4/15/19 Minutes

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April 15, 2019

Issue XLV

President: Emil Patalano

Minutes for April 8th! Call to Order: 8:00pm Past Events:

Open House Tabling o Saturday, April 6th and Sunday, April 14th o Introduced prospective students to Circle K and encouraged current Key Clubbers to join Circle K when they attend Binghamton o Showed the prospective students our scrapbook, told them about what we do in weekly meetings, and talked about district events o We got two who gave us their emails to be on the listserv! Exciting Autism Speaks Inclusive Carnival o Saturday, April 13th o Set up a table among clubs' tables- water pong with glitter and plastic fish, Prachi brought candy too! o Someone from Binghamton Students for Autism Acceptance emailed us saying that her buddy from Best Buddies loved our water pong table and "won't stop raving about it"

Upcoming Events: Want to do any of the upcoming events? Sign up in our emails! Not getting the emails? Talk to an e-board member or email circlek@binghamtonsa.org •

Relay for Life o Friday, April 26th from 4am to 4pm o Join the team! Link is in the email o Community-based fundraising event for the American Cancer Society, held at Events Center o Sill need to hear back if we acquired a table, but I signed us up to potentially table from either 4-8 or 8-12 o Any ideas for our table? Best Buddies Friendship Walk o May 3rd in the West Gym o Can sign up to set up from 4-6, help during the walk itself 6-8, or clean up that will begin after the walk at 8 and won’t go later than 9 o Funds raised from the walk will help Best Buddies reach their goal of opening up 15 school-based programs for those with autism and other special needs by the end of 2019 o Please sign up ASAP, they will be providing t-shirts for volunteers to wear and need a headcount and respective sizes

Closing Business: •

Want to be a committee Chair? o Being a committee chair gives you so much opportunity and there are many different roles- a fit for everyone. o It's a great chance to gain leadership skills and become more involved in the club o You should have been emailed Wednesday with how to apply and applications are due on April 22nd. Email circlek@binghamtonsa.org with any questions or if you need the email. o Look at the next page for all of the positions and good luck :) o The new committee chairs will be announced on April 29th Chipotle Fundraiser o Saturday, May 11th from 5pm-9pm o Poster will be posted in GroupMe so it's easier to access Service

o Cards for Soilders

o Meeting Adjourned: 8:51

Committee Chair Positions Bake Sale CC o Coordinate one bake sale each month o Organize baking cupcakes/cookies/etc. the night before the bake sale o Keep track of sales and report back to the president/treasurer Public Relations CC o Advertise each event around campus o Create posters, flyers, etc. for each event and hang them up around campus o Promote the club and encourage students to join through ads, banners, etc. Fellowship CC o Organize icebreakers for the fall and spring GIMs o Organize an icebreaker for two general body meetings every month o Plan a Mid-Semester Social Event in the Fall Semester o Plan End of the Year Social at the end of the Spring Semester Fundraising CC o Contact local businesses and organize and execute fundraising opportunities in the local community o Coordinate five fundraisers per semester at local businesses and establishments to benefit the club’s budget Historian CC o Take pictures, or designate a photographer, at all club events o Collect pictures from all members o Organize pictures on Google Drive o Make an annual scrapbook of pictures from throughout the service year for submission at District Convention International Project CC o Become familiar with the International Project o Lead, organize, plan, and execute one large-scale event each semester for the International Project District Project CC o Become familiar with the NYCKI District Project(s) o Lead, organize, plan, and execute three events/projects each semester for the District Project Governor’s Project CC o Become familiar with the NYCKI Governor’s Project o Lead, organize, plan, and execute three events/projects each semester for the Governor’s Project Service Project CC o Organize in-meeting service projects for the fall and spring GIMs o Organize an in-meeting service project for two general body meeting each month o Work with International Project CC, District Project CC, and Governor’s Project CC to coordinate service projects K-Family Relations CC o Attend one Kiwanis and one Key Club meeting every month o Be in contact with Kiwanis/Key Clubs and provide weekly updates at meetings District Committee Chairs/Members o help people on a large scale o by joining a committee, you get the opportunity to work with Circle K’ers from around New York state to work on projects that enhance the Circle K experience o ex: technology committee (helps build websites) and marketing committee (designs Circle K apparel) o you can apply to be a Chair where you hold the responsibility of guiding the committee, or you can apply to be a Member (more lowkey) where you are on the committee and get to work on the respective projects o Committee Chair applications due this Friday, April 12th o Committee Member applications due Wednesday, April 17th o email Brendon, the new Lieutenant Governor, with questions

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