Talk Of Fame101 issue #5

Page 1



Paulette Carter

Your Vote Your Voice Why We Must Vote

Will you make a difference? Vote 2012 Presidential Debate 2012 Tweets & Fact Checker

Honoring those who sacrificed so you could Vote!

Civil Rights Political Rights Human Rights Marquez Davis Leader, Mentor, & Business Major "Diamonds in The Rough"

Stacy “Boobie” Instagram: Nailsbyboobie Facebook: arton20.boobie@ Twitter: stacydanailtek The top nail artist at a celebrity nail shop who appeared on a reality show Celebrity nail artist I’ve been licensed since 1992 African American From New Orleans You can find me at polished salon 2323 Cascade Rd Sw Atlanta GA 30311 404-857-5873 Call me for all your nail care needs



Derrick Butler


101 Publisher President/Founder

V.P./Editor-in-Chief Editor(s) Assistant Editor(s) Contributing Writers

Melting Pot Media Inc. Paulette Carter

Wanda Elliott Rosalyn Pressley Brian Elliott LeRhonda Carter Derrick Butler Wanda Elliott Marquez Davis Tonnines Elliott

6 TOF President 9 Voting for Congress Wanda Elliott

10 Nana’s Corner 12 A Man’s role in society and his family Maurice Anthony Coley II

Melting Pot Media Inc. Tonnines Elliott



14 why we must vote


Tweets & Link To Fact Checker


15 Obama’s Ac- 24 Fashion Models complishments Tonnines Elliott


26 Double Trou17 marquez davis ble Biography 17

18 Diamonds in the rough Marquez Davis


22 Presidential debate

30 Poetry 32 CLASSIFIED Bookbyte.comCheap College Textbooks Fast and Free Expedited Shipping on orders over $59 offer applies to Bookbyte inventory only

Paulette Carter Paulette Carter Tonnines Elliott

Artist Marketing PR Manager Advertising and Marketing

Michael Rooker

They say, “The people you surround yourself with, are the ones who will have the greatest influence on you.” 4

Paulette with Terrell T.O. Owens’s Managers: Monique Jackson - and - Kita Williams 5

TOF President 2011: I created and publish my first two editions of my magazine Talk Of Fame 101

Paulette L.A. Carter

1st edition: < 2nd edition: < tof101_issue_2

A young christian woman, student at Clark Alanta University, majoring in Business Administration, concentration in Management soon to be Sports Entertainment Law with a minor in Journalism! I came to college to better myself and further my education. My goal for my future is to become a very successful entrepreneur as well as lawyer and make a difference in the world! I am an only child, from Detroit, MI. I write poetry and songs. I sing and play the piano, beginner level. I love to play video games, basketball and watch sports and wrestling. I love taking pictures and modeling and doing make-up.

2012: 1st of the year we were featured in BSocial Interactive Magazine <

Email: Phone: (313)969-5154 Links; (personal) Blog; BSocial; 6

Scan me Ta l k o f fa m e 1 0 1

3rd Edition: < docs/tof101_issue_3reduced Purchase t-shirts, bags, pajamas, cups, pillows, and much MUCH MORE with my logo on them: TO VIEW ALL OF THE PRODUCTS (clocks, bags, hats, shirts, hoodies, tanks, pajamas, mugs, cups, shot classes, pillows, ,MUCH MORE) CLICK:

Current and past endeavors: Swagnumette Model for Robert “Rob” Curry (Day26) and Real Hustle Music Group (#RHMG) in Detroit, MI. Currently I am an intern for DTP’s (Ludacris’s Disturbing Tha Peace Label) new RnB group “Untitled”, an assistant for a make-up artist at DivaliciousBrowz and Make-Up Bar in Atlanta, GA., an executive assistant for Lisa Watts’s 4sk Management in Atlanta, GA and the business relations manager for Just Jerk Cafe also in Atlanta, GA! Also, I am an intern for Melting Pot Media Inc. and the artist promoter/ marketing agent for BSocial Interactive Magazine. I started this online magazine for the benefit of others. To keep the world updated on the latest talents in the music, fashion, radio, and educational fields. I love to promote and support those who are talented and determined. We all are destined for greatness but together we can take over! My contact information is listed below along with a few sites to check out with previous articles and interviews done by me. PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD.

