E board minutes 9/7/16

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Binghamton Circle K E-Board Meeting Minutes Date: 9/7/16 Time: 9:03 PM Location: Circle K Office Chair: President Courtney Aronica

1. Attendance a. Presiding Officer i. President: Courtney Aronica b. Voting Board Members i. Vice President: Melissa Levine ii. Secretary: Emily Fenter iii. Treasurer: Timothy Leung iv. Editor: Kora Sileo v. Webmaster: Kayla Bautista c. Non Voting Board Members i. Fellowship CC: Kester Francis ii. Bake Sale CC: Cassie Jiang iii. Governor’s Project CC: Jessica Siegal iv. Historian CC: Anne Quirk v. District Project: Oluponle Iluyonmade vi. Public Relations CC: Melanie Dietrich vii. K Family CC: Paty Acipreste viii. Fundraising CC: Elle Swete ix. Service Project CC: Christina Holzhauer x. International Project: Emily Saba d. Guests i. New York District Governor Jerry Cimo 2. Call to Order 9:03 PM 3. Opening Business a. Who would like a committee? 1. Melanie 2. Kester 3. Ponle ii. Next meeting everyone could talk about what their committee is and what they do b. CCE Community Opportunities Fair i. Thursday, October 6th ii. Courtney has her internship during this time, who would be able to table? 1. Tim, Kora, Emily? c. T-shirts i. Does anyone want to design one for this year? à competition for the club 1. Due by October 1st 2. Email Circle K email with subject line: T-Shirt Competition ii. Old t-shirts 1. Prizes at events or the new member social a. Raffle?

d. Howloween i. October 9th in the afternoon e. Boo at the Zoo i. October 22nd in the afternoon f. Willow Point Nursing Home i. Post sign up on facebook g. Can tab collection again? 4. Positions a. Vice President: Melissa Levine b. Secretary: Emily Fenter i. Email community meal information c. Treasurer: Tim Leung d. Editor: Kora Sileo i. Sorry forgot to put the summer newsletter in the email, I will make sure to do it in the next one e. Webmaster: Kayla Bautista f. Fellowship: Kester Francis i. New member social- Friday, September 16th from 7-9 pm ii. Share the document with Kester iii. Contact Julia about board games iv. I wasn’t able to get undergrounds, I am going to request a union room tomorrow and will let you know when it is approved v. Games vi. Refreshments g. Bake Sale: Cassie Jiang i. Bake Sale- Thursday, September 15th ii. Theme: fall maybe iii. Stress to walk around iv. Sign for info about what we are donating to v. Shared the document with you h. Governor’s Project: Jessica Siegal i. Mind your mind ii. Box with Karandeep- mental health association of the southern tier iii. High hopes iv. De-stress event close to exams i. Distrcit Project: Ponle Iluyomande i. BU sleep out, Hinman- November 18th ii. Trick or Canning- CHOW foodbank iii. Food recovery runs iv. Community meals v. Soup kitchen vi. Challah for hunger

vii. National coalition for the homeless- fundraiser/bake sale in October? viii. Service auction j. Historian: Anne Quirk i. Keep taking pics at the events ii. Start the scrapbook k. PR: Melanie Dietrich i. Updating our tri-fold ii. Flier for bake sale l. K-Family: Paty Acipreste i. Have you gotten in contact with clubs? ii. 4 different high schools- contact info for key clubs iii. Irene info from john- 7:45 am on Tuesdays iv. Key club- SA issues with underage? m. Service Project: Christina Holazauher i. Service project for September 19th ii. Childhood cancer- something gwith that iii. Bracelets, cards, healing stones n. Fundraising: Elle Swete i. Glow golf- $4 per ticket, sell it for $8 (tentatively October 15th) 1. Advertise, get head count, collect money and then buy tickets ii. Uno- Submitted the form, talked to kate, check (SundayThursday) iii. Sweet Frog iv. Cold stone v. Choclate- would you be willing to sell choclate bars vi. Krispy Kreme- mid October vii. Yankee candle- 40% from online orders- can start right away 5. Meeting Adjourned 10:20 PM

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