be found at the beach going for a run or enjoying a surf.


100 YEARS in Business and Ready for the Next Generation

Henselite, the Australian-based world leader in the manufacture and supply of Lawn Bowls and associated merchandise has announced the business is now officially for sale. With a successful history that started in 1918, the Henselite brand is globally accepted as the industry pioneer in the design and manufacture of modernday lawn bowls, having introduced numerous major innovations. The business operation has evolved over the years from the manufacture and supply of lawn bowls to active sales across the entire supply chain associated with lawn bowling in all major markets internationally. With a long and award-winning history of selling Australian businesses, Xcllusive Business Sales Melbourne are the agents chosen to facilitate the sale. Mark Hensell, the fourth and final generation to own Henselite, sees this as a massive step forward for not only the brand, but also the industry. He is looking forward to seeing the legacy of his fore-fathers live on. “I’d like to see a buyer come forward who wants to see the brand continue to grow and flourish long-term, like it has with my family,” Mark said. “We’re looking for a buyer who understands the iconic value of an Australian company that has lasted over 100 years and who appreciates


ongoing Australian manufacturing... This is a famous Aussie brand and I believe there is a growing trend back towards local manufacturing.” One of the best parts of the business for Mark is the community importance and comradeship of lawn bowls in this country. “I love seeing so many lawn bowlers get pleasure from the pastime of playing the game... They are so passionate about it and that passion is passed onto us, which is heart-warming. Both my great-grandfather and grandfather were passionate lawn bowlers.”

to around a dozen overseas countries. “There are only three other bowls manufacturers in the world, and we are the biggest,” said Mark. “In lawn bowls, the Commonwealth Games are our Olympics and, in the last Games, almost half of all the medals were won using Henselite bowls. It really is the world’s Number 1.”

“It’s a very community-based sport and, in lots of country towns in Australia, it is the central meeting point for locals.”

As the market leader, Henselite bowls are used by leading players in most premier lawn bowl competitions in Australia, the United Kingdom and throughout the Commonwealth, with Trademarks across all major markets. The bowls are designed and made at the company’s own manufacturing facility in Fairfield, Victoria.

No surprise then that 40% of the world’s lawn bowlers are in Australia. After the UK, it is practically the home of lawn bowling. That said, Henselite also sells

There has already been healthy interest, so expectations are high for a mutually beneficial transition with the successful purchasing party.

Zoran Sarabaca Director Xcllusive Business Sales 02 9871 3331 / 0410 654 114

As a business owner from the age of 17, Zoran understands business. Through selling his own business, he learned that it wasn’t good enough just to have a good ‘product’; You have to believe in the business and know everything about it. It was on this basic foundation and business principal that he formed Xcllusive in 2004 with the goal of bringing together a good team to bring these principals to the business Broking Industry.

Is it a good time to buy a LANDSCAPING BUSINESS? Travel bans and self isolation are leading people to spend more time in their gardens. Growing vegetables or tidying up yards; home owners are reaching out to professionals to get work done. We take a look at the landscaping industry and whether now is a good time to buy a landscaping or gardening business. There has been little restriction placed on landscaping businesses in NSW, with many landscapers being allowed to stay open. With workers maintaining social distancing, many have said they’ve received a spike in calls. Commercial landscapers are being contacted for smaller works and larger residential landscapers have had more calls for ‘one off’ jobs.

We spoke to a leading Central Coast landscaper, Adam Lovie from Bouddi Landscaping about the effects of COVID-19 restrictions on his business. Bouddi Landscaping specialises in designed naturalised gardens that compliment the environment. Adam Lovie is head designer and owner with over 25 years of local experience. How is business going these days? More people are spending time at home, meaning that they are willing to spend money and time on their gardens. We have seen a significant growth in the number of people requesting quotes. The restrictions have made our business busier.

Bouddi Landscaping recent project


Bouddi Landscaping recent project

How are other landscapers going? I’ve had other landscapers call me asking to take on the work they don’t have time to do. So there is definitely a high demand to get work done. Have you seen any delays in products or equipment? Supply has still been strong. There have been some delays with overseas products and postage. But I work mostly with Australian Natives and local businesses so there has been little shortage. It’s had a minimal impact on us sourcing products. How do you see business going in the next 12 months? With COVID-19 so uncertain, people are staying home more. Alot of our clients have money saved that they would have spent on holidays or travel. Now they are home, they are spending on their gardens and home projects. Growing vegetable gardens has become popular again with so many people experiencing the stock shortages at supermarkets. People can’t travel so they’re making home and garden improvements. Do you think now is a good time to buy a landscaping business? Yes, now is a great time to own a landscaping business. The demand is high and I can see this continuing into our busiest season of summer and beyond. Bunnings has been busier than ever with special barricades placed outside to control for the influx in consumers. A recent article in the Financial Review stated the Sales growth at Bunnings is up 19.2 per cent in the second half of FY20. For landscapers working through the lockdown, trade has proceeded as normal, albeit Bunnings has been congested at times. There have been some delays in overseas products with some suppliers having postponed manufacturing of specific items such as seeds, irrigation and garden lights. Postage and quarantines have also delayed some landscaper’s jobs. 12

An article from The Guardian notes that Australian and New Zealander gardeners had stockpiled seeds causing a delay. Now that restrictions have lessened, stocks are starting to be replenished and access to items is beginning to increase. Setting aside the world’s current predicament, owning a landscaping business has many benefits. Commercial landscaping businesses often used for large businesses and government work - can turn over $10 million a year and have consistent contracts, employees and machinery. Companies that do larger residential jobs can turn over a few million a year, have industry contacts, publicity and equipment. A sole trader business can turn over $200,000 a year with consistent clientele and industry contacts. Landscapers and gardeners have had increased inquiries during 2020. People have found themselves confined in their homes, resulting in them wanting to improve it. This means that landscapers can receive more profits and gain a wider clientele which has both long and short term benefits. COVID 19 has been devastating to the globe albeit now has proven a beneficial time to be in the landscaping industry. It seems the Aussie’s love for gardening and home improvements continues even during a crisis. The future of COVID-19 is still uncertain, as are the effects it may have on business. It seems clear though, that one industry that is remaining strong and continues to prosper is the landscaping and gardening sector. Although social distancing has to continue and manufacturing delays have occured, landscapers have received an increase in inquiries, more clients and significant turn over. If you’re ready to buy a landscaping or gardening business, see what is currently available.

Mollie Lovie Junior Writer Mollie is our junior writer here at Bsale. She has a love of words and is a passionate author. Whilst still in high school she enjoys speaking with local business owners and sharing their experiences.


Business Brokers will Negotiate Your Sale. Bsale is one of Australia’s most established business for sale websites. We host more than 10,000 businesses for sale on our website at any one time. We act as an advertising platform for businesses looking to sell. So if you’re selling a business, do you need a business broker? We spoke with Linsday Power from Adelaide Business Brokers to discuss the benefits of using a business broker. Selling a business can be a very long, complex and emotionally draining ordeal, which can add unnecessary stress to your already busy life. As an experienced business broker, we have helped many individuals and corporate entities like you and we know what buyers are looking for. By engaging a business broker, you will also avert potential legal problems that may arise from disputes with buyers due to unfamiliarity in handling the various agreements, documents and processes involved. Business brokers will guard your best interests when selling your businesses and try to achieve the best possible results, leaving you with peace of mind to focus on running your day-to-day business activities. We handle the whole process of selling your businesses from start to end. 6 reasons why you should use a business broker when selling your business. 1. We help to properly assess the value of your businesses. 2. We save your precious time, energy and resources by providing comprehensive and strategic marketing processes to reach out to existing and potential buyers. 3. We handle inquiries, screen buyers, and exercise due diligence to protect confidential information. 4. We coordinate the relevant services of trustworthy professional advisors such as lawyers and accountants. 5. We negotiate the best terms and conditions for you. 6. We act discreetly so the sale process will not affect the morale or attitude of your customers and employees. We guide you through the whole selling procedure and ensure compliance on legal requirements to complete a successful sale. We work for you and guard your best interest; yet, always remember that you have the final say and you are in control. Therefore, it is important to engage an experienced business broker who understands that they have fiduciary duties to you. With us, you just sit back, relax, and enjoy the smooth ride. Our job is to safeguard all confidential information provided by the seller, actively market the business, find and qualify

all potential buyers and negotiate the terms of the sale. We have a fiduciary responsibility to the sellers to only show businesses to those buyers that will abide by the confidentiality guidelines. Non-Disclosure Agreement Potential buyers are required to review and sign a nondisclosure agreement, which outlines his/her responsibility in safeguarding the seller’s private data. This occurs before any detailed information concerning a specific opportunity/ confidential information is released. We are committed to protecting the confidentiality of the business sale. This is the preliminary step to protecting the seller’s confidential information. Professional Conduct We understand that public knowledge of a potential sale can affect the morale, behaviour, attitude and actions of employees, customers, competitors, lenders, suppliers, or investors, and thus the value of the company. We safeguard and release appropriate information only to involved parties. How Long Does it take to Sell a Business? It usually takes longer to sell a business than a house or a commercial building. Because of the confidential nature of a business sale, a business broker cannot put a For Sale sign on the window. The average time to sell a business is usually between six to twelve months. However, there are exceptions. Some businesses may sell within a month of being put in the market. Others may take several years to attract the right buyers. Adelaide Business Agents seeks out and talks to buyers every day. Thanks to Lindsay Power from Adelaide Business Brokers for this very insightful information.

Caragh Welford Caragh has been an advocate of small business since making the switch working for multi-nationals to independent, Australian owned businesses (like Bsale). With a passion for online marketing and being inspired by the ever-changing business world, Caragh enjoys sharing her thoughts with our Bsale audience. (FYI, it’s pronounced Kara!) You can find Caragh on Linkedin


Celebrating 25 years of

BUSINESS SUCCESS! Mail Boxes Etc (MBE) Manuka is celebrating twenty-five years of ‘making business easier’ for the Canberra community. The longstanding MBE store opened its doors on 19 June 1995, by proud franchise owners Arthur and Marilyn Gray. Since then, the duo have come a long way and are extremely proud and grateful to achieve this significant milestone! Marilyn said, “We’ve been honoured to work with a wide range of clients, ranging from small businesses, community organisations, international and national associations at both Australian Capital Territory and Federal Government level. It’s been an interesting journey over the past 25 years. We started from nothing and have built our business to what it is today.” As franchise partners of MBE, Arthur and Marilyn have been guided by the extensive support systems, training and business operations provided by the global franchise network. With more than 2500 locations around the globe and 40 MBE stores operating in 14

Australia - the MBE network stands out! The established MBE Manuka location is no different. Many Canberra businesses depend on the centre for a wide range of services, including design, print, shipping and mailbox or virtual address solutions. The popular MBE centre is a go-to choice for small businesses - giving them the tools and services to thrive in business and keep moving forward. Arthur is humbled by the recent support shown over the past few months. He said “We truly value our clients and we thank them for their continued support during this trying COVID-19 period.” During this unprecedented time, the MBE franchise network has led the way in supporting their franchise partners by providing multiple strategies to help their businesses continue to operate. Clayton Treloar, MBE CEO has highlighted the support currently being provided, saying that; “We’re still doing everything we can to support franchisees, by offering reduced royalty fees, ongoing

communication and training, and increased awareness for the changing business landscape. I have spoken with almost every MBE landlord in the country to ensure our partners are being well looked after and they are closely following the National Code of Conduct when it comes to landlords and tenants”. “I have been in close contact with the Franchise Council of Australia to ensure we are all well looked after and the support from both Federal and State Government has been very welcomed. Not one of our 40 locations across the country has closed and business is starting to boom again” “I would like to personally congratulate Arthur and Marilyn in their big milestone. They are an integral part of our network and enjoy great success in the city of Canberra.” The MBE franchise network is continuing to grow with new stores confirmed to open in New South Wales and Victoria in the coming months.


Get Online: Website for Roofing Business Websites and Online Stores

Do you need to get your trade business online quickly? Become the owner of this newly rebuilt website, running since 2014. Previous owner has retired. Designed with landing pages for each type of Roofing Restoration, Replacement and Cleaning services, with attractive imagery and professional copywriting. Price includes web development time to customise the site with your business name, licence number and contact details. Your images and testimonials can be added. Local marketing listings created for your business. We will help you save money on Adwords or Hipages through ongoing leads for your established... Price: $5,000 WIWO Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Amanda Woods Phone: 0420 212 191 View Online Bsale ID 270056

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Very Profitable Online Business Websites and Online Stores

This business ticks all the boxes: low risk, high profits, flexible lifestyle and a great return on investment. Enquire today as this business will sell fast. Key features of this opportunity: • High gross profit margin per sale – average $3,500. • Largest business in the industry. • Dropship business model – no stock held. • Customers pay in advance – no bad debt risk. • Excellent systems and processes. • No office needed – work from anywhere. • 10 Years trading, branding & goodwill. Financial highlights: Year to 30 June 2020. • $1.91M turnover. • $476k net profit to owner operator. This online market leading business is cash flow positive and operates on a drop-ship model which means there is no stock held. The main suppliers have been sourced and set up with contracts in place to guarantee the purchase price. This proven, cost-effective business model allows the owner to enjoy a flexible lifestyle, only working 5-10 hours per week. This online business can be operated from anywhere in Australia and / or overseas. The business can be owner operated or run under management. No industry specific skills or knowledge is required. The business trades for 30 hours per week over five days. The business has... Price: $950,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Mandy Phone: View Online Bsale ID 270084



Professional Cleaning - Coffs Harbour Cleaning & Domestic Services

About The Business: This is a quickly growing professional cleaning business located in the Mid North coastal region of NSW. The business services both commercial properties and holiday/domestic residences seven days of the week, year round. The business has key customer relations in place, with an established, skilled workforce. Years Established: The business has been established for two years, initially operating as a sole trader, but transferring to a limited company in the past year. Products & Services: The business offers professional cleaning options for both commercial properties and holiday/residential properties. Location: The business operates in the Coffs Harbour region and surrounding suburbs, but is well equipped to expand further, should this be desired by the new owner.Financials: The business has experienced significant growth in the past two years and is consistently profitable. Further financial information will be disclosed through the signing of an NDA. Employees: The business has a current roster of trained employees, with the ability for the new owner to take a less hands on approach with the daily duties of the business should this be desired. Equipment: Part of the business... Price: POA Region: Mid - North Coast State: NSW Contact: John Meagher Phone: View Online Bsale ID 269896

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Cafe & Gallery - Mid North Coast NSW Food - Cafe For Sale

About The Business: Old Lodge Gallery & By the River CafĂŠ is in a Prime location on the mid north coast of NSW, a rapidly growing and developing tourism and holiday destination. With an annual influx of approximately 2 million international and domestic visitors the room for growth is available. With a reputation for serving high quality food offerings, coffee and a contemporary casual menu to its loyal and long-standing customer base. Revenue can be increased through menu innovation and increased venue trading hours. Fantastic plant & equipment which is all owned outright and is included in the sale. Years Established: 32 years (current owner 12 years). Potential: Old Lodge Gallery & By the River CafĂŠ is in a Prime location on the mid north coast of NSW, a rapidly growing and developing tourism and holiday destination. Expanding social media platforms to utilise free marketing is a simple yet effective tool for hospitality businesses. There is many options to events such as weddings or engagement parties and/or out catering. Private functions for 100+ persons, organised tours combining dining and art galley revenue options. Reason For Sale: Owner retiring. Financials. Price: $245,000 WIWO Region: Mid - North Coast State: NSW Contact: David Hizlinger Phone: 1300 650 304 or 0439 177 185 View Online Bsale ID 269258



Large Commercial Distillery

Manufacturing, Wholesale, Import, Export

About The Business: Expand your beverage business this is an astounding opportunity to supply a large part of the Australian drinks market. This proven operation can produce all spirits in bulk up to 25,000 litres per day with all equipment to expand to 50,000 per day already onsite. The main customers were Woolies and Coles and there is still good opportunity to supply. This business is being sold as is and currently only the Winery is operating. Features: This plant could easily be used for most beverages i.e. Cider, Beer, Kombucha as well as bulk quantities of Wine. There are 2 bottling lines, massive warehousing, accomodation, basically it is a fully self contained unit. Comments: Please contact Gerald Feickert on 0421 278 308 for further details. If this Distillery is a little on the big side for you, let me know, we have smaller “ boutique” Distilleries as well. Cheers Gerald.