T.O.F. 101 dd/59908467#T-s Purchase items with my logo and bar code on it and for all those who have the bar code scanner application on their phones you can scan your items and get directed to some of my work! BAR CODE CLOTHING WITH LINKS TO MY INTERVIEWS CLICK

Email: Phone: (313)969-5154 Links; Blog; BSocial;

MORE ITEMS http://www.cafepress. com/dd/59974919 To find BAR CODE CLOTHING with links to my Facebook CLICK PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SUPPORT. Looking forward to working with you soon.

God Bless! 7

Wanda Elliott

Voting for Congress

© Michael Rhea |

Voting For Congress by Wanda Elliott, EBMS Voting for the right president or governor is important, but voting for a congress that supports both is just as important. Many have complained that President Obama has not kept his promise on various issues during his presidency. Why is that? Maybe because they have not felt or seen any change. There has been change, plenty of changes. One example of change that has and will benefit Americans is the “Health Care Reform Act” also known as “Obamacare”. Most of the changes that benefited most Americans happened during the first two years of Mr. Obamas’s presidency. *Note* Which party was the “majority” in Congress at that time? You see, President Obama can only sign into law legislation that is passed by Congress (Senate & House of Representatives).

You can view the full news story at:

President Obama does not have the power to create laws on his own. He does have the power to by pass congress and use an Executive Order if he sees that it is absolutely necessary to do so because Congress is in a deadlock on issues. As a matter of fact, he has used the Executive Order on numerous occasions during his presidency. He has plans on how to manage various projects regarding our country, but the only way to see those projects come into fruition is to have a congress that will agree to create the law that supports his plans. Unfortunately, most of the members of our current congress do not support his initiatives and blocked bills that would have helped citizens. For example, reported on September 20, 2012 by CBS News, the GOP members of the Senate blocked the “Veterans Jobs Bill”. 8 rbml?catid=5751760&feed_ id=null&videofeed=null. The same process of signing a bill into law goes for state governments as well. The governor can only sign into law the legislation passed from the state legislative branch (Senate & House of Representatives). Therefore, you must study each candidate thoroughly and make sure the candidate that you choose is the best person to represent you and are willing to try to make living in the United States worth it by leading the way to knocking down barriers of hate, inequality, injustice, greed and building bridges of love, respect, diversity, honesty, and trust.


Nana’s Corner

Hey it’s Nana

Lord forever for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength. Belief - John 14; 13 & 14 And whatsoever ye ask in my name, that will I do, that the

I thought since I talk to you, we could talk about talking with God Right

father may be glorified in the son (14) If ye shall ask anything

It’s called PRAYER

in my name I will do it .

When I pray it covers a lot of things:

Growth - Philippians 1:9 And this I pray that your love may abound ye more and

more in knowledge and in all judgment.

Forgiveness - 1st John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us

our sins and to cleanse use from all unrighteousness

Prayer takes on a lot of definitions, circumstances, and situations.

Love - John 3:16 For God so Loved the world that he gave his only begotten

You can’t know what prayer can do for you or the power of prayer

Son that who so ever believeth in him should not perish

if you don’t know the word of God.

but have ever lasting life.

Prayer is the Key to open Our hearts, Prayer is our communication

Joy - Psalms 5:11 But let all those that put their trusting thee rejoice, let them

with God. Prayer strengthens our relationship with God our willingness

ever shout for joy, because thou defends them : let them

to remove ourselves and to depend on him. God wants us to come to

also that love thy name be joyful in thee.

him as our Father in obedience and acknowledge that he’s not only

Hope - Psalms 147:11 The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in these that

willing, but he’s able and knows what is best.

hope in his mercy.

that hope in the Lord.

Please, for all of you that know the word of prayer, PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO PRAY ABOUT THIS ELECTION. We have free choice to submit ourselves to Christ. We also have free choice to vote. Understand, this is the most important election ever. Make sure you are registered to vote. Make sure you go vote.

