Yatra Magazine September 2005 | Buddha Air

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Yatra Buddha Air Customer First

Vol. 6, July–September 2005

special edition

profile COMPANY

Complimentry Copy



q' dxfg'efjx¿ clxn] xfdL a'4 Po®sf] k|sfzg ofqfsf] 5}7f}+ c+s lnP® tkfO{x+ ¿ ;fd' pkl:yt 5f} + . ljut c+seGbf o; c+ssf] 5'§} ljz]iftf eg]sf] s] xf] eg] o;kfln xfdLn] d'Vo ¿kdf cfkm\g} af®]df s]xL s'®f ®fVg nflu®x]sf 5f}— + a'4 Po® ljz]iffª\ssf ¿kdf . ;g\ !((& sf] cS6f]a® !! sf lbg :yfkgf ePsf] a'4 Po®n] o; cf7 jif{sf] cjlwdf y'k}| cf®f]x–cj®f]x Joxf]b{} of] 7fp“df cfOk'us ] f] 5 . xfdL of] cj:yfdf s;®L cufl8 al9®x]sf 5f}+ eGg] hfgsf®L cfk\mgf lk|o ofq' dxfg'efjx¿nfO{ hfgsf®L u®fpg' ;d]t cfk\mgf] st{Jo 7fG5f} + . oxf“x¿sf] xfdLk|ltsf] ;b\efj ® dfofn] g} xfdL clxn]sf] cj:yfdf cfOk'us ] f xf} + . clg xfd|ftkm{af6 ;d]t ofq' dxfg'efjx¿sf] ;]jfdf s'g} s;® af“sL g®fVg] b[9 :f+sNksf ;fy o;} ljz]iffª\sdfkm{t\ k|lta4tf k'gM bf]xf]¥ofpg rfxG5f} + . d'ns ' df ljBdfg åGåaf6 c¿ If]q k|efljt ePem}]+ Po®nfOG; If]q ;d]t To;af6 c5'tf] g/x]sf] oxf“x?nfO{ ljlbt} 5 . . Po®nfoG; If]qdfq} xf]Og ;Dk"0f{ ¿kdf d'ns ' s} k|ultsf nflu zflGt ckl®xfo{ lrh xf] eGg] xfdLn] 7fg]sf 5f} + . of] s]jn km];gsf] a:t' dfq aGg'x' G' g, ;a} kIf cfcfKf\mgf] 7fp“af6 nlrnf] eP® o;tkm{ uDeL®tfsf;fy nfUg' ckl®xfo{ ePsf] 5 . d'ns ' sf] of] cj:yf 5 eGb}df xfdL hf];s ' } klg cfcfk\mgf] st{Jokyaf6 ljrlnt x'g yfNof}+ eg] d'ns ' emg 8f“af8f]nsf] l:yltdf k'Ug ;S5 . To;}n] ofjt\ k|lts"ntfsf jfah'b xfdL cg'sn " tf vf]Hg] k|of;df 5f} + . o;df clxn] xfdL ;Gtf]ifhgs l:yltd} ®x]sf] ;d]t ;uf}®j hfgsf®L u®fpg rfxG5f} + . o;}n] xfdLn] cfkm\gf] uGtJonfO{ a9fP® cfp“bf] cui6 ! b]lv e®tk'®df ;d]t p8fg ug{ nfu]sf] ofq' dxfg'efjx¿nfO{ cjut u®fpg kfp“bf xfdLnfO{ v';L nfu]sf] 5 . o:t} wgu9Ldf wfjgdfu{ lkr ul®Pdf xfdL Toxf“ klg p8fg ;~rfng ug]{ ;f]rdf 5f} + . xfdLn] kl5Nnf] ;dodf hxfhsf] ;+Vof klg a9fP® ^ j6f k'¥ofPsf 5f} + . cfzf 5, of] :f+Vofn] ofq'x¿sf] cfjZostf k"®f ug{ e®y]u ug]{ g} 5 . o;cl3b]lv g} xfdLn] g]kfnu~h, e}®xjf, l;d®f, lj®f6gu®, eb|k®' , kf]v®f, hgsk'® ;d]tsf uGtJosf cltl®Qm dfpG6]g k\mnfO6;d]t ;~rfng ub}{ cfPsf] s'®f oxf“x¿nfO{ ;Dejt= :d®0f g} x'gk' b{5 . xfdL b'ud{ 7fp“df ;d]t p8fg u®]® g]kfnL hgtfsf] ;]jf ug{ nfnflot 5f}+ -x]gx{' f]; \ \ o;} c+sdf o; Po®nfoG;sf k|aGw lgb]z { s AfL®]Gb| a:g]t;“usf] s'®fsfgL_ . t®, o;sf nflu ;®sf®sf tkm{af6 cfjZos k"jf{wf® ljsf; u®L ;xof]u x'g] xfd|f] ck]Iff ®x]sf] 5 . ;fy} ;®sf®L lg0f{o k|lqmofdf r':ttf xfdLn] ck]Iff u®]sf] csf]{ ljifoj:t' xf] . xfdLn] o; c+sdf a'4 Po®sf cfkm\g} ultljlwsf cltl®Qm lgoldt ;fdu|LnfO{ ;d]t oyfjt\ ¿kdf ;d]6g\ ] k|oTg u®]sf 5f+ } . k"jk{ ®®fi6«dGqL 8f= e]ifaxfb'® yfkfn] o;} c+sdf eGg'ePsf] 5— …;+jfbsf] dfWodaf6 d'ns ' sf ;d:of ;dfwfg ug'k{ 5{ .Ú xf], xfdL klg eG5f},+ d'ns ' n] w]®} 7"nf] Iflt Joxf]l®;Sof] . xfdL cfkm}a+ Lr n8]® s;}n] klg lhTb}gf} + . ;a}n] xf5f} +{ . d'ns ' n] g} xf5{ . xfd|f] st{Jo eg]sf] d'ns ' nfO{ ;kmntftkm{ nUg' xf] . cu|udgtkm{ nUg' xf] . To;}n] cfcfkm\gf lghL :jfy{nfO{ kG5fP® ;a} kIf c6fpg ;Sg] w®ftnsf] lgdf{0f g} clxn]sf] ckl®xfo{ cfjZostf xf] . To;kl5 dfq} d'ns ' ® hgtfsf] k|ultsf nflu lgsf; v'Ng ;S5 . ofq' dxfg'efjx¿, cfkm\gf ;'emfj ® ;Nnfx lbP® xfdLnfO{ oxf“x¿n] ;Tdfu{df cem cl3 a9\g k|®] 0ff lbO®xg'g} x'g5 ] eGGf] xfdLn] k"0f{ ljZjf; lnPsf 5f} + . ofqfsf af®]df k|ltlqmof ® ;'emfj lbg ge'Ng'xf]nf . oxf“x¿sf] ofqf ;'vdo ®xf];,\ xflb{s d+undo z'esfdgf .l

a'4 Po/åf/f k|sflzt hfjnfv]n, nlntk'/

lj1fkgsf nflu ;Dks{ M 6]lnkmf]g M km\ofS; M Od]nM

lj1fkg zfvf %%@!)!%, PS;6]G;gM !!(, (&&–)!–%%#&&@^ yatra@buddhaair.com

ofqfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L tyf ljrf/ a'4 Po/ tyf k|sfzs ;+:yfåf/f JoQm cleJolQm dfGg h?/L 5}g . To;}u®L lj1fkg ;fdu|Lk|lt klg a'4 Po/ jf k|sfzs ;+:yf hjfkmb]xL x'g5 ] g} . k|sflzt ;"rgf, ;fdu|L tyf ;]jf clu|d ;"rgflagf klg km]/abn x'g ;Sg]5g\ .

