K-Minute:read it if you dare (please read it)
October 9th, 2014 Binghamton circle-k
issue VI
Time: 7:00 PM Location: UU206 Chair: President Jerry Cimo I.
Opening Business! A. Introduction of Guests 1. Welcome Alan and Joan from EVE Kiwanis Club (our sponsoring Kiwanis Club) - EVE stands for Endicott, Vestal & Endwell B. Committee Chairs 1. Congratulations again to John Tirino and John Albergo on their new positions as District Project and Governor’s Project Committee Chairs, respectively! C. Recognition from NYFD 1. The NYFD sent our club a certificate of recognition as well as a patch in response to the thank you letters we sent them for 9/11. This goes to show that the little things we do really make a difference! Thank you to all those who participated in this in-meeting service project! II. Old Business! A. Dues 1. We are still collecting dues - $12! Get them in ASAP to Kristy. B. DLSSP 1. We presented the DLSSP slideshow made by our PR Chair Jenna. 2. We also presented our DLSSP fashion show video. We won the show and received the Spirit Bear! Go team! III. New Business! A. Membership Recognition Program (MRP) 1. Check your e-mails for a direct link to the MRP and track your progress throughout the year! This will help you apply for CKI awards. Contact Jerry if you have any questions regarding the MRP. B. Newsletter 1. Alyssa is almost done with the October Newsletter. 2. Members! Start sending in articles for the November newsletter! They can be short and sweet. Thank you to those who are sending them in!
I. II. h" III. h" A. h" B. h" C. Snapchat Slideshow Fundraiser 1. During our Halloween Social (October 24th), we will be having a snapchat fundraiser! 2. At the event, everyone can e-mail their snapchats to Jerry for 50 cents per snap. They will be featured on the big screen throughout the night. This is a fun little fundraiser to raise some money for funding future club events! Please participate! D. B-Engaged 1. This year, the SA is putting a lot of emphasis on BEngaged. In order for us to show them that we are a very active and involved club, we need all our members to login on B-Engaged and join our group (just search Circle-K). This could potentially help us receive more funding from them in the future! E. Upcoming Events 1. Food Recovery Run" a) Every Wednesday at CIW Dining Hall, volunteers will pack up any leftover food and donate it to the CHOW food bank. Contact Karandeep if you’re interested! 2. Riverbank Clean-Up: October 11th at 9:00AM-12:00PM a) Volunteers - meet up in front of the Old Union by 8:30 (taking the 8:40 WS bus) b) Wear comfortable, working clothes! Bring work gloves if you have any. NO flip flops. Don’t be reckless. 3. Homecoming Tailgate: October 18th at 3:00-4:30PM a) We will have an arts and crafts booth for kids! b) We are making paper lanterns. Contact Jerry if you are interested in participating! c) Limited number of volunteers needed.
I. h" II. h" III. h" A. B. C. D. E.
h" h" h" h" h" 1. 2. 3. 4.
h" h" h Bake Sale: October 19th (Baking); October 20th (Tabling) a) We will be baking in Angela’s apartment. Times and charity TBD. 5. Trick-or-Canning: October 24th at 5:00-7:30PM a) We will be trick-or-treating for canned foods to donate to the CHOW food bank. Wear your costumes! 6. Mid-Semester Halloween Social: October 24th at 8:00PM a) Tickets are being sold NOW for $2 each! Find Kristy sometime during the next three meetings OR buy them at the door. b) Wear your costumes! Be cute! (We should have a costume competition). 7. Scary Boo at the Zoo: October 25th a) We will be at the Ross Park Zoo scaring little kids! Wear your costumes and get ready for a freaky-fun night! IV. Open Forum! A. November Service Ideas 1. If anyone has any ideas they have regarding service projects, fundraisers, charities/organizations we can support, let us know! V. Closing Business! A. Icebreaker: led by our Fellowship Chair, Julia 1. Today we alphabetized everyone’s name without talking. We did really well. Good job everyone! #clubbonding B. Service Project: led by our Service Project Chair, Melissa 1. We all made these adorable positive affirmation post-its. We emphasized the “k” in our notes and wrote #chooseCKI. Don’t forget to post them all around campus! C. New York Speaking: Mandatory Meeting 1. For those who are attending NYS, mail in your registration and $100 check by October 15th! E-mail Jerry letting him know you registered. Do not fill out the rooming section.
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Meeting adjourned at 8:09 PM
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