October 2015 Newsletter

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The Binghamton

CKInsider October 2015 What’s inside 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Introduction Breast Cancer Walk Candy Grams Member Spotlight Boo at the Zoo GeoHunt Magic Paintbrush Project 8. Trick-or-Canning 9. Event Spotlight – Halloween Social 10. Food Recovery 11. October Highlights 12. Game 13. Contact Info

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Happy November Bearcats!

Can you believe we’re already more than halfway

done with the semester? I hope everyone is enjoying the fall and the unusually warm weather we’ve had. I also hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween. Another bout of midterms has come and gone, but our club has continued to persevere. Amidst all the academic chaos that occurs around this time, our club has kept on serving the local community, and we’ve had tons of great events this October. Read all about them and more in the October Newsletter!


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Breast Cancer Walk By Oluponle Iluyomade

On October 4 , several of the Circle K th

members, including myself, volunteered our time at the Breast Cancer Awareness Walk on Beethoven St, hosted by the local ACS based out here in Binghamton. The walk started at 10 a.m. and ended at 11:30 a.m. however, a few of the members that volunteered had to arrive earlier to help out with registration. Although the rest of us had designated roles and places to volunteer for, we were asked to be route marshals instead as the volunteer coordinators in charge had none available. Some members were disappointed, as they wanted to do other tasks (I would be to if I was planning to work the cotton candy machine). Nonetheless, we still did some great work. Both groups that were volunteering for registration and to be route marshals all had easy tasks ahead of them, and for the most part, we spent the rest of the time getting to know each other a bit


better. In addition, the volunteer coordinators were very happy to receive the extra help for the walk and in the end we all got free food and t-shirts (or at least most of us did). Overall, I felt very happy about the work we did. These walks are such an inspiration to me and many other people, as it can bring together large communities of people, no matter how different they may be. They are also a way to celebrate the people who survived their battle with cancer, or honor those who lost that fight and I feel it is such a wonderful thing to be a part of. I’m glad this if the first event for the Governor’s Project for this service year; there’s nothing quite like volunteering your time for a good cause and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

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Candy Grams By Karandeep Singh

Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Club, our club did an in-meeting service project to raise money and awareness for breast cancer. For the service project, we made candy grams. Everyone took a plastic bag, put Hershey’s kisses in it, and closed the bag with a little note that read, “Help us Kiss Breast Cancer Goodbye”.

Cancer Foundation. We had a great turn out and we had a lot of fun making candy grams for a great cause.

The following Monday, on October 5, we tabled at the marketplace to sell all the candy grams. All the proceeds from the sale went to the American Breast


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Member Spotlight

Elle Swete

Member of the Month Profile Favorite color: Magenta Favorite food: Chicken Wing Dip Hobbies: Watching Quantico & How To Get Away with Murder, Volleyball, Planning Dodge ball Fundraisers Major: Accounting Year: Senior Favorite service: Magic Paintbrush this year, Relay for Life Last Year Favorite thing about being a member of Circle K: Being able to help around the community and give back. The service projects we work on are helping people, which is nice and I get to hang out with my friends.


Elle is our current International Service Project Committee Chair. She was chosen as October’s Member of the Month for her commitment and diligence in planning the Dodge ball Tournament, as well as being an overall active and positive member in our club. Keep up the great work Elle!

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Boo at the Zoo By Amanda Rizzi

On October 16, I went to Boo at the Zoo at the Ross Park Zoo. It was a very fun experience for me. I got to hang out with two of my favorite people in a cave for 5 hours. We bonded a lot and had a lot of fun. We were scarecrows and we hid in the corn!

and fun. There was a big giant grim reaper that was so scary! Also the dot room was super cool.

We also saw the goats sleeping which was very fun because they are my favorite animals. I would highly recommend Boo at the Zoo to everyone in Circle K because you get to bond with We got to dress up in cute your friends in a cave as well overalls and flannels. It was very fun because we got to see as help out the zoo. It was a very fun experience and I people’s reactions as we hope to do it again in the scared them! As far as future. volunteer work goes, this is one of the most fun volunteer Happy Halloween! Shout out experiences I’ve had. Jenna to Seth, “squibbily bop bop.” and I even got to walk through the scary part together! We were very scared and everything looked so creepy


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GeoHunt By Seth Owitz

The GeoHunt was super rad. Team

Doodlebops (consisting of Julia Dunnigan, Susan Sincerbox, and myself, and the later additions of Karandeep Singh, and John Tirino), was quite a force to be reckoned with. The point of the event was to find small containers with letter stickers inside— their locations being provided in the form of GPS coordinates spread all throughout campus. These stickers spelled out a secret message, which we would have figured out, had we found them all. A combination of the snowy weather and excessive sprinting around campus brought Team Doodlebops to its collective knees at the hands of Jerry and Jenna, who


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coordinated the event. We ended up getting third place, winning a variety of coupons from local eateries such as Sweet Frog and Thank Goodness it’s Friday’s. Overall, I had a kickin’ time and can’t wait to use my coupons at Sweet Frog.