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@# Road Patan @^ An Artistic City cGtjf{tf{ $% k"jf{wf/ agfOP xfdL b'ud { df hfg





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n's]sf 7fp“ klg ;d]6f}+

n's®] ®x]sf ko6{sLo:yn h:t}– ?s'dsf] l;:g] lxdfn, sdn bx, :ofk'{ tfnh:tf 7fp“sf] kl®ro lbg] ;fdu|L lbg'eP cem ®fd|f] x'g] lyof] . xfn kxf8L If]qdf zfxL g]kfn jfo';j] f lgudsf] Psflwsf® ®x]sf] 5 t® ofq'x¿sf nflu s'g} ;x'lnot 5}g . To:f}n] a'4 Po® h:tf] Po®nfoG;n] b'ud{ df klg cfkm\gf] p8fg ;~rfng ug'k{ ¥of] . —d'sG' bs'df® zdf{, ?s'd

l;6 km]g'{ k¥of]

a'4 Po®sf] hxfhsf l;6x¿ ;fx|} yf]qf eO;s]sf ®x]5g\ . r9\bf otf ® ptf lahfpg] u®]sfn] o;tkm{ a]nd} f Wofg lbO{ l;6 km]g{] Joj:yf ug'k{ ¥of] . —®fdxl® vqL sf7df8f},+ l8NnLahf®

xfd|f] 7]ufgf a'4 Po/ hfpnfv]n,nlntk'/ kf]=a=g+=M @!^&, km\ofS;M %%#&&@^ Od]nM yatra@buddhaair.com

nSsL 8«sf ljh]tfx? != bLk]Gb| If]qL—sf7df08f}+ -clk|n_ @= pdL /fO{ — sf7df8f},+ -clk|n_ #= k|tfk j}B — sf7df8f},+ -d]_ $= ;'zLn /fhe08f/L – ag]kf -d]_ %= ;f}/e 9sfn – sf7df8f}+ -h'g_ ^= w|j' b]j u'?ª – sf7df8f}+ -h'g_ awfO{ 5 , ljhoL dxfg'efjx?nfO{ .

profile COMPANY

Name of the Company

No. of Sector Destinations

Buddha Air

Kathmandu Mountain Flight Bhadrapur Bhairahawa Biratnagar Pokhara Nepalgunj Janakpur Simara Bharatpur (From August)

Year of Establishment

11.10.1997 Executive Chairman

Surendra Bahadur Basnet Managing Director

Birendra Bahadur Basnet Type of Business

Scheduled Flight Service No. of Aircraft




Yatra July-September 2005

Type of Aircraft

Pressurized Beech 1900D and 1900C

July-September 2005


profile COMPANY



Yatra July-September 2005

uddha Air has divided its Finance Department in two divisions. One is Revenue and other one is Expense. BA has 23 staffs in the Finance Department. We are using our own developed Accounting Software. Buddha Air practises dynamic budget system, which monitors the cost of operation by the hour. Computerized accounting system has a 99% revenue collection rate with no financial obligation. Since its inception to till date Buddha Air has contributed US$ 3.98 million as direct and indirect taxes.

Buddha Air practises dynamic budget system, which monitors the cost of operation by the hour

July-September 2005


profile COMPANY



anagement Information System, which was set up with a vision to capitalize the rapid progress in Information system and communications have been constantly working in this field. Our company has been enjoying an edge of prompt decision making, strategic planning and are ready to cope with the challenges, hurdles and competitiveness placed by other business rivals. MIS has come a long way in its process of mechanization all of our organizations major functions and processes. It is indeed great pleasure to list the following systems for our departments and divisions.

Yatra July-September 2005

Operation Department Operations and Crew Planning System Based on technical log sheet this system records and generates aircraft wise flight hour and block hour, number of landings up-to-date. It also logs the flying hours of all our aircrew members, which helps to manage crewmembers accordingly. It also generates our flight dispatch reliability, cancellation factors etc.

Engineering Department

1. Engineering Planning System This system is used for planning purpose for our Engineering Department. It tracks the use of aircraft parts, provide information about replacement, calculate the life cycled items, correction of hubs hour, and forecast requirement of parts.

2. Engineering Inventory Control System To manage huge aircraft inventory, this system keeps track of total inventory of aircraft parts, part number wise placement, and movement of parts periodically etc. It also records goods received, purchased, issued and balance of stock in our inventory.

Finance Department

1. Finance and Budget Control System This system records all the revenue and expense vouchers prepared and generates its ledgers, trial balance, profit and loss account and balance sheet as well. Uniquely it is used in controlling expenses with the help of Budget accounting system. 2. Revenue Accounting System This system totally based on cash value documents like passenger ticket, Cargo coupon and excess baggage coupon is used to generate revenue vouchers

automatically. It is extensively used to track down sales of different outlets, performance of those outlets, review sales outstanding etc, finally controls our revenue earnings.

Marketing Department

1. Flight Reservation System This system is capable of handling multiple requests from different travel agents to provide information about our flights at the same time and used for making reservations, rescheduling, confirmations etc. It is also used to track the performance of our agents as well. 2. Comparative Market Research System This system records number of flights, passenger carried by different competitive airlines in our common sectors. So it clearly identifies total market share, foreign market share, and total occupancy of all the competitive airlines in different sectors. 3. Frequent Flier System This system is used to store the information and details of all of its frequent flier members. It is also used to verify mileage earned, mileage issued, and mileage balance for every members.

Human Resource Department

Personnel and Payroll System This system keeps record of all the staffs of our organization, maintains leave and passage balances, generates leave encashment calculation, historical records of every staff members and facilitates with automatic card attendance system.

General Service Department

General Inventory System Apart from aircraft inventory, this system is used to record all the general inventories like printing materials, stationeries, furniture and fixtures, communication and information technology devices etc. It maintains the reorder level of every item, uses of items and helps to pre dispatch items required by concern department and divisions.

July-September 2005





Yatra July-September 2005


ngineering Department main objective is the maintains of all Buddha Air’s aircraft fleet to airworthy standard. It has to carry out all aircraft maintenance to standard laid down by the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal, Raytheon (manufacture of aircraft) and Pratt & Whitney Canada (Engine manufacture). Engineers have to work day and night to make the aircraft airworthy to fly the next day. In order to run the department smoothly, it is sub divided into various divisions like: Maintenance Division, Maintenance Planning, workshops, Quality assurance, Technical Records, Library, procurement and stores. Quality Assurance Division is within

engineering; it monitors various function of this department and meets the standard laid down by CAA of Nepal and manufacture. Any discrepancies on engineering function such as quality of work; Chief of QA rectifies procedures and is reported direct to the MD. In this way QA make sure all functions, procedures within engineering are correct and to standard aviation maintenance practice laid down by CAA of Nepal and manufacture of aircraft, engine and other components. QA conducts internal audit regularly to make sure all things within engineering are satisfactory. Procurement and Store Division buys

spares either from approved suppliers or manufacture of that component as per Engineer’s requisition. This division has to make sure all components arrive with proper documents and without any transportation damage. Then QA inspects the spare again and releases with serviceable tag allowing it to be used by maintenance any time it's needed. All components are stored properly and in good condition so it can be used when needed. We have a large stock of components that cost more than US $ 2.5 millions. We have stock like engines, propeller, landing gears, gyros, ACM, Heat Exchanger, etc. and all special tools, testing equipments and ground support equipments required for our

aircrafts. All this helps us to maintain our on time departure by 99%. Stores always send the failed or time completed component to respective manufacture or CAA of Nepal approved overhaul agencies. This is to make sure we get good quality of work on that component and reliable when operated. We do have constant audit from CAA of Nepal, Raytheon Aircrafts, and Pratt & Whitney Canada. We do get discrepancies and we always rectify them as soon as possible. To maintain six 1900 series aircrafts, we have highly experienced 8airframe engine’s engineers and

4 avionics engineers. All these engineers are trained in Raytheon Maintenance Training Center, Flight Safety International Wichita USA and Pratt & Whitney Canada, Singapore Training Center. All engineers are given regular refresher course from above training center. This is to make sure that maintenance is to be in high standard. We have workshop to carry out jobs like wheel-brake assembly, NDT, fuel nozzles and filters cleaning shop, battery shop etc. We do carry out all private airlines NDT requirements, as we are the only one qualified to carry out this job in Nepal. All our fuel nozzles and filters are cleaned through ultrasonic and electro sonic cleaners to remove dirt’s and carbon deposits. This gives our engine cooler to run and saves money on hot sections of the engines. We have our own battery shop to service our aircrafts battery. All aircrafts are equipped with Altair’s ADAS (Aircraft Data Acquisition System), which automatically records all engines and aircrafts parameter during each flights. Recorded parameters are downloaded to computer and then up loaded to Altair’s Turbine Tracker server. Altair is the sister organization of our engine manufacture Pratt & Whitney Canada and both are under umbrella of United Technologies. We had out source the engine and aircraft parameter analyzing part to Altair. Whenever there is change in trends in the parameters they would mail us to look on specific parts and ask us to rectify, recalibrate etc. This saves lot of time when rectifying the problem and more over this gives us warning when any detoriation on engine and aircraft. This also records any exceedence of parameter while operating the aircraft, which gives engineering time to carry out maintenance or repair when they occur.