Price: $15,000,000 Region: Newcastle - Hunter State: VIC Contact: Gerald Feickert Phone: 0421 278 308 View Online Bsale ID 269134

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



6 Months $390 + GST Delivery And Small Home Removals Auto - Taxi, Courier, Hire, Distribution, Transport

The business is currently run by a husband and wife and casuals team and it’s based in Maroubra plus surrounding suburbs. This is an excellent opportunity for an individual owner who is looking to buy an established business and hit the ground running with minimum outlay! Perfect niche in the market for a sole trader with heaps of flexibility and opportunity to set your own hours. Work for yourself, no boss to tell you what to do. This COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t affected the business. There is a guaranteed income from day one and plenty of room for growth! - HIGHLIGHTS - • Arguably one of the best territories in NSW. • A proven... Price: $70,000 Freehold Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Viktorija Phone: View Online Bsale ID 269297



Electrical Franchise Opportunity

Trade Services - Home Maintenance, Plumber, Electrical

About The Business: Aussie was a successful business from the get go. After just one year on business they landed a major contract which allowed the business to grow quickly, helping to establish the brand in the marketplace back in 2009. Then through strategic marketing partners they were able to generate more work, grow the team and get to where they are today. Aussie then identified a niche in the residential maintenance sector and opened a plumbing division and, a few years later, expanded into the Melbourne market. After 10 years of successful operations in Sydney and Melbourne Andrew the Director and operator knew that what was really needed was a successful nationwide brand. Franchising was undoubtedly the best model as Andrew wanted to replicate his own passion for the business by partnering with motivated owner operators. So, in 2019 Aussie Electrical and Plumbing became Aussie Home Services a nationwide franchise. About The Franchise: A day in the life of an Aussie Home Services Franchisee. The Aussie Home Services Franchise is a turnkey business opportunity meaning it has everything you need to start trading from day one. We offer franchisees a... Price: $54,890 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: James Corne Phone: View Online Bsale ID 268656

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Cafe- World Heritage National Park Food - Cafe For Sale

Cafe For Sale. Located at World Heritage National Park, Dorrigo NSW. Equipment and Lease for sale. Business operating 7 days a week. The Canopy Cafe has been established for over 20 years in the tranquil setting of a world heritage listed national park. This popular tourist destination is situated along the renowned Waterfall Way, 45 mins from the regional centre of Coffs Harbour, 20 mins from the charming town of Bellingen and 5 minutes away from historic Dorrigo township. Serving over 125,000 customers per year, with tourists looking for coffees, cold drinks, breakfast, lunch and snacks before and after they enjoy all that the park has to offer. With no immediate competition, the cafe is open 7 days from 9 to 4. Enjoy your time at work with spectacular views and peaceful atmosphere. In your time off, relax in a region that offers a great climate, leading beaches and picturesque mountains. This cafe represents a perfect situation for a husband and wife team looking for a lifestyle change, a partnership looking for a profitable business or a savvy individual wanting a great opportunity. Currently managed by one owner,1 full time staff member and casuals. Premise: Leasehold 5x5. Only one year... Price: $95,000 + SAV Region: Mid - North Coast State: NSW Contact: Suzanne Doyle Phone: 0404 818 471 View Online Bsale ID 268529



Start Up Online Weightloss Business Websites and Online Stores

About The Business: Body Construction Squad is a weight loss business that focuses on women that have struggled to lose weight. The program provides 28 days of workouts and 28 days of meal plans. Also providing extra free recipes promoted as gifts on the website. The program is a calorie counting weight loss program. We have taken the counting part out and have done the hard work for all our clients. It has been tested and proven to work loosing a minimum of 3kgs to 6kgs in a month. We aim at providing the weight loss program in the heathiest way possible. At Body construction squad we have had a team help develop the business to be the best it can. We have always received more than 1 professional’s opinion with every section. Nutritionist, fitness instructors and web developers play a huge part in this business and making it unique. In regards to our promotional aspects of the business, We decided to use all types of women. Where they differed in sizes, appearance, and cultures to show at BCsquad we welcome everyone. Years Established: The business was established and launched feb 2020. Products & Services: 28-day meal plan, 28-day fitness plan, All recipe, Skipping ropes, Booty... Price: $16,500 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Casey El Kalal Phone: View Online Bsale ID 266431

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Established eCommerce Businesses For Sale

Websites and Online Stores

We operate businesses in over 247 different online niches. You love pets and animals? Golf? Fishing. Location: This business is not location specific and can be run from the comfort of your own home, from a café or even while travelling. Many of our clients sell their stores generating $310k profit per month. We can build you the EXACT same... Financials: The potential with your business is uncapped, e-commerce is extremely scalable. We have clients making $3000, $10,000, $20,000 and some making over $50,000/m in profit. We give you long term coaching to ensure you’re progressing at the level you desire. Although we cannot guarantee you will succeed (we’ve had clients who avoided scheduled coaching sessions or not even completed the training itself!) what I can guarantee is we will deliver you a world class asset, with word class training and long term coaching to get you profitable fast. Revenue $109,477 pm. Rent $0 pm. Expenses $46,322 pm. Net Profit $63,155 pm. *This is shown live to qualified buyers only* About The Business: We build the store, craft the branding, graphics, source photographers who take photos of the products, only use USA based suppliers who DROPSHIP so no... Price: POA Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Philip Pich Phone: 0424 871 982 View Online Bsale ID 267706


Bsale ID






Central Coast Business Sales Pty Ltd







Mobile Tool Knife Sharpening Business Op

Newcastle - Hunter




Central Coast


Central Coast Business Sales Pty Ltd


Greenhouse Asian Salads | Bondi Sydney



DC Strategy



Greenhouse Asian Salads | Newtown NSW



DC Strategy



Become A Business Broker & Advisor with one of Australia’s #1 Brands



The Finn Group

1300 535 932


Do you love business with big financial potential?

Mid - North Coast


The Finn Group

1300 535 932


Pianos- sale of new, second hand, rental and hire



Core Business Brokers



2x Freestanding Building, 1x Commercial + 1x Residential, Western Sydney.


$1,650,000 2x…


+61 2 9899 1999


21009 Lakeside Accommodation - Year-round Tourist Destination

Wollongong - South Coast


Bonza Business & Franchise Sales

1300 266 922


Online Business Work from Home



Business Brokers Network Australia





Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331


Freehold Busy Supermarket, Liquor Store, 5hrs Northwest Sydney

Mid - North Coast



+61 2 9899 1999


Busy Service Station 2 Hour Drive West Sydney

Blue Mountains - Central West



+61 2 9899 1999


Stunning Victorian Building In The Main Street Of Maitland With Residential…

Newcastle - Hunter

$1,250,000 Freehold…


+61 2 9899 1999


Bakery - Cafe - Takeaway - Franchise - Franchise cafe - takeaway - Takings…



SBX Business Brokers


Automotive - Car Wash - Cafe - Car Wash - Sales $16,000 p.w - Netts $7,000…



SBX Business Brokers




$199,000 + SAV

Xchange Business Brokers



Are you thinking of selling your Hotel/Accommodation Business? | ID: 922



ABBA Group

1300 064 944


20220 Established Tutoring Business - Central Location



Bonza Business & Franchise Sales

1300 266 922


Ref 1035 Fruit Veg and Supermarket



Bizdeals Business Brokers



Movie Theatre, Music Venue and Cocktail Bar - NSW

Central Coast


Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331


Calypso Chicken Kitchen And Reggae Spiced Rum Bar




+61 2 9899 1999


21010 Profitable and Establish Tinting Business - Home, Office, Motor Vehicles

Wagga Wagga - Riverina


Bonza Business & Franchise Sales

1300 266 922





Xchange Business Brokers



Pie Shop Norther Beaches



Core Business Brokers



Electrical Franchise Opportunity

Wollongong - South Coast



Plumbing Franchise Opportunity

Wollongong - South Coast



21017 Sports - Profitable Soccer Coaching Business



Bonza Business & Franchise Sales

1300 266 922


Takeaway - Restaurant - Thai Cuisine - Thai restaurant - Takeaway - 5 days…



SBX Business Brokers


21002 Profitable Mobile Pool Maintenance Franchise



Bonza Business & Franchise Sales

1300 266 922


21012 Shopfront Window Cleaning Business With A Strong Brand, Great…



Bonza Business & Franchise Sales

1300 266 922


21015 Well-Established and Profitable Marine Service Company.



Bonza Business & Franchise Sales

1300 266 922




$145,000 + SAV

Xchange Business Brokers



Pattison’s Patisserie Stockland’s Cammeray




+ 61 2 9899 1999


Hand Car Wash In Central Coast Shopping Centre

Central Coast



+61 2 9899 1999


Video Game Supplies Business Online



Readystart Business Solutions

1300 893 487


PRICE REDUCED Sydney Based CRICOS (1219)



Infinity Business Brokers

0422 614 514


Bicycle Sales and Service - Business is Booming! - NSW

Tamworth - North West


Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331




$235,000 + SAV

Xchange Business Brokers



Cafe Espresso Bar for Sale - Campbelltown Area



Network Infinity



Little Zak’s Childcare Business The Oaks


$500,000 + Other

DC Strategy



Little Zak’s Childcare Business Sydney


$500,000 + Other

DC Strategy






Xchange Business Brokers





$189,000 + SAV

Xchange Business Brokers



1036 Charcoal Chicken Take Away 6 days



Bizdeals Business Brokers



Little Zak’s Childcare Business Cessnock

Newcastle - Hunter

$500,000 + Other

DC Strategy



Little Zak’s Business Wongawilli NSW

Wollongong - South Coast

$500,000 + Other

DC Strategy



Little Zak’s Childcare | Cambridge Park


$500,000 + Other

DC Strategy



Solar Energy Sales and Installation Business - Sydney



Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331


Restaurant - Korean Cuisine - Restaurant - Korean Cuisine - North West Sydney



SBX Business Brokers


Skip Bin Hire Business For Sale – NSW

Central Coast


Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd


Donut King Port Macquarie

Mid - North Coast


Coastal Commercial And Business Agents 419699121




$139,000 + SAV

Xchange Business Brokers



Mower and Outdoor Power Equipment

Mid - North Coast

$250,000 + SAV

Advanced Business Marketing



Air Conditioning & Sheetmetal Business

Mid - North Coast

$190,000 + SAV

Advanced Business Marketing





$125,000 + SAV

Xchange Business Brokers






Infinity Business Brokers

0422 614 514




$220,000 + SAV

Xchange Business Brokers



Cafe - Takeaway - Seafood - Franchise - Great lease and rent - Well known…



SBX Business Brokers




$99,000 + SAV

Xchange Business Brokers

02 9817 3331


Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Bsale ID







Restaurant - Korean Cuisine - Korean cuisine - Takings $25,000 p.w. - Very…



SBX Business Brokers


Registered to 2024. Excellent RTO (1261)



Infinity Business Brokers

0422 614 514


Rail Infrastructure RTO. Reg 2025 (1264)



Infinity Business Brokers

0422 614 514


JFL200726-Castle Hill Thai Restaurant - Top Location - Large Spaces





JFL200806- Asian Convenience Store in Rhodes NSW -150Sqm - Net $5000p/w





XKR1035 - Machi Machi Market Leading Milk Tea Franchise Opportunity In A...


please contact us for price BUYER


JFL8008- Legal licensed Brothel - Sydney inner west


please contact us for price BUYER


Butcher Shop Sydney Inner West - Good price - High p...


please contact us for price BUYER


XKRJL1006 - Parramatta - Restaurant- Malaysia cuisine - STREET SHOP -ONL...





Busy Coffee Shop Inner West Selling Approx 60kg Coffee PW Low Rent…



Network Infinity


Cafe - Espresso - Franchise - Under Management - Cafe - Espresso…



SBX Business Brokers


Highly profitable- Cafe and cake shop in Ryde area. Turnover $ 17K pw…



Network Infinity



Industrial Refrigeration and Air Cond Specialists- commercial



Core Business Brokers



Alfresco modern bright cafe with indoor and outdoor seating Chatswood…



Network Infinity



Iconic Riverina Café


$155,000 + SAV

GSE Business Consultants


South West Sydney | Greek Restaurant | Highly Profitable | Long Lease…



Network Infinity



Well Established Automotive Business

Mid - North Coast

$80,000 WIWO

Prime Business Brokers Australia

1300 650 304


The Shed Roselands – Low Fixed Fee


$295,000 + SAV

GSE Business Consultants


Busy Cafe and Take away shop in Sydney Eastern Suburbs Rent only $700 a…



Network Infinity


Ryde Area Licenced Café


$59,000 WIWO

GSE Business Consultants


Upper North Shore Kiosk Café


$99,000 + SAV

GSE Business Consultants


Profitable Northern Beaches Café



GSE Business Consultants


North Sydney Café – Five Days


$95,000 WIWO

GSE Business Consultants


Albury Gourmet Pizza Bar

Wagga Wagga - Riverina

$249,000 + SAV

GSE Business Consultants


Iconic Regional Business

Wagga Wagga - Riverina

$395,000 + SAV

GSE Business Consultants


Five Day Illawarra Café

Wollongong - South Coast

$160,000 + SAV

GSE Business Consultants


Kids Puzzle Supplies Business Online



Readystart Business Solutions

1300 893 487


1037 wholesale Retail kitchen Equipment



Bizdeals Business Brokers



1037 wholesale Retail Hospitality Supply


$590,000 + SAV

Bizdeals Business Brokers






Vision Brokers And Advisors






Vision Brokers And Advisors






Vision Brokers And Advisors






Vision Brokers And Advisors



Essential Office Supplies Distributor


$700,000 + SAV

Vision Brokers And Advisors



Electrical Servicing Contractors



Vision Brokers And Advisors



$195,000 COVID-PROOF || SALES $1.3MILL+



Vision Brokers And Advisors

02 8923 2632


Profitable Cafe Long Lease $700k



Vision Brokers And Advisors



Sydney Harbour Boat/Functions For Sale



Vision Brokers And Advisors






Vision Brokers And Advisors



LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION, Asian Grocery and Takeaway Store in…



The Brokerage Connection

1300 466 455

02 81979954


BSALE currently has 2,721 Businesses Listed For Sale in NSW... View All Here Selection of businesses advertised for sale by business brokers. This a guide only. Please view the ID number on and speak directly to the broker to confirm details. Bsale accepts no responsibilty for any errors or ommissions.



Fully Systemised Cafe | High Turnover Food - Cafe For Sale

For sale is an attractive and well-established kiosk café in a busy and thriving Canberra shopping centre on the South Side of Canberra. With an attractive, modern fit-out, and a fantastic menu the business enjoys strong trade in a high-volume environment. The business is fully costed and generates a healthy net profit to an owner operator of $180k per annum to a working owner. Incoming owners will enjoy the benefits of a fully systemised business with a nationally respected brand. The business is fully systemised and straightforward to run with no experience required and the backing of a fast expanding national brand that only... Price: $250,000 + SAV Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Rob Illsey Phone: 0415 243 750 View Online Bsale ID 270542

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Beauty and Hair Wholesaler - Canberra Beauty & Hair Salon

About The Business: This business is the largest beauty showroom in Canberra and surrounding areas offering an expanse of beauty, hair and clinic related products and equipment. Created and run by the same family since 2003. Includes a database of over 10,000 registered customers throughout Australia. Financials: Monthly turnover ranges between $67,000 to $92,000. Monthly fixed costs $18,000. Further financials available upon negotiation. Products & Services: - Popular, high profile brands. - Disposable surgical masks and sanitizers. - Solvents and disinfectants. - Waxing products and equipment. - Hand and body lotions. - Salon linen and disposables. - Brow tinting, perming and brow henna. - Acrylic, gel and dip nail systems and nail art products. - Hair colours, peroxides, perming and straightening systems. - Hair straighteners, curling wands, dryers, clippers, scissors and trimmers. - Hair shampoos, conditioners, treatments. - Spray tanning. - Massage oils. - Furniture including hot towel cabinets, magnifying lamps, stools, trolleys, beds, hair basins, shampoo units. Features: - Products sourced largely from Australia suppliers. - The majority of beauty equipment and some salon disposables... Price: POA Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Eve Pawlowski Phone: 02 6162 1950 View Online Bsale ID 269579



6 Months $390 + GST Fully Equipped 24/7 Gym For Sale Health, Medical and Gyms

Selling now for $60,000 ONO. All equipment owned not leased (value $240k+). Regrettable sale. Motivated to sell. Urgent sale as we are Interstate Owners. Will suit Personal Trainers wanting to run their own gym, Owner operators and investors. Become part of the world’s largest and fastestgrowing franchisor of compact, state-of-the-art 24 hour fitness centre’s, and the fast, convenient and affordable workout alternative to traditional “big box” health clubs. Training provided: All training is provided at the beginning where you will learn every element to being a successful Fitness franchisee. Be it that you are looking to own and... Price: $60,000 Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Kevin Phone: 0421 361 691 View Online Bsale ID 268634

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Fantastic Opportunity to Take Over a... Beauty & Hair Salon

A fantastic opportunity has arisen for someone to take over the lease and fit-out of this large and profitable hairdressing/ beauty salon. The salon is located in a highly populated Business Park and has been in operation since 2006. The business currently operates Tuesday to Friday however there is scope to increase hours if so desired. The salon comes with an extensive fit-out and all equipment required to operate immediately, however the business name, staff, and stock will be moving to the city salon. There are also two rooms available for beauty/massage services and could be rented to a Beauty Therapist if so desired. The current owners also operate another salon in the city and are looking to downsize by just focusing on the one salon. The lease is in place until June 2022 with an option to renew. With a large pool of their clients most likely to continue visiting the salon due to the close proximity to their workplace within the Business Park, this is an opportunity not to be missed! Don’t delay making an enquiry TODAY! $50,000 WIWO. For more information about this opportunity please call Michael Newham of Finn Business Sales on 0421 495 751 or email Price: $50,000 WIWO Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Michael Newham Phone: 0419 263 014 View Online Bsale ID 268971



