BearKats Monthly
IN THIS ISSUE Ø Spotlights Ø Past Events Ø Upcoming Events
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February Issue
Publication for Binghamton University’s Circle K International
Table of Contents In This Issue…
Ø Letter from the Editor…………3 Ø Bake Sale..….....…..…..………..4 Ø District Project..…..….……......5 Ø DCON Checklist…....…..…….….6
Lea to B rn ho e H w we Be He appy try alth and pag yo e 5! n
Ø Elections.................................6 Ø Spotlights……………………....….7 Ø Upcoming Events..……………...8
On The Cover: Senior Citizen Valentines Service Project
A Letter from Your Editor My Beautiful Bearcats, Is it just me or is love in the air? No, it’s just I’m that attractive and you all can’t handle it. Listen, I will totally be everyone’s Valentine this year, so bring on the love letters. Just so you know, my favorite flowers are Lilies and I like it when people pay off my college debt. So, spring semester is finally underway after the easiness known as Syllabus Week. Hopefully, all of your classes are as fantastic as you guys are and that the workload hasn’t been too badly. I know there was that one insanely busy week where it seemed that everybody and their mother had 4 tests and 3 papers due! Thankfully, it’s over and we have amazing events to keep us preoccupied. This March is the 52nd Annual New York District Convention! The awesome theme is NYCKtendo. I know, that is actually a really clever title. Keep your schedule open for March 14th up until March 16th because those are DCON’s dates. It’s such a fun time and great way to meet all of the other members from the schools in our district! Plus, it’s where all of us winners will be getting our awards because let’s be real, our club deserves every single one! Also, coming up are our elections for the 2014 – 2015 E-Board! So, paid members, be on the lookout for the E-Board Positions Descriptions handout and see which one catches your eye. It’s a fantastic leadership position that will teach you so many essential skills for the future! Don’t forget, if you want to write an article or simply have any questions, to e-mail me: Blowing a kiss, Your Boo Thang (Alyssa Famolari, but you all knew that)
Betty Crocker for a Day Now, I think it’s pretty obvious that Binghamton Circle K has earned some serious bake sale bragging rights and February 10th solidified that. We sold some banging cupcakes and our signature Oreo truffles for the Humane Society at $1 a piece. As usual, our fellow peers were quite excited at our delicious dessert display (Peep that alliteration, my dude).
You’re probably wondering, “That’s nice, but how much money did you make?” Well, Mr. Greedy Pants, if you must know, we made a whopping $160 for this cute kitties and puppies! It goes to show you that people will donate
Be Happy. Be Healthy.
As part of a service project, in order to promote health and healthy eating, Circle K will be donating gifts bags to kids at the pediatric center. Some of the items we'll be including are puzzles that we made out of popsicle sticks with designs we individually chose. I chose to design my puzzle with my favorite super food, watermelon. It was a quick, simple, and fun project and I can't wait to work on the next.
By: Kristin Mendoza
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Ready for DCON? ü Accessories ü Ties/Belts ü CKI Pins ü Multiple Beautiful Outfits ü Clean Underwear ü Stain-Free Socks ü Hot Shoes ü Toiletries ü Contacts/Glasses ü Notebook/Pen ü Cell Phone/Charger ü Bag/Wallet ü Camera/Charger ü Water Bottle/Snacks ü Laptop/Charger
Vote or Die Do you believe that you are a leader at heart? Is the star inside of you yearning to come out and make a lovely appearance? Are you tired of keeping the lion in the cage? Well, it sounds like you should be running for a Circle K EBoard position. That’s right, elections are coming up, my dear. In fact, they’ll be happening this March, so get those speeches done a to the sap. Be funny, creative, and most importantly, show the passion you have for this club. If you think you have what it takes and want to make a positive impact on this breathtaking club, e-mail!
No Pictures, Please
Our Bake Sale Committee Chair, or as we all know her, Angela Wu, doesn’t get as much credit as she deserves. Every month or so, this girl always puts on an extremely successful bake sale and this past month, she more than exceeded expectations. Because of her creativity, the Humane Society now has $160 donated by our Circle K club! Thank you for being just as awesome as Martha Stewart, minus the criminal record.
The Circle-K GIM was so much fun and it really gave me an opportunity to get involved in the club right away. We were able to write Valentine's Day letters to senior citizens. I felt like I was already making a difference by just putting together a simple note to hopefully brighten someone's day. The letter only took 15-20 minutes to make, but it could put a smile on someone's face, and that reminded me why I was a part of Circle-K. Plus, I got to meet so many new people! We were all working together to do service for others and I was grateful to have the opportunity to do so.
By: Krishna Tejani
Volunteer Opportunities! New York District Convention When: March 14 – March 16 Where: Albany, NY
Senior Citizen’s Dinner When: April 3 Where: Hinman Dining Hall
Endicott Performing Arts Center When: March 14 – March 16 Where: Endicott, NY
Relay for Life When: April 5 – April 6 Where: Events Center
Southern Tier Heart Walk When: May 2 Where: Events Center
The Lovely E-Board
President Walaa Ahmed Vice President Stacy Villalva Secretary Dana Shanon Treasurer Kristy Wolfson Editor Alyssa Famolari Webmaster Jerry Cimo Kiwanis Advisors Alan & Joan Kline Eliminate Committee Chair Krishna Tejani Bake Sale Committee Chair Angela Wu Fundraising Committee Chair Amy Boglarski Scrapbook Committee Chair Anita Wong Advertising Committee Chair Elise Cecil Governor’s Project Committee Chair Bridget Okoh District Project Committee Chair Sammi Wu