July-September 2005





Yatra July-September 2005

July-September 2005


profile COMPANY




A MARKETING GIFT FOR BUDDHA AIR PASSENGER Royal club is the frequent flyer program of Buddha Air and is totally free. The program is open to individual over 12 years and resident of Nepal.


The program rewards passenger with mileage points every time they fly Buddha Air. In fact Royal Club aims to reward passengers loyal to Buddha Air by giving them mileage points every time they fly. The more they fly, the more miles they will accumulate. Once they gather enough miles they have the option of many benefits, they can fly fee to qualifying destination, even go on holidays to exclusive resorts and Hotels, or even go for shopping.

MOST FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1. HOW CAN I BE A ROYAL CLUB MEMBER? Fill out a membership form available at any Buddha Air office, fill out the temporary card too, and submit it at Airport check in counter in your next flight with Buddha Air. Keep the temporary card until a permanent card is issued to you. And start earning frequent flyer miles every flight starting from your very first flight. 2. Who can be a member? All Nepali citizen, resident expatriate and individual over 12 years of age can be a member. 3. What are the benefits of becoming a member? The more you fly, the more your accumulated the mileage. Once you gather, enough miles, you have the option of many benefits. Such as; a. You can fly free to qualifying destinations (see-miles chart). b. Receive cash voucher and go on a shopping at various outlets. c. Your miles can also benefit your spouse and a child in terms of free tickets and gift vouchers. d. You will also be accorded preferential ser-

Yatra July-September 2005

vice and extra baggage allowance. e. Fantastic discounts at more than 100 outlets all over Nepal. 4. How to earn mileage points? Royal Club members need to present their membership card at the time of check in at the airport counter to ensure crediting of mileage points. The members should ensure that the membership number appears on the ticket. Members are advised to retain the ticket jacket of all flights until the credited miles are not reflected on the statement. If member’s claims that mileage points acquired have not been credited to the account they must produce the tickets number to verify their claim. 6. How to avail a free tickets from mileage points? If enough miles have accrued for you to receive benefits you will receive a redemption form available at all Buddha Air Office. Please fill this form completely and submit it to receive your chosen awards.

7. Can I cancel award ticket? Cancellation of the award ticket has effected at least 24 hours before the flight to earn the mileage points debited due to redemption. In case the cancellation is done within 24 hours 33% of the mileage points will be debited from the points debited due to redemption. 8. What is Royal Club Platinum? Royal Club Platinum is an upgrade of the current Royal Club membership. Any Gold card members will be eligible for upgrade to Royal Club Platinum if they have earned a total of 7500 or more miles redeemed +unredeemed). 9. Can I transfer my mileage points to other person? A personal account is opened for each member, to which mileage points acquired are credited. The account and the mileage points acquired by the member concerned cannot under any circumstances be transferred. Assigned sold or combined with the account of any other person.

Reservation Reservation is the most pronouncing word, which is generally applicable in the field of Airline, Train and Hotel. The advent of pressurized cabins allowed fast flights at high altitudes since than passengers Aircraft flown in sky even inadequate runway. Only then from 1939, the reservation process of airlines was begun. After establishment of Buddha Air in 11th October of 1997, it reservation system is also implemented. In the beginning of first 3 years, all the reservation records were kept manually but the fastest growing computer Technology has changed the system in advance. Eventually, Buddha air has applied first computerized reservation system among the domestic airlines, which was design by Mandala software house. Specially, the oracle software is the major part of the reservation system, which helps the process of booking faster, reliable, transparent and easy to operate. Now the on-line reservation system has been applicable in city sales office and Kathmandu airport. More or less than 900 passengers fly by Buddha Air each day. The record of all these passengers is kept by the reservation. So, even the petty mistake in reservation can cause great trouble in flight operation. From this one can figure out the vital role played by reservation in airlines business. As the matter of fact, the reservation also means the pre-registration of passengers. Each and every passenger has to be connected with the reservation in (5542494) and block the seats according to their requirements. The seats are blocked until the tickets

are issued. The record keeping system in reservation is so well-managed that anyone can collect the information about the flight up date, cancellation of ticket as well as the flight details in no time. Besides, reservation is also the unit of marketing department in airlines business.It’s major purpose on reservation is to prepare both effective flight schedule and flight plan as per passengers’ requirement. It also tries to keep proper reservation with full occupancy so that the reservation could be fulfilled before the flight date. There are so many sources of reservation among which Travel Industy is the major one. Similarly, business houses, embassies, consulates, Ministries, companies, Banks, INGO, UN projects also assist as the important sources in reservation. JOB OF RESERVATION UNIT: 1. Promptly and courteously handle all reservation requested by calls or letters. 2. Updating the flights and make reservation 3. Keeping seats availability status up to date. 4. Effective flight forecasting and planning 5. Flight management as per aircraft maintenance. 6. Handling amendments & cancellation of reservation. 7. Keep all reservation correspondence up to date with outstation 8. Proper coordination with engineering, operation and outstation 9. Promotion and marketing including public relation with travel agents and business organization

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profile COMPANY

MODE OF RESERVATION An Airline has received reservation request known as RR by different medium. Every types of request treated as most important if they are potential customers. Each any every type reservation inquiry has recorded well in reservation and respond to concerned agency. Most common method of receiving reservation are • Telephone call • Fax / Email / Telex internet • RR from travel agency • Direct or person request /walk-in • Long term contract or agreements TYPES OF RESERVATION 1) Guaranteed reservation A guaranteed reservation ensures the passengers about the reserved seat for the specific times. For this, passengers have to make payment for the ticket only then the ticket confirmation for desired date is fixed. 2) Non Guaranteed reservation If airlines do not have available seats according to the passengers need then the airlines agreed to hold the reservation in waiting list until the seats are available. It is the conditional reservation so if the seats are released by existing passengers, then it will be confirmed to the passengers who are in the waiting list. RESERVATION P0ROCESS The reservation process involves different steps. The most important aspect of sales process in service industry is to have the details information about the passengers. The passengers must be familiar with the products, service quality and accessibility of the sector. If not then it is very necessary to inform them in advance. The most important step is to have and agreement with passengers. The passengers may be the middle man, agent or himself. The agreement is based on different terms and conditions such as rate, payment, cancellation etc. Reservation process involves three steps. The first is to receive the booking from passengers or agent, the second step is to keep records of reservation and the third one is

to confirm the seat as well as to inform the actual flight details. However, the sale process of the reservation is not completed until the passengers have reached to their destination. FACTORS AFFECTING RESERVATION 1) Re-confirmation : Confirmation is related to the commitment to passengers from airlines. Re confirmation is to make sure of flight details, which passengers had already booked. Sometimes it may happen that the flight may cancel, delay or early after making confirmation. During reconfirmation, the real information about the changed schedule of flight is provided. 2) Cancellation : It is to express the inability by passengers to fly at reserve time. The cancellation policies, terms and conditions are already agreed upon during the time of agreement or at the time of reservation and confirmation. It must be applicable whether it is intentional or voluntary. 3) No-show: If the expected passengers have not contacted and expressed his inability for canceling his reservation till flying hours is known as no-show. It is treated as an intentional action of the passengers so their fare is non refundable. The terms are applicable only for confirmed Passenger. 4) Over booking: It is the process of booking of passengers more than the seat capacity of aircraft. Sometimes it occurs intentionally or due to fault of inexperienced staffs of reservation. Not confirmed reservation is overbooked and there are always great chances of cancellation at the last moment of the flight. 5) Walk-ins: Those passengers who come directly to the airport in order to have a flight without pre booking then in that case they may have the chance of conditional flight. It means that if there is a seat available in aircraft then the passenger can have a flight, if not then they have to look for next chance. So, this is a very common phenomenon in airlines.

