K-Minute: Issue XII

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Issue XII

Binghamton Circle K 7:00 PM at UU206 Chair: President Jerry Cimo

I. Opening Business A. Introduction of E-Board 1. http://bingcirclek.weebly.com/contact.html B. Dues 1. If you have dues, you can pay Kristy, our treasurer, the $8! II. Old Business A. Follow us @BingCircleK on Instagram or Twitter! B. Add us on B-Engaged / Sign up to be on our listserv 1. Join Circle-K on B-Engaged. This allows the SA to see that we’re an active club and see how many members we have. 2. If you are a new member, please leave your e-mail with us on our sign-in sheets! We will add you to our listserv so that you can get consistent updates from us. III. New Business A. Newsletters 1. January Issue is out! Make sure to check it out! B. Elections 1. Our Service Year starts on April 1st (the Circle K New Year). 2. April 1st is coming up so we’re going to have elections very soon! 3. If you have any questions about the positions, feel free to contact them individually or e-mail us at circlek@binghamtonsa.org! Please consider running or applying! IV. Upcoming Events A. Candy Grams for It’s My Heart: Friday, February 6th 1. Time: Tabling tomorrow from 12:00 to 4:00 PM 2. Location: Marketplace 3. Delivery will take place on the weekend of Valentine’s Day a) Please speak to Jerry if you are interested in helping out with delivery. B. Bake Sale: Friday, February 13th 1. Time: Tabling from 12:00 to 4:00 PM 2. Location: Marketplace 3. Baking will take place on Thursday night, February 12th a) Please contact Angela (we will be baking in her apartment in Susquehanna) 4. Proceeds will go towards a Krispy Kreme Sale (date and time TBD) C. Divisional: Saturday, February 28th 1. Time: 1:00 PM 2. Location: UU202 3. Southern Tier Circle K Clubs (Cornell, Ithaca, Elmira, Hartwick & Binghamton) gather together to give updates about the service year and participate in Lieutenant Governor Elections. D. Broome County Library: Tuesday, March 3rd 1. Time: 4:00 - 6:30 PM 2. Location: Broome County Library (we will be taking a bus)

3. Ezra Jack Keats is the author we are celebrating that day! We will be reading books by Keats to children. E. Service Auction for Eliminate: Friday, March 13th 1. Time: 6:00 - 8:00 PM 2. Location: Mandela Room 3. All proceeds will go to the Eliminate Project. Want to sign-up to auction off a service (i.e. bake cupcakes, clean someone’s room, etc.)? Contact us! 4. Commercial for BTV F. Food Recovery Run: Every Other Wednesday 1. Time: 5:30 PM (The next FRR will be 2/18) 2. Location: CIW Dining Hall 3. We donate leftover Sodexo food to CHOW! Contact Karandeep (or circlek@binghamtonsa.org) if you’re interested in participating! G. District Convention: March 20th-22nd 1. Location: Albany, New York (Hilton Hotel) 2. Annual conference where we do service projects, elect new District Officers, receive awards, meet new members from all over New York, and more! 3. Registration is $120. Our club is currently fundraising to pay off hotel fees for those who are attending. More information about the fees will be announced soon. DO NOT REGISTER YET! If you’re interested in attending, please contact us and we will help you register. 4. Binghamton Circle K is a co-host for this year’s DCON! We will be planning with Russell Sage Circle K. 5. Have more questions about DCON? Contact our DCON chair, Alyssa! V. Open Forum A. February and March service 1. February 21-22, 28 - currently open for any events members might want to have. a) Service project at Divisional 2. Think of any ideas? Contact Jerry and we’ll definitely love to host your event/project! VI. Closing Business A. Elections Date TBA 1. It will be during one of our meetings. Will most likely happen sometime at the end of March or beginning of April. B. Candy Grams Sign Up C. Service Project 1. We made ~70 cards to go with the Candy Grams for our upcoming fundraiser! Thanks everyone for your help! D. Icebreaker VII.Adjournment A. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM

By Secretary Tina Lee

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