Security - Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things what so ever I

Make sure you check rules in the state you live so you will not be turned away. Your

have commananded you and lo, I am with you always


Courage - Psalms 31:24 Be of good courage and he shall strengthen your heart all ye

even to the end of the world. Faith - Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is he substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. Trusting - Isaiah 26: 3&4 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed

on thee because ht trusted in thee (4) trust ye in the 10


A Man’s role in society and his family

Maurice Anthony Coley II portunity was afforded to me because my Chapter Advisor and Fraternity Brother, Dr. Larry Hardy and Deonte Simmons, informed me that our Fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., has created a relationship with brothers and several other individuals on Capitol Hill for an internship for younger brothers like myself who aspire a political career. As an intern I was assigned various tasks, of course the usual, making sure the office was clean, answering phones, going through mail, and running errands.

and recommend any and all However, that was not just it! Even though I was only to intern there and if not, go an intern my Congressional visit! intern coordinator, AshleyDior Thomas and the entire office of Congressman Hansen Clark, did not treat me as such. I was afforded the opportunity to attend and work on several committees that the Congressman is a part of, shared my opinion on how I thought the Congressman should address certain issues, gave summaries of proposed legislation, and a slew of other things. I truly enjoyed my experience on “The Hill”

Get Involved Politically! If you don’t show that you care for yourself how will anyone know….

“My parents Maurice and Sheila Coley always stressed to me as a child the importance of a man’s role in society and his family.”

Maurice Anthony Coley II Blessing to all, I am Maurice Anthony Coley II, a 20year-old Junior Political Science Major attending the Clark Atlanta University. I am native to Washington, D.C. but raised in Stone Mountain, Ga were I contribute much of my suc12

cesses and political involvement to. My parents Maurice and Sheila Coley always stressed to me as a child the importance of a man’s role in society and his family. As result, I have always had a burning desire to push myself to become the best man that I can be.

Summer of 2012 I was afforded the opportunity of a lifetime by obtain a summer internship with on Capitol Hill with our Congressman Hansen Clarke Representing the 13th Congressional District

In addition to making men around me better.

of Michigan. I was extremely blessed and thankful for this opportunity because it was exactly what I wanted and my Lord granted the desires of my heart once again. This op13

Derrick Butler

why we must vote

Tonnines Elliott

Obama’s Accomplishments

Why We Must Vote By Derrick Butler After watching the President’s speech at the Democratic National Convention, I am more fired up than ever. President Obama has led for the past 4 years with “us” in mind; the minority, the average Joe, the college student, and the dreamer. He has fought long and hard and has done a majority of the things that he promised to do in 2008. One of those things were helping college students to be able to attend college, by increasing Pell Grant funds to students who need them the most.

loans and even get jobs while in college. This is the reality for 95% of Americans, middle class people, who work hard and hope for a better life after this period dedicated by education. But in recent years, certain politicians and parties have been trying to rid us of the very thing that can make us get ahead in life, our right to an education.

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan suggest that we cut over half of the funding for Pell Grants and Financial Aid monies that are specifically helping students attend college to things of This year’s election is “more importance”. This simply based on a choice will in turn mean that more between two people who middle class families can have two totally different no longer afford to send plans for our country and their students to college. our future. One see’s college education as a neces- “If you can’t afford college, ask your parents for sity for all people and the money”, is Mitt Romney’s other only sees it for the wealthy, and those that can plan. This is something that the majority of America afford it. The average stuthat was not born with a dent that enters college is silver spoon can do. My not able to pay the tuition mom can barely give me entirely by themselves; they must wait in long lines $40 for gas every week, she definitely can’t afford for financial aid, apply for 14

to pay $30,000 plus for my college education. Attending college, for those who want to go, is a life changer a tool to take you from one level to the next, from middle class to the wealthy class. As students, we must pay close attention to each of these candidates’ stances, and very clearly understand the repercussions of choosing one over the other because it will definitely affect us now and even our kids in the future. President Obama has a plan that can help middle class people progress and get ahead, while Mitt Romney has a different plan that can potentially harm the middle class. Stay informed, and educate others on what you know so that you can be a part of this great change and progression forward towards a bigger and brighter future.

