Issue 9, December ‘14
Sunday Morning, Leaves are Falling
Fall is finally here, or as the pretentious folk like to call it, “autumn.” Are you guys ready Table of for Binghamton’s two weeks of fall since Contents winter likes to slam us in the face 1. Editor’s Remarks prematurely? This past month was New York 2. Wine & Cheese Circle K’s Annual Spring Conference: New 4. New York Speaking York Speaking (NYS) – NYCKI Sails Around the World! Eight lucky BU club members 5. District Convention were granted the V.I.P. pass and had a blast 6. Spotlights that weekend. If you did not get to go to 7. Upcoming Events NYS, do not worry because there were a 8. Word Scramble bunch of other service opportunities! Keep doing you, boo!
-Kanye West
2014—2015 Executive Board President: Jerry Cimo Vice President: Stacy Villalva Secretary: Tina Lee
Treasurer: Kristy Wolfson Editor: Alyssa Famolari Webmaster: Tinali Amarasinghe
Swimming Pool
Full of Service
Written By
Carly Danowitz
As a fairly new member of Circle K, so far I have enjoyed every event and activity I have participated in. However, the wine and cheese event at the nursing home definitely stood out for me. Although it was a quite simple and small event/task, simply giving the elderly snacks and drinks was really rewarding and they really seemed to appreciate it. Many of them were very happy we were there to give them something to do and see some new faces. What meant the most to me is at the end of the event, one of the elderly women came up to the volunteers and thanked us and told us how appreciative she was for us coming to serve them. Her response alone made the day worth it and really made me feel like I made a difference, even if I was just pouring drinks. Overall, the event was a lot of fun and so rewarding and I would 100% do it again!
Did you get a chance to party it up with members of New York Circle K at Lake George? No? Well, take this tissue, wipe your tears, and get ready for a summary of how our wonderful weekend went down. By the end of this article, you are going to feel as if you were there turnin’ up with the Kiwanians. Binghamton made some Bearcat noise at this year’s New York Speaking (NYS). Not only did we win the fashion show and a bunch of raffles, but we also stood on chairs and screamed for our club. Gloating aside, we did learn a lot and meet a bunch of fantastic people! There were plenty of informative workshops, lovely other Circle K members, and various types of service projects throughout the weekend. Every single member of our club left NYS with new knowledge, at least two Facebook friends, and the satisfaction of helping someone in need.
…feel as if you were there turnin’ up with the Kiwanians. Each member was separated into a nautical-themed team for the weekend, such as Flounder, Starfish, etc. Even though it was heartbreaking having to leave our club to hang out with other people during the convention, this was our chance to meet new people and show everyone how amazing Binghamton truly is. The food was bangin’ #ThatPastaTho. Since we had such a fantastic time at NYS, we want to thank Cobleskill for hosting the conference and to Susan Xiong for putting on the entire thing. You guys did amazing and we couldn’t be more proud! P.S. Kiwanians were calling me Kanye by the end of the weekend! #Ayyyeee
I want to be
like the Cool Kids
Now that New York Speaking is over, we can all relax, right? Wrong! It is time to mentally prepare your mind for the most amazing thing since Betty White – The NYCKI Games. “But what are the NYCKI Games?” Well, my dear, it is New York Circle K’s 53rd Annual District Convention held in Albany, New York! The weekend of your life will be from March 20, 2015 until March 22, 2015. This is a chance for you to win awards, attend leadership workshops, participate in service projects, run for District Executive Board positions, make new friends, and enjoy a Hunger Games-themed convention! For more information regarding applications and registration, please visit Don’t forget to check out the lovely promotional videos, edited by our own Tina Lee!
Shine the Spotlight
This month’s Event Spotlight irradiates over New York Circle K’s 33rd Annual New York Speaking Conference – NYCKI Sails Around the World! I know we already spoke about it earlier, but it was so much fun that we had to mention it one more time. Besides the learning experience that we all had, we got to see the beautiful Lake George. It might have been freezing outside, but the view of the lake made it all worthwhile. Binghamton University has not represented itself at NYS the way it did this year in a very long time. We should all give ourselves a pat on the back for showing off our school pride the way that we did!
This month’s Member Spotlight brightens up the face of our secretary and New York District’s Marketing and Resources Chair, Tina Lee! If anyone was the MVP of New York Speaking, it was this girl. She managed to edit three videos throughout the entire weekend. The videos are pretty epic, if I may add. Tina showed so much talent and dedication this past weekend. Also, we cannot forget about her epic and flawless minutes! Tina, you are so amazing and we could have never asked for a better Circle K member! You rock, boo boo!!!!
In the words of Britney Spears, “Gimme More” Coldstone Fundraiser December 1st 5:00 – 8:00 PM University Plaza
Fall Semester Social December 4th 7:00 PM UU-206
District Convention March 20 – March 22 Albany, New York
Unscramble It, Babe
Committee Chairs
International Project Committee Chair Nicole Radova Service Project Committee Chair Melissa Levine Fundraising Committee Chair Amy Boglarski Fellowship Committee Chair Julia Dunnigan Bake Sale Committee Chair Angela Wu Historian Karandeep Singh Public Relations Committee Chair Jenna Spak Governor’s Project Committee Chair John Albergo District Project Committee Chair John Tirino