Communication With Airlines Identification of sources determination availability

Communication With Airlines

reservation Acceptance

offer alternative flight

Confirmation & Flight detail

waiting list

Yatra July-September 2005

CITY SALES OFFICE – HATTISAR Functions: Amoung various wings of marketing department, City Sales office situated at Hattisar basically deals with direct clients and non-stockiest travel agents. There are four units at the City Sales Office (CSO) for effective handling of day -to -day activities. 1. Ticketing. 2. Reservation. 3. Finance. 4. Mobile Marketing. 1.Ticketing: Passengers and travel agents who visit the sales office initially are greeted by our front desk staff that issue tickets as per the reservation status made directly by our clients or travel agents. Being a very sensitive job, our staffs are always alert and attentive towards customers' problems and always react immediately towards their queries. Issue tickets in a complete format and delivering correct information

regarding flight time; flight details are the major responsibilities of the front desk staff. 2.Reservation: Making reservation to direct clients and making telephonic conversation with travel agents are the major function at the city sales office. Reservation staff does provide seats to our direct clients with optimum effort. Making proper co-ordination with the reservation at Head Office and outstation for balancing reservation status as per need is the major responsibilities of the reservation unit at the CSO.Workload from the main reservation at Jawalakhel has been divided after establishing the reservation unit at Hattisar, as a result travel agencies (Stockist, Non Stockist) near by Hattisar, Kingsway, Thamel, Kantipath, Nagpokhari, Baneshwore and New Road area easy to access to Hattisar for reservation at the time of peak hour. Finance: Collecting payment from directs client, travel agents and make regular follow-up to credit parties are

the major responsibilities of the finance unit at the CSO.Maintaining day-today transaction, preparing daily sales report and delivering report to finance department at Head Office, is the prime responsibilities of the finance unit at CSO. Mobile Marketing unit: Mobile marketing basically makes regular interaction with travel agents .P R Assistant mobilized at the international and domestic airport update daily arrival list of various travel agents. Accordingly mobile marketing sales unit makes immediate follow up. This helps us tremendously in bringing up business to the company, besides this mobile marketing cell updates the current market scenario and helps the management by providing proper and timely information regarding competitor's policy ,plans and programmers.

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profile COMPANY


uman Resource Department of Buddha Air is one of the important departments of this organization and has been working to improve overall administrative activities.


HRD is regarded as the backbone of an organization and it is working to develop of HR policies, systems and plans, staffing for human resources needs, management and development of staff performance, management of employee benefits and relations programmers, and general management. On the view of management and development of staff performance, HRD has initiated the SPMS (Staff Performance Management System) program in the organization so as to improve overall administrative works efficiently and effectively. As HRD has recently introduced the

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SPMS(StaffPerformanceManagement System) program in order to improve the internal human resources, there are a lot of positive effects come into exist within a very short period. Recently, the yearly and monthly work evaluation of each and every staff under the SPMS program is carried out smoothly. As a result, human resource department has conducted internal written examination and selected candidates of written examination are called for the interview for promotion. More than twenty-two employees are promoted and allocated their duties and responsibilities respectively. The SPMS program, which has benefited the employees in every sphere of their work performance, has now become unavoidable tools for the organization. The employees are taking duties and responsibilities very eagerly under this program.

In order to encourage every staff and improve the performance evaluation the management of Buddha Air has decided to offer cash reward to employees for their excellent work performance. There will be equal reward and punishment under this program. The cash reward and punishment to the employees for excellent performance and unsatisfactory performance respectively will be strictly adhered with SPMS program. The work performance evaluation was carried out with the help of filling up the forms by the employees as well as comments by the respective supervisors earlier, but now performance of monthly, half yearly and yearly of all staff is made in computer programming with the help of software system designed by Mandela Software (Pvt.) Ltd. In

the beginning, the progress forms will be distributed and received within the given time after completing with the concern supervisors' constructive comments by the reviewers and forwarded to the HRD. HRD will put all the necessary assessments in to the software system after analyzing carefully so that it will be useful to analysis further work performance properly. There are certain procedures to be applied to analysis overall work performance under this SPMS program. They are: ♣ Monthly Work Plan Reporting- Each employee or team prepares a monthly work plan at the time of performance planning by breaking down the annual performance goals/targets into monthly activities required to achieve the targets. ♣ Monthly Performance DiscussionAfter submission of the monthly

progress report, the supervisor and the employee/team discuss the progress and achievements against the planned activities and identify problems and development needs. Half Yearly Appraisal and Feedback Session: -The formal and comprehensive appraisal of employee performance takes every six-month. It consist of faceto-face appraisal and feedback session with employee and his /her ratings on various performance dimensions. Self-Appraisal by the Employee: -In monthly progress report and half yearly appraisal form all employees are required to assess own performance, identify performance related issues, and diagnose needs for performance development. Multiple Sources of Feedback- Apart from the supervisory feedback the system also generates feedback for each employee from two other sources. The supervisor with support from Human Resource Department is responsible for collecting such feedback and discussing it with the concerned employee annually. Two Factor Performance Measurement: Performance is assess using two sets of factors: Job outputs and critical behavioral attributes.

Job output is the specific result produced or standard met by the employee on his/her job during the specified period of time. It is rated on a five points scale:- Unsatisfactory, improvement needed, meets expectations, exceeds expectations and outstanding. Critical behavioral attributes are the competencies, orientations or personal factors that support or contribute to the achievement of a certain level of performance by the employee. These attributes are also assessed on a five-point scale like job outputs.

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profile COMPANY



uddha air employs eighteen commanders including four instructors Pilot and eighteen First Officers, thus eliminating cumulative and/or over fatigue on pilots, the main reason for aviation accidents all over the world. All commanders have about 4,000 hours experience in Beech 1900s and over 8,000 hours overall. All of them have completed their flying courses from reputed institutions in the, USA.

Yatra July-September 2005

BA has established and obtained approval of Beech 1900s type rating training of the flight crewmembers and flight dispatcher from Civil

Aviation Authority of Nepal. BA's aims and objectives with these training programs are to ensure. n Crewmembers are kept up-todate in respect to the aircraft being flown, training materials are provided regularly and regular examinations are conducted. n Approved instructor pilots are utilized for flight training, flights checks and simulator training programs. n Emergency training is provided as set forth in the flight Operation Requirement of the Civil Manual of the company.

Two specialized divisions have been created for enhancing safety and providing quality training to all crewmembers. The Chief of flight Safety Division is responsible for flight safety and accident prevention programs implementation. The Chief of Training Division is responsible for training and implementing the timely recommendations of the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal and inhouse flight safety regulations through highly proficient Instructor Pilot of the Nepalese aviation industry.

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profile COMPANY

All commanders hold the Airlines transport License and are required to undergo pilot proficiency checks twice a year. All crewmembers hold the Commercial Pilot License and are required undergo pilot proficiency checks once a year. In additional, all crewmembers are sent for a simulatortraining program to Bangkok once a year.

