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ca lbuf] zflGt / k'glg{df{0f
q' dxfg'efjx¿ clxn] xfdL …a'4ofqfÚ sf] b;f}+ c+s lnP® tkfO{x+ ¿sf ;fydf 5f} + . oxf“ x ¿sf] ;' e mfj ® ;Nnfxcg' ; f® xfdLn] o;nfO{ cfjZos kl®dfh{ g ub} { nlu®x]sf] s'®fdf oxf“x¿ :jod\ cjut g} x'gx' G' 5 . …ofqfÚ sf] of] !) c+ssf] ofqfsf qmddf d'ns ' 7"nf] lg®fzf clg czflGtaf6 u'hs ]| f] eP klg ca qmdzM cfzfsf ls®0fx¿ ;~rf® x'b“ } uPsf] xfdLn] cg'et" u®]sf 5f} + . h'g ;f“rf] klg xf] . ljutdf b]lvPsf] cGof]n ca kmf6\g] r®0fdf k'us ] f] 5 . a}zfv !! df k|ltlglw;ef k'ga{xfnL ePkl5 b]zdf cGof]nsf] Pp6f r®0f kf® eP klg k"®} 6'ªu\ f] nfu]sf] 5}g . !) jif{cl3b]lv e"ldut cfGbf]ngdf ;fd]n g]skf -dfcf]jfbL_ clxn] jftf{df ®x]sf] 5 ® ;a}h;f] g]tfx¿ v'Nnf ePsf 5g\ . dfcf]jfbLn] zt{sf ¿kdf ®fv]sf] ;+ljwfg;efsf] lgjf{rg ug]{ s'®f k|wfgdGqL lul®hfk|;fb sf]O®fnfn] cfkm\gf] klxnf] k|:tfjsf ¿kdf ;+;b\df ®fVg' ® ;+;b\af6 cg'df]bg x'gn ' ] ca d'ns ' ;+ljwfg;ef lgjf{rgsf] af6f]tkm{ nflu;s]sf] cg'el" t eO;s]sf] 5 . t® cem} klg r'gf}tL af“sL 5g\ . ;+ljwfg;efsf] lgjf{rg;Dd k'Ubf dfcf]jfbLsf] xltof® Joj:yfkg s;®L ug]{, dfcf]jfbLsf ldlnl;ofnfO{ s] ug]{, xltof® Joj:yfkg ® cg'udgsf ;+oQ ' m /fi6« ;+3sf zt{ s]–s] x'g ;S5g\ eGg] s'®f cem} clgl0f{t cj:yfdf ®x]sf
a'4 Po/sf nflu k|sfzs÷;Dkfbs aL/]Gb| axfb'/ a:g]t hfjnfv]n, nlntk'®
lj1fkgsf nflu ;Dks{ M 6]lnkmf]g M km\ofS; M Od]nM
lj1fkg zfvf %%@!)!%, PS;6]G;gM !!(, (&&–)!–%%#&&@^ yatra@buddhaair.com
5g\ . o;af®]df l56f] l5gf]kmfgf] ug'k{ g]{ bfloTj ;®sf® ® ljb|fx] L dfcf]jfbL b'j} kIfsf] xf] . ;“u;“u} jftf{ u®f}+, g6'+luPsf ljifonfO{ 6'+uf] nufcf}+, clxn] g]kfnL hgtfsf] rfxgf oxL xf] . ca hgtf czflGt, sf6df® ® xTof–lx+;f ePsf] b]Vg rfx“bg} g\ . hgtfsf] efjgf ;®sf® ® dfcf]jfbL b'j} kIfn] a'‰g' h?®L 5 . ;a}nfO{ ;d]6g\ ] bL3{sfnLg zflGtsf] ®fhdfu{ lgdf{0f ePkl5 b]z k'glg{df{0f ® k'g:yf{kgfsf] r'gf}tL;“u ;a} Psh'6 eP® n8\gk' g]{ cfjZostf ®x]sf] xfdLn] 7fg]sf 5f} + . o;} k|;u+ df ofqfn] o; k6s d'Vo ;fdu|Lsf ¿kdf …ef®t;“usf] ;DaGwÚ ;DaGwL ;fdu|LnfO{ ;d]6]sf] 5 . ef®t l5d]sL eP® dfq xf]Og, g]kfn;“u v'Nnf l;dfgf ePsf sf®0f klg pm;“u g]kfnsf y'k}| ;DaGw ® ;d:ofsf kf6fx¿ h]lnPsf 5g\ . ef®t bflxgf x'g] xf] eg] cfwf dfq xf]Og, nueu &% k|ltzt g]kfnsf ;d:of ;dfwfg x'G5g\ eGg] g]kfndf dfGotf ®x“b} cfPsf] 5 . o;}sf] ;]®f]km]®f]df gof“ kl®j]zdf k|wfgdGqL aGg'ePsf lul®hfk|;fb sf]O®fnfn] h'g ^–(, @))^df ef®t e|d0f;d]t ug'e{ Psf] 5 . of] k|;u+ ;d]t ef®t;“usf] ;DaGwaf®]df xfdLn] lj:t[t ljj]rgfsf] k|of; u®]sf 5f} + . ofq' dxfg'efjx¿ s:tf] nfUof] t …a'4ofqfÚ . ;'emfj ;Nnfx lbg ge'Ng'xf]nf . tkfO{x+ ¿sf ;'emfj ® ;Nnfx ;w}+ zL®f]k® ug]{ xfdL jfrf ub{5f} + . oxf“x¿sf] ofqf ;kmn xf];\, xflb{s d+undo z'esfdgf .w
ofqfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L tyf ljrf® a'4 Po® tyf k|sfzs ;+:yfåf®f JoQm cleJolQm dfGg h?®L 5}g . To;}u®L lj1fkg ;fdu|Lk|lt klg a'4 Po® jf k|sfzs ;+:yf hjfkmb]xL x'g5 ] g} . k|sflzt ;"rgf, ;fdu|L tyf ;]jf clu|d ;"rgflagf klg km]®abn x'g ;Sg]5g\ .
sfo{sf/L ;DkfbsM n]vgfy clwsf®L ;x;DkfbsM lglzt l®hfn snf ;+of]hsM lbk]Gb| s'df® s0f{ z'4fz'4LM nf]sk|sfz kl08t d'b0| fM k[YjL lk|lG6ª k|; ] k|f=ln= sn/ ;]k/]zgM Sjfln6]s :Sofg
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dfp06]g km\nfO6 ljh]tfx?nfO{ xflb{s awfO{ xfd|f] 7]ufgf a'4 Po/ hfpnfv]n,nlntk'/ kf]=a=g+=M @!^&, km\ofS;M %%#&&@^ Od]nM yatra@buddhaair.com
ljifo ;"rL Golden Age=================================================================== 7
rfOgf hfg] a;===================================================== $!
Babylon Garden===================================================== 11
kfgL lbg] rDkfb]jL============================================== $#
Photo Feature: Muktinath================================ 19
cfwf cfsfz=========================================================== $&
vd]?hsf df:6/ dfO08================================#&
3fon tg / dg=================================================== $( syf
6f]gL An]o/sf] sfof{nodf nfx'/] k[i7 @!
v]ns'b M ;fkmsf] tof/L================================== %# hLjgsf /+u=============================================================%%
cfj/0f — @# ;DaGwdf cfzf g]kfn–ef/t ;DaGwdf cfz / qf; b'j} 5 . t/, qf;nfO{ eGbf klg PSsfO;f}+ ztfAbLsf] of] ;DaGwdf cfzf / ljZjf;nfO{ a9fjf lb+bf g} b'jn} fO{ kmfObf x'G5 .
p8fP/} cfgGb — #(
…zflGtsf k|lts k/]jf v'Nnf cfsfzdf p8]sf] x]g{ hlt cfgGb cfp“5 Tof]eGbf a9L kL8fbfos afhn] o;nfO{ lzsf/ agfp“bf x'g] u5{Ú
;fdflhs ;]jf M #% Sports
Michael Schumacher Page -9
1.Why is the flight now a day delayed?
3 Why don’t you have a 24-hour emergency mobile number?
Rajendra prasad, Kathmandu
Dr.S.K Shrestha, Kathmandu
Ans: Mostly our flights are delayed during the winter
Ans: Thank you for your suggestion we will see what
season due to fog and visibility at the airport or during the
we can do to make it easier for our valued customers.
monsoon or pre monsoon season. Sometimes due to technical aspects the departure time may differ, as Buddha Air
Buddha Yatra is a fine magazine, but try to include in-
does not compromise with safety.
teresting articles on health.
Dhurba Chitrakar, Kathmandu.
2.Why is it impossible to get through your reservation?
Dhruba Chitrakar, Kathmandu.
The magazine seems to cover a lot of interesting
things. …Keep it up.
Ans: There are frequent complain regarding the hunt-
Anil Neupane, Lainchor.
ing line of our reservation. Considering the requirements of our clients we have added 5 more hunting
Buddha Yatra is getting more & more
lines as well as connected the reservation to our sales
beneficial to passangers.At least we can read
counter at Hattisar and Sinamangal.
more interesting articles. Janak .k. Adhikari, Kuleswor.
lj/f6gu/–g]kfnu~h p8fg
a'4 Po®n] lj®f6gu®–g]kfnu~h ¿6df klg p8fg ;~rfng u®] ®fd|f] x'GYof] . o;n] ofq'x¿nfO{ ;lhnf] kfg]{ ® a'4 Po® klg cfly{s ¿kn] cem ;DkGg x'g] d]®f] ljZjf; 5 . dlxgfdf sDtLdf # k6s ofqf ug]{ ofq'nfO{ l;6 cf®If0fsf] Joj:yf u®] ®fd|f] x'GYof] . ofqf Dofu]lhg pNn]vgLo 5 . lzjk|;fb l3ld/] O6x®L, ;'g;®L
;flxTo k|fyldstfdf
ofqf Dofu]lhgsf] cjwf®0ff ®fd|f] 5 . o;df ;flxTo ® ;d;fdlos 36gfnfO{ g} a9L k|fyldstf lb“bf ®fd|f] x'G5 . ofq'x¿sf] dsf{nfO{ Wofg lb“b} cK7]®f] x]®®] cNksfnLg ;dodf g} l;6 pknAw u®fP cem ®fd|f] x'GYof] . /fhgljqmd yfkf g]kfn ®fi6« a}s + , g]kfnu~h
;'/lIft x'g] hfgsf/L
a'4 Po®df hxfhleq s]–s;®L ;'®lIft x'g] eg]® hfgsf®L u®fO“bf] ®x]g5 . hals c¿ hxfhdf o:tf] hfgsf®L lbOG5 . klxnf] k6s p8\g] dfG5] klg x'G5g\ eg]® o;tkm{ Wofg lbg'k¥of] . u0f]zs'df/ lhdL e"sDk k|ljlw ®fli6«o ;dfh g]kfn sf7df8f}+ .
;To syf
ofqf klqsfdf ;To 36gdf cfwfl®t syf tyf sf]7k] bnufotsf ;fdu|L ®fVg'xf]nf . ;fy} ;kmn Ps hgfnfO{ plrt k'®:sf®sf] ;d]t Joj:yf ug'{ eP ®fd|f] x'GYof] . dx]Gb|sd' f/ af]xf]/f dWok'®, l7dL
;a} kIfnfO{ ;d]6] ®] Pp6f ;Dk"0f{ klqsf tof® kfg'{ePsf]df awfO 5 . xf:oJoª\Uo ljwfnfO{ klg lgoldt :yfg lbg'ePdf cem ?lrs® x'g5 ] . gf/fo0f >]i7 rdtL, sf7df8f}+
;a} c+s k9\g kfcf}+
a'4 ofqf Dofu]lhg ®fd|f] 5 . t® d}n] tLg j6f c+s dfq} k9\g kfP“ . t;y{ c+s #, *, ( afx]ssf c+s s;®L kfpg] xf]nf < uf]kfn clwsf®L :jf:Yo ;]jf ljefu, Joj:yfkg dxfzfvf -ofqfdf lbOPsf] ;Dks{ kmf]g gDa®df ;Dks{ ug'x{ f]nf . ;a} c+s k9\g kfpg'xg' 5 ] . –;Dkfbs=_
p8fg l9nf]sf] va/
;du|df a'4 Po®sf] ;]jf ®fd|f] 5 . t®
a]nf–a]nfdf p8fg l9nf] x'b“ f ofq'nfO{ kmf]g u®]® hfgsf®L u®fP ®fd|f] x'GYof] . ofqfsf w]®} cfl6{sn ®fd|f nfu] . 8f= ;Gh'afa' >]i7 sf7df8f}+ d]l8sn sn]h, l;gfd+un, sf7df8f}+
j[4j[4fnfO{ 5'6
a'4 Po®n] ^) jif{ gf3]sf j[4j[4fnfO{ %) k|ltzt ef8fb®df 5'6 lbg] Joj:yf ug'k{ ¥of] . % jif{dl' gsf afnaflnsfnfO{ k"®} 5'6df l6s6 pknAw u®fP s;f] xf]nf < an/fd k/fh'nL skg– #, k|ultgu®, sf7df8f}+
dfpG6]g km\nfO6sf] c;/
dfpG6]g km\nfO6sf sf®0f laxfgsf c¿ km\nfO6 l9nf] x'g] u®]sf] 5 . To;tkm{ ;'wf® ug'k{ ¥of] . ;dodf p8fg ePdf ;'gdf ;'uGw x'g5 ] . /fh]Gb|sd' f/ /f]sfxf 3§]sn ' f], sf7df8f}+
:t®Lo Dofu]lhg a'4 Po®sf] p8fgdf af“8s ] f] b]Vbf d cfZro{df k®]+ . cem} ®fd|f] ug{ z'esfdgf 5 . nSsLdl0f zfxL afu8f]n, nlntk'® a'4
July-Sept 2006
k|ltlqmof se/ pQd
se®:6f]®L …ldnglaGb' s] x'g ;S5 <Ú eGg] ljifo Hofb} ®f]rs nfUof] . cfufdL lbgdf klg o; k|sf®sf ;d;fdlos ljifonfO{ ;d]6g'xf]nf . ?k]z pkfWofo gof“afg]Zj®, sf7df8f}+
;+ljwfg;efdf ;'uGw
ofqfsf] kl5Nnf] se®:6f]®L …ldnglaGb'Ú Hofb} ®f]rs nfUof] . To;}leq bn–dfcf]jfbL !@ a'b“ ] ;dembf®L ®fv]sfn] ;a} k9\g xfdLnfO{ ;lhnf] eof] . ;+ljwfg;efaf®]df ;+If]kdf hfgsf®L lbg' eP® ;'gdf ;'uGw yKg] sfd ug'e { Psf]df wGojfb 5 . /fd]Zj/ z'Snf, dxf]Q®L
:jf:Yo 5'6\of]
ofqf lgs} kl®:s[t x'b“ } uPsf] 5 ® k7gLo klg 5 . k|foM ;a} ljifo ;d]6] klg :jf:Yo ljifo eg] 5'6s ] f] 5 o;tkm{ Wofg hfcf];\ . dbg kf}8n] OG;]s, sf7df8f}+
kmf]g a'lsª
a'4 Po®n] lgoldt u|fxsnfO{ kmf]gsf] dfWodaf6 a'lsªsf] Joj:yf u®] ®fd|f] x'g] lyof] . lji0f' hf]zL, sf7df8f}+
j[ 4 f>d ® dlxnf afnaflnsf a]rlavg;DaGwL n]v lgs} ®fd|f] nfUof] . ®fd|f n]vx¿ 5fk]sf]df d ofqf o'lg6nfO{ wGojfb lbg rfxG5' . l8NnL a:ofn o'lg;]km, o'Pg xfp;, k'Nrf]s
laxfg–a]n'sfsf] p8fg ykf}+
laxfg ® a]n'sfsf p8fgx¿ dh:tf] dfG5]sf nflu Hofb} pko'Qm x'G5 . lsgls laxfg} uOof] eg] lbp“;f] w]®} sfd EofOG5 eg] lx“8g\ ] 7fp“sf] sfd;d]t EofP® a]ns ' fsf] p8fgdf hfg ;lsG5 . To;}n] laxfg–a]ns ' fsf p8fg yKg'xf]nf . lrGtf Pd= lzjfsf]6L g]kfn ®fi6« a}s + , g]kfnu~h
b]zleq ® aflx®sf ljleGg Po®nfoG;x¿sf] af/]dfofqf Dofu]lhgdf hfgsf®L u®fpg'eP ®fd|f] x'g] lyof] . a'4 Po®sf] hxfhleq plrt ;®;kmfOdf Wofg lbg'k¥of] . bLks >]i7 ;fd"lxs cleofg, sf7df8f}+
ofqf ;w}+ af“l8of];\
slxn]sfxL“ ofqf p8fgdf af“l8b}g . x®]s p8fgdf of] klqsf af“8g\ ] sfd ul®of];\ . c¿
a'4 Po/sf] ef8f cnL a9L eof] . ul/a hgtfsf nflu Wofg lbg] xf]Og < ;/f]h g]kfn sf}zn6f®, eQmk'®
clxn]sf] cj:yfdf xfdLn] hlt ef8f tf]s]sf 5f+}, Tof] xfd|f] afWotf xf] . ofq' dxfg'efjx¿ hxfhsf] ck/];g vr{ g} a9L ePsfn] klg To;f] x'g uPsf] xf] . o;nfO{ afWotfsf ¿kdf lnOlbg'x'g cg'/f]w 5 .
7"nf] hxfh lsGg] nIo lnPsf 5f}+ .
July-Sept 2006
tLy{ sf]O/fnf, sflGtk'® 6]lnlehg
t/fO{jf;L Po/xf]:6]h
a'4 Po®sf] ofqfel® Po® xf]:6]hn] w]®} ®fd|f] x]®rfx u®]sf]df wGojfb lbg rfxG5' . t/ klg t/fO{sf dfG5]n] g]kfnL efiff a'em\g sl7g x'gx] b“' f t®fO{efifL alxgLx¿nfO{ a'4 Po®n] Po® xf]:6]h agfpg] sfd u®f];\ eGg] ;'emfj lbg rfxG5' . ofqfsf] nflu z'esfdgf /hlgzs'df/ kf08]o, cWoIf dxf]Q®L lhNnf lqms]6 ;+3
rfvnfUbf] kl®of]hgf
a'4 Po®n] df]®ª lhNnfdf ;~rfng u®]sf] kl®of]hgf rfvnfUbf] nfUof] . o:tf kl/of]hgf cGo If]qlt/ klg ;~rfng ug'k{ ¥of] . a'4 Po®n] g]kfnleq afx]s sDtLdf ef®t;Dd p8fg u®] ®fd|f] x'g] lyof] . ;'bLk h}g ;xof]udfu{, cgfdgu®
;RofOPsf] c+s ( df jl/i7 kqsf/ w|j' xl/ clwsf®Lsf] ;+:d/0f …jftf{df cfwfl/tÚ pNn]v ug{ 5'6s ] f]df ;RofOPsf] 5 . — ;Dkfbs
;'emfjsf nflu wGojfb . a'4 Po/n] lab]zdf p8fg ug]{ af/]df s] ;f]rfO agfPsf] 5 < ljdns'df/ ltdN;]gf g]kfn a}s + lnld6]8, k|wfg sfof{no
a'4 Po/n] ljb]zdf klg p8fg ug]{ ;f]rfO agfPsf] 5.
cln 7"nf hxfh lsGg] xf]Og <
hxfhsf] t'ngfdf a'4 Po®nfO{ d}n] ;'®lIft tyf ljZjfl;nf] 7fg]sf] 5' . afnrGb| emf, sf6{/ ;]G6®, rknLufp“
a"9fa"9L / s]6fs]6LnfO{ sd k};fdf p8fpg] af/]df tkfO{x+ ¿sf] s] ;f]r 5 < an/fd k/fh'nL, skg– #, k|ultgu®, sf7df8f}+
s]6fs]6Lsf] xsdf !@ jif{ pd]/;Ddsf nflu xfdLn] ## k|ltzt ef8f 5'6 lbO/x]sf 5f}+ . a"9fa"9Lsf af/]df klg xfdL ;sf/fTds 5f}+ .
Social Service
uddha Air has always been committed to corporate social responsibility.
In order to fulfill the commitment Buddha Air has granted Community Development and Research Centre (CDRC), an NGO, to implement the Smallholder Agribusiness Support (SABS) project in Tankisinwari and Hattimuda VDC of Morang district since January 2005. With the technical support from CDRC smallscale farmers of the project area have not only been successful in transforming from subsistence to commercial farming but also able to capture more benefit from the product by involving in the marketing of farm produce. The following depicts the some features of the efforts of Buddha Air in collaboration with CDRC to improve the livelihoods of the resource poor farmers.
Marketing Cooperative With the objective of increasing the access to marketing of agro-commodity by producer smallholder farmers for capturing more profit margin, 14 farmer groups of SABS project have been recently federated to a 'Tankisinwari Agrocommodity Marketing Cooperative Ltd.'. While asking about the newly established cooperative, Lokendra Karki, Executive
Buddha Air & Farmers
Chairman of CDRC said â&#x20AC;&#x201C; " In the present context of open and competitive environment, farmers are getting much lower
from small-scale farmers. Farmer can im-
been implementing the gGrain Bank and
price of their produce mostly due to the
mediately obtain near about present val-
become able to retain more net benefit
involvement of a lot of intermediaries in
ue of stored grain. Later the small farmers
The task of implementing concept
the marketing of the agro-commodity.
can obtain additional benefits after selling
of grain bank for the first time was not
The cooperative has been formed as the
grain at the time when the price becomes
easy, however, the persistent efforts of
project envisages the urgency to organize
high. It is considered as cereal grain bank
farmers to be united for mutual benefit
farmers for increasing their access to pro-
as it functions as bank by accepting ce-
have facilitated the process. The farmers
cessing and marketing of their produce,
real grain as mortgage and also provide
of the 14 farmers groups of Tankisinwari
which now has not only been successful
collateral free advance loan of agricul-
and Hattimuda VDC has been organized
in capturing more net benefit to the pro-
tural inputs at low interest rate prior to
and formed a
ducer farmers but also able to increase
cultivate a crop for the duration of crop
modity Marketing Cooperative (TAMCO)
the sense of cooperation and mutual sup-
period. The major role of the grain bank
Ltd. The member farmer received quality
port among them".
is to safeguard the farmers from both lo-
seeds and fertilizer at lower interest rate
cal moneylenders and middlemen and in-
as collateral free advance loan. Besides,
crease the net return to the farmers. With
necessary training and technical support
'Grain bank' is a community owned
the technical support from SABS project
has also been provided. Farmers orga-
and managed storage, which purchases
of CDRC, farmers of Tankisinwari and
nized various interactions and workshops
cereal grains or accepts grain mortgages
Hattimuda VDC of Morang district have
in order to develop rules and regulation
Grain Bank
' Tankisinwari Agro-com-
July-Sept 2006
Social Service
and standard operating system for grain
inquire about the grain bank. Considering
marketing training and regular technical
bank. According to the by-laws for regu-
the maximum utilization of financial re-
support, we have not only successful in
lating the grain bank different sub com-
sources of different farmer groups of the
increasing food and seed sufficiency in
mittees have been formed for completing
terai region to capture more net benefit
our area but also able to retain more net
different tasks.
to the producer farmer, we have planned
benefit from seed marketing"
After harvesting, instead of selling
to organize training workshop to assist in
the paddy to the local middlemen, farm-
promotion of Grain Bank for wider adop-
ers brought it to the warehouse of their
tion by resource poor farmers.
cooperative where the quality controller,
Saving and Credit Realizing that today's saving would be tomorrow's great relief, farmers of
a farmer, checked the sample and ap-
Seed Production and Marketing
Tankisinwari and Hattimuda VDC of Mo-
proved for weighing. In this way about
For years, farmers of Tankisinwari
rang district of SABS project has started
40 tons of paddy was stored in the coop-
and Hattimuda VDC of Morang district
regular group saving and benefited a lot
erative storage. Farmers repaid paddy as
had problem of not getting quality im-
by properly utilizing the saving amount.
loan and also took some cash loan at lower
proved seeds during the farming season.
All 351 members of 14 farmer groups save
interest rate. After four months, about 50
But, this time the farmers of the region
certain amount of money on a monthly
percent of the stored grain have been sold
have not only been able to produce qual-
basis. They have made own by-laws for
in the wholesale market from which farm-
ity-improved seeds for themselves but
the mobilization of saving amount. The
ers have been able to retain 25 percent
also became successful in getting net re-
loan lending system is so developed that
more benefit. The profit, thus obtained
turn from the seed production. . All this
any member farmer can easily receive the
has been redistributed to the producer
has happened due to the technical sup-
collateral free loan without rigorous pa-
farmers. Similarly, in this season farmers
port of CDRC.
perwork at the lower interest rate. Despite
have stored about 21 tons of wheat.
The seed producer farmers has
such flexible and easy lending system, the
produced certified –1 standard of new
rate of repayment is 100 percent. Total
wani Commercial Farmer Group remarks
improved 'Gautam' variety of wheat.
saving of those groups has reached Rs.
– " Due to the financial problem, tenant
Similarly, the producer farmers also have
174,000 and about 70 percent of which
farmers like us always had no other op-
been involved in producing newly recom-
have been mobilized in various income
tion except buying seed and fertilizer in
mended varieties of Green Gram; 'Prat-
generation activities.
loan at exorbitant interest rate from the
ichhya' and 'Kalyan', and pipeline variety
" From this season we are becoming
local businessmen. But this time, due to
NM92 . Similarly, farmers have planned
financially capable of lending many of the
the establishment of grain bank under
to produce paddy seeds of Kanchhi Masu-
farming expenses of our members at only
producer cooperative, we need not sell
li, Radha–12 and newly released 'Mithila'
12 percent per annum interest rate
the paddy immediately after harvesting
and 'Ram' varieties. Considering the en-
said Somraj Kaphle, a leader farmer. Simi-
at lower price. Consequently, we are now
thusiasm of farmers CDRC has planned to
larly, while asking about the importance
being emancipated from both the middle-
grant seed processing machine.
of saving, Kunti Majhi, a leader women
men and exorbitant interest of local mon-
" We are now able to produce and
farmer replied - " involving in a regular
make available quality seed grains at rea-
saving is adding a brick for construction
Similarly, Lokendra Karki , Execu-
sonable price to the farmers of our and ad-
of a beautiful building for tomorrow".
tive Chairman, CDRC emphasized – " En-
joining villages" – Ugra Narayan Bishwas,
Noticing all these, we realized that with
couraging result of first season has now
a seed producer farmer remarked. Simi-
the financial support from Buddha Air,
able to drag the attention of
larly Krishna K.C., a seed producer farmer
SABS project implemented by CDRC, has
farmers of other re-
said- ."We were not confident about the
not only benefited financially to the rural
gions too. As a result, farmers of different
possibility of task of seed production by
resource poor farmers but also increased
regions have come to the project office to
ourselves. But after seed production and
eylenders. "
stakeholders and
awareness among the women farmers. w
he Khmer Rouge which was a Com-
from the Khmer Rouge were mostly from
demnation, Saloth Sar and the company
munist organization that ruled
the middle class families, who had been
lived among the Khmer Leoun, the tribal
Cambodian from 1975 to 1979.
educated at French universities, and the
pariahs, which were very accommodating,
The official name was the Communist
majority fighters were from poor families
left such an impression that Saloth Sar
Party of Cambodia. The Khmer Rouge re-
and many were conscripted. In the early
considered them pure this kind of purity
gime is mostly remembered for the kill-
years the Khmer Rouge was funded by
was then adopted to the ideology. Accord-
ings of its people, which are estimated to
Vietnam who supplied them with small
ing to the Khmer Rouge's supporters this
be 1.7 million, through execution, starva-
arms, explosives and military weapons, by
required forcibly evacuating the cities
tion, and forced labour. It was one of the
the 1980's they got support from China
to the countryside so that people could
most violent regimes of the 20th century
and had approximately 8,000 guerillas.
become self-sufficient .In fact the motive
often compared with the regimes of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. In terms of the
Political ideology
behind the evacuation was ideologically reflected in the Maoist doctrine, which
number of people killed as a proportion
The ideology of the Khmer Rouge
the Khmer Rouge followed, which praised
of the population of the country it ruled
combined an extreme, somewhat revised
the rural peasants and detested the urban
and time in power, it was probably the
form of Maoism with the anti-colonialist
city dwellers.
most lethal regime of the 20th century.
ideas of the European Left, which its lead-
The Khmer Rouge was founded in the
ers had acquired during their education
1960's and from the mid 60's it started
in French universities in the 1950's. Once
In 1970 Cambodia's neutralist ruler
conducting low-level insurgency along
in Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge was hard
Prince Norodom Sihanouk, was deposed
the Vietnamese border.
Rise of the Khmer Rouge
pressed to find any international support,
while out of the country by a coup, which
The leadership of the Khmer Rouge
this led to the standard of self-sufficiency.
brought General Lon No1 to power. With
was largely unchanged between the
While in hiding in the Ratanakari jungles
American financial support, Lon No1 at-
1960's and the mid-1990's. The leaders
from Prince Sihanouk and Lon No1's con-
tempted to fight the Vietnamese Com-
Nishit Rizal
July-Sept 2006
Fall of the Khmer Rouge
munist and the Khmer Rouge. American
professionals, intellectuals as well as or-
bombing in Cambodia and the subsequent
dinary Khmer people who breached their
Cambodian causalities made Lon No1's
government unpopular and this gave way
Christians, Muslims and the Buddhist
for the Khmer Rouge to grow, particularly
monkhood were also targets of persecu-
in the countryside. By the 1973 they con-
tion. Since China was the Khmer Rouge
Phnom Penh
trolled majority of Cambodian territory,
regime's only diplomatic ally,the Chinese
disposing the Khmer Rouge regime.
although only a minority of its popula-
community was not molested ,but many
Dispite Cambodian's fear of Vietamese
tion. When the U.S government suspend-
Chinese left the country because of the
domination, the Vietnames invaders were
ed funds for bombing the Khmer Rough
suppression of private business.
assisted by widespread defections of
position and limited aid to Cambodia in 1973 ,the Khmer Rough made sweeping gains in the country .On April 17th ,1975 the Khmer Rough captured Phnom Penh.
The Khmer Rough in power
Ethnic Vietnamese, Cambodian
In December 1978, after several years of border conflict and into
flood of
,Vietnamese ,capturing
on january 7 ,1979 and
Khmer Rouge activists,who formed a core
Killing and torture
of the post -Khmer Rouge government. The Khmer Rouge, still led by Pol
The exact number of people who
Pot and the most militarily capable of the
died as a result of the Khmer Rouge's pol-
three rebel groups, received extensive
icies is debated.The Vietnamese regime
military aid from China and intelligence
that succeeded the Khmer Rouge claimed
from the Thai military.
The Khamer Rouge attempted to
that 3.3 million had died .The CIA esti-
While eastern and central Cambodia
turn Cambodia into a classless society
mate that between 50,000 to 100,000
were firmly under the control of Vietnam
by depopulating cities and forcing the
people were executed by the Khmer
and its Cambodian allies by 1980, western
urban population into agricultural com-
Rouge , but executions represent only a
part of the country continued to be a
munes. The entire population was forced
minority of the death toll ,which mostly
battlefield till the 1980s,with millions of
to become farmers in labour camps. Dur-
came from starvation.
landmines across the countryside. Pol Pot
ing their four years in power, the Khmer Rouge
When the Khmer Rouge captured Phnom Penh they
told the residents
relinquished his Khmer Rouge leadership post to Khieu Samphan in 1985.After
population, at the same time executing
that they would look after their houses
selected groups (including intellectuals)
until they return but most of them did
Cambodian political factions signed a
and killing many others for even minor
not return to see their family ,most of
treaty in 1991 calling for elections and
breaches of rules. The Khmer language
them were taken to the fields to work
disarmament. But in 1992 the Khmer
has a complex system of usages to define
where they had to produce three tons of
Rouge resumed fighting and the following
speakers' rank and social status. During
rice per hectare;before the Khmer Rouge
year they rejected the results of the
the rule of the Khmer Rouge, these usages
era the average was one ton per hect-
were abandoned. People were however,
are.The Khmer Rouge forced people to
There was a mass defection in 1996
encouraged to call each other 'friend', or
workfor 12 hours non- stop, without ad-
when around half the remaining soldiers
'comrade' and to avoid traditional signs
equate rest or food.They did not believe
(about 4,000) left. Factional fighting in
of deference such as bowing or folding
in western medicine but instead favored
1997 led to Pol Pot's and imprisonment
the hands in salutation.
the traditional peasant medicine,many
by the Khmer Rouge itself. Pol Pot died in
The Khmer Rouge regime arrested,
died as a result.Family relationship were
April 1998, the remaining leaders of the
tortured and eventually executed anyone
also banned,and family members could
Khmer Rouge apologised for the deaths
suspected of connections witht he former
be put to death for communicating with
in the 1970s. By 1999 most members had
government or with foreign governments,
each other.
surrendered, or been captured. w
The Standing Committee of the Khmer Rough 1. Pol Pot: also known as "Brother number1" and was the main leader of the movement and was the General Secretary from February 1963 until his death in April 15 1998. 2. Nuon Chea was "Brother number 2" Prime Minister ….alive. 3. Ieng Sary was "Brother number 3" Deputy Prime Minister… alive. 4. Khieu Samphan: President, … alive.
July-Sept 2006
5. Ta Mok "Brother number 7" was the last leader of the southwest Regional… alive. 6. Son Sen was the Defense Minister… dead. 7. Yun Yat … dead. 8. Ke Pauk "Brother number 13" former secretary of the Northern Zone… dead. 9. Ieng Thirith … alive.
Aviation history
Golden Age T
he Wrights first became interested
flight in a heavier-than-air machine. After
capability of the plane, ordered a special-
in flight after they began reading
their success the Wright Brothers tried to
ized plane for 30,000 dollars. The world's
of Lilienthal's gliding flights in
sell their design to other governments.
first military plane was for use in the
Germany. Upon his death they vowed to
Since the brothers never made an official
Army Signal Corps. In November 1909,
continue his progress. The Wright Broth-
and public flight the governments were not
a group of wealthy Americans loaned the
ers began flying gliders near Kitty Hawk,
about to spend on something they didn't
Wright brothers money to start their own
North Carolina. For 4 years they made
even know that worked. The first person
plant. They started the Wright Company,
1000 successful gliding flights on those
to fly as a passenger was Leon Delagrange,
which quickly became the leading sup-
dunes. Unable to find an engine manu-
who rode with French pilot Henri Farman
plier of military planes. Later Wilbur died
facturer to meet their specifications of 8
from a meadow outside of Paris in 1908.
of typhoid in 1912, and Orville sold his
horsepower and engine weight of less than
Charles Furnas became the first American
portion out in 1915 to Eastern investors.
200 pounds, they decided to design and
airplane passenger when he flew with Or-
build their own engine. Aided by their bi-
ville Wright at Kitty Hawk later that year.
First scheduled air service
Early Aircraft Companies
in Florida on Jan. 1, 1914. Glenn Curtiss
cycle mechanic Charlie Taylor, they were able to build an engine that produced 12
The first scheduled air service began
horsepower. With the engine built, they
In 1905 Charles and Gabriel Voisin
had designed a plane that could take off
then faced the problem of how to build
started the world's first aircraft compa-
and land on water and thus could be built
a propeller since very little was known
ny. They two French fliers set up a fac-
larger than any plane to date because it
on the subject. Surprisingly, with their
tory outside of Paris to build the custom
did not need the heavy undercarriage
previously collected wing data, they were
planes. This was the first of many Euro-
required for landing on hard ground.
able to build accurately the engine pro-
pean companies to start.
Thomas Benoist, an auto parts maker,
pellers. Using the basic airframe of their
Glenn Curtiss in Hammondsport,
decided to build such a flying boat, or
1902 Glider, the Kitty Hawk Flyer was
New York founded the first US airplane
seaplane, built for a service across Tampa
born. After numerous improvements, and
company. This company made the first
Bay called the St. Petersburg-Tampa Air
studying how birds fly they were ready to
commerical airplane sale to the Aeronau-
Boat Line. His first passenger was ex-St.
test the Flyer out. They flipped a coin, and
tic Society of New York for 5,000 dollars.
Petersburg Mayor A.C. Pheil, who made
Wilbur won. They tested the Flyer, but the
In 1909, two other American air-
the 18-mile trip in 23 minutes, a consider-
plane crashed after a wing dipped down.
plane companies were formed. The Wright
able improvement over the two-hour trip
On December 17, 1903 it was Orville's
brotherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s established one, and Glenn Mar-
by boat or 12-hour trip by rail between
turn, which resulted in a 120-foot, 12-sec-
tin formed another. The Wright broth-
the two cities. The single-plane service ac-
ond flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.
ers had their first official public flight in
commodated one passenger at a time, and
The aircraft represented the first powered
1908. The US government, amazed by the
the company charged a one-way fare of
July-Sept 2006
$5. After operating two flights a day for four months
small airlines, but they often failed after only a few
and carrying a total of 1,205 passengers, the company
months of service. Americans viewed air travel as a
folded with the end of the winter tourist season.
dangerous sport, not a safe means of transportation.
These and other early flights were headline events, but commercial aviation was very slow to
Charles Lindbergh
catch on with the general public, most of which was
Slightly before 8 a.m. on May 21, 1927, a young
afraid to fly in the new flying machines. Improve-
pilot named Charles Lindbergh set out on an historic
ments in aircraft design also were slow. However,
flight across the Atlantic Ocean, from New York to
with the World War I, the military value of aircraft
Paris. It was the first continent-to- continent non-stop
was quickly recognized and production increased sig-
flight in an airplane, and its effect on both Lindbergh
nificantly to meet the rising demand for planes from
and aviation was enormous. Lindbergh became an in-
governments. Most significant was the development
stant American hero. Aviation became a more estab-
of more powerful motors, enabling aircraft to reach
lished industry, attracting millions of private invest-
speeds of up to 130 mph, more than twice the speed
ment dollars almost overnight as well as the imagina-
of pre-war aircraft. Increased power also made bigger
tion and support of millions of Americans.
aircraft possible.
The pilot that sparked all of this attention had
On the other hand, the war was bad for com-
dropped out of engineering school at the University
mercial aviation in several ways. It focused all design
of Wisconsin to learn how to fly. He became a barn-
and production efforts on building military aircraft.
stormer, doing aerial shows across the country, and
In the public's mind, flying became almost totally as-
eventually joined the Robertson Aircraft Corporation
sociated with bombing runs, surveillance, and aerial
to transport mail between St. Louis and Chicago.
dog fights. In addition, there was such a large surplus
In planning his transatlantic voyage, Lindbergh
of planes at the end of the war that the demand for
daringly decided to fly by himself, without a naviga-
new production was almost non-existent for several
tor, so he could carry more fuel. His plane, the Spirit
years. As a result, many aircraft builders went bank-
of St. Louis, was slightly less than 28 feet in length,
rupt. Some European countries such as Great Britain
with a wingspan of 46 feet, and it carried 450 gal-
and France helped commercial aviation by starting air
lons of gasoline that comprised half its takeoff weight.
service over the English Channel. However, nothing
There was too little room in the cockpit for navigating
similar occurred in the United States where there were
by the stars, so Lindbergh flew by dead reckoning. He
no such natural obstacles isolating major cities and
divided maps from his local library into 33 100-mile
where railroads could transport people almost as fast
segments, noting the heading he would follow as he
as an airplane, and in considerably more comfort.
flew each segment. When he first sighted the coast of
Airline Growth
Ireland, he was almost exactly on the route he had plotted, and he landed several hours later with 80 gal-
With the surplus of planes left after World War
lons of fuel to spare. The trip took an exhausting 33
I, thousands of military planes were converted to ci-
1/2 hours, but he managed to keep awake by sticking
vilian use. In 1919, bombers were being converted in
his head out the window to inhale cold air, by holding
Europe to form over twenty small new airlines. The
his eyelids open, and by constantly reminding him-
first regular international airline service was started
self that if he fell asleep he would perish. In addition,
by one of those. The company setup by Henry and
he had a slight instability built into his airplane that
Maurice Farman used old Farman bombers to make
helped keep him focused and awake.
weekly flights between Paris and Brussels.
Lindbergh landed at Le Bourget outside of Paris
By 1917, there were seventeen regularly operat-
at 10:24 p.m. Paris time on May 22. Word of his flight
ing airlines in Europe, Africa, Australian, and South
had preceded him and a large crowd of Parisians
America. Some airlines from that era that are still op-
rushed out to the airfield to see him and his little
erating include: Royal Dutch Airlines (KLM), SABENA
plane. There was no question about the magnitude
World Airlines, Lufthansa, and Qantas. In the '20s
of what he had accomplished. The air age had ar-
American aviation was quite slow. There were a few
July-Sept 2006
Michael Schumacher M
ichael Schumacher started out his racing career in the same way as all the great drivers, in karting.
