Newsletter King’s College Alicante
Graduation Ceremony 2014 Message from the Head of Secondary As I write this final message of the year I cannot believe that 10 months have almost passed since we returned to school in September. It has been another fantastic school year with a huge number of trips, extra-curricular activities, fundraising, sporting and music events squeezed into our time together. The progress and achievements of our children is also at the forefront of our minds and this year has been no exception, with our students continuing to achieve great things across the range of subjects and year groups. We will be celebrating these individual successes at Prize Giving in June and I am sure our senior students will reap the benefits of their hard work when the examination results are released in August. Above all else, however, this year has allowed many of us to make new friends, to cement existing friendships, to experience new things and along the way has hopefully provided
us all with lots of fond memories to look back upon in the years to come. The combination of all this is what makes our school community so special and why your days in school really are the best of your lives. Many thanks to the pupils and staff for their hard work this year and their continuous enthusiasm and support for each other. I look forward to welcoming you all back to school on the 3rd September, refreshed and relaxed after the summer break and I hope you all have a wellearned and enjoyable summer holiday.
Mr. S Wicks Head of Secondary
First Graduation Ceremony by Mr. Wicks
Our first graduation ceremony for Year 13 students took place on Friday 30th May and was a resounding success. It was great to see our most senior students receive their graduation certificates and know that we have helped to prepare them for the next phase of their lives. Whilst we celebrated their last official day in school many are still faced with numerous exams in the next few weeks and I would like to wish them the best of luck with them and also with whatever journey they embark upon once leaving King’s College, Alicante. We look forward to welcoming them back whenever they are in Alicante and hearing about their experiences and successes. Our graduates will study at the following Universities and Colleges:
Guillermo B
University of Manchester, UK
Chemical Engineering
Tara W
University of Edinburgh, UK
Cognitive Science
Carlos R
Universidad Politécnica Valencia
Ingeniería Tecnologías Industriales
Alba E
University College London, UK
Mechanical Engineering
Ernesto Z
University College London, UK
Fiona B
University of Newcastle
Joint Honours
Carmen J
Universitat Ramon Llull ,ES
Ingeniería Química
Laura M
Jesús F
Ingeniería Industrial
Claudia E
IE University, ES
Hazel Mc
Universidad de Valencia ,ES
David A
Birmingham City University, UK
Business and Management
Emilio A
Universidad de Alicante
Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas
Gerrol B
University of Hertfordshire, UK
Biomedical Science
Philip B
Technische Universität München, Germany
Marina C
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Fashion Buying and Merchandising
Javier C
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Magnus D
Brunel University, UK
Business and Management
Emily D
Aberystwyth University
Spanish and International Politics
Sam E
Universidad de Alicante
Ingeniería Informática
Manuel G
Ingeniería Industrial
Guillermo F
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Obdulio G
IE University, ES
Alina K
University College Roosevelt, Netherlands
Liberal Arts
Alexander K
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Pablo L
Universidad de Alicante
Ingeniería Informática
Julia L
Leeds College of Art
Art and Design
Adrían L
Universidad de Alicante
Ignacio M
Universidad de Valencia
Ciencias Físicas
Rosa M
UK or Spain
Mario M
Universidad Carlos III
David M
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Carlos N
Universidad en Madrid
Alexandra P
University of Groningen, Netherlands
Alexandra P
Leeds College of Art
Art and Design
Roberto R
Queen Mary’s University, UK
Javier R
Universidad de España o Italia
Tanya R
Universidad en Madrid
Anastasia S
Regent’s University, UK
International Business, 2 languages
Eduardo T
Universidad Miguel Hernández
Ingeniería Mecánica
Abdujabbor A
Middlesex University, UK
International Foundation Programme
COBIS Physics Prize Winners Congratulations to Jorge, Mario, Jesús and Javier on being awarded the runner-up prize at the COBIS Young Scientist Awards for the Most Creative KS3-5 Video when the results were announced at the annual conference in May. Competition was tough with over 80 entries from more than 34 schools. The nominations were selected by COBIS CEO Colin Bell and a judging panel of 14 scientists from the National Physical Laboratory. Mr. Laidlaw and Mr. Wicks were present to collect the award on the pupils’ behalf and were delighted at how well our pupils had performed. We hope to see many more King’s College, Alicante pupils participate in next year’s competition!
