May 6, 2019
President: Emil Patalano
Minutes for May 6th! LAST MEETING Call to Order: 8:00pm Past Events:
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Congrats to the New Committee Chairs o Mary: Service o Calvin: Fellowship o Lindsay: Bake Sale o Jeff: Fundraising o Isabella: PR o Katrina: District and Governor’s Projects, may add some people to the committee o Olivia: International Project o Isaac: Historian o K-Family is open Last Wednesday we were given a Very Important Partner Award from the Fleishman Center Best Buddies Friendship Walk o This past Friday May 3rd, members walked, set up, and cleaned up with the Best Buddies Club to promote inclusion and help them to reach their goal Out of the Darkness Walk o This past Saturday May 4th, members waled around the brain to prevent suicide
Upcoming Events: Want to do any of the upcoming events? Sign up in our emails! Not getting the emails? Talk to an e-board member or email circlek@binghamtonsa.org
Mental Health Expo o On May 8th from 3:30 to 6:30 in the Union o We will be tabling making stress balls o Other organizations will have their own tabling activities related to mental health and committed to raising mental health awareness o Sign up for an hour slot, in the latest email Chipotle Fundraiser o Saturday, May 11th from 5pm-9pm o Poster is in the email and in the GroupMe. Please share it on social media and tell your friends!
Closing Business: • •
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A company called Fresh Prints reached out to us and said they are offering a $1000 scholarship for any and all Binghamton students, so I will send the link in the GroupMe later tonight Assistant Director from Alumni Engagement reached out to us and is wondering if the graduating seniors would like to be a part of a listserv where you will receive reunion-based emails and emails about other student organization-based events; point is to create an alumni base- any seniors interested? Congrats to our graduation seniors! We had some medallions and certificates for them. Congrats to Emily, Lauren, Colleen, Lila, and Nataly. We will miss you! Fellowship o Pictionary
Meeting Adjourned: 8:50pm