President Barack Obama’s Accomplishments Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

Veterans’ Benefit Act

Children’s Health Insurance Program

2010 Tax & Jobs Compromise

2009 Stimulus Bill

Food Safety Modernization Act

Serve America Act

America Invents Act

Helping Families Save Their Homes

Child and Family Services Improvement

Fraud Enforcement Act Credit Card Act

Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation

Matthew Shepard Act (expanded)


Hire Act

Al-Qaeda Leader Defeated

2010 Health Care Reform Act

There are details and several other accomplishments that have been made by President Obama inspite oppositions.

Student Aid Act Caregivers & Veterans Health Services Wall Street Reform Act Fair Sentencing Act

Find more of President Obama’s achievements here:

Small Business Jobs Act 15

marquez davis

Maggy London Marquez Davis Bio:


A Miami, FL native, Marquez Davis currently attends Clark Atlanta University where he is entering into his junior year pursuing a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Administration, concentrating in International Business and Marketing. Marquez has always been very involved in his campus community, holding membership and leadership positions within various campus chartered organizations. Outside of Clark Atlanta University, Marquez is a Sports Marketing and Public Relations intern for DowLohnes Sports and Entertainment in Atlanta, GA. He has had opportunities to assist in the creation of promotional pitches and ideas for 2X All Pro Antoine Bethea of

Biography the Indianapolis Colts, All Pro Matt Forte of the Chicago Bears, and 3X All Pro Maurice Jones-Drew of the Jacksonville Jaguars, just to name a few. In addition, Marquez has also helped in the organization and monitoring of schedules, social media, branding, and the building and managing of relationships between major companies and the NFL Clients that DowLohnes Sports and Entertainment represents. A true advocate for service, Marquez is extremely adamant about keeping an active hand within the community. He recently played an instrumental role in the lives of many young children at King Middle School in Atlanta, Georgia through his internship with the Global Peace Festival Foundation, where he served as a facilitator for the Leadership Academy. He is also very closely connected with his service back home in Miami, FL in his active role as an Alumni Leader for the Florida region of College Summit Inc. Through College Summit, he was able to mentor and inspire thirty high school students to progress in their educational endeavors by striving toward attaining a college education, and he was also able to provide the students with insight on how to do so. In the future, Marquez aspires to be a global leader, and he strives to attain that goal daily by being the very best that he can be in order to inspire others to be their very best as well. In his spare time Marquez enjoys spending quality time with his family and friends. He lives by the quote, “Whatever you do, do it so well that no man living, no man dead, and no man yet to be born can do it better� by Benjamin E. Mays. 17

Diamonds in the rough

Diamonds in the Rough

Marquez Davis by Marquez Davis

Dr. Georgianne Thomas

keep going. Even when a White man burned me with his cigarette, I knew I had to keep going. I had gone to school with White kids all of my life in Gary. I could not believe what was happening. I had to march,» Dr. Thomas recalls. In early 2011, the documentary was released and soon after presented by the class of 1964 to be placed in the Spelman College Archives.

“It was in the fall of 1960 that my classmates and I arrived at Spelman, not only in the midst of global change, revolution, and independence, but we arrived just as the Atlanta Student Movement was building on its momentum and intensifying its strategy.” Students in the Atlanta University Center purchased advertising space to publish “An Appeal for Human Rights” in “The Atlanta Constitution” newspaper in March 1960. A sit-in at lunch counters in federal facilities followed its publication. Dr. Thomas serves as creator and executive producer of the documentary, “Foot Soldiers: Class of 1964,” which shares the stories of women, who were 17 to 18 years old, yet courageous 18

enough to follow the student leaders who led the way. Thomas, who majored in French, polled her classmates to establish their interest in sharing their stories in order to add new voices to the history of Atlanta and the Civil Rights Movement voices that had gone unheard for 50 years. Her classmates agreed to support the project. Through these voices, the public will learn how the desire for freedom can empower. Dressed in the stockings, heels, and gloves Spelman women were required to wear off campus, these young women were the foot soldiers who carried the movement. In an article with the Atlanta Daily World, Dr. Thomas speaks on the state of shock that she was in at first glance of signs