Ciudad de la Luz Movie Filming During a few months some year 12 and 13 students were filming a short movie in Ciudad de la Luz. The result is a very interesting film called "En un abrir y cerrar". On the 9th of May pupils, teachers and parents enjoyed watching a wonderful premiere at Ciudad de la luz where everyone was surprised at the very artistic and professional work of our pupils. Sr. Francisco
Changeover Day for Year 6 On Friday 30th June our current Year 6s participated in our annual changeover event and spent the day in Secondary experiencing life as a Year 7 pupil. Pupils are always split into new form groups when they join the secondary school, a task that Year 6 teachers and leaders spend a lot of time on, to ensure that pupils are in the best group for them both academically and socially. After the excitement of finding out to which group they’d been assigned pupils got on with the business of being a Year 7 pupil for the rest of the day. Pupils participated in a variety of lessons including Drama, French, History, Art and English and thoroughly enjoyed the activities the teachers had prepared. They also got the opportunity to have lunch and chat with other Secondary students before spending the last part of the day reflecting on what they had experienced and making plans for September. Miss Castro has provided each pupil with a booklet to take home which contains lots of information on what to expect next year and also has activities for each subject that they can complete over the summer holidays. Let’s see which pupils will impress their teachers by completing all the exercises and bringing them with them on the first day back!
SOCIAL MEDIA AND THE KING’S COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Earlier this month the King’s College Marketing team from central services in Madrid visited the school to speak to both pupils and staff about social media and the King’s College Alumni Association. At King’s College we are dedicated to supporting our pupils through the entire academic journey. Therefore, the focus of the sessions was to engage with Year 12 and 13 pupils about getting the most out of social media in a professional context for life after education, as well as to share some advice and information about the importance of networking. Lauren Taylor, Marketing Manager and Jake Pittman, Alumni Association and Social Media Coordinator, led the sessions and took questions from pupils about how they can effectively engage on social media platforms. LinkedIn was the hot topic of information to help pupils understand the importance of creating a professional image on the internet. This is especially crucial when applying for work placements, UCAS and eventually entering the wider world of work; so that they have a professional and complete profile to showcase their achievements and interests.
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE LINKEDIN VIDEO “TOP 5 TIPS FOR STUDENTS” Sessions also included practical advice such as: • Think before you post • Keep professional social media accounts updated to accurately reflect your CV • Use separate email addresses for social and professional contexts online and offline • Be honest with what you post • Focus on your unique selling points to help you stand out from the crowd • Build a professional network and retain contacts from every professional experience
In addition to the social media workshop, pupils were also informed about the King’s College Alumni Association, and how they can stay in touch once they leave the school. The “King's College Alumni” group was created to allow former King's College pupils from schools across the King’s Group locations to stay connected online. The group is based on professional social networking site LinkedIn and allows members to contact one another, share ideas, news and also be made aware of planned events and alumni reunions which are held each year. If you are interested in joining our network, you must be a King's College pupil or ex-pupil. Employees of the company or people wishing to follow the activity of the school and/or King’s Group, such as parents or co-workers, are encouraged to follow the “King’s Group” company page, also available on LinkedIn.
For Everyone: Keep updated with news and goings on for all elements of King’s Group, centralised in just one place. FOR EVERYONE
For Everyone: Up to the minute information about our schools in short digestible snapshots. King’s College Alicante: @KCAlicante, King’s College Murcia: @KC_Murcia or King’s Group: @KingsGroupSL
For Alumni: We like to keep in touch with all of our pupils once they leave the school, so you are encouraged to keep in touch with us online: KCAlumniAssoc or by email: For Alumni: Up to the minute information about the alumni association Events and news. Follow us now: @KingsColAlumni
For Pupils You can now add your school to your LinkedIn profile, see our Education Page: SotoSchoolPage AlicanteSchoolPage MurciaSchoolPage
Tales Contest Winners On 30th of May, Raúl and Aitana from Year 9 received a prize for writing the best spanish tales in the Alicante province. Their two tales are part of a total of 101 that will be published in a book of short stories.
