October 7th, 2019
President: Emil Patalano
Minutes for October 7th! Call to Order: 8:00pm Introduction:
Thank you all for continuing to come to our weekly meetings! We appreciate any and all the time you put into our club.
Past Events: • •
Serve-a-thon o & members attended Howlween o Sydeny and Danielle participated on Saturday o More dates this weekend!
Upcoming Events: Want to do any of the upcoming events? Sign up in our emails! Not getting the emails? Talk to an e-board member or email circlek@binghamtonsa.org!
o VINES is offering recurring open volunteer days. o They work with the Binghamton Urban Farm every Wednesday from 1pm to 3pm and every Thrusday from 9am to noon at 16 Tudor Street
o They work with CHOW every Monday from 9am to noon at 22 Lawrence Avenue in Conklin o If interested email circlek@binghamtonsa.org with a date that works best for you!
October Bake Sale o October 14th o 12PM-4PM at the Marketplace o Any non-profits you want to donate to? Let us know! Tabling at the Community Opportunities Fair o Tuesday, October 8th o 12-4pm in the Mandela Room & Old Union Hall o Promote the club and connect with students interested in community service Howloween at the Zoo o Choose a date that works best for you: 10/12, or 10/13 o Choose a shift that works best for you: 9:45am-1pm, 10:15am-1:30pm, 12:30pm-4pm, or 1pm-4:30 o Ross Park Zoo o Volunteer at the Ross Park Zoo where you can help kids with arts & crafts projects or man the prize station! Boo at the Zoo o When: Choose a date that works best for you: 10/18, 10/19, 10/20, 10/25, 10/26, or 10/27 o Time: 5pm-9:15pm o Where: Ross Park Zoo o Join Circle K as we scare guests as they walk through the haunted trails of the transformed zoo! Help with Family Weekend o The Dean of Students is looking for enthusiastic and friendly students to help set up campus for Family Weekend. Volunteers will receive t-shirts! o 10/11, 10/12, and/or 10/13 o Times and location vary depending on day and task. Check out the Google Form for the time slots, and check the PDF to see the different tasks during those times! New York Speaking o Friday Nov 1st to Sunday Nov 3rd o The Georgian Lakeside Resort in Lake George, NY o Every cost can be covered by the club!
Closing Business: • Dues are $12 and will start to be collected o Guarantees a t-shirt, insurance at Circle-K events, and official membership status of CKI o T-shirt designs will be accepted until October 14th o Last day to hand in dues is November 11th • T-shirt designs will be accepted until October 14th • Be sure to log your personal hours! Meeting Adjourned: 9:00pm