All BA crewmembers have instrument rating endorsed into their license. Cockpit crewmembers and cabin crewmembers are provided refresher courses on safety aspects of the flight and in providing a comfortable flying atmosphere to passengers.

BA has fulfilled all Civil Aviation requirements regarding security system of the airport for the protection of the aircraft, passengers, crew, airport staff and facilities.

Civil Aviation of Nepal has clearly defined the role and responsibilities of an airline as regards to aviation security through the National Civil Aviation Security Program. BA has prepared a Security Manual of its own in order to carry out the security responsibilities in an effective and well-coordinated manner.

From August 2005, BA is going to include one more 1900 in its fleet, as BA is going to extend its operation to Bharatpur and BA has already recruited new crew to operate the aircraft, Raytheon Aircraft Credit Corporation has already agreed for the extension for the fleet.

Yatra July-September 2005

BA has established computerized ground class and refresher training of 1900s from Computer Training system,

To keep its flight crewmembers recent in aircraft operation, other than flying training, BA has invested more than 10,000 dollars in its training system. The training system includes

Wichita, USA and 1900 Link Training in the Operation Department. The library and visual aids equipment are the most up to date. For better flight dispatch reliability, BA employs four flight dispatchers who hold licenses from the Civil Aviation of Thailand as well as Nepal.

Computer Based Learning program of its flagship aircraft Beech 1900s, which no other Nepali airlines possesses. Operation library of BA has world famous Jeppesen audiovisual training aids and reference books. Well maintained library room, instrument procedure training- a composite system of compute, flight controls and special software-and Computerized Training System (CTS) are enhancing the knowledge of flight crew of Buddha Air .

social service


mallholder Agribusiness Support (SABS) Project is being implemented in Tankisinwari and Hattimuda VDCs of Morang District as a part of Buddha Air’s commitment to corporate social responsibility. Project is entirely targeted to enhance the livelihood of landless, marginal and small farmers by establishing their access to the resources and opportunities. Birendra Bahadur Basnet, Managing Director of Buddha Air, visited SABS’ project site on 31 May 2005, and interacted with the local farmers. Impressed with the achievements of the

Managing Director of Buddha Air Mr. Birendra Bahadur Basent Meets the Farmers

project, Mr. Basnet, reiterated that, "Buddha Air is committed to maximize its roles in the society so as to stand as an example to many others”. The interaction program was facilitated by Lokendra Karki, SABS Project Team Leader, who briefed about the progress and highlighted the major achievements. He explained that, "Problem solving approach, participatory decision making process, flexibility in program implementation & self-motivated project team are the key to the success we have achieved so far”. During the interaction, farmers presented progress statements of their groups. They acknowledged the farmer-friendly approach of CDRC, an NGO which implements SABS project with a funding from Buddha Air. Meanwhile, Khadka Basnet, Former Chairperson of Morang District Development Committee, observed the project area and maintained that

"I have monitored and evaluated many development projects; however, I have never seen such an achievement in a given limited resources and a short span of time like this. I strongly believe that everyone working in this area should learn something from CDRC”. He categorically underlined his observations in the following points: n Increased sense of cooperation among the farmers; n Women’s access to financial resources; n Institutional capacity building of local farmers; n Knowledge and skills enhanced with regard to improved agricultural production and marketing; n Participatory



sessment and opportunity identification; n Direct impacts of saving and credit behavior, introduced by SABS to the local farmers;

Farmers were happy particularly to find Mr. BB Basnet among them in their farmstead. A local farmer commented, “This will encourage us to be more serious and result oriented.”

July-September 2005


With the infrastructure availed, we are ready to fly to remote areas Birendra Basnet, Managing Director

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Perhaps, Birendra Basnet, the Managing Director (MD) of Buddha Air would not be in aviation sector had it not been for his brother. “My brother Shibendra did a training to operate M.I. – 17 chopper. At his request we first thought of operating choppers as profession. However, we started Buddha Air as no breaking achievements could be made in the former,” said Basnet talking to Yatra. Buddha Air, that took its roots without any pre-plan is now counted among the best private companies in aviation sector. No doubt, his relentless efforts and devotion lifted this company to this stage. “We have proved that even persons from a middle class can also be successful in this sector,” said Basnet. “Our success story is synonymous to the adage “Where there is will there is way.” What follow next is the details of talks between Yatra and MD Basnet on the present activities and future plans of Buddha Air.

Interview How is the present situation of Buddha Air? It’s satisfactory in a way. It’s now almost been eight years since we operated this airline. We faced many ups and downs in these periods. Yet, we boldly faced them and now the airline stands as a matured institution. What about the profit and loss? Now we are in profit. We are financially very strong. Any challenges facing Buddha Air? Now there is fair war among the companies. That is the only challenge for us now. However, we have taken it as normal. We are moving ahead making several marketing strategies. We have no other challenges besides. There is a very ‘unfair competition’ among aviation companies, it is said. What have to say on this? This has been on the context of fair. If the fair margin hits the bottom rock there may come a time when the company has to be closed. This we have already witnessed. This mainly happens in the domestic aviation sector. Do you expect reforms in any government policies that would provide subsidy to aviation companies? Policy till now is fine. However, amendment in decision making policy is required because that is too lengthy. It was long before that we requested for a hanger at the airport. No decision has been taken yet. However, the Director General of Nepal Civilian Aviation Authority has been playing a supportive role. Thus, we feel it easy at the policy level. What do you say of the allegation that the private aviation companies do not operate in the remote area? We require 1200 meters pitched airstrip to operate flights. We are unable to operate flight in lack of such an airstrip. The airstrip in Tumlinghtar is wide. If pitched, we can operate there. Do you mean infrastructure is required? Yes. In case of infrastructure provided we can operate. We are demanding the government to let us to operate single engine plane by registering

Barahi Air. No Twin Otter planes are made these days. To sum up, it is hard to get planes. We have been asking the Ministry for operating single engine plane. Ministry says it won’t allow that right now. The cabinet had to pass it, but it’s not passed yet. How far has the politics affected this sector? More to politics the present state of violence in the country has largely hampered this profession. It’s no surprise that number of foreign tourists decreases during violence. Post emergency witnessed a sharp decline in the number of tourists. This because the world, by emergency, understands a country in war. And the people stop coming. Presently, foreign tourists have not been targeted. However, their number is declining due to political situation, peace and security reasons. This has directly affected aviation companies. How far the Nepalese passengers are concerned, the pressure in aviation is high when the long road routes are affected. However, we do not benefit by just entertaining the Nepalese passengers. Is Buddha Air adding new sites to its destination list? We are soon adding Bharatpur to our list. We are planning to operate flights from coming August. 1. We have come to hear that the airstrip in Dhangadhi is being tarred soon. Once pitched, we are considering operating flights there as well. You are also involved in some social activities. Will you elaborate on this? Yes. We are doing that. Whenever a commercial enterprise becomes strong and independent, it should consider its social responsibility as well. Considering this, we have forwarded some social activities. Whenever we talk of social work, we take it as donation. But I think our country is still backward due this ‘”donation culture”. Thus to develop the feeling of cooperation, we are launching a project at Tankisinawar of Morang district. Ours is an agricultural country. Over 86 per cent of people are dependent on agriculture. Almost nothing is likely

to happen in absence of agricultural revolution. To foster co-operative attitude in agriculture, we are conducting Micro Saving project there. Its aim is to help farmers in adopting new technologies through cooperative approach. It has become 5 months that we started our project. Do you have other investment programs? Buddha Air has invested in Shikher Insurance. We have 12 per cent share on it. If we get license for Bahari Air, we shall invest in that also. We are planning to invest on other suitable sectors. Are you satisfied with this sector? I am fully satisfied. It’s been eight years now that I am involved in this sector. This sector gave me an exposure. I have learned the greatest lesson of life from this sector. We now have around 400 employees. Their future is connected with this airline. Thus, we are committed to promote this sector in an effective manner. Where do you find the Nepalese Airlines in comparison to that of other countries? In terms of region, we have limited area. But we are not that far in terms of information technology. We almost come to the same rank as that of India in terms of technology. We have tried to operate flights to India. But are unable to do so despite a complete business plan because of India’s policy not to encourage foreign investment in aviation sector. We are still working on that front. Has there been lobbing for that? No we have not done lobbing so far. Virgin is planning to operate flights in India. Let’s see what their result will be, we are watching that. That the airlines companies have not cleared their tax to the government makes news time and again. What is the reality? I don’t know of others. But, we have been clearing all taxes including the salary tax of all our employees. Perhaps, this could be the reason the internal Custom Department has accorded us a high place.