El planeta Patas Arriba El universo es enorme, se podría decir que es infinito, que en el existen multitud de galaxias: la galaxia de las Finas Hierbas, la galaxia del Calamar, etc. Pero hay una galaxia muy lejana y diferente a todas las demás llamada la galaxia Hansingelingumpanchis. En la galaxia Hansingelingumpanchis hay once planetas, pero hay uno en particular que tiene algo muy especial. En toda la galaxia sólo hay dos planetas que albergan vida: el planeta Lol, en el que viven los risueños risocatos, y el planeta Patas Arriba, en el que, como su nombre indica, todo es completamente diferente al planeta Lol. En el planeta Patas Arriba todo es diferente, desde la vista exterior hasta la vista en el interior, desde los habitantes hasta las mascotas, desde el agua hasta la comida, desde cómo orbita el planeta hasta cómo se vive en él. Esta es la historia de un niño risocato llamado Nauj, que vivía en el planeta Lol. Su vida allí era un tanto tranquila y normal, como la de cualquier niño, hasta que un día volvió a su casa del cole y le ocurrió un suceso muy desconcertante. Cuando se acercó a la pecera a darle de comer a sus peces, se sobresaltó porque uno de ellos estaba muerto de viejo, ¡de viejo! “¿Qué está pasando? ¡Los peces jamás mueren de viejos, siempre mueren cuando se convierten en huevos!”. Al día siguiente, en el colegio… en clase de ciencias descubrió la existencia de un planeta totalmente opuesto al suyo. En ese planeta el sol salía por el este y se ponía por el oeste. “Qué cosa tan rara”, pensó Nauj. Además, las chicas llevaban falda y
los chicos pantalones cortos. “¡Todo el mundo sabe que los chicos llevan falda!”, dijo Nauj exaltado. Una cosa que le pareció muy interesante, era que los continentes en el planeta Patas Arriba eran exactamente iguales que su planeta pero al revés. También le sorprendió que esquiaran en la nieve en lugar de en la hierba. Los árboles no tenían las hojas en la base ni respiraban por las raíces, ¡estaban al revés! Nauj salió tan inspirado de esa clase que llegó a su casa y empezó a indagar información sobre el planeta Patas Arriba. Recabó tanta información que averiguó que el pez que había hallado muerto de viejo era probablemente originario de ese extraño planeta. Pero, ¿cómo habría llegado hasta Lol? Después de horas y horas de investigar, días y noches sentado en su ordenador, averiguó que en el planeta Patas arriba estaban investigando a nuestro normal pero para ellos extraño planeta Lol. Y, como sujeto de prueba, habían enviado a mi pobre pececito Shif. Así Nauj descubrió que nunca hemos de pensar que algo es imposible o no puede existir, porque el universo es infinito y las formas de vida pueden ser también infinitas y contrapuestas a la nuestra. Nos sorprendería saber la infinidad de cosas que pueden pasar en el universo, o los universos, porque… ¿Solo hay uno?
por Rául
Larissa Es ella. Sé que la muchacha de cabellos castaños, largos y rizados, es Larissa. Esa muchacha del final del pasillo, es la que venía a visitarme todas las tardes al hospital. Era la más callada. Las más tímida tal vez. Pero la que mejor me hacía sentir.
preguntarle cómo le va, recordarle quien soy yo. Podría intentarlo, sí. Pero no lo voy a hacer. Si quiero integrarme bien, será mejor que me acerque a los chicos de mi clase. No quiero que me vean con una chica. No en estas circunstancias.
Todos me decían que me recuperaría y que saldría de allí pronto. Pero ella no. Ella entraba a la habitación cuando no quedaba nadie. Ella traía novelas, poemas, cuentos, leyendas. Y me los leía. Nunca mencionaba nada sobre mi enfermedad. O sobre lo que había dicho el médico. Ella sólo leía. Cada palabra, cada verso que recitaba, me daba fuerzas. Y me recordaba que no estaba solo. Era una niña diferente al resto. Nunca hablaba, salvo cuando leía. Era demasiado callada. Al principio, me estremecía. Después, me acabé acostumbrando a aquel silencio. Es más, venía tanto a visitarme, que sabía que en el fondo había algo. No sé. Quizás algo como una amistad, ysu silencio me acabó gustando. Cuando me recuperé y salí del hospital, quise despedirme. Pero no pude. Cuando volvimos al colegio ella no estaba. Se había ido. Sin un simple adiós, aquella muchacha se marchó. Y no volvió.