that read “Colored” and “White” after arriving in Atlanta from Gary, IN. Many students were too shocked by these similar happenstances as many of them had been sheltered and never witnessed such treatment; however at the call of upper-class student leaders, these new ladies of Spelman College were ready to march for justice. Among the students were many young women who later went on to become monumental leaders in history. “I will never forget the point of no return -- when I marched over the hill leading to downtown Atlanta, just before the bridge by Rich›s, and I saw the Klan. My heart stopped, but I knew I had to

Much like the other schools, the black schools in Greensboro North Carolina were given very little resources due to segregation. Dudley High school, which was the black high school at one time didn’t have its own gymnasium and the science laboratory didn’t have adequate equipment for us to use or type writers for us to learn how to type, and that was a part of the issue. The story really started my 9th grade year at J.C. Price Middle school, and Brown had just passed, and one of my instructors told me “You will not graduate from Dudley, you will graduate from Greensboro High School”, which was the white school. Dr Bradley did not believe her instructor. Soon the school board began to add resources to the black schools. The middle school had a radio station, and a photo lab. They were even granted the opportunity to participate in a Speech Program with the United Nations, which granted the winner a trip to Washington and New York. Bradley lost the competi-

“As a college professor, in order to empower young leaders of today that I encounter in the same manner that my classmates and I had been empowered back then is by sharing my story as much as I can with my students. I believe it’s important to tell our own history. I try to use myself as an example referring back to my experience as a young woman wanting to make a change, so I spent my

life giving back to the community hopefully in some way that young people can see what I did and the impact that it has had in today’s world. My daughter often says, ‘Let your light shine’, and that is what I try to do here at Clark Atlanta University.” -Dr. Georgianne Thomas

Dr. Josephine Bradley

tion during her first attempt in 8th grade, but after a summer well spent preparing and practicing, she came back and won the competition the next year and the year following. After leaving Junior High, Bradley attended to Dudley High School, where she became very involved. Her 11th grade year the decision that schools would begin to be desegregate was made, and the principal called her in and asked her thoughts on it. Bradley says “I said I didn’t have any thoughts, I just never thought it was going to happen. He told me about the American Friends, they were the people trying to get us to desegregate as well as the NAACP. He soon called my mother and presented it to my mother and she said ‘Yes, of course she will do this.’ She submitted the application, and they accepted it.” When word got out that Bradley’s application had been accepted her life started changing. “The Ku Klux Klan would call and

try to explain to me that I was engaging in things that God did not want people to do” Bradley recalls. Similar calls continued to come, but soon ceased after being handled by her grandfather who quickly grew tired of the Klan’s harassment. “We started school a week after Little Rock, and we weren’t sure if it would be another Little Rock 9 occurrence.” The students at the high school had been prepped by self-proclaimed “Saviors of the White people” on how to keep black students from coming to their schools. Upon her arrival, Bradley explained how she remembers seeing a big dog, and she wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but she moved forward anyway. Bradley quickly understood that the students were not happy about her arrival. She also noticed how advanced in resources the school was In comparison to Dudley; Greensboro housed their own bookstore. During a trip to her chemistry class, walking down a walk way, 19

Greensboro students stood up on the 2nd floor and began to pelt Bradley with eggs; she tried to eat in the cafeteria and got Ketchup dumped on her. “I was told that the bible teacher had told them to do that” Bradley recalls. With no signs of the cruelty drawing back, the school had Bradley eat in the library opposed to the cafeteria for her lunch period. “I had been eating lunch in the library for a while, and then three white girls decided that this treatment was against everything they had been taught, so they got permission to join me for lunch, and we started eating lunch together.” Because Dudley High School did not offer college Prep courses, Bradley was denied access into many courses she sought after at Greensboro. Many of the instructors similar to many of the students did not know how to respond to Bradley being a student at Greensboro, and some instructors tried to make her feel comfortable, and others, like her English teacher did not. Bradley was not allowed to ride the school bus out of fear that she might have been physically harmed, however with police witnesses she was able to get out in front of the school as students threw rocks at her and the officers acted as if they saw nothing. Bradley could not attend the prom at Greensboro either, so instead she accompanied her cousin at the Dudley High School Prom. Bradley notes the experience as one that was very “unique”, and she also learned some very important lessons very early. “I had to learn how I was going to maneuver the situation everyday and manage to be okay. By 12 o’clock, I had to go home and change my clothes, and as bad as I wanted to discontinue my attendance at Greensboro, my 20