July-September 2005



Nepal’s Road and

Maintenance n Pragya Shrestha

Status of Road in Nepal • National Highway: 3180 km • Feeder Roads: 1820 km • Urban Roads: 2051 km • District Roads: 10141 km Source: Nepal Road Statistics

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et’s talk about roads, during this comfortable flight of Budha Air. History of Nepal’s road development is not that long as it started only in mid fifties. With almost no road network till 1950s, the Tribhuvan Highway, the first highway in Nepal, came into existence in the late fifties. Even by the 60’s there was very little activities in the field of road construction and road maintenance. However, looking back today, substantial achievements have been made over a short span in the road sector in terms of both, quantity and quality. Department of Road (DoR) of HMG as a service delivery institution is consistent in being one of the backbones in boosting Nepal’s economic through road development thereby directly contributes towards poverty reduction.

At present, the total road network in all categories is 17,192 km. Among it, the DoR is responsible for maintaining 5000 km Strategic Road Network (SRN) comprising the national highways and feeder roads through 5 Regional Directorates via 25 Divisional Road Offices. The district roads are maintained at local level. Increasing connectivity alone is not sufficient for the road network development, timely and quality maintenance is the key to this major long-term investments. “Through the commitment of the DoR and the support of bilateral and multilateral funding agencies, road maintenance has gained considerable importance over the last two decades”, observes Mr. Devendra Dhar Pradhananga, a civil engineer who has been involved actively in the field of road construction for nearly four decade. He further adds,” reliable connectivity reduces poverty directly by enhancing the economic conditions through accessibility and direct income benefits in rural livelihood”. Road maintenance is a challenging task in Nepal due to its fragile, topographical and geological context. Even though these natural unfavourable preconditions always bring enormous and difficult confrontations, the DoR has adopted a strategy of planned maintenance to minimise the risk. DoR’s road maintenance strategy is based on four inter-dependent systematic activities namely;

DoR’s Maintenance Categories 1 Routine


Required continually on every road whatever its engineering

the routine maintenance, the recurrent cyclic maintenance, the periodic maintenance and the emergency maintenance. One of the most visible examples of road maintenance is routine maintenance carried out by the Length workers, ever present in the roadside wearing their orange jacket. These Length workers, often recruited among deprived and marginalised people , carry out the daily activities required on routine maintenance such as drain clearing, grass cutting, bush clearing and etc. This process has proven highly cost effective and efficient along the entire SRN. Recently, DoR has taken new initiatives by involving Community Based Organisations (CBOs) and roadside communities for road reserve maintenance. This new strategy encompasses a two-fold objective: to ensure better road maintenance and to enhance livelihood opportunities for the roadside communities. This approach is largely guided by the national agenda of addressing poverty reduction, social inclusion, and gender equity. Durga Prasad K.C, the Director General of the Department of Roads, remarks that “well maintained roads and an ever-expanding road network aim at improving the living conditions of everyone by facilitating easier access”.

characteristics 2 Recurrent

Required only at intervals of Maintenance:

several years

Required at intervals during

4 Emergency

the year with a frequency that


depends on the volume of

emergencies and problems

traffic using the road

calling for immediate action

3. Periodic


Maintenance: to



when the road is blocked

July-September 2005


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Patan An Artistic City


atan is situated 7 km away from Kathmandu, is famous unique architecture. Probably the oldest city in Kathmandu valley and once the capital of an independent kingdom, the city has gone through a sort of metamorphosis in terms of exposure, quite apparent in the booming number of visitors. In the heart of the city lies, Patan Durbar Square a well- known tourist destination recognized for its ancient palaces, temples and shrines with exquisite carvings. Here, one can not only witness the spectacular archeological monuments but can tingle the taste buds with the spicy newari food, the reason most of the local tourist pay visit to this place. All in all, Patan, is a place to be as nowhere else can be seen a compression of marvelous monuments within a limited space. n Krishna Mandir Built in the seventeenth century, Krishna temple is dedicated to Lord Krishna, the eighth incarnation of Vishnu. It is the only temple in Nepal that has 21 spires and is completely made of stone. One of the exquisite examples of stonework to be found in Nepal, this temple holds a great significance among Hindus inside and outside Nepal. n Mahaboudha A little further east from Patan Durbar Square lies this Buddhist temple made of clay bricks in which thousands of images of Lord Buddha is engraved. This temple is modeled after the original Temple at Bodhigaya in India. The temple takes its name from the terracotta tiles with which it is covered, each bearing an image of the Buddha. n Hiranya Verna Mahavihar This unique Buddhist monastery is only a few minutes walk north of Durbar Square.

Three storeys high, this golden pagoda of Lord Buddha was built in the twelfth century. Inside the upper stores of the pagoda, are the golden image of Lord Buddha and a large prayer wheel.

Emperor of Ashoka at the four corners of Patan. The four Stupas are situated in Pulchowk, Lagankhel, and Ebahi and in Teta respectively. These Stupas give evidence to the city’s ancient religious importance.

n Kumbeshwor Five storeys high, this temple of Lord Shiva attracts a huge crowd of devotees. A fair is held here on the Janai Purnima day in August.

n Achheswor Mahavihar Achheshwor established it towards the beginning of the seventeenth century by building a temple to house and idol of Lord Buddha. The Mahavihar has recently been reconstructed. Situated behind the Ashokan Stupa Pulchowk, the Mahabihar commands beautiful view of the Kathmandu Valley.

n Rudra Varna Mahavihar This Buddhist monastery contains fine and amazing collection of images and statues in metal, stone and wood. It is believed that the kings in the ancient times were crowned in this monastery. Many of the treasures offered by the devotees can be seen here even today. n The Ashokan Stupa There are four ancient stupas popularly believed to have been built in 250 B.C. by

n Temple of Macchendranath and Minnath The pagoda of Red Macchendranath built in 1408 A.D. is situated in Tabahal. For six months the deity is taken to its other shrine in Bungmati. The temple of Minnath is situated in Tangal on the way to Tabahal.Â&#x;

July-September 2005




and Kids



ublic interest on Astronomy in Nepal reached unprecedented heights in 2003 due to two important space events, namely oppositions of planets Mars (August 27) and Saturn (Dec 31). Over the past year, Saturn came closer to Earth in 29 years and Mars in 60,000 years. These events were widely covered by Media in this country. The Balmiki Campus, Nepal Astronomical Society and Galileo Astronomical Society organized public observation of these events

undisputed fact that those countries that dominate the outer space will also dominate the earth. The world is becoming smaller and smaller due to the use of outer space. In today's world, Telephones, Television, Internet, weather forecasting and geological/natural resource explorations etc depend on satellites that orbit the earth in outer space. Hence taking into account the importance of space exploration, the government recently established "BP Koirala

with the help of telescopes. However, these initiatives were not able to satisfy the demand from the public to observe these planets, which was indicated by the difficulty in managing the crowds that gathered to see these planets through telescopes. Therefore time has come for Nepali Scientists, Astronomers and government policy makers to think ways of mobilizing public interest in astronomy for the development of science and technology. This article elaborates the importance of astronomy for Nepal and ways to further develop the exploration of outer space to improve the quality of life of people in this country. Modern Astronomy dates back to 1610 AD, when Italian Astronomer, Galileo, invented Telescope. Galileo directed his newly constructed instrument towards planet Jupiter and as a result, four prominent satellites or moons of the planet were discovered. This discovery led to the breakthrough in scientific thinking by establishing that Earth was not the center of Universe, but a mere planet, revolving around the Sun. This was a turning point in European Scientific thinking, which revolutionized science and technology (the so-called Renaissance). From this very date, the European civilization left all the rest of the civilizations behind in terms of progress and development. The story of Galileo suggests that knowledge of Astronomy can be a crucial factor to change social consciousness and accelerate development. Astronomy is the science, which allows the practical application of other branches of sciences. Our children study science in schools and colleges but this has mostly become a ritual of learning by heart, without any link to practicing the discipline. Astronomers worldwide believe that Nepal is one of the best places in the World for astronomical Observations. We have no problem of light pollution and the sky remains clear for most of the year. We have thousands of mountains that are above 3000-m altitude, perfectly suitable to set up Observatories. In spite of all these natural gifts, we have not been able to use it for development of astronomical science. Even 400 years after the invention of the telescope, amateur telescopes