6 Months $390 + GST Iconic Canberra Café, Coffee Shop Food - Cafe For Sale

Potential: The wholesale side of the business has fallen off as the current owners haven’t actively pursued that income stream as it wasn’t playing to their strengths, there is huge opportunity to reinvigorate this aspect of the business. Being actively involved in social media and marketing would generate a much greater following. Massive unit developments within the suburb and the rebuild of the bus depot will drive success deep into the future. Reason For Sale: The current owner is ready for retirement and is passionate the business is perfectly suited to anyone with drive and ambition, especially a younger generation that... Price: $195,000 + SAV Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Andrew Nuttall Phone: 0418 676 400 View Online Bsale ID 267192

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Very Successful Fishmonger For Sale Food - Supermarket, Butcher, Fruit, Bakery, Deli

Business ID: BS144487. Adjusted Profits of $202,000+ Sale Price $283,000. This business is located in a prime shopping centre in South Canberra. The business offers a range of products including fresh fish, frozen products, oysters, live products, molluscs and shellfish, primarily sourced from the Sydney Fish Markets. Established in January 2016, the business has increased sales by over 6% for two of the past three years. It has an established client base of older and family clients that enjoy seafood, with customers from local and surrounding suburbs. The successful sales growth demonstrates a strong reputation for excellent products and service in over four years since it began. - Strong and growing profits. - Highly popular, well established seafood business anchored by Woolworths and 25 speciality stores with huge traffic flow and exposure. Serving fresh fish and seafood 7 days per week. - Repeat customers weekly. - All equipment unencumbered and part of sale price. - All equipment in excellent working order. - No debtors and all sales are retail to walk-in customers. - Also included is shop van in sale price. - Excellent business to invest in for the opportunity to enter one of South... Price: $283,000 Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Xcllusive Business Sales Phone: 02 9817 3331 View Online Bsale ID 267667


Bsale ID








North Canberra Cafe | Simple Operation


$149,000 + SAV

GSE Business Consultants


Successful Building Inspection Company


$250,000 + SAV

Summit Business Brokers



Senior Helpers Franchise - An Amazing Opportunity in The Booming Aged…



Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd

1300 889 443


EOI - Supplier of Lighting and Ceramics



Mentored Business Sales

1800 858 696


Mobile Skip Business - Your Own Business Own Brand NOT a Franchise Earn…



Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd

1300 889 443


Exciting New Internationally Renowned and Multiple Award-winning…


From $350,000

Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd

1300 889 443


Exciting and Innovative New Global Technology Franchise Opportunity for…



Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd

1300 889 443


Gourmet Burgers & Beer


$320,000 + SAV

GSE Business Consultants


Fantastic Opportunity to Take Over a Fully Fitted-Out Hairdressing Salon…


$50,000 WIWO

The Finn Group

1305 535 932


Profitable Family Owned Transport Company! Servicing Canberra and NSW…


$250,000 + Assets

The Finn Group

1304 535 932


Profitable & Popular Restaurant/Cafe in Fantastic Location Beside the Lake!...


$249,000 + SAV

The Finn Group

1303 535 932


Financial Planning Book for Sale - Canberra & Surrounding Region



The Finn Group

1302 535 932


Profitable and Long Established Iconic Cafe - Well Positioned inside…


$180,000 + SAV

The Finn Group

1301 535 932


Highly Profitable & Long Established Business! A Unheard of 100% Return…


$695,000 + SAV

The Finn Group

1300 535 932


Exciting Opportunity in the Lucrative Laser Tattoo Removal Industry!


$70,000 + SAV

The Finn Group

1313 535 932


Highly Profitable Bottle Shop Located in Canberra’s Southside!


$650,000 + SAV

The Finn Group

1312 535 932


Mechanical Repair & Servicing Workshop! Selling at Less than Set-up Cost!


$99,000 + SAV

The Finn Group

1311 535 932


Recession Busting Business! Sales Are Up 40% Compared to this time last…


$599,000 + SAV

The Finn Group

1310 535 932


Profitable & Long Established Family-Friendly Restaurant Located in Prime…


$186,900 + SAV

The Finn Group

1309 535 932


Profitable & Long Established Graphic Design & Print Business! An Amazing…


$180,000 + SAV

The Finn Group

1308 535 932


Long Established Pool & Spa Installation & Maintenance Business!


$45,000 + SAV

The Finn Group

1307 535 932


Two Profitable Float Therapy Studios! Huge Price Reduction as Owner…


$395,000 WIWO

The Finn Group

1306 535 932


South Canberra’s favourite cafe


$399,000 + SAV

GSE Business Consultants


Great business,profit, diversity


$195,000 + SAV

Summit Business Brokers






Summit Business Brokers


BSALE currently has 97 Businesses Listed For Sale in ACT… View All Here Selection of businesses advertised for sale by business brokers. This a guide only. Please view the ID number on and speak directly to the broker to confirm details. Bsale accepts no responsibilty for any errors or ommissions.

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Outstanding Highly Profitable Trendy Food - Cafe For Sale

This stunning & highly successful North Brisbane Bayside café is located in a high foot traffic tourist area. The café offers a diverse range of healthy and real in-house made food accompanied by great coffee and exceptional customer service all year round. Also proudly catering to all diet requirements including Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Nut Free and Vegan. The aura that has been created to give the customer a unique dining experience is exceptional with niche designs throughout this establishment. The café operates under full management with an experienced team in place which gives the owner the flexibility to work when... Price: $495,000 Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Sam Turkan Phone: 0421 679 104 View Online Bsale ID 270541



Video To DVD/USB Home Business For Sale Work from Home

Our video business has helped 100,000 Queenslanders with their precious memories from old tapes, slides and photos to DVD, USB or Hard Drives over the past 30 years. The owner is retiring, and is looking for the right person/ company to take over the business and continue its legacy. Key data: - Current annual revenue $120k. - All necessary equipment and complete setup provided. - Website and lead generation system provided. - Basic technical skills required – training will be provided. - 80% gross profit margin. - 30 years of hard earned reputation. - Little impact by COVID19 – business is already back to full capacity. No office rent expense – can be operated from home, or from your existing business location. - Full financials will be provided to serious buyers. This is a turnkey business where the buyer will receive a fully operational business that generates $10k per month instantly, with potential for further growth. This opportunity would be perfect to anyone looking to run their own profitable business, or for an existing business to complement their existing operations. Please call for more information.

Price: $69,000 Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Alan Phone: 0413 614 345 View Online Bsale ID 270324

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Iconic Freddy Fuddpuckers Cafe Food - Cafe For Sale

Featuring an in store coffee roasting process visible during trading hours, this unique cafe features a boutique selection of coffees from around the world, taking coffee snobs to the next level. All the work has been done with a full operations manual, plus recipe cards provided, leaving the business systemised and ready for takeover. This owner-operated cafe is next to Coles in Coolum Beach, one of the most affluent growing suburbs of the Sunshine Coast. Full financials are available but this cafe is ready to be sold, walk-in/walk-out with price stated. Inspection is a must, with a coffee thrown in! Please call Chris on 0437874189.

Price: $199,000 Region: Sunshine - Fraser Coast State: QLD Contact: Christopher Edmonds Phone: 0437 874 189 View Online Bsale ID 269708



Massive Price Reduction Food - Cafe For Sale

Outstanding Licensed Cafe located within a major Gold Coast shopping centre, established for over 18 years, with current owners in place since 2010. Highly profitable with great Net Profits and low overheads. Weekly sales of $10000+. Excellent opportunity to expand and grow the existing revenue. Huge daily foot traffic as the cafe is situated close to Woolworth’s and sits 72 pax with inside and alfresco dining areas. A lovely warm fit-out that meets the demographics of the area and a well-equipped kitchen meeting the daily requirements that all add to the easiness of running this business. Large clientele is a mix of new and regular customers and attracts the tourist trade being positioned on the lovely Gold Coast. Close to light rail and public transport. Genuine reason for selling. Current owners happy to agree to a handover period to ensure a smooth transition.

Price: $125,000 WIWO Region: Gold Coast State: QLD Contact: David Hizlinger Phone: 1300 650 304 or 0439 177 185 View Online Bsale ID 270384

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



6 Months $390 + GST Print, Design & Marketing Centre-Brisbane Advertising, Marketing and Printing

Servicing the local area since 2014 this business centre has a solid and diverse customer base with a great amount of repeat business. It’s known throughout the community for exemplary service. It has state of the art equipment and produces superior quality products. Minuteman Press is the #1 rated print & marketing franchise. For over 40 years, we have led the way as a top b2b service franchise. At Minuteman Press, We Are The Modern Printing Industry™ providing high quality products and services that meet the growing needs of today’s business professionals. We have developed a unique business model that offers products... Price: $50,000 Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Al Sanders Phone: View Online Bsale ID 199132



Wellness Clinic, Estab 2003 Health, Medical and Gyms

About The Business: This is the #1 wellness clinic on the Sunshine Coast because we have the largest range of scientifically validated equipment, products and services. We know of no other clinic in the world with all our facilities. Established in 2003 and still owned by the founders. Both are now in their 60s and the time is right for retirement. This business is NOT a beauty salon, nor a day spa, nor a gym, nor a natural health clinic. “TRANSFORM YOUR BODY. EASILY” sums up the business. Everything we do is scientifically validated, non-invasive and non-toxic. The clinic is based in Noosaville, Qld. Over 5000 clients have enjoyed our huge range of services and products. The business figures demonstrate a long history of growth of both revenue and profit. The day to day operations are coordinated by a manager and we have a fabulous team of four mature and professional (casual) therapists. No specific qualifications are required to own this business but a passion for helping others to improve their wellness is essential. The investment to own this proven and growing business is $395,000 WIWO. Visit our micro website for more details at Price: $395,000 WIWO Region: Sunshine - Fraser Coast State: QLD Contact: Steve Alexander Phone: 0417 631 113 View Online Bsale ID 268263

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Fruit, Vegetable and Deli Shop

Food - Supermarket, Butcher, Fruit, Bakery, Deli

About The Business: This green grocer has been located in this very lot for 12 years. It is located in a wonderful catchment just minutes drive from the town centre of Kenmore. Lots of support from pleasant locals. - price negotiable -.

Price: $20,000 WIWO Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: David Cole Phone: 0412 346 742 View Online Bsale ID 268533



Costume Shop - Rental & Sales - SE QLD

Retail - Other

Toowoomba! What a great place to be! Located 125 kms west of Brisbane this city is growing fast. With over 43 public and private schools in the immediate and extended reach region it also boasts a new Domestic and International Airport. It has a population of approximately 120,000 people with an annual growth rate of 1.21%. Toowoomba Fancy Dress Shop is located on Ruthven Street, (New England Highway) which is the main N – S route into Toowoomba just 1km from the CBD. The business has been with the owner at this location for eight years and a lease is in place until the end of February 2021 with an option of further renewals. Current rental value is $475 per week plus GST. Approximately 185 sq metres in size it comprises the front showroom, middle room for hire stock and the back workroom with overflow costumes and accessories. Currently run by one person, however casual help is frequently required during the busy times from July through to December. Trading hours generally consist of 5 ½ days per week. With over 2000 costumes, 100 wigs, suits, capes, petticoats and vintage wear from all genres it is the only shop of its kind west of Brisbane. We service a... Price: $98,000 + SAV WIWO + Other Region: Toowoomba - Darling Downs State: QLD Contact: Kerrie Edwards Phone: 07 4639 4800 or +61 408 980 956 View Online Bsale ID 223397

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Toy & Bike Retailer In The Whitsundays Retail - Other

This is a great opportunity for an enthusiastic person or family to take this long established business to the next level. In addition to operating from our large store with main street frontage, with our established e-commerce website, you’re ready to take on the online world! Currently managed by the owner and a team of long-term casuals. Location: Bowen Toyworld is located in the main street of Bowen, North Queensland, home of the Big Mango, beautiful beaches and great fishing! This is more than an investment, it’s a lifestyle opportunity. Premises: Leasehold premises. Large retail area (332m²) with ample storage space (234m²). Products & Services: In addition to carrying a large range of toys, games, bikes and outdoor play equipment, we carry a selection of hobbies and nursery furniture, with room for expansion in these areas. Potential: Great potential for online expansion through our established e-commerce website. Currently open 5 and a half days per week, there is the potential to trade 7 days if you desire. As part of the Toyworld group, you have access to regular catalogue promotions and marketing opportunities with the added benefit of group buying power. Price: $40,000 + SAV Region: Coastal North State: QLD Contact: Sue Mawhirt Phone: 0437 863 262 View Online Bsale ID 266692



Online Global Home Based Business Work from Home

About The Business: This is an exciting online business in a Booming Industry - Personal Development & Success Education. THIS IS NOT A JOB. This is a REAL Business for people looking for a Flexible, portable lifestyle solution. PLEASE DO NOT respond if you are looking for a JOB. This is a BUSINESS and Lifestyle solution. For those looking for more time freedom, an executive level income and a portable business then please take a look further. This is: > Not MLM (Multi Level Marketing). > You do NOT cold call or approach family or friends. > You do NOT stock products. > and It’s definitely NOT a get-rich-quick scheme. > NO Selling. You are given: > Full training & support. > Supported community of like minded positive people. > Proven 3 Step Business System. > Award winning product line. > Easy to use systems and tools. > A supportive and friendly global community of like-minded individuals. > Ongoing support and training to assist in your success. > Various start-up options to suit any budget. > Turnkey business model with uncapped income potential. > Opportunity for international travel. * We take you through all the training required to... Price: POA Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Peggy Crane Phone: 0411 376 377 View Online Bsale ID 266469

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Supercar Driving Experience Business Auto - Taxi, Courier, Hire, Distribution, Transport

Business Summary: Brisbane Supercars was established 5 years ago with the vision to bring a true passion filled supercar experience to everyday people. Since opening in 2015 we have delivered over 2500 amazing experiences and have cemented our position as Queensland’s leading supercar experience provider. This fun-filled glamorous business has generated a healthy profit since day one and has continued to expand into new territory with many avenues identified but yet to be explored. Flexible Location: We currently operate the business from our bespoke Helensvale base set on the beautiful Gold Coast, near popular tourist attractions including Movie World, Wet’n’Wild, Outback Spectacular and Dreamworld. This prime position attracts budding drivers from Brisbane, the Gold Coast, northern NSW and across Australia. The beauty about this business is that you can choose to run it from almost anywhere. We have previously operated from a popular café venue in South Brisbane which allowed us to reduce overheads to zero. Another potential option would be to run the business from two locations alternately, i.e. one week in Brisbane, one week at the Sunshine coast... Price: POA Region: Gold Coast State: QLD Contact: Luke Moody Phone: View Online Bsale ID 267218



Freehold Hotel Or Property Only Option Accommodation, Motels, Tourism

$950,000.00 down to $800,000.00 +SAV (ONO). Reduced for quick sale due to health reasons. Lake’s Creek Hotel was constructed in 1895 by builder T Moir, to a design by prominent Rockhampton architectural firm Eaton and Bates. It incorporates elements of the Victoria Free Gothic style of architecture, is a two-storey timber building, clad predominantly with weatherboards. Located in the Beef Capitol of Australia, Lakes Creek Hotel is in walking distance from Teys Brothers Abattoir and 6 minute drive to JBS Abattoir. We are also surrounded by the mining industry where many of the Rockhampton residence work. We have primary location on Lakes Creek Road and are known as the 1st pub coming up from Emu Park and the last pub as you leave Rockhampton on Lakes Creek Rd. The Lakes Creek Hotel offers: - Primary location on main highway from Rockhampton to Emu Park/Yeppoon. - Large Main Bar. - Drive-Thur Bottle-Shop. - Large Beer Garden/ Function area (only one of its kind in Rocky). - 8 Poker machines (with approval for 45). - 12 Accommodation rooms. - Commercial Kitchen. - Managers living quarters. - Keno and Keno Racing has been removed, but can be... Price: $800,000 + SAV Region: Mt Isa - Central State: QLD Contact: Charlene Phone: 07 4928 3050 or 0414 972 560 View Online Bsale ID 190347

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Bsale ID







Cleaning Franchise - Gold Coast

Gold Coast



07 3170 3261


The Yiros Shop Franchise | Coorparoo



DC Strategy



The Yiros Shop | Toowoomba, QLD

Toowoomba - Darling Downs


DC Strategy



Build a business you can be proud of in the health and fitness industry!

Coastal North


The Finn Group


High Profit Margins – Easy Work – Income Guarantee

Mt Isa - Central


The Finn Group


Gluten Free Bakery ...Niche Market- PRICE REDUCED

Gold Coast


Business Brokers Network Australia


Thriving Pizzeria Restaurant. Est 8+ years – Noosaville, QLD

Sunshine - Fraser Coast


Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331


Trailer & Part Sales and Repairs

Coastal North


Business Brokers Network Australia

1300 577 297


Subway Surfers Paradise area! Remodelled! Growth mode business!