At four years old his father built him a kart and soon
after enrolled him in the local kart club Kerpen Horrom. Michael's problem was that in Germany the regulations stated the minimum permissible age to obtain a kart license was 14. To get around this he obtained a Luxembourg license (obtainable from the age of 12). However in 1983 he obtained his German license and the year after he won the German Junior Kart Championship. From 1985 Schumacher drove for Eurokart dealer Adolf Neubert and once again took the title. In 1989 Michael signed with Willi Weber, whose team WTS he would drive for during 1989 and 1990 in the Formula 3 Championship. Weber paid the costs for both seasons .In the 1989 season Karl Wend linger was champion, with Michael finishing 3rd behind Heinz-Harald Frentzen. During 1990 and 1991 Schumacher moved into sports car racing, instead of the more usual step up to Formula 3000. Many managers believed this would block his progression to Formula 1, but Weber believed that exposure to professional press conferences and dealing with the cars of 700bhp would be beneficial. The Belgian Grand Prix of 1991 at Spa was Michael's debut in the world's top racing series. His lucky break came as a result of Bertrand
July-Sept 2006
and Belgian Grands Prix. Michael was also
With Damon Hill being dumped from
put under a two-race ban during the Ital-
Williams in 1997, Michael's main rival be-
ian and Portuguese GP that year. The race
came former CART champion Jacques Vil-
bans were a result of not responding to
leneuve. The Ferrari was more reliable and
a black flag at Silver stone that year. In-
a somewhat less than spectacular early
stead of coming in, he continued and won
season for Villeneuve allowed Michael to
the race - the team had hoped that a later
provide a challenge. He took 5 GP wins and
appeal would overturn his disqualifica-
at the last race of the season Michael was
tion and hence keep the victory he ob-
ahead in the championship by just one
tained. The disqualification was a result
point. Mid way through leading the race
of Michael overtaking Damon Hill on the
in Jerez, Schumacher's lap times began to
parade lap, a seemingly psychological ma-
drop off and concern was raised about the
noeuvre. In a controversial last round at
condition of his car. As Villeneuve came
the Australian GP Michael entered leading
to pass on a corner, Michael turned in on
Damon Hill by one point. On the 36th lap
him. His wheel banged the Canadian's side
Schumacher made an unbecoming mis-
pod but the Williams seemed undamaged.
take and banged the wall, damaging his
Michael wound up in a gravel trap and was
rear suspension. He made it back on the
out of the race, with Villeneuve finishing
track and as Damon Hill came to pass him
third to take the title. In a decision by the
on the next corner, Michael turned in on
FIA Schumacher was disqualified from the
the Williams car. Hill's front suspension
whole of the season as punishment for his
was badly damaged and both cars were
manoeuvre in that race.
out of the race. Hence Michael gained the Gachot being imprisoned for spraying
In 1998 the McLaren's dominating the season convincingly and Michael
CS gas into a London taxi driver's face.
The 1995 season was just as success-
was the only driver to come near them
Qualifying 7th, he unfortunately retired
ful. Schumacher now had Renault power,
to provide a challenge. With the Ferrari
on the first lap from this race with clutch
to match the Williams and he dominated
improving significantly throughput the
failure of his Jordan-Ford. Although Ed-
the season. It was marred however by
season and being particularly faster in the
die Jordan wished to sign Michael to the
several collisions between himself and
second half, Michael gained 6 wins and 5
team, Schumacher was advised by Weber
Hill. In a particularly stupid overtaking
other podiums. With the later outlawed
to act cautiously, as Jordan was to use
manoeuvre Hill took them both out of the
mini sidepod wings the Ferrari's took an
factory Yamaha power the following year.
British GP near the start of the race. Hav-
historic 1-2 at the Italian GP at Imola that
They suspected this engine might prove
ing taken 9 GP wins, Michael finished the
to be second-class and they were proved
season to take his second Championship.
Michael's accident at the British GP
The 1996 season saw Michael move to
in 1999 killed his chances of taking the
Subsequent to this Michael moved
Ferrari with a reported salary of $30 mil-
title. Prior to that it looked very prob-
to the Benetton team, replacing Roberto
lion He stated the need for a new chal-
able that he would take it. Looking back
Moreno. He competed in five grand prix
lenge as his reasoning, it being to return
on the season and the relative perfor-
that season with Nelson Piquet as team-
Ferrari to the pinnacle of motor sport. Ed-
mances of McLaren and Ferrari it seems
mate. In 1992 Schumacher was partnered
die Irvine moved from Jordan to become
likely he would have done so. The fact
with Martin Brundle and his first victory
his teammate in the same year. The Fer-
that Irvine was so close to Hakkinen in
was 1 year after his debut at Spa. Dur-
rari F310 car had poor handling and it
the championship at the end, surely in-
ing 1993 Ricardo Patrese partnered Mi-
was a testament to Michael's ability that
dicates that Schumacher would have had
chael, that being Patrese's last year in F1.
he managed to gain three wins. One of his
it wrapped up long before, had he been
Michael's second win came at the 1993
wins, at the Spanish GP of that year was a
able to compete. However he returned
Portuguese GP.
wet race and is regarded as one of the best
to drive the second two races of the sea-
In the 1994 season with an under-
drives ever. His method of attaining time
son and astounded the paddock with his
powered Ford Zetec V8 he took his first
from the car resulted in somewhat flam-
speed, leaving the pack behind. Excuses
Driver's Championship, after the death
boyant and uncharacteristic driving, with
from drivers such as Coulthard and Irvine
of Ayrton Senna at Imola. It came after
over steering etal. With a lack of competi-
included that he'd had a nice rest at home
a season of several run-ins with the FIA
tors Hill finally managed to take the world
and they were tired out after a full season
and he was disqualified from the British
July-Sept 2006
of races.w
The Hanging Garden of Babylon T
he approach to the Garden sloped like a hillside and the sev-
Nebuchadnezzar II is credited for building the legendary Hanging
eral parts of the structure rose from one another tier on tier...
Gardens. It is said that the Gardens were built by Nebuchadnez-
On all this, the earth had been piled... and was thickly planted
zar to please his wife or concubine who had been "brought up in
with trees of every kind that, by their great size and other charm,
Media and had a passion for mountain surroundings".
gave pleasure to the beholder... The water machines raised the
While the most descriptive accounts of the Gardens come
water in great abundance from the river, although no one outside
from Greek historians such as Berossus and Diodorus Siculus,
could see it.
Babylonian records stay silent on the matter. Tablets from the
Fruits and flowers... Waterfalls... Gardens hanging from
time of Nebuchadnezzar do not have a single reference to the
the palace terraces... Exotic animals... This is the picture of the
Hanging Gardens, although descriptions of his palace, the city of
Hanging Gardens of Babylon in most people's minds. It may be
Babylon, and the walls are found. Even the historians who give
surprising to know that they might have never existed except in
detailed descriptions of the Hanging Gardens never saw them.
the minds of Greek poets and historians! Situated on the east
Modern historians argue that when Alexander's soldiers reached
bank of the River Euphrates, about 50 km south of Baghdad, Iraq
the fertile land of Mesopotamia and saw Babylon, they were im-
the Babylonian kingdom flourished under the rule of the famous
pressed. When they later returned to their rugged homeland,
King, Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC). It was not until the reign of
they had stories to tell about the amazing gardens and palm trees
Naboplashar (625-605 BC) of the Neo-Babylonian dynasty that
at Mesopotamia. About the palace of Nebuchadnezzar. About the
the Mesopotamian civilization reached its ultimate glory. His son,
Tower of Babel and the ziggurats and it was the imagination of
July-Sept 2006
poets and ancient historians that blended all these elements to-
nels... These waters irrigate the whole garden saturating the roots
gether to produce one of the World Wonders.
of plants and keeping the whole area moist. Hence the grass is
It wasn't until the twentieth century that some of the mys-
permanently green and the leaves of trees grow firmly attached
teries surrounding the Hanging Gardens were revealed. Archae-
to supple branches... This is a work of art of royal luxury and its
ologists are still struggling to gather enough evidence before
most striking feature is that the labor of cultivation is suspended
reaching the final conclusions about the
above the heads of the spectators.
location of the Gardens, their irrigation
More recent archaeological excava-
system, and their true appearance. Some
tions at the ancient city of Babylon in Iraq
recent researchers even suggest that the
uncovered the foundation of the palace.
Hanging Gardens were built by Senaherib,
Other findings include the Vaulted Building
not by Nebuchadnezzar II (100 years ear-
with thick walls and irrigation well near the
southern palace. A group of archaeologists Detailed descriptions of the Gardens
surveyed the area of the southern palace
come from ancient Greek sources, includ-
and reconstructed the Vaulted Building as
ing the writings of Strabo and Philo of Byz-
the Hanging Gardens. However, the Greek
antium. The Garden is quadrangular, and
historian Strabo had stated that the gar-
each side is four plethra long. It consists of
dens were situated by the River Euphrates.
arched vaults which are located on check-
So others argue that the site is too far from
ered cube-like foundations.. The ascent of
the Euphrates to support the theory since
the uppermost terrace-roofs is made by a
the Vaulted Building is several hundreds of
meters away. They reconstructed the site of
The Hanging Garden has plants cul-
the palace and located the Gardens in the
tivated above ground level, and the roots
area stretching from the River to the Palace.
of the trees are embedded in an upper terrace rather than in the
On the river banks, recently discovered massive walls 25 m thick
earth. The whole mass is supported on stone columns... Streams
may have been stepped to form terraces... the ones described in
of water emerging from elevated sources flow down sloping chan-
Greek references. w
July-Sept 2006
Trafficking of Women & Children-II A serious threat to humanity in Nepal || Monica Rizal Lama Innocent women and children could
voluntarily to the city from the villages
It is found essential to differentiate
be trafficked and forced into prostitution.
for economic reasons and for their own
between prostitution and trafficking, as,
In other cases women may enter prostitu-
survival. Then they are trafficked from the
many laws, policies and interventions in
tion out of choice and conscious decision
city across the border with false promises
Nepal limit the definition of trafficking
making. However, they are often ignorant
of a better life and higher income earning
to only those acts involving prostitution.
of their rights and often face gross viola-
opportunities. A line between trafficking
While trafficking is a repulsive crime,
tion rights at their work place. Most wom-
and migration has to be drawn. Here it
there still is controversy whether pros-
en in sex work suffer from rights abuses
must be understood that while all traffick-
titution should be legally recognized or
and abusive working conditions and de-
ing involves migration, not all migration
not. Such action denies protection and
serve protection. The debate continues
is trafficking. Many women voluntarily
assistance to the large number of per-
and the Anti Trafficking Bill of Nepal is
choose to migrate. If such migration is
sons trafficked for other purposes such
also in the process of amendment to be
not accompanied by coercion or decep-
as other forms of forced labor and forced
more flexible and incorporate the chang-
tion and does not result in forced labor
marriages. The Anti Trafficking Bill of the
ing dynamics of trafficking.
or slavery-like conditions, it is not traf-
Trafficking and Prostitution
country focuses only on Trafficking for Prostitution. It is not prostitution that the
ficking. If trafficking against a person's Trafficking and Migration
will is a repulsive crime, then migration
anti trafficking framework should oppose
In Nepal many a times, women are
in search of employment and moving
but the violation of rights that may occur
trafficked after migration. This is a two-
from one place to another for better op-
while being involved in that work.
step process. Here the women migrate
portunities is done with one's free will. If
July-Sept 2006
26 most trafficked prone districts
Historical factors including feudalism, caste, class and ethnic hierarchies;
1. Nuwakot
10. Sindhuli
19. Chitwan
2. Dhading
11. Udaypur
20. Lalitpur
3. Sindupalchowk
12. Rasuwa
21. Kaski
such as lack of enabling policy envi-
4. Kailali
13. Nawalparasi
22. Morang
ronment including government poli-
5. Kavrepalanchowk
14. Jhapa
23. Sunsari
cies toward social development, weak
6. Makwanpur
15. Ramechap
24. Rupandehi
instruments of immigration, inefficient
7. Dang
16. Sarlahi
25. Parsa
institutional capability, Discrimination
8. Gorkha
17. Mahottari
26. Kathmandu
by the state, unstable political environ-
9. Banke
18. Dhanusha
l Political
and administrative factors
ment and insurgency-led vulnerability. At local level, trafficking involves
trafficking is a violation of human rights,
Trafficking has been spreading rampantly
deep rooted process of gender discrimi-
then migration/mobility is a person's hu-
throughout the country.
nation, lack of female education, igno-
man right. The right to move must be pro-
rance of rural population, poverty, social
tected within all anti trafficking efforts.
phenomenon crosses many caste/ ethnic
exclusion and lack of employment and
Anti Trafficking efforts should not limit
groups, those most at risk are the hill
economic opportunities. These local level
the freedom to migrate and interventions
ethnic groups and lower castes. According
factors are in turn affected by the macro-
should not view all migrating women and
to a rapid assessment survey conducted
level social changes that are changing the
girls as victims of trafficking.
by ILO/ IPEC in Nepal it was found that
way markets operate and their labor re-
However we have to realize that
47% of the respondents were the ethnic
quirements. These factors coupled with
blocking migration impinges on the rights
groups of the hills, 23.5% Brahmins,
low economic growth and weak gover-
of a citizens and it is not considered to
17.7% were the Dalits and 11.8% were
nance and lack of enforcements of anti
be an effective anti trafficking tool. Clos-
women and children from the terai belt.
trafficking instruments within the coun-
ing of borders does not effectively control
Some of the girls trafficked for sexual
try has contributed greatly towards the
trafficking. In fact, it fails to address the
exploitation is found to be very young,
increased numbers of trafficking victims
largest number of victims-those traf-
as young as 9 years of age. However
over the past few years. Domestic vio-
ficked within the country. In today's era
majority of the girls are trafficked victims
lence towards women and the systematic
of growing economic inequality, people
fall within the age group of 13-17, which
gender discrimination makes women par-
often need to migrate to urban areas or
means all of them are minors and in need
ticularly vulnerable to being trafficked.
richer countries in order to earn a liveli-
of protection.
hood. When borders are closed, despera-
These factors combined with growing globalization are changing peoples
tion and desire will drive victims into the
Causes of Trafficking in Women and Chil-
fundamental expectations of life and
arms of traffickers. In fact, a victims sta-
what basic needs are. There is increased
tus as an illegal migrant is often a very
The root cause of trafficking in
evidence in Nepal of feminization of pov-
effective tool in the hands of traffickers,
women and children in Nepal are complex
erty and this is increasing the number of
leaving the migrant vulnerable to further
and numerous.
female migration. Although there are no
coercion and abuse. It is therefore, necessary to focus
These include:
studies to show correlation of these fac-
factors such as poverty, ru-
tors there is general agreement within the
interventions that address the abuse of
ral indebtedness, food scarcity, unem-
country that these factors are responsible
human rights occurring during migration
ployment, market disparities;
for increasing voluntary migration hence
Social and cultural factors including
increasing the chances of trafficking.Some
the lack of appropriate legislation
strategic gaps that need critical strength-
and an undetermined level official
ening are:
Origin and Age of Trafficked Wom-
complicity in trafficking, and, cultural
Information and database
en and Children
norms, the practice of bigamy and po-
Legislation and enforcement
The Ministry of Women, Children
lygamy, physical and sexual abuse at
Monitoring and evaluation
and Social Welfare has identified 26 dis-
home, gender and ethnic discrimina-
Research and study
tricts as the main prone districts and were
tion are also significant contributing
considered as sending districts. However,
or at the workplace, rather than migration itself.
July-Sept 2006
l Economic
Cross-border alliances and bilateral
understanding with India. w
f o r m e n
Guys, isn't it annoying that all the healthy news and diet seems to be geared for the ladies? Well, here it’s about time we paid you a bit of special attention for a change. We know that you all like to pamper yourselves occasionally (go on, admit it!) and you need to look after yourself and your health too! So Top 10 Foods for Men and don’t worry, it’s not all boring old cabbage and lettuce – you might find a few surprises in there! 1. Garlic: This smelly little number is literally packed full of
5. Steak: Red meat is a great source of zinc, vitamin B12 and
goodness! It has anti-cancer compounds, antibacterial and
iron. Zinc is involved in hundreds of body functions, from
decongestant properties to keep coughs and colds at bay, and
producing DNA to the sense of taste. Vitamin B12 also has
photochemical, which help lower cholesterol and prevent
many functions including energy release and iron is essential
blood clots. You can add it during cooking to practically any
for carrying oxygen from the lungs all around the body. If
savoury dish, or, if you’re not mad about the distinctive taste
you’re a bit of an athlete or enjoy working out, you need to
(or smell), pop a whole clove of garlic in the oven while you’re
get these nutrients. But choose leaner cuts of meat and avoid
cooking a pizza. Roast garlic is soft and can be spread like
cheaper products such as burgers and pies as these are very
butter but has a much more mellow flavour. 2.
high in saturated fat.
Tomato Ketchup: Tomatoes are rich in the antioxidant ly-
6. Milk: What more could a body ask for? Milk is one of our
copene. Research has shown that lycopene may be important
main sources of calcium and low intakes of calcium have been
in preventing heart disease and many cancers, especially
linked with heart disease, colon cancer . Osteoporosis is not
prostate cancer. Unusually for a nutrient, lycopene is even
just a disease that affects older women - 1 in 12 men now suf-
more potent in cooked tomatoes than raw ones, so adding a
fer from osteoporosis so it’s vital to have an adequate calcium
dollop of ketchup to those fries isn’t the worst thing in the
intake. Choose semi-skimmed or skimmed milk for a low fat
world. However, because of the salt and sugar content of
source of calcium, with protein too.
commercial ketchup, look at including other rich sources of
7. Nuts and Seeds: All you tough nuts out there, take note!
lycopene into your diet – add tomato puree to a stew or cas-
These little goodies are crammed full of vitamins and miner-
serole, tomato soup, tomato-based pasta sauce or Bolognese
als. Brazil nuts are especially high in magnesium and seleni-
and even top pizza with extra tomato slices.
um – an antioxidant that helps prevent heart disease, cancer
3. Broccoli: Men need folate or folic acid as this can lower
and protects prostate health. Sprinkle seeds such as linseed
the levels of an amino acid in the blood called homocysteine.
or flaxseed over your cereal to pack in more goodness, snack
High homocysteine levels are associated with increased risk
on a small handful of nuts instead of crisps or top your toast
of heart disease and stroke. Broccoli is also loaded with vita-
with peanut butter.
min C, beta-carotene, potassium and a phytochemical called
8. Bananas: This crazy fruit will boost your energy as well as
sulphoraphane, which helps reduce the risk of cancer. If you
boosting your potassium levels. You need potassium to regu-
just can’t face a big pile of broccoli at the side of your plate,
late your nerves, heartbeat and blood pressure. Bananas can
mix it into pasta sauce , cover it with chilli sauce and have
also be useful hangover cures after a night on the town!
with noodles or even put it on top of pizza It’s important to
9. Potatoes: Good old spuds! Cheap and cheerful, boiled or
eat a wide variety of as they are all packed with antioxidants
baked, they never fail to fill you up. They’re also packed full
and other disease-fighting compounds.
of vitamin C, along with lots of other vitamins and minerals.
4. Oily Fish: Fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel and herring
Eat the skin for fibre and go easy on the chipped variety!
contain essential fatty acids, like Omega-3 and Omega-6,
10. Beer: That’s right! Beer contains phytochemicals that have
which have been proven to be beneficial in preventing heart
been shown to help prevent heart disease. It may also aid
disease, some cancers, arthritis and depression. Mackerel is
digestion by encouraging acid production in the stomach and
an especially rich source of selenium. Research at Cornell Uni-
moderate alcohol intake as part of a healthy diet is associated
versity found those taking selenium supplements (200 mcg
with lower incidence of heart disease. BUT WAIT! This doesn’t
daily) had 63% fewer prostate cancers and 39% lower cancer
give you licence to become a lager lout! Remember that these
rate overall. So try to have oily fish at least twice each week,
effects are only seen in moderate drinkers – that’s no more
whether it’s tuna sandwiches, a nice grilled salmon steak with
than 2 units per day . High intakes will undo all the goodness
a mound of mashed potatoes or a rice dish such as kedgeree.
so try not to get carried away!
July-Sept 2006
Know Yourself  1. Pick your favorite color
out of the following: A.
New York
C. East Africa - Curious
Question number ONE:
Spain - Mysterious
New York - Busy
C. East Africa
Red - Adventurous
Montana -
Orange - Fun
Country Girl/Boy
Yellow - Sweet
Green - Wacky
Question number
Blue - Romantic
4. Pick your favorite instru-
F. Purple
2. Pick your favorite animal
A. B.
out of the following:
C. Electric Guitar
3. Pick your desired honeymoon spot:
Violin - Intellectual
B. Piano - Popular Question number TWO:
5. Pick your favorite soft
E. Parrot F.
F. Purple - Mysterious
B. Piano A.
Cat - Feminine
Dog - Loving
C. Electric Guitar - Wacky D.
Drums - Wild
Fish - Boring
Question number
Snake - Boyish
Dr. Pepper
E. Parrot - Annoying
Sprite - Wacky
Coca Cola,
Coca Cola - Wild
Mouse - Brainy
Dr. Pepper - Popular
D. Pepsi,
Question number THREE:
D. Pepsi - Fun
Mountain Dew.
Hawaii - Romantic
Mountain Dew - Athletic
JOKES A Rich old man, who inherited all his money from his father, one day asks his young wife: "Honey, would you still have
***** Blonde reports for her university final exam which consists
married me if my father didn't leave me with all this money?" His
of mainly true and false questions. She takes her seat in the
wife smiles gently and answers: "Sure honey, you know I would
examination hall, stares at the question paper for five minutes,
marry you no matter who gave you the money".
and then in a fit of inspiration takes her purse out, removes a
***** The day after his wife disappeared in a kay king accident,
coin and starts tossing the coin and marking the answer sheet: true for heads and false for tails. Within thirty minutes she is
an Anchorage man answered his door to find two grim-faced
all done, whereas the rest of the class is still working furiously.
Alaska State Troopers.
During the last few minutes, she is seen desperately throwing
"We're sorry Mr. Wilkins, but we have some information
the coin, swearing and sweating. The moderator, alarmed, ap-
about your wife," said one trooper. "Tell me! Did you find her?!"
proaches her and asks what is happening. "I finished the exam
Wilkins shouted.
in a half hour," she replies. "And as I have more time left, I'm
The troopers looked at each other. One said, "We have
rechecking my answers."
some bad news, some good news, and some really great news. Which do you want to hear first?" Fearing the worst, an ashen Mr. Wilkins said, "Give me the bad news first."
***** A taxi passenger tapped the driver on the shoulder to ask him a question. The driver screamed, lost control of the car, nearly hit a bus, went up on the footpath, and stopped centimeters
The trooper said, "I'm sorry to tell you, sir, but this morn-
from a shop window. For a second everything went quiet in the
ing we found your wife's body in Kachemak Bay." "Oh my God!"
cab, then the driver said, "Look mate, don't ever do that again.
exclaimed Wilkins. Swallowing hard, he asked, "What's the good
You scared the daylights out of me!" The passenger apologized
news?" The trooper continued, "When we pulled her up, she
and said, "I didn't realize that a little tap would scare you so
had 12 twenty-five pound king crabs and 6 good-size Dungeness
much." The driver replied, "Sorry, it's not really your fault. To-
crabs clinging to her." Stunned, Mr. Wilkins demanded, "If that's
day is my first day as a cab driver - I've been driving a funeral
the good news, what's the great news?" The trooper said, "We're
van for the last 25 years.
going to pull her up again tomorrow."
July-Sept 2006
gift VOUCHER Awards Chart Required Mileage Points for Gold Member 1250 1875 3125 5000
Required Mileage Points for Platinum Member 1110 1665 2775 4445
Name of Partners Organization 1 2
3 4
Marks Clothing-Dharma Path-New Road Reebok Show Room - Share Market Complex, Putalisadak Reebok Show Room - Durbar Marg Growth - Children Wear - Ranjana Galli, New Road
5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Amount in Rs. 1,000.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 4,000.00
Tea House - Nagarkot Hotel View Bhrikuti - Godavari Mirable Resort - Dhulikhel Trek O' Tea Hotel - Pokhara Green Mansions - Chitwan
The following companies will provide special discount to royal members on the presentstion of the ROYALCLUB cards
July-Sept 2006
July-Sept 2006
Muktinath Encountering Nature and Culture || Surace Dhakal
July-Sept 2006
uktinath, 3,802 m (12,475 ft.) is one of the most famous tourist destinations for domestic and international visitors; a pilgrimage site for both Hindus and Budhists. A usual and easier way to get there is to take a plane to Jomsom, the largest village of Mustang and district-headquarter. Then follows an exciting a 2 days trek to Muktinath. Ferociously blowing winds, tough and rocky trails along the dry riverbeds make the trekking tougher, but eventually turn out to be a memorable life time achievement. Crossing all traditional settlements, religious sites, ruins of ancient fortress, one finds heavenly contentment to reach Muktinath. Trekking to Muktinath is a rich experience, both in terms of encourntering unique cultures and unique natures.
July-Sept 2006
6f]gL An]o/sf] sfof{no 3]bf{ .. 1fg/fh /fO{÷nG8gdf
nfotL ;f+;bx¿nfO{ jf:tjdf Pp6f e|d ®x]5– uf]vf{nLx¿sf ;a} s'®f ldln;s], ;d:of ;dfwg eO;Sof] . t® o;kfln eL;L ®fdaxfb'®;lxt ;+oQ' m la|l6z e"tk"j{ uf]vf{ ;}lgs ;+3sf] xfd|f] & ;b:oLo 6f]nLn] u®]sf] @* lbg nfdf] nG8g e|d0fsf qmddf pgLx¿df /x]sf]] e|d 6'6g\ k'Uof] . uPsf] & h'gdf t a]nfotL ;+;b\ ejgleq} la|l6z uf]vf{af®]df 7"nf] ax; eof] . ;f+;b aj ®;]nn] eg]– xfdL uf]vf{nLsf] ;d:of tLg xKtfb]lv tLg dlxgfsf] aLrdf jf®sf kf® agfp“5f} + . clxn];Dd xfdLnfO{ s'n ^ ;o %( hgf a]nfotL ;f+;bdWo] ! ;o #@ hgfn] kq
n]vs a'4
July-Sept 2006
k|jf;af6 k7fP® la|l6z uf]vf{sf] cfGbf]ngk|lt P]Soa4tf hgfO;s]sf 5g\ . dnfO{ Hofb} v';L nfu]sf] 5, o;kfln uf]vf{sf] kIfdf a]nfotdf k|fKt ckf® : gx] nfO{ lnP® . xfdLn] d] @@ sf lbg a]nfotsf k|wfgdGqL 6f]gL An]o®sf] sfof{no 6]g 8fplgª :6«L6 glhs} y]D; gbLsf] lsgf®fdf ®x]sf] uf]vf{ : tDedf uP® uf]vf{nLsf] ;flnsdf >4f~hnL klg JoQm u¥of+ } . Tolt a]nf a]nfotL ;f+;bx¿ klg x'gx' G' Yof] . xfdLn] k|wfgdGqLsf] sfof{nocufl8 ! 306f !% ldg]6 wgf{ klg lbof} + . a]nfotsf k|x®Ln] klg xfdLnfO{ ;fy lbP . ;f+;bx¿ klg Toxf“ pkl:yt lyP . xfdLn] k|wfgdGqLs} ;lrjnfO{ 1fkgkq klg lbof}+ . pgn] xfdLnfO{ ;sf®fTds hjfkm lbP . xfd|f] dfu a]nfot;“u ;dfg k]G;g eGg] k|dv ' xf] . To;}u®L 5f]®f5f]®LnfO{ k9\g] Joj: yf, pkbfgnufotsf] Ifltk"lt{sf] s'®f klg 5 . :jf:Yo ;'ljwf lbg'k5{, xfdLn] e"k" la|l6z uf]vf{nfO{ js{kld{6 lbOg'k¥of] eg]sf]df a]nfotn] s]xLnfO{ cfjf;Lo le;f g} lbg yfn]sf] 5 . xfdL ;a}n] kfpg'k5{ eGg] xfd|f] dfu xf] . ef®t–g]kfn
xfdLn] eg]sf ;a} dfu k"/f ePdf !) va{ ?lkof“eGbf a9L g]kfn lelqG5 . h;n] ;du|df /fHonfO{ g} kmfObf k'U5 . xfdL o;df nflu/x]sf 5f}+ t/ g]kfn ;/sf/n] a]nfot;“u h;/L s8fOsf ;fy s'/f /fVg'kg]{ xf] Tof] /fVg ;s]sf] kfOPsf] 5}g . a]nfotL ;f+;bx¿n] g} xfdL;“u eg]– tkfO{+x¿sf] ;/sf/n] g} s]xL geg]/ o:tf] ePsf] xf]
July-Sept 2006
® a]nfotaLr ;g\ !($& df ePsf] lqkIfLo ;lGw %( jif{ eO;s]sfn] k'®fgf] ef] . o;nfO{ ;do;fk]If agfpg'k5{ eGg] xfd|f] dfu 5 . xfdLn] a]nfot ® g]kfn b'jl} t®sf] gful®stf kfpg'k5{ . xfdLn] eg]sf ;a} dfu k"®f ePdf !) va{ ?lkof“eGbf a9L g]kfn lelqG5 . h;n] ;du|df ®fHonfO{ g} kmfObf k'U5 . xfdL o;df nflu®x]sf 5f}+ t® g]kfn ;®sf®n] a]nfot;“u h;®L s8fOsf ;fy s'®f ®fVg'kg]{ xf] Tof] ®fVg ;s]sf] kfOPsf] 5}g . a]nfotL ;f+;bx¿n] g} xfdL;“u eg]– tkfO{x+ ¿sf] ;®sf®n] g} s]xL geg]® o:tf] ePsf] xf] . @)#@ ;fndf la|l6z uf]vf{df k|j]z u®]sf] d vf]6fªu] ®fO{ !* jif{;Dd hflu® vfP® clxn] cjsfzk|fKt lhGbuL latfO®x]sf] 5' . k]G;gnufotsf] ;dfgtfsf] cfGbf]ngsf nflu sf7df8f}–+ nG8g ug]{ vr{ h'6fpg g} d}n] nlntk'®sf] ;'gfsf]7Ll:yt 3® g} a]Rg'k¥of] . clxn] ef8fdf a:b} cfPsf] 5', lkmlnlkgf] >LdtL ® cfdf;“u . ;fyLx¿sf] C0f !$ nfv ltg'{ lyof],
g]kfndf ;Sg] l:ylt gePkl5 O®fsdf ;d]t uP® ^ dlxgf hflu® vfP“ . hflu® ®fd|f] lyof] . dlxgfsf] # nfv;Dd sdfO x'GYof] . d]®f s]xL ;fyL cem} pt} sfd ul®®x]sf 5g\ . O®fsdf sfd ubf{ ;fx|} 8®dbf]{ lyof] . htftt} adaf®L . xfd|f] x]8Sjf6{® ePsf] 7fp“d} Ps lbg adaf®L ePsf] lyof] . afn–afn alrof] . u'Gb|s ' vfP® x'ss {] f] dfG5] a? g]kfn cfP® u'Gb|s ' vfP®} a:5' eg]® cfOof] . g]kfn ;®sf®n] rf≈of] ® a]nfot;“u s'®f ®flvlbof] eg] xfd|f] ;dfgtfsf] n8fO“n] kf® kfpg ;S5 . xfdL k|of; hf®L ®fV5f} + . s]xL ePg eg] uf]vf{nL uLt ufp“b} n}grf}®l:yt la|l6z b"tfjf;df wgf{ lbg hfG5f} + . s;}n] s]xL ;'gg] , s]xL nfu]g eg] t s] ug'{ < nG8gsf] cfjf;Lo eL;f;Dd rflx“ d;d]t sltkon] kfpg] ePsf 5f},+ pt} uP® lhGbuL u'hfg'{ knf{ . o;kfln xfdLn] nG8gdf 6f]gL An]o®sf] sfof{no 3]¥of} + . km]l® klg xfd|f] nG8g ld;g hf®L ®xG5 . s;f] ;kmn gxf]Onf t s'g} lbg < -®fO{ la|l6z uf]vf{sf cjsfz k|fKt ;fh]G{ 6 x'g_\
g]kfn–ef/t ;DaGwdf cfz / qf; g]
kfn / ef/t ljZjd} cgf}7f] ;DaGw ePsf d'ns ' x'g\ . ckl/jt{gLo e"uf]nsf] lgs6tf t 5“b5} , To;afx]s v'Nnf l;dfgf, wfld{s / ;f+:s[lts ;DaGw k/Dk/fb]lv g} alnof];u “ uf“l;Psf 5g\ . of] klg ;To xf] ls g]kfnsf] ljsf;df ef/tn] pNn]Vo ;xof]u u/]sf] 5 . ljsf; lgdf{0fsfo{df ef/tsf zt{ aGb]h lgs} cK7]/f x'g] gu/]sf eg] xf]Ogg\ . t/, k"j{ k|wfgdGqL s[i0fk|;fb e66/fO{n] eg] em}+ -x]g; {' ,\ egfO bfof“ k[i7df_Psn] csf{sf] clxt lrtfPdf To;n] s;}sf] klg kmfObf ub}g { . of] ;DaGwsf uf“7fx? w]/l} t/ sl;Psf 5g\ . h;sf af/]df hlt n]Vbf klg ;fob sd g} x'G5 . ofqfn] o;kfln oxL ;DaGwnfO{ ;+If]kdf s]nfpg] k|of; u/]sf] 5 . of] ;DaGwdf g]kfnnfO{ ;xof]usf] cfzf 5 / ef/tnfO{ klg cfk\mgf] ;'/Iff ;+jb] gzLntfnfO{ g]kfnn] a'lemb]cf];\ eGg] cfzf 5 . qf; o; cy{df 5ls g]kfnaf6 ef/tdf of ef/taf6 g]kfndf s'g} pRr:t/sf] e|d0f x'b“ f ef/tn] sxf“ km;fpg] xf] eGg] cfz+sf ;w}+ /xg] u5{ . clg qf; o;df klg 5, x[lts /f]zg sf08h:tf] 36gf If0fe/d} pTkGg x'g ;S5 / 7"nf] wghgsf] Iflt x'g ;S5 . clg cfO;L— *!$ ljdfg ckx/0fh:tf 36gfdf lgbf]i{ f g]kfnLnfO{ cft+ssf/L eg]/ af/Daf/ nv]6g \ ; ] Ddsf sfd ef/tLo ;dfrf/ Rofgnaf6 lgn{Hh 9+un] x'g] u5{ . of] ;+jb] gzLntfnfO{ x]bf{ lsg geGg] < g]kfn–ef/t ;DaGwdf cfz / qf; b'j} 5 . t/, qf;nfO{ eGbf klg PSsfO;f}+ ztfAbLsf] of] ;DaGwdf cfzf / ljZjf;nfO{ a9fjf lb+bf g} b'jn } fO{ kmfObf x'G5 . cfly{s dxfzlQmsf] lbzftkm{ cufl8 al9/x]sf] ef/t l5d]sLx?d} sf]kefhgsf] lzsf/ aGbf pm :jo+nfO{ ;d]t To;n] lgZro g} d4t ub}g { . p;n] cfkm"df pbf/ efj b]vfpg ;Sg'k5{ / g]kfnn] To;sf] ;d'lrt pkof]u . ofqfsf nflu n]vgfy clwsf/L cufl8 n]V5g\—
;+of]u g} dfGg'k5{– ;ft bn ® dfcf]jfbLaLr …ut d+l;® dlxgfdf ePsf] afx| a'b“ ] ;dembf®Ln] d'ns ' nfO{ clxn] lgsf;sf] l8ndf k'¥ofPsf] 5 eg] k|wfgdGqL lul®hfk|;fb sf]O®fnfsf] ef®t e|d0fsf qmddf -h'g ^–(_ ef®t;“u ;d]t afx|ab“' ] ;dembf®L g} ePsf] 5 . dfcf]jfbL;“usf] afx|ab“' ] ;dembf®Ln] cfGtl®s d'2f lsgf®fdf d2t u®]h:t} ef®t;“usf] afx|ab“' ] ;dembf®Ln] cGt®f{li6«o b[li6sf]0fnfO{ g]kfnsf] cg's"n agfpg d2t k'¥ofPsf] 5 . tLglt®af6 g]kfnnfO{ 3]®s ] f] ef®tsf] ;dembf®L g]kfnsf] ;d:of ;dfwfgsf nflu dxŒjk"0f{ dfGg] ul®Psf] 5, h'g :jfefljs klg xf] . hg:t®df Jofks ;DaGw, ;f+:s[lts ;fdGh:otf, v'Nnf ;Ldfh:tf sltko sf®0fn] ubf{ g]kfndf xfjf rNbf ptf kft xlNng' / ef/tdf xfjf rNbf g]kfndf kft xlNng' :jfefljs xf] . cyf{ t \ g] k fn s' g } klg ;d:ofdf hsl8Pdf To;af6 ef®t;d]t k|efljt aG5 eGg] s'®f lglj{jfb ;To xf] .
dfcf]jfbL ljb|fx] ;dfwfgsf nflu clxn]sf] kl®k|I] odf vf;u®L xltof® Joj:yfkgdf ;+oQ' m ®fi6«;+3sf] e"ldsf vf]hL eO®x]sf] cj: yf 5 . o;af®]df ;®sf®–dfcf]jfbLaLr c;f® @, @)^# df ePsf] cf7a'b“ ] ;dembf®Ldf b'j} kIfn] ®fi6«;3+ nfO{ af]nfpg] eg]sf 5g\ . t® g]kfnsf] ;d:of ;dfwfgsf nflu ®fi6«;3+ sf] pkl:yltnfO{ lnP® ef®t ;w}+ ;z+lst x'g] u®]sf] atfO“b} cfPsf] 5 . oBlk o;kfln ef®tn] xltof® Joj:yfkgsf nflu g]kfndf ;+o'Qm ®fi6«;+3sf] pkl:yltnfO{ k|wfgdGqL sf]O®fnfsf] ef®t e|d0fsf qmddf …lu|g l;UgnÚ lbPsf] 5 . oxL …lu|g l;UgnÚ kl5 dfcf]jfbL ® ;®sf®aLr ePsf] lzv®jftf{df ®fi6«;+3 Nofpg]af®]df ;xdlt x'g ;s]sf] 5 . o;cl3 bn–dfcf]jfbL afx|ab“' ] ;dembf®Ldf klg ef®tsf] ;sf®fTds wf®0ff cfPsf] lyof] . clxn] cd]l®sf, a]nfot, o'®f]kn ] L ;+3, ;+oQ' m ®fi6«;3+ nufotsf lgsfon] klg g]kfnaf®]df ef®t;“u k®fdz{ ul®®x]sf] a]nfdf g]kfndf ljsl;t 36gfqmdaf®]
cGt®f{li6«o ;d'bfonfO{ ;dembf®Ldf ®fVg' ;®sf®sf] st{JocGtu{t g} k|wfgdGqL sf]O®fnfn] ef®t e|d0f ug'e { Psf] lyof] . oL eP tTsfn g]kfnsf] åGå ;dfwfgsf nflu ef®tnufotsf cGt®f{li6«o ;d'bfo;“u ;dembf®L ®fVg] kxn . ef®tsf] rl®qaf®]df ljutdf z+sf JoQm ul®“b} cfP klg dfcf]jfbL ljb|fx] sf] ;dfwfgsf lbzfdf eg] ef®t o; k6s ;sf®fTds b]lvPsf] 5 . ef/tsf k|wfgdGqL 8f dgdf]xgl;+xn] o; cl3sf] k|f6] f]sn ljkl/t k|wfgdGqL sf]O/fnfnfO{ ljdfg: ynd} uP/ : jfut ug'n { ] klg of] s'/fsf] ;+st] u/]sf] 5 . g]kfnsf] dfcf]jfbL;“u lgs6 ;DaGw ®x]sf ef®tsf] Pd;L;L ® kL8ANo"hLnufotsf ;+u7gnfO{ ;d]t g]kfnsf dfcf]jfbLnfO{ em}+ d"nwf®df Nofpg ;lsg] ck]Iff ef®tn] ;d]t u®]sf] x'gk' 5{ . dfcf]jfbL hgo'4 ;'? gx'b“ } ef®tdf sDo'lg:6 36sx¿sf] ljb|fx] ;'? ePsf] xf] . h'g ef®tnfO{ ;d]t 6fpsf] b'vfOsf] ljifo ePsf] 5 . ca g]kfnL dfcf]jfbLsf] l;sf] ub}{ a'4
July-Sept 2006
‘;DaGwnfO{ k};fdf bf“Hg'x'“b}g’
sf] s] rfxG5g\ < g]kfnL dfGotf – – – – – –
;'®Iff 5ftfdf ®fVg x'b“ g} . c;dfg ;lGw vf®]h x'gk' 5{ . ;Ldf Jojl:yt ug'k{ 5{ . g]kfndf js{kld{6 nfu" x'gk' 5{ . ®fxbfgL Joj:yf ug'k{ 5{ . e'6fgL z®0ffyL{ ;d:of ;dfwfg x'gk' 5{ . – hn;|f]t pkof]udf g]kfnnfO{ lrQa'‰bf] jftfj®0f agfOg'k5{ . – g]kfnL pTkfbgnfO{ ef®tn] cfkm\gf] gfsfdf lj£gafwf kfg'x{ b“' g} . – 7"nbfO k|jl[ Q TofUg'k5{ .
ef/tLo dfGotf – ;'®Iff dfldnfdf g]kfnn] ef®t;“u ;Nnfx ug'k{ 5{ . – ;'®Iff ® hn;|ft] ;xof]u ;g\ !(%) sf] ;lGwdf cfwfl®t x'gk' 5{ . – ef®tnfO{ g;f]wL xftxltof® cGoaf6 Nofpg' x'b“ g} . – kfls:tfgL u'Ktr® ;+:yf -cfO{P;cfO{_ sf] ultljlw g]kfndf ®f]lsg'k5{ . – dfcf]jfbL zlQmdf cfPkl5 pgLx¿sf ef®tl:yt ldq;+u7gnfO{ ;xof]u ug'{ x'b“ g} . – ef®tlj®f]wL lqmofsnfk g]kfnL e"lddf x'gx' G' g .