Sigo caminando, lentamente, hasta que alguien me toca la espalda. Yo me paro, preguntándome quién habrá sido. Y cuando me doy la vuelta, la veo a ella. Con una sonrisa en la cara, y un brillo exultante en los ojos, me abraza. Yo, paralizado ante su inesperada reacción, doy un paso hacia atrás. Me quedo mirándola, observando su cara. Está confusa. Me siento incómodo, sin saber qué hacer. Hasta que me doy cuenta de que le he podido hacer daño. Intentando reparar mi error, me esfuerzo en sonreír.
Sé que es ella. Ha pasado mucho tiempo, y ambos hemos cambiado. Pero, estoy seguro de que es ella. Aunque no creo que se acuerde de mí. Me dirijo hacia lo que se supone que es mi taquilla, la cual está medio destrozada. Abollada o no, me han dicho que es la mía, así que me tendré que aguantar. Como soy nuevo, no conozco a nadie, excepto a Larissa. Podría ir caminando hacía ella,
Y me doy cuenta. Me doy cuenta de por qué me ha abrazado. Puede que después de todo, sí hubiera habido algo antes. Estábamos demasiado preocupados por lo que nos rodeaba, no nos habíamos parado a pensar lo que nos pasaba a nosotros mismos, lo que éramos. ¿Amigos? ¿O sólo compañeros? Antes no estaba seguro. Pero ahora sí. Larissa era mi amiga. Lo sé porque fue la única capaz de dibujarme una sonrisa en la cara mientras estaba en el hospital.Una sonrisa que ahora permanecerá ahí para siempre. Y me doy cuenta de lo que somos. Somos amigos. Amigos de verdad. De esos con los que puedes reírte sin parar. La amistad. Eso es lo que nos define.
por Aitana
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art corner
Lucia Y12
The AS art exam has finished and the work produced by our two candidates Lucia Doran and Nina Martinez is outstanding. The work has now been sent to Cambridge for marking and we wish them luck with their grades.
Mrs Manners Art Teacher
Year 7 have been learning the traditional technique of photomontage to create travel posters. They cut the images from magazines then arranged them in amusing ways.
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Carlos, Year 13 National Champion Here at King’s College Alicante we have a number of talented rowers, amongst them Carlos R in Year 13. Recently Carlos and his team mates headed off to the Spanish National Rowing Championships. Their 8 man crew powered their way through the heats and the semi-finals, eventually winning the Silver medal in a hard fought final.
Basketball Success
Equestrian Success for Stefania Following her recent success in Madrid, Stefania (Y8) was competing in 2 further competitions last week. In the category ´Small Tour´ against the clock, Stefania finished in first place on her horse Showtime. In the team event, Stefania was awarded a bronze medal place on the horse Filip. Congratulations to Stefania who is having a wonderful season of show jumping. We look forward to following her success throughout the year.
Congratulations to both Pablos in Year 8 who were part of the Alicante Juvenile Basketball Team who won the Commanded championships recently. The team will now represent Valencian Community in the national Spanish finals later in June. We wish them every success.
Important Dates JUNE 2014
9 th J u n e – Y 8 R e s i d e n t i a l T r i p t o S e v i l l a y C o r d o b a 1 7 th J u n e – P r i z e G i v i n g ( B y I n v i t a t i o n O n l y ) 2 0 th J u n e – L a s t D a y o f t h e S c h o o l Y e a r 2 5 th J u n e - O p e n D a y f o r P a r e n t s W e d 3 rd S e p t e m b e r - F i r s t D a y o f T e r m 2 0 1 4 - 1 5
King’s College Alicante Glorieta del Reino Unido 5 Alicante 03008 Spain Tlf: 965 106 351 Fax: 965 108 096