k-minute issue x
binghamton circle k • november 20th, 2014
Opening Business A. November Bake Sale 1. We raised ~$116! Thank you to those who helped bake, table, or bought some goodies! B. SEPP Dinner 1. It was really fun! Thank you to those who came out and helped serve the seniors. C. Nursing Home Wine & Cheese 1. We served food and drinks. It was a great event. II. Old Business A. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @BingCircleK B. Join us on B-Engaged! III. New Business A. October Newsletter 1. It is now complete! It will be sent out with an e-mail shortly (it will also be on the website). The November newsletter is also almost done. Thank you Alyssa for being an awesome editor! IV. Upcoming Events A. Eliminate Service Auction - Postponed 1. Date TBA; It will most likely happen sometime next semester. 2. You still have time to sign up for a service act! B. Rescue Mission Thanksgiving Dinner - Tuesday, November 25th 1. United Presbyterian Church - WS & DCR go to the location. 2. Arrival time is 4:30 PM (will start at 5:00) C. Cold Stone Fundraiser - Monday, December 1st 1. If you like ice cream, definitely head over to Cold Stone to help us out with our fundraiser! 2. All you need to do is tell the cashier that you’re a part of Circle-K. 3. Invite your friends! D. Food Recovery Run - Wednesdays at 6:00 PM 1. CIW Dining Hall 2. Contact Karandeep if you’d like to participate! V. Open Forum A. December Service 1. December 4th is our last meeting… which means PARTY! B. End of the Semester Social 1. During the last meeting (which is our next meeting). C. Questions, Comments, Ideas? VI. Closing Business A. Service Project - It’s My Heart pillows! 1. We finished making all the heart pillows at this meeting. B. Host Club applications for DCON 1. Need at least 10 members who are willing to go to DCON (5 members are on the District Board so technically we just need 5 more!) VII. Adjournment A. Adjourned at 7:35 PM
Time: 7:00 PM Location: UU206 Chair: President Jerry Cimo