Time: 7:00 PM Location: UU206 Chair: President Jerry Cimo
I. Opening Business A. Vice President Elections 1. Congrats again Amy! 2. Have a fun and safe trip, Stacy! We’ll miss you! B. Halloween Social & Snapchat Slideshow 1. It was super fun! Thanks for coming out, y’all! C. Trick-or-Canning 1. We received 10 packages of Oreos (yum) 2. Received cash donations - bought a bunch of cans at Walmart 3. It was such a success! Thank you for those who participated! D. Scary Boo at the Zoo 1. Jerry & Jacob were scarecrows 2. John & Karandeep were bloody monsters 3. Volunteers scared people 4. Children cried….a lot. E. Google Form Sign-Ups 1. Signing up for events just got a whole lot easier. 2. You can sign up online for upcoming events II.Old Business A. Dues 1. Kristy is still collecting! Pay up! 2. Add us on B-Engaged 3. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @bingcirclek III.New Business A. Five Below FUN-RAISER - NOW 1. Happening NOW! The last day is this Saturday. 2. Bring the flyer and our club will receive 10% of your total purchase! B. Bake Sale - Friday, November 14th 1. Tabling: Tillman Lobby from 12-4 PM 2. We will be baking on Thursday, November 13th IV.Upcoming Events A. Autism Awareness Buddy Day - November 1st; 12-3 PM 1. Old Union - Mandela room
2. We have an arts and crafts booth: we will be making paper pumpkins! B. Late Nite Nutella Bar - November 1st; 8-11 PM 1. Set-up: 7:30-8:00 PM in the Tillman Lobby 2. Come get some free Nutella dipped snacks! C. New York Speaking - November 7th-9th 1. Two travel cars: a) One car is leaving on Friday morning (10:30-11:00 AM) b) One car is leaving later on Friday (3:00 PM) 2. If you are missing a class, e-mail Jerry about an official excused absence note from NYCKI D. Food Recovery Run - Wednesdays; 6 PM E. Senior Citizens Dinner - November 13th; Time TBA 1. Old Union 2. Meeting may be cancelled this Thursday (because there will be a bake sale and dinner happening at the same time) - you will receive an an announcement e-mail about this shortly. F. Rescue Mission - November 25th 1. More information on this event will be announced shortly! V. Open Forum A. Questions, comments, ideas? 1. Nope. VI.Closing Business A. Service Project 1. Heart Pillows - will be donated to children’s hospitals a) This project is in relation with our NY District Project regarding Congenital Heart Disease and will be geared to specifically help those children with this disorder. b) We will be continuing this project next week! VII.Adjournment A. Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.