family would not allow it. They were all about ‘If you start something you have to finish it’.” The severity harsh treatment was still present, but had diminished greatly since the first day of school as the year progressed. Upon approaching graduation, Bradley had been threatened that if she “attended her graduation she would not return home alive.” The same instructor who foresaw Bradley’s graduating from Greensboro High was going to accompany her at the commencement ceremony; however she fell ill at the last minute and was unable to do so. Dr. Bradley was taken to graduation in a taxi, and the driver stayed throughout the entire ceremony to see that she went through the exercises unharmed and made a safe return back to her destination. When asked how much he was owed for taking Bradley to her graduation and bringing her back, the driver replied “You don’t owe me anything. I never left…. we really owe her.” It was an interesting experience having been a part of it, and as my mother said it wasn’t ever about the fact that I was going to school necessarily with white Folks, but the point was that everybody paid taxes, therefore I had the right to receive the same education with the same resources, and the same opportunities that everyone else did and that was why they sent me….I always took that position, and I learned how to say the 23rd Psalm, and sing ‘We’ve come this far by faith’, and those were my ways of surviving.” Bradley confirms. Having struggling for a long period of time with sharing her story, after a few public appearances after she desegregated

Greensboro, and reading and stumbling across a few other adjusted renditions of her story, she realized the importance of writing her own history. These and several other events served as determining factors which lead to the writing of her dissertation which was based on her experience. 50 years after her brave contribution to Greensboro, Bradley was invited to be recognized and have an honor bestowed upon her by the city. Since desegregation she had been featured in different interviews, including coverage by CBS, met, mixed, and mingled, with very monumental individuals in history, and touched the lives of many students at Clark Atlanta University. Although the importance and relevance of her event in comparison to those of the Little Rock 9 was often questioned, Dr. Bradley knows today that she has made a huge difference and a deep dent in history. Through her sharing her story, she strives to empower students to write their own stories as well, for that is something that no one can take away from you. -Dr. Josephine Bradley

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Page 1 of 3

Presidential debate

Tweets & Link To Fact Checker

Presidential Debate Click here to see all the fact checking info in one place!

What in the Tweet is going on....comments, jokes, & views

Donate $3 or whatever you can muster to help give President Obama the Democratic majority he deserves 22


Fashion Models

TOF101 Model Shaleigha Shepard


Shaleigha Shepards

My name is Shaleigha Shepard. I am 19, half Polish and half Black. I am from Springfield, MA, however, I now reside in Jonesboro, GA. I am currently a junior political science/ public relations major at Georgia Southern University. I work just as, if not harder, than I play and would love a chance to dominate the modeling industry.


Double Trouble

Xavier Mckenzie & Bryan Mann

Double Trouble

XAVIER MCKENZIE was born on January 28, 1990 in Kingston Jamaica. He came from a single parent home and because his mother wanted a better life for him they moved to the United States. Before moving he played soccer from ages 6-9 years old. At age 10 he began to play Pop Warner football and revived the “Unsung Hero” award. Age 11 he started playing AAU Basketball where he met his soon-to-be close friend Bryan Mann. Both young men began to hang out together every day eventually creating a bond so strong that only the title of “God brothers” could explain their relationship. Freshman year, I played varsity football with a record of 12-1, being the only freshman that made 26

varsity. Mann became the starting quarter back and our bond grew even stronger. Scoring 13-1, we lost the game to go to the state championship.

