Newsletter December 2010

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King’s College

E-Newsletter News from the Pupils and Teachers of King’s College

K i ng ’s C ollege S t u de nt s Ac c epted i n Top U K and US Un ive r sit i es King’s College Year 13 students have received several offers to join top international universities such as Oxford, Yale, Imperial, Durham, York, Leeds Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Surrey, Leicester, Glasgow, Lancaster and Bath. King’s College Y13 student Joaquín Masa has been offered a place at Trinity College, Oxford, to study Chemical Engineering and Y13 Clara Pérez, has received an offer to St Catherine's College, Oxford, to study Philosophy, Politics and Economics. In addition, Marc Dewitt, has received an unconditional offer to Yale University. This is the first time Yale has made an offer to a student from King’s College. Marc is one of the students who took part in the Oxbridge Focus Group, which was set up to support potential Y13 candidates in their applications for Oxford and Cambridge Universities. Weekly workshops and discussion groups were held with Elaine Blaus, Head Teacher King’s College, Joe Swash, Deputy Head, and Nima Reddy, Head of Sixth Form, and supported by Director of UCAS Paul McNally’s expertise in interview techniques.

“Happy Christmas, and I look forward to seeing all our pupils back at school in January, when we will have lots more exciting and interesting events for all our families to join in”. Elaine Blaus King’s College Head Teacher

Seniors Trinity College, Oxford Admissions Weekend Several KC students attended the Trinity College Admissions weekend in Oxford on September where they received extensive support, resources and materials in preparation for the Oxford entrance tests. So far, six KC students have been invited to interview at these top British universities. "When a pupil is offered a place at one of the top universities in the world it is one of the best moments for any teacher. Thanks to the dedication and commitment of all the teachers at King's College; from early years to the sixth form we continue the tradition of academic excellence and helping to educate ambitious, thoughtful and very talented young people. Long may that continue", said Elaine Blaus, King’s College Head Teacher.

King’s College Madrid and Dulwich College London Exchange Students King’s College has celebrated an international student exchange with Dulwich College, London, which was founded 391 years ago and is one of the largest and most successful independent schools in the UK. Twelve DC boys came to KC to work in the Art Department on an innovative collaborative art project with KC pupils. They were also given a fascinating talk from Gabriele Finaldi, the Deputy Director of the Museo del Prado, who was a former student at Dulwich College. The visitors also took part in a lively debate about animal testing with the King’s Debating Society. As part of the exchange, four boys from DC stayed with King’s families to improve their Spanish skills. Shortly after the visit to Madrid, pupils from King's College visited Dulwich College in London where they visited St. Martins School of Art, where they had a chance to enjoy Vivienne Westwood’s fashion exhibition and to visit the London Design Museum. KC will develop this collaboration further in the future. The art created during the collaboration between King’s and Dulwich is on display around the school.

Visit to Stock Exchange King’s College Year 13 pupils visited the Madrid Stock Exchange as part of their Economics course. Patti from Year 13 said: "The visit was interesting. The building is amazing but now, because of modern communications technology people buy and sell stocks with computers and not face-to-face so it was rather empty. However, it was interesting to see the real effect of new technology on such a historical market place."

King’s College Year 13 Pupils

Debating Society The King's College Debating Society has been active this term. The school debated against Dulwich College on the subject of animal testing and against the International School of Madrid on the topic of bullfighting. Suggestions for debates next term include the attitude of the French government towards women wearing traditional Islamic dress and their expulsion of Roma people. Debating societies have a long tradition at independent schools in Britain and the USA. They build confidence, logical thought and eloquence among everyone that takes part.

Model European Parliament

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King’s College students Ángela Ortega, Ana Coto, Félix Muriel and Macarena Machimbarrena, have been selected to join the Madrid chapter of the Model European Parliament to address a number of major European issues. The Model European Parliament is a debate program for young people organised by the EU Parliament in each of the 27 member countries to promote political engagement and debate at the highest possible level across Europe. Paul McNally, who coordinated KC Y12 pupils, says: "to have one student selected as a member of the Model European Parliament is an honor, but to have four pupils selected is an extraordinary achievement and proof of the thoughtful, creative and passionate pupils that we have at King's College". The proposals were developed as part of the Year 12 PSHE curriculum. Ángela wrote a proposal that supported the use of Genetically Modified Seeds: “the world’s population is growing really fast and

food production is not distributed as equally as it needs. Also, global warming makes it very likely that large parts of southern Europe will need to start growing GM crops.” Each pupil had to submit a proposal which included background research, notes on the existing environmental laws around Europe and in developing countries, and a proposal for changing the existing laws. Next January members of the Model Parliament will meet to take part in a workshop on debate techniques. More info: *Visit King’s College new website:

Infants Open Days Open Days are an opportunity for parents to come into the Infant school to spend the day working and learning along side their children and to experience the day-to-day reality of King's College. “It makes a huge difference to how parents work with the teachers and improves communication between home and school. We will be running more open days next term," Paula Parkinson, Head of KC Infant School Soto de Viñuelas and organised of OD said.

Mighty Merienda The most recent "Mighty Merienda", a fund raising event where parents of Infant school children are invited to King´s College, raised €1000 for charity. Father Christmas came to the school grotto to talk to the children.

Juniors Carol singing Casa de Cultura Tres Cantos The Junior Choir, led by KC Soto de Viñuelas Music teacher Nicky Longdon, performed Christmas Carols on December 18th, at the Casa de Cultura in Tres Cantos. The children were the highlight of the event and their performance received a warm applause by the audience.

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Paseo de los Andes, 35. 28761 Soto de Viñuelas, Madrid. Tel: +34 918 034 800 Fax: +34 918 036 557

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