Gold Coast


Business Brokers Network Australia


Print Vision & Elite Signs and Graphics


$250,000 WIWO

Advantage Business Sales & Valuations

07 5372 8468


Successful Local Bakery w/ Sales in Excess of $750k, Strong Profits & State…



LINK Business Brisbane

+61 7 3831 2300


Opportunity to acquire a Market Leader

Sunshine - Fraser Coast

$395,000 + SAV

Verified Businesses

07 5479 5588


Become A Business Broker & Advisor with one of Australia’s #1 Brands

Sunshine - Fraser Coast


The Finn Group

1300 535 932


Takeaway - Restaurant - Japanese Cuisine - Japanese cuisine - Gold Coast…

Gold Coast


SBX Business Brokers


Boutique Nail & Beauty Salon

Sunshine - Fraser Coast

$80,000 + SAV

Verified Businesses

07 5479 5588


Wholesale and Retail Seafood Business

Sunshine - Fraser Coast


Verified Businesses

07 5479 5588


Iconic 5 Day Sandwich Bar/Coffee Business For Sale #5088FO


$290,000 + SAV

ABS Business Sales



21008 Profitable Fishing and Tackle Online Business For Sale

Sunshine - Fraser Coast

$169,000 Plus SAV

Bonza Business & Franchise Sales

1300 266 922


Established & Profitable Mobile Mechanic

Sunshine - Fraser Coast

$149,000 + SAV

Verified Businesses

07 5479 5588


Brodies Chicken & Burgers Redland Bay #5089FR


$70,000 + SAV

ABS Business Sales

07 3368 4010


Brodies Chicken & Burgers Goodna #5090FR

Toowoomba - Darling Downs

$70,000 WIWO

ABS Business Sales

07 3368 4010


Coolabah Tree Cafe Coopers Plains #5092FR



ABS Business Sales

07 3368 4010


Booming Restaurant & Takeaway

Sunshine - Fraser Coast

$125,000 + SAV

Verified Businesses

07 5479 5588





Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331


Upholstery Services Business – Brisbane, QLD



Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331


Mobile Pest Control Services – Gold Coast, QLD

Gold Coast


Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331


Simple to operate Lawn & Garden Care

Sunshine - Fraser Coast

$118,000 WIWO

Verified Businesses

07 5479 5588


Online sales - Mechanical Supplies - Wholesaler - Retail Products …

Gold Coast


SBX Business Brokers


Fully Managed Coffee Kiosk in Westfield Chermside / High Foot Traffic &…



LINK Business Brisbane

+61 7 3831 2300


Florist and Styling Decor Business for s

Gold Coast

$68,000 WIWO

Prime Business Brokers Australia

1300 650 304


Brisbane Area Florist Delivery Service



Business Brokers Queensland

073 290 3633


Awesome long Est Automotive Business

Toowoomba - Darling Downs

$395,000 WIWO

Prime Business Brokers Australia

1300 650 304


Floor Covering Product Suppliers #092


$1,150,000 + SAV

Mercury 5 Sky

073 221 1441


The Coffee Club Outstanding Southside LocationFor Sale #5087FR


$680,000 + SAV

ABS Business Sales

07 3368 4010



Toowoomba - Darling Downs

$325,000 WIWO

ABS Business Sales

07 3368 4010


Building and Construction Business For Sale #5026INB


$459,000 WIWO

ABS Business Sales

07 3368 4010


Well Established Butcher Shop | High Turnover | Inner City #5024FO


$2,400,000 + SAV

ABS Business Sales

07 3368 4010


Medical Practice for Sale Gold Coast

Gold Coast


LK Business Brokers

130 031 5223


NICHE Vehicle Re-Conditioning

Gold Coast

$265,000 + SAV

Better Business Sales

075 564 0660


Multi-Million Dollar Pool Servicing #090


$1,250,000 + SAV

Mercury 5 Sky

073 221 1441


Tyre Business in East Brisbane - Business for Sale Ref #5095AU


$299,000 WIWO

ABS Business Sales



Security Industry Market Player #093

Gold Coast

$469,000 + SAV

Mercury 5 Sky

073 221 1441


Motel For Sale In Dalby Qld

Toowoomba - Darling Downs

$2,850,000 + SAV…

Advanced Business Marketing



Electroplating Specialists in Brisbane


$950,000 + SAV

Advanced Business Marketing



Legendary Fish Cafe Inner City For Sale #5096FO


$265,000 + SAV

ABS Business Sales

07 3368 4010


Takeaway - Seafood - Burgers - Gold Coast location - Popular takeaway…



SBX Business Brokers


Food & Bev, Janitorial Packaging #095


$515,700 + SAV

Mercury 5 Sky

073 221 1441


PROFITABLE Mobile Plant & Op RTO (1262)



Infinity Business Brokers

0422 614 514


Metal Fabrication for Recycling Plants


$449,000 wiwo

The Brokerage Connection

1300 466 455


High Profit Butcher Shop for Sale Excellent Profits



Network Infinity

0430 807 890


6 Days Fish & Chip/Seafood Takeaway Business in Brisbane For Sale



LINK Business Brisbane

+61 7 3831 2300


Lifestyle Convenience Store Sunshine Coast

Sunshine - Fraser Coast

$385,000 + SAV

LINK Business Brisbane

+61 7 3831 2300


Tree Lopping and Garden Maintenance #087


$149,800 WIWO

Mercury 5 Sky

073 221 1441


Medical/Aged Care Product Equipment #035


$1,485,000 + SAV

Mercury 5 Sky

073 221 1441


Communications Maintenance Market Leader



LINK Business Brisbane

+61 7 3831 2300


Independent Fitness Centre East Brisbane


$535,000 + SAV

Business Brokers Queensland

073 290 3633


Organic Food Store & Cafe

Sunshine - Fraser Coast

$595,000 + SAV

Verified Businesses

07 5479 5588


best fresh and cooked fish and chips | perfect for 491 Visa

Gold Coast


Network Infinity

0430 807 890


24/7 Franchise Gym Perfect For Owner Operator



LINK Business Brisbane

+61 7 3831 2300


Equipment, Furniture, Security Prod #073


$1,390,000 + SAV

Mercury 5 Sky

073 221 1441


Slushie Hire Business For Sale




+61 7 3831 2300

Bsale ID








Chemical, Cleaning & Packaging #096

Coastal North

$199,000 + SAV

Mercury 5 Sky

073 221 1441


Popular Licenced Cafe In Premium Hospitality Location


$275,000 + SAV

LINK Business Brisbane

+61 7 3831 2300


Gold Coast Childcare With Upside

Gold Coast


LINK Business Brisbane

+61 7 3831 2300


Liquor Import Wholesale/Distributor #094


$5,500,000 + SAV

Mercury 5 Sky

073 221 1441


Entry Level Cafe… Absolute Bargain!

Sunshine - Fraser Coast

$27,000 + SAV

Verified Businesses

07 5479 5588


Plumbing and Associated Hardware

Gold Coast

$535,000 + SAV

Better Business Sales

075 564 0660


Action Sports - Under Full Management

Sunshine - Fraser Coast

$1,600,000 + SAV

Better Business Sales

075 564 0660


Central Gold Coast bar. Great location.

Gold Coast

$39,000 + SAV

Transworld Business Advisors Gold Coast 437838094


Branded SPAR Supermarket & Post Office For Sale, Near Toowoomba

Toowoomba - Darling Downs

$170,000 + SAV

LINK Business Brisbane

+61 7 3831 2300


Medical Product Online W’sale #071


$400,000 + SAV

Mercury 5 Sky

073 221 1441


Massive price reduction

Gold Coast

$125,000 WIWO

Prime Business Brokers Australia

1300 650 304


Custom Bike Design and Manufacture


$110,000 + SAV

LINK Business Brisbane

+61 7 3831 2300


Service Station - Convenience Store - Whitsunday Region

Coastal North

$215,000 + SAV





Price guide from $80,000 Oxbridge


Under Contract

Toowoomba - Darling Downs




Under Contract

Toowoomba - Darling Downs




The Coffee Club Unbeatable Position- Inner City Location- For Sale


$460,000 + SAV



Service Station - Convenience Store - Gladstone

Mt Isa - Central

$220,000 + SAV



Online Distance Education Business




073 040 2054

BSALE currently has 2,721 Businesses Listed For Sale in QLD... View All Here Selection of businesses advertised for sale by business brokers. This a guide only. Please view the ID number on and speak directly to the broker to confirm details. Bsale accepts no responsibilty for any errors or ommissions.

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Online Global Business - Upfront Profits Work from Home

Do you want to earn upfront profits even during the current financial situation? This is a business like NO OTHER! Earn upfront profits and get the lifestyle that only dreams are made of! Spend time with your loved ones, travel the world in luxury and live your truest purpose! About Us: Digital marketing and online marketing methods are used to promote and market award winning personal development products. Base profits start at AUD $8000 per sale! Educational industry - personal development, a $65 billion dollar industry untapped in Australia at the moment. Potential to expand to New Zealand as well. Benefits of... Price: $4,995 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Representative Phone: View Online Bsale ID 269634



Men’s special Perfumes Business Est 4Yrs Retail - Clothing, Fashion, Accessories, Beauty

About The Business: Men’s special perfumes, popular brand names but the second quality of the original. Check the website for further details. Years Established: 4 years but it was not my main business and it was just a backup business, never been able to promote to it’s best, yet lot to offer. Features: You can check the google ranking and if you promote with discounts such as postage you can increase sales. Trading Hours: Not specific or at your leisure. Lease: There is no lease or rent involved but the maintenance of Website and promoting required around $500. Website URL: Training: Will be provided with all the information. Potential: Apart from promoting online, there is a potential to build retail and community promotions. Reason For Sale: Leaving overseas as a result of an Export business. Comments: I have experienced the avenues of development but I didn’t have time to improve due to my main business. Apart from all you can acquire the Domain name as the name of Perfumes, some other promoters of Smart Collection perfumes but they don’t have the domain name.

Price: $55,000 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Max Phone: +61411149645 View Online Bsale ID 270394

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



6 Months $390 + GST Printing Marketing And Design Franchise Advertising, Marketing and Printing

About The Business: Being in business for over 7 years, this store is well known in the area, consistent repeat customers ensures stability and great potential for growth. This store has a great reputation built on customer service and quality. The store is ideally positioned and has a good walk in traffic. Minuteman Press is the #1 rated Print & Marketing franchise. For over 40 years, we have led the way as a top B2B service franchise. At Minuteman Press, We Are The Modern Printing Industry™ providing high quality products and services that meet the growing needs of today’s business professionals. We have developed a... Price: $130,000 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Al Sanders Phone: View Online Bsale ID 220391



Commercial Cleaning Contracts Cleaning & Domestic Services

Annual Turnover $1.1 million. Over 80 cleaning contracts across Melbourne provides the purchaser with minimum risk. Easy cleaning contracts and easy to run, general cleaning contracts, offices child care center’s, etc.,. no industrial. The owner is retiring but will stay on for 30 days to train and support the purchaser. These contract have been held and run by a long established cleaning company and many of the contracts are long term, well run with established cleaners. Price includes additional opportunities regarding intellectual property and can be discussed with the owner by interested purchasers. The sale is contracts only and all figures provided will be validated by an accountant and provide verification of actual turnover and cost of sales for each individual client, giving the purchaser an accurate gross profit.

Price: $450,000 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Lindsay McDougall Phone: 0413 870 387 View Online Bsale ID 268087

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Indoor Go Kart And Inflatable Centre Entertainment and Amusements

Warrnambool Fun Centre and Silverton park indoor go karts are now up for sale. This is the only indoor entertainment centre in southwest Victoria and has been in operation for 30 years. There is something here for all ages from little toddlers in the baby jumping castle then for the older kids we have bigger castles to suit kids up to the age of 14 or you could then try out the ever popular go karts good for all ages 12 and up. We have a very quick and technical little track to test your skills on but is all so easy enough for the new driver to master. The reason I’m selling I’m just getting to old to be chasing go karts around all day. Included in the sale is everything you need to run this centre like the go karts, timing system and a full range of tools as well as the inflatables all the soft flooring and the website. The potential to grow this is huge as the inflatables area is only a new addiction and I have not even scratched the surface with it yet. Heap of room to expand as you grow the business. The shed is on a secure lease and is fully alarmed for added security. Covid 19 has slowed me down but since we reopened we have had great support and it is getting a lot of enquires about future bookings so the future is looking... Price: $60,000 WIWO Region: Ballarat - Bendigo - North West State: VIC Contact: Paul McMahon Phone: 0437 783 085 View Online Bsale ID 269273




Retail - Other

Only selling to unfortunate ill health. The global online stores trend is unavoidable with many large name brands having recently shifted to online only and shutting all their physical stores. Fashion trends will never be out of fashion and this business has been professionally set up to take full advantage of this online trend in a ever growing sector. It is incredibly easy for the new owner to extend into many other areas of fashion with the only limitation being your imagination. The Business: HMR Fashion has been professionally researched and created and is a fully operational online store with; - merchant, - data capturing and reporting tools, - automated ad creator, - automated emailing system, - virtually unlimited product range. HOW IT ALL WORKS: There is no need to hold stock the business is currently running on a direct fulfillment basis. The current store will have over 350 products with suppliers available globally. Customers typically receive orders within 21 working days. This business has been set up to minimise the time required per week to operate and requires approx. 2 - 4 hours a week. The running costs for this business are approx $20 / Month. What Included in the Sale? - Transfer... Price: $6,850 WIWO Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Peter Phone: 0413 610 975 View Online Bsale ID 269275

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



6 Months $390 + GST Work From Home Online Business Work from Home

This is an ideal venture for individuals who are serious about being self-employed and who have an invested interest in reaping the benefits for their efforts. This is a Digital Turn-Key business that you can operate from anywhere with internet access, from a laptop & phone. This business would suit individuals seeking a flexible and portable self- employment opportunity that will allow you to work around your schedule (Full Time | Part Time). We are a leader within the fast growing Personal Development & Leadership sector. Head quartered out of the US in Arizona and have a presence in 130 + countries around the Globe... Price: POA Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Jo Farrugia Phone: + 450 968 882 View Online Bsale ID 267373



Education Training and Hire

Education, Children Services, Employment & Training

About The Business: Hire of 21st century STEM related equipment to schools to cater for the inclusion of programming and STEM focus in the Australian curriculum. Opportunities for consulting, training and teaching to schools hiring the equipment. As much or as little as you like. Plenty of opportunities to partner with manufactures and associated businesses. Scope to develop your own lesson plans and sell via the website. Work from home and hours to suit. Small storage area required for the equipment. Sale includes registered Trade Mark, website, Google Analytics and AdWords accounts (not currently advertised), legal contracts, brochures and approx 25K stock. Great opportunity for a teacher wanting to get out the full-time classroom duties. Sale is WIWO basis. Can provide limited training if required. Business is perfects for a motivated owner with marketing and IT skills together with teaching experience.

Price: $30,000 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Owner Phone: 0404 850 294 View Online Bsale ID 267631

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Bsale ID








Geelong - South West


The Finn Group


Motel in the Central Goldfields Area

Ballarat - Bendigo - North West

$493,000 + SAV

Advanced Business Marketing



Fresh off the Boat! Seafood Retailer with Huge $50K pw Takings! (Our…



Paramount Business Brokers

9021 9888


The Rusty Bike Café in Yackandandah

Shepparton - North East

$215,000 + SAV

Business Brokers Network Australia

02 6026 4406


Pizza Shop



Business Brokers Network Australia


Cash Cow business with plenty of work !!

Geelong - South West


Business Brokers Network Australia


Cash Cow Business With Plenty Of Work !!



Business Brokers Network Australia


Cash Cow Business With Plenty Of Work !!



Business Brokers Network Australia


Shepparton Pallets

Shepparton - North East


NAI Harcourts Rinnovate

035 831 1499



Shepparton - North East


Business & Franchise Brokers Pty Ltd

03 8823 5400


Well Established Cafe/Sandwich Bar


$90,000 + SAV

The Finn Group


Profitable and Charming Hair Salon



The Finn Group


21013 Profitable Online Maternity, Nursing and Baby Wear Boutique



Bonza Business & Franchise Sales

1300 266 922


Excellent Melbourne CRICOS RTO! (1263)



Infinity Business Brokers

0422 614 514


Nurse Next Door | Wyndham

Geelong - South West

$80,000 + Other

DC Strategy



Kids Model Building Kit Business Online



Readystart Business Solutions

1300 893 487


21016 Highly Successful and Profitable NDIS Business for Sale



Bonza Business & Franchise Sales

1300 266 922


3D Printer Supplies Business Online



Readystart Business Solutions

1300 893 487


Beauty Equipment Supplies Business



Readystart Business Solutions

1300 893 487


Designer Bag Supplies Business Online



Readystart Business Solutions

1300 893 487


Takeaway Kebab shop



Start In Australia



Renowned Italian Restaurant Tkg approx. $40 - $44k per week. (Our Ref:…



Paramount Business Brokers

9021 9888


Leasehold Newsagency in Tooradin


$250,000 + SAV

Advanced Business Marketing



Higher Education Provider. Rare! (1256)



Infinity Business Brokers

0422 614 514





TRIDENT Business And Corporate Sales



Strong Coffee & even Stronger Result$

Ballarat - Bendigo - North West

$229,000 WIWO

Mallee Property Group Pty Ltd





Expression of Interest

Business & Franchise Brokers Pty Ltd

1800 2327 6537


South Melbourne Coffee Shop for Sale



Aussie Business Sale


Luxury Bling Jewellery Business Online



Readystart Business Solutions


Sri Lankan /Indian Grocery Store for sale


Quick Sale Walk In…



Restaurant - Café’ – Take away





Mobile Repair And Accessories Business For Sale





Nepalese Restaurant for Sale in Brunswick East, Excellent Fit-out with 2…








Infinity Business Brokers

1300 893 487

0422 614 514

BSALE currently has 3,059 Businesses Listed For Sale in VIC... View All Here Selection of businesses advertised for sale by business brokers. This a guide only. Please view the ID number on and speak directly to the broker to confirm details. Bsale accepts no responsibilty for any errors or ommissions.