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Magic Paintbrush Project By Christina Holzhauer

On October 18 , Circle K was recently th

invited to help out at our local Magic Paintbrush Project located at the Oakdale Mall. I found that this was an extremely eye opening event. The Magic Paintbrush Project was created in order to help as many Special Needs families as they can, through creative means such as paint, glitter, music and a safe environment! These creative methods allow people with special needs to reach their own goals outside of the traditional therapy and rehabilitation environments. The Magic Paintbrush representatives asked us to help them with their yearly cleaning. This is a very important aspect of Magic Paintbrush because they deal with many people, adults and kids alike, who absolutely need a clean environment in order for them to progress while at the Magic Paintbrush Project. We cleaned the floors,

tables, and walls. We helped put up clean, blank sheets on the wall that will soon be covered in a masterpiece of paint and glitter once again! We participated in a workshop that was an example of how they work with their clients. The way they involve their clients in their workshops is a new and innovative way to help special needs kids and adults discover things they never thought they could do before. It allows them to produce something beautiful despite their disabilities. Working at the Magic Paintbrush Project opened my eyes to an imaginative way to interact with Special Needs families.


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Trick-orCanning By Amy Boglarski

Trick-or-Canning is one of Binghamton Circle K’s traditional events that we participate in every year near Halloween. The idea of Trick-or-Canning is to go from doorto-door asking for canned goods or other nonperishable food items from local residents. It is pretty much the same as trickor-treating; only instead of getting candy, we get food items to donate to CHOW, the local food bank. This year, a group of fabulous Circle K members got together on Friday, October 23 and traveled to a residential neighborhood in Vestal to participate in our Halloween service tradition. With only seven people collecting, we were able to collect enough food to fill the trunk of John Tirino’s car. Although some people


were not at home, the majority of people we talked to were very generous and donated whatever they could find in their kitchens. I found it refreshing that so many people were willing to donate their own food to those who are less fortunate. It was also a lot of fun walking around the beautiful neighborhood and meeting people who live near our campus. Trick-or-canning was a very rewarding experience because the food that we collected will be going to CHOW food bank, which will feed the less fortunate members of the community. Overall, trick-or-canning was a successful event and a lot of fun for everyone who participated. Everyone should consider taking part next Halloween!

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Event Spotlight Halloween Social On Friday October 23, Circle K had its

Halloween Social, I had a lot of fun. Earlier that day we had Trick-or-Canning, which was really successful and fun. This first game was really weird, and I couldn’t stop laughing. John was my partner. Each partner took a turn eating a doughnut off a string with his or her partner’s help. I laughed at the worse time and started to choke. The second game was a really dorky but fun game. We had to pass an orange to the end of the line only using the space between your chin and chest. My team won both rounds. I don't exactly remember who was on my team though. The last game was a really cool teambuilding exercise. There were 4 groups on 3 and two of us had to wrap the 3rd person in

By Dazriel Rivera

toilet paper to make them a mummy. I don’t remember who won that game. There were 4 categories for the costume contest. The “Best DIY Costume”, “Funniest Costume”, “Scariest Costume” and the “Judge’s Choice” costume. Danny Picone and Amanda Rizzi shared the “Best DIY Costume” sash. John won the “Funniest Costume” sash. Mindi Ocasio was picked to be the “Scariest Costume” winner. I was given the “Judges Choice” sash. The Snapchat video was funny, though it seemed like everyone wished it would’ve been longer. The night was finished with the movie “Mom’s Got A Date With a Vampire,” which was cool. It ended up having a funny glitch in the recording as well. Overall, I think it was really fun to just hang out and relax with everyone who went. It’s definitely something that should continue to be a tradition.


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Food Recovery By Elle Swete

Every Wednesday Cassie, Tina, and I go to CIW dining hall to do Food Recovery. When food is going to be thrown out because they can no longer sell it at the dining hall, the workers at CIW put it in a specific freezer. When we go to CIW, we package up, weigh, and take the temperature of all of this food. Then, someone picks it up and delivers it to a local food bank. Food Recovery has become a part of my weekly routine and I always look forward to going. I enjoy participating in


Food Recovery because I know we are helping the local community who otherwise might not get a meal. It is tough to know that there are people surrounding us that aren’t as fortunate as us. Because of this, I try to volunteer if I can help make a difference. It’s a nice thing to be able to help others who need it since it doesn’t take very much time to do this, especially Food Recovery. Knowing that in a short time we are providing people with meals, it makes it all worth it. It would be amazing if all of the dining halls on campus participated in this to provide more food to the local community that otherwise would be wasted. Also, more students would be able to get involved with this. I’m glad that I get the chance to make a difference, especially within this community by participating in Food Recovery every week.

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Willow Point Nursing Home



Howloween at the Zoo


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Can you spot all 12 differences? Remember – if you complete and submit the game, you will earn a raffle ticket for a chance to win great prizes at the end of the year! 12

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At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by, “I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat. I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in.” -Mother Teresa

2015-2016 Executive Board President John Tirino jtirino1@binghamton.edu Vice President Amy Boglarski aboglar1@binghamton.edu Secretary Karandeep Singh ksingh15@binghamton.edu Treasurer Timothy Leung tleung10@Binghamton.edu Editor Jenna Spak jspak2@binghamton.edu Webmaster Julia Dunnigan jdunnig1@binghamton.edu

Committee Chairs International Service Project Gabriella Swete Service Project Courtney Aronica Fellowship Deborah Gabay Bake Sale Angela Wu

Historian Christina Holzhauer Public Relations Kora Sileo Governor’s Project Oluponle Iluyomade District Project Melissa Levine

Fundraising Patricia Acipreste

Like us on Facebook: Binghamton Circle K Follow us on Twitter & Instagram: @bingcirclek Check out our website: bingcirclek.weebly.com

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