passed away and my mother, BARBARA JAMES, became his guardian, officially making us closer than before. Later, I eventually transferred to reunite with Mann at Clark Atlanta University….. “I HAD TO BE THERE FOR HIM THROUGH THE TOUGH TIMES BECAUSE I KNOW HE WOULD HAVE BEEN


Jr. robbed an opportunity to play with Mann his senior year as he went down with a torn ACL (Glades Central rank #5 in USA today, also won a state championship). USA today #10 pre-season rank senior lost in game to go to state (12-2) coaches all moved on after the game , which hurt my recruiting, I signed a scholarship to ASA JUCO (JUNIOR COLLEGE IN BROOKLYN NEW YORK) did a year there and then signed to ASU (ALABA STATE UNIVERSITY). Freshmen year of college Mann’s mother

Brian Mann was raised in South bay, Florida. 27

Son to Eula Bell Smith and Guss Mann Jr., he started his schooling at Rosenwald elementary school while living with his pops. He changed schools and went to Glade View, then moved to Orlando. Mann’s time in Orlando was short, leaving his 9th grade year to go live with his mother, where he began his football career. He played at a high position, two year starter on the varsity level, where he plays with his God


brother Xavier. “Playing football was a big deal. By playing football and going off to school, I signed to FIU out of high school. I Never got into school because of my grades, so I went to junior college in Arizona (Arizona Western College ). During my time in junior college my mom passed

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away over Christmas break. That was a huge blow. I went back to school then returned back home, during this transition my granddad and uncle passed over an 8-month span. I took a step back from the game I love for about two years before coming to CAU.”

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To My Children

Worth The Wait

A love like yours is so hard to find,

I can’t say everything will always be great, there will be storms,

I stand before my children today to thank them for welcoming me into their lives,

Which is why I need you in my life?

Be assured through those times we will get through arm in arm.

From the bottom of my heart I want you to know always will I be by your sides.

Broken hearts can be healed,

(I am your protector from any harm.)

You three have given me so much more to look forward too,

That is what you have taught me to feel.

I am happy I am the one, who puts that smile on your face,

You have changed my life in such a good way that I want to do the same for you.

I stand here before you today

And in your heart I hope I can never be replaced,

Kiara you are my rock, and as you get older we may bump heads

With the promise to honor the vows

We are destined to be

but know my love for you will never stop.

I have chosen to say.

Because you are the only one for me.

Jas’mine you are my motivation

Every day will be a new day of loving you even more

and for you I have real love and a dedication.

Our future looks bright and there is so much more for us in store,

O’marrion you are my future and my faith is in your hands

You have given me everything I need and all my heart desires,

I want you to be a wise, respectful gentleman:

Girl from head to toes you set my soul on fire.

You are the light that shines bright in my eye;

When you walked into my life I knew it was a sign,

I can’t wait to see you come on the court or

I wake up and I lay down with only you on my mind.

Across the field like your Father

When I look into your eyes I can see you feel the same,

as a Mighty Buckeye!

You have made me the happiest man today taking my last name.

You all are the greatest gift from God I could ever have

I am more in every way because of what you bring into my life,

I hope in time you all feel the same.

I am over whelmed with the honor of having you as my wife.

I want to always be here to teach you, love you and watch you continue to grow,

Everything you have to give is good for my soul,

I am already proud and honored because you all give me a lot more than you know.

Everything I have found in you makes me whole.

My goal for us is to continue to grow closer each day

(Your trust, your faithfulness, your love, your respect, and your time)

You all have given me what has been missing.

I will forever be by your side,

All of you complete me in every way.

You’re my best friend, my love and my wife.

I only have the best intentions in heart

You are my world, and as long as I have you I will never hurt again,

For us to be a family that stays together and never part.

You are now my beginning and my end.

I want to be a good example in all of your lives.

It makes me feel good to see true love when I look into your eyes,

Please be patient when I fall short because I will continue to try.

I will be the man you want and the man you need

For our family I only want the best,

for the rest of our lives.

So daily we will put it in God’s hands and let him do the rest.

I will be all that I can be, That I promise through time you will see.





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