–k|wfgdGqL lul/hfk|;fb sf]O/fnf g]kfn–ef®t ;DaGwnfO{ k} ; f;“ u dfq x]®®] bf“Hg] ul®Psf] 5 . t® dnfO{ To:tf] nfUb}g . ;DaGw ;'b9[ ug{ klg o:tf e|d0fn] d2t ub{5 . e|d0f s:tf] eof] eGg] s'®f t hgtfn] eGg] s'®f xf] t® d]®f] ljrf®df e|d0f Hofb} pknlAwd"ns ePsf] 5 . ef®t g]kfndf zflGt :yfkgf xf];\ eGg] rfxG5 . g]kfnsf] zflGt k|lqmofdf ;+oQ' m ®fi6«;3+ nfO{ dWo:ytfsf] e"ldsfdf xf]Og ls kl5 xltof® Joj:yfkgsf nflu ;xefuL u®fOg'k5{ eGg] ef®tsf] dfGotf ®x]sf] d}n] kfP“ . zflGt k|lqmofdf g]kfnL g} ;Ifd 5g\ eGg] wf®0ff pxf“x¿n] ®fVg'ePsf] 5 . gof“lbNnLdf dnfO{ h'g lx;fan] ;Ddfg lbOof] Tof] dnfO{ geP® xfn} g]kfndf ePsf] hgcfGbf]ngk|lt ef®tn] b]vfPsf] ;Ddfg xf] . g]kfnL hgtfk|lt b]vfPsf] ;Ddfg xf] . -ef®t e|d0faf6 kms]®{ @^ h]7 @)^# ljdfg:yndf ;~rf®sdL{;u“ s'®f ub}_{
‘cfk\mg} clxt x'G5’ ef®tLo dfcf]jfbL klg d"nwf®df cfp“5g\ ls eGg] ef®tsf] cfzfnfO{ gfhfoh eGg g;lsg] eP klg Tolt ;xh eg] 5}g . df3 !( otf hgcfGbf]ng– @ kf® gnfu'~h]n;Dd g]kfn;“u ef®tsf] ;DaGw Tolt ®fd|f] ®x]g . ;}Go ;xof]u ®f]lsPsf] lyof], cfly{s ;xof]u klg vf; pNn]vgLo lyPg . ef®tn] hgcfGbf]ng pTsif{df k'lu®x]s} a]nf ljz]if b"tsf ¿kdf 8f= s®0f l;+xnfO{ k7fP® ®fhf ® bnaLr ;+jfb u®]sf] lyof] . s®0f l;+xsf] ;"q ;ft bnnfO{ ;®sf® agfpg lbg] eGg] s'®f dfq} lyof] . t® hgcfGbf]ngn] Ps sbd cl3 a9]® k|ltlglw;ef k'g:yf{kgf;Ddsf] af6f] to u¥of], To;}n] a}zfv * ut]sf] zfxL ;Daf]wgnfO{ @ 306fkl5 g} :jfut ug]{ ef®tn] @$ 306f glaTb} cfkm\gf] g]kfn gLlt abn]® g]kfnsf hgtf h] rfxG5g\ ToxL g} ef®tsf] g]kfn gLlt eGof] . p;n] …6\jLg lkNn® kf]ln;LÚ Tofu]sf] ;d]t Tolta]n} atfof] . a}zfv ( ut] ®flt gof“lbNnLdf kqsf® ;Dd]ng ub}{ ef®tsf ljb]z;lrj Zofd z®0fn] eg]– g]kfnLn] g} ;+jw} flgs ®fhtGq ® ax'bnLo k|hftGq dfg]sfn] To;nfO{ xfdLn] g]kfn gLlt agfPsf xf+ +} . t® ca g]kfnLn] dfGb}gg\ eg] xfdL klg g]kfnL h] rfxG5g\ To;}adf]lhd rN5f} + . ef®tsf] g]kfn gLltdf cfPsf] of] Pp6f pNn]Vo kl®jt{g lyof] . cyf{t\ h] ljifodf klg x:tIf]k u®]sf], g]kfnsf gLltlgdf{tfnfO{ grfPsf] a'4
July-Sept 2006
eGg] cf®f]k nfu]sf] ef®t g]kfnL hgdtsf cufl8 @$ 306fdf g} cfkm\gf] gLlt abNg afWo ePsf] lyof] . s"6gLlt1x¿sf cg';f® of] Pp6f o:tf] klg ;+st] xf] ls s'g} klg ljifodf g]kfnL g]tT[ jn] cfjZos u[xsfo{;lxt Pp6} wf®0ff ®fv]sf] v08df ef®tn] To;nfO{ gfO eGg ;Sg] l:ylt gx'b“ f] /x]5 . gof“ kl®l:yltk|lt ef®t bflxgf g} ePsf] dx;'; ul®P klg ef®t;“u ljleGg vfn] z+sf–pkz+sf x®]s sbd–sbddf e]l6g] u®]sf 5g\ . o;cl3sf] ;®sf®n] ;d]t ef®tnfO{ ®fhL agfpg vf]h] klg Tof] c;kmn ePsf] lyof] . ®fhf clk|msf e|d0faf6 kms{b+ f ef®tsf k|wfgdGqLaf®] ljdfg:yndf l6Kk0fL ub}{ pxf“ 7"nf] …:6]6:\ DofgÚ ePsf] eGb} k|z; + f ug'{ To;}sf] k|df0f lyof] . t® g]kfnL hgdt e8\sn ] f eg]® Tolta]nf ef®tn] v'n:t 9+un] ;dy{g ug{ ;s]sf] lyPg . o;f] x'b“ fx'b“ } klg s]xL ;}GohGo ;fdu|L g]kfnnfO{ pknAw u®fPsf] lyof] . g]kfn ® ef®taLr w]®} ;dfgtfsf afah'b au|N] tL ;d:of klg 5g\ . ;g\ !(%) sf] ;lGw vf®]h ug'k{ 5{ eGg] g]kfnL hgdt 5fofdf kb}{ cfPsf] 5 . pQm ljifo ;g\ !((% df klxnf] k6s tTsfnLg k|wfgdGqL dgdf]xg clwsf®Ln] ef®t;“u :ki6 9+un] ®fVg'eP klg clxn];Dd ljb]z;lrj :t®df Pp6f ;ldlt agfpg]afx]s s]xL sfd ePsf] 5}g . To; ljifodf ljb]z
– s[i0fk|;fb e§/fO{, k"jk{ w| fgdGqL g]kfn ® ef®tsf] ;DaGw o:tf] 5 ls s'g} klg Pp6f ®fi6«n] csf] { s f] clxt ug{ vf]h®] l6Sg ;Sb}g . g]kfnn] klg ef®tsf] clxt ug{ ;Sb}g, cfkm\g} clxt x'G5 . ef®tn] klg g]kfnsf] clxt ug{ vf]hd] f p;sf] klg clxt x'G5 . To;}n] of] ;DaGwnfO{ ldnfP® cl3 a9\g' cfjZos 5 . cfk;L lxt g} x]g{' h?®L 5 . -ofqf k|ltlglwsf] ;d]t pkl:yltdf k"jk{ d| e§®fO{n] ef®tLo ;f+;bx¿;“u ®fVg'ePsf] wf®0ff ._
‘ef/t klg 8'A5’ –;'jf; g]Djfª, ;efd'v g]kfn ® ef®tsf] ;DaGw k®:k® uf“l;Psf] 5 . g]kfndf af9L cfp“bf ef®t klg 8'A5 eGg] s'®f dfq} xf]Og, g]kfnsf ;d:of ;dfwfg ug{ ef®tn] rf;f] glbPdf To;af6 ef®t klg ;“u;“u} 8'A5 . g]kfn–ef®t Pp6} 8'u+ fdf 5g\ eGbf klg x'G5 . g]kfndf hgcfGbf]ng– @ ;kmn kfg{ pxf“x¿n]
cfj/0f ;lrj:t®sf] a}7s ga;]sf] klg $ jif{ k"®f eO;s]sf] 5 . !(%) sf] ;lGwdf ;lGwsf] wf®f @ ® & tyf ;“u} k7fOPsf] kqsf] a'b“ f ! ® $ nfO{ g]kfnsf] ;'®Iff dfldnf ef®tsf] lhDdfdf 5f]8g\ ] sfdsf ?kdf vt®f dflgPsf] 5 . -x]g; {' \ ;g\ %) sf] ;lGw aS;df_ . o;} u®L hn;|ft] , Jofkf®, e'6fgL z®0ffyL{ ;d:of, 8'afg ;d:of, ;'®Iff dfldnf;“u ;DalGwt y'k}| ljifo clgl0f{t ® cGof]ndf ®x“b} cfPsf 5g\ . ltgsf] plrt 9+un] ;dfwfg ug'{ cfjZos b]lvPsf] 5 . ef®tLo sd{rf®LtGq lgoldt ck8]6 eP® g]kfn gLltaf®] cufl8 a9] klg g]kfnsf] sd{rf®LtGq u[xsfo{ gu®L hfg] ® ;w}+ k5fl8 kg]{ u®]sf] ;d]t atfO“b} cfPsf] 5 . cfufdL lbgdf o;tkm{ plrt Wofg lbg' h?®L 5 . ef®t ljZjs} dxfzlQm ®fi6«tkm{ cufl8 a9\b} uO®x]sf] kl®k|I] odf p;sf] j}ejtfnfO{ g]kfnn] k|of]u ug{ ;Sg'k5{ . vf;u®L xfd|f] hn;|ft] nfO{ pkof]u ug{ ;lsG5 . ef®tdf clxn] kfgLsf] Jofks cefj ®x]sf] 5 eg] g]kfn a|flhnkl5
hn;|ft] df ljZjs} bf];f| ] wgL ®fi6«sf] ¿kdf lrlgG5 . Ps cf“s8fcg';f® ef®tnfO{ ;g\ @)@% ;Dddf yk $ ;o %) ca{ 3gld6® kfgL rflxg]5 . of] l:yltsf sf®0f ef®t g]kfnsf] kfgL pkof]u ug{ rfxG5 . To;}n] g]kfnsf] kfgL s;®L pkof]u ug]{ eGg]af®]df ®fli6«o ;xdlt;lxtsf] Pp6f gLlt aGg' cfjZos 5 . ef®tnfO{ jflif{s cf7 k|ltztsf] nlIft cfly{s j[l4b® xfl;n ug{ kfgL ® pmhf{ rflxPsf] 5 . clxn] ef®t;“u ! nfv !% xhf® % ;o $$ d]ufjf6 ljB't\ Ifdtf 5 eg] k|ltjif{ !) k|ltztsf b®n] p;nfO{ pmhf{ cfjZos 5 . Tof] dfu k"lt{ ug{ p;nfO{ jflif{s !! xhf® % ;o d]ufjf6 ljB't\ yKg'kg]{ afWotf ®x]sf] 5 . g]kfndf ljB'ts \ f] Ifdtf *# xhf® d]ufjf6 ePsf] dflgG5 . oBlk ef®tnfO{ pmhf{eGbf klg kfgLsf] g} a9L cfjZostf eO®x]sf] dflgPsf] 5 . ptf g] k fn–ef®t ;DaGwdf ;Ldf ljjfb ® 8'afg ;d:of klg plQs} dha't ¿kdf pl7®x]sf 5g\ . ;'®Iff dfldnfdf s]xL
bzscl3;Dd rLgnfO{ vt®f b]Vg] ef®t clxn] kfls:tfgL u'Ktr® ;+:yf -cfO{P;cfO{_ n] g]kfnL e"ld ef®tlj®f]wL ultljlwdf k|of]u u®]sf] eGg] qf;df c8]sf]] 5 . To;f] gxf];\ eGg] pm rfxG5 . cyf{t\ g]kfn–ef®t ;DaGw Pscfk;df cfzf ug]{ dfq xf]Og, Pscsf{ b]zn] cfkm"lj?4 s]xL ulb{g] xf] ls eGg] qf;df cNem]sf] ;d]t b]lvPsf] 5 . t® Pp6f ljZjf;sf] jftfj®0f tof® kf®]® of] ;DaGw cl3 a9fOPdf g} b'j} kIfnfO{ kmfObf k'Ug] :ki6 5 . oBlk cem} cfzf 5– ef®tn] g]kfnnfO{ yk ;xof]u unf{ eGg] g]kfnnfO{ . ®, cfz+sf klg 5– g]kfndf zflGt k|lqmofsf nflu ®fi6«;3+ sf] k|jz ] nfO{ lnP® lgx'“ vf]Hg] xf] ls eGg] klg . ptf ef®tnfO{ g]kfndf dfcf]jfbL xfjL x'g,] cfkm\gf] ;'®IffnfO{ g} vt®f k'Ug] xf] ls eGg] ghflg“bf] 8® klg b]lvG5 . t® PSsfO;f}+ ztfAbLdf b'O{ b]zsf] k|ultsf nflu z+sf xf]Og ljZjf;sf] jftfj®0f agfpg'kg]{ vf“rf] b]lvPsf] 5 .
kGw| jif{sf dxŒjk"0f{ e|d0fx? g]kfntkm{af6
– cGtl®d k|wfgdGqL s[i0fk|;fb e§®fO{åf®f ef®tsf tTsfnLg k|wfgdGqL jLkL l;+xsf] lgdGq0ffdf * b]lv !) h'g !(() ;Dd ef®tsf] e|d0f . cfly{s gfsfaGbL x6fOof] . – k|wfgdGqL lul®hfk|;fb sf]O®fnfåf®f ef®tsf k|wfgdGqL kLeL g®l;+x ®fjsf] lgdGq0ffdf % b]lv !) l8;]Da® !((! ;Dd ef®t e|d0f . Jofkf® ;lGw % jif{df gjLs®0f x'g] Joj:yf ® kf®jxg ;lGw x®]s & jif{df :jtM gjLs®0f ug]{ ;xdlt . – k|wfgdGqL dgdf]xg clwsf®Låf®f ef®tsf k|wfgdGqL kLeLg®l;+x ®fjsf] lgdGq0ffdf !) b]lv !$ clk|n !((% ;Dd ef®te|d0f . – k|wfgdGqL z]®axfb'® b]pjfåf®f !! b]lv !& km]ac |' ®L, !((^ ;Dd ef®tsf k|wfgdGqL kLeL g®l;+x ®fjsf] lgdGq0ffdf ef®t e|d0f . dxfsfnL ;lGwdf cf}krfl®s x:tfIf® . – k|wfgdGqL sf]O®fnfåf®f #! h'nfO{bl] v ^ cui6 @))) ;Dd ef®tsf k|wfgdGqL c6n laxf®L jfhk]oLsf] lgdGq0ffdf e|d0f . Xlts ®f]zg sf08 ® ef®tLo ljdfg cfO;L *!$ sf] ckx®0fkl5 tgfjk"0f{ aGg uPsf] b'O{ b]zsf] ;DaGwnfO{ ;fdfGoLs®0f ug]{ k|of; . – ®fhf 1fg]Gb|åf®f ef®tsf ®fi6«klt s]cf® gf®fo0fgsf] lgdGq0ffdf h'g @))@ df e|d0f . h'g @))@ df ®fhf ePkl5sf] pxf“sf] klxnf] e|d0f xf] . – dfr{ @))# df ®fhfaf6 k'gM ef®tsf] e|d0f . – k|wfgdGqL z]®axfb'® b]pjfåf®f @) b]lv @% dfr{ @))@ ;Dd k'gM ef®t e|d0f . k"j–{ klZrd ®fhdfu{df ®]nj] dfu{af®]df cWoog ug{ ef®t tof® . – b]pjfåf®f k'gM ;]K6]Da® * b]lv !@ ;Dd @))$ df ef®tsf k|wfgdGqL 8f= dgdf]xg l;+xsf] lgdGq0ffdf e|d0f .
– ef®tsf k|wfgdGqL rGb|zv ] ®åf®f !#–!% km]ac '| ®L, !((! df g]kfn e|d0f . g]kfn–ef®t, ;+oQ' m cfof]u agfpg] ;xdlt . – ef®tsf k|wfgdGqL kLeL g®l;+x ®fjåf®f !(–@! cS6f]a®, !((@ df k|wfgdGqL sf]O®fnfsf] lgdGq0ffdf e|d0f . aLkL sf]O®fnf g]kfn–ef®t kmfpG8];gsf] pb\3f6g . – ef®tsf k|wfgdGqL cfOs] u'h®fnåf®f %–& h'g !((& df k|wfgdGqL nf]s]Gb|axfb'® rGbsf] lgdGq0ffdf e|d0f sfs®le§f–km"naf®L–a+unfaGw dfu{nfO{ 6«flGh6sf] ¿kdf k|of]u ug]{ ;xdlt . – ;fs{sf] t]xf| +} lzv® ;Dd]ngdf efu lng ef®tsf k|wfgdGqL c6n laxf®L jfhk]oLåf®f hgj®L @))@ df g]kfn e|d0f . -;®sf® ® ®fi6«kd| v ' sf tkm{af6 oL e|d0f eP klg k®®fi6«dGqL ® cGo dGqL txdf o;aLrdf b'j} b]zaf6 y'k|} e|d0f cfbfgk|bfg ePsf 5g\ ._
July-Sept 2006
;sf®fTds d2t ug'e { Psf] 5 . To;k|lt xfdL wGojfb lbg rfxG5f}+ . cfufdL lbgdf ;d]t ef®tn] ;sf®fTds b[li6sf]0f ®fVg] cfzf u®]sf 5f}+ .
z+sfsf] ;DaGw .. k|f= ljZj k|wfg
lxn] g]kfnsf b'O{ l5d]sL ef®t ® rLg pbLodfg cfly{s zlQmsf ¿kdf b]vf kl®®x]sf 5g\ . o:tf] kl®l:yltdf xfdLn] klg ;“u;“u} k|ult ug'k{ g]{ cfjZostf eP klg xfdLx¿ emG8} Ps bzs cfGtl®s åGådf clNemof} + . xfdL ef®t;“u ;f+:s[lts ® ;fdflhs ¿kn] lgs} glhs 5f} + . of] cj:yfdf g]kfnsf] cy{tGqdf …sf]NofK;Ú x'g nfu]sf] b]v®] ef®tn] g]kfnnfO{ ;xof]u ug]{ p2]Zon] …lxdfnog df;{n KnfgÚ 3f]if0ff u®]sf] 5 . k|wfgdGqL lul®hfk|;fb sf]O®fnfn] xfn} ug'e{ Psf] ef®t e|d0fsf qmddf ef®t ;®sf®n] oxL ;xof]usf] 3f]if0ff u®]sf] xf] . h'g lgs} dxŒjk"0f{ 5 . bf];f| ] ljZjo'4kl5 cd]l®sfn] o'®f]kn ] L ®fi6«sf] k'glg{df{0fsf nflu o;} u®L …df;{n KnfgÚ 3f]if0ff u®]sf] lyof] . clxn] ef®tåf®f 3f]lift …lxdfnog df;{n KnfgÚ ?kL ;xof]usf] e®k"® pkof]u x'gk' 5{ . aflx® ;xof]u u®]em}+ ug]{ ® leqleq k]Ng] sfd rflx“ ug'{ x'b“ g} . ljb]zL ;xof]u lnof] eg] ;“u;“u} x:tIf]k klg lglDtG5 ls eGg] 8® klg x'G5 . t® Tof] jftfj®0f cfpg lbg' x'b“ g} . g]kfn–ef®t ;DaGwnfO{ cem cu|ult lbg lqmofTds ¿kdf cem hf]8 lbg'k5{ . h:tf] hn;|ft] sf] If]qdf b'O{ b]z ldn]® 7"n7"nf kl®of]hgf ;~rfng ug{ ;S5g\ . g]kfn a|flhnkl5 ljZjs} bf];f| ] 7"nf] hn;|ft] sf] wgL ®fi6«sf] ¿kdf lrlgG5 eg] ef®tnfO{ kfgL ® pmhf{sf] clt cfjZostf 5 . oL b'O6} s'®fnfO{ ;fd~h:otf ug]{ xf] eg] b'jn } fO{ kmfObf x'g k'U5 . o; dfldnfdf …d;“u hn;|ft] 5Ú eg]® g]kfnn] klg d]®f] uf]?sf] afx|} 6Ssf ug{ vf]Hg' x'Gg ® ef®tn] klg g]kfnnfO{ UnfgL x'g] u®L sfd ug'{ x'b“ g} . b'j} ®fi6«sf] lxt x]b{} cl3 a9]df g} b'jn } fO{ kmfObf k'U5 . g]kfnsf] ljB't\ pTkfbgsf] ;DefjgfnfO{ x]®®] ef®t;“u ;DaGw a9fpg'kg]{ t 5“b} 5, of] If]qdf g} o;af®]df ;femf ;xdlt x'gk' 5{ . ;fs{ ;b:o ®fi6«df g} of] kxn cfjZos b]lvPsf] 5 . g]kfndf xltof® Joj:yfkgsf nflu ;+oQ' m ®fi6«;3+ nfO{ lgDTofpg] lg0f{o eO;s]sf] 5 . o; ljifodf ef®tn] lrQ b'vfpg ldNb}g . ef®tn] o;af®]df cfkm\gf] xft tn knf{ ls, cfkm\gf] k|efj sd x'g] xf] ls eg]® ljut nfdf] ;dob]lv ®fi6«;3+ sf] pkl:ylt g?rfPsf] atfO“b} cfP klg k|wfgdGqL sf]O®fnfsf] ef®t e|d0fkl5 of] k|;u+ n] a'4
July-Sept 2006
-xfn} ef®tLo ;f+;bx¿;“usf] e]63f6df_
æef/tn] rfx] xfd|f] ;d:of ;dfwfg x'G5Æ –e'6fgL g]tf 6]sgfy l/hfn
kf® kfPsf] xf] ls eGg] ;+st] b]lvPsf] 5 . of] ljifo ef®tn] w]®} lrGtf lng'kg]{ ljifo g} xf]Og . lsgls ;+oQ' m ®fi6«;3+ eg]sf] ;a}sf] ;femf lgsfo xf] . o;n] g]kfndf sfd ubf{ ef®tsf] s'enf] x'G5 eGg] xf]Og . ef®tn] ;w}+ g]kfndf e"ldsf v]Ng ;S5 eGg] s'®f hgcfGbf]ng– @ sf qmddf o;kflnaf6 unt xf] eGg] s'®f l;4 ePsf] 5 . lsgls ®fhfaf6 a}zfv * ut] ;ft ®fhgLlts kf6L{nfO{ ;®sf® agfpg cf≈jfg ePsf] s]xL 306fdf g} To;sf] ef®tn] :jfut u¥of] . ef®tn] :jfut u®]kl5 cGo cGt®f{li6«o ;d'bfon] ;d]t :jfut u®] . t® ef]lnkN6 ;ft ®fhgLlts kf6L{sf] a}7sn] ®fhfsf] 3f]if0ff c:jLsf® ub}{ cfGbf]ng hf®L ®fVg] lg0f{o u®]kl5 @$ 306f glaTb} ef®tsf ljb]z;lrj Zofd z®0fn] ( ut] ®flt gof“lbNnLdf kqsf® ;Dd]ng u®]® ef®t g]kfnL hgtfsf] ;fydf ®x]sf] ® cfkm"n] eGb} cfPsf] g]kfn;DaGwL b'O{ :tDesf] gLlt …;+jw} flgs ®fhtGq ® ax'bnLo k|hftGqÚ g]kfnL hgtfn] eg]cg';f® g} ePsf] tyf g]kfnL hgtfn] Tof] grfx] cfkm" klg h] rfxG5g\ ToxL dfGg tof® ®x]sf] atfPsf lyP . o;af6 s] b]lvPsf] 5 eg] g]kfnL ;a} Ps h'6 eP® sfd ug]{ xf] eg] ljb]zL gLlt g]kfnLsf] rfxgfadf]lhd aGg] ®x]5 . pgLx¿n] h] eGof] Tof] dfq} ;xL gx'b“ f] ®x]5 . of] Pp6f ®fd|f] pbfx®0f ePsf] 5 . ef®tLo ®fhgLlt1x¿n] g]kfnk|lt ;b\efj ® ®fd|f] Jojxf® ug]{ eP klg Toxf“sf] sd{rf®LtGqn] ®fd|f] Jojxf® gug]{ u®]sf] d]®f] dx;'; 5 . ;g\ !(*# b]lv sl®a # jif{ d k®®fi6« ;lrj x'b“ f ef®tLo ljb]z dGqfno …;fpy AnsÚsf] Jojxf® Tolt ;Gtf]ifhgs lyPg . Tolt a]nf xfd|f] sfd g]kfnsf] zflGt If]q k|:tfjdf ;dy{g a6'Ng' eP klg ef®t slxn] klg To;df tof® ePg . pgLx¿ d'vn] dL7f s'®f uy]{ t® sfddf slxNo} ;xof]u kfOPg . Tof] clxn] klg b]lvG5 . pgLx¿sf] To:tf] Jojxf® eP klg ®fhgLlts Jojxf® eg] ®fd|} lyof] . clxn] ef®tdf 8f= dgdf]xg l;+xsf] ;®sf® klg g]kfnk|lt ;sf®fTds ePsf] d]®f] dx;'; 5 . oBlk g]kfn–ef®t ;DaGwdf ;w}+ z+sf ®xg] u®]sf] 5 . of] z+sfnfO{ cfk;L ljZjf;df lnP® cl3 a9\b} ;Defjgfsf] e®k"® pkof]u ubf{ g} b'jn } fO{ kmfObf k'U5 . -k|f= k|wfg k"j{ k//fi6« ;lrj x'g_\
ef®t ® e'6fg ;g\ !($( df ePsf] ;lGwåf®f h]lnPsf 5g\. ;f] ;lGwdf e'6fgsf] ®Iff ® k®®fi6« ; “ u ;DalGwt dfldnf ef®tn] x]g{] :ki6 ®x]sf] 5 . To;}n] oL dfldnfdf ef®tn] g} e'6fgnfO{ ;Nnfx lbG5 ® xfd|f] ;d:of klg o;}u®L ef®t;“u hf]l8Psf] 5 . ! nfveGbf a9L xfdL e'6fgL z®0ffyL{ ljut 8]9 bzscl3b]lv g]kfnsf z®0ffyL{ lzlj®df a:b} cfPsf 5f}+ . o;aLrdf g]kfn ® e'6fgaLr y'k}| k6s b'O{ kIfLo jftf{ eP t® 6'ªu\ f] nfUg ;s]g . To;}n] g]kfn ;®sf®n] ef®t ;®sf®;“u o; ljifodf uDeL®tfk"js { s'®f p7fOlbg'k5{ . t® b'Mvsf] s'®f k|wfgdGqL lul®hfk|;fb sf]O®fnfn] xfn} ug'e { Psf] ef®t e|d0fsf qmddf s'g} s'®f pNn]v ePem}+ nfu]g . o;df xfdLnfO{ ;fx|} b'Mv nfu]sf] 5 . xfdL hLjg d®0fsf] cj:yfdf 5f}+ . ef®tnfO{ dgfpg g]kfnn] d2t ul®lbg'k¥of] .
g]kfn cfk\mg} klxrfgdf /xg'k5{ – /fhgfy l;+x, efhkf cWoIf g] k fn cfk\ m g} klxrfgdf x' g ' k 5{ eGg] xfd|f] dfGotf 5 . g]kfnsf k|wfgdGqL;“u wd{lg®k]If ®fi6« g]kfn 3f]if0ff ul®Psf] ;DaGwdf klg d]/f] s'®f eof] . pxf“n] g]kfn ax'hflt, ax'wfld{s ®fi6« ®x]sf] pNn]v ug'e { of] . g]kfndf ®fhtGqsf] e"ldsf s] x'gk' 5{ eGg] ljifodf ef®tLo hgtf kf6L{ g]kfndf ;+jw} flgs ®fhtGq ®xf];\ eGg] rfxG5 . dfcf]jfbLnfO{ ®fhgLlts d"nwf®df Nofpg g]kfn ;®sf®n] rfn]sf sbdaf®] k|wfgdGqLn] hfgsf®L lbg'eof] . l:ylt cfzfk|b kfOPsf] 5 .