Planetarium, Observatory and Science Museum Development Board" under the Ministry of Science and Technology. The Ministry is engaged in organizing a few orientations training each year in Kathmandu and has repeatedly turned down requests to conduct these training outside the Kathmandu valley. More importantly, the Ministry has so far not become able to give a Vision towards exploration of outer space and promote collaboration between government and civil society initiatives in the country. It is a rather embarrassing fact that even after 4 centuries of invention of telescope, these instruments for space exploration are not available in Nepal. So the first task of the government should be to ensure that telescopes are available in Nepali Markets. For this, the government should waive customs tariff for importing telescopes. Astronomy should be included in School and College curricula, as a separate subject and science teachers should be provided with necessary training and resource materials and publications. The government should also encourage international space agencies that wish to establish Observatories in Nepal that will help develop our human resources in this field. And most importantly, our policy makers need to provide a vision and action plan for development of astronomy and seek collaboration from civil society initiatives engaged in this field. We should not forget that on some future date, humans from Earth might walk the sands of Mars and the ices of Europa (moon of Jupiter, believed to have simple life forms). In fact, one of these future explorers might be a child living in Nepal right now, and dreaming of things to come. The efforts of Nepali Astronomers and Policy Makers should be directed to foster, nourish, and cherish those dreams, so that our children can explore the Universe and change life on Earth.

are not available in our shops, not to speak of Magazines and journals on astronomy. This has seriously hindered the development of astronomy in this country. Therefore, Astronomers in Nepal need to focus their efforts not only on Star Observation, but also on advocating the importance of astronomy with Government, and also raise public awareness on the importance of space exploration. There seems to be very little awareness on the importance of space exploration in Nepal. In today's world of globalization, it is an

Yatra July-September 2005


Paddy and his two friends are talking at a bar. His first friend says: "I think my wife is having an affair with the electrician. The other day I came home and found wire cutters under our bed and they weren't mine." His second friend says: "I think my wife is having an affair with the plumber the other day I found a wrench under the bed and it wasn't mine." Paddy says: "I think my wife is having an affair with a horse." Both his friends look at him with utter disbelief. "No, I'm serious. The other day I came home and found a jockey under our bed."

"Do you have anything you want to say?" asked the executioner, strapping him in. "No," replied the chemist. The executioner flicked the switch, and nothing happened. Under state law, if an execution attempt fails, the prisoner has to be released, so the chemist was released. Then the biologist was brought forward. "Do you have anything you want to say?" "No, just get on with it." The executioner flicked the switch, and again nothing happened, so the biologist was released. Then the electrical engineer was brought forward. "Do you have anything you want to say?" asked the executioner. "Yes," replied the engineer. "If you swap the red and the blue wires over, you might make this thing work."


A chemist, a biologist, and an electrical engineer were on death row waiting for the electric chair. The chemist was brought forward first.









9 10



13 14



17 18



21 22




26 28

27 29

DID YOU KNOW? 1. Sharks are so powerful that their bite can generate a force of up to 6 tons per square inch. 2. 35% of PC software installed in 2004 was pirated. 3. Only 35% of Web users wishing to delete cookies know how to do it. 4. The Bush Administration has spent more than $140 billion on a war of choice in Iraq 5. Did you know it was the Chinese who made the first wheelbarrow? 6. Did you know bats always turn left when exiting a cave? 7. A chameleon's tongue is twice the length of its body. 8. A typical bed usually houses over 6 billion dust mites. 9. The coldest temperature ever measured on Earth was -129 Fahrenheit (-89 Celsius) at Vostok, Antarctica, on July 21, 1983. 10. One in three of us will be diagnosed with cancer during our life.

CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 Hold on, I can’t move! (7) 5 A contest between two Poles and an Arab (7) 10 It’s a delight to be in the garden of paradise (6) 11 Work too hard? Certainly open to question (8) 12 The shortest way in is straight (6) 13 A book about lubricants involving much hard work (8) 14 Disturbed a bride to make her one short of par (6) 15 A Semitic takes the French to make land fit for crop production (6) 18 They are the additional passengers (6) 20 Girl takes article on Thursday to stow away safely (6) 23 Legitimate quarry on the level (4,4) 25 Build new areas for sporting contests (6) 26 It is so ancient it sounds like original sin! (8) 27 Unimportant details having no value (6) 28 Wesley sent in perhaps because of the rain (7) 29 Locked Ted to make him dress up (7)

DOWN 2 Decree that Noraid be disbanded (6) 3 Fruit of Argentine origins (9) 4 Provoked action with a stimulant (7) 6 A mother accommodates Eric in Sam’s country (7) 7 Vehicles briefly taken for short religious dramas (5) 8 Ben seen with 50 different musicians playing together (8) 9 Lear story then gave rise to the cruel wind (13) 16 Slender types from wild Caithness (9) 17 Rebellious underworld, eager to differ (8) 19 Overfasts? (7) 21 The man pressing a claim as a former player (7) 22 Stare in an agitated way at the literary sarcasm (6) 24 A Medieval tale of chivalry and love (5)

July-September 2005



k|fk] mfOn



4 Po®n] cfkm\gf] cfly{s ljefunfO{ b'O{ efudf ljefhg u®]sf] 5 . Pp6f cfo ® csf]{ vr{ . cfly{s ljefudf a'4 Po®sf s'n @# hgf :6fkm ®x]sf 5g\ . xfdLn] cfkm}n + ] ljsf; u®]sf] ;km\6j]o® k|of]u ul®®x]sf 5f} + . o; Po®nfoG;n] ultzLn ah]6 k|0ffnLsf] k|of]u ul®®x]sf] 5 . h;n] 3G6fsf] cfwf®df ;~rfng d"No tf]ss ] f] 5 . sDKo'6®fOH8 n]vf k|0ffnLsf sf®0f cfo ;+sng (( k|ltzt x'g ;s]sf] 5 . o;sf] :yfkgf ePb]lv g} a'4 Po®n] # bzdna (* ldlnog cd]l®sL 8n® k|ToIf s® a'emfPsf] 5 . xfd|f] k|:t't cfly{s tYof+s + n] of] s'®f :ki6 ub{5 .

ofqf h'nfO{–;]K6]Da/ @))%

o; Po/nfoG;n] ultzLn ah]6 k|0ffnLsf] k|of]u ul// x]sf] 5 . h;n] 3G6fsf] cfwf/ df ;~rfng d"No tf]s]sf] 5 . sDKo'6/fOH8 n]vf k|0ffnLsf sf/0f cfo ;+sng (( k|ltzt x'g ;s]sf] 5 .

h'nfO{–;]K6]Da/ @))% ofqf


k|fk] mfOn


j:yfkg ;'rgf k|0ffnL –-PdcfOP;_ sfof{nosf ;'rgf ® ;~rf® r':t agfpg] pb]Zon] z'? ul®Psf] xf] . xfd|f] sDkgLn] tTsfn ;'rgf cfbfg k|bfg ug]{ ;'lj4f pkef]u ul®®x]sf] 5 . ®0fgLlt agfpg] , c? sDkgLaf6 kfl®Psf afwf tyf k|lt:kwf{sf] klxrfg ® b]lvPsf r'gf}lt ;fdgf ug{ klg o;n] d4t ul®®x]sf] 5 . xfdLn] sDkgLsf d'Vo ljefunfO{ ;'rgfsf b[li6Ln] tn lbOPem}+ cfjZos if+oGqLs®0f u®]sf 5f} + .

