September 16, 2019
President: Emil Patalano
Minutes for September 16th! Call to Order: 8:00pm Introduction:
Thank you all for continuing to come to our weekly meetings! We appreciate any and all the time you put into our club.
Past Events: •
Day of Caring o This past Saturday, September 14th o Members went to an urban farm located downtown which is run by an organization called VINES where they plant and harvest vegetables and fruit o We were split up into two groups where some of us were in charge of weeding and the others were responsible for harvesting the plants o VINES distributes most of their produce through something called “Farm Share.” Farm Share is a weekly subscription to a box of produce for a relatively low price. Broome County is classified as a “food desert” which is defined as an urban area in which it is difficult to access affordable or good-quality fresh food, so the goal of Farm Share is to provide this fresh produce at a low cost to help feed our community. They also donate some of their produce to CHOW and the Binghamton Food Co-op o VINES has recurring open volunteer days every Wednesday from 1 to 3 and every Thursday from 9 to noon at 16 Tudor Street or at CHOW on Mondays from 9 to noon - Broome County Bus that stops right near the Tudor Street location
o Upcoming Events: Want to do any of the upcoming events? Sign up in our emails! Not getting the emails? Talk to an e-board member or email circlek@binghamtonsa.org
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o September 20th- 22nd in Taberg, NY at Kamp Kiwanis Blaze Fundraiser o September 20th from 6pm to 9pm o Poster will be sent in the group me and in an upcoming email. Please share it on social media and tell your friends! Serve-a-thon o October 5th at RIT o 9AM-4PM o Registration is $5 Tabling at the Community Opportunities Fair o Tuesday, October 8th o 12-4pm in the Mandela Room & Old Union Hall Howloween at the Zoo o Choose a date that works best for you: 10/5, 10/6, 10/12, or 10/13 o Choose a shift that works best for you: 9:45am-1pm, 10:15am-1:30pm, 12:30pm-4pm, or 1pm-4:30 o Ross Park Zoo o Volunteer at the Ross Park Zoo where you can help kids with arts & crafts projects or man the prize station! Boo at the Zoo o When: Choose a date that works best for you: 10/18, 10/19, 10/20, 10/25, 10/26, or 10/27 o Time: 5pm-9:15pm o Where: Ross Park Zoo o Join Circle K as we scare guests as they walk through the haunted trails of the transformed zoo!
Closing Business: •
Dues are $12 and will start to be collected o Guarantees a t-shirt, insurance at Circle-K events, and official membership status of CKI o T-shirt designs will be accepted until October 14th o Last day to hand in dues is November 11th T-shirt designs will be accepted until October 14th
Meeting Adjourned: 9:00pm