af¥x a'b“ ] ;+oQ ' m aQmJo != g]kfnsf ;DdfggLo k|wfgdGqL >L lul®hfk|;fb sf]O®fnfåf®f ef®tsf k|wfgdGqL 8f= dgdf]xg l;+xsf] lgdGq0ffdf @#–@^ h]7 @)^# -^–( h'g @))^_ df ef®tsf] cf}krfl®s e|d0f ug{e ' of] . g]kfnsf ;DdfggLo k|wfgdGqLsf ;fydf ef}lts of]hgf tyf lgdf{0fdGqL uf]kfndfg >]i7, s[lif tyf ;xsf®LdGqL dxGy 7fs'®, cy{dGqL 8f= ®fdz®0f dxt, :yfgLo ljsf;dGqL ®fh]Gb|k; | fb kf08] tyf dlxnf, afnaflnsf tyf ;dfh sNof0f ®fHodGqL ;'>L pld{nf cof{n ® k®®fi6« dfldnfsf nflu k|wfgdGqLsf ;Nnfxsf® 8f= ;'®z ] rGb| rfln;] ®xg'ePsf] lyof] . e|d0fbndf g]kfn ;®sf®sf jl®i7 kbflwsf®Lx¿, pBf]uLJofj;foLx¿sf] k|ltlglwd08n ® ;~rf®sdL{x¿sf] k|ltlglwd08nsf] klg ;xeflutf lyof] . @= e|d0fsf qmddf g]kfnsf k|wfgdGqLn] ®fh3f6 hfg' eO{ dxfTdf ufGwLk|lt >4f~hnL ck{0f ug'e { of] . k|wfgdGqLn] ef®tsf dxfdlxd ®fi6«klt 8f= P=kL=h]= cAb'n snfd ® ef®tsf pk®fi6«klt dxfdlxd >L e}®jl;+x z]vfjt;“u e]6jftf{ ug{e ' of] . pk®fi6«klt >L z]vfjtn] g]kfnsf k|wfgdGqLsf] ;Ddfgdf ®fqLef]hsf] cfof]hgf ug{e ' Psf] lyof] . g]kfnsf k|wfgdGqL ® ef®tsf k|wfgdGqLaLrsf] e]6jftf{kZrft\ cfk;L lxt ® rf;f]sf ljifodf b'O{ k|wfgdGwLn] g]tT[ j ug'e { Psf] e|d0fbnaLr pRr: t®Lo jftf{ ;DkGg eof] . ef®tsf k|wfgdGqLn] g]kfnsf k|wfgdGqLsf] ;Ddfgdf ®fqLef]hsf] cfof]hgf ug'e{ of] . ®IffdGqL k|0fj d'vhL{, u[xdGqL lzj®fh kfl6n ® nf]s;efdf k|ltkIfsf g]tf nfns[i0f c8jf0fLn] g]kfnsf k|wfgdGqL;“u e]63f6 ug'e {' of] . g]kfnsf k|wfgdGqLn] o'gfO6]8 k|fu] l]| ;e PnfoG; tyf ef®tLo ®fli6«o sf+u; |] cWoIf >LdtL ;f]lgof ufGwL ® e"tk"j{ k|wfgdGqL rGb| z]v®;“u klg e]63f6 ug'e { of] . #= jftf{x¿ lgs} ;f}xfb|k{ 0" f{ jftfjf®0fdf ;DkGg eP . b'O{ k|wfgdGqLn] b'j} b]zsf l:yltsf af®]df ljrf® ® cf+sngsf] ;f6f;f6 ug'e { of] . ;lbof}+ k'®fgf] ;fdflhs, ;f+:s[lts ® cfly{s ;DaGw, nf]stGq, :jtGqtf ® sfg'gsf] zf;gdfly ;femf ljZjf; tyf zflGt, :yfloTj ® ;d[l4sf] nflu ;femf k|of;df cfwfl®t b'O{ b]zaLrsf] ;DaGwnfO{ u'0ffTds ¿kdf alnof] agfpg g]kfndf nf]stGqsf] k'g:yf{kgfn] P]ltxfl;s cj;® lbPsf] s'®fdf b'O{ b]zsf k|wfgdGqL ;xdt x'ge ' of] . pxf“x¿n] zflGtk"0f{ ;xcl:tTj, ;fj{ef}dsf] ;dfgtf, If]qLo cv08tf, cfk;L ;Ddfg ® ;dembf®Lsf l;2fGtsf cfwf®df b'O{ b]zaLrsf] ;DaGwdf gof“ cfofd ® k|jfx NofO{ cufl8 a9fpg] k|lta4tfdf k'gM hf]8 lbg'eof] . $= ef®tsf k|wfgdGqLn] nf]stflGqs zlStsf g]tfsf ¿kdf k|wfgdGqL lul®hfk|;fb sf]O®fnfNffO{ cfTdLo :jfut ug'e{ of] ® pxf“n] Oltxf;sf] Ps dxŒjk"0f{ ;dodf g]kfnsf] g]tT[ j ul®®xg'ePsf g]kfnsf k|wfgdGqLsf] ;':jf:Yo ® ;kmntfsf] sfdgf klg ug{e ' of] . e|d0f 7"nf] P]ltxfl;s dxTjsf] ePsf] atfpg' x'b“ } pxf“n] g]kfnL hgtfn] ax'bnLo nf]stGq k'g:yf{kgf ug{ ® o;nfO{ ;+:yfut ug]{ k|lta4tfsf nflu u®]sf] ;kmn ;+3if{ ® o;df g]kfnL hgtfsf]] c;fwf®0f ;fx; ® pknlAwsf] ;®fxgf ug{e ' of] . ef®tsf k|wfgdGqLn] g]kfndf zflGt :yfkgf ® :yfloTj tyf g]kfnnfO{ cfly{s ;'wf®sf] af6f]df kmsf{pg g]kfn ;®sf®n] u®]sf kxnx¿sf] k|z; + f ug{e ' of] . %= ef®tsf k|wfgdGqLn] 3lgi7 ldq ® l5d]sLsf gftfn] ef®t l:y®, zfGt, ;d[4 ® nf]stflGqs g]kfn x]g{ rfx]sf] s'®f bf]xf]¥ofpg'eof] . oL p2]Zox¿sf] k|flKtsf nflu pxf“n] g]kfnsf ;DdfggLo k|wfgdGqL >L lul®hfk|;fb sf]O®fnfn] g]tT[ j ug{e ' Psf] ;ft kf6L{ u7aGwgsf] ;®sf® ® g]kfnL hgtfsf] k|of;k|lt k"0f{ ;dy{g JoQm ug{s ' f ;fy;fy} g]kfnL hgtfsf ;fd' ®x]sf r'gF}tLx¿ Kff® ug{;Sg] ;fdYo{kl| t ljZjf; JoQm ug{e ' of] . ^= g]kfnsf k|wfgdGqLNf] ef®tLo hgtf ® ef®tLo ;®sf®nfO{ g]kfnL hgtfsf tkm{af6 nf]stGqsf] k'g:yf{kfgfsf] g]kfnL hgtfåf®f ul®Psf] zflGtk"0f{ ;+3if{sf nflu k|fKt ;dy{gsf] ;®fxgf ug'e { of] . &= ef®tsf k|wfgdGqLn] ;z:q åGåsf] zflGtk"0f{ ;dfwfg vf]h®] , ®fhg}lts
:yfloTjsf] k'g:yf{kgf ® g]kfnL hgtfsf] lxtsf nflu cfly{s k'glg{df{0fsf] af6f]df cl3 a9\g ® hg cfGbf]ngsf pknlAwnfO{ bl®nf] agfpg] g]kfnsf k|wfgdGqLsf] kxnx¿sf] ;®fxgf ug'e { of] . nf]stGqsf] ;kmntf lx+;f ® hj®h:tLsf] vt®faf6 d'Qm jftfj®0fsf] lgdf{0f ug{d' f ® sfg'gsf] zf;gsf] ;Ddfgdf 5 eGg] s'®fdf b'O{ k|wfgdGqL ;xdt x'ge ' of] . *= b'j} k|wfgdGqLn] g]kfndf cfly{s k'g:yf{kgf ® ljsf;sf] ult a9fpg'sf] cTofjZos dxŒj :jLsfg{e ' of] . ef®tsf k|wfgdGqLn] o; lbzftkm{ a9\g g]kfn ;®sf®sf] k|fyldstf ® rfxgfcg'¿k g]kfnnfO{ ;a} ;DefJo ;xof]u k|bfg ug]{ ef®tsf] tTk®tf JoQm ug{e ' of] . g]kfnsf] ;fdflhs–cfly{s ljsf;df ef®tsf] pbf®tfk"0f{ ;xof]usf nflu g]kfnsf k|wfgdGqLn] ef®tLo ;®sf®sf] ;®fxgf ug'e { of] . (= o; ;Gbe{df, g]kfnsf u|fdL0f ® cfly{s k"jf{wf® ljsf;, lzIff ® :jf:Yo ;'ljwfsf] ljsf; ® dfgj ;+;fwg lgdf{0fdf ef®t–g]kfn ljsf; ;fem]bf®L a[l4 ug{ k|wfgdGqLx¿ ;xdt x'ge ' of] . b'a} k|wfgDfGqLn] ;fdflhs–cfly{s ;xof]usf] If]qdf b'O{ b]zaLr ljBdfg b'Ok{ IfLo kxnx¿ ® ;+oGqnfO{ k'ghL{jg lbg klg ;xdt x'ge ' of] . !)= ef®t ;®sf®åf®f b]xfosf ljifox¿df tTk®tf JoQm eof] M s_ ;8s, ®]n ;Dks{, ;Ldf If]qdf k"jf{wf® ljsf;, hn;|ft] , t]n kfOknfOg lgdf{0f, ljz]if cfly{s If]q, ljdfg:yn Ifdtf clea[l4 ® b'O{ b]zsf ;®sf®åf®f kf®:kl®s ;xdltåf®f lgwf{®0f ul®g] c¿ If]qdf bL3{sfnLg 7"nf ;+®rgf;“u ;DalGwt kl®of]hgfx¿sf] k|ult tfs]tf ug{ ] . v_ g]kfn ;®sf®sf] ah]6sf nflu tTsfn Ps} k6s ef=?= !)) s®f]8 cg'bfg k|bfg ug{ ] . u_ g]kfn ;®sf®n] k|fyldstfdf ®fv]sf kl®of]hgfx¿sf] ;~rfngsf] nflu !)) ldlnog cd]l®sL 8n®sf] C0f k|:tfj ug{ ] . 3_ rfn" cfly{s jif{df g]kfnsf nflu ;xof]u ah]6 ef= ?= ^% s®f]8 af6 ef= ?= !%) s®f]8 a[l4 ug{ ] . ª_ ;'®Iff ;fdu|L vl®bsf] ljifodf g]kfn ;®sf®n] ef®t ;®sf®nfO{ cfhsf ldltdf e'QmfgL ug{ af“sL ®sd ldgfxf ug{ ] . r_ @%,))) d]l6«s 6g dn ;x'lnot b®df tTsfn cfk"lt{ ug{] Joj:Yff ldnfpg] . 5_ g]kfndf lgld{t ® ef®tdf lgof{t x'g] ;a} pTkfbgdf nufp“b} cfPsf] $% k|ltzt cltl®Qm eG;f® cGtMz'Ns ldgfxf ug{ ] . h_ eG;f® dx;'n lkmtf{ sfo{qmd (Duty Refund Procedure Scheme) cGtu{t g]kfnnfO{ ;a}] ®sd lbg] k|lqmof cl3 a9fpg] . em_ ef®t ;®sf®åf®f 5fqfx¿;d]t g]kfnL ljBfyL{x¿nfO{ pknAw u®fO“b} cfPsf] 5fqj[lQnfO{ bf]Aa® u®fpg] . `_ OlG8og cfon skf{®] ; ] gn] g]kfn cfon lgud;“u ldn]® t]n cfk"lt{ ;DaGwdf ltg{ af“sL ®sd e'QmfgL k|lqmofsf] k'glg{wf®0f ug{5 ] . !!= dfly plNnlvt lg0f{oaf6 g]kfnL hgtf nfeflGjt xf]pg\ eGg] ;'lglZrt ug{ ® kf®:kl®s lxtsf nflu ef®t ® g]kfnaLr cfly{s ;xof]u cem a9L alnof] agfpg] p2]Zon] oL lg0f{osf] sfof{Gjogsf nflu l5§} cg'udg -kmnf]ck_ ug{ k|wfgdGqLx¿ ;xdt x'ge ' of] . !@= g]kfnsf k|wfgdGqLn] ef®tsf k|wfgdGqLnfO{ g]kfnsf] cf}krfl®s e|d0fsf] nflu lgdGq0ff lbg'eof] . ef®tsf k|wfgdGqLn] xif{sf;fy pQm lgdGq0ff l:jsfg'e { of] . pQm e|d0f cfk;L ;'ljwfcg';f® lgwf{l®t ldltdf x'g] 5 . gof“ lbNnL, @^ h]7 @)^# -k|wfgdGqL sf]O/fnfsf] ef/t e|d0fsf qmddf hf/L ul/Psf] ;+oQ' m jQmJosf] cgf}krfl/s cg'jfb h:tfsf] To:t} ._
July-Sept 2006
æ;'/Iffsf s'/f ug{ k'gM a}7s a:5Æ
hn;|f]t / ;Ldf .. r]t]Gb|h+u lxdfnL
g\ @)@^ ;Dddf ef®tsf] hg;+Vof clxn] ;jf ca{ ®x]sf]df bf]Aa® x'g] k|If]k0f 5 . hldg tlGsGg . ;fwg ® ;|ft] klg gtGs]nfg\ . vfP® g} af“Rg'k¥of] . pgLx¿nfO{ kfgL sxf“af6 Nofpg] eGg] ;d:of 5 . otf g]kfndf eg] ckf® hn;Dkbf 5 . g]kfnsf] Tof] hn;Dkbf ef®tn] cfkm\gf] lxtsf nflu k|of]u ug]{ bL3{sfnLg gLlt agfPsf] 5 . ef®tn] NofPsf] l®e®lnªlsª kl®of]hgf oxL bL3{sfnLg gLltcGtu{tsf] xf] . p;n] a+unfb]z eP® aUg] a|≈dk'q, ef®t x'b“ } aUg] l6:6f -d]rf]_ g]kfnsf sf]zL, gf®fo0fL -u08s_, s0ff{nL ® dxfsfnL gbLsf] kfgLnfO{ blIf0fL ef®tsf] sfa]®L k'¥ofpg] ;f]r agfPsf] 5 . tfls v8]®Lu|:t blIf0fL ef®tdf yk cgfh pTkfbg ug{ ;lsof];\ ® kfgLsf] 5]nf]vn ] f] xf]; \ . otf To;af6 laxf®df pTkGg x'g] kfgLsf] cefjnfO{ k"lt{ ug{ g]kfnsf] ;LdfjtL{ If]qdf af“w agfpg] ® ;Ldf ®fhdfu{ agfpg] gLlt ef®tsf] 5 . ;Ldf ®fhdfu{ agfp“bf To;n] af“wsf] sfd :jtM u5{ eg] g]kfnL ;Ldf If]qdf af“w agfp“bf g]kfnL e"efu 8'afgsf] vt®f 5 . t® otfkl§ -g]kfn_ df kfgL hDdf x'b“ f cyf{t 8'afg x'b“ f laxf®tkm{ eg] cf]l;nf] aGg ;S5 ® hldgd'lgsf] kfgL cfpg ;S5 . o; vfnsf] ®0fgLlt ef®tsf] kfOPsf] 5 . pmhf{ t c¿ ljsNkåf®f klg Joj:yf ug{ ;lsG5 t® kfgL ;ls“bg} . To;}n] ef®tsf tkm{af6 agfOPsf oL gLltaf®] g]kfnn] pNn]Vo u[xsfo{ ug{ ;Sg'k5{ . xfd|f] gbLsf] kfgL ef®tn] kfpg] xf] eg] xfdLn] To;afktsf] kmfObf s] lng] t eGg] k|Zg;d]t ;“u;“u} cfp“5g\ . cGt®f{li6«o dfGotfcg'¿k g} tNnf]t6Lo ® dflyNnf]t6Lo kmfObfsf s'®fx¿ kb{5g\ . ef®tsf] kfgL a+unfb]z hf“bf ef®tn] t6Lo kmfObf vf]H5 eg] g]kfnsf] k|;u+ df eg] ef®tn] cfkm"n] a+unfb]z;“u bfaL ul®®x]sf] kmfObf g} lbg rfx]sf] kfO“bg} . of] c;dfgtf lsg < of] s'®f xfdLn] a'emfpg ;Sg'k5{ . xfdL;“u kfgL 5 t® To;sf] ;d'lrt pkof]u ug{ ;lsPg ® To;af6 kmfObf lng ;lsPg eg] s'g} cy{ ®x“bg} . hn;|ft] pkof]usf nflu ef®t;d]tsf d'ns ' sf] ;xof]u lng kxn x'gk' 5{ t® s]–s:tf] zt{df eGg] ljifodf klxn] g} lgSof]n { lgsflng'k5{ . oy]i6 u[xsfo{ x'gk' 5{ . kl5 k5'tfpg] l:ylt pTkGg x'gx' G' g . a'4
July-Sept 2006
o;kfln k|wfgdGqL lul®hfk|;fb sf]O®fnfn] ef®t e|d0f ubf{ c?0f t];f| ,] a'9Lu08sLnufotsf hnljB't\ kl®of]hgfdf nufgL ug{ ef®tnfO{ cfu|x ul®Psf] s'®f cfPsf] 5 . g]kfnsf] ;Defljt lah'nLk|lt ef®tn] lgs} rf;f] lbPsf] 5 . t® tL cfof]hgfx¿ af“w agfP® lgdf{0f ;DkGg ul®“bf kxf8L If]qsf] v]tLof]Uo hldg 8'afgdf kg{ ;S5g\ . To;}n] 7"nf af“w agfpg]eGbf klg …®g ckm lb l®e®Ú k|sf®sf gbLx¿df of 7fp“df hnljB't\ kl®of]hgf agfOg'k5{ . ef®tn] g]kfndf sf]zL xfO8\ofd, ;'gsf]zL 8fOe;{g, vf“8f] sdnf, a'9Lu08sL, ®fKtL - hns'08L_, s0ff{nL, klZrd ;]tL ® dxfsfnLdf k~r]Zj®sf] ;§f k"0ff{lu®Ldf kl®of]hgf ;~rfng ug{ rf;f] lbO®x]sf] 5 . t® oL If]qdf s;®L kl®of]hgf ;~rfng ug]{ eGg]af®]df g]kfnn] cfkm\gf] ®fli6«o lxt x]gk{' 5{ . xfdL;“u kfgL 5 t® kfgLsf] pkof]u ug]{ ;|ft] ;fwg 5}g, To;}n] c¿sf] ;xof]u h?®L 5 . oBlk Tof] ;xof]u g]kfnsf] bL3{sfnLg lxtnfO{ x]®®] ul®g'k5{ . dxfsfnL ;lGw ;g\ !((^ df x'b“ f ^ dlxgfleqdf k~r]Zj® kl®of]hgfsf] lj:t[t kl®of]hgf k|ltj]bg agfpg] lg0f{o eP klg cem} k|ltj]bg aGg g;Sg'n] ;f] ;lGw g} c;kmn eO;s]sf] 5 . ljgfs'g} tof®L sfd yfNbfsf] kl®0ffd xf] of] . To;}n] o;tkm{ cfufdL lbgdf k|z:t u[xsfo{ ug'k{ 5{ . hn;|ft] sf] pkof]uaf6 g} xfdL ;DkGg aGg ;S5f} + . csf{tkm{ ef®tn] ;Ldf If]qdf g]kfnL e"efu ldRg] qmd ®f]ss ] f] 5}g . sfnfkfgL, ;':tfnufot If]q;d]t u®L ef®tn] ldr]sf] g]kfnL e"efusf] If]qkmn eQmk'® lhNnfeGbf klg 7"nf] eO;Sof] . of] ;d:of ;dfwfgsf nflu g]kfnsf tkm{af6 gfkL ljefusf dxflgb]z { ssf] g]tT[ j ®xg] ® ef®tdf pgs} ;dsIfL ®xg] Pp6f ;+oQ' m ;ldlt eP klg sfd cNem]sf] cNem]s} 5 . ca eg] ;g\ @))& ;Dddf o;nfO{ kf® nufpg] ;xdlt ePsf] 5 . o;vfn] ;d:ofdf ef®tn] pbf®tf b]vfpg'k5{ . ;–;fgf s'®fdf l5d]sL;“u emu8f u®]® p;sf] dxfgtf k|bz{g x'b“ g} . PSsfO;f}+ ztfAbLsf] g]kfn–ef®t ;DaGw ljjfbaf6 d'lQm ® cfk;L lxtdf hn;|ft] sf] pkof]u klg xf] . -lxdfnL hn;|ft] / ;Ldf;DaGwL hfgsf/ x'g_\
– k|0fj d'vhL{, /IffdGqL, ef/t g]kfnsf k|wfgdGqL lul®hfk|;fb sf]O®fnf;“u ;f}xfb{k0" f{ jftf{ ePsf] 5. ;' ® Iff;“ u ;DalGwt ljifodf k'gM ;f];“u ;DalGwt ;+oQ' m ;ldltsf] a}7s ug]{ s'®f ePsf] 5 . l5§} g} ;a} s'®f 7Ls7fs x'G5g\ . g]kfndf dfcf]jfbLnfO{ d"nwf®df Nofpgsf nflu rflnPsf] sbdsf] ef®t ;®sf® ;x|fxgf ub{5 . g]kfndf lbuf] zflGt sfod xf];\ eGg] rfxG5 . -k|wfgdGqL sf]O®fnfsf] e|d0fkl5 gof“ lbNnLdf_
æg]kfnL hgtfsf] rfxgf ef/tn] ;Ddfg ug'{k5{Æ – lgd{nf b]zkf08], ef/tLo ;f+;b g]kfn ® ef®taLr ;lbof}+b]lv ;'dw'® ;DaGw ®x“b} cfPsf] 5 . of] ;DaGw ®fhgLlts, cfly{ s , ;fdflhs ;a} lx;fan] h]lnPsf] 5 . g]kfndf xfn} hgcfGbf]ng–@ dfkm{t 7"nf] kl®jt{g cfPsf] 5 . hgtf ;j{zlQmdfg ePsf 5g\ . t® zflGt :yfkgfsf] uGtJodf k'Ug g]kfnnfO{ cem} lgs} sl7gfO 5 . o;sf nflu ef®tn] ;xof]u ug'k{ 5{ . g]kfnL hgtf h] rfxG5g\, To;df ef®t afws aGg'xb“' g} . olb g]kfnL hgtf ;d:of ;dfwfgsf nflu ;+o'Qm ®fi6«;3+ sf] pkl:ylt rfxG5g\ eg] g]kfnL hgtfsf] efjgfsf] ef®tn] ;Ddfg ug'k{ 5{, . g]kfndf kl®jt{g ePsf] 5, t® uGtJodf k'Ug lgs} r'gf}tL ePsfn] xf]l;of®Lk"js { cl3 a9\g' cfjZos ®x]sf] 5 . wd{lg®k]If ®fi6« agfpg] k|ltlglw;ef 3f]if0ffsf] xfdL :jfut ub{5f}+ .
æb'O{ vfn] ;DaGwÆ
–8f= /fh]z ld>, ef/tsf] ;Qf?9 s+u;|] -cfO{_ sf ;f+;b g]kfn–ef®taLrsf] ;DaGw b'O{ vfnsf] 5 . Pp6f ®fhgLlts ® csf]{ k|fs[lts ;DaGw . ®fhgLlts ;DaGwdf a]nf–a]nfdf tgfj cfpg] u®]sf] 5 . t® k|fs[lts ;DaGwdf b'j} ®fi6« k®:k® uf“l;Psf 5g .\ h:tf], g]kfndf kfgL k¥of] eg] To;sf] k|efj ef®tdf
ljjfbdf pxL %) sf] ;lGw g]kfn / ef/t ;/sf/ ztflAbof}b+ l] v b'O{ d'ns ' sf aLr /lxcfPsf] ldqtfk"0f{ ;DaGwk|lt k|lta4 /x“b} pQm ;DaGwnfO{ c? ljsl;t / ;'b9[ kf/L b'O{ d'ns ' sf] zflGtnfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbg] p2]Zon] k/:k/ zflGt tyf d}qL ;lGw ug]{ lgZro u/L of] ;lGw ug{ lgDglnlvt JolQmx?nfO{ ;Dk"0f{ clwsf/;lxt k|ltlglw lgo'Qm ul/Psf] 5 . h;df g]kfnsf tkm{af6 dxf/fh, k|wfgdGqL tyf ;jf]R{ r ;]gfklt df]xg zdz]/ h+uaxfb'/ /f0ff / ef/t ;/sf/sf tkm{af6 g]kfndf ef/tsf dxfdlxd /fhb"t rGb|Z] j/k|;fb gf/fo0fl;+xn] Pscsf{sf] clwsf/–kq hf“Rbf 7Ls / /Ltk"js { sf] 7x¥ofOPsfn] b]xfosf k|aGwsx?nfO{ :jLsf/]sf 5g\ .
wf®f ! M g]kfn ® ef®t ;®sf®sf aLr :yfoL zflGt ® ldqtf ®lx®xg]5 . b'j} ;®sf® k®:k®df Pscsf{sf] k"0f{ k|e; ' Qf, If]qLo cv08tf ® :jtGqtfk|lt ;Ddfg ® ;dy{g ug{ :jLsf® ub{5g\ . wf®f @ M b'j} ;®sf® k®:k®df sfod ®x]sf] ldqtfk"0f{ ;DaGwdf vnn kg{ hfg] ;Defjgf ®xg] u®L s'g} l5d]sL;“u uDeL® v6k6 of ljjfb pTkGg ePdf Pscsf{nfO{ hfgsf®L lbg k|lta4 5g\ . wf®f # M wf®f ! df pNn]v ePcg';f® ;DaGw :yfkgf ug{ ® To;nfO{ sfod ug{sf nflu b'j} ;®sf® cfjZos sfdsfhsf] ;'–;~rfngsf nflu cfjZos sd{rf®L ® cfkm\gf k|ltlglwx¿åf®f Pscsf{;u“ s"6gLlts ;DaGw ®fVg ®fhL 5g\ . tL k|ltlglwx¿ ® tf]lsPsf sd{rf®Lx¿n] kf®:kl®s cfwf®df k|rlnt Joj:yfcGtu{t cGt®f{li6«o sfg'gn] k|bfg u®]sf ;a} s"6gLlts ljz]ifflwsf® ® pGd'lQmx¿nfO{ pkef]u ug]5 { g\ . oL clwsf® b'jd} Wo] Ps d'ns ' sf] s"6gLlts ;DaGw ePsf] s'g} csf]{ d'ns ' sf ;dfg :t®sf JolQmx¿nfO{ lbOPsf clwsf®eGbf s'g} klg xfntdf sd x'g] 5}gg\ . wf®f $ M b'j} ;®sf® Pscsf]{ d'ns ' sf tf]lsPsf ;x®, aGb®ufx ® cGo :yfgx¿df a:g] dxfjfl0fHoB"t, jfl0fHob"t ® pkjfl0fHob"t ® jfl0fHo k|ltlglwx¿ lgo'Qm ug{ d~h'® 5g\ . dxfjfl0fHob"t, pkjfl0fHob"t ® jfl0fHo k|ltlglwx¿nfO{ pgLx¿sf] kbflwsf®df lgo'lQmsf] j}wflgs k|df0fkq k|bfg ul®g]5 . tL kbflwsf®L of lgo'lQmsf] j}wflgs k|df0fkqnfO{ ;f] k|bfg ug]{ d'ns ' n] cfjZos 7fg]df lkmtf{ lng ;Sg]5 . ;Dej ePdf To;®L lkmtf{ lnOg'sf] sf®0fsf] hgfp lbg ;lsg]5 . dfly plNnlvt JolQmx¿n] kf®:kl®s cfwf®df tL ;a} xs, ljz]ifflwsf® ® pGd'lQmx¿sf] pkef]u ug]5 { g\ h'g tL d'ns ' sf ;dfg >]0fLsf JolQmx¿nfO{ k|bfg ul®Psf] 5 . wf®f % M g]kfn ;®sf®nfO{ cfkm\gf] ;'®Iffsf nflu cfjZos kg]{ xftxltof®, lj:kmf]6s ;fdu|L of uf]nLu¶f, snk'hf{ cflb :jtGqtfk"js { ef®tLo e"ldaf6 ef®tLo e"ld eP® cfoft ug]{ clwsf® ®xg]5 . of] k|aGwnfO{ sfo{¿k lbg b'O{ ;®sf®n] k®:k®df k®fdz{ u®L Pp6f sfo{k0| ffnL to ug]5 { g\ . wf®f ^ M b'j} ;®sf® g]kfn ® ef®taLr ljBdfg c;n l5d]sLkg ® ldqtfsf] k|tLs:j¿k Psn] csf]{ b]zsf gful®sx¿nfO{ cfkm\gf] d'ns ' sf cf}Bf]lus ® cfly{s ljsf;sf dfldnfx¿df ;xefuL x'g tyf cfly{s ljsf;;“u ;DalGwt dfldnfdf lbOg] ;x'lnot ® 7]Ssfk§fx¿df ®fli6«o Jojxf® k|bfg ug]5 { g\ . wf®f & M g]kfn ® ef®t b'j} b]zsf ;®sf® ;dfg cfwf®df Pscsf]{ b]zsf gful®sx¿nfO{ cf–cfkm\gf] e"efudf a;f]af; tyf ;DklQsf] ef]urng ug],{ pBf]u ® Jofkfl®s sf®f]af®df efu lng], 8'nlkm® ug]{ ® o:t} k|sf®sf cGo ljz]ifflwsf®x¿ k|bfg ug{ :jLs[lt k|bfg ub{5g\ .
wf®f * M hxf“;Dd oxf“ pNn]v ePsf s'®fx¿sf] ;jfn 5, ltgsf] xsdf of] ;lGwn] g]kfn ;®sf® ® ef®t ;®sf®sf] tkm{af6 la|l6; ;®sf®sf] aLrdf ePsf ;a} ;lGwx¿, ;Demf}tfx¿ ® k|tL1fkqx¿nfO{ vf®]h u®]sf] 5 . wf®f ( M of] ;lGw b'j} ;®sf®n] x:tfIf® u®]sf] ldltb]lv nfu" x'g5 ] . wf®f !) M s'g} Ps d'ns ' n] Ps jif{sf] ;"rgf lbO{ vf®]h gu®];Dd of] ;lGwsf] cl:tTj ®lx®xg]5 . sf7df8f}d+ f lj=;+= @))& ;fn ;fpg !^ ut] tbg';f® O{:jL ;+jt\ !(%) h'nfO{ dlxgfsf] #! tfl®vsf lbg of] ;lGwsf] b'j} k|ltdf x:tfIf® eof] .
zflGt tyf d}qL ;lGw;“u cfbfgk|bfg ul/Psf] kq != b'j} ;®sf® s'g} ljb]zL cfqmd0fsf®Låf®f Pscsf{s ] f] ;'®Iffdf vnn kfg]{ l:yltnfO{ ;xg ug]{ 5}gg\ . s'g} o:tf] wDsLsf] ;fdgf ug{ b'j} ;®sf® Pscsf{sf aLrsf k®fdz{åf®f k|efjsf®L sbd p7fpg]5g\ . @= g]kfn ;®sf®n] g]kfnsf] ;'®Iffsf nflu cfjZos kg]{ s'g} klg xftxltof®, uf]nfaf?b of o'4 ;fdu|L ® pks®0fx¿ ef®t ;®sf®sf] ;xfotf ® ;xdltcg';f® ef®tLo e"efu eP® cfoft ug{ ;Sg]5 . ef®tLo e"efu eP® NofOg] o:tf xftxltof® ® uf]nfaf?bx¿ l56f]5l®tf] ® lglj{£gk"js { sf] kl®jxgsf nflu ef®t ;®sf®n] pko'Qm sbdx¿ rfNg]5 . #= zflGt tyf d}qL ;lGwsf] wf®f ^ ;DaGwL Pscsf{sf] b]zsf gful®snfO{ ®fli6«o Jojxf® k|bfg ug]a{ f®] ef®t ;®sf®n] g]kfndf ®x]sf g]kfnL gful®snfO{ s]xL ;dosf nflu clgolGqt k|lt: kwf{af6 ;+®If0f k|bfg ug]{ cfjZostfdfly ef®t ;®sf® ;xdt ePsf] 5 . o; k|sf®sf] ;+®If0fsf] k|sl[ t ® kl®df0f b'j} ;®sf®sfaLr kf®:kl®s ;xdltsf cfwf®df cfjZostfcg';f® lgwf{®0f ul®g]5 . $= g]kfn ;®sf®n] g]kfnsf k|fs[lts ;|ft] sf] ljsf; cyjf s'g} cf}Bf]lus kl®of]hgfsf nflu ljb]zL ;xof]u lng] lg0f{o u®]df ef®t ;®sf® of ef®tLo gful®såf®f ®flvPsf zt{x¿ s'g} cGo ljb]zL ;®sf® of ljb]zL gful®såf®f ®flvPsf zt{eGbf g]kfnsf nflu sd cg'sn " gePdf g]kfn ;®sf®n] ef®t ;®sf® jf p;sf gful®sx¿nfO{ klxnf] k|fyldstf lbg]5 . dfly plNnlvt k|fjwfgx¿ g]kfn ;®sf®n] ;+oQ' m ®fi6«;3+ of o;sf ljlzi6 k|ltlglw ;+:yfx¿af6 lng] ;xfotfsf] xsdf eg] nfu" x'g] 5}g . %= b'j} ;®sf® Pscsf{sf] ;'®Iffdf k|lts"n k|efj kfg{ ;Sg] ultljlw ePdf s'g} klg ljb]zL gful®snfO{ lgo'lQm gug{ ;xdt ePsf 5g\ . b'j} ;®sf®n] cfjZostfcg';f® o; dfldnfnfO{ Ps csf{;dIf k|:t't ug]5 { g\ .
July-Sept 2006
k5{, Toxf“ klg af9L cfp“5 . b'O{ b]zaLr j}jflxs ;DaGw klg rN5 . sltko ;LdfjtL{ If]qdf g]kfnLsf] hUuf ef®tlt® 5 eg] ef®tLox¿sf] hUuf g]kfnlt® klg 5 . ®fhgLlts lx;fan] eg] a]nf–a]nfdf tgfj klg l;h{gf x'g] u®]sf] 5 . h:tf] df3 !( kl5 hgcfGbf]ng ;kmn gx'Gh]n ef®tsf] g]kfn;“usf] ;DaGw tgfjk"0f{ lyof] . t® ca ;'wf® cfPsf] 5 . ®fhgLlts ;DaGw h] eP klg k|fs[lts ;DaGwdf s'g} km®s k®]sf] b]lv“bg} . t® xfdL ;w}+ g]kfnL hgtfsf ;fydf 5f}+ . xfdLn] g]kfnL hgtfsf] kIfdf ;+;b\df s'®f p7fO®x]sf 5f}+ ® cem} klg p7fpg]5f}+ .
k|wfgdGqLsf] ef/t e|d0fsf d'Vo cfsif{0f
sfnfkfgLdf ef/tLo ;}lgs SofDk
– tTsfn ! ca{ ^) s®f]8 ?lkof“ ah]6®L ;xof]u . – jflif{s cg'bfg ^% s®f]8 ®x]sf]df ca a9fP® ! ca{ %) s®f]8 k'¥ofOg] . – xltof® vl®bdf ltg{ af“sL ! ca{ ^) s®f]8 ldgfxf . – g]kfnL ljBfyL{nfO{ 5fqj[lQ sf]6f bf]Aa® agfOg] . – cfon lgudn] k]6f« l] nod kbfy{jfkt ltg{ af“sL ?lkof“ e'QmfgLdf ;x'lnot lbOg] . – g]kfndf k"jf{wf® ljsf;sf nflu ;f9] ;ft ca{ ;x'lnotk"0f{ C0f lbOg] . z"Go bzdnj &% k|ltzt Aofhsf] ;f] C0f g]kfnn] @) jif{;Dddf r'Qmf ug'k{ g]{ . – g]kfndf pTkflbt ;fdfgdf ef®tn] b'O{ dlxgfb]lv nufp“b} cfPsf] $ k|ltzt cltl®Qm eG;f® z'Ns x6fof] . – g]kfn–ef®taLr xjfO{ p8fg sf]6f x6fOof] . o;cl3 ;ftfdf @* ;o l;6 Ifdtfdf p8fg ug{ kfOg] sf]6f tf]lsPsf]df ca k|lt:kwf{sf cfwf®df c;Lldt p8fg ug{ kfOg]5 . – tTsfn @% xhf® d]l6«s 6g ®f;folgs dn ef®tn] ;x'lnotk"0f{ tl®sfn] lbg] . – zflGt k|lqmofdf ;+oQ' m ®fi6«;3+ sf] e"ldsfaf®] ef®tsf] wf®0ff dfUg] sfd ePsf] 5 . o:t} kl®jlt{t kl®l:yltnfO{ ef®tn] s;®L lnPsf] 5 eGg] wf®0ff a'‰g ;d]t e|d0f ;kmn ePsf] 5 .
g;d]l6Psf ljifo
ef/tsf /fi6«klt PkLh] cAb'n snfd;“u g]kfnsf k|wfgdGqL / dGqLx¿ a'4
July-Sept 2006
– ;Ldf ljjfb – e'6fgL z®0ffyL{ ;d:of – !(%) sf] g]kfn–ef®t zflGt tyf d}qL ;lGw – 8'afg ;d:of
cfj/0f÷;+:d/0f …t/ d]/f] o:tf] ;'vb k|f/Desf afah'b d}n] eGg} k5{ ls g]kfnL / fhb"tsf nflu Toltv]/sf] lbNnL lgs} s7Øfpg] lr;f] lyof]
)!( ;fnsf] sflQssf] cGTolt® Ps lbg ck®f≈g ®fhf dx]Gb|af6 dnfO{ gf®fo0flx6L ®fhb®af®df af]nfx6 eof] ® a+unf g+= ! df bz{ge]6 aS:of], h'g a+unf xfn 5}g -eTsfO;lsPsf] 5_ . ;®sf®af6 x'sd' eof]– …d}n] tkfO{n + fO{ ef®tdf ®fhb"t agfP® k7fpg] lg0f{o u®] + . tkfO{s + f] s] egfO 5 <Ú …ef®tsf nflu tTsfnLg ®fhb"t g®k|tfk yfkfsf] ljdfg b'36{ gfdf k®L d[To' ePb]lv ;f] kb vfnL ®x]sf] lyof] . g]kfn ® ef®taLrsf ;DaGwdf ljBdfg tgfjsf ;Gbe{df To:tf] dxŒjk"0f{ kb w]®} ;do;Dd vfnL ®flv®xg' plrt lyPg . s;nfO{ k7fpg] eGg] ljifodf sf7df8f}+df lgs} pTs07f lyof] .Ú k®®fi6« ;lrjsf x}l;otn] ob'gfyn] tTsfnLg k®®fi6« dGqLnfO{ ;f] kbdf s;}nfO{ rf“8} lgo'Qm ug{ cg'®f]w u®]sf lyP . …To;®L ®fhb®af®af6 dnfO{ af]nfx6 x'g
;S5 eGg] s'®f dnfO{ k®®fi6«dGqL t'n;L lu®Ln] ;'gfPsf lyP . >L % dx]Gb|af6 h:t} 7f8f] k|Zg u®]® dnfO{ ®fhb"t lgo'Qm ug]{ s'®f ;f]lwaS;] klg d h'g kbdf lyP“ To; kbdf ®x]sf] JolQmsf nflu Tof] Tolt cfZro{hgs s'®f lyPg . t}klg ;®sf®af6 gfktf}n ul®sg ;f]lwaS;]sf] Tof] ;Lwf 7f8f] k|Zgn] d Psl5g clee"t eP“ . d]®f cf“vfcufl8 d}n] g]kfn–ef®t ;DaGwdf b]lvPsf] ptf®r9fjsf] lrq b]vs ] f] lyP“ . To;} a]nf !& ;fn k'; ! ut]sf] 36gfaf6 c;Gt'i6 g]kfnL sf+u; ]| sf sfo{stf{n] ;Ldfkf®af6 cfqmd0fx¿ ul®®x]sf] s'®f klg d}n] ;lDemP“ . ;q ;fnsf] To; 36gfdf g]kfnL sf+u; ]| ;®sf®sf] vf®]hL ePaf6 ef®tsf] g]tT[ j ju{df dgd'6fj k}bf ePsf] x'gfn] g]kfn ® ef®t b'O{ b]zaLrsf] ;DaGwdf s6'tf klg lyof] . *****
xfdL @)!( ;fn k'; !) ut] -!(^@ lb;Da® @%_ lbNnL hfg] eof} + . …dnfO{ ;Demgf 5 tL lbgx¿df d]®f] dgdf cln g}®fZok"0f{ ljrf®x¿ cfO®xGy] . lbNnLdf ®fhb"t eP® ug'k{ g]{ sl7g ® hl6n sfdsf] dnfO{ lrGtf lyof] . g]kfn–ef®t ;DaGwdf cfkm\g} ;d:of ® sl7gfO t 5“b} lyP . To;dfly rLg– ef®t ;DaGwdf klg s]jn Ps dlxgfcl3b]lv dfq
sl7gfO ylkPsf] lyof] . rLg ® ef®taLrsf] dgd'6fjn] g]kfn–ef®taLrsf] ;DaGwdf cfh klg yk hl6ntfsf] cg'ej u®fO®x]s} 5 . …d}n] d]®f] cf]xf]bfsf] k|df0fkq hgj®L !, !(^# sf] gof“ jif{sf] z'elbgdf ®fi6«klt ®fwfs[i0fg\;dIf k|:t't u®]+ . aL; jif{cl3 snsQfdf ljBfyL{ x'“bf pgsf] k|efjsf®L k|jrgzlQmaf6 k|efljt–cfslif{t eP® Ps lbg d pgsf] sIffdf ;'6S' s k;]sf] lyP“ . To; s'®fsf] ;Demgf ub}{ d}n] pgnfO{ ;f] 36gfsf] af®]df eg] + . pgL v';L eP . *****
…t® d]®f] o:tf] ;'vb k|f®Desf afah'b d}n] eGg} k5{ ls g]kfnL ®fhb"tsf nflu Toltv]®sf] lbNnL lgs} s7Øfpg] lr;f] lyof] . of] s6' oyfy{ dx;'; ug{ d}n] w]®} a]® k|tLIff ug'k{ ®]g . kmfu'g & ut] g]kfnsf] ®fli6«o lbj;sf] pknIodf b"tfjf;df d}n] cfof]hgf u®]sf] : jfut ;df®f]xdf s'g} ef®tLo dGqL cfPgg\ ® hf] hlt ef®tLox¿ cfP, tL klg guGo ;+Vofdf cfP . o:tf ;df®f]xdf h'g tx;Ddsf hlt ;+Vofdf pRrkb:y ef®tLo clwsf®Lx¿ cfp“5g\ Tolt dfqfdf g} ef®t ® ;DalGwt b]zsf aLrsf] ;DaGwsf] :t® k|ltljlDat x'G5 eGg] lbNnLsf] s"6gLlts ;d'bfosf] dfGotf ®x]sf] kfOG5 . pk®fi6«kltsf] cg'kl:ylt Hofbf v6\lsG5 lsgls pgL o:tf ;df®f]xdf k|foM hfG5g\ . d ® xfd|f] b"tfjf;sf sd{rf®Lx¿n] d'vfd'v u®]®
d s;/L
/fhb"t eP“ < a'4
July-Sept 2006
cfj/0f÷;+:d/0f Pscsf{sf] cg'xf® x]¥of}+ t® s]xL af]ng] f} + .Ú ob'gfy ljgd|tfk"js { eG5g\– …o;®L d]®f] ;fj{hlgs s"6gLltsf] k|yd k|of; c;kmn b]lvof] . …To; kl®l:yltdf d]®f;fd' Ps s7f]® kvf{nh:t} xnrn ug{ g;lsg] kl®l:ylt ®x]sf] h:tf] nfUof] ® To;nfO{ d}n] kl®jt{g ug{ ;Sg] b]lvg“ . ef®tLo k|zf;g -Ao'®f]qm];L_ sf] ckf}?if]o ;+®rgf -h;nfO{ kmnfdsf ;Q®n] ag]sf] ;+®rgf eg] x'G5_ n] dnfO{ vf; d2t k'¥ofPg . d}n] Tof] c;xfo kl®l:yltsf] kL8f cg'ej u®]–+ vf;u®L ef®tLo ;+:yfkg kIfl;t x'g] cy{k0" f{ ;+nfk ug{ g;s]sf] kL8f . cfkm\gf] kbsf] st{Jo k"®f ug]{ r'gf}tL sl7g lyof] . To; sl7gfOnfO{ s;®L kf® ug]{ < *****
ob'gfy :jod\n] Tof] s"6gLlts ;kmntfkl5 Ps nfdf] ® k7gLo n]v n]vsf 5g\–…6]lSgS;\ ckm g]uf]l;P;g ;Demf}tfjftf{sf tl®sfx¿_Ú To;df pgL ;Demf}tfjftf{sf] ;kmntfsf nflu lgDglnlvt s'®fx¿sf] cfjZostf k5{ eG5g\– != ;Demf}tfjftf{ ug]{ JolQmsf] pko'Qmtf jf of]Uotf, @= p;df cGt®f{ l i6« o sfg' g sf d" n e" t s'®fx¿sf] 1fg, #= ;Demf}tfjftf{ x'g] ljifosf] ljljw kIfsf] lj: tt[ 1fg . ;fy} ob'gfysf] ljrf®df ;DalGwt kIfx¿df ;Demf}tf ug]{ OR5f x'g' klg cfjZos 5 . ha ;Demf}tfsf®L b'O{ kIfdWo] Pp6f kIf klg s'g} xfntdf ;Demf}tf gug]{ -of ;Demf}tf c;kmn kfg]_{ lgotn] k]; x'G5, ta Toxf“ ;Demf}tf ;Dej x'b“ g} . To; cj:yfdf ;Demf}tf ug{ grfxg] kIfnfO{ ts{ ® o'lQmåf®f ;Demf}tf ug{ rfxg] agfpg' klg k5{ . To;nfO{ ;Demf}tf ;kmntfsf] lgldQ csf]{ gDa® of rf}yf] gDa®df ®fVg ;lsG5 . h:t}– $= ;Demf}tfdf k'Ug] rfxgf, %= ;Demf}tf ug{sf nflu pko'Qm ;do, ^= ;Demf}tf ug]{ k|ltlglwd08nsf] pko'Qm g]tfsf] rog, &= ;Demf}tfjftf{sf] z}nL ® k|jl[ Q, -h:tf] ls lrlgof“ ® ef®tLoz}nLsf] leGgtf a'em\ gnfos 5_ *= ;Demf}tfsf] tof®L jf u[xsfo{ -xf]djs{_ . o; ljifodf ob'gfysf] n]vaf6 To;sf s]xL a'b“ fx¿ ptfgf{sf] sf®0f s] 5 eg] cr]n g]kfnsf ;Demf}tfsf® jf s"6gLlts k|ltlglwx¿ tL ;a s'®fdf Vofn} g®fvL ;Demf}tf jftf{df hfg] u5{g \ . ;fob To;}n] xf]nf e'6fgL z®0ffyL{ ;d:ofdf b;f}+ kN6 jftf{ x'b“ f klg s'g} k|ult gePsf] . To:t} ;g\ !(%) sf] ef®tl;tsf] ;lGw a'4
July-Sept 2006
ljifodf, sfnfkfgL, dxfsfnL ;lGw, 6gsk'® cflb pbfx®0f 5g\ h;df s'g} k|ult ePsf] 5}g . xfdLx¿n] ;f]Rg'kg]{ k|Zg ToxL xf]– …tL ljifodf ;Demf}tf ug{ ob'gfyn] eg]sf a'b“ fx¿df sbflrt Wofg lbPsf 5f}+ ls 5}gf}+ <Ú cGTodf o; ljifodf tLg dxŒjk"0f{ s'®fsf] pNn]v u®]® o;nfO{ 6'ªU\ ofpm“ . Ps, ef®tLo ;}lgs ;Dks{ ;d"x ® ef®tLo jfo®n]; ck®]6®x¿nfO{ …b; dlxgfleqdf lkmtf{ af]nfpg]Ú egL ;Demf}tf u®]® cfpg" eGg] >L % dx]Gb|sf] lgb]z { g lyof] . t® jftf{ ubf{ ob'gfyn] ef®tsf] dfuadf]lhd b'O{ jif{df dfq lkmtf{ ug]{ ;Demf}tf u®]® cfP– Tof] klg >L % dx]Gb|l;t ;f]Wb} g;f]wLsg . pgL eG5g\– …xfdLnfO{ ef®tLo ;}lgs ;Dks{ ;d"x …lkmtf{ u®fpg'Ú dxŒjk"0f{ s'®f lyof] ls …b; dlxgfd} lkmtf{ u®fpg' <Ú ef®tLox¿ b'O{ jif{leqdf g} klg kmls{g ®fhL x'G5g\ eg] Tof] kf] 7"nf] pknlAw eof] t xf]Og < ;f]x–| ;q jif{;Dd t pgLx¿ o;} klg al;;s]s} lyP eg] ca lglZrt ;dofjlwdf kmls{g dfGbf s] xflg x'g] lyof] ® <Ú ob'gfysf] of] rft'®LnfO{ >L % dx]Gb|af6 7"nf] ;®fxgf
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July-Sept 2006
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Contact Bhimsengola, Baneshwor, Kathmandu Phone: 4491250, 4491051
July-Sept 2006
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July-Sept 2006
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lap pTkfbg tyf ahf® Joj:yfkg cl3Nnf] jif{;Dd afnL nufpg] ;dodf pGgt lap gkfOg], kfOP klg ls dx“uf] x'g] ls t u'0f:t®Lo gx'g] ;d:ofn] ;tfOPsf lyP df]®ª lhNnfsf] 6+lsl;gjf®L ® xflQd'8f uflj;sf ;fgfls;fgx¿ . t® o;kfln b]lv To; e]usf s[ifs wfg, ux“' ® d'uh:tf afnLsf gof“ pGgt hftsf lap pTkfbg tyf k|zf]wg u®L ahf®df a9L d"Nodf laqmL ug{ ;Ifd eO;s]sf 5g\ . o;kfln s[ifsx¿n] ux“s ' f] gof“ hft laPn !**& -uf}td_ sf] klxnf] k':tf :t®sf] lap pTkfbg u®] . To;}u®L d'usf] xfn;fn} l;kmfl®; ul®Psf] gof“ hftx¿ sNof0f, k|ltIff ® kfOknfOgdf ®x]sf] PgPd (@ sf] lap pTkfbg sfo{ eO®x]sf] 5 . o;}u®L of] jiff{ ofddf wfgsf gof“ hftx¿ ldlynf, ®fd ® o; If]qdf a9L k|rlnt cGo hftx¿ sfG5L dG;'nL ® ®fwf–!@ h:tf hftx¿sf] lap pTkfbg ug]{ nIo ®flvPsf] 5 . o;}u®L u'0f:t®Lo lap k|zf]wg ug{sf] lglDt lgs6 eljiod} lap k|zf]wg oGq ;L8Lcf®l;af6 ;xof]u :j¿k k|bfg ul®g nfu]sf] 5 . casf lbgdf l5d]sL uflj;df ;d]t u'0f:t®Lo lap ;'kmb d"Nodf pknAw u®fpg] k|dv ' p2]Zo;lxt cufl8 a9]sf 5}f,+ Pljl;l8 s[ifs ;d"xsf ;b:o pu| gf®fo0f ljZjf; eG5g\ . klxnf t lap pTkfbg h:tf] sfo{ xfdL ls;fg cfkm}n] ug{ ;Sg] sfo{ g} xf]Ogh:tf] nfu]sf] lyof] . t® lap pTkfbg tyf ahf® Joj:yfkg;DaGwL cfjZos tflnd ® lgoldt k|fljlws ;'ljwf klg kfOPsfn] lap pTkfbg ug{ ;kmn eof+ } . o;n] ubf{ pTkfbg klg a9\of] ® :t®Lo lap pTkfbg u®L laqmL ug{ ;Ifd eO®x]sf 5f+,} k|ultzLn lap pTkfbs ;d"xsf ;b:o s[i0f s];L yK5g\ . jrt tyf C0f ;L8Lcf®;L kl®of]hgfdf ;+nUg ls;fgx¿ cfhsf] jrt ef]lnsf] lglDt 7"nf] ®fxt eGg] s'®f a'em]® ;fd"lxs ¿kdf jrt u®L jrtsf] plrt kl®rfng u®L w]®} kmfObf lng ;kmn ePsf 5g\ . jrt slt ug],{ C0f s'g b®df slt s;®L lbg] lgod ;j} cfkm} to u5{g \ . jrtdWo] s;}nfO{ vf“rf] k®]df a}s + sf] h:tf] sfuhL emGeml6nf]kgf lagf ;lhn};u“ t'?Gt} sd Aofh b®df C0f lng ;S5g\ . C0f lng s'g} lwtf] ®fVg'kb}g{ . C0f c;'nL b® !)) k|ltzt ®x]sf] 5 . jrt @! ?k}of“ k|lt JolSt k|lt dlxgf eP tfklg pgLx¿sf] s'n jrt ! nfv &$ xhf® ?k}of“ gfl3;s]sf] 5 . h;sf] &) k|ltzt ®sd ls;fgx¿n] ljleGg cfod"ns ultljlwdf nufgL u®]sf 5g\ .w
a'4 Po® hd{gLdf g]kfnsf] k|efjzfnL jfo';]jf a'4 Po/n] o;jif{ klg cGt/ fl{ i6«o Jofkf/ d]nf aln{gdf efu lnPsf] 5 . Toxf“ efu lnP/ o; Po/nfOG;n] cfk\mgf] ;]jfsf] dfq k|rf/k|;f/ xf]Ogls b]zsf] ;'/Iff Joj:yf, ko6{sdf kg]{ u/]sf] g]kfnaf/]sf] unt wf/0ffklg d]6fpg] sfd u¥of] . of] d]nfdf a'4 Po/ g]kfndf ko6{snfO{ s'g} cK7]/f] g/x]sf] hfgsf/L lbg ;kmn eof] . o:t} d]nfdf ljZjsf] ;jf]R{ r lzv/ ;u/dfyfsf af/]df klg hfgsf/L u/ fp g] sfd eof] . o; k|of]hgsf nflu a'4 Po/n] o;kfln sf7df8f}l+ :yt ljdfg :yndf sfo{/t sd{rf/L lbg]z lwdfnnfO{ k|ltlglwsf] ¿kdf k7fPsf] lyof] . of] d]nfdf a'4 Po/ hfg'sf] d"n sf/0f ko6{s leq\ofpg' /x]sfn] o;df a'4 Po/ k"0f{ ;kmn ePsf] 5 .
