BearKats Monthly
IN THIS ISSUE Ø Spotlights Ø Past Events Ø Upcoming Events
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November/December Issue
Publication for Binghamton University’s Circle K International
Table of Contents In This Issue… Ø Letter from the Editor…………3 Ø Trick or Canning….……………..4 Ø NY Speaking.……..…………......5
Read about the amazing NY Speaking Conference on page 4!
Ø Global Service Fair.…..………..6 Ø Spotlights..…………………….….7 Ø Upcoming Event..…………..…..8
On The Cover: Fall 2013 Senior Citizen’s Dinner
A Letter from Your Editor My Beautiful Bearcats, I keep pinching myself to see if it was all a dream. I mean, I used to read Word Up magazine with Salt & Pepa & Heavy D up in the limousine. It’s safe to say that I just allotted my Biggie Smalls reference card. Anyways, the semester is pretty much almost over and we are all asking ourselves, “Where did the freaking time go?” Obviously, the only real reason that this service semester went by so fast is because we all had an amazing time volunteering. Time flies when you’re changing lives. Ha, not as cliché as you thought it’d be, right? Keep in mind that what you Bearcats are doing for this community and those around the world is the most commendable and admirable act of kindness any person could ever do. You deserve a million gifts this holiday break! With finals coming up, I know things are going to feel and actually get extremely hectic. Your friends over here at Circle K completely understand if you can’t be as involved these next couple of weeks as you were these past few months. But don’t forget that over winter break, you can still volunteer at local soup kitchens or events around your humble abode! I wish everyone the best of luck with studying, papers, and all of their finals. I truly hope that you guys enjoy this month’s newsletter. Don’t forget if you ever want to write for the newsletter or have any questions, feel free to email me at I am so grateful for writing to the hottest student organization on campus. Throwing you an uncomfortable wink, The Most Beyoncé Editor (Alyssa Famolari, but you all knew that)
Open Up a Can of Donating
Trick or Canning is such an amazing, inspirational event. It takes place generally the weekend after Halloween. Circle K-ers go to a local Vestal/Binghamton neighborhood door to door asking for canned goods instead of candy! It really benefits everyone, Circle K-ers get to make an impact on the community and we get the community involved also! Despite how much fun we have collecting food, I think people find it satisfying that they can help out in a small but meaningful way. Sometimes people just need that slight nudge in the right direction.
The non-perishable food collected goes to a local food pantry of Binghamton called CHOW (Community Hunger Outreach Warehouse.) We split up into groups and go to as many homes as possible. This year my group was invited into a family's home. It was a beautiful home and a very funny experience. We did not expect that to happen at all. So when we were invited inside we found out we would be leaving with a bag of homemade cookies and 5 pounds of Halloween candy the Mother was trying to get rid of. We were very happy about that. We also had a lot of success collecting over 50 items to donate to CHOW. Can't wait to do it again next year!
By: Kristy Wolfson
Concrete Jungle Where Conferences Happen the th marked 0 1 – ce. ember 8 aking Conferen v o N t s S pe a This pa ew York don’t know, it’s nd annual N o 32 f you wh for members to , o e s o h t ity les For pportun s, activities, raff ! o ic t s a t p e fan worksho ove at the danc in e t a ip m ou st a partic ill help y c e to b u w n t a a h h c t a t ven ! and ircle K e lunteers C o v a r is e t is t Th even be become th
This year’s th eme was, “Le arning to Serv Circle K mem e.” bers partook in public spe and leadersh aking ip workshops, activities to b fellowship uild stronger and longer la bonds, and m sting ultiple service projects! Club even had the s opportunity o f dressing the President, wh ir o then would strut their stu down the catw ff alk. Imagine li prancing in th ttle Walaa e most emba rr assing, but ye awesome cos t tume of all tim e.
After r eli posts giously follo o w i ng e kind o n the Faceb f wish ook ev veryone’s ed en Sodex o that I didn’t hav t page, I et w was so much eekend. It lo o work at experi f o ence. un and such ked like it E v a eryone reward eyes p s i confer eeled and e hould keep ng ar s o p their ence n en e chanc e for y xt year! It’s j for the ou to ust an Bingh really show other amton o pride! ff your
We Are Professionals at Tabling
If you don’t mind me asking, what were you doing from noon until three o’clock on November 19th? I’m assuming you were snoring in class or cramming for the quiz you forgot was in 45 minutes. Well, the Bearcats of Circle K were at the CCE’s 1st Global Service Fair in Old Union Hall. This event might have been a little raw, in the sense that it was obviously fairly new and didn’t have as much publicity as it deserved. But that didn’t stop dedicated students from showing up and looking into the groups.
In case you’re a little bit loss, the Global Service Fair is a chance for volunteer and fundraising organizations to showcase what they do for different communities to the students of Binghamton University. Honestly, it’s an efficient way to gain committed and driven members for our beautiful Kiwanis family. Our club was able to tell so many different students about our club and really get our name out there, but at the same time, we increased our list-serv! It was also a lovely way to get to learn of other organizations and coordinate future volunteering or fundraising collaborations! Here’s to hoping that the CCE will turn the Global Service Fair into a legendary Bearcat tradition because it’s an event that truly deserves such a title!
You’re a Shining Star Tina Lee was the face of Binghamton Circle K at this year’s New York Speaking Conference. This dedicated member found the time in her jam-packed college schedule to travel for a weekend and make a change! She participated in the various events and activities held there like a true champion. Tina should be rewarded for her determination and dedication and for that, our club thanks and appreciates you, girl!
The end of the semester always brings the best event – the Senior Citizen’s Dinner. Every single thing about this day is Godlike. It’s a chance for us members to play waiter for an evening for the best customers – the seniors of Binghamton. I don’t understand how these people got to be so funny. I hope that one day I am half as amazing as they are because all of them are such kindred spirits with the most beautiful hearts. They will compliment you like it is their job while making you laugh until you are ready to pee yourself.
Pack Your Bags! We’re off to DCON! It is almost that time. That’s right, the 52nd New York District Convention, or as the cool kids say, “DCON,” is coming up fast. It’s going to be on Friday, March 14th, until Sunday, March 16th. Registration will begin soon after our spring semester starts, so you better start counting those pennies in your piggy bank. Our amazing President and Treasurer are working really hard on getting as much SA funding for a few of us members to go and support Binghamton Circle K at the convention. If all goes well, each person will only need to shell out $100 for an entire weekend of epicness in a fancy hotel! Unlike Chingy, we won’t be chilling at the Holiday Inn.
It’s going to be a fantastic learning opportunity for everyone, from leadership workshops and service projects! So, for anyone who is interested in becoming an e-board member, this is the place to be! It’s going to help you learn more of the Circle K ropes while becoming stronger and more independent for the club!
Plus, this year’s theme is NYCKtendo and that name alone makes me want to go. At this year’s dance, people will be showing up in their most fly Nintendo outfit. How cool would it be to see a Luigi imposter dropping it down low to some Miley Cyrus? La-da-di-da-di, we like to party! So, get ready because this event is going to be the bomb!
The Lovely E-Board
President Walaa Ahmed Vice President Stacy Villalva Secretary Dana Shanon Treasurer Kristy Wolfson Editor Alyssa Famolari Webmaster Jerry Cimo Kiwanis Advisors Alan & Joan Kline Eliminate Committee Chair Krishna Tejani Bake Sale Committee Chair Angela Wu Fundraising Committee Chair Amy Boglarski Advertising Committee Chair Elise Cecil Governor’s Project Committee Chair Bridget Okoh District Project Committee Chair Sammi Wu