Compliant Cricos Rto, Dual Campus (1215) Education, Children Services, Employment & Training

About the RTO. Registered to May 2025. Scope of Registration includes: • Certificate IV in Leadership and Management. • Diploma of Business. • Diploma of Business Administration. • Diploma of Leadership and Management. • Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management. • Graduate Diploma of Strategic Leadership. • Graduate Certificate in Management (Learning). • Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning). • Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care. • Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care. • Diploma of Information Technology Networking. • Advanced Diploma of Network... Price: $1,250,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Travis Latter Phone: 0422 614 514 View Online Bsale ID 270569

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Post Office, N’Agency, Bottle Shop, Groc Franchises and Business Opportunities

Padthaway General Store, is situated on the Riddoch Hwy (Mt Gambier to Adelaide hwy), Just over the VICTORIAN BOARDER, in the heart of award winning wines, entrance to Coonawara wine region. This FREEHOLD business comes with 2 cool rooms, 4 fridges, New shelving, 3 bedroom home, with a large lounge and dining room, combustion heater and air conditioning. 10 KW solar, and a new patio area, along with a 4 bay carport, new rainwater tanks, and its own bore for gardening. Padthaway is renown for its abundance of under ground water, and terra rossa soil to produce fine wine, and irrigated pastures. please view the attached video, up loaded on U Tube (Lofty’s for sale) Due to the corona virus, we have installed a commercial kitchen, catering for 80 takeaway meals every Thursday night. this also complements the Bottle shop with trading hours to 8.00pm. Great turnover 5 1/2 day business with room to expand take away food, over 3 nights. Selling due to illness, after 26 years.

Price: $439,000 Region: Regional SA State: SA Contact: Jo Phone: 08 8765 5020 or 0408 616 748 View Online Bsale ID 163354



6 Months $390 + GST Exciting Ladies and Mens Hairdresser in... Beauty & Hair Salon

Business ID: BS144526. Owner/operator return of over $100,000. Sale Price: $180,000 plus SAV. A very busy hairdressing salon in a small but vibrant shopping centre. The business has been established for over 40 years and with current owners for over 20 years with the last ten years operated under management. Well laid out salon with 9 cutting stations, 2 wash chairs and 2 barber chairs. A welcoming entrance and customer service area leads into the salon. A back office and private staff area complete the shop layout. The mix of clientele is 55% ladies and 45% men and the salon operates a no appointment system... Price: $180,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Xcllusive Business Sales Phone: 02 9817 3331 View Online Bsale ID 269086

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Motor Vehicle Dismantler & Services

Auto - Mechanical, Smash Repair, Detailing, Electrical

Products & Services: Australia’s largest Suzuki dismantler and auto parts specialists. Japco specialises in ALL Subaru and Nissan models but also dealing in imported models such as Supra, Soarer, V35 Skyline as well as Evolution Lancer and Elgrand SUV vans. Mechanical services and expert reconditioning, fitting or replacement of engines and transmissions. Engine conversion upgrades. Their stock range is extensive concentrating on late model stock from passenger cars to the popular Suzuki 4WD models which range from the early LJ80 models up to the current Vitara Turbo model. Over 500 engines and transmissions in stock and hundreds of panels, thousands of other parts. The customer base is a mixture of the general public, motor mechanics and motor vehicle trade businesses. Exclusive Jap Parts is also a member of the HOTLINE 40 group which links the major Adelaide yards by two way radio for easy parts locating for customers. Location: The site is on a large corner block of 5 titles and has 4 access point, 1 street off the busy Main North East Road with several crash shops nearby. Holden Hill is approximately 10km from the Adelaide CBD. Employees: The business is currently operated by... Price: $870,000 + SAV Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Simon Johnson Phone: 07 3106 3811 View Online Bsale ID 269190



Home Slushie Business - Lifestyle + Cash Vending Machines

Asset value exceeds asking price- Great low stress LIfestyle business. High margin and profits (over 71-81 % margin!!). Set up and Operate your own business. This easy to run from home slushie business is being offered to the market, it’s so simple to run, machines are placed with your customers and they purchase the concentrate from you, what could be easier! courier out or load deliver the stock and collect the cash. already have11 machines sited in s/a, opportunity for a further 60 sites , sites are waitiing for offer is 80 machines and all supplier contacts and the inside knowledge and know how to run this easy business. As indicated their are sites to place machines immediately or else can source own sites. *included is 80 machines more available if want to have a bigger business. (ie can purchase all 170 machines or take over the victoria operations). *Current owner will train and assist handover! *Large number of machines available to boost sales. *No experience necessary as full training given. *Strong online presence. *There are no restrictions to area, you could place more machines in the market if you wish, opportunity to add 300 machines in qld if you have more capital to... Price: $124,900 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Matthew Shea Phone: 0412 884 611 View Online Bsale ID 268418

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Bsale ID







Clean & Inspect Solar Panels



EcoKleen Solar NQ

13 0078 7061





Infinity Business Brokers

0422 614 514





Infinity Business Brokers

0422 614 514





Your Price Business Brokers

088 522 1197


Wendy’s Franchise in Mt Barker


$350,000 + SAV

Advanced Business Marketing



Florist In Victor Harbour

Regional SA

$95,000 + SAV

Advanced Business Marketing



Bakery in Popular Tourist Region

Regional SA

$595,000 + SAV

Advanced Business Marketing



Motor Vehicle Dismantler & Services


$870,000 + SAV

Advanced Business Marketing



Design and Manufacture of Displays and Signage – Adelaide Hills, SA



Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331


home slushie business -Lifestyle +cash



Premier Equity Group pty ltd


Transport - Logistics



Adelaide Business Agents


Thermawood | Adelaide, South Australia



DC Strategy



Wine Business & Vineyard for Sale

Regional SA

$20,000,000 + SAV…

Advanced Business Marketing



Freehold Motel For Sale In Edithburgh

Regional SA

$1,150,000 + SAV…

Advanced Business Marketing






The Finn Group


Urgent Sale - High-Performing Cartridge World Franchise For Sale - Busy…


$34,950 + SAV

Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd

1300 889 443


Simply Helping Franchises - A great opportunity to participate in the growing…


$80,000 + GST

Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd

1300 889 443


Crash and Mechanical Repair

Regional SA

$550,000 + SAV

Advanced Business Marketing



Caravan & Outdoor Specialists

Regional SA

$400,000 + SAV

Advanced Business Marketing



Right At Home Australia - Coming soon to Adelaide!



The Finn Group

1300 535 932


Thermawood | Barossa, South Australia

Regional SA


DC Strategy



Online Florist and Perfect Work from Home Business Opportunity…



Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331


Thermawood | Adelaide, South Australia



DC Strategy



Thermawood | Fleurieu Peninsula, SA

Regional SA


DC Strategy



Corporate Business Sales with one of Australia’s #1 Brands - Adelaide. SA



The Finn Group

1300 535 932





The Finn Group

1300 535 932


Fantastic Multiple Franchise Opportunities - 25+ Property Maintenance…


$50,000 +

Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd

1300 889 443


Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream | Rundle Mall SA



DC Strategy



Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream | Glenelg, SA



DC Strategy



Refresh Renovations - Adelaide, SA



DC Strategy



Concrete Manufacturer

Regional SA

$847,000 + SAV Freehold Advanced Business Marketing



Motor Inn for Sale in Barossa Valley

Regional SA


Advanced Business Marketing



Hardware & Timber Store


$195,000 + SAV

Advanced Business Marketing



All Trades- Sales & Service or Trainers - Your Own Affordable Business for…


$45,000 + GST

Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd

1300 889 443


Promotional Products, Printing and Apparel Business – Waitpinga, SA



Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331


Hokkaido Cheese Tart Franchise – Adelaide, SA



Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331


Freehold Motel For Sale In Edithburgh

Regional SA

$1,150,000 + SAV…

Advanced Business Marketing



Thermawood | Barossa, South Australia

Regional SA


DC Strategy



Newsagency in Modbury


$100,000 + SAV

Advanced Business Marketing



Established GP practice w/ loads of active pts nr Port Adelaide




+61 2 9899 1999


Business Broking, Real Estate and Mortgage Broking Franchise Australia Wide



The Brokerage Connection

1300 466 455


Carpet Court - Coming Soon To Norwood



The Finn Group

1300 535 932





The Finn Group

BSALE currently has 161 Businesses Listed For Sale in SA... View All Here Selection of businesses advertised for sale by business brokers. This a guide only. Please view the ID number on and speak directly to the broker to confirm details. Bsale accepts no responsibilty for any errors or ommissions.



Be A Licensee In A Unique Business Building - Construction - Home Renovation

Platinum Tile and Grout is a mobile business that offers large profit margins and is unique since there are other businesses out there that may clean tiles or seal them but we do EVERYTHING!!! Some of the services we provide: -Regrouting. -Shower and balcony sealing. -Tile and Grout sealing with a market leading product. -Silicone restoration. -Tile and grout cleaning. -Shower screen restoration. -Tile replacement. -other services upon request. Platinumtag is over run with enquiries and therefore is inviting candidates for a licensee arrangement.This is an opportunity to be provided with professional tools of the trade (Included in the initial... Price: $22,500 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Glen Phone: 0481 067 072 View Online Bsale ID 269711

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Booming Essential Service Newsagency Retail - Post Office, Newsagency, Lotto

About The Business: This high growth newsagency business is like no other. It has been generating stellar sales and profits year-on-year since its inception 19 years ago. As an essential service, this business remained open throughout 2020 and sales went up during the pandemic lockdown. This business is known as a stand-out success story in its industry, winning industry awards, while taking advantage of the digital revolution. Location: The location is magnificent. In the middle of an exceptionally high-growth area - the booming northern metropolitan coastal corridor of Perth – which is nationally renowned in part because the high growth forecasts extend at similar rates through to 2040. Located in a community-hub shopping centre - the largest shopping centre in its region, boasting busy Kmart, Coles, Woolworths and Target outlets, this well-presented newsagency business is ideally positioned within the shopping centre itself. This business is the only newsagency business in the shopping centre and is highly visible, being centrally located in the middle of the main, high-traffic mall. Employees: With only 7 staff, two of them long-term, including the store manager, who has been with the business for 15 years, this newsagency... Price: $738,000 + SAV Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Brian Carew-Hopkins Phone: 0408 807 190 View Online Bsale ID 269863



Cleaning Business

Cleaning & Domestic Services

Cleaning Business with regular clients. Fantastic turnover, huge number of regular clients, with many opportunities to expand. Ideal for husband and wife to make a $160,000 turnover working a 5 day week. However the sky is the limit and if desired you could build this business to be so much more. Business is sold with not only client base but also all equipment necessary to run. This is a unique opportunity to create a comfortable living for you and your family. Full training and handover will be provided. Price: $55,000 Negotiable.

Price: $55,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Diane Phone: 0400 602 508 View Online Bsale ID 270045

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Cafe For Sale

Food - Cafe For Sale

Est 18 yrs -- current owner 5yrs. Trading 6 days per week. Tues – Sat 8 am – 2 pm Sun 7 am – 1 pm. Turn over $5500 p/w. Prime location in mall shared with major shopping centre. Seating for 45 inside and 20 alfresco. Weekly farmers markets held in the mall along with monthly day and night markets. Good fit out and new flooring. Commercial standard kitchen with walk in cool room. Development. Council has started plans in the 20/21 budget for $2.4 Million dollar upgrade of the mall to make it the main hub for happenings in the town. If you would like to view and discuss the cafe with the owner please contact us via phone or email.

Price: $66,000 + SAV Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Cafe Owner Phone: 0411 112 703 View Online Bsale ID 270082



Established Perth Based Home Renovation Building - Construction - Home Renovation

Established Perth Based home renovation business for sale This is NOT a franchise. You will be the sole proprietor of this entity and maintain all profits with no ongoing royalty fees. This ‘business in a box’ is ready to go with existing professional branding, web site, facebook business page, Instagram and all protected trademarks to insure no one infringes on your brand identity. You do not have to be a licenced or registered builder to operate this, we will show you how to set this up. You will require motivation and deliver a high standard of customer service. The residential renovation market in Australia is currently worth AUS $30 Billion annually. HIA Economic forecast recorded a $3.23 Billion spend (actual) specifically in the Western Australia renovation sector 2019 with a 2% increase forecast for 2020 and 8.8% for 2021. This is the highest forecast for any state which is not surprising with WA being the hub of resource saturated employment. What’s Included: • Renovation Republic Brand identity including all Copyright, and Intellectual Property. (8 years legal protection remaining) • Full transfer of ASIC registered business name • Web Address (x2) • Premium designed Web site on premium Host server with integrated enquiry form • Facebook... Price: $22,000 + SAV Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Jonny Phone: 0406 294 628 View Online Bsale ID 270318

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



6 Months $390 + GST Est. Print, Marketing Center-Perth Metro Advertising, Marketing and Printing

About The Business: Servicing the South of the River area since 2003 this business centre has a solid and diverse customer base with a great amount of repeat business. It’s known throughout the community for exemplary service. It has state of the art equipment and produces superior quality products. Business Benefits: - Consistent sales w/ huge opportunity for growth. - Excellent reputation for quality & service. - Professional staff. - Normal business hours. - Multiple Revenue Streams. - High demand products & services. Minuteman Press is the #1 rated print & marketing franchise. For over 40 years, we have led the way as a top b2b... Price: $50,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Brian Sisti Phone: 8006453006 View Online Bsale ID 227275



Curves Women’s Fitness Centre For Sale Health, Medical and Gyms

About The Business: Be Your Own Boss. This is a great opportunity to own a franchise of a well-known fitness and weight loss centre that changes lives of its members, and will change yours for the better as well. Curves and Jenny Craig are established name brand franchises that help lead clients to your door. Considered a part of the local and regional community, this vibrant business is well established and perfectly set for going to the next level with the new ownership. The fitness and health industry continue to experience record growth and these nationally recognised franchises combine forces to give customers support and motivation in both areas. A guided, personalised approach to fitness and weight loss helps make the business part of an ongoing change in clients’ lives. As the new owner, the globally-recognised franchise will guide you to success in a growing market with experienced hands. This is a terrific chance to realise your dreams with the support of some of the most important names in fitness! This is an established business. This is neither a new franchise nor a startup opportunity. If you have an outgoing personality, drive, passion and entrepreneurial spirit, you have the key... Price: $69,500 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Anne Boyle Phone: 0400 774 832 View Online Bsale ID 269073

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Garden Bag Greenwaste Service Lawn Mowing and Maintenance

About The Business: We run a reasonably large garden bag business where we service homes on a 4 weekly and 8 weekly cycle, we are looking to sell the two Mandurah runs as we are getting busier and finding it hard to keep up. Mandurah is a solid area and obviously we would not be taking on anymore work in that area and pass on any future customers. We currently use a truck(not included) but the Mandurah days would be perfect for anyone looking for extra income. Currently there is approx 70 customers and we do it over 2 days. Could be easily done with a trailer, we could have a chat more on this with you. There is a opportunity to build this up in the Mandurah area should you want to. This is a niche business. It would suit someone looking for a extra income top up either family or semi retired person. Reason For Sale: We are just struggling to keep up and looking at selling the rest of the south of the river business next year. We run it as a husband/ wife business. Training: We would be more than happy to help anyone interested in the business. Comments: Please feel free to contact us for any further questions Colin & Rose.