vd]/?hsf df:6/dfO08 vd]/ ?hsf df:6/dfO08sf] ?kdf kf]nkf]6, lvp ;fDkmfg, Oo8 ;l/, l56 5f]o'g-tf df]s_, g'cf]+ lrof, cflb lyP . ;fnf]y ;f® pkm{ kf]n kf]6 k|mG] r OG8f]rfOgfsf] Ps efusf] ¿kd ®x]sf] k|s ] :afpe eGg] 7fp“ -xfn pQm 7fp“ sDaf]l8ofsf] sf]Dkf]8 yf]d k|fGtdf k5{_ df ;fnf]y ;f® gfdsf JolQm hlGdPsf lyP . ;g\ !(#$ df ;fnf]y ;f®sf afa'cfdfn] gf]dk]Gxsf] ;a}eGbf 7"nf] u'Daf jf6 af]6d' ef8\8O] df k9\g k7fP . Ps jif{kl5 pgL cfkm\gf bfh'efph"sxf“ a:g uP ® Osf]n ldlr (Ecole Miche) df egf{ eP . pgn] !($! df Cerficat d'Etudes Primaries Complementairies kf; ug{ u®]sf] klxnf] k|of;df c;kmn eP ® kmls{P . pgn] pQm k®LIff !($# ;Dd kf; u®]gg\ . pgL ln;L l;;f]jfy (Lycee Sisowath) sf] k|jz ] k®LIff klg kf; x'g ;s]gg\ ® sn]h lk|xf l;+xfg's gfdsf] h'lgo® ldl8n :s'nd egf{ eP . Toxf“ pgL km]l® dWod:t®sf] ljBfyL{ eP, t® pgL km'6an v]Ng ® af“;sf] hfOnf]kmf]g ahfpg dg k®fpy] . !($& df pgn] k®LIff kf; u®]® Lycee Sisowath egf{ x'g 5gf]6 eP . !($( df pgn] k]l®;df ®]l8of] OlGhlgol®8 k9\g 5fqj[lQ kfP . k]l®;df cWoogcjlwe® pgL sDo'lgi6df kl®jt{g eO;s]sf lyP, To;kl5 pgL k|mG] r sDo'lgi6 kf6L{df cfj4 eP . !(%# df pgL sDaf]l8of kmls{P . Tof] ;dodf OG8f]rfOgf If]qdf k|mG] r pklgj]zlj?4 sDo'lg:6sf] cu'jfOdf ljb|fx] ; ;'? ePsf] lyof] . ;'?df leotgfdnfO{ s]Gb|ljGb' agfP® ljb|fx] ;'? ePsf] lyof], kl5 of] sDaf]l8of ® nfcf];df klg km}lnof] . ;fnf]y ;f® klxnf leotgfdL ;d"x leotldGxdf cfa4 eP t® kl5 To;n] leotgfdnfO{ dfq dxTj lbPsf] yfxf kfP . !(%$ df k|mfG; OG8f]rfOgfaf6 x6\of], leotldGxx¿ pQ®L leotgfdaf6 lkmtf{ eP ®fhf g®f]4d l;+xfg'sn] sDaf]l8ofdf r'gfj 3f]if0ff u®] . To;kl5 l;+xfg'sn] ®fhu2L TofuL ®fhgLlts bn :yfkgf u®] . l;+xfg'sn] ;a} sDo'lg:6 ljkIfLnfO{ x®fP® ;®sf®sf ;a} l;6df ljho xfl;n ug{ ;kmn eP . To;kl5 ;fnf]y ;f® l;+xfg'ssf u'Ktr®af6 aRg & jif{ e"ldut eP . !(^) sf] bzssf] cGTolt® l;+xfg'ssf] cfGtl®s ;'®Iff k|dv ' nf]g gf]nn] sDo'lg:6 kf6L{ ckm sDk'lrofsf gfdn] lrlgg] qmflGtsf®Llj?4 sf®jfxL ;'? u®] . ;f] 36gfkl5 ;fnf]y ;f®n] ;®sf®sf lj?4 hg;]gfsf] u7g ;'? u®], h;nfO{
rLgn] ;xof]u u®]sf] lyof] . !(&) eGbf cufl8 pQm kf6L{ sDaf]l8ofO{ ®fhgLltdf dxTjk"0f{ alg;s]sf] lyof] . oBlk !(&) df cd]l®sfsf] ;dy{gdf hg®n nf]g gf]nn] l;+xfg'snfO{ ;Qfaf6 x6fP . To;sf] k|To'Q®df l;+xfg'sn] ;fnf]y ;f®sf] ;dy{g u®] . ;f]xL jif{ cd]l®sL ®fi6klt l®rf8{ lgS;gn] blIf0fL leotgfddf ®x]sf leot sf]8sf ;]gfnfO{ Wj:t kfg{ cd]l®sL ;]gf k7fpg cfb]z lbP . cd]l®sL ;]gfsf] xdnf;“u} l;+xfg'ssf] nf]slk|otf ;fnf]y ;f®lt® 9lNsof], To;kl5 nf]g gf]nsf] ;®sf®sf] ;x®L Onfsfdf dfq lgoGq0f x'g yfNof] . s] klg elgG5 eg] ljz]ifu®L leotgfdL cfk|jf;LnfO{ ;kmfr6 kfg]{ cleofg:j¿k ;'? ul®Psf] leotgfd o'4sf] ;dflKtljgf vd]® ?hx? zlQmdf cfpg ;Sb}gy], ;g\ !(&( df k|sflzt ljlnod zfqm;sf] ;fO8zf] gfds k':tsdf of] ts{ ul®Ps]f 5 . ha !(&# df cd]l®sLx¿n] leotgfd 5f8], leot sf]8x¿n] sDaf]l8of 5f8] t® vd]® ?hx¿ nl8 ®x] . b]zsf] s'g} klg efudf lgoGq0f ®fVg c;kmn ePkl5 nf]g gf]nsf] ;®sf® w®fzfoL eof] . To;kl5 ;g\ !(&% sf] clk|n !& df sDk'lrof sDo'lg:6 kf6L{n] gf]dk]GxnfO{ lgoGq0fdf lnof], nf]g gf]n cd]l®sflt® efu] . gf]dk]GxnfO{ lgoGq0fdf lnPsf] Ps dlxgf klg glaTb} !(&% d] !@ df vd]® ?hsf] gfljlso ;]gf sDaf]l8ofsf] ;LdfjtL{ hn If]qdf kl®rflnt eof] ® P; P; dfofuLh gfdsf] hxfh sAhfdf lnof], pQm hxfh leotgfd 5f8\g nfu]sf] clGtd hxfh lyof] . oxL ;dodf ;fnf]y ;f® kf]n kf]6sf] gfdaf6 lrlgg yfn] . sDk'lrof sDo'lg:6 kf6L{n] ;Qf xTofPkl5sf] kf]n kf]6sf] zf;gsfn ;g\ !(&% b]lv !(&&
df !% b]lv @# nfv dflg;x¿ dfl®P . of] tYof+scg';f® * dWo] ! sDaf]l8ofOx¿ dfl®Psf] cg'dfg 5 . kf]n kf]6 zf;gn] vf;u®L af}4 leIf', klZrdL b]zdf lzIff lnPsf af}l4s ju{x¿, rZdf nufpg] JolQmx¿, nfcf]; ® leotgfdsf cflbjf;LnfO{ tf®f] agfPsf] lyof] . :jtGqtfsf] gfddf lgd{d g®;+xf® g} dRrfOPsf] lyof] . gf]dk]Gx sAhfsf] nuQ} vd]®?hx¿n] qmflGtsf®L sDo'lg:6 kl®jt{g eP ® g®f]4d l;+xfg's vfnL d"lt{sf] h:t} e"ldsfdf ®x] . pgLx¿n] gf]dk]Gxnufot dxTjk"0f{ ;x® k"0f{ ¿kdf vfnL ug{ cfb]z lbP . cfkm\gf] k':ts An' :qmfE;{ P08 onf] :6f;{ M Snflnlkms];g P08 l;Daf]nfOh]zg Og lb sDaf]l8og lhgf];fO8 gfds k':tsdf 8f= u|u] ®L Pr :6\ofG6g n]V5g\— kf]n kf]6sf] zf;gsfndf df:6®dfO08 cyf{t\ dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsfdf ®x]sf clwsf®Lx¿n] P hL k|mfGssf] dfS;{jfbL l;4fGt k9]sf lyP, h;df ;x®x¿ u|fdL0f e]udf lge{® x'G5g\, >dsf] d"No jf:tljs d"No xf], ;x®n] u|fdL0f e]uaf6 ;®Kn; Eofn' k|fKt u5{g\ . eGg] pNn]v lyof] .
sxfnLnfUbf s'sT[ ox¿ P hL k|mfGssf] l;4fGtaf6 k|l] ®t vd]®x¿n] ;Qf xTofPsf] nuQ} aGb'ssf] qf; b]vfp“b} ;a} ;x® vfnL u®fP . ck®];g ubf{ub}s { f] cj:yfdf klg c:ktfnaf6 la®fdLnfO{ ;x® 5f8\g afWo kfl®of], ltgLx¿n] uGtJodf klg gk'Ub} Hofg u'dfP . >d ul®®x]sf dlxnfnfO{ klg ltgLx¿sf lzz';lxt lx8fOof], afnsx¿ rsf]{ 3fdsf sf®0f dfl®P . sd{rf®Lx¿ ;a}nfO{ ;x® 5f8\g afWo agfOPsf sf®0f sfnd]6L c:ktfnsf] afn jf8{ ;a} vfnL eof] . pQm jf8{ cfdlrxfgdf kl®0ft eof] . !(&^ df dflg;x¿nfO{ ljleGg ju{df juL{s®0f ul®of]— k"0f{ clwsf® ePsf dflg;, SoflG88]6 ® Ro't (depositees) . vd]®x¿n] ;x®af6 u|fdL0fe]udf lj:yflkt ul®PsfnfO{ t];f| ] bhf{df ®fv]sf lyP . ltgLx¿nfO{ b}lgs ?kdf rfdnsf] b'O{ srf}®f ;'k lbOGYof] . o: t} sf®0f kf]nkf]6sf] zf;gsfndf nfvf}+ dflg;xef]sd®Laf6 d®] .w -qmdzM cfufdL c+sdf _
.. 8L cd[t a'4
July-Sept 2006
nfof rrf{df lyof] klxn] g]kfnLx¿df . eGy], dnfofsf] nfx'® ] . xf], Tof] clxn]sf] dn]l;of xf] . dn]l;ofsf] vfgfsf] :jfb;“u ®Dg g;s]kl5 g]kfnL vfgfsf] :jfbsf nflu ef}t+ fl®®x]sf lyof} + . b'O{ lbgcufl8 g} g]kfnL bfh'efOnfO{ e]6g\ ] ® g]kfnL vfgfdf ®dfpg] lgwf] xfdLaLr ePsf] lyof] ] . h]7 !$ ut] cfOtaf® ljbfsf] lbg . clwsf+z g]kfnL ljbfsf] lbg sf]qo} fdf e]nf x'G5g\ eGg] yfxf kfPsf lyof} + . SjfnfnDk'® l;6L ;]G6®glhs} a;]sf] xf]6n qmfpg lk|G;];df a|s ] k|mf:6 lnPkl5 d ® ;xofqLåo b'uf{gfy ;'jb] L -b]jG] b|_ ® a'l4axfb'® k|wfg cdkd kfs{af6 df]gf] ®]n ;dft]® To;tkm{ nfUof} + . ®]ndf !% ldg]6sf] ofqf lyof] kf;® ;]gL -sf]qo} f If]q_ . dn]l;ofnfO{ sd{el" d agfPsf g]kfnL bfh'efOx¿ ®]nd} e]l6P . b]jG] b|n] nufPsf] g]kfnsf] emG8f c+lst l6;6{af6 pgLx¿n] xfdLnfO{ klg g]kfnL eg]® 7DofPsf x'g\ . sf]qo} fs} nflu lx+8s ] f ®x]5g\ pgLx¿ klg . d]®f] ® b]jG] b|sf] klxnf] k6s eP klg lqms]6 cDkfP® k|wfgsf] eg] cfwf bh{g k6s k'Ug nflu;s]sf] lyof] of] dn]l;of ofqf . xfdL t cgle1 g} lyof}+ 7fp“x¿sf af®]df . a'l4 bfO
klg lbgsf] !% l®+lu6 dfof g} dfg'k{ 5{ . Ps af]tn ldg®n jf6®s} @ l®+lu6 k5{ . lbgdf @÷# af]6n kfgL glkP t z®L® ;'Vvf eP® Hofgs} vt®f df]Ng'kg]{ x'G5 . To;dfly a]nfa]nfdf ;fyLefO;“usf] hd36, 3'd3fd ® 3®kl®jf® la;]®{ cfk"mnfO{ clnslt :jtGq agfpg] xf] eg] t cfly{s ;+s6nfO{ klg lgDTofpg'kg]5 { . tyflk 3®v]t a]r®] , ;fx';u“ C0f u®]® uPsf] ;lDemg]n] jif{ lbgdf To;nfO{ ltg{ ;Sg] sdfO gx'g] eg] xf]Og . ;]gfsf] hflu® 5f8]® ;'®Iff uf8{sf] sfd ug{ uPsf o'j®fh eG5g\– Ps jif{ eof] . sdfO t s] eof] eGg' . cfPsf] C0frflx+ ltl®of]. lsg g]kfnLn] /fd|f] sdfO ug{ ;Sb}gg\ t < dn]l;ofdf emG8} # nfvsf] xf®fxf®Ldf g]kfnL sfd u5{g \ . clwsf+z 3®]n' sfdbf®sf] ¿kdf ®x]sf 5g\ . 7"–7"nf sDkgLdf sfd kfP klg :sLn 6«l] gªsf] cefjdf g]kfnL k5fl8 kg'k{ g{] cj:yf ®x]5 . c¿ b]zsf h'g sfddf hfg] xf] To; sfdsf nflu bIf eP® hfg] x'gfn] pgLx¿ g} ®fd|f] tnadf sfd kfp“5g\ . clg efiffsf] sdhf]®L klg TolQs} 5 . h;n] ubf{ cfkm\gf] clwsf®;“u n8\g] x}l;otdf g]kfnL k5fl8 kb{5g\ . b]zsf af®]df 1fg gx'gfn] klg
5}g bfd, dnfofdf
.. w|'a t'nfw/
klg sfddf a9L s]lGb|t ®xg] :jefjsf sf®0f g]kfnLx¿ e]l6g] ® ®]:6'®G] 6x¿ ®x]sf] 7fp“;u“ Tolt kl®lrt x'gx' G' y]g . To;}n] ®]ndf e]l6Psf g]kfnL xfd|f nflu 9'u+ f vf]Hbf b]ptf ldn]h:t} eof] . ®]naf6 kf;® ;]gLsf] :6]zgdf plqPkl5 t g]kfnL bfh'efO 5\ofk5\ofKtL e]l6g yfn] . Tof] If]qtkm{ cufl8 a9\bf nfUof] xfdL g]kfns} s'g} ;x®df 5f} + . ;8s k]6Ldf v'§f xfNg] 7fp“ kfpg ufx|f] lyof] . htf uof] Tot} g]kfnL 7f]lSsg] . k;nx¿df g]kfnL lkmNdL uLt, kk uLt ® lxGbL lkmNdsf uLtx¿ 3lGs®x]sf lyP . ;u®dfyf, rf}tf®L, Pe®]:6, g]kfn xfp; o:t} gfd u®]sf ®]:6'®G] 6sf ;fOgaf]8x{ ¿ em'lG8Psf] klg Toxf“ b]Vg ;lsGYof] . dfgf}+ g]kfnsf] ®fhwfgL ;x® Go"®f]8jl®kl® g} 5f}+ ls . oxf“ o:t} xf] ;®, g]kfnLnfO{ nlIft u®]® Jofkf®–Joj;fo ul®G5, ®]ndf e]l6Psf a'4
:ofª\hfsf ®fds[i0fn] To; If]qsf] af®]df lj:t[t hfgsf®L lb+b} eg] . dn]l;ogx¿ sfdk|lt Psbd} k|lta4 x'G5g\ . To;sf] k'li6 t kl5Nnf] !) jif{df dn]l;ofn] b]z ljsf;df df®]sf] 5nfª clg Jojl:yt ;x®sf] b[Zoaf6 g} cg'dfg nufpg ;lsGYof] . To;}n] g]kfnaf6 sfd ug{ uPsfn] ;ftfa]u® t 5'§L kfpg] ;+efjgf g} x'b“ g} ®x]5 . ;ftfel®sf] sfdsf] ysfg clg ;fyLefO;“u dgel®sf] kL8f kf]Vg ljbfsf] lbg g} kv{gk' 5{ . ;fyLefO;“u hd36 ug{ ® cfjZos ;fdu|L - ;a}eGbf a9L rNg] r'®f]6, v}gL, kfgk®fu, uLtsf ;L8L, lel;8L cflb OToflb_ lsGg sf]qo} fdf e]nf x'g] ubf{ ®x]5g\ g]kfnLx¿ . ®]naf6 pq]® Psl5g lx+8b\ f klg dn]l;ofsf] k|r08 udL{n] cfn;tfn; agfO;s]sf]] lyof] . ®fds[i0fn] g]kfnL vfgfsf nflu ®fd|f] eg]® g]kfn xfp;df k'¥ofP . Toxf“ k'Ubf 6]an' 6]an' df g]kfnL bfh'efOx¿ ®dfOnf] ul®®x]sf lyP . g]kfnaf6 nluPsf] ;'s6' L ® Sofg lao®sf] ;fydf pgLx¿n] cfkm\gf] kL8f Pscsf{aLr ;f6\g kfpg'nfO{ ljbfsf] lbgsf] k"0f{ ;b'kof]u ePsf] 7flg®x]sf] dx;'; ug{ ;lsGYof] . xfd|f] t of] kL® Joyfsf] ;fyL xf], ljbfsf] lbg gvfO{ ;ls+bg} . ;®x¿n] klg cfh xfdL;“u
July-Sept 2006
a;]® vfg'k5{ .®fds[i0fn] xfdLnfO{ klg s® ub}{} Sofg lao®sf] c8{® lbP . pgn] # jif{cl3 sfdsf] vf]hLdf dn]l;of cfpg'sf] syf ;'gfP . ;'? ;'?df Psbd} b'Mv a]xf]gk{' ®]sf] oyfy{ klg pgL;“u 5 . cfk"mn] sfd u®]sf] On]S6«fl] gS; sDkgLdf emG8} c9fO ;o g]kfnL sfo{®t ®x]sf] atfpg] ®fds[i0f sdfOsf] af®]df cem} ;Gt'i6 x'g ;s]sf 5}gg .\ d dfq xf]Og, oxf“ ;a}sf] ;d:of o: t} xf] . 7"–n7"nf k|nf]egdf k®]® cfPsf x'G5g\ . Tof]cg'¿k g sfd kfp“5g\, g t tna g} . g]kfnLn] cf};t dfl;s & ;o l®+lu6 -!$ xhf® g]kfnL_ eGbf a9L sdfpg cfkm\gf] bIftf ® 7"n} d]xgt ug'k{ g]{ ts{ cufl8 ;fb}{ pgn] eg] . sDkgL ®fd|f] k¥of] eg] dfq xf] geP ;®sf®L n]aL ltbf{ ® To;}af6 vfg÷nfpg' kbf{ ;f]rc ] g'¿k k};f arfpg g;lsg] oyfy{tfnfO{ pgLx¿n] k|:6\ofP . yf]®} vr{ u®]® vfG5' eg]
kfOn}lkR5] g]kfnL 7lu+bf ®x]5g\ . g]kfn xfp;sf d]gh ] ® lg®h ;fksf]6f cfkm"df bIftf ® efiffsf] 1fg glnO{ cfpg]x¿n] dn]l;ofdf 7"nf] b'Mv e]mNg'kl®®x]sf] oyfy{tf ;'gfp“5g\ . To;sf nflu sfdbf® cfkm} klg rgfvf] eP® dfq sfdsf nflu cfpg'kg]{ ;Gb]z pgsf] 5 . !% jif{eGbf d'lgsf v]nf8Lsf] b'O{ lbj;Lo lqms]6 k|ltof]lutf -PnfO6 l8lehg_ sf nflu ;dfrf® ;+sng ug{ d sl®a bO{ ;ftf dn]l;of a;]sf] lyP“ . ;d:of c¿ klg ®x]5g\ dn]l;ofdf OG8f]gl] ;ofnL l76L;“u g]kfnL o'jfx¿ Af®flng] ® 3® v]t a]rs ] f] ®sd df]h d:tLdf ;Sg] klg . To;} klg sd cfDbfgL To;kl5 o;vfn] jftfj®0fn] g]kfnLsf] p2]Zo k"®f x'g] 5f“6sf“6 b]lvGg . ldq b'uf{gfy ® a'l4axfb'® eg] cDkfPl®ª ug ;“u} lyP . o:t} 5 xfn dnfof pkm{ dn]l;ofsf] . w
p8fP/} cfgGb .. sdn kf}8]n
®]jf s]sf nflu kflnG5 < df;' vfg jf dgf]®~hg lng . of] k|Zg pkTosf aflx®sf dfG5]nfO{ ;f]Wof] eg] pgLx¿sf] ;xh pQ® x'G5– df;' vfg of t dlGb®df r9fpg . t® oxL k|Zg sf7df8f}s + f :yfgLo JolQmnfO{ ;f]Wof] eg] pgLx¿sf] pQ® km®s x'G5 . k®]jfnfO{ oxf“ ljz'4 dgf]®~hgsf nflu kflnG5 g ls df;'sf nflu . lsgls zflGtsf] k|lts dflgPsf] k+5LnfO{ dfg'{ x'Gg eGg] hgljZjf; oxf“ 5 . Dfflg;df y®L–y®Lsf zf]v x'G5g\ . k®]jf p8fP® dhf lng] zf}lvgx¿sf] ;+Vof ®fhwfgLdf al9®x]sf] 5 . pgLx¿n] k®]jf kfns ;+3 g} vf]n®] zf]vnfO{ lg®Gt®tf lbPsf 5g\ . k®]jf p8fg k|ltof]lutfs} ¿kdf klg a]nfa]nfdf x'g] u®]sf] 5 . Tof] klg dgf]®~hgs} nflu xf] . ;f] k|ltof]lutfdf ;fd]n x'g ®fhwfgLsf ! ;o $) hgf k®]jf kfns ;+3df cfa4 5g\ . …ef®t nufot cGo b]zdf $) cf}+ jif{bl] v o:tf k|ltof]lutf x'g] u®]sf] eP klg g]kfndf eg] of] v]n x'g yfn]sf] %–^ jif{ dfq x'b+“ 5 } Ú, ;+3sf pkfWoIf lht]Gb| ah|frfo{ eG5g\– …Pp6f v]nf8LnfO{ k|ltof]lutfdf ;fd]n u®fpg
h:tf] tof®L ul®G5 To:t} tof®L k®]jfnfO{ klg ul®Psf] x'G5 . cfjZos kf}li6s cfxf® v'jfP® k|ltof]lutf x'g tLg dlxgf klxn]bl] v ltgLx¿nfO{ lgoldt tflnd lbOG5 .Ú & j6f k®]jf p8fgsf nflu tof® kfg{ sDtLdf $) k®]jfnfO{ tflnd lbg'k5{ . olt w]®} ;+Vofdf k®]jf k|lzlIft ug{s ' f] sf®0f afhn] cfsfzd} w]®h } ;f] k®]jf vfOlbg] ugf{n] xf] . k]l®lu|g kmfNsg gfds afhsf] *) k|ltzt cfxf®f k®]jf g} xf] . tflnddf nueu rf® bh{g k®]jfnfO{
…zflGtsf k|lts k/]jf v'nf cfsfzdf p8]sf] x]g{ hlt cfgGb cfpF5 Tof]eGbf a9L kL8fbfos afhn] o;nffO{ lzsf/ agfpFbf x'g] u5{Ú
;xefuL u®fOG5 . tLdWo] sDtLdf & j6f afhsf] cfqm0faf6 ar]® kmls{o'g\ eg]® g} Toltsf] ;+Vofdf k®]jf p8fOg] ul®Psf] k®]jf kfns jhf|rfo{ atfp“5g\ . ltgLx¿ kmls{g] gkmls{g] xft afhsf] x'G5 gls k®]jf kfnssf] pgL eG5g\ . k|ltof]uLsf] 3®af6 g} ;+rfng x'g] o; k|ltof]lutfdf ;xefuL x'g] k®]jf kfns;“u sDtLdf % j6f ® a9Ldf & k®]jf x'g cfjZos x'G5 . p8fOPsf k®]jf ! 306feGbf sd ;dod} cjt®0f u®]df To:tf k®]jfsf] u0fg} gu®L :jtM k|ltof]lutfaf6 aflxl®Psf] dflgg] 5 . k|ltof]uL kf“r k®]jfsf] p8fg ;do u0fgf u®L pTs[i6 # k|luof]lunfO{ k|yd, låtLo ® t[tLo 3f]if0ff u®L l;N8, k|df0fkq ® gub k'®:sf® lbOG5 . o; jif{ ut h]7sf] clGtd xKtfdf ePsf] k|ltof]lutfdf sf7df8f+} sflndf6Lsf ®fh' dxh{gsf % k®]jfsf] ;d"x s'n !( 306f @% ldg]6 p8]® klxnf] ePsf] lyof] eg] !# 306f @& ldg]6 p8]® c;gsf 608]Zj® dfg zdf{sf] låtLo ® !! 306f ! ldg]6 p8]® jfg]Zj®sf ®f]zg cfrfo{sf] ;d"x t[tLo ePsf] lyof] . a'4
July-Sept 2006
Kf®]jf p8fpg] v]n x]bf{ ;®nh:tf] b]lvP klg k®]j] f kfns o;df y'k}| ;d:of;“u ;fdgf ug'{ kl®®x]sf] atfp“5g\ . k®]jfnfO{ hldgdf ljleGg ®f]uaf6 arfpg'k5{ eg] k®]jf cfsfzdf p8fp“bf afhn] o;nfO{ lzsf® agfpg] ub{5 . …zflGtsf k|lts k®]jf v'nf cfsfzdf p8]sf] x]g{ hlt cfgGb cfp“5 Tof]eGbf a9L kL8fbfos afhn] o;nffO{ lzsf® agfp“bf x'g] u5{,Ú pkfWoIf ah|frfo{ eG5g\– …of] k|sl[ tsf] lgod hlt qm'® eP klg o;nfO{ xfdLn] :jLsfg{k}{ 5{ . o;sf] ®f]syfdsf nflu xfdL;“u s'g} pkfP g} 5}g \ .Ú o:tf k|ltof]l] utfdf p8fOg] k®]jf …xfO
July-Sept 2006
km\nfo®Ú hftsf x'G5g\ . oL !! 306f;Dd cfsfzd} ljr®0f ug{ ;S5g\ . o:tf k®]jfsf] k|hgg klg kfnsn] cfkm\g} 3®df u®fp“5g\ . j}1flgs ¿kdf k|dfl0ft x'g g;s] klg k®]jfsf] lbdfu sDkf;;®x x'G5 eGg] egfO 5 . h'g 3®af6 k®]jf p8fOG5 306f}+ cfsfzdf ljr®0f u®]kl5 ;f]xL 3®sf] 5tdf k®]jf cjt®0f u5{ . p;n] cfkm\gf] jf;:yfg slxNo} klg e'Nb}g . h'g k®]jf nfdf] ;do;Dd cfsfzdf p8\g ;S5 ;f]xL k®]jfsf] kfnsnfO{ ljh]tf 3f]lift ul®G5 . To:tf k®]jfnfO{ p8\g yfn]blv g} tflnd lbOPsf] x'G5 . ;f]xL tflndsf sf®0f nfdf] ;do;Dd cfsfzd} sfjf
vfP® tLlgx¿ ljr®0f ug{ ;kmn x'G5g\ . k®]jfdf ®f]u nfUbf kz' lrlsT;saf6 ;d]t pkrf® ug{ c;dy{ x'gn ' ] klg slxn]sxL+ k®]jf kfnsdf lg®fzf cfpg] u®]sf] 5 . kz'k5 + Lsf 8fS6®af6 klg k®]jfdf nfUg] ljleGg ®f]ux¿ lgsf] kfg{ g;Sg] x“'bf k®]jfkfns :jo+n] 3/]n' pkrf® ug{] u®]sf 5g\ . k|foM w]®h } ;f] k®]jfkfnsn] dflg;nfO{ lbOg] cf}ifwL lbg] u®]sf 5g\ . s;}s;}n] 3®]n' cf}ifwLsf] klg k|of]u ul®®x]sf 5g\ . g]kfndf kfOg] *;o k|hfltsf r®fdWo]sf] k®]jf Ps xf] . w
rfOgfhfg] a; .. w'|j kf}8]n
kfn ® rLgaLr k®LIf0fsf ¿kdf ut jif{ ;~rflnt ;Lwf a; ;]jfnfO{ xfn} b'a} b]zn] lg®Gt®tf lbg] ;xdlt hgfPsf 5g\ . ;fxdlt;“u} b'a' } b]zaLr ;Lwf a;;]jf ;~rfng ug{] emG8} !@ jif{cufl8sf] ;Demf}tfn] k"0f{tf kfPsf] 5 . ;Lwf a; ;~rfng ug{] ;Demf}tf ;g\ !(($ d] ^ tfl®vsf lbg ePsf] lyof] . g]kfn ® rLgsf] :jzfl;t If]q ltAatsf ;®sf®L clwsf®Lsf] xfn} ltAatsf] Nxf;fdf ;DkGg a}7sdf ;Lwf a;;]jfnfO{ lg®Gt®tf lbg]
P]ltxfl;s lg0f{o ePsf] xf] . k®LIf0f cjlwdf b]lvPsf ;d:ofnfO{ ;s];Dd l56f] ;dfwfg ug{] a}7sdf ;xdlt ePsf] >d tyf oftfoft Joj:yf dGqfnon] hgfPsf] 5 . g]kfnsf] tkm{af6 ;femf oftfoftsf] Jofg®df ltAat uf]vf{ 6«feN; sDkgL lnld6]8 tyf rLgsf] tkm{af6 ltAatl:yt lxdfno 6«fG;kf]6{ Dofg]hd]G6 sDkgLn] b'a}tkm{af6 xKtfdf Ps÷Ps j6f a; ;~rfng ul®®x]sf 5g\ . t® b'a}tkm{sf] ;xdltdf Psftkm{sf]
a;df k|fylds :jf:Yo, 6]lnkmf]g, vfgf, cf/fdbfoL ;L6 / zf}rfnosf] Joj:yf;d]t ul/Psf] 5 .
ef8fb® &) cd]l®sL 8n® tf]lsPsf] 5 eg] Ps d'ns ' sf] d'bf| csf{] b]zdf ;lhn} rnfpg ;lsg] Joj: yf ldnfOPsf] 5 . sf7df8f}a+ f6 ( ;o %) lsnfld6®sf] b'®Lsf] ®x]sf] Nxf;f;Dd k'Ugsf] nflu b'O{ lbg;Dd nfUg] ePsf]n] ofq'x¿nfO{ l;ufTr]df af; a:g] Joj:yf ldnfOPsf] 5 . ;d"b| ;txaf6 !% xhf® lkm6 prfO;Ddsf] af6f] x“b' } a; u'8g\ ] ePsfn] cToGt ;'ljwf;DkGg a;df k|fylds :jf:Yo, 6]lnkmf]g, vfgf, cf®fdbfoL ;L6 ® zf}rfnosf] Joj: yf;d]t ul®Psf] 5 . Jofks tof®Lsf afah'b ;~rfng ePsf] ;Lwf a;;]jfdf ;]jf cf®De ePb]lv g} b'at} km{ s]xL ;d:of b]lvP . klxnf] t g]kfnsf] lau“b| f] ®fhgLlts kl®l:yltn] ubf{ a]nfa]nfdf eO®xg] aGb, x8tfn, rSsf hfdh:tf lj®f]w sfo{qmdn] ;Lwf a;;]jfnfO{ k|ToIf k|efj kf¥of] . oxL a'4
July-Sept 2006
;DaGw sf®0fn] ;Lwf a;;]jf clgoldt x'b“ f kl5Nnf s]xL dlxgfb]lv sf7df8f}s + f af}4nufot ljleGg 7fp“af6 cglws[t ¿kaf6 ;Lwf a;;]jfsf gfddf c¿ g} a; ;~rfngdf NofOP . o:tf u}®sfg'gL ;~rfnsn] ofq'x¿nfO{ sf7df8f}a+ f6 sf]bf®L gfsf;Dd cGo a;df n}hfg] ® ;Ldf kfl®af6 lrlgof“ ;jf®L ;fwgdf k7fpg] sfd u®] . o;n] ;Lwf a;;]jfsf] k|lti7fdf cfr k'¥ofpg] dfq} geO{ b'j} b]zaf6 ;~rfng ePsf] ®fli6«o Wjhfjfxs a;x¿sf] ;]jfnfO{ cj?4 ug]{ lsl;dsf sl7gfO;d]t pTkGg eof] . a}7sdf o:tf lsl;dsf] cj}w ;]jfnfO{ k|efjsf®L lsl;dn] lgoGq0f ug]a{ f®] klg b'j} kIfaLr ;xdlt ePsf] 5 . g]kfnaf6 rLgsf] ltAat hfg rfxg] t];f| ] b]zsf ljb]zL ko{6snfO{ rLg ;®sf®n] u|k' le;f dfq lbg] u®]sf] lyof] . JolQmut ® Psn le;f glbgfn] ;Lwf a;;]jfsf] ofq' ;+Vofdf s]xL k|efj k®]sf]] lyof] . le;faf®] b]lvg cfPsf ;d:of g]kfnL kIfaf6 k|fyldstf lbO{ 5nkmndf p7fOPsfdf b'j} b]zaLr ;g\ !(($ df ePsf] ;Demf}tfsf cfwf®df g} t];f| ] b]zsf] ljb]zL ko{6sx¿nfO{ Nxf;f hfg] le;f lbg]tkm{ l5§} ;Sbf] k|oTg u®L ;d:of lg®fs®0f ug]{ cfZjf;g lrlgof“ kIfn] lbPsf] 5 .
