“We’ll have about 100 seats in the Mandela Room, so please try to bring 100 friends.” Jerry Cimo PRESIDENT OF BINGHAMTON CIRCLE K
and yes, this is the k-minute issue xv.
Binghamton Circle K Time: 7:00 PM Location: UU206 Chair: President Jerry Cimo
I. Opening Business A. Membership Meeting
B. Follow us @bingcirclek
C. Add us on B-Engaged
II. Old Business A. BackPack program
1. Postponed for next Wednesday! If you’re still interested, you can come with us! Email us at circlek@binghamtonsa.org.
B. Free Rice Competition
1. Join the New York District and combat world hunger!
C. Dare 2 Eliminate
1. The fundraiser is still going on! Support the Eliminate Project and send out some dares!
III. New Business A. Easter Egg Hunt - Check Open Forum!
B. Elections - Thursday, March 26th
1. Please make sure to attend this meeting because we will be having club elections!
2. 2 minute speeches per candidate; You may only run for one position. If you cannot attend but want to run, send Jerry your speech and he will read it out for you.
IV. Upcoming Events A. Divisional - Saturday, February 28th
1. We may have to postpone the date if we don’t have three clubs attend the divisional (we need more than half of the clubs of our division to hold elections).
2. If it goes as planned, it will be in UU202 at 1:00 PM! Jerry will send out an e-mail if it is postponed.
B. DCON Service Day - Sunday, March 2nd
1. We will be making decorations for DCON! This means anything and everything Hunger Games related. If you like arts & crafts, please come out and help us!
2. We have to make arrows, a big mural, etc.
C. Broome County Library - Monday, March 3rd
1. Time: 4:00 - 6:00 PM
2. Reading to children books by Ezra Jack Keats
3. We will also be helping them in arts and craft activities
D. Krispy Kreme Sale - Tues./Wed. March 10th & 11th
1. Time: 12:00 - 4:00 PM
2. Location: Tillman Lobby
3. Please sign up to table!
E. Service Auction for Eliminate - Friday, March 13th
1. Time: 6:00 - 8:00 PM
2. Location: Mandela Room
3. We have about 13 people who want to auction off their services. Invite your friends, especially if they’re involved in other clubs - invite them all!
F. Joint Event with O’Connor Hall - Tuesday, March 17th
1. Time: TBD
2. Location: C4 (TBD)
3. Dog Toys for Binghamton Humane Society - Bring any old shirts, washed, to make some dog (and maybe cat) toys!
G. District Convention (DCON) - Fri.-Sun., March 20th-22nd
1. Registration is due tomorrow - Please refer to Jerry’s e-mail tonight regarding your rooming situation!
H. March Bake Sale - March 27th
1. Time: 12:00 - 4:00 PM
2. Location: Tillman Lobby
3. The funds will be going to another Krispy Kreme Sale
4. If you want to sign-up to bake/table, you can!
I. Relay for Life - Fri.-Sat., April 24th-25th
1. We raised almost $500! All the money goes to the American Cancer Society
2. Please sign up and join our group! The registration fee of $10 will increase if you sign-up later.
J. Food Recovery Run - Wednesday, March 4th
1. Time: 5:30 PM
2. Location: CIW Dining Hall
3. E-mail Karandeep at ksingh15@binghamton.edu.
V. Open Forum A. Easter Egg Hunt - Saturday, March 28th
1. Potential Time: 12:00 - 5:00 PM
2. Location: TBD
3. Partners/small groups - there will be little hints on pieces of paper - the eggs contain candy and small messages
4. Jerry will consult with someone in terms of what spaces we can use on campus
5. Potential Prize
VI. Closing Business A. Adjournment
1. Meeting adjourned at 7:58 PM