O~hLlgol/+u o;ljefu dfkm{t hxfhsf kf6;{ , ltgLx?sf] kl®jt{g , cfjZostfsf] klxrfg h:tf sfo{ ul®Psf] x'G5 . o;df kf6{;nfO{ qmdj4 lx;fjn] ldnfP® ®fVg] b]lv , ;fdfg lnPsf] ®]s8{ , df}Hbft ;fdfu|L nufotsf] ®]s8{ ®fv]sf] x'G5 .

kmfOgfG; o; cGtu{t vr{ ® cfosf] ;a} ®]s8{ ®flvPsf] x'G5 . gfkmf ® 3f6fsf] ®]s8{ ®fVg'sf ;fy} vr{ 36fpg d4t ug]{ sfd klg ub{5 . o;}u®L ofq' l6s6 , sfuf]{ nufotaf6 p7]sf] ®sd af®] Jojl:yt ®]s8{ ®fVg] sfd klg x'G5 .



ofqf h'nfO{–;]K6]Da/ @))%

o;df p8fg cf®If0f ® t'ngfTds ahf® cg';Gwfg h:tf sfo{sf] ®]s8{ ®flvPsf] x'G5 . To:t} lgoldt ?kdf xfd|f] hxfhdf p8\gx] ?sf] ®]s8{ ;d]t o;df ®flvPsf] x'G5 .

dfgj ;+zfwg o; cGtu{t xfd|f] sDkgLsf ;a} sd{rf®Lsf] ®]s8{ ®flvPsf] x'G5 . To:t} ljbf nufot sd{rf®L ;“u ;DaGwLt s'®fx? o;n] x]g{] ub{5 .

;fdfGo ;]jf ljdfg ;“u ;DaGwLt s'®f afx]s o;n] ;fdfGo vfnsf ;'rgfx? ®fv]sf] x'G5 . h:tf] :6];g®L , kmlg{r® , ;~rf® ® ;'rgf ;DaGwLt ;fdfu|L cflb . o;n] tL ;fdfu|L s'g ljefunfO{ cfjZos 5 , s'gn] slt lnP eGg] ;Ddsf ;'rgf ®fv]sf] x'G5 .


ck/];g ck®];g P08 qmo' KnflgË l;:6d cGtu{t x'g] o;df kmnfO6 cfj® , Jns cfj® , Nofl08Ë ck8]6 , qmo'dD] j®sf] kmnfO6 cfj® h:tf s'®f klg ®]s8{sf ?kdf ®flPsf] x'G5. .


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k|fk] mfOn

ofqf h'nfO{–;]K6]Da/ @))%


~hLlgol®Ë ljefusf] d'Vo sfd hxfhnfO{ p8\gof]Uo agfpg' xf] . o; ljefu cGtu{t klg dd{t ;+ef® , dd{t;+ef® of]hgf , js{zk , Kf|fljlws ®]s8{ , u'0f:t® cfZjf;g , k':tsfno h:tf ljefux? Klg 5g\ . u'0f:t® cfZjf;g ljefusf] sfo{ O~hLlgol®Ë ljefusf] lgoldt cg'udg u®L g]kfn gful®s p88og k|flws®0f ® hxfhsf] pTkfbs sDkgL n] l;kmfl®; u®]sf s'®f sfof{Gjog ug'{ xf] . ;fy} rflxg] ;fdfu|L O~hLlgo®sf] l;kmfl®; adf]lhd vl®b ug'{ klg xf] . clxn] a'4 Po® ;“u @ bzdnj % ldlnog cd]l®sL 8n® a®fa®sf O~hLg ,Nof08LË luo® nufotsf hxfhnfO{ cfjZos ;fdfu|L ®x]sf 5g\ . o;sf] gful®s p88og k|flws®0f , ®]yf]g Po®qmfkm\6 ® k|f6 P08 x\jL6\gL Sofg8fn] lgoldt cl86 ul®®x]sf

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-u_ tkfO{n + ] cfh{g u®]sf] dfOnn] tkfO+s { L >LdtL ® 5f]®f5f]®Ln] ;d]t k|mL l6s6 k|fKt ug{ ;S5g\ . -3_ tkfO+n { ] yk ;fdfg n}hfg] ;'ljwf ;d]t kfpg ;Sg'xG' 5 . -ª_ g]kfnsf ! ;oeGbf a9L 7fp“x¿df dxTjk"0f{ l8:sfpG6 ;d]t kfpg ;Sg'xg' 5 ] . $= dfOnPh KjfOG6 s;®L cfh{g ug]{ < —dfOnPh KjfOG6sf] ;Totfsf nflu tkfO+n { ] ljdfg:ynsf] r]s sfpG6®df cfkm\gf] ;b:otf sf8{ b]vfpg'k5{ . ;b:o s] s'®fdf lglZrt x'gk' 5{ eg] ;b:otf gDa® l6s6df b]lvg' k5{ . :6]6d]G6df ylkPsf] dfOn gylkP;Dd l6s6 Hofs]6 ;'®lIft ®fVg'k5{ . olb dfOnPh gylkPsf] 5 eg] ofq'n] l6s6 gDa® b]vfP® bfaL ug'k{ 5{ . %= dfOnPh KjfOG6sf] cfwf®df s;®L k|mL l6s6 lng] < —olb kof{Kt dfOnPh k'®f ePsf] 5 eg]

tkfO{n] kmd{ e®]® tf]lsPsf ;'ljBfx¿ lng ;Sg' x'G5 . %= cjf8{ l6s6 ®2 ug{ ;lsG5 < —@$ 3G6fcl3 g} va® u®] l6s6 ®2 ug{ ;lsG5 . @$ 3G6fleqdf xf] eg] ## k|ltzt s'n dfOnPhaf6 36fOG5 . ^= ®f]on Sna Kn]l6gd eg]sf] s] xf] < —®f]onSna Kn]l6gd ®f]on Sna ;b: ox¿nfO{ cku|8] ug{ rflnPsf] sbd xf] . s'g} klg uf]N8sf8{ k|fKt ;b:onfO{ ®f]onSna Kn]l6lgoddf ;dfa]z ug{ ;lsG5 . h;sf nflu &%)) of ;f]eGbf a9L dfOnPh k|fKt u®]sf] x'gk' 5{ . & = Pshgfsf] dfOnPh KjfOG6\; csf]d{ f ;fg{ ldN5 ls ldNb}g < —s'g} klg JolQmsf] dfOnPhsf] 5'66\ } vftf vf]lnPsf] x'G5 t;y{ s'g} kl®l:yltdf of] vftf csf]{ JolQmdf 6«fG;km® ug{ ldNb}g .

l/he]{;g l/he]; { g -cf/If0f_ eGg] zAb Po/nfoG;, /]nj] / xf]6nsf nflu ofq'sf] gfd btf{ ug]{ s'/f;“u ;DalGwt 5 . ;g\ !(#( b]lv ljZjdf ljdfg sDkgLx¿n] l/he]; { gsf] sfd yfn]sf x'g \ . !! cS6f]a/ !((& df a'4 Po/sf] :yfkgfkl5 l/he]; { g k|0ffnL sfof{Gjog ug{ yflnPsf] xf] . ;'?sf # jif{df l/he]; { gsf] /]s8{ kmfOlnª u/]/ /flvg] u/]sf]df clxn] sDKo'6/ k|ljlwsf] ljsf;n] of] k|