t® Jofjxfl®s ;d:of pTkGg ePkl5 k|jz ] f1f ® ltAat e|d0f Joj:yfkgsf] lhDdf ;g;fOg Nxf;f sf7df8f}+ 6«feN;nfO{ lbOof] . k|To]s ofq'sf] le;f k|f; ] l] ;+uafkt ;g;fOgnfO{ !) cd]l®sL 8n® cyf{t\ sl®a & ;o g]kfnL ?lkof“ a'emfpg'kg{] lgod klg aGof] . o;n] Nxf;f e|d0fdf hfg] g]kfnL ofq'sf] vr{df a[l4 ePsfn] g]kfnL ofq'n] o;sf] Jofks ¿kdf cfnf]rgf u®]sf] hfgsf®L lrlgof“ kIfnfO{ u®fOof] . 5nkmnsf qmddf g]kfnL ko{6sn] le;f k|f; ] l] ;ª z'Ns egL r'Qmf ug'k{ l®®x]sf] ;f] ®sd 5'6 ug{ rLg ;®sf®sf tkm{af6 cfjZos k|oTg ug]{ cfZjf;g k|fKt ePsf] 5 . cem of] ;d:ofnfO{ bL3{sfnLg ¿kdf ;dfwfg ug{] p2]Zon] …le;f k|f; ] l] ;ªÚ sf nflu b'j} kIfn] Ph]G6 lgo'Qm ug{] tof®L klg eO®x]sf] 5 . k|ToIf a; ;]jfdf ;+nUg x'g] g]kfnL a;rfns, kl®rfnsnfO{ rLg ;®sf®n] ko{6s le;f dfq} pknAw u®fPsf] lyof] . h;n] ubf{ k|To]s l6«kdf a;sf sd{rf®Ln] le;f lng'kg{] afWotf lyof] . xfn;Dd pknAw u®fOPsf] ko{6g le;fsf] ;§f …jls{ª le;fÚ kfpg'kg]{ eGg] g]kfnL kIfsf] cg'®f]waf®] 5nkmn x'b“ f cab]lv o:tf] le;fsf nflu sf7df8f}l+ :yt lrlgof“ b"tfjf;df b®vf:t lbPkl5 pknAw x'g ;Sg]
Nxf;fe|d0fdf hfg] !) k|ltzt ko{6sx?nfO{ dfq} g]kfn leq\ ofpg ;s]df g]kfnn] emG8} !) nfv cd]l/sL 8n/ a/ fa/ sf] cfDbfgL ug{ ;Sg]5 a;af6 Nxf;f hfg] g]kfnL ofq'nfO{ ToxLsf] ;®sf®L lgsfon] tf]s]sf] :yfgdf dfq 3'Dg kfpg] ® tf]ss ] f] xf]6neGbf afx]ssf xf]6ndf a:g gkfpg] Joj:yf ul®Psf] lyof] . lrlgof“ kIfn] g]kfnaf6 hfg] ko{6s dfq} geO{ Toxf“ ®x]sf cfkmGtnfO{ e]6g\ hfg] JolQmnfO{ ;d]t tf]lsPsf] z'Ns lt®]® tf]lsPsf] xf]6ndf dfq a:g'kg{] afWofTds k|fjwfg ®fv]sf] lyof] . t® kl5Nnf] a}7sdf ;xdlt ePkl5 g]kfnL ofq'n] cfkm\gf] uR5]cg';f® ®f]h®] ko{6sx¿sf nflu egL 5'6o\ fOPsf] s'g} klg xf]6ndf a:g kfpg] ;'ljwf pknAw ePsf] 5 . k®LIf0fsfnsf] ;' ? tfsf ;femf oftfoftnfO{ g]kfnsf] tkm{af6 k|jz ] f1f;DaGwL sfd ug{] cflwsfl®s ;+:yf tf]lsPsf] lyof] . a'4
July-Sept 2006
Joj:yf ePsf] hgfOPsf] 5 . lrlgof“ e"efudf g]kfnL kIfsf] a; k|jz ] ubf{ btf{nufotsf cGo k|lqmofx¿ k"®f gu®]sf] pNn]v ub{} To;nfO{ k"®f ug{ lrlgof“ kIfaf6 ePsf] cfu|xnfO{ g]kfnL kIfn] ;xdlt hgfPsf] 5 . Nxf;fd} ePsf] Ps csf{] ;xdltcg';f® ofq'sf] rfksf] sf®0faf6 a;;]jf yk ug'k{ g]{ cj:yf ;[hgf ePdf Ps csf]a{ Lr ;dGjo ul®g'kg],{ ef8fj[l4 ug'k{ ®] b'j} kIfaLr cfjZos 5nkmn u®L ahf®d"Nosf cfwf®df ug{ ;lsg]5 . rLg ;®sf®af6 ;~rflnt a;sf] ;'ljwfsf nflu g]kfndf a; ®fVg] :yfg ® l6s6 laqmL ug]{ sIfx¿sf] xfnsf] l:yltdf ;'wf® ug'k{ g]a{ f®] rLg ;®sf®sf tkm{af6 ul®Psf]
cg'®f]wdf g]kfnsf tkm{af6 To:tf k"jf{wf®df ;'wf® ug]{ cfZjf;g lbOPsf] 5 . a; ;]jfnfO{ cem} ;'b9[ agfpg] ;DaGwdf cWoog tyf 5nkmn ug{sf nflu oxL ;g\ @))^ leq rLg ;®sf®sf] Ps pRr:t®Lo 6f]nLn] g]kfn e|d0f ug]{ atfOPsf] 5 . Ps jif{sf] k®LIf0fsfndf b'a} b]zsf] emG8} @ xhf® $ ;o ofq' cf];fg{] nIo ®flvPsf] ;Lwf a;;]jf sl®a !% ;o ofq'n] dfq pkof]u u®] . oBlk ljleGg ;d:ofsf afjh'b ;+odtfsf ;fy a; rNg'nfO{ ;sf®fTds ¿kdf lng'k5{ . ;Lwf a; ;]jfsf] lg®Gt®tfn] t'ngfTds ¿kdf g]kfnn] a9L kmfObf lng ;Sg] b]lvG5 . Ps tYof+scg';f® rLgsf] ltAatdf jflif{s !) nfveGbf a9L lrlgof“ ko{6s cfpg] u5{g\ . ltAatsf] ;b®d'sfd Nxf;fnfO{ rLgsf] d'Voe"ld hf]8\g] l5+uxfO{–ltAat ®]ndfu{sf] lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg eO;s]sf] 5 . cfufdL h'nfO{ dlxgf;Dddf ;~rfng x'g] ;f] ®]n;]jfaf6 b}lgs * ;o ofq' Nxf;faf6 cf]xf]®bf]xf]® ug{] cg'dfg ul®Psf] 5 . To;n] ltAatsf] e|d0fdf cfpg] ko{6ssf] ;+Vofdf 7"nf] a[l4 x'g] lglZrt 5 . oBlk ®] ; ;] j f ;~rfng x' g ' k " j { g} Nxf;fe|d0fdf hfg] !) k|ltzt ko{6snfO{ dfq} g]kfn leq\ofpg ;s]df g]kfnn] emG8} !) nfv cd]l®sL 8n® a®fa®sf] cfDbfgL ug{ ;Sg] cWoogx¿n] b] v fPsf 5g\ . ®]n;]jfsf] ;~rfngkl5 Nxf;fx'b“ } g]kfn cfpg] ko{6sx¿sf] ;+Vofdf klg a[l4 x'g] b]lvG5 . h;nfO{ g]kfnsf] lxtdf pkof]u ug{ ;s] rLg;“usf] wfGg} g;Sg] u®L a9\b} uO®x]sf] g]kfnsf] Jofkf® 3f6f sd ug{ ;xof]u k'Ug] k|z:t ;Defjgf 5 . ;g\ @))% df dfq} g]kfnrLgaLrsf] sf]bf®L gfsfaf6 #& xhf® # ;o @& ko{6s g]kfn lelqPsf lyP . tLdWo] !$ xhf® * ;o @( hgf lrlgof“ ko{6s lyP . hals ;g\ @))% df xjfO{ dfu{af6 g]kfn lelqPsf lrlgof“ ko{6ssf] ;+Vof ^ xhf® @ ;o ## dfq ®x]sf] 5 . sf]bf®Laf6 g]kfn cfpg] ko{6ssf] b® pNn]vgLo ¿kdf a[l4 eO®x]sf] kl5Nnf jif{x¿sf] tYof+sn] :ki6 kf®]sf] 5 . o;n] ;Lwf a; ;]jfsf] lg®Gt®tfnfO{ ;'lglZrt kf®]sf] 5 . cem ;Lwf a;;]jfdf b]lvPsf sdL sdhf]®LnfO{ ;Rofp“b} ® ;]jf la:tf® ub{} hfg] xf] eg] o;sf] eljio pHhn 5 . g]kfnrLgaLrsf] d}qLk"0f{ ;DaGwnfO{ cem a9L k|uf9 agfpg] ® b'a} b]zsf] ko{6sLo ® Jofkfl®s ;DaGw la:tf® ug{] clek|fo eP tfklg o;n] b'a} b]zaLrsf] hg:t®sf] ;DaGwnfO{ ;d]t cem dha't agfpg] b]lvG5 .w
kfgL lbg]
rDkfb]jL ®f
hwfgLaf6 blIf0f e]u df sl®a @ xhf® @ ;o $( ld6®sf] prfOdf cjl:yt dgf] ® d0fLo : yn rDkfb]jL dfO{sf af®]df ;fob sd dfG5]nfO{ dfq yfxf x' g ;S5 . hLjg k|;fb kf}8n] k|To]s jif{ j}zfv ! ut] Toxf“ 7"nf] d]nf nfU5 . ;f] lbg emG8} # 3G6fsf] k}bn ofqf u/L xhf®f}+ tLy{ofqL rDkfb]jL :yfg k'U5g\ . pQm lbg d]nf eg{ cfpg] tLyf{nn ' fO{ ;j{t–kfgL af“8g\ vf]sgf a'u+ dtL, rfkfufp“ If]qb]lvsf ls;fgx¿ cl3NNff] lbg b]lvg} rDkfb]jLsf] 8f“8fdf hfu|fd a:g] u/]sf 5g\ . åGåsf] qf;lbdf g} lsg gxf];\ oxf“sf ;f]emf ls;fgx¿nfO{ s'g} km®s kb{g} . wd{sf nflu cfpg] t xf] xfdLnfO{ s] km®s kb{5 ® < vf]sgfsf ^@ jifL{o kf]rf dxh{g eG5g\ . rDkfb]jLdf df3] ;+qmflGt, WffGok"l0f{df cflb pT;jx¿df klg sf7df8f}s + f] x'8+ ,' 6Ns', 8'“8]rf}®, z]ifgf®fo0f, blIf0fsfnL, ;]ltb]jL, rfNgfv]n, dR5]ufp“ ® sLlt{k®' gu®kflnsf If]qsf afl;Gbfx¿ k"hfcfhf ub{5g\ . rDkfb]jLaf6 ljZjsf] ;jf]R{ r lzv® ;u®dfyf, cGgk"0f{, dgf:n', u0f]z ] , nfd6fª, uf}®Lz+s®, h'un cflb lxdfnx¿ k|i6} b]Vg ;lsG5 ;fy} pkTosfsf] pTklQsf] syf;“u hf]l8Psf] 6f}bx kf]v®Lnufot clwsf+z efusf] oxf“af6 b[Zofjnf]sg ug{ ;lsG5 . dftf rDkfb]jLnfO{ ] jf0ff;'® n]s, rGbflul® n]s, sfNy'Ds], hf]luu'kmf, af];g 8f“8f, 7"nf]kf]v®L nufotn] 3]/s ] f] 5 . log} rDkfb]jLsf] d'gL cyf{t kfpdf a'4 wdf{jnDaLx¿sf dxfg u'? kB;Dejsf] ! ;o * lkm6 cUnf] ljzfn d"lt{ :yfkgf x'g uO®x]sf] 5 . h'g d"lt{ ;DejtM cfh;Dds} g]kfnsf] klxnf] 7"nf] d"lt{ x'g5 ] . cflbdsfndf o; wtL{ d f dg' i osf]
sf]vaf6 hGd geO{ sdnsf] k'ikaf6 kB;Dejsf] pTklQ ePsf] ® kl5 wd{ k|rf®–k|;f®sf] l;nl;nfdf ljleGg 7fp“ x'b“ } kmlk{ªsf] z]ifgf®fo0f :yfg cfPsf] s'®f a'4 u|Gydf pNn]v ePsf] kfOG5 . 1fg k|fKt ug]{ ;a}eGbf pko'Qm kljq :yn z]ifgf®fo0f :yfg ePsfn] ToxL+ a;]® kB;Dejn] a'4Tj k|fKt ug'{ePsfn] o; If]qsf] glhs ®x]sf] 8f]Nn'df kB;Dejsf] d"lt{ :yfkgf ul®gnfu]sf] s'®f o; d"lt{sf l8hfOg® ;do ah| nfdf atfp“5g\ . rDkfb]jL leq ljzfn e"ldut hnfzo ®x]sf] hfgsf/x¿sf] egfO 5 . ToxL hnfzosf] lgsf;sf] ¿kdf rDkfb]jL 8f“8fsf cf;kf;df gf}dn ' ,] dR5]gf®fo0fsf] d'xfg, ;ftd'n] tyf rlNtvf]nf cflbsf d'xfgaf6 kfgL au]sf] xf] eGg] wf®0ff e"ldut hnla1 8f= lbAo®Tg s+;fsf®sf] 5 . ha o; e]udf kfgLsf] xfxfsf® cyf{t v8]®L kb{5, oxf“sf ls;fgx¿ kfgL dfUg log} rDkfb]jLsf] k"hfcf®fwgf ug{ hfG5g\ . k|FoM h;F] k"hfcfhf u®]sf] a]ns ' flt® kfgL cfpg] ;d]t u/]sf] 5 . k|fs[lts, wfld{s tyf dgf]®d ko{6sLo
b[li6n] dxTjk"0f{:yn rDkfb]jLsf] cfkm\g} dlxdf 5 . of] If]qdf ko6{g k|a4{g ug{ / cfWoflTds zflGt lbg Ps lghL sDkgL cu|;® ePsf] 5 . …rDkfb]jL O{sf] km|G] 8nL sDkgLÚ gfdsf] ;f] sDkgLn] rDkfb]jL If]qnfO{ a[xt\ ko{6g kl®of]hgfdfkm{t ljsf; ug]{ k|:tfj u®]sf] 5 . sDkgLsf] k|:tfjnfO{ @)^! kmfu'g @& sf] jg dGqfnosf] lg0f{on] :jLs[t u®]sf] xf] . :jLs[ltkl5 sDkgLn] If]qLo jg sfof{no x]6f}8+ faf6 sa'lnotL jgsf] k'hf{ lnP® jftfj®0f k|efj d"Nof+sgsf] sfd ub}5 { . rDkfb]jL O{sf] km|]G8nL sDkgLsf] k|:tfjcg';f® sDkgLn] rDkfb]jLsf] b]j :yndf dlGb® lgdf{0f ug]5 { . ;fy} pQm rDkfb]jL 8f“8fdf Ps af}4 :t"k, kfgL kf]v®L, l®elNjª ®]i6'®G] 6 cflb lgdf{0f u®L ;f] If]qnfO{ cem cfsif{s:ynsf] ¿kdf ljsf; ug]{ nIo ®fv]sf] 5 . sDkgLn] rDkfb]jL 8f“8fdf cfjt–hfjt ug{ sl®a # lsnf]ld6® b"®Lsf] s]jn ' sf® lgdf{0f ug]{ of]hgf ;fj{hlgs u®]sf] 5 . sLlt{k®" sf] 6f}bx cf;kf; If]qaf6 lgdf{0f x'g] s]jn ' sf®af6 ofq'x¿nfO{ dlGb®;Dd k'Ug ;'ljwf x'g] sDkgLsf ;~rfns s]zj nfld5fg] atfp“5g\ . xfdL o; If]qnfO{ ®fhwfgLsf] dxŒjk"0f{ wfld{s If]q rDkfb]jLwfdsf] ¿kdf kl®lrt u®fpg] nIosf ;fy cl3 al9®x]sf 5f}—+ sDkgLsf sfg'gL ;Nnfxfsf® lszf]® lai6n] eg] . jftfj®0fLo ;+®If0fnfO{ k|dv ' k|fyldstf lb+b} rDkfb]jL 8f“8fdf tLg jif{leqdf tL; xhf® la?jf ®f]Kg] tyf cGo sfo{qmd ;~rfng ul®g] nIo klg rDkfb]jLwfd kl®of]hgf k|:tfjdf n]lvPsf] 5 . kl®of]hgf sfof{Gjog ug{ 5 s®f]8 ?k}of“ nufgL ul®g] hgfOPsf] 5 . rDkfb]jLsf] pTklQsf] ljifodf ljleGg cfVofgx¿ kfOG5g\ . >Ldb\efujt, lxdjtv08, lzjk'®f0f cflb xfd|f wfld{s u|Gy tyf g]kfnsf] k|frLg Oltxf;df ;d]t rGbflu®L kj{t ® rDkfb]jLsf] ljifodf pNn]v ul®Psf] 5 . h;cg';f/ rDkfb]jLsf] cf;kf;df jf0ff;'®sf] a'4
July-Sept 2006
b®af® lyof] . ToxL+ a;]/ pm /fHo uYof]{ . xfn Tof] 7fp“nfO{ jf0ff;'/ n]sn] lrlgG5 . clxn] klg xfdL Toxf“ uof}+ eg] To; a]nfsf] eUgfjz]if / Tolt a] n f nufOPsf] kvf{nx¿sf s]xL c+z e]6g\ ;S5f}+ . jf0ff;'/ b}To lzj eQm lyof] . elQmdf ;w}+ tlNng p;sf] ;fydf xd];f 5f]/L piff x'lGyg\ . afa'n] lzjnfO{ h]h] k"hfkf7 ub{y] tL ;a} x]l//xlGyg\ . cflv/ pgnfO{ Tof] k|efj kg{ uO{ lzjsf] cwf{ªlugL pdfsf] elQm ug{ tflng\ . Ps lbg piffsf] elQmaf6 k|;Gg x'b“ } lzjsf ;fy lx+l8/x]sL pdfn] 6]ss ] f] Pp6f 9'u+ f piffn] l6lkg\ . x]b{} hfbf Tof] Hoflt{do eP/ rDlsof] / To;df d';d' ; ' ' xf:b} b]jL k|s6 ePsf] b]lvg\ . To;kl5 To; 9' + u fnfO{ 8f“ 8 fsf] r' r ' / f] d f nu] / /fvL k" h fcfhf ul/g\ . glhs}sf] 7"nf] rfksf] km"n nuL r9fpg yflng\ . clxn] pg} b]jLnfO{ rDkfb]jL elgPsf] :juL{o kl08t a]bgfy zdf{ kf}8n ] sf] …rDkfb]jLsf]
July-Sept 2006
rDkfb]jLdf ® csL{ a®bf b]jLnfO{ km"nrf]sL kj{tdf ®flvPsf] s'®f a+zfjnLdf pNn]v 5 . a®bf b]jLnfO{{ ;®: jtLsf ¿kdf klg k'lhG5 . sltko k'®fgf a" 9 fkfsfx¿ rDkfb] j L ® blIf0fsfnL b'O{ lbbLalxgL x'g\ eG5g\ . s;} s;}sf] t rDkfb]jL ® afg\bj] L -8f]Nn' glhs} vf]nfsf] lt®df ®x]sL b]jL_ klg lbbLalxgL ePsf] ® Ps lbbL lt®df ® Ps alxgL le®df uP/a;]sf] eGg] egfO klg 5 .w ;]®f]km®f]Ú gfdsf] v08sfJodf pNn]v 5 . :joDe" k' ® f0fcg' ; f® c?0fk' ® af6 :joDe"sf] hof]ltln{Ësf] bz{g ug{ cfPsf cflb a'4 lzlvn] rDkfb]jLaf6 :koDe"sf] hof]ltln{Ësf] Wofg u®L bz{g u®]sf lyP . ;f]xL sf®0f :yfgLo efiff -g]jf® efiff_ df rDkfb]jLnfO{ lwgfrf] klg elgG5 . csf{tkm{ rLgaf6 :joDe"sf] bz{g ug{ cfPsf d~h'>Lsf b'O{ dxf®fgLdWo] df]Ifbf b]jL
rLg ® P]ltxfl;s j:t'df gh® kgf{;fy hf]–sf]xLsf] dfg;k6ndf Pp6f k|Zg pAhG5– oL s;n] agfPsf xf]nfg\ < t® w]®n } fO{ yfxf 5}g, ltgsf] dxŒj s] xf] ® s;n] agfP < ;f+:s[lts dxŒjsf tL lrhx¿sf af®]df lh1f;f pTkGg x'g' :jfefljs klg xf] . lj=;+= @)## ;fndf cfkm\gf] af®Ldf e]l6Psf !^ ;'gsf d"lt{x¿ ;®sf®L sd{rf®Ln] p7fOnu]sf]df dsjfgk'® kmfv]nsf &# jifL{o hutaxfb'® ?DafnfO{ lgs} b'Mv nfUof] . …xfdLn] s®f]8f}+ ?lkof“ kg]{ ;'gsf d"lt{ kfP® s] ef], ;®sf®L dfG5]n] nluxfn],Ú ?Daf ;w}+ u'gf;f] u5{g \ . t® hutaxfb'®n] eg]em}+ kmfv]naf6 ;®sf®n] nu]sf d"lt{x¿ ;'gsf geO{ lkQnsf lyP . :yfgLo afl;Gbfn] a'em]em}+ d"lt{x¿ ;®sf®n] a]rs ] f] 5}g . kmfv]ndf kfOPsf lkQnsf d"lt{x¿ kf6g ;+ux| fnodf ;'®lIft ®flvPsf] 5 . …clxn] klg d"lt{ e]l6Psf 7fp“df v]tLkftL ug{ vghf]t ubf{ ;fdfgx¿ e]l6G5g\, xfdL km\of“sL lbG5f},+ ®fv]® s] sfd ;®sf®n] l;Q} n}hfg] t xf] lg,Ú ?Daf cfqmf]z kf]V5g\ . ;g\ !)!( ® !)^$ sf kmfv]ndf km]nf k®]sf !^ lkQnsf d"lt{x¿ g]kfnsf] dWosfnLg Oltxf;af®] dxŒjk"0f{ hfgsf®L lbg ;kmn ®x]sf] Oltxf;ljb\sf] wf®0ff 5 . tL d"lt{x¿sf] P]ltxfl;s dxŒjaf®]df :yfgLo afl;GbfnfO{ ;';l" rt ug{ k'®ftŒj ljefun] cem} cu|;®tf b]vfPsf] 5}g . dsjfgk'®sf] pQ®k"jL{ efudf kg]{ lrTnfª lnR5ljsfnLg a:tL xf] . lrTnfªdf km]nf k®]sf lnR5lj ®fhf pbob]jsf] clen]vn] ;f] s'®fnfO{ k'li6 u5{ . lj=;+= ^&* sf] ;f] clen]vsf] P]ltxfl;s dxŒjsf af®]df :yfgLo afl;Gbf cgle1 5g\ . ufp“nx] ¿ ;f] clen]vnfO{ cem} dxfb]jsf] gfddf k"hf u5{g \ . clen]vsf] dflyNnf] efudf lqz"n ePsfn] ;f] clen]vnfO{ dxfb]j dfgL k"hf ul®Psf] :yfgLo :jR5Gb e}®j dfljsf k|wfgfWofks a'4®Tg dfgGw® atfpg'xG' 5 .
;f] clen]vsf] ;+®If0fsf nflu lj=;+= @)%* sfndf k'®ftŒj ljefun] !) xhf® ?lkof“ :yfgLo afl;GbfnfO{ pknAw u®fPsf] lyof] . k|frLg :df®s ;+®If0f P]g @)!# cg';f® s'g} klg k|frLg :df®s ;+®If0f ubf{ cfw'lgs lgdf{0f ;fdu|L k|of]u ug{ gx'g] pNn]v eP klg lrTnfªsf] lnR5ljsfnLg clen]v l;d]G6, O“6f ® kmnfd] lu|nsf] ;+®rgfn] 3]l®Psf] 5 . k'®ftŒj ljefusf Ps clws[t :yfgLo afl;Gbfdf r]tgfsf] sdL x'g' Pjd\ ljefuaf6 cg'udg gx'b“ f k|frLg P]ltxfl;s a:t'df cfw'lgstfsf] n]k nfu]sf] wf®0ff ®fV5g\ . lrTnfªsf lji0f'nfn >]i7 s'rjMsf] tn]h' dlGb®sf k'hf®L x'g \ . afNosfnb]lv s'ra' tn]hs ' f] sf]tdf k"hfcfhf ub}{ cfPsf lji0f'nfnn] &* jif{sf] pd]®df lj=;+= @)^@ df OxnLnf Tofu] . &* jif{;Dd klg pgn] sf]tsf] Oltxf; kQf] nfpg ;s]gg\ . lj=;+= @)%^ df pgn] sf]t df}nfsf] pTvggsf] nflu ufp“n] u'xf®] . vgLvf];L| x]bf{ sf]tdf Pp6f ;fgf] tn]hs ' f] 9'ªu\ fsf] d"lt{, k'®fgf l;Ssfx¿ ® c;+Vo kmnfdsf v8\ux¿ kfOPsf lyP . lji0f'nfn j[4 ePsfn] pgn] @)%^ ;fnb]lv g} cfkm\gf elth rGb|bf; >]i7nfO{ sf]tsf] k'hf®L lgo'Qm u®]sf lyP . rGb|bf; eG5g\– …dnfO{ klg of] sf]tsf] Oltxf; yfxf kfpg] 7"nf] OR5f 5 .Ú lj=;+= @)@* ;fn;Dd sf]tsf] k"hfcfhf rnfpg ;®sf®L ah]6 k|fKt x'GYof] . b;}d+ f ( lbg;Dd a|f≈d0fåf®f r08Lkf7 ® k"hfcfhf rnfOGYof] . wflbªsf] w'gj];Laf6 km"nkftL NofP® sf]tdf leœofpg] k®Dk®f ®x]sf] :yfgLo afl;Gbf atfp“5g\ . xfn sf]tsf] k'hf®Laf6 k"hfcfhf dfq u®]® eP klg k®Dk®f hf]ufO®x]sf] k'hf®L rGb|bf; >]i7 atfp“5g\ . sf]t elTsPkl5 glhs} ;fgf] 5fk|f] agfO{ k"hfcfhf rnfO“b} cfPsf] 5 . :juL{o wgjh| jh|frfo{ ® x]dGt ®f0ffåf®f lnlvt …lrTnfª–
cw''/f] klxrfg .. /fdxl/ kf}8]n
July-Sept 2006
l6i6'ªdf k|fKt P]ltxfl;s sf]tsf] clen]v ;dfj]z 5 . ;f] k':tsdf pNn]v ePcg';f® lrTnfªsf] sf]tsf] lgdf{0f g]kfn ;+jt\ *%% df kf6gsf dNn ®fhf lji0f' dNnn] u®fPsf x'g \ . lrTnfª sf]tsf] clen]vdf sf]t lgdf{0f u®L ;f]sf] ®]vb]v ug{ ®fhfn] c+u®Ifs nIdLw®nfO{ lgo'Qm u®L k7fPsf] pNn]v 5 . g]jf®L lnlkdf ;+:s[t ® g]jf®L efiff ldl>t u®L n]lvPsf] clen]vdf ®fhf lji0f' dNnnfO{ a|f≈d0fsf] lxt ug],{ nf]ssf] pksf® ug]{ clt jL®, bofn', eujfg\sf] eQm lzIffk|d] L cflb ljz]if0fn] k|z; + f ul®Psf] 5 . lrTnfª dfem ufp“df Ps r}To 5 . h'g r}TonfO{ ufp“nx] ¿ czf]s r}To eG5g\ . ;d|f6 czf]s ef®taf6 sf7df8f}+ cfp“bf ;f] r}To agfPsf] ls+jbGtL ®x]sf] lrTnfª Oltxf; cWo]tf ;Gtnfn g]jfM atfpg'xG' 5 . ;f]xL r}Tosf] gfdaf6 …r}To nª\sÚ x'b“ } lrTnfª gfd ®xg uPsf] k"j{ lzIfs;d]t ®x]sf g]jfMsf] bfaL 5 . r}Tosf] P]ltxfl;s kIfsf af®]df k|dfl0ft hfgsf®L cem} k|fKt ePsf] 5}g . r}To cjnf]sg ubf{ r}To ljutdf elTsP® k'glg{df{0f ul®Psf] cg'dfg ug{ ;lsG5 . r}Tosf af®]df oyfy{ hfgsf®L lbg] k|oTg cem} ;'? ePsf] 5}g \ . k'®ftŒj ljefun] cfkm\gf] jflif{s sfo{of]hgfcg';f® b]zsf ljleGg 7fp“df pTvgg u5{ . oBlk pTvggaf6 k|fKt l®kf]6n { fO{ ;j{;fwf®0fn] a'‰g] u®L g]kfnL efiffdf ;fj{hlgs ug]{ ul®Psf] kfO“bg} . c+uh ]| L efiffdf n]lvPsf] l®kf]6{ ljefusf] ;DalGwt zfvfdf ®flvG5 . h'g ;j{;fwf®0fsf] kx'r “ aflx® ®xG5 . k'®ftŒj ljefusf k|dv ' k'®ftŒj clws[t lji0f'®fh sfsL{ pTvgg k"®f geO{ l®kf]6{ ;fj{hlgs ug]{ gul®Psf] s'®f :jLsfg'x{ G' 5 . pxf“sf cg';f® s'g} 7fp“df pTvgg ubf{ clGtd l®kf]6{ cfpg bzsf}+ nfUg klg ;S5 . emfkfsf] ;tf;Lwfd, ;'vt{] sf] sf“qm]laxf®, kmlk{ªsf] h+un]sf] jg pTvggaf6 k'®ftflŒjs ® P]ltxfl;s If]qdf s] pknlAw xft k¥of] eGg] s'®f cem} ;f] IF]qsf hgtfn] yfxf kfPsf 5}gg\ . ljefusf k|dv ' k'®ftŒj clws[t sfsL{sf cg';f® utjif{af6 k'®ftflŒjs a:t' ® :ynsf] dxŒj :yfgLojf;LnfO{ a'emfpg k|lzIF0f sfo{qmd yflnPsf] 5 . utjif{ sLlt{k®' , ag]kf ® wgs'6fdf k'®ftŒj ljefuåf®f hgr]tgf sfo{qmd ®flvPsf] lyof] . a'4
July-Sept 2006
;+ux| fno g} ck'/f] ;+ux| fno jf ;Dkbf If]qsf] e|d0f ug]{ hf]–sf]xL JolQmn] P]ltxfl;s ® k'®ftflŒjs ljifodf kof{Kt hfgsf®L gkfpg' csf]{ lj8Dagf ag]sf] 5 . kf6g ;+ux| fno ® ®fli6«o ;+ux| fnodf k|blz{t clwsf+z k'®ftflŒjs j:t'x¿ s'g ;|ft] af6 s;®L k|fKt eP eGg] ljifodf s'g} hfgsf®L ;+ux| fno k|zf;g ;“u 5}g . kf6g ;+ux| fnodf l;l4nIdLsf] Ps cfsif{s wft'sf] d"lt{ 5 . cToGt ;'Gb® d"lt{ ePsf] sf®0f ;f] d"lt{sf] kmf]6f] kf]i6sf8{ agfO{ ;+ux| fno kl®;®af6 #) ?lkof“df laqmL ul®G5 . t® Tof] cfsif{s wft'sf] d"lt{ s'g ;|ft] af6 s;®L k|fKt eof] eGg] k|Zgsf] pQ® ;+ux| fno k|zf;g;“u 5}g . kmlk{ªsf] Oltxf; ® ;+:s[ltsf ljifodf rf;f] ®fVg'xg' ] lhd'jfn u0f]znfn dfgGw® ;f] l;l4nIdLsf] cfsif{s d"lt{ kmlk{ª sf]t3®af6 kf6g ;+ux| fno k'us ] f] bfaL ug'x{ G' 5 . lj=;+= @)@$ ;fndf sf]t3®sf tTsfnLg k'hf®L :j= k[YjLdfg sdf{rfo{åf®f rf]®L u®L kf6gsf Ps Jofkf®LnfO{ laqmL ul®Psf] ;f] d"lt{ rf]®L ug]{ k'hf®LnfO{ sf7df8f}+ lhNnf cbfntn] lj=;+= @)@% r}t & ut] 8]9 jif{ s}b ® ( ;o hl®jfgf ug{ km};nf u®]sf] lyof] . ;f];DaGwL km};nf lhd'jfn dfgGw®;“u ;'®lIft 5 . kf6g ;+ux| fnosf] k'®ftflŒjs j:t'x¿sf] clen]vdf lzIff dGqfnosf] kq ;+Vof (@÷)@* ldlt @)@* a}zfv @$ sf] kqcg';f® k|fKt ePsf] pNn]v 5 . kf6g ;+ux| fnosf k|dv ' eLd g]kfn ;+ux| fnosf ;a} a:t'x¿sf] oyfy{ ;fj{hlgs ug]{ sfd hl6n ljifo ePsf] wf®0ff ®fVg'xG' 5 . kf6g ;+ux| fnodf k|blz{t 9'u+ fsf clen]vx¿sf ;|ft] Pjd\ ljj®0f klg ;+ux| fno k|zf;gn] pknAw u®fpg ;Qm}g . b]zsf cGo ;+ux| fnosf] cj:yf klg o:t} 5 . k'®ftŒj ljefu ljZj ;Dkbf zfvfsf k|dv ' k'®ftŒj clws[t ®fh]z dfy]df km®s–km®s ;|ft] af6 k|fKt ePsfn] ;a} ;+ul| xt j:t'sf af®]df kof{Kt hfgsf®L lbg g;lsPsf] atfpg'xG' 5 . …sltko a]jfl®;] cj:yfdf km]nf k®]sf x'G5g\ eg] sltko k'ln;åf®f a®fdb ul®Psf klg 5g\, ltgsf ;|ft] s;®L 6'u+ f] ug],{ Ú k|dv ' k'®ftŒj clws[t dfy]dfn] eGg'eof] . a]jfl®;] cj:yfdf km]nf k®]sf d"lt{x¿sf] lgdf{0fsfn ;f] d"lt{sf] snf;“u d]n vfg] cGo d"lt{x¿;“u t'ngf u®L 7DofOg] cGt®f{li6«o k|rng ®x]sf] pxf“n] :ki6 kfg'e { of] . w
cfwf cfsfz
cx“, cem} lrQ a'em]g h
gcfGbf]ngsf sf®0f :yflkt nf]stflGqs ;®sf®n] xfn} ;+;baf6 dlxnfnfO{ ## k|ltzt cf/If0f 5''6\ofPsf] 5 . of] lgZro g} :jfutof]Uo sbd xf] . t® oltdf g} lrQ a'emfP® a:of] eg] xfd|f] clGtd nIo e]l6++b}g . ca lh1f;f p7\g' :jefljs} xf], clGtd nIo eg]sf] s] xf] < o;sf] l;wf ® k|i6 hjfkm 5, ;dfg'kflts ;dfhsf] lgdf{0f . o;sf nflu s]xL jif{ dlxnfnfO{ cf®If0f rflxPsf] xf] . lgZro g} cf®If0f eg]sf] em§ ;'Gbf bof u®]® lbOPsf] h:tf] nfU5 . ®, Ps k|sf®n] of] k'?ifx¿sf] lgufx g} xf] . t® o;f] eg]® a:of] eg] ;dfg'kflts ;dfhsf] kl®sNkgf k"®f x'b“ g} . ;fdflhs, ;f+:s[lts k®Dk®fn] dlxnfnfO{ k5fl8 g} 5f]8s ] f] 5 . Ps ;jnfË ® Ps ckfËnfO{ ;“u} bf}8g nufOof] eg] lgZro g} ckfËn] lhTg] s'®f] cfp“bg} . clxn]sf] g]kfnL dlxnfx¿sf] l:ylt klg pNn]lvt pbfx®0f h:t} xf] . o;y{ ;anfË ® ckfËaLr k|lt:kwf{ x'g ;Sb}g . Pscsf{df k|lt:kwL{ aGg] l:ylt ®fHon] g} agfOlbg'k5{ . ®, To;s} ;'?jft xf] clxn]sf] ## k|ltzt cf®If0f . clxn] klg k' ? if ® dlxnfaLrdf Pslsl;dsf] …Uofk lkmnÚ x'G5 . of] gePsf lbgb]lv cf®If0fsf] Joj:yf x6fOlbP x'G5 . clxn] cf®If0f Joj:yf sfof{Gjog xf]nf ® < eGg] k|Zg ;j{q ;'Ggdf cfPsf] 5 . o;n] ;sf®fTds kl®0ffd Nofpnf ® < eGg] k|Zg klg v8f ePsf] 5 t® ;dfhdf rln®x]sf] Pslsl;dsf] Joj:yfdf yf]®} km]®abn x'“bf o;n] s:tf] kl®0ffd Nofpnf < eg]® k|Zg ug'{ :jfefljs} xf] . ;ltk|yfh:tf s'l®tL x6\bf t dfG5]n] ca s] xf]nf < eg]® k|Zg p7fPsf lyP eGg] ;'lgG5 . cf®If0fdf klg ## k|ltzt dlxnf x®]s If]qdf sxf“af6 vf]h®] Nofpg] eGg] s'®f] ;'Ggdf cfPsf] 5 . cem lzlIft ® hfg]ae' m]sf k'?ifx¿n] g} o;f] eGb} lx+8s ] f 5g\ . of] ;xL d"Nofª\sg xf]Og . dlxnf cl3 ga9]sf] ;dfh kl5 g} ®xG5 eGg] s'®f] lj;{g x'b“ g} . hg;ª\ Vofdf k'?ifeGbf dlxnfsf] ;+Vof sd 5}g eg] To;af6 ## k|ltzt k'¥ofpg ;lsb}g eGg' c:jfefljs s'®f] xf] . s]rflx+ ;To xf] eg] olb dlxnfsf] k|ltzt Tolt k'¥ofp“g ;ls+bg} eg] s] sf®0fn] ;ls+bg} < To;sf] vf]hlag x'g'k5{ ® To;}cg'¿kn]
.. ;+uLtf lg/f]nf dlxnfnfO{ ;zQm agfpg'k5{ . pbfx®0fsf nflu sf]xL dlxnf ®fhgLltdf cfpg rfxG5g\ t® cj;® kfO®x]sf 5}gg\ eg] cyjf g]tT[ j txdf k'Ug ;ls®x]sf 5}gg\ eg] Tof] s] sf®0fn] xf] kQf nufpg'k5{ . h'g s'®fsf] sdL 5 To;}cg'¿ksf] Joj:yf ®fHon] ul®lbg'k5{ . hGd“b} Psfw afx]s ;Ifd of cIfd x'b“ g} . pm hGd]÷x'ss {] f] jftfj®0f, kfPsf] lzIff, ;fdflhs rfnrng cflbn] km®s kf®]sf] x'g;S5 . o;y{ JolQmsf] OR5f ® Ifdtfcg';f®sf] sfd ug]{ jftfj®0f lgdf{0f ug]{ bfloTj t ®fHo s} xf] . ®, To; lsl;dsf] jftfj®0f tof® u®]kl5 ## k|ltzt cf®If0fn] rf“8} d"t¿ { k lnG5 . cem ;dfg cj;® ePkl5 cf®If0fsf] Joj:yf vf®]h ug{ ;lsG5 . sltko cj:yfdf dlxnfnfO{ cf®If0f lbPkl5 k'?if dlxnfaLrdf e]befj eof] eGg] klg g;'lgPsf] xf]Og . t® ;sf®fTds lje]bsf nflu of] gu®L ;'v} 5}g .
sltko cj:yfdf dlxnfnfO{ cf/If0f lbPkl5 k'?if dlxnfjLrdf e]befj eof] eGg] klg g;'lgPsf] xf]Og . t/ ;sf/fTds lje]bsf nflu of] gu/L ;'v} 5}g .
d t eG5', dnfO{ dlxnf g} ePsf sf®0f s'g} lsl;dsf] ;x'lnot rflxGg . Pp6f gful®sn] kfpg] xs eP kof{Kt x'G5 . t® ;a} dlxnfsf] l:ylt o:tf] 5}g . cj;®sf lx;fan] a®fa®Lsf] lx;fadf ®x]sf dlxnfn] cf®If0fsf] Joj:yf pkof]u ug{ dg k®fp“bg} g\ klg t® dlxnf ePs} sf®0f cj;®af6 al~rt dlxnfnfO{ t cf®If0f rflxG5 g} . clxn] ®fHon] ug'k{ g]{ d'Vo sfd eg]sf] dlxnf ;zQmLs®0fsf] xf] . w]®} u}®;®sf®L ;+:yfn] klg of] sfd ub}{ cfPsf 5g\ . t® oltn] dfq} olt 7"nf] sfd ;Dej 5}g . pbfx®0fsf nflu d ;Da4 :jftL ;+:yfn] dlxnf ;zQmLs®0fsf nflu ljljw sfo{qmd ul®®x]sf] 5 . :jftL klxnf] ;+:yf xf] h;n] dlxnfn] ug]{ e|i6frf®sf lj?4df sfd u5{ ® dlxnfåf®f g} of] ;~rflnt 5 . g]kfnsf 5 j6f lhNnfdf sfo{®t o; ;+:yfn] e|i6frf® Go"gLs®0fdf dlxnfsf] e"ldsfsf ljifodf 5nkmn u5{, hgr]tgf km}nfp“5, e|i6frf®sf 36gf eP kbf{kmf; u5{ . km]l® s'®f] cf®If0f s} u®f}+ . cf®If0f sfof{Gjogsf] s'®f] ubf{ o;nfO{ b'O{ 7fp“af6 ug{ ;lsG5 . Pp6f ufp“sf] :t®af6 ® csf]{ s]Gb| :t®af6 . h:tf] ls clxn]sf ;ft ®fhgLlts kf6L{ ® dfcf]jfbLn] klg cfkm\gf] kf6L{sf ljleGg txdf dlxnfnfO{ ## k|ltzt 5'6o\ fpg'k5{ . t/, dlxnf g} 5}gg\ eg]® pDsg] l:ylt ca 5}g . lsgls k'Ub}gg\ eg] s] sf®0fn] k'Ub}gg\ To;sf] lg®fs®0f ug'{k5{ . ®, ## k|ltzt cf®If0fsf] sfof{Gjog kf6L{af6} ;'? ug'k{ 5{ . kf6L{df dlxnfsf] ;+ªV\ of pNn]Vo 5 eGg] s'®f t hgcfGbf]ng–@ n] g} b]vfO;s]sf] 5 . xftdf s'6f], sf]bfnf], s'rf], ufu|L, yfn, 8f8'kGo' lnPsf dlxnfsf] h'n; ' n] g} nf]stGqk|ltsf] ltgsf] k|lta4tf b]lvO;s]sf] 5 . o;y{ klg dlxnfsf] ;xeflutfnfO{ …ldgLdfOhÚ ug{ x'Gg . nf]stflGqs ;®sf® :yfkgf eO;s]kl5 klg ;®sf®L lg0f{ox¿ s®gL ® sygLdf km®s b]lvPsf 5g\ . cem} klg dlxnfnfO{ …sf]6fÚ df ;Lldt kfg{ vf]lhPsf] b]lvG5 . ## k|ltzt cf®If0f t sDtLdf kf] elgPsf] xf] . To;eGbf a9L x'Gg t elgPsf] 5}g lg . olb ;Ifd dlxnf 5g\ eg] ^) k|ltzt eP klg s] km®s k¥of] ® < w -lg/f]nf :jftLsf k|aGw lgb]z { s x'g_\ a'4
July-Sept 2006
o'jf k':tf
cndn, x]nf] xfOdf .. k|Nxfb lu/L
AjfOk|]m08 un{k|]m08sf] e]63f6b]lv s] vfOof], s] ul/+b}5 dfq xf]Og ls hh{ a'; / cf];fdf lag nfb]gh:tfsf] lbgrof{sf s'/fx¿ ul/g yflnPsf] 5 . kmf]g ug]{nfO{ ljifosf] uxgtf / k|:t'tLs/0fsf af/]df kQf];Dd ePsf] b]lvb}g .