Price: $14,500 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Colin & Rose Phone: 0408 930 142 View Online Bsale ID 269274



6 Months $390 + GST Fencing Contractor Bunbury Regional Area Building - Construction - Home Renovation

Fully setup fencing business with southwest base and shed lease in place for another year, the business is looking for someone who has hands on ability to drive it into the next phase. All admin and installers currently in place, The business has plenty of enquiries and with the region well placed for development in the next 5 years it is no shrinking violet. Current agreements in place for good buying power with suppliers and a good name already out there. Relevant licenses and help to establish the new owner for a period of up to 3 months on offer. Preferably the new owner would have a welding/trade background however training can be provided. Price: $125,000 Region: Bunbury - Albany - South Coast State: WA Contact: John Pillinger Phone: 08 9726 26544 or 0435 935 275 View Online Bsale ID 168885

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



ZeroWaste Skincare & Food Wrap Manufact Manufacturing, Wholesale, Import, Export

About The Business: Started at local farmers markets and now a well established nationally and internationally distributed Zero Waste brand ‘The Family Hub Organics’ is perfect for a new owner to step right in and start earning right away. Currently run by a husband and wife team it is a full time job with a full time income with the freedom of working for yourself. Presently run from our home around our children, no special set up or premises necessary, we will provide you with everything you need to step straight into filling orders and earning money. With exclusive distribution of our vegan food wraps through a big Australian distributor and more new products ready to be offered to the distributor with the contacts already in place to do so, the potential exists for the right person to expand rapidly with minimal research and development. Over 150 existing stockists both bricks and mortar and online and several private label production arrangements already in place. Product range taps into the rapidly growing zero waste market with constant enquiries for wholesale and private label incoming through our website, keeping the business growing all the time.Range Includes Organic Soap, Beeswax and Vegan Food Wraps, Beeswax... Price: $75,000 + SAV + Other Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Sarah - Owner Phone: 0422 996 619 View Online Bsale ID 267774



A Profitable Oriental Store in Willetton Food - Supermarket, Butcher, Fruit, Bakery, Deli

This oriental grocery business is offered on a long term leasehold basis in the southland shopping zone, Willetton. The business generates significant revenue annually with good margins culminating an excellent lifestyle & income stream. The business boasts a very broad range of supermarket lines and whilst the business is doing very well the business still has growth opportunities to enhance it further. The business benefits from being the only oriental supermarket in town and within a 10kms radius. The community & surrounding region has a blend of popular schools, entertainments, local & hospitality clients that support the business. The business has long-standing, loyal customers that have been with the business for many years. An ideal opportunity for a couple or family wanting to relocate to the country and enjoy a lifestyle and steady income stream. The business currently trades 7 days a week. The business is currently run undermanagement so well and could be improved by a committed owner-operator. Certainly worthy of inspection and a great community to be involved in. Aski $265,000 plus stock (approx $50,000). Rental $60,000 a year plus GST... For more information or to receive a full business profile please... Price: $220,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Roy Li Phone: View Online Bsale ID 245061

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Excellent Renovated Asian Restaurant Food - Restaurant For Sale

Center of Willetton and Renovated - Comfortable seating 50in/out - Lots of local residents ; Willetton school zone and shops building surrounded - Ample parking - Big kitchen Suits Multiple CCuisine - Good rental and Price. Excellent renovated Asian restaurant located in Willetton school zone surrounded by lots of local residents and shops , this restaurant is consistently busy with their loyal clientele. Taking $12000+ a week. - Comfortable seating 50 inside and out. - Big commercial kitchen with walk in cool room. - Almost brand new kitchen equipments. - Long lease 5 years plus with reasonable rent. - 9 staff ( 2 full time). - Ample parking space. - Willentton school zone. - Suits multiple cuisine. Good trading hours. For more information and inspection please contact : Agent: Roy LI. Mobile: 0415007588

Price: $200,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Roy Li Phone: 0415 007 588 View Online Bsale ID 268112


Bsale ID







SOT Business Brokering

(08) 6478 9916

Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331



Growing Gym Northern Suburbs



Freehold Post Office, Cafe, Local Store plus Residence – Yarloop, WA

Bunbury - Albany - South Coast $400,000


Scaffolding Business


$300,000 + EOI Goodwill Business Brokers Network Australia

08 9409 2266


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The Finn Group

1300 535 932


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Ascend Corporate Pty Ltd

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$350,000 + SAV

JP Real Estate & Business Agents

089 316 9777


Freehold Auto Repair Business


$1,850,000 + SAV…

Advanced Business Marketing



Services Business Fully Under Management



SOT Business Brokering

(08) 6478 9916





ROBERT GASMIER Business & Property…089 316 9211




$375,000 + SAV

Unique Business & Property Specialist

08 6102-3816


Dowerin Engineering Business

Bunbury - Albany - South Coast $190,000 + SAV

Ascend Corporate Pty Ltd

089 480 3200


Freehold Property Rockingham


$3,600,000 Freehold

Ascend Corporate Pty Ltd

089 480 3200


Watheroo Station Tavern

Coral Coast - Central

$125,000 + SAV

Ascend Corporate Pty Ltd

089 480 3200


Jamaica Blue Hollywood Private Hospital



Ascend Corporate Pty Ltd



Licensed Indoor sporting Complex


$375,000 + SAV

Ascend Corporate Pty Ltd

089 480 3200



Bunbury - Albany - South Coast $192,000

Elders Southern Districts Estate Agency

08 9721 3533





Platinum Business Sales

089 367 3056


Unbeliveable low rent Cafe


$299,000 + SAV

BizLink Group



Muzz Buzz Bayswater


$125,000 + SAV

SOT Business Brokering

(08) 6478 9916



Coral Coast - Central

$600,000 + SAV…

Elders Southern Districts Estate Agency

08 9721 3533


GOOD Country Post Office

Bunbury - Albany - South Coast $555,000 + SAV




Reduced Auto Repair & Property

Bunbury - Albany - South Coast $500,000 Freehold

Statewide Business Brokers

089 586 3509


Pools & Spas Port Hedland

Broome - Karatha - Northern

$500,000 + SAV

Kent Business Brokers

089 419 1678




$150,000 WIWO

JP Real Estate & Business Agents

089 316 9777


Profit Has No Chance To Exhale (GN5253M)

Bunbury - Albany - South Coast $1,200,000 + SAV

Performance Business Sales Pty Ltd

089 429 8882





Performance Business Sales Pty Ltd

089 429 8882


Pools & Spas Port Hedland

Broome - Karatha - Northern

$500,000 + SAV

Kent Business Brokers

089 419 1678


Specialty Sporting/Hunting Supply



SOT Business Brokering

(08) 6478 9916

BSALE currently has 1,017 Businesses Listed For Sale in WA... View All Here Selection of businesses advertised for sale by business brokers. This a guide only. Please view the ID number on and speak directly to the broker to confirm details. Bsale accepts no responsibilty for any errors or ommissions.

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Corporate Business Sales - Mergers and... Business & Professional Services

A recent deal we did yielded a sales commission of just over $360,000. Here’s how it happened; - Our marketing materials caused an owner of a medium-sized business to contact Finn. - We met the client, showed him what we do, and he gave us the go-ahead. - We used our marketing tools to generate enquiries from targeted buyers. - We got a few enquiries, one of them ended up buying the business. These deals don’t come along everyday, but the opportunities in the mid-level market are almost limitless, especially with the large baby-boomer generation wanting to exit their business investments.The Finn M&A model... Price: POA Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Join Finn Phone: 1300 535 932 View Online Bsale ID 269929



Join one of Australia’s fastest... Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

The first Acai Brothers store was opened in 2014, and after six years of dominating the superfood industry, it’s safe to say our brand awareness has exceeded all expectations ever since. With a strong social media presence of over 15,000 Facebook likes and 30,800 Instagram followers, these numbers are still growing by the day. Regular messages from our community asking us to open up near them has left us on the hunt to search for the next wave of Franchisee’s who share our passion for a healthy lifestyle. With three different investment opportunities, we’ve spent the last few years refining our brand and models, and with a growing head office team, there has never been a better time to join us in conquering the superfood industry! Whilst we are a large brand, we believe in maintaining small business values and experiences. That’s why our franchise offer provides you with a tailored store design unique to your location. Still sounds scary? Don’t be. We provide you with an extensive training program, operation manuals, marketing plans and systems support to ensure that you’re supported every step of the way. OUR FRANCHISEES. We carefully select those wanting to join our growing family to... Price: $130,000 Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Tom Jolly Phone: 0403 720 965 View Online Bsale ID 270437

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



6 Months $390 + GST Corporate Business Sales - Mergers and... Business & Professional Services

A recent deal we did yielded a sales commission of just over $360,000. Here’s how it happened; - Our marketing materials caused an owner of a medium-sized business to contact Finn. - We met the client, showed him what we do, and he gave us the go-ahead. - We used our marketing tools to generate enquiries from targeted buyers. - We got a few enquiries, one of them ended up buying the business. These deals don’t come along everyday, but the opportunities in the mid-level market are almost limitless, especially with the large baby-boomer generation wanting to exit their business investments. The Finn M&A model... Price: POA Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Join Finn Phone: 1300 535 932 View Online Bsale ID 268887



Red Rooster

Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

Check out this fantastic opportunity within one of Australia’s most loved brands! The excellent opportunity has arisen to secure one of Australia’s highest profile and sought after franchises. Located in the heart of town it is perfectly located to continue growing sales. Key features & Benefits: * This store is located on a busy main road with ample foot and road traffic. * Fully trained team in place with proven results - Great opportunity for an owner operator. * Franchise has built up a positive reputation that it is nationally bank accredited. * Established business with a loyal customer base. * Comprehensive national marketing program to deliver sales to your business. * No prior experience required, full training and ongoing support provided. * Freehold property available as an option for business purchaser. * Great lifestyle location in the beautiful Alice Springs region. If you’re interested in learning more about this great business opportunity please contact our Franchise Specialist, Dione Mauric 0415 543 469. Price: $900,000 + SAV. Business Category: Food/Hospitality, Takeaway Food , Chicken Shop, Fast Food, Food/Beverage, Restaurant, Cafe/Coffee Shop, Franchise, [P]. If you like to know more... Price: $900,000 + SAV Region: Alice Springs State: NT Contact: Dione Mauric Phone: 07 5372 8468 or 0415 543 469 View Online Bsale ID 251471

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



6 Months $390 + GST Freehold Motel Accommodation Complex... Accommodation, Motels, Tourism

Business ID: BS144578. The Savannah Way Motel is in Borroloola and is well known in the Northern Territory for providing a home away from home for business and leisure travelers. Providing a range of accommodation options with ensuite cabins, motel style units and guest house for large family or corporate gatherings. The complex features the only restaurant in the town and holds one of only two liquor licenses in Borroloola to serve alcohol. The business holds a profitable government contract to cater for school lunches and also caters for numerous functions and meetings in the region. Borroloola is a growing town and is the capital of... Price: $1,200,000 Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Xcllusive Business Sales Phone: 02 9817 3331 View Online Bsale ID 267757



Right At Home Australia Coming Soon To...

Franchises and Business Opportunities

Ride the baby boomers retirement wave with a winning franchise model with GUARANTEED GROWTH. Right at Home is a global leader in home care franchises. With more than 590 locations in 8 different countries, this is a proven business model that generates substantial profit with FLEXIBLE WORKING CONDITIONS. What makes Right at Home a great investment? -Part of a $22 BILLION market. -Massive growth potential as 14% of the Australia population is over 65. -The market is guaranteed to grow for AT LEAST 20 years. -Strong brand name that’s trusted by people in Australia. -Flexible working hours and conditions... Price: $120,000 Region: Hobart - Southern State: TAS Contact: Mike Fuller Phone: 1300 535 932 View Online Bsale ID 270328

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Bricks 4 Kidz Hobart

Education, Children Services, Employment & Training

Why not join a successful global franchise group, where children learn and have fun while building in-house LEGOÂŽ creations? Choose the hours and days you work. The current owner has built the business from scratch since 2015 and has established a solid and well regarded foundation. This business is fully operational and ready to be taken over by the right person. With existing bookings in place, you will be able to continue running the business in no time. - Exclusive territory. - Established relationships with schools and organisations such as shopping centres and councils. - Pre-bookings. - Repeat customers. - Use of unique model plans, designed in-house by engineers and architects. - On-going support. - Over 37 locations in Australia, 550+ worldwide. Business Overview: Bricks 4 Kidz is a great business for children from ages 5 and up; built on the global popularity of LEGO bricks. Bricks 4 Kidz runs high quality programs and activities, including: - School Holiday Workshops. - Coding with Robotics Workshops. - After School Programs. - School Incursions. - Vacation Care Incursions. - Birthday Parties. - Launch into Learning Workshops. - Special Events - eg. Shopping Centre... Price: $75,000 Region: Hobart - Southern State: TAS Contact: Kylie Kumpulainen Phone: 0408 487 393 View Online Bsale ID 269650



6 Months $390 + GST Equipment Hire and Transport / Delivery...

Auto - Taxi, Courier, Hire, Distribution, Transport

Business ID: BS144676. Strong business with income diversity from TFH equipment hire and contract delivery service for Bunnings in Burnie and Devonport. The TFH Hire is an equipment hire distributorship, with the geographical area covered by the “64” phone number. All equipment is owned by the TFH Hire Head Office and percentages of goods hired plus labour and transport are claimed from TFH head office. The Only Fence hire company on the NW coast. Equipment hire includes portable toilets, temporary fencing, crowd barriers etc. Transport Service is the other side of the business which includes two contracts with Bunnings... Price: $150,000 Region: Launceston - Northern State: TAS Contact: Xcllusive Business Sales Phone: 02 9817 3331 View Online Bsale ID 269036

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Holiday Apartments With Consistently... Accommodation, Motels, Tourism

Investment: $995,000 (Includes Freehold and Business). Located on the West Coast of Tasmania, beautiful Strahan is a harbour side village set on the edge of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. Castaway Holiday Apartments is on a large block containing 6 x 2-bedroom fully self-contained holiday units and a 3-bedroom house that can also be used as a Holiday Rental or as a Manager’s accommodation. * Current Owners are willing to stay on, and manage the business for a period of 12 months. * There is an option to further develop the property, STCA. * ROI is approx. 14%. * 5 minute walk from the town centre and harbour cruises. * Rated #1 of 22 on Tripadvisor and highly reviewed. * Awarded Tripadvisor Certificate Of Excellence for 2013 - 2019, and Hall of Fame 2018 & 2019 for guest reviews. * Cradle Coast Region Peoples Choice Top 10 Finalist Award for 2019. * 9.4 guest rating on Booking. com. * Includes a Garden BBQ area. * Onsite Laundry facilities available for guest use. * Plenty of onsite parking for guests. ENQUIRE for a Business Profile today! CALL: Dean Demeyer (03) 6105 0701 EMAIL: kerri.pursell@ Price: Price drop: $995,000 (Freehold & Business) Region: Hobart - Southern State: TAS Contact: Dean Demeyer Phone: 03 6105 0701 or 0419 382 359 View Online Bsale ID 269352



6 Months $390 + GST Flooring Retail Store-Shearwater-Est 4yr Building - Construction - Home Renovation

Rare opportunity to purchase a retail flooring shop in fast growing Shearwater-Port Sorell. Business has operated under employees for the past 4 years.The business,turnover and net profit could only improve under owner operator. Potential to take the business to another level in excess of $180,000 net/year. Regular clients, great location, no direct competition. Modern spacious high clearance warehouse with retail shopfront. forklift, carpet racks, pallet storage,showroom racks and samples all included. Four large roller doors for easy excess.Spacious sealed driveways for deliveries. Fenced secure parking. Leasehold... Price: $105,000 Region: Launceston - Northern State: TAS Contact: Owner Phone: 0418 988 976 View Online Bsale ID 267170

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Herbal Teas Business Health, Medical and Gyms

Yes, the world has changed, and so has the job and business landscape. The question is – WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? How about getting into a business that: 1. Makes money now. 2. Is an Australian made product with great margins. 3. Gives you security of knowing that you control your ‘career destiny’ from now on. GOOD NEWS: we have two Discount PROMOTIONS options on the Dealer Packs to help you get started. See below. About the Opportunity. Herbal Teas Australia (HTA) are expanding nationwide and need motivated dealers to join in their success selling a proven product in a growth industry. If you want to be your own boss, build and operate your own business, make more money and spend more time with your family, then this may be the opportunity you have been searching for. ‘Where there is Turmoil – there is Opportunity’, is a phrase we have been using during the craziness that the COVID19 Virus has caused, and what we mean by this is that while people are losing jobs, businesses are shutting their doors, there are also businesses that are thriving. Why? For two main reasons: 1. Because they have products and services people need, or think they need. 2. Businesses have changed the way they are doing... Price: $20,000 Region: ALL Regions of Australia Contact: Mark Phone: 07 3040 9992 View Online Bsale ID 251671



Allied Health Business License Health, Medical and Gyms

With the impacts of COVID-19 there is no better time to invest in yourself, have a side hustle to support you in a time of uncertainty, or be in control and work for yourself rather than the boss. What the global pandemic has taught us is that HEALTH IS KEY and the most important thing in peoples lives, so now is the perfect time to be in the health business! Are you: - A gym owner. - An Allied Health Professional, such as a Dietitian, Exercise Physiologist, Physiotherapist etc. - A personal trainer. - A health, wellness or fitness entrepreneur. - An investor looking for a low cost, high return business model? If you answered yes to one or more of the above then one or multiple licensed territories with Allied Fitness Australia is the perfect business venture for you! Territories are available Australia wide so be sure to enquire about territory availability near you. Allied Fitness Australia’s core service offering is specialist exercise and dietary intervention for those suffering from injury, joint pain and chronic illnesses such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Allied Fitness Australia has a perfect blend of innovation and robust systems which make it so unique. We offer a business model that provides a great work/life balance regardless whether you want to... Price: $4,950 Region: ALL Regions of Australia Contact: Allied Fitness Australia Phone: 02 8003 7424 View Online Bsale ID 213263

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



The Local Guys - Electrical Test And Tag Trade Services - Home Maintenance, Plumber, Electrical

Looking for an Essential Service electrical franchise where YOU get paid WELL for YOUR efforts? From day 1, you will have a income guarantee* of $50,000 per year! $24,900 + vehicle. About the Opportunity: Australia’s fastest and most efficient electrical test & tag service. The Local Guys Test & Tag offer a comprehensive range of testing and tagging which they can complete faster & more effectively than any other test and tag business in Australia! Benefits Include: ✓ Repeat work (average customer term is 7 years). ✓ Work life Balance (Monday - Friday only). ✓ Work your own hours. ✓ Non-Seasonal. ✓ High Profit Margins. ✓ Low overheads. ✓ Low Fees. ✓ Friendly / Relaxed customers (non-urgent service). ✓ Plus, much much more! This is just some of the benefits of becoming a Local Guy! Our Services: The Local Guys Test & Tag services include: ✓ Electrical Test and Tagging. ✓ RCD (Safety Switch) Testing. ✓ Microwave Leakage Testing. ✓ Fire Blanket Testing. ✓ Fire Extinguisher Testing. ✓ Smoke Detector Testing. ✓ Emergency Exit Light Testing. Why Choose The Local Guys - Test And Tag? Having support of our Support Center behind you! Choose your own work hours Complete Training (including business training) Build your own business! We work together on... Price: $24,900 Region: ALL Regions of Australia Contact: Delvene Vivian Phone: 1800 056 225 View Online Bsale ID 253372



Only Bakery Café For 40kms! Food - Cafe For Sale

About The Business: Currently employee 15 staff, but have cut back (like we do every summer). Winter (Apr-Oct) we have up to 25-28 staff as that’s our busiest time. We do a lot of wholesale to sporting clubs, and local cafes/takeaway, (and DUBBO) and schools also. We make everything onsite, and as the property is huge, we have plenty of room for storage of packaging, stock, and equipment. We own our own forklift, which comes in handy for deliveries. We have trained baristas and pride ourselves on selling barista quality coffee. Our pies, and our name are well known throughout the Central West and we have a large Facebook following, creating many online orders for cakes. Years Established: I started my apprenticeship at this bakery with the original owner back in the late 80’s. I worked for Ian Head until 2001 when he sold the bakery, and then my wife & I bought it in 2004. We have successfully worked the bakery for 15yrs, while raising four kids, all have, and still do work with us, contributing in some way or another. We are a family bakery. Products & Services: We sell all The favourites you find in a good bakery. Pastries, the Apple turnover with fresh cream, or mock cream. Vanilla Slice, Lamingtons. Big ones. Neenish tarts, butterfly cakes,... Price: $550,000 WIWO Freehold Region: ALL Regions of Australia Contact: Karri Brennan Phone: 02 6889 1921 or 0434 767 098 View Online Bsale ID 248699

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Online Educational Resource Business Work from Home

Switch Learning NZ currently operates as a business throughout New Zealand, sourcing a wide range of great quality educational resources for specific learning needs, from reputable suppliers around the world. We have established relationships with suppliers from around the world to bring a range of educational resources to customers in New Zealand and Australia. We are looking for like-minded people who are passionate about education and willing to provide a high-quality service to customers in return for a profit. There is only FOUR exclusive opportunities to become an owner operator who will run a unique importing and product distribution business, specialising in educational resources. You will be buying a new business with everything in place, plus agreed startup stock, where all the hard work has been done - you get to reap the rewards! This is not a franchise. There are no ongoing fees, costs or split profit margins. The business owner will be an independent operator working as part of Switch Learning group. This opportunity offers: * Low overheads and running costs * Our fully integrated website takes care of the technical side of sales, shipping and mailing lists, making this business very easy to operate... Price: $85,000 + Other Region: ALL Regions of Australia Contact: Racheal Bell Phone: +64 275408859 View Online Bsale ID 211371




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Bsale Terms and Conditions Welcome to Before using the Services of Bsale Australia Pty Ltd (“Bsale”) who is the owner and operator of (“Site”) you must read and accept all terms in this Agreement. It is effective immediately and forms a binding contractual agreement between us. Please note that you must be 18 years of age or older to create an account on this Site. The Terms of Use set out below take effect from 1 January 2019.

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1.4. You must not modify, copy, reproduce, publish or distribute the Intellectual Property in any way without our prior written consent.

You may only download and print a reasonable quantity of copies of information.

2. We do not warrant the accuracy of information 2.1. You acknowledge that the content supplied on this Site for advertisements is provided to us, and we in no way create or produce the content. You acknowledge and agree that we cannot be responsible for any use made by you of the information contained on this Site. 2.2. The content on this Site is not a substitute for professional legal, financial, franchise or real estate advice, and it is your responsibility to conduct due diligence in relation to purchasing a business franchise or property. 2.3. You agree not to hold us responsible for any inaccuracies or any unreliability or completeness of information on this Site. 3. Your access and interference 3.1. You must not interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Site. You must not distribute viruses or any other technology that may harm our Site or the interests or property of users of our Site. You must not use any robot, spider, scraper or other automated means to access the Site for any purpose. 3.2 You must not harvest or otherwise collect information about others, including email addresses, without their consent; and/or bypass measures used to prevent or restrict access to the Site. 3.3. We cannot guarantee continuous or secure access to the Site, and its operation may be interfered with by numerous factors outside our control. Accordingly, to the extent legally permitted, we exclude all implied warranties, terms and conditions.

9. Payment 9.1. We agree to list content which complies with the Listing Rules and this Agreement after payment is received or if we agree to a trial period. 9.2. Your content will be listed on our Site, and may also be listed on our Social Media pages, and eMagazine at our discretion. You must notify us if you do not wish to be listed on Facebook and/or the eMagazine. 9.3. Our fees charged may change from time to time, but we will use our reasonable endeavours to notify you of any changes. 9.4. If your payment method fails or your account is overdue, we may collect additional fees, including legal fees. 9.5. You must not circumvent or manipulate the payment process or fees owed to us. 10. Your Content removal 10.1.You must delete your content on our Site when the business is sold, or if you otherwise wish to withdraw the listing. 10.2. Content will otherwise be removed at our discretion in the event that the business is sold, withdrawn, if we are notified, or if the content breaches any of the terms of this Agreement. 10.3. We may, at our own discretion, extend the advertising period in which the content is displayed.

4. Third Party Sites

11. Cancelling your account

4.1. This Site contains links to third party sites. These third party sites are not maintained or controlled by us.

11.1.We may limit, suspend or cancel your account, and/or prohibit access to the Site, and/or remove content from the Site, and/or take technical and legal steps to keep you off the Site, if we think that you are creating legal liabilities, infringing any laws, infringing intellectual property rights of Bsale or third parties, if you breach this Agreement, or if we believe your actions may cause loss or damage to or unlawfully harm you, our other users, third parties, or Bsale .

4.2. To the extent permitted by law, Bsale accepts no liability and provides no warranty in respect of the information displayed on such third party sites. We do not endorse that information or any party associated with it and you link to such third party sites entirely at your own risk. 5. Your Account and obligations 5.1 To access some of the services of our Site, you may need to register with us and set up an account, using your email address and password. Once registered you can gain access to your “My Account”. The email address and password you register with is your responsibility to maintain and keep confidential. You are responsible for the activities that occur under your account. If you suspect that your details may no longer be confidential, or that there may have been unauthorised use of your account, you must notify us immediately. 5.1.You may connect to the Bsale site with a third party service, such as; Facebook. By doing this, you give us permission to access store and use your information. 5.2. You may access and use our Site for the purpose of placing an advertisement. If you wish to post content on our Site, and amend that content, you must create an account. 5.3. You may access and use our Site for the purposes of buying a business or franchise. You may created watchlists, buyer alerts, and contact sellers directly. You must create an account to access these services. 5.4. You must ensure that your account details, including your name, email address, address, passwords, billing information are accurate, truthful and kept up to date. 5.5. You must not transfer your user account to another party without our consent. 5.6. The purpose of generating an account and gaining access to use our Site is for the purpose of buying or selling a business or franchise. Any accounts found to be fraudulent, deceiving, or misleading will be closed and may be reported to authorities. 5.7. The use of “My Account” is for the person or agency it has been created for. We do not authorise the onselling of Bsale products or services, without prior written consent from Bsale Directors. 6. Your Content 6.1. To use the Bsale Site, you must be over 18 years old. You agree that you will only advertise and post content in relation to businesses for sale, franchises for sale or business opportunities within Australia.

11.2.We may also limit, suspend or cancel accounts that have not been updated, are inactive, are unconfirmed or have been transferred without our consent. 11.3. We may also limit, suspend or cancel accounts that we believe are in direct competition to Bsale or are on-selling our products or services. 11.4. We may limit, suspend or cancel accounts that have overdue, unpaid or outstanding invoices. 11.5. We may limit, suspend or cancel accounts at the discretion of Bsale Directors. 12. Direct Marketing 12.1. We may send you direct marketing information and communications about us that we feel may be of interest to you. 12.2. If you select to receive ‘buyer alerts’ or ‘buyer notifications’ you will receive emails when businesses or franchises match your criteria. You may opt-out of receiving Bsale notifications at any time. 12.3 You may receiving direct marketing in response to buyer features such as; search results, eMagazine, listing changes. You may opt-out of receiving Bsale notifications at any time. 13. Privacy Policy 13.1 By using the Services, you agree to the collection, transfer, storage and use of your personal information by Bsale as further described in our Privacy Policy. 14. Release and Indemnity 14.1.By accessing our Site you release Bsale from any and all liability for any direct or indirect loss or damages (including loss or damage from negligence) arising from access to or use of the content on our Site or sites linked to our Site, or your inability to use our Site.

6.2 If you create an account and post content, you must comply with our Listing Rules.

14.2. We are not liable for any other user content, actions or inactions of that user. If you have a dispute with a user, you release us from claims arising out of or in any way connected with that dispute.

6.2. You must not post inappropriate, offensive, pornographic, threatening, abusive, discriminatory, false, inaccurate, misleading or defamatory content. If you see any of this content, you must notify us immediately.

14.3.We are not liable for any loss, damages and costs (including indirect losses) that are suffered by reason of the unauthorised use of the personal information you provide to us.

6.3. Your content must not cause you or us to breach any law, regulation, rule, code of conduct or other legal obligation including, but not limited to, breaches of confidence, privacy or intellectual property.

14.4.To the full extent permitted by law, we exclude all representations, warranties or terms (whether express or implied) other than those expressly set out in these terms.

6.4. You acknowledge that we in no way warrant that you will receive enquiries in relation to your content, or that you will sell a business or franchise if you use our Sites.

14.5.These terms are to be read subject to any legislation which prohibits or restricts the exclusion, restriction or modification of any implied warranties, conditions, guarantees or obligations. If such legislation applies, to the extent possible, Bsale limits its liability in respect of any claim to, at our option:

6.5. Users create the content that is displayed in advertisements. Bsale is not under any obligation to monitor any data or content which is submitted to or available on the Site. If you feel there is content in breach of the Terms and Conditions please contact Bsale. 6.6. Your Ad may be displayed on third party sites such as; Facebook and Instagram. By using the Bsale website you agree that your ads can be displayed on these other sites. 6.7. Your Ad may be displayed in the Bsale eMagazine. By using the Bsale website you agree that your Ad including, but not limited to, its contents and photos can be displayed in this publication. 7. Further warranties in relation to posting content 7.1. You warrant that all content is true and correct to the best of your knowledge, and you assume full responsibility for the content. 7.2. You warrant that your business or property is duly registered in compliance with the relevant law, and that you are the rightful owner of the business. 7.3. You warrant that, in the event of a partnership, company or family trust, all parties agree to the content and listing. 7.4. You warrant that, in the event of an agent, business broker, or franchisee you have written consent from the owner of the business or the franchisor to act on their behalf, with their consent. 7.5. You warrant that you have received professional valuations in relation to the value of the property or business.


8. Intellectual Property Rights in content the supply of the services again; or the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again. 14.6.You agree to indemnify us from and against all losses, expenses, damages and costs (including indirect losses) resulting from your use or inability to use our Site. 14.7.You agree to indemnify us against any claims made against Bsale by any third party due to or arising out of your breach of this Agreement or your infringement of any law or the rights of a third party in the course of using our Site. 15. Miscellaneous 15.1. This Agreement is governed by the laws of NSW and Australia, and you agree to be subject to the jurisdiction of the laws of NSW and Australia. 15.2. We reserve the right to amend this Agreement at our discretion, and will publish any such amendments on our Site which will be taken to be effective on and from the date that they are published. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are aware of the current Agreement. 15.3. You must not assign or otherwise deal in any other way with any of your rights under this Agreement. 15.4. If a provision of these terms are invalid or unenforceable it is to be read down or severed to the extent necessary without affecting the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions.

Business Broker Directory


Business Broker Directory

A Robertson

ABBA Group

ABS Business Sales

A Robertson Business Agents are the team of business brokers you can trust to deliver complete business broking solutions and succession plans. Our personal service takes into account.

As Australia’s fastest growing business broker, the ABBA Group are business sales, acquisition and merger specialists. We are a boutique firm that gets results for all our clients!

Delivering outstanding service and results in business sales, commercial property sales and commercial property leasing. ABS Business Sales South East Queensland’s Leading Business Brokers.

Level 14 275 Alfred St, North Sydney, NSW

Level 13, 135 Kent Street, Sydney, NSW

Level 1 Unit 3 25 Railway Terrace, Milton, QLD

02 9181 4834

02 8973 7594

07 3368 4010

Services: NSW

Services: NSW

Services: QLD

Adelaide Business Sales

Advantage Business Sales & Valuation

AFS Brokers

The founding Director of the company, Jeff Romanowski, has over 26 years experience in the specialised field of Business Broking - originally starting out in September 1986.


Advantage Business Sales & Valuations specialises in the business sale process. Everything we do is with the objective of making the process for buyers and sellers as informative, professional and streamlined as possible.

AFS Brokers begun in 2014 as the preferred broker for one of Australia’s leading fitness brands. Through this time we were able to build an extremely active database of buyers.

63 Devereux Road, Linden Park, SA

Suite 15, Noosa Central, 6 Bottlebrush Avenue, Noosa Heads QLD 4567

Level 6 241 Commonwealth St, Surry Hills, NSW

08 8338 3833

07 5372 8468

0488 009 547

Services: SA

Services: QLD

Services: NSW

Business Broker Directory

Ascend Corporate

Aussie Business Sales

Ascend Corporate Business Brokers are located in West Perth WA. Invest in a Profit making West Australian business. More than 100 construction, accommodation.

Aussie Business Sales is owned and operated by Ian Clapham. Based in Melbourne CBD covering Business Sales in Melbourne City, Suburbs and Country Victoria.

Ground Floor Suite 4, 1292 Hay St, West Perth, WA

Unit 3608 / 200 Spencer Street, Melbourne, VIC

08 9480 3200

0418 515 434

Services: WA

Services: VIC

Australian Prestige Business Sales

BBG Business Brokers Group Pty Ltd

At Business Sales Victoria, we pride ourselves in having a personal, friendly and honest service. Business Sales Victoria are a small but dedicated team of professionals that possess.

BBG Business Brokers Group is a company built from a strong team of experienced business owners. We are very excited about year 2013 and how it will engage us.

Level 23 Governor Phillip Tower, 1 Farrer Place, Sydney, NSW

Exchange Tower, Level 1, 530 Little Collins St, Melbourne, VIC

15 Ellingworth Parade, Box Hill, VIC

1300 722 556

03 9909 7727

03 9896 8999

Services: NSW

Services: VIC

Services: VIC

Amplify Business Sales Amplify Business Sales is a specialist in the sales & marketing of small and large businesses for sale. We handle the marketing and sale of businesses of all kinds throughout Sydney, Wollongong.

8/74 Kembla Street, Wollongong, NSW 1300 267 287 Services: NSW

Australian Business Sales Australian Business Sales Corporation Pty part of the Australian Business Sales Network Established in 1990. What we do is market and sell businesses. We sell businesses!

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


Business Broker Directory

Bissales Pty Ltd When you engage BisSales to manage the sale of your business you get the benefit of an experienced team of executives who have all owned and operated their own businesses and can empathise with the process business owners will go through.


Bonza Business & Franchise Sales

BPA Brokers

Bonza Business & Franchise Sales gets excellent results at a fraction of the cost of a typical business broker. We are real business and franchise selling experts with decades of experience.

BPA Brokers have been helping people become their own boss for over 14 years. Whether clients are buying or selling businesses, our goal is to assist people in improving their lifestyle and manage their own business.

832 High Street, Kew East, VIC

Innovation Centre, 90 Sippy Downs Drive, Sippy Downs, QLD

181-187 Plenty Rd, Preston, VIC

0429 445 582

0413 092 145

03 9485 4488

Services: VIC

Services: QLD

Services: VIC

Business & Franchise Brokers Pty Ltd

Business Brokers Network

Business Brokers Queensland

BF Brokers is a proud family business brokerage firm based in Melbourne with services stretching Victoria wide, including consultants in Geelong and the Surf Coast.

Business Brokers Network Australia is a network of Licenced Business Brokers working together to provide Buyers and Sellers a greater range of choice. If you want to sell your business.

Business Brokers Queensland is a professional business brokerage firm specialising in the sale of small to medium businesses in Queensland.

Tooronga Village Suite 2.03, 1 Crescent Road, Glen Iris, VIC

PO Box 2068, Brisbane, QLD

8 / 130 Kingston Road, Underwood, QLD

03 8823 5400

1300 331 814

1300 699 480

Services: VIC

Services: Australia Wide

Services: QLD

Business Broker Directory

Business Buy Or Sell

Business Merges & Sales

Business Sales Advisory

The team at Business Buy or Sell are trusted advisors, provide an unprecedented level of quality, service and professionalism who excel in assisting people to buy, sell or build a business.

Business Merges and Sales is a Business Brokerage based in East Perth WA. Business Mergers and Sales Perth can provide the following high-quality services.

Our Business Brokers are professionally qualified business people and accountants. Dale Wilcox, our licensee, is a qualified Accountant (FCPA, ACMA) with over 40 years of business experience in senior.

6 Whitewater Place, Sapphire Beach, NSW

Suite 1 / 96 Royal Street, East Perth, WA

Suite 42, 44 Kings Park Rd, West Perth, WA

0419 513 979

08 325 5527

0467 821 468

Services: NSW

Services: WA

Services: WA

Capital Commercial Business Sales

Central Coast Business Brokers


Capital Commercial Business Sales is the Canberra region’s leading business brokerage firm. Whether you’re interested in buying or selling, we have the experience, the reputation.

A professional approach to the sale or purchase of a Business and/or Commercial Real Estate”. A successful sale or purchase is seldom a result of luck. With over 20 years’ experience

Clearpoint is a licensed property services company established in 2005 with expertise in retail, commercial property, property Portfolio management, and shopping centre management and leasing.

Level 1, 77 London Circuit, Canberra, ACT

Shop 2, 51 Kerry Crescent, Berkeley Vale, NSW

PO Box 490, Lane Cove, NSW

1300 793 690

02 4388 4399

1300 325 327

Services: ACT

Services: NSW

Services: NSW

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


Business Broker Directory


Core Business Brokers

Dealmakers Australia

The team at Core Business Brokers has an excellent reputation as business brokers in Sydney and has a combined 60 years experience in the negotiations.

Dealmakers Australia are Sydney based business brokers acting on behalf of clients seeking to sell their businesses. The focus of our activities is on Small and Medium Enterprises.

12 Putarri Ave, St Ives, NSW

PO Box 113, Lindfield, NSW

02 9413 2977

02 9294 7077

1300 722 749

Services: NSW

Services: NSW

Services: NSW

Elders Southern Districts Estate Agency

Ellis Corporate

With a proud history in the South West of WA, our Elders offices have a proven history of supporting thousands achieve their property dreams.

Ellis Corporate specialises in Corporate Business Broking, Commercial / Industrial / Investment Real Estate Sales plus Commercial and Executive Residential Property Management.

13 Stirling Street, Bunbury, WA

434 Vincent St West, West Leederville, WA

08 9721 3533

08 9388 9951

Services: WA

Services: WA

Dowie International Business Advisors Bringing 25 years of Executive Global Experience to Australian business owners wanting to take the next step in their careers.

Endeavour Business Brokers Established in 1998, Endeavour Business Brokers provides business sales and valuation services to smaller Australian businesses.

Level 1, 432 Kent Street, Sydney, NSW 02 8096 9222 Services: NSW

Business Broker Directory

Essential Business Services

FC Business Solutions

Experienced in a wide variety of industries and across all stages of the business lifecycle and general life, the advice they garner is definitely not based on guess work.

We are a fully integrated consultancy firm specialising in developing, growing and marketing franchise systems.

91 Watt Rd, Mornington, VIC

Suite 5, 2 Brandon Park Drive, Wheelers Hill, VIC

PO Box 1344. Canning Bridge/Applecross, WA

1300 549 022

03 9533 0028

08 9315 2700

Services: VIC

Services: VIC

Services: WA

G Hunter And Associates

Global Realty Partners

GMO Business Sales

In 2001 Greg Hunter Property was established and in 2011 G Hunter and Associates carries on enjoying an excellent reputation as one of Western Australia’s leading boutique business and real estate companies.

Leaders in Residential, Commercial and Business Sales and Management, servicing Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Maitland, Port Stephens, Cessnock and the Hunter Valley for all your property requirements, the Realty Partners team of over 40 experienced professionals can help you.

GMO is the largest and most established business broking agency in Western Australia, offering a buying and selling service for small to medium size businesses.

Suite 4- 154 Hampden Road, Nedlands, WA

1/18 Alma Road, New Lambton, NSW

1310 Hay Street, West Perth, WA

08 6389 9088

02 4961 0411

08 9481 4422

Services: WA

Services: NSW

Services: WA

Fortune Business & Property Brokers Fortune Business & Property Brokers was established in 1997 as a full service Business Brokerage and Commercial Real Estate Agency.

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


Business Broker Directory

GSE Business Consultants GSE Business Consultants specialise in working with Cafe owners to make sure that they get the best return possible when they sell their cafe.


Hallmark Business Sales Pty Ltd

Harcourts Wine Coast

Hallmark Business Sales leads the way when it comes to expertise. Every one of our brokers is an industry specialist who has the tools, environment and training to accomplish a successful sale.

In an increasingly fast-paced world, Harcourts Wine Coast knows that whilst people want a professional and efficient service, they still prize the fundamentals of honesty and integrity from real estate consultants committed to achieving their clients’ goals.

Level 32 101 Miller Street, North Sydney, NSW

159 Tahiti Ave, Palm Beach, QLD

162 Main Road, McLaren Vale, SA

1300 522 179

0415 887 733

08 8323 9300

Services: NSW

Services: QLD

Services: SA

HBR Business Broker

Home Service Professionals

Invested Business Sales

HBR Business Broker as a business broker for more than 8 years and has over 13 years of experience in the real estate industry.

In 2014, the company expanded into Gosford and, despite several years of strong growth, these simple aims never changed.

Invested Business Sales specialises in the successful sale of small to large businesses throughout Sunshine Coast, Brisbane and the rest of Queensland.

1st Floor, 203 Blackburn Road, Mount Waverley, VIC

PO Box 38, Holden Hill, SA

PO Box 2088, Noosa Heads, QLD

03 9847 6823

1300 308 408

0429 626 835

Services: VIC

Services: SA

Services: QLD

Business Broker Directory

Johnston Business Sales

JP Real Estate & Business Agents

Kent Business Brokers

We are a Western Australian based brokerage firm with over 20 years experience that specialises in the sale and acquisition of various business enterprises.

Kent Business Brokers started in Subiaco in the Mid 70’s. It was taken over by Mr Glen Smith in the Mid 80’s. Barry Pike, Licensee-Principal has been operating Kent Business Brokers for the last 20 years

4021 Quayside Benowa, QLD

Suite 17/7 The Esplanade, Mt Pleasant, WA

PO Box 278, Mandurah, WA

07 5564 7704

08 9316 9777

08 9581 2536

Services: QLD

Services: WA

Services: WA

LINK Business, Formerly Klemms

LJ Hooker Business Broking

LJ Hooker Commercial Perth

Since day one back in 1946 Klemms has been serving its clients with an unswerving commitment to probity, honesty, and professionalism.

Over the past 82 years, LJ Hooker has become Australia’s best known and most trusted real estate brand.

LJ Hooker Commercial Perth opened its doors on 1 July 2013. We are located at 58 Kings Park Road, West Perth and we service all industrial and commercial suburbs throughout Western Australia.

551 Glenferrie Rd, Hawthorn, VIC

Shop 333 / 71 Jones Street, Ultimo, NSW

58 Kings Park Road, West Perth, WA

03 9819 4211

02 9552 1111

08 9220 2200

Services: VIC

Services: WA

Services: WA

Johnston Business Sales is a general business brokerage with expertise in mergers and acquisitions and has a general mix of skills with 26 years of experience, overseeing and offering privately held organizations which have provided the necessary skills and expertise to appraise the current market estimation of businesses.

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


Business Broker Directory


LK Business Brokers

Mandanex Capital

Mastracorp Real Estate

LKBB is a business broking firm specializing in the sales and purchases of small to medium businesses and commercial properties. We have extensive experience in dealing with all kinds of business

Mandanex Capital specializes in brokering the sales of small, medium and large businesses and mid market mergers and acquisitions.

Mastracorp is one of the most active independent commercial real estate agencies in Adelaide. Whether your needs are buying, selling, leasing or asset & portfolio management, the Mastracorp team will deliver professional service and advice, keeping you involved and well informed about your property.

Ground floor 54 St Kilda Rd, St Kilda, VIC

Suite 107 / 283 Alfred Street, North Sydney, NSW

4/60 West Terrace, Adelaide, SA

1300 315 223

02 8971 6511

08 8212 0140

Services: VIC

Services: NSW

Services: SA

McCormack Brokers

Mercury 5 Sky

NAI Harcourts Rinnovate

McCormack Business Brokers is a leader in the resale of franchise businesses. We focus primarily on leading hospitality and telecommunications brands, negotiating the sale of existing businesses in these industries across Australia.

Mercury 5 Sky Business and Commercial Sales specialises in representing owners of businesses and commercial properties, facilitating & introducing them to qualified buyers and investors which dramatically increases the probability of business owner clients exiting for a profit, which reflects the value & what has been invested into the business throughout its trading history.

The Rinnovate Group was established in 2005 as a Business advisory practice, and expanded in early 2009 to include Rinnovate Business Brokers Pty Ltd.

Level 4, Suite 68, 330 Wattle Street, Ultimo, NSW

Level 23, 127 Creek Street, Brisbane, QLD

196 Corio Street, Shepparton, VIC

02 9212 2799

07 3221 1441

03 5831 1499

Services: NSW

Services: QLD, NSW

Services: VIC

Business Broker Directory

Northbridge Sales & Leasing Pty Ltd

Paramount Business Brokers

Like the north point on a compass, Northbridge Sales and Leasing will be your trusted bearing when you need guidance in selling, leasing or managing your property.

Paramount Business Brokers is a boutique business broking firm specializing in the sale of all types of businesses throughout the Greater Melbourne area.

PO Box 992, Sanctuary Cove, QLD

Ground Floor, 379 Hay St, Perth, WA

1010/401 Docklands Drive, Docklands, VIC

07 5530 8972

08 9225 5989

03 9021 9888

Services: QLD

Services: WA

Services: VIC

Performance Business Sales Pty Ltd

Perth Business Sales

Platinum Business Sales

Perth Business Sales is a professional full service consulting agency providing key services to small and medium size businesses in the Western Australia market.

Our industry knowledge and proven sales ability, coupled with our handson experience owning and operating hospitality and retail businesses, has secured our reputation as respected hospitality and retail business brokers.

Noble Business Sales We are highly experienced Gold Coast based business brokers. All our sales professionals have previously owned a business. Noble Business Sales Excellence through experience.

Performance Business Sales, is one of Australia’s most successful and innovative exponents of the sale and acquisition of privately-owned businesses.

45 Ventnor Avenue, West Perth, WA

2/78 Mill Point Road South Perth, WA

08 9429 8882

08 9367 3056

Services: WA

Services: WA

Services: WA

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


Business Broker Directory

Power ABA PowerABA is a prominent Adelaide business brokerage specialising in the sale and purchase of small to medium (SME) Businesses and Commercial properties.

We at Premier Equity Group pty ltd are Premier Business Brokers and at the forefront of the industry, utilising the latest technology and leading the way in professionalism when it comes to being business brokers.

Professionals Gosford Professionals Gosford has the primary aim and vision to serve with honesty, integrity, enthusiasm with superior knowledge and understanding.

83 Fullarton Road, Kent Town, SA

24 Cabinda Drive, Keysborough, VIC

Shop 5 & 6, 91-99 Mann Street, Gosford, NSW

08 8331 1588

0412 884 611

02 4344 7766

Services: SA

Services: VIC

Services: NSW

Profit Advantage Group

Prosper Business & Property Brokers


Based in Perth Metropolitan area, we have a vast knowledge of Perth and its suburbs especially the CBD and surrounding Blue chip areas.

Focusing on hospitality means we can spend less time understanding different industries and more time focusing on your business. Our goal is to be thorough, to be calm and to educate.

6 King Street, Campbelltown, NSW

Suite 3/216 Stirling St, Perth, WA

Suite 2/18 Hutchinson Street, Surry Hills, NSW

02 4625 9534

0412 873 613

0423 976 700

Services: NSW

Services: WA

Services: NSW

The Profit Advantage Group provides a range of Business Development & Consulting Services which help Business Owners enjoy running their business!


Premier Equity Group Pty Ltd

Business Broker Directory

Quest Business Brokers

Raine & Horne Commercial

Ray White Business Sales

At QUEST Business Brokers, we are serious about selling your business. If you are thinking of selling your business or looking to prepare your business for sale, give us a call to book your No Obligation, 100% confidential consultation.

Since 1883, Raine & Horne has been a respected leader in the real estate industry. In 1984 the company launched a specialist network to service commercial, industrial and retail properties.

Ray White Business Sales is a dedicated business sales unit located in Sydney CBD with brokers located in most areas of Sydney.

PO Box 3336, Caloundra BC

Level 17, 135 King Street, Sydney, NSW

041 069 9255

02 9258 5400

1800 858 696

Services: QLD

Services: NSW

Services: NSW

Ray White Commercial GC South

Robert Gasmier

SBX Business Brokers

A boutique broker committed to delivering ongoing high quality expertise and personal service in Business Broking to Western Australians. Certified Practising Business Broker.

SBX Business Brokers is one of the largest business brokers in Australia servicing Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and the Gold Coast.

19 Taree Street, Burleigh Heads, QLD

PO Box 626, Applecross, WA

Suite 1, Level 2, 2 - 4 Pacific Highway, St Leonards 2065, NSW

07 5535 0500

08 9316 9211

02 9439 4403

Services: QLD

Services: WA

Services: Australia Wide

Ray White Commercial GC South was formed in 2010 and operates within the greater Ray White GC South Network with an office located in the heart of the Commercial & Industrial hub of Burleigh.

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


Business Broker Directory

Seale and Associates Since February 2005 I have owned and operated my own Business Broking and Real Estate Agency in Bunbury, servicing the South West in particularly, but also have worked in the Great Southern and Perth Metropolitan Areas.


Statewide Business Brokers Statewide Business Brokers, operated by Wayne Cooper as Licensee & Principal, along with his wife Ronnie, are well known throughout Rural WA.

The Brokerage Australia The Brokerage Australia, is a new and dynamic broking franchise, whose brokers guide sellers & buyers through all areas of the selling process.

PO Box 1061, Mandurah, WA

1/11 Coast Ave, Cronulla, NSW

02 9795 1635

08 9586 3509

1300 466 455

Services: NSW

Services: WA

Services: NSW

The Finn Group

The Strand 365 Pty Ltd

Tourism Property

The Finn Group is Australia’s largest network of business and franchise brokers. With offices in all major cities and regional areas, we’ve helped hundreds of business owners sell or purchase a business.

Being in Business should be rewarding and give you a lifestyle that inspires you to get up each day. If the Strand 365 can be a small part of that, then we have achieved our goal.

Tourism Property is a boutique agency. Totally focused on substantial tourism asset transactions. We understand Regional markets and can deal internationally.

Office 2, 11 Wellington Road, Acacia Ridge, QLD

PO Box 1888, Townsville, QLD

PO Box 314, Unanderra, NSW

07 3333 2434

0400 018 866

0400 200 139

Services: Australia Wide


Services: NSW

Business Broker Directory

TRIDENT Business And Corporate

West Australian Business Brokers

The dedication and commitment of our agency is the reason we are different from the competition.

West Australian Business Brokers are one of Perth’s leading Business Brokers. Our knowledge and experience in the Perth market gives us a very unique insight into the marketing of your business.

Level 2, 420 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC

33 Segrave Street, Gwelup, WA

Suite 116, 159 Ridgecrop Drive, Castle Hill, NSW

03 8687 2116

0414 252 032

0448 822 032

Services: VIC

Services: WA

Services: NSW

Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

Your Price Business Brokers

Zircom Business Broking

It is paramount to us to treat every customer, buyer or seller, in such a memorable way that when the transaction is completed they go and tell somebody else how GREAT it was!

Your Realty, is Australia’s premier residential real estate agency. Offering to our clients exceptional and professional service.

Zircom was established in 1991 and is one of the market leaders in business broking in Western Australia. We have earned an enviable reputation for integrity and professionalism.

Suite 202/230 Victoria Road, Gladesville, NSW

PO Box 2021, Gawler, Gawler, SA

PO Box 362, Greenwood, WA

02 9817 3331

0412 396 306

0409 113 814

Services: NSW


Services: WA

Xchange Business Brokers Xchange Business Brokers is a boutique agency specialising in the sale of businesses in the greater Sydney area.

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


Business Broker Directory

123 Business Brokers At 123 Business Brokers, we understand that your time is precious, so we are here to do all of the hard work for you.

Level 30, 35 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC 1800 499 995 Services: VIC


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Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements Like us on Faceook: contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.

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