K-Minute: Vol 2 Issue IV

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A look back at this year‌

Binghamton Circle K ‖ Thursday, April 30th ‖ UU 206 ‖ 7:00 PM ‖ Chair: President John Tirino I.

Opening Business A. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter at @BingCircleK. Also join our Facebook group and like our page! B. Add us on B-Engaged C. 6:51 PM- Time Tina came to the meeting #KeepUpTheGoodWork II. Old Business A. Relay For Life 1. It was last Friday. Our team came in 1st place in the amount of money raised. We raised a total of $2,330 #GOTEAM 2. Jenna raised the most money with $620. She was 4th place in amount of money raised. John will get her something as he promised. B. End of the Year Social 1. It was a lot of fun. Many people got awards, gave speeches and ate ice-cream. 2. NO ONE CRIED! III. Upcoming Events A. April-May Oreo Bake Sale 1. Friday, May 1st from 12 to 4 in the Tillman Lobby 2. Let John know if you’re baking something for tomorrow ASAP 3. Sign up link to table is in the email

Add us on Twitter and Instagram @BingCircleK


Boys and Girls Carnival 1. Saturday, May 2nd from 2:30-6:30 PM 2. Weather permitting, we will be running a dunk tank 3. We will be taking the Westside bus at 2:00 PM. If you’re going, meet John in front of the union C. Brides Against Breast Cancer 1. Saturday, May 9th at 3 PM at Johnson City YMCA 2. We will be helping set up racks with gowns 3. Walaa will be driving. First 4 people to sign up will get to attend D. Mulchfest 1. Saturday, May 9th at 9 AM in Ithaca, NY 2. The Kiwanis Club that sponsors Cornell and Ithaca Circle K Clubs sells Mulch and we will be helping deliver it 3. Walaa will be driving there at around 8 AM. First 4 to sign up will get to attend IV. Closing Business A. This was the last meeting of the year :’’’( B. Good luck on all your finals! 1. “I only have two. They’re kinda not bad” C. Congrats to everyone graduating!!! 1. We will miss you all!! D. Don’t forget to do service over the summer! Contact your local Kiwanis club and find out about service opportunities. Or let John or any other E-Board member know and we can help you get in contact with your local Kiwanis Club 1. Let me know if you do any service projects so I can record your hours 2. Email me your name, number of hours, name of the event and date. My email is ksingh15@binghamton.edu. E. Adjournment- 7:09 pm #NewRecordForTheShortestMeeting

Have an awesome Summer and see you all in the Fall!!!!


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