hsn Pp6f sfd o'jfx¿n] w]®} g} ug{ yfn]sf 5g\ . Tof] xf]— ;do kfpgf;fy PkmPddf kmf]g ul®xfNg] . To;dWo] s]xL o:tf o'jfx¿sf] hdft 5g\ hf] PkmPddf uLt ;'Gg]eGbf klg ;'gfpg]df a9L ®dfpg] u®]sf 5g\ . x'g klg PkmPd ;~rfnsx¿n] cfºgf k|foM h;f] sfo{qmddf >f]tfx¿sf] ;Dks{ ;Lw} kmf]gåf®f hf]8g\ yfn]kl5 PkmPd ®]l8of] :6];g x'g] h'g} klg If]qsf o'jfx¿nfO{ kmf]g ug{ cfhsn EofOgEofO{ 5 . sltko sfo{qmddf ;~rfnsx¿n] lgs} ult5f8f s'®f klg u5{g \ . AjfOk|m] 08 un{km]| 08sf] e]63f6b]lv s] vfOof], s] ul®+b5 } dfq xf]Og ls hh{ a'; ® cf];fdf lag nfb]gh:tfsf] lbgrof{sf s'®fx¿ ul®g yflnPsf] 5 . kmf]g ug]n { fO{ ljifosf] uxgtf ® k|:t'tLs®0fsf af®]df kQf];Dd ePsf] b]lvb}g . pm sfo{qmd s:tf] ¿kdf uO®x]sf] 5 eGg] s'®f yfx} kfpg rfx+bg} , a? kmf]g lsg nfu]g eg]® lbSs dfG5 . x®]skN6 lahL 6f]g cfO®x“bf klg l®8fon ug{ TolQs} hf];;fy tlD;®x]sf] kfOG5 . lsg xf] t o:tf] q]mh < ;'Gbf crDd nfU5 . t® jf:tljstf o:t} 5 . sfo{qmd ;'? x'gf;fy ;~rfnsåf®f kmf]gdfk{mt\ kmf]g ug{ k'?if ldq ® dlxnf ldqsf] b'O{ cnucnu gDa® hfgsf®L u®fOP t'?Gt} Tof] df}sf u'dfpg grfxg] dfgl;stfn] k|l] ®t eP® clxn]sf o'jfx¿ kmf]g ug{ dl®d]65 \ g\ . ®fhwfgL tyf df]km;nsf ;a} ®]l8of] :6];gn] cfºgf s]xL sfo{qmdnfO{ clgjfo{tfsf ;fy >f]tfx¿nfO{ kmf]gdfk{mt\ hf]8s ] f 5g\ . kmf]gdfk{mt s'®f u®L hfgsf®L xfl;n ug'{ ®fd|} s'®f xf] t® o'jfx¿sf] cTolws ;do o;®L kmf]gdf g} hfg] ePkl5 cleefjsx¿ clxn] x}®fg ePsf 5g\ . o;n] ;sf®fTds k|efj dfq} xf]Og, ljs[lt klg hGdfO;s]sf] 5 . ®, ca of] ce}m df}nfp“bf] qmddf 5 . hfgsf/x?sf] egfOdf tfn g ;'/sf] ukmf8] ;+:s[ltnfO{ a9fjf lbg] vfnsf] sfd xf] —of] . o;n] l;h{gfTds ;f]r cfjZos ePsf o'jf hdftnfO{ s]xL lbg ;Sb}g, a? lg®fz agfOlbG5 . ev{®} u®Psf] Ps ;j]I{ f0fcg';f® ®fhwfgLsf Ps} If]qdf PkmPddf kmf]g ug]{ o'jfx¿sf] Pp6f 5'66\ } hdft} 5 . pgLx¿n] cfºgf] of] ;d"xnfO{ ln:g;{ Sna cyf{t >f]tf Snasf] gfd lbPsf 5g\ . o; Snasf ;+:yfks tyf ®fhwfgLsf PkmPddf ;aeGbf a9L kmf]g u®]sf] bfjL ug]{ 3§]sn ' f]sf 5lj®d0f clwsf®L eG5g— …kmf]gdfk{mt\ ®]l8of]sf xhf®f}+ >f]tfnfO{ cfºgf] efjgf kf]Vg'sf] If0f cToGt} ®f]df~rs x'G5 .Ú df]afOn sn®sf] ¿kdf cfk"mnfO{ PkmPd ;~rfnsx¿n] nf]slk|o agfPsf] s'®f ub}{ clwsf®L cufl8 eG5g\, …dnfO{ nf]slk|otfsf] ®x® eP® xf]Og, sfo{qmddf rrf{ ul®g] ljifox¿k|lt cfºgf] l6Kk0fL ug{ rfx]® kmf]g ug]{ u5' { .Ú k|foM o:tf sn®x¿ hlxn] klg ;+ul7t ¿kdf g} kmf]g u5{g\ PkmPddf t® s'g :yfgaf6 egL ;f]Wbf 7fp“rflx+ km®s kf5{g \ . ca of] k|lqmof PkmPddfq ;Lldt ®x]g . clxn]sf 6]lnlehg Rofgnx¿df klg kmf]g u®]® cfºgf dgk®]sf uLt cfºgf dgk®]sf JolQmnfO{ …8]l8s]6Ú ug{ ;lsg] ePsf] 5 . t® o;df a'em\ g'kg]{ s'®f s] 5 eg] kmf]g u®]® uLtx¿ ;'Gg]eGbf c¿nfO{ …8]l8s]6Ú u®]sf] If0f g} :d®0fof]Uo x'G5 . s]xL pbfx®0fdf sfo{qmd a'4
July-Sept 2006
k|:tf]tfsf] lg®Gt® ;f]wfOsf] hjfkmdf klg kmf]g ug]{ JolQm uLt …8]l8s]6Ú ug{ afWo ePsf] kfOPsf] 5 . uLt ;+uLtsf] s'®f ubf{ g]kfndf k|To]s lbgh:tf] Pp6f Pnad l®lnh ePsf] kfOG5 . ;'lgPcg';f/ b]zdf kf“r xhf® ;¨Ltsf® ® afx| xhf® ufos÷uflosf 5g\ . olt ;fgf] d'ns ' df oltsf w]®} k|ltefzfnL ;¨LtsdL{ x'g' /fd|} s'/f xf] . s'g} ljb]zLn] of] va® ;'gd] f p;n] g]kfn kSs} klg ;f+uLlts ¿kn] cToGt} uf}®jzfnL ® wgL b]z 5 eg]® avfg ug{ kl5 x6\bg} . x'g klg ef®tLo lkmNdL ® kkn] ahf® lk6]sf] a]nf g]kfnL uLt ;¨Lt s'g} klg xb;Dd o;sf ;fd' k|lt:kwf{ ug{ tDtof® b]lvG5g\ . t® pgLx¿sf] of] tof®L eg] g]kfnL uLtx¿ g]kfnd} rn'g\ eg]® dfq} xf] eGg] ts{ s]xL gjf]lbt ufosx¿sf] 5 . g]kfnL uLtx¿ clxn] h'g ¿kdf wdfwd tof® x'b+ 5 } g\ To;nfO{ x]®®] kSs} xfdL c8\sn nufpg ;S5f}+ ls gof“ ufosn] cfk"mnfO{ ufossf] ¿kdf lrgfpg ® >f]tfx¿n] ®f]hL5f8L uLtx¿ ;'Gg kfPsf 5g\ . ;a}nfO{ cfºg} lsl;dsf] ;'ljwf ldn]sf] 5 . y'k}| ;¨LtsdL{sf] af9L;“u} cfk"mnfO{ dgk®]sf uLtx¿ ;'Gg ;lsg] ;Defjgf t a9]sf] 5 g} ;fy} cK7\of®fx¿sf] cf]O®f] klg gnfu]sf] xf]Og . s'g uLt ®fd|f] xf] ® s'g uLt g®fd|f] eGg] lgSof}n {} ug}{ ufx|f ] . cfhsn k]ml® uLt :t®Lo Do"lhs lel8of]åf®f x'G5 eGg] dfGotfn] bx|f] h®f] uf8]sf] 5 . Do"lhs lel8of] gagfO{ uLt} lx6 x“b+' g} egL clwsf+z ;¨LtsdL{nfO{ ®fd|®L yfxf 5 . uLt ;'Gg] klg s] sd < 6LeLdf g]bl] vPsf] uLt} yfxf x“b+' g} pgLx¿nfO{ . clg Sof;]6 g} lslglbb}gg\ pgLx¿n] . nf} hf, ljr®f Do"lhs lel8of] gagfpg] ufos . hlt PkmPdaf6 ahfP klg, hlt cGtjf{tf{x¿ k|sflzt k|;fl®t eP klg 6LeLdf gb]lvOsg uLt g} rNb}g . h;sf] kIfdf h] eP klg Pp6f Do"lhs lel8of]sf] of] rngn] uLtnfO{ ;'Gg] eGbf x]g{] ;+:s[ltdf kl®jt{g u®]sf] 5 . cfhsn ahf®df lxGbL kk÷lkmNdL uLtsf] le;L8L dfs]6{ nfO{ g} lnp“m g . cfhsf] u|fxs cl8of] l;8LeGbf lel8of] l;8L of l8eL8L g} lsGg ?rfp“5 . lsgls p;nfO{{ uLt ;'Gg eGbf klg x]g{ dgk5{ . l®ldS; ;¨Lt cf]Ol®Psf] jt{dfg cj:yfdf o:tf uLtx¿ x]gn { fO{ a9L ?rfOPsf 5g\ . cyf{t w]®} o:tf O:o'¿ 5g\ h;df o'jfx¿ k|ToIf ¿kdf ;+nUg ePsf 5g\ . oxf“ o'jfx¿sf] ldl8of ;+:s[ltaf®] rrf{ ul®of] hf] Psy®L o'jf PkmPddf kmf]g u®L cfk"m uf}®j ePsf] 7fGb5g\ ® csf]t{ k{m uLt ;¨Ltdf dgnfUbf] lx;fan] rnv]n u5{g \ . oL b'j} k|lqmof lgtfGt JolQmut k|sl[ tsf eP klg o;df k|ToIf jf k®f]If ¿kdf o'jfju{n] dnhn lbO®fv]sf] tLtf] ;To xf] . xfdLnfO{ yfxf 5 ,s'g} rLh clt eof] eg] To;n] cjio xflg u5{ . elgG5,o'jf b]zsf] zlQm xf] . sf“wdf cltzo lhDd]jf®L x'G5g\ o'jfx¿df . pgLx¿ Hfu?s aGg}k5{ l;h{gzLn sfdsf nflu . ;w}+ ukmufkmdf cNdlng] ;do xf]Og of] . w - lu/L g]kfn 6]lnlehg;“u ;Da4 5g\ ._
tg 3fon,dg 3fon .. lbg]z uf}td
6Lsf] g;f km'nfp“b} d'¶L prfn]® gf®f nufO®x]sf] ljzfn h'n; ' dfly crfgs 8]9 306f;Dd uf]nLsf] jiff{ eO®x\of] . xf“8Ldf e'6s ] f] ds} k8\se ] m}+ k66 uf]nL k8\lsg yfn]kl5 h'n; ' af6 efUb} u®]sf !% jifL{o ®fhg ®fO{sf] k]6df !) j6f uf]nL l5®] . pgL P]of, d®]+ = = = eGb} ToxL 9n] . ut r}t @( ut] rqmky aflx®sf] uf]u+ a' rf]sdf ®f}tx6sf ®fO{;lxt @$ hgf cfGbf]ngsf®Lsf z®L®leq Knfl:6ssf uf]nL l5®] . ;ft ®fhgLlts bnsf] cu'jfOdf ePsf] nf]stflGqs cfGbf]ngdf @! hgfn] Hofg u'dfPsf 5g\ . cfGbf]ngsf] cfuf]df xf]ldPsf dWo] emG8} & xhf® 3fOt] 5g\ . P] l txfl;s hgcfGbf] n gn] ;kmntf kfPsf]df 3fOt]x¿ k|;Gg 5g\ . t®, nf]stflGqs ;®sf®sf] sfo{zn } L ® gLltaf6 plQs} c;Gt'i6 . x'sf{n } f] pd]®sf 3fOt] ®fO{bl] v bfx|L skfn km'nfO ;s]sf 3fOt]x¿n] ;®sf®L gLlt ® Jojxf®k|lt c;Gtf]if k|s6 ug{ 5f8]sf 5}gg\ . pgLx¿ zf®Ll®s ¿kdf 3fOt] t 5g\ g} olta]nf dg klg 3fon ePsf] 5 . bL3{sfn;Dd :jf:Yo c;® lszf]®fj:yfsf ®fhg ®fO{ 7"nf] cfjfh lgsfn]® xf“:g ;Sb}gg\ . g t bu'g{ jf l56f] l56f] lx+8g\ g} ;S5g\ . pgsf] :jf:Yo cj:yf sdhf]® 5 . pgL kL8f kf]Vb} eG5g\– … sx] L a]® lx+8o\ f] eg] k]6sf] 3fp b'V5 . l®+u6f nfU5 . Ú uf]nL, 5®f{h:tf r'Rrf] j:t' a]ujfg ultdf z®L® leq l5g{] ePsfn] tL j:t'n] z®L®sf g®d tGt', x8\8L ® z®L®sf cGo efudf klg Jofks Iflt k'¥ofpg] ;DalGwt lrlsT;sx¿ atfp“5g\ . r}t @^ ut] lbp“;f] lrtjgsf] e®tk'® !! df @^ jifL{of k|tL1f, pgsL lbbL k|dLnf ® t'n;f If]qLnfO{ klg uf]nL nfUof] . tLg lbbLalxgLdWo] t'n;fn] 36gf: ynd} k|f0f
Toflug\ . uf]nL nfuL 3fOt] ePsf b'O{ alxgLn] cfGbf]ngsf] ;kmntf t b]Vg kfPsf 5g\ To;;“u} :jf:Yok|ltsf] lrGtfn] lk®f]ln®x]sf] 5 . @^ jifL{o k|tL1fsf] afof“ xftsf] kfv'®fdf nfu]sf] uf]nLn] z®L®df ®ut ;~rfng x'g] g;f r“l' 8Psf] ® x8\8L 6'lqmPsf] pkrf®df ;+nUg lzIf0f c:ktfn dxf®fhu~hsf lrlsT;sn] atfPsf 5g\ . To:t} pgsL lbbL k|ldnfsf] afof“ xftsf] xTs]nfdf nfu]sf] wft'sf] uf]nLn] cf}nfsf] cf“Vnf ® x8\8L km'6fPsf sf®0f cf}n + fx¿ cem};Dd ®fd|f; ] u“ rnfpg ldNb}g . @* jifL{o k|dLnfn] elgg– …;–;fgf nfnfafnf s;®L x'sf{pg] xf]nf < 8fS6®n] xftn] ®fd|f; ] u“ sfd ug{ g;Sg] atfPsf 5g\ .Ú af“s,] sf]xnk'®sf ;'bz{g s];LnfO{ k|x®Ln] k'®fgf] afg]Zj®rf]sdf lg3f{t s'6k] l5 b'j} xft ef“lRrPsf 5g\ . sf7df8f}d + f 6\o; ' g k9fP® kl®jf® kfln®x]sf s];Lsf] pkrf®df ;+nUg df]8n c:ktfnsf 8fS6®n] xft 6]9f] x'g] atfPsf 5g\ . …k"jc { j:yfdf em} xftn] sfd ug{ ;Sb}g eg]sf 5g\,Ú # 5f]®f ® kTgL;“u} a;]sf s];Ln] eg] . afUn'ªsf] an]afcdnfrf}®–& sL hd'gf zdf{ lhNnfd} cfGbf]ng ul®®x“bf 3fOt] ePsL x'g \ . k[YjL pRr dfljdf !@ sIffdf cWoog®t zdf{ glhlsPsf] k®LIff a]jf:tf ub{} cfGbf]ngdf xf]ld+bf k|x®Lsf] lk6fOaf6 bfof“ v'§fdf rf]6 nfu]sf] 5 . !* jifL{of zdf{n] kL8f kf]Vb} elgg\, …v'§fsf] cf“Vnf b'V5, w]®} lx+8g\ x'b“ g} .Ú uf]®vf lhNnfsf] :jf“®f–! lgjf;L s[i0f ®fgfsf] cfGbf]ngdf nfu]® afof“ cf“vf u'dfpg k'us ] f 5g\ . pgL bfof“ cf“vfn] dfq x]5g{ \ . sf7df8f}+ ;fdfv'zLdf a]lN8ªsf] sfd ub{] cfPsf ®fgf a[4 afa'cfdfsf PSnf 5f]®f ® @ gfafnssf afa' x'g \ . tTsfnLg ;®sf®sf] lgb{z ] gdf k|x®Ln] u®]sf] HofbtL ® lgd{d k|xf® tyf bfgjLo rl®qn] ubf{ xhf®f}+ 3fOt] hLjge® ckfË eP® a:g'kg{] afWotf 5 . cfwf bh{geGbf a9Lsf] cf“vfsf] Hof]lt u'd]sf] 5 . hgcfGbf]ngdf
;a}h;f] k];fsdL{, Joj;foL ® ;d'bfosf] ;lqmotf eP klg 3fOt] x'gd ] Wo] clwsf+z cfly{s ¿kn] lgDg ju{sf ® kl®jf®sf] ;xf®fsf ¿kdf ®x]sf JolQm k®]sf 5g\ . hgcfGbf]ngdf plqPsfnfO{ lg:t]h kfg{ u[x ® ®Iff dGqfnon] ;®sf®L 9's6' Laf6 emG8} *! s®f]8 vr{ u®]sf] ;fj{hlgs eO;s]sf] 5 . hgcfGbf]ngsf 3fOt]x¿nfO{ pkrf®sf nflu ®fhwfgLsf ljleGg c:ktfnx¿ ® lrlsT;fsdL{n] ;Sbf] ;xof]u u®] . cfGbf]ngsf] ;'?b]lv g} %) xhf® ?k}of“sf] sf]if :yfkgf u®L aLP08 aL c:ktfnn] lgMz'Ns pkrf® lbPsf] lyof] . 3fOt]sf] pkrf®sf ;+nUg uf]+uj'l:yt ljgfos c:ktfnsf lgb{]zs 8f= uf]ljGb 1jfnL cfkm"x¿n] emG8} * ;o 3fOt]sf] lgMz'Ns pkrf® u®]sf] atfpg'xG' 5 . lgb{]zs 1jfnL eGg'x'G5, …;8sdf uP® klg pkrf® hf®L ®fVof} + . 3fOt]x¿sf nflu d]l8s]o®, lzIf0f c:ktfn, df]8n, g]kfn d]l8sn sn]h hf]®kf6Lnufotn] dxTjk"0f{ of]ubfg u®] . 3fOt]x¿ cem} klg emG8} c9fO dlxgfcl3sf] 3fpsf] pkrf®sf nflu k'gM hf“r -kmnf]ck_ ug{ ljleGg c:ktfndf wfO®x]sf 5g\ . klxn] ;fdfGo rf]6 nfu]sf JolQmx¿ clxn] ;d:of b]lvg yfn]kl5 c:ktfn hfg yfn]sf 5g\ . clwsf+z 3fOt] 6fpsf], k]6, xftv'§f ® 5ftLdf nfu]sf] rf]6af6 kLl8t 5g\ . pkrf®df ;+nUg lrlsT;sf cg';f® cfGbf]ngdf km\ofFlsPsf] c>'Uof;, uf]nL ® lk6fOsf] c;®n] dl:tis 5ftL, cf“vf, gfs, sfgdf bL3{sfnLg c;® kfg{ ;S5 . nf]stflGqs Joj:yf hgcfGbf]ngsf qmddf 3fOt] ePsfx¿sf] pkrf®sf nflu g]kfn ;®sf®n] h]7 !( ut] ;xof]u ® cg'udg ug{ ;+;bLo ;ldlt u7g u®]sf] 5 . hgcfGbf]ngsf 3fOt]sf] pkrf® lgb{z ] g tyf Joj:yfkg ;ldlt gfd lbOPsf] pSt ;ldltdf ®fdgfy clwsf®L, huGgfy vltj8f, gj®fh ;'jb] Lnufot kf“r hgf 5g\ . a'4
July-Sept 2006
kl/j]z 3fOt]sf dfux¿ != nf]stflGqs of]4f 3f]if0ff u®L kl®rokqsf] Joj:yf @= 3fOt] of]4fnfO{ cfhLjg lgoldt czSt eQf #= of]Uotf cg';f® tTsfn ®f]huf®L $= cfhLjg lgMz'Ns :jf:Yo, lzIff oftfoft ;'ljwf %= cfjf;u[xsf] Joj:yf ^= ljz]if pkrf® Joj:yf &= hgcfGbf]ngsf dltof®nfO{ s8f sf®jfxL
July-Sept 2006
;ldltn] hgcfGbf]ngsf] qmddf 3fOt] ePsf x?sf] oyfy{ ljj®0f lhNnf hgcfGbf]ng ;+of]hg ;ldltdfkm{t ®fxt ljt®0f ® k'g:yf{kgfsf ;DaGwdf l;kmfl®; ug{] atfOPsf] 5 . o;sf nflu ;f+;b clwsf®L k"jL{ lhNnfx¿sf] cg'udg u®]® 3fOt]x¿sf] ljj®0f lnO{ kmls{;s]sf 5g\ . eg] cGo ;b:o klg lhNnf cg'udgdf lgl:sPsf] ;b:o;lrj r"8fdl0f e08f®Ln] hfgsf®L lbg'eof] . hgcfGbf] n gsf 3fOt] x ¿sf nflu ;fdfv'zLl:yt ®]8g sn]h, uf]u+ a'l:yt ljgfos c:ktfn ® hgcfGbf]ngsf ;lxb kl®jf® tyf 3fOt] sNof0f d~rsf] ;+oQ' m k|of;df cfjf; u[x ;~rfngdf NofOPsf] lyof] . t® ;®sf®L tj®af6 a]jf:tf ePsf] hgfp“b} 3fOt]x¿n] u[xdGqL;dIf dfu k]; u®L cfGbf]ngdf pqg] r]tfjgL lbPkl5 uf]u+ a'sf] cfjf; u[xaf6 xfn dlxnf k|lzIf0f s]Gb| hfjnfv]ndf 3fOt]nfO{ ;fl/Psf]] 5 . k'gM hf“r u®fO®xg'kg{] @! hgf 3fOt]nfO{ lgMz'Ns k|lt JolSt ?= !;o#% a®fa®sf] b}lgs vfgf, vfhf ® ;'Tg] Joj:yf ldnfOPsf] ;ldltsf ;b:o;lrj e08f®Ln]
atfpg'eof] . k'gM pkrf®sf nflu n}hfg Nofpg af!em @#$) g+= sf] ;®sf®L uf8L Joj:yf ul®Psf] 5 . ;®sf®LeGbf gful®s:t®af6 cfGbf]ngsf 3fOt] ® ;lxbk|lt ;xof]u ;xfg'el" t ®x]sf] 3fOt] x ¿ atfp“ 5 g\ . sf7df8f} + df] 8 ] n c:ktfndf :yflkt hgcfGbf]ng k|fylds :jf:Yo pkrf® sf]ifn] hgcfGbf]ngsf k|lt ;lxb kl®jf®nfO{ ! nfvsf b®n] cfly{s ;xof]u ljt®0f u®]sf] 5 . r}t @( ut] :yflkt sf]ifdf @ s®f]8 #* nfv *$ xhf® hDdf ePsf] lyof] . sf]ifdf JolSt ® ;+:yf u®L ! xhf® $ ;on] ;xof]u u®]sf lyP . sf]ifn] zf®Ll®s czSt jf 3fOt] ePsfnfO{ klg pgLx¿sf] cj:yf x]®L %) xhf®b]lv @ nfv;Dd cfly{s ;xof]u ljt®0f u®]sf] 5 . cfly{s ;xof]u kfpg]df !^ hgf 5g\ . h;dWo] !@ hgfn] Pp6f cf“vfsf] ® ®ljg >]i7n] b'j} cf“vfsf] Hof]lt u'dfPsf lyP . cfGbf]ngkl5 ag]sf] g]kfn ;®sf®n] 3fOt] tyf ;lxb kl®jf®sf dfux¿pk® cfgfsfgL u®]sf] hgfp“b} 3fOt]x¿n] k'gM ;8saf6 cfGbf]ng ug{] r]tfjgL lbPsf 5g\ . w
;flxTo÷ljb]zL syf
g} ck®fwLnfO{ kqmfp ug{ k|x®L u'Ktr®n] lgs} bf}8w'k ug'k{ b{5 . bf];f| ] ljZjo'4sf] nuQ} xlnp8df …b ANofs blnofÚ gfds Ps o'jtLsf] xTofsf] cg';Gwfg ug]{ qmddf Ps hgf ;dln+uL o'jtLnufot sl®a #) hgf JolQmn] ;f] xTof cfkm"n] u®]sf] :jLsf® u®] . t® cfZro{nfUbf] s'®f, tLdWo] s;}n] klg pgsf] xTof u®]sf lyPgg\ . Tof] xTofsf08 cfh;Dd klg ®x:osf] ue{df n'ss ] f] 5 . …b ANofs blnofÚ sf] ;'?sf] jf:tljs gfd Plnhfa]y ;f]6{ lyof] ® 3®df dfof u®]® a]6L elgGYof] . pgL ;g\ !(@% df Dof;fr';6] ;\ sf] af]:6gglhssf] d]8kmf]8d{ f hGd]sL lyOg\ . ;f]6{ kl®jf®sf kf“r hgf 5f]®LdWo] Plnhfj]y ;flx“nL lyOg\ . pgL ^ jif{sL x'b“ f pgsf] kl®jf® 5'l§of] . pgsf afa' lSnof] ;f]6{ cfkm\gL h]7L 5f]®L elh{lgofnfO{ lnO{ j]:6 sf]:6lt® a;fO“ ;®] eg] pgsL cfdf kmf]oa] ;f]6] n{ ] df]8kmf]8d{ } cfkm\gf af“sL rf® 5f]®LnfO{ x'sf{pg yflng\ . o;®L ;f]6{ bDktL 5'l§P® a:bf Plnhfj]ysf] afNosfn klg tgfjk"0f{ ® lg®fl;nf] jftfj®0fdf laTg yfNof] . kfl®jfl®s c:tJo:ttfsf] gsf®fTds k|efj pgdf k¥of] . c;Gt'i6, r~rn ® ax'n6\7L :jefjsL pgL ;w}+ cfkm"nfO{ c;'®lIft dx;'; uly{g \ .
t® km\nf]l®8fsf] jfo';g] f s]Gb|df :jtGq hLjg lhP® lgs} lalu|;s]sL j]6LnfO{ cfkm\gf] a'afsf] cg'zf;go'Qm tyf k|ltli7t hLjgsf] k|:tfj kr]g . k|zfGt dxf;fu®tkm{ o'4sf nflu hfg nfu]sf ;}lgs hjfgx¿ Soflnkmf]lg{ofdf y'lk|g yfn] . j]6Ln] klg 5fgL5fgL tL hjfg;“u dHhf lng yflng\ . pgsf] lktfsf] lj®f]wsf afah'b klg tL hjfg;“u 3'dlkm® ub}{ aflx®} lbg®ft latfpg yflng\, h;n] ubf{ afa'5f]®LaLr ;w}+ srsr x'g yfNof] . ;g\ !($# df k|x®Ln] Pp6f Sofkm]df 5fkf dfbf{ j]6L z®L® a]Rb} u®]sf] cj: yfdf lu®km\tf® eOg\ . cfkm\gL 5f]®Lsf] afgLa]xf]®fb]lv lbSs eO{ lSnof] ;f]6n{ ] cGttM pgnfO{ pgsL cfdf;“u a:g d]8kmf]8tkm{ k7fOlbP . d]8kmf]8d{ f klg cfkm\gL cfdfsf] lgoGq0fdf a:g'kg]{ ;f]rL pgn] n;PGh]N;eGbf s]xL k®sf] zfGtf af®af®fdf sfd kfOg\ . Toxf“ pgn] nfdf] ;do latfOg\ . ToxL“ pgsf] o'jfj: yfdf s]xL ;'vsf lbg ;'? eP . s]xL ;do Ps hgf ;fh]G{ 6;“u latfPkl5 pgL sf]nf]®f8f]sf] Ko'Anf]sf jfo';l} gs d]h® Dof6 uf]8g{ h'lgo®sf] dfofdf e'tS' s eOg\ . n8fO“sf] qmddf ef®t k'us ] f uf]8g{ Ps xjfO{ b'36{ gfdf dfl®P . To;sf] nuQ} pgn] csf{ o'jf kfOn6 n]lkm\6g]G6 hf];k] m hh{ lkmslnªl;t k|d] ug{ yflng\ . t® PSsfl;
;'Gb/Lsf] /x:odo xTof n
k|mfGs p;/
;do;“u} pgL cUnL, 5l®tf] hLp8fnsL, g®d 5fnf, sfnf] nfdf] s]; ® gLnf cf“vfsL a};+ fn' o'jtLdf kl®0ft eOg\ . ;g\ !($@ df pgn] !& 6]ss ] L a]nf cd]l®sf n8fO“df Jo:t lyof] . Toxf“ jfl0fHo Jofkf® j[l4 eO®x]sfn] ;a}sf nflu ®f]huf® pknAw lyof] . j]6L ljBfno 5f]8L ldofdLtkm{ nflug\ . Toxf“ pgn] Pp6f jfo';g] f s]Gb|df j]6;]« sf] sfd ug{ yflng\ . pgsf] Toxf“ v®fa ;dodf k|d] hLjg ;'? eof] . pQm s]Gb|s} ;a}eGbf ®fd|L a]6;« n]] hLpHofgsf] 7]ufg gePsf ;of}+ ;}lgs sd{rf®Ldfem v]nf}gfsf] ¿kdf k|:t't x'gk' ¥of] . bf];f| ] ljZjo'4tfsf cd]l®sL jfo' ;}lgs lgs} k|ltli7t ® ®+uLg ldhf;sf lyP . pgLx¿ s]6LnfO{ Knfl:6ssf k'tnL hlt klg dxŒj lb“bg} y] . s]6Ln] tL ;}lgsk|lt lgs} ;dlk{t eO{ dfof la5\ofpg'kb{Yof] . b]zsf nflu Hofgsf] cfx'lt lbg] jL® ;}lgsnfO{ s'g} klg s]6Ln] cfkm\gf] z®L® ;'Dk]® uf}®j dx;'; ug'k{ g]{ afWotf lyof] . To;a]nf Toxf“sf] ;dfhdf s]6Lx¿ cl:tTjljxLg lyP . ;}lgsx¿sf] ljnfl;tfsf nflu pkl:yt tL s]6LnfO{ ;+oQ' m ®fHo cd]l®sfdf To; a]nf leS6f]®L uN;{sf] gfdn] k'sfl®GYof] . k'?ifx¿sf nflu cfTdf ® z®L® a]Rg'kg]{ hLjgb]lv a]6L rf“8} g} jfSs eOg\ . To;}n] pgn] Soflnkmf]lg{ofsf] l®sdG8l:yt b a]jL of8{df sfo{®t cfkm\gf lktfnfO{ d2tsf nflu kq n]lvg\ . pgsf lktfn] vr{ k7fPkl5 pgL ;g\ !($@ df ;fg k|mflG;:sf] vf8Lsf] pQ®kl§sf] efNn]hf] ;x®df lktf;“u a:g lx“l8g\ . pgsL h]7L lbbL elh{lgof ljjfx u®L ToxL“ glhs} al;®x]sL lyOg\ . pgsf lktf klg 3®hd ug{ lgs} lrlGtt lyP . pgnfO{ kl®jf® 5'l§Pb]lv cfkm\gL 5f]®Ln] s]–slt b'Mv kfO{ eGg] s'®f yfxf lyof] . cfkm\gf] sdfO ®fd|f] ePsfn] pgL j]6LnfO{ k'gM ljBfno k7fpg rfxGy] .
;g\ !($^ sf] ;'?lt® pgL cfdfnfO{ e]6g\ d]8kmf]8{ kmls{g \ . Toxf“ dlxgf};+ Dd pgL cfkm\gf] klxnf] k|d] L uf]8g{ sf] va®sf] k|tLIffdf al;g\ . ;f]xL jif{sf] cu:6df dfq pgn] uf]8g{ dl®;s]sf] yfxf kfOg\ . otf nfvf}+ sf]l;; ubf{ klg lkmslnªn] j]6LnfO{ cfkm\gf] dfg;k6naf6 x6fpg g;s]kl5 clk|ndf pgn] j]6LnfO{ Pp6f kq n]v ] . d}n] ltdLnfO{ ;w}+ ;lDem®x]sf] 5' . slxn]sfxL“ dnfO{ cgf}7f] vfn] lgof;|f] nfU5 eGg] s'®f d ltdLaf6 n'sfpg ;lSbg“ . slxn]sfxL+ ;f]R5'– st} xfd|f] k|d] ;“u ckl®kSj ® Vofn7§f dfq} t lyPg < ltdL oxf“ j]:6sf]:6df rf“8} kms{ . oxf“ ;Dk"0f{ v';L lnP® d k|tLIff ul®®x]sf] x'g5] ' . cfkm\gf] klxnf] k|d] Lsf] d[To'sf] va® gkfP;Dd j]6L nfdf] ;do;Dd d]8kmf]8d{ } al;®lxg\ . cflv® cfkm" PSnf] ePsf] dx;'; u®L pgL lkmslnªnfO{ e]6g\ Soflnkmf]lg{of kmls{g \ . To;a]nf lkmslnª jfo';g] faf6 cjsfz lng 6]S;f; uPsf lyP . j]6Ln] pgnfO{ n]vs ] f] kqsf] k|To'Q®df lkmslnªn] n]v–] ltdLn] cfkm\gf] kqdf xfdL b'O{ c;n ldq aGg ;S5f}+ egL n]lvYof} . xfd|f] ljjfx ca c;Dej 5 . ;]gfaf6 cjsfz ePkl5 d]®f] eljio clglZrt 5 . ca d;“u klxnfh:tf] a'4
July-Sept 2006
;flxTo÷ljb]zL syf ;fdflhs k|lti7f ® k};f 5}g . o; hjfkmn] j]6Lsf] Xbo l5ofl5of eof] . Ps ;do ;Dk"0f{ ;}lgs hjfgnfO{ v';L lbg ;Sg] j]6L ca cfkm}n+ fO{ klg v';L kfg{ g;Sg] l:yltdf k'lug\ . pgdf lg®fzf ® ;Gsfxfkg xfjL x'g yfNof] . bf];f| ] ljZjo'4 ;fDo eof] . j]6L ;s];Dd cfgGbn] hLjgofkg ug{ rfxlGyg\ . To;sf nflu pgn] cfkm\gf] Ps dfq k'h “ L ;'Gb® z®L®nfO{ bfpdf ®fVg] ljrf® ul®g\ . pgL cfkm\gf] gof“ gfd j]y ;f]6{ ®fv]® lkmNddf v]Ng] p2]Zon] xlnp8lt® nflug\ . Toxf“ pgn] !% jifL{of ;'Gb®L lng dfl6{g;“u ldt]®L uf“l;g\ . t® Toxf“ klg j]y ® dfl6{g xlnp8sf Sofkm]x¿df rxfg{ yfn] . s]xL ;doleq} pgn] Toxf“ zf®Ll®s¿kdf ;'Gb® s]6Lx¿ dfq ePsf], ltgLx¿df s'g} k|ltef g®x]sf] tyf xlnp8 ;+;f®s} ;a}eGbf qm"® 7fp“ xf] eGg] a'lemg\ . cGttM tL b'j} xlnp8sf] …kf6L{ uN;{Ú sf] ¿kdf b]vf k®] . Toxf“ …kf6L{ uN;{Ú lgs} abgfd dflgGy] . lj:tf®} pgsf] sfd's snfsf sf®0f pgL b ANofs blnofsf] ¿kdf rlr{t eOg\ . pgsf] nfdf] sfnf] s];, pgn] nufpg] sfn} ®+usf] j:q ® sfnf] cG8®j]o®sf sf®0f pgnfO{ ;f] gfd lbOPsf] lyof] . pgsf of}gf]Qh ] s gfª\uf t:jL®n] ahf® tfTg yfNof] . ca lar®L j]y j]Zofj[lQsf] k®fsfi7fdf k'lu;s]sL lyOg\ . pgn] dfl6{gsf] ;fy 5f]8®] …b ®]hh{ PhÚ gfds xlnp8 rnlrqdf ;fgf] e"ldsf lgjf{x ug]{ Pg 6f]y gfds Ps hgf @! jifL{o snfsf®;“u ;Dks{ a9fOg\ . To;kl5 6f]yn] lrgfOlbPsf] Pp6f lyP6®sf dflns dfs{ xfG;]gn] j]ynfO{ cfkm";u“ ®fVg yfn] . zfob ;f“rf] dfof, ;'®Iff, ;dembf®Lsf] vf]hdf xf]nf, pgn] ;fg sfnf];{ l: yt xfG;]g ckf6{dG] 6df c;+Vo s]6f;“u 8]l6ª ug{ yflng\ . jf: tjdf pgL s] rfxlGyg\, s;}nfO{ yfxf lyPg . pgn] vf]hs ] f] s'®f zfob pgn]
ug{ yflng\ . ToxL ;f“em ®ftf] s]; ePsf JolQm Toxf“ sf®df cfP . sf®df a;]kl5 tL b'Oa{ Lr egfeg eof] . pgn] Tof] JolQmnfO{ n;PGh]N;tkm{ sf® nUg s® ub}{ Toxf“ uP® cfkm\gL lbbLalxgLnfO{ e]6g\ rfx]sf] atfOg\ . k|mG] rn] j]ynfO{ cfkm" n;PGh]N;df hfg grfx]sf] ® cfkm\gf] ;'xfp“bf] laxfg ;fg l8ofuf]df sfd ePsf] atfPsf] ;'gs ] L lyOg\ . t® j]yn] a;af6 eP klg n;PGh]N; hfg] l9kL u®]kl5 tL JolQmn] pgsf] s'®f dfg]® n;PGh]N;tkm{ sf® s'bfP . To;kl5 j]ynfO{ st} s;}n] b]vg] g\ . cGtdf n;PGh]N;sf Ps hgf JolQmn] ;g\ !($& sf] !% hgj®Ldf ;8ssf] 5]pdf km\of“lsPsf] j]ysf] jLeT; zj b]v ] . zj sDd®df ;kmf;“u sf6]® b'O{ 6'qmf kfl®Psf] lyof] . zfob pgL s'g} qm"® ck®fwLsf] xft k®]sL x'gk' b{5 . dfg'{ cl3 pgnfO{ v'§f af“w®] em'G8\ofO{ lgs} oftgf lbOPsf] x'gk' g]{ cg'dfg pgsf] zjsf] k|sl[ t x]bf{ ;lhn} ug{ ;lsGYof] . pgsf] d'v wfl®nf] xltof®n] sfl6Psf] lyof] . pgsf] 5ftLdf c;+Vo rf]6 lyP . vKk® s'RofOPsf] lyof] . pgsf] sDd®d'lgsf] efu sf6]® pbf+uf] kfl®Psf] lyof] . z®L® sf6]kl5 xTof®fn] b'j} 6'qmfnfO{ ®fd|®L wf]O{ ;kmf;“u k'5s ] f] b]lvGYof] . zj e]§fpg'eGbf cf7b]lv !$ 3G6fcl3 pgsf] xTof ul®Psf] k|tLt x'GYof] . SofDk s'sdf ;®sf®L sd{rf®L ®lx;s]sL j]ysf] zj pgsf] lkm+u® lk|G6af6 ;gfvt x'g ;s]sf] lyof] . u'Ktr®x¿n] cg';Gwfgkl5 ;f] zjnfO{ ;fg l8ofuf]af6 sf®df NofO{ Toxf“ km\of“sL xTof®f pQ®tkm{ nfu]sf] x'gk' g]{ kQf nufP . sf®sf] 6fo®sf] lrx\gaf6 ;f] cg'dfg ul®Psf] lyof] . ;f] 36gf:ynglhs} a:g] Ps hgf JolQmn] cl3Nnf] ®ft zj km\of“lsPs} :yfgdf !(#% df]8nsf rf® j6f em\ofn ePsf] Pp6f ;]8fg sf® kfs{
;do;“u} pgL cUnL, 5l/tf] hLp8fnsL, g/d 5fnf, sfnf] nfdf] s]; / gLnf cf“vfsL a}+;fn' o'jtLdf kl/0ft eOg\ . kfpg ;lsgg\ . To;}n] pgL k'gM d]8kmf]8l{ :yt cfkm\gf] 3®tkm{ nflug\ . Toxf“ klg pgn] zflGt kfOgg\ . pgn] Toxf“sf] jftfj®0fdf cfkm"nfO{ pko'Qm 7fGg ;lsgg\ . pgsf ;a} lbbLalxgLsf] ®fd|f] ® k|ltli7t 3®hd eO;s]sf] lyof] . To;}n] ;g\ !($^ sf] l8;]Da®df pgL km]l® n;P]GhN; kmls{g \ . @! jif{sL PSnf], eolet j]ysf] cufl8 b'Mv ® tLtf] ljut nDk;f® k®]sf] lyof] . cfkm\gf] sf]xL lrg]hfg]sf dfG5]x¿ ePsf] xlnp8 hfg'afx]s pgsf] ;fd' csf]{ ljsNk lyPg . t® h]xf];,\ Toxf“ pgsf] ljjfx ug]{ ® rnlrqdf v]Ng] ;kgf slxNo} ;fsf® x'Gg eGg] pgnfO{ yfxf lyof] . Toxf“sf wgL k'?ifsf cf“vf s]sf] k5fl8 bu'5g{ \ eGg] pgnfO{ k"0f{ cg'ej lyof] . Toxf“ pgn] k'gM Ps k6s Pg 6f]ysf] ;xf®f lnOg\ . pgL gfª\uf kmf]6f lvrfO{ xlnp8df u|fxs vf]H] b} lbg latfpg yflng\ . ^ l8;]Da®sf lbg pgL cfkm\gf lbbLalxgLnfO{ e]65\ ' eGb} Pg 6f]ysf] 3®af6 lx“l8g\ . t® To;sf] b'O{ lbgkl5 g} pgL ;fg l8ofuf]sf] ®ftel® lkmNd rNg] Pp6f l;g]df 3®df b]vf kl®g\ . pgL tL b'O{ lbg sxf“ lyOg\ eGg] s'®f k|x®Lsf] nflu ®x:os} ljifo ag]sf] 5 . ;f] ®ft pQm l;g]df 3®df e]6s ] L ;fg l8ofuf]sL >LdtL e]®f k|mG] rnfO{ pgn] cfkm\gf] klt o'4df dfl®Psf] ® pgaf6 hGd]sf] aRrfsf] klg d[To' eO;s]sf] bb{gfs em"6f] syf ;'gfPsL lyOg\ . k|mG] rn] pgnfO{ cfkm\gL 5f]®L h:t} kfNg nflug\ . j]y pgL;“u l8;]Da®b]lv lqm;d; ® gof“ jif{;Dd ;fy} ®lxg\ . ToxL qmddf cfkm\gf] Jofj;flos ;xof]uLsf ¿kdf j]yn] km]~rnfO{ Ps hgf JolQm;“u kl®ro u®fOg\ . ®ftf] s];sf] ;f] JolQm 5 lkm6 cUnf] lyof] . * hgj®Ldf j]yn] …kv{Ú d ltdLnfO{ lng cfp“b5} ' eGg] n]lvPsf] Pp6f 6]lnu|fd k|fKt ul®g\ . ;f] 6]lnu|fd kfP® v';L x'b“ } pgn] cfkm\gf ;fdfg Kofs a'4
July-Sept 2006
ul®Psf] ® s]xL If0fd} Ps hgf dfG5] ;f] sf® r9L Toxf“af6 lx“8s ] f] atfP . Pg 6f]yn] cfkm"n] j]ynfO{ clGtd k6s l8;]Da®sf] ;'?df jfo';g] fsf Ps hgf n]lkm\6g]G6;“u b]vs ] f] atfP . j]ysf Ps hgf csf{ ;fyL d]8kmf]8a{ f6 kms]k{ l5 j]yn] n;PGh]N; o'lgog :6];gdf Pp6f lr7L 5f]8s ] f] va® lbPkl5 k|x®Ln ;f] lr7L hkmt u®L vf]n®] x]® ] . Toxf“af6 n]lkm\6g]G6 s0f]n{ b]lv ljleGg cf]xfbfsf ;}lgssf] ;}Go kf];fsdf lvlrPsf t:jL®x¿ ® n]lkm\6g]G6 lkmslnªsf kqx¿ a®fdb u®] . otf k|x®Lsf] ;Totf kQf nufpg] k|of; c;kmn x'b“ } uof] eg] ptf ;f] xTofsf] lhDd]jf®L ln“b} c1ft JolQmn] ljleGg k|df0f ® ;Gb]zx¿ k|x®LnfO{ wdfwd k7fpg yfn] . j]ysf] xTof ePsf] b;f}+ lbg @$ hgj®Ldf n;PGhN; kf]:6 clkm;df k|x®Lsf] gfddf Ps c1ft kf;{n k|fKt eof] . To;df j]ysf] hGd k|df0fkq, ef®tdf dfl®Psf d]h® uf]8f]g{ sf] ;fgf] kmf]6f], Pp6f ;fdflhs ;'®Iff sf8{, jy{sf] kl®rokq, pgsf s]xL kmf]6f cflb lyP . o;}u®L xlnp8 a'NE; P;f]l;P;gsf] Pp6f ;b:otf kq, pgsf] sfO“of], z[ªuf®sf ;fdfg ® dfs{ xfG;]gn] pgnfO{ pkxf®:j¿k lbPsf] ;fgf] sfnf] ®+usf] Ps kGgf RofltPsf] 7]ufgf n]Vg] k'l:tsf klg ;f] kf;{ndf lyof] . To;kl5 klg k|x®LnfO{ kmf]g ® kqdfkm{t of] xTof :jLsfg]{ y'k}| c1ft kqx¿ k|fKt eO®x] .t®, xTof®f sf] lyof] slxNo} kQf nfu]g . bf];f| ] ljZjo'4kl5 hd{g ® hfkfgLx¿åf®f o:t} k|sf®sf] xTof x'g] u®]sf y'k}| 36gf k|sfzdf cfPsf lyP . o:tf xTof bf]xf]l®b} uPsfn] To;}sf] cfwf®df pQm xTofsfG8 ;'Nemfpg] cfzf ub}{ k|x®Ln] j]y xTofsfG8sf] kmfOn aGb u®] . t®, kl5 ePsf xTof cufl8s} xTofaf6 k|l] ®t eGg] afx]s s]xL kQf] nfu]g .w . . cg'jfb—cf]dz+s/ >]i7
cfof] ;fkm
tof/L uf]ndfn
.. cho km'ofn
jf}+ ;fkmsf] c;kmntfn] dxf;+3sf kbflwsf®Lsf] dg b'vs ] f] 5}g,Ú ;fkmdf b'O{ k6s :j0f{ kbs lhlt;s]sf s®f“t] v]nf8L bLks >]i7n] ut dlxgf g]kfn s®f“t] dxf;+3df tfnfaGbL ubf{ dg b'vfp“b} eg]sf lyP . nuftf® t];f| ] k6s ®fi6«sf nflu blIf0f Pl;ofnL :j0f{ kbs lht]® ;+Gof; lng] ;f]r agfPsf bLkssf] g]tT[ jdf s®f“ts ] f ®fli6«o v]nf8Ln] b;f}+ blIf0f Pl;ofnL v]ns'b -;fkm_ d'v}df cfO;Sbf;d]t tof®Ldf s'g} rf;f] gb]vfPsf], ®fli6«o k|ltof]lutf gu®]sf] tyf ckf®bzL{ tj®n] dxf;+3 rnfPsf] cf®f]kdf tfnfaGbL u®]sf lyP . v]nf8Lsf] dfudf dxf;+3 kbflwsf®Lx¿n] df}lvs ;xdlt hgfPkl5 tfNrf vf]lnPsf] 5, t® jf:tljs ;d:of cem} ;dfwfg gePsf] cu'jf v]nf8L tyf k|lzIfs z+v®Tg jh|frfo{ atfp“5g\ . ®fli6«o k|ltof]lutf ug]{ ;xdlt eP klg v]nf8Lsf] ;d:of ToxL dfq gePsf] pgL atfp“5g\ . …cu:6 @ b]lv x'g] ;fusf nflu v]nf8Ln] cem} ®fd|f] tof®Lsf] jftfj®0f kfPsf 5}gg\ . cem} tof®Ldf dxf;+3 jf ®fv]keGbf klg v]nf8L ®
k|lzIfssf] JolQmut k|of; dfq ;Lldt 5,Ú z+v®Tg eG5g\– …®fi6«sf nflu lbg®ft zf®Ll®s d]xgt ug]{ v]nf8Ln] kof{Kt …8fO6Ú sf nflu ;d]t cfjZos eQf kfPsf 5}gg\ .Ú ®fli6«o v]ns'b kl®ifb\sf] k'®fgf] g]tT[ jn] >Ln+sfdf x'g] b;f}+ ;fkmsf nflu gf} dlxgf klxnf g} cf}krfl®s ¿kdf tof®L ;'? ePsf] 3f]if0ff u®]sf] lyof] . tof®Lsf] bf}®fg v]nf8Ln] …8fO6Ú vr{:j¿k b}lgs %) ?lkof“ lbg] lg0f{o klg ®fv]kaf6 ePsf] lyof] . t® cGt®f{li6«o k|ltof]lutfsf] nflu s8f cEof;df ®x“bf lbOg] eQfsf] ®sd cToGt} Go"g ePsf] v]nf8Lx¿ atfp“5g\ . sf7df8f}d + f ;DkGg cf7f}+ ;fkmdf !$ :j0f{ kbs lht]® blIf0f Pl;ofnL s®f“td] f babaf dRrfPsf] g]kfn kfls:tfgdf ;DkGg gjf}+ ;fkmdf Pp6f :j0f{ kbsd} ;Lldt ePsf] lyof] . b'j} ;+:s®0fdf s®f“ta] f6 :j0f{ kbs lhTg] Ps dfq g]kfnL v]nf8L bLks cf;Gg b;f}+ ;fkmdf klg cf7f}+ ;+:s®0fsf] h:tf] uf}®jdo glthf Nofpgsf nflu s®f“t] dxf;+3 ® ®fv]kaf6 s'g} k|efjsf®L sfd gePsf] u'gf;f] u5{g \ . …ca ;do cToGt} sd 5 . tof®Ldf ljz]if hf]8 glbg] xf] eg] o;kfln klg ;xeflutfsf nflu >Ln+sf hfg]h:tf] x'G5,Ú bLks eG5g\– …kl5 lhTg ;lsPg eg]® ysys ug'{eGbf clxNo} s;®L lhTg ;lsG5 eg]®
tof®Ldf hf]8 lbg'k5{ .Ú b;f}+ ;fkmsf] tof®Lsf nflu :jod\ g]kfnL v]ns'bsf] ;jf]R{ r lgsfo ®fv]k g} pbf;Lg ®x“bf s®f“t] dfq xf]Og, clxn] ;a} v]nsf] larNnL 5 . Pyn]l6S; ® t]SjfGbf]afx]s s;}sf] tof®Ldf klg ;fkmaf6 kbs lhTg] k|lta4tf e]l6“bg} . olb c¿ ljwfdf g]kfnn] kbs lht]df Tof] v]nf8L ® k|lzIfssf] JolQmut k|of;sf] kmn dfq x'g5 ] . ®fv]k jf ;DalGwt ®fli6«o ;+3n] To;df h; lngsf nflu clxn] tof®Ldf rf;f] b]vfPsf 5}gg\ . …clxn] skbL{afx]s ;a} v]nsf] tof®L ®fd|f; ] u“ rln®x]sf] 5, t® v]nf8L ® k|lzIfssf] cfkm\g} k|of;dfÚ g]kfn ®fli6«o tyf cGt®f{li6«o v]nf8L ;+3sf dxf;lrj s'df®axfb'® sfsL{ eG5g\– …;fkmsf nflu cEof;df ®x]sf v]nf8LnfO{ cfjZos v'®fssf] ;d]t Joj:yf ul®Psf] 5}g . s]xL v]nf8Lsf] k|of;df ;3n] ;fdfGo ;xof]u k'¥ofP klg Tof] kof{Kt 5}g .Ú dxf;lrj s'df®sf cg';f® v]nf8L ;+3n] v]nf8Lsf] ;'ljwfsf ljifodf ®fv]k ® g]kfn cf]nlDks sld6L;dIf dfu ®flv;s]sf] 5 . h;cg';f® cf]nlDks sld6Ln] v]nf8LnfO{ v'®fssf nflu s]xL ®sd pknAw u®fpg] cfZjf;g lbPsf] pgL atfp“5g\ . t® b}lgs cEof;df kl;gf r'xfO®x]sf v]nf8Ln] eg] To:tf] s'g} ;'ljwf kfPsf 5}gg\ . blIf0f Pl;ofnL v]ns'bsf] dxfs'De dflgg] ;fkm cfpg ca b'O{ dlxgf klg af“sL 5}g . tof®Lsf lx;fadf clxn] v]nf8L clGtd a'4
July-Sept 2006
v]ns'b r®0fdf x'gk' Yof],{ t® Pyn]l6S; ® t]SjfGbf]afx]s c¿ v]nsf] cf}krfl®s tof®L ev{® ;'? ePsf] h:tf] b]lvG5 . s®f“t] ® p;'n] ev{® ®fli6«o k|ltof]lutf u®]sf 5g\ eg] skbL{n] t v]nf8L 5gf]6;d]t ug{ ;s]sf] 5}g . ut a}zfvdf g} x'g] to ePsf] b;f}+ ;fkm lxGb dxf;fu®df cfPsf] cfdljgfzsf®L ;'gfdLaf6 cfof]hs >Ln+sf klg k|efljt ePsfn] ebf} s f nflu ;fl®Psf] lyof] . a}zfvdf k|ltof]lutf x'g] ;f]rfOdf ®fv]kn] ut ebf}b]lv g} cf}krfl®s tof®L ;'? u®]sf] t® k|ltof]lutf ;®]kl5 c:tJo:t ag]sf] tof®L cleofg b]zsf] kl®l:ylt ® ®fv]k g]t[TjljxLg x'“bf emg} cGof]ndf k®]sf] ®fv]k tflnd tyf k|lzIf0f ljefusf lgb]{zs kfy{ zf®yL ;]g u'Ktf atfp“5g\ . tyflk c;f® ! b]lv ;a} v]ndf lhNnfsf v]nf8LnfO{ ;d]t ®fhwfgLd} 8fs]® ljz]if tof®L ;'? u®]sf] u'Ktfsf] bfaL 5 . ljz]if tof®Lsf] bf}®fg v]nf8Lsf] v'®fs vr{ %) af6 a9fP® ! ;o k'¥ofOPsf] pgL atfp“5g\ . …k|ltof]lutf k"jl{ gwf{l®t ;dod} ePsf] eP xfd|f] tof®L ;'rf? lyof], t® k|ltof]lutf rf® dlxgf ;bf{ xfdLnfO{ 3ft eof] . hgcfGbf]ng, ®fhgLlts kl®jt{g ® ®fv]k;d]t o:tf] dxŒjk"0f{ ;dodf nfdf] ;do g]tT[ jljxLg x'b“ f tof®Ldf vf;} hf]8 lbg ;lsPg,Ú u'Ktf eG5g\– …k'®fgf] ;b:o ;lrj x6]kl5 v]ns'b nfdf] ;do;Dd g]t[TjljxLg eof] . To;}n] xfdLnfO{ sfd ug{ s]xL xb;Dd ufx|f] eof] . tyflk clxn] ;b:o;lrj lgo'Qm ePkl5 s]xL ;xhtf cg'ej ePsf] 5 .Ú ut a}zfv @* df nf]stflGqs ;®sf®n] k|ltufdL sfnsf ;a} ®fhgLlts lgo'lQm vf®]hsf] lg0f{o u®]kl5 kl®ifb\sf tTsfnLg ;b:o;lrj lszf]®axfb'® l;+x :jtM kbd'Qm ePsf lyP . l;+x kbd'Qm ePkl5 vfnL ePsf] ®fv]k g]tT[ j
k'gM ;®sf®n] sl®a tLg ;ftfsf] l®Qmtfkl5 lzIff tyf v]ns'b dGqfnosf ;x;lrj af]w®fh lg®f}nfnfO{ c:yfoL ¿kdf ;b:o;lrjsf] sfd ug{ sfhdf k7fPsf] 5 . lg®f}nfsf] cfudgkl5 cTofjZos sfd g®f]lsPsf] tflnd tyf k|lzIf0f ljefusf k|dv ' u'Ktfn] atfP klg v]nf8Ln] eg] To;sf] cg'el" t ug{ gkfPsf] ;fkmsf nflu cEof;®t v]nf8Lx¿ atfp“5g\ . …gof“ ;b:o;lrjsf]
kl5Nnf] k6s gjf} + ;fkmsf nflu kfls:tfg hf“bf ;®sf®af6 cfjZos ®sd pknAw gx'b“ f ;a} v]nf8L ®]n r9]® uPsf] :d®0f ub}{ b'O{ k6s nuftf® ®fi6«sf nflu ;fkmdf :j0f{ kbs lhTg] t]SjfGbf]sf bLks lji6 o;kfln To;f] gug{ ®fv]k tyf ;®sf®nfO{ ;r]t u®fp“5g\ . …olb o;kfln klg To:t} ePdf ;Dk"0f{ v]nf8Ln] gv]Ng] lg0f{o ul®;s]sf 5g,Ú b;f}+ ;fkmdf klg :j0f{ kbs lht]® ≈ofl6«s u®]kl5 ;+Gof; lng]
;fkm tof/Lsf] bf}/fg v]nf8Ln] …8fO6Ú vr{:j?k b}lgs %) ?lkof“ lbg] lg0f{o klg /fv]kaf6 ePsf] lyof] . t/ cGt/f{li6«o k|ltof]lutfsf] nflu s8f cEof;df /x“bf lbOg] eQfsf] /sd cToGt} Go"g ePsf] v]nf8Lx? atfp“5g\ . xfdLn] d'v;d]t b]Vg kfPsf 5}gf} + . pxf“ kl®ifb\ df klg vf;} cfpg'xG' g,Ú Pyn]l6S;sf Ps v]nf8L eG5g\– …sd{rf®L cfP® v]ns'b efjgfsf] k|ltlglwTj ®fd|®L x'g ;s]g . rf“8f]eGbf rf“8f] v]ns'bd} k"®f ;do lbg] v]ns'b a'em]sf] dfG5] g]tT[ jdf cfpg'k¥of] .Ú ;fkm ;xeflutfsf nfluut h'g !* ;Dddf ;xefuL ;+Vof tyf h'nfO{ @& ;Dddf gfd} tf]s®] k7fpg'kg]{ lgodfg';f® kl®ifb\n] @ ;o v]nf8Lsf] gfd blIf0f Pl;of cf]nlDks kl®ifb\df k7fPsf] 5 . …of] ;+Vof kl5 36\g klg ;S5 . clxn] cg'dfgsf cfwf®df k7fOPsf] xf],Ú tflnd tyf k|lzIf0f ljefu k|dv ' u'Ktfsf] of] egfOn] klg ®fv]k ;fkm ;xeflutfsf] ljifodf pbf;Lg ®x]sf] ;+st] u5{ . …k|ltof]lutf x'g b'O{ dlxgf af“sL ®x“bf;d]t ;xefuL x'g] v]nf8L lglZrt eO;s]sf] 5}g eg] o:tf] tof®LnfO{ s;®L k"0f{ eGg] <Ú cfkm\g} k|of;df cEof; ul®®x]sf s®f“t] v]nf8Lx¿ k|Zg u5{g \ .
;f]r agfPsf bLksn] eg]– …ca v]nf8L Psh'6 eO;s]sf 5g\ . v]ns'bdf ca kbflwsf®Lx¿sf] x}g, v]nf8Lsf] dxŒj x'gk' 5{ . cGoyf v]nf8L hflu;s]sf 5g\, v]nf8Lsf] efjgfdf v]Ng] jf ;fkmh:tf] 7"nf] k|ltof]lutfnfO{ a]jf:tf ug]{ xf] eg] v]nf8Ln] s;}nfO{ 5f]8g\ j] fnf 5}gg\ .Ú cem};Dd ;fkm tof®Laf6 kl®ifb\ jf dGqfnon] s'g} ;fj{hlgs 3f]if0ff gubf{ bLkssf] z+sfdf ;Totf n'ss ] f] e]l6G5 . cGt®f{li6«o ;d'bfodf ®fi6«sf] ;f“rf] :t® b]vfpg] eg]sf] v]ns'baf6} xf] . t® olb ;®sf® ® ®fv]k ;dod} To;tkm{ ;r]t gx'g] xf] eg] g]kfnL v]ns'b cGt®f{li6«o ;d'bfodf ®fi6«sf] 5lj k|:t't ug{ ;kmn x'g5 ] g} . …ca sDtLdf lzIff tyf v]ns'b dGqfno ® ®fv]kn] c:yfoL eP klg g]tT[ j kfPsf] 5 . 5f]6f] ;dod} eP klg pkof]u u®]® ljz]if k|lzIf0fsf] Joj:yf ug'k{ 5{,Ú bLks lji6 eG5g\– …v]nf8Lsf] ;'ljwf a9fpg'k¥of], cfjZostfcg'¿k j}bl] zs k|lzIf0fsf] Joj:yf klg ldnfpg'k¥of] .Ú w
Lumbini Air Freight Pvt. Ltd. P.O.Box: 21243, Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal, Tel: 4258908, 426522, 4212567 Fax: 4262522, e-mail: laf@wlink.com.np, laf@mail.com.np Hari Bahadur Shrestha Managing Director Tel: 4425634 (R), Mobile: 98510-42206
July-Sept 2006
hLjgsf /+u
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stGqk|flKtsf nflu hltv]/ b]zdf cfGbf]ng rls{/x]sf] lyof], Vofltk|fKt xf:o hf]8L dx cyf{t dbgs[i0f >]i7 / xl/j+z cfrfo{ cfGbf]ng rls{/x]s} 7fp“x¿df PDa'n]G;df rSs/ nufO/x]sf lyP . dx hf]8L cfGbf]ngsf qmddf 3fOt] x'g]x¿sf] k|fylds pkrf/df ;3fP/ cfGbf]ngk|lt g}lts ;dy{g ug]{ / gful/s ;dfhaf6 cfGbf]ngsf nflu yk ;dy{g / ;xeflutf h'6fpg] cleofgdf nflu/x]sf] lyof] . dxn] Ps nfv ?lkof“sf] cIfo sf]if v8f u/]/ ;~rfng u/]sf] hgcfGbf]ng k|fylds pkrf/ sf]if hgcfGbf]ng efu @ sf nflu olt ;xfosl;4 eof] ls cfGbf]ngnfO{ prfOdf k'¥ofpg o;n] dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf v]Nof] . cfGbf]ngdf k|ToIf ;xefuL x'g gldNg]x¿, x'g g;Sg]x¿, ;a}n] o; sf]ifdf /sd pknAw u/fP/ cfGbf]ngk|lt ;dy{g hgfP . cfGbf]ngdf cfk}+m ;l/s x'g g;s] klg cfGbf]ngdf 3fOt] x'g]x¿sf] pkrf/sf nflu /sd pknAw u/fpg' eg]sf] jf:tjdf cfk}+mdf cfGbf]ngnfO{
7"nf] sfd u/]—logn]
cem v'nf ¿kdf ;3fpg' lyof] . of] sf]ifn] dfgl;s ¿kdf cfGbf]ngsf/LnfO{ ltdLx¿n] ul//x]sf] cfGbf]ng ;xL 5, ltdLx¿ cem cufl8 a9, s]xL eOxfNof] eg] xfdL 5f}+ eg]/ cfGbf]ngdf ;xefuL x'g k|l] /t ug]{ sfd klg u¥of] . To;}n] t snsfl/tf, kqsfl/tf, lrlsT;f, cWofkg, k|fWofkg, gful/s ;dfh, a'l4hLjL ;a} au{ / If]qaf6 of] sf]ifdf /sd hDdf ul/lbg] sfd eO/x] . ufp“ufp“af6 dfq xf]Og, ljb]zaf6 ;d]t g]kfnLn] sf]ifdf /sd k7fP/ cfGbf]ngk|lt g}lts ;dy{g / an b]vfP . sf]ifdf o;/L /sd cfof] dfgf}+ hg cfGbf]ng k|fylds pkrf/ sf]ifdf /sd hDdf ug'{ g} cfGbf]ng xf] . ;fob of] cfGbf]gdflysf] cfGbf]ng lyof] . o;/L hDdfhDdL Ps nfv ?lkof“af6 ;~rfng ul/ Psf] sf]if c;f]rlgo 9+un] Ps s/f]8eGbf a9Lsf] sf]if aGg k'Uof] . …sf]ifdf oqf] /sd hDdf xf]nf eGg] ;f]rs ] } lyPgf} + . sf]ifdf hDdf ePsf] /sdsf] kl/df0fn] g} b]vfp“5 ls g]kfnLx¿ nf]stGq k|flKtsf nflu slt ps';d's; ' ePsf /x]5g\ eGg],Ú sf]ifsf ;~rfnsdWo]sf Ps xl/j+z cfrfo{ eG5g\ . …pkrf/ sf]ifdfk{mt nf]sqGqsf nflu ePsf] cfGbf]ngnfO{ ;xof]u ug{ kfp“bf xfdLnfO{ uf}/j dx;'; ePsf] 5,Ú csf{ ;~rfns dbgs[i0f >]i7 eG5g\ . sf]ifdf g;f]rs ] f] /sd hDdf x“b' } uPkl5 s]jn k|fylds pkrf/ ug{ :yflkt sf]ifn] kl5 3fOt]sf] k"/} pkrf/ ;d]t ul//x]sf] 5 eg] cToGt ljkGgnfO{ gub;d]t k|bfg ul//x]sf] 5 . jf:tjdf /fhg}lts kf6L{sf 7"nf 7"nf g]tfsf] clkn / cfx\jfgn] ;d]t kfg{ g;s]sf] k|efj dx hf]8Lsf] o; cleofgn] kf/]sf] lyof] . @)$^ ;fnsf] hgcfGbf]ngdf klg d'vdf sfnf] k6\6L af“w/] ;j{;fwf/0f ;“u;“u} v'nf ¿kdf cfGbf]ngdf pq]sf] dx hf]8L g} pkrf/ sf]if?kL cleofg lnP/ cfGbf]ngsf] d}bfgdf
July-Sept 2006
hLjgsf /+u
cfGbf]ngsf/Ldfly ePsf] lgd{d / aa{/tfk"0f{ bdgsf z[+vnf a9\g yfn]kl5 cfGbf]ngdf klg ;xeflutf a9\of] / sltko snfsdL{x¿ klg cfGbf]ngdf ;xefuL eP . cf]ln{Pkl5 ;a} If]qsf dflg;df dbgs[i0f / xl/j+z t cfGbf]ngdf cfO;s], ca xfdL o;df ;xefuL x'gk} 5{ eGg] dfgl;stf agfP/ cfGbf]ngsf] df]rf{df pqg]x¿ oy]i6 lyP . pkrf/ sf]ifk|lt ;a} If]qn] b]vfPsf] ?lr / a9fPsf] ;fy;“u} pkrf/ sf]ifdf a[l4 ePkl5 xKtf}; + Dd dx hf]8Lsf] sfd g} sf]ifsf] lx;fa x]g{] / c¿ c:ktfndf klg pkrf/ sf]ifsf] /sd x:tfGt/0f ug]{ eof] . ;x/e/L sk\mo'{ lyof], dxsf] lghL uf8L t s] pgL;Da4 sf7df8f}+ df]8n c: ktfnsf] PDa'nG] ;nfO{ ;d]t sk\mo'{ kf; lbOPsf] lyPg . t}klg dx hf]8L Hofgs} afhL /fv]/ Pda'nG] ; r9L /sd x:tfGt/0f ug{ cGo c: ktfn k'¥ofO/x]sf x'Gy], cfGbf]ngsf 3fOt]nfO{ cf];fl//x]sf x'Gy] . 3fOt]nfO{ ;xof]u u/]/ ;fdflhs ;]jf u/]h:tf] b]lvP klg pkrf/ sf]ifdfk{mt k|ToIf ¿kdf hg cfGbf]ngnfO{ ;3fO/x]s} sf/0f dx hf]8L tTsfnLg ;/sf/sf] cf“vfsf] tf/f];d]t ag] . kmn:j¿k dx hf]8LnfO{ kqmfp ug{ vf]Hg], uf]nL xfGg]h: tf sfd klg u/] . Pp6f sfo{qmddf nf]stflGqs cfGbf]ngsf] kIfdf cleJolQm lbP/ aflxl/ PnuQ} k'tnL;8sdf t}gfy k|x/ Lx¿n] dx hf]8LnfO{ kqmfp ug{ vf]Hbf Toxf“ /x]sf dx hf]8Lsf k|z; + sn] pgLx¿nfO{ k|x/Laf6 k'mTsfPsf lyP eg] To;sf] nuQ} u'?s'nåf/ f afg]Zj/df cfof]lht sfo{qmddf dx hf]l8lt/} ;f]HofP/ uf]nL rnfOPsf] lyof] . t/, kl5 Toxf“ t}gfy k|x/Ln] dx hf]8LnfO{ a'4
July-Sept 2006
glrg]/ uf]nL rnfPsf] hgfPsf] lyof] . nf]stGqsf nflu ePsf] hgcfGbf]ngsf] k|f/lDes r/0fdf g]kfnL rnlrq tyf snf If]qaf6 vf;} ;xeflutf ePsf] lyPg . t/ ha cfGbf]ngn] prfO lng] b]lvof] / cfGbf]ng ;kmntflt/ pGd'v eof], ;a} If]q / ju{af6 PsfPs ;xeflutf a9\g yfNof] . /fhg}lts kf6L{x¿sf] cfx\jfgdf cfGbf]ng eO/xg] / Tolts} ;]nfpg] ugf{n] klg dflg; Ps}k6s cfGbf]ngdf hfg lxlRsrfO/x]sf lyP . t/ cfGbf]ngsf/Ldfly ePsf] lgd{d / aa{/tfk"0f{ bdgsf z[v + nf a9\g yfn]kl5 cfGbf]ngdf klg ;xeflutf a9\of] / sltko snfsdL{x¿ klg cfGbf]ngdf ;xefuL eP . gfos lglvn pk|t] L EofP hlt / nf]stflGqs cfGbf]ngsf kIfdf ePsf sfo{qmddWo] af]nfP hlt 7fp“df k'u] . pgL o:tf h'gh'g sfo{qmddf k'u,] tL tL sfo{qmddf nf]stGqsf kIfdf cfk\mgf tfls{s / ;fGble{s ljrf/ /fv]/ rnlrqsf dfq xf]Og, nf]stGqsf] n8fO“df ;d]t rnlrq If]qsf tk{maf6 gfos 7xl/P . nf]stGqsf] kIfdf lglvnsf] ljrf/ / cleJolQm ;'Gg]x¿n] pgL /fhgLlt a'em] sf] snfsf/sf ¿kdf klg sxlnP . ptf snFsf] If]qdf ePsf] cfGbf]ngdf x/]s lbg gflosf ljkgf yfkfnfO{ b]lvof] . x/]s lbgsf] cfGbf]ngdf ljkgfnfO{ lg/+sz ' zfxL ;Qflj?4 rsf{ gf/f nufO/x]sf] cj: yfdf b]lvof] . sf+u; ]| k[i7e"ldsL ljkgfdfq xf]Og pgsL cfdf tyf lbbLalxgL;d]t u/L
;kl/jf/ cfGbf]ngdf plqPsf] klg b]lvof] . ljkgfnfO{ ljleGg sfo{qmddf klg nf]stGqsf] v/f] ;dy{ssf ¿kdf b]lvof] . snFsL If]qs} cfGbf]ngdf hdfgfsL gflosf df};dL dNnnfO{ klg k6sk6s b]lvof] . alnbfgh:tf] hgcfGbf]ngdf cfwfl/t rnlrq lgdf{0f ug]{ lgdf{tf Zofd ;fksf]6f nf]stGqsf] kIfdf ePsf k|bz{gdf klg b]lvP . b]zeQm vgfn, ;'lgn kf]v/]n, gLzf kf]v/]n, x]dGt a'9fyf]sL, tLy{ yfkf, s]kL kf7s, gLnx/L sfk\mn]nufotsf bh{gf} snfsdL{n] ljleGg ;+3;+:yfdf cfj4 eO{ nf]stGqsf] kIfdf ljljw lsl;dsf sfo{qmd klg ;~rfng u/] . o; qmddf cfGbf]ngsf If0fnfO{ ;d]6/] Pp6f rnlrq;d]t lgdf{0f ul/Psf] 5 . h'g rnlrq ;]No'nfO8 k|ljlwdf agfpgsf nflu czf]s zdf{n] Sofg pknAw u/fPsf lyP . o;afx]s rnlrq;“u ;DalGwt ;a}h;f] ;+3;+:yfn] k|; ] lj1lKt hf/L u/L nf]stGq : yfkgf ug{ bafa lbg] sfd u/] . rnlrq kqsf/ ;+3, g]kfn rnlrq lgdf{tf ;+3, g]kfn rnlrq ;+3, g[Tosf/ ;+3, snfsf/ ;+3nufotn] nf]stGq :yfkgfsf] dfu ub}{ lj1lKt hf/L u/]sf lyP eg] rnlrq;DaGwL s]xL ;+:yfn] cfGbf]ngdf 3fOt] x'gx] ¿sf nflu /Qmbfg sfo{qmdsf] cfof]hgf u/]sf lyP / bh{gf}+ snfsdL{n] /Qmbfg u/]sf lyP . o;/L nf]stGqk|flKtsf nflu cGo If]qsf JolQmTj;“u} bh{gf}+ snfsdL{n] klg ljleGg dfWodaf6 cxd\ e"ldsf v]ns ] f 5g\ . w
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July-Sept 2006
Cost NPR 1000/- Per person on twin sharing basis; Cost includes; • • • • 2.
Transportation Services from Kathmandu/ Tea House/Kathmandu. Welcome drink on arrival. One double room on twin sharing basis for one night two days. Dinner/ Breakfast
One double room on twin sharing basis one night two days. Dinner/Breakfast.
Cost NPR 700/- Per person on twin sharing basis: Cost include: • Welcome drinks on arrival • One double room on twin sharing basis for two nights three days. • Breakfast. 5.
Cost NPR 1500/- Per Person on twin sharing basis : Cost include:
Cost NPR 3000/- Per person on twin sharing basis Cost include:
• • •
Both way transportation by private car. Welcome drinks. One double room on twin sharing basis for one night two days. Dinner /Breakfast.
• • •
Cost NPR 1500/- Per person on twin sharing basis: Cost include: •
Welcome drinks on arrival.
July-Sept 2006
• • •
• •
Transportation from Kathmandu/Tandi/ Kathmandu. Transfer from Tandi/Green Mansions /Tandi. Welcome drinks on arrival. Two-nights/ Three days accommodation on twin sharing full board basis. National Park fee. Elephant Safari. Canoe ride /Tour to elephant breeding center. Jungle walk escorted by qualified naturalist. Tharu stick dance.
dLgfn] agfOg\ lhGbuL dLgf sfsL{ % jif{cl3 cd]l®sfsf] dfSj]6{ k'us ] L x'g \ . eQmk'®] l76L dLgf Tof]eGbf cl3 g hxfh r9]sL lyOg\ g t c+uh ]| L efiff g} af]Ng]÷a'‰g] uly{g \ . clxn] pgL ®fd|f; ] u“ c+uh ]| L af]lN5g\ ® gy{g ldlrug o'lgel;{6Laf6 gl;{ª ljifodf l8u|L klg xfl;n u®]sL 5g\ . cfjZostf k®]sfnfO{ ;]jf ug]{ pgsf] nIo ca ;fsf® xf]nfh:tf] 5 . dLgfsf Toxf“l:yt cleefjs eg]sf :ofNnL ® a'; | Snf]h® x'g \ . …d}n] dfSj]6{ sf af®]df :ofNnLsL 5f]®L :eLofaf6 yfxf kfPsf] lyP“ . hf] d]®f] kl®jf®;“u g]kfndf al:yg\Ú– dLgf elG5g\– …xfO{ :s'n k9\g d oxf“ cfPsL, kl5 gy{g ldlrug o'lgel;{6L hfg] df}sf kfP“ .Ú :eLof g]kfnL efiff l;Sg g]kfn cfPsL lyOg\, pgL dLgfsf] 3® g]kfndf a;]sL lyOg\ eg] dLgf kl5 :eLofsf] 3®df a:g k'lug\ . ;'?df t dLgfnfO{ cK7]®f] klg ef]– lsgls pgL yf]®} c+uh ]| L zAb dfq} hfGblyg\ . …gof“ 3®, gof“ vfgf ;'?df t dnfO{ cK7]®f] klg eof]Ú – dLgf elG5g\– cd]l®sf afpGg jifL{o hd{g gful®s pNkm d'xNJofr® ® pgsf !( jifL{o 5f]®f dflyofh ljZj e|d0fsf nflu …l;+un OlGhg Po®qmfkm\6Ú lnP® d] #!, @))^ sf lbg hd{gLsf] a|d] g] af6 lx“8s ] f lyP . ! h'gdf g]kfn cfOk'us ] f pgn] …ofqfÚ k|ltlglw;“u eg]– ^* lbgdf xfdLn] ljZj
cfPkl5 ;fOsn r9\g l;s] + . kf}l8g, jf6® :sL v]Ng ® gfRg klg hfg] + .Ú cyf{t\ gof“ kl®j]zdf pgsf] gof“ lhGbuL ;'? ef] . sfsL{ kl®jf®n] :eLof PSn}nfO{ dfq xf]Og c¿ * cd]l®sL kl®jf®nfO{ klg cfltYotf lbPsf] lyof] . To;}n] dLgfnfO{ lgDTofpg c¿ cd]l®sL klg cfO®xG5g\ dfSj]6{ df . dLgf To;} l;nl;nfdf cd]l®sfsf #) eGbf a9L ®fHosf] e|d0f ul®;s]sL 5g\ . pgsf cd]l®sL ;fyL g} lhl:s“b} eG5g\– Tolt t xfdL cd]l®sLn] g} e|d0f u®]sf 5}gf} + . % jif{kl5 o;kfln u|fh'P;g u®]sf] ;Gbe{df dLgfn] cfkm\gf lktf ®fdxl®nfO{ g]kfnaf6 lemsfPsL 5g\ . pgsf] u|fh'P;g k"®f ePsf] Ps lbgcl3;Dd ut d] % df klg em~eml6nf] Joj:yfsf sf®0f ®fdxl®sf] eL;f nflu;s]sf] lyPg . t® kl5 pgL k'u] cd]l®sf . 5f]®L dLgf cg'jfb ub{lG5g\– ®fdxl®sf] ;+jfb cd]l®sLx¿;“u clxn] . 5f]®L cem} ;fgf]ltgf] hflu® vf]h®] df:6;{ k"®f ug]{ WofpGgdf l5g\ eg] ®fdxl® h'nfO{ bf];f| ] ;ftflt® kms{b+ 5 } g\ . eQmk'® afNsf]6sf] sfsL{
kl®jf®n] cd]l®sLnfO{ nufPsf] u'gsf] kl®0ffd dLgf dfSj]6{ k'us ] L x'g \ . elG5g\– d g]kfnd} uP® gl;{ª k];fdfkm{t ;]jf k'¥ofpg]5 ' . g]kfn cfPsf cd]l®sLnfO{ nufPsf] u'g ® k|bfg u®]sf] cfltYotfsf] kl®0ffd ca dLgfsf] eljio pHHjn ePsf] 5 .
p8fgkl5 g]kfn e|d0f ug]{ nIo lnPsf 5f} + . g]kfn ®fd|f] ®x]5 . 5f]®f dflyofhn] eg]– d ljZj e|d0fdf lg:sg] ;a}eGbf sd pd]®sf] dfG5] x' “ . pgLx¿ 6sL{, b'aO{, kfls:tfg ® ef®t x'b“ } g]kfn cfOk'us ] f lyP . g]kfnkl5 pgLx¿ lghL hxfh …kfOk® lkP $^ dflna'Ú r9]® DofGdf®lt® nfu] . pgLx¿sf] ld;g cui6 % df ;ls“b} 5 . k];fn] l;len OlGhlgo® pNkm bf]xf]¥ofP® elg®x]sf lyP– g]kfn t Hofb} ;'Gb® b]z ®x]5 . p8fg ;s]kl5 d k'gM o; b]zsf] e|d0fdf cfpg]5 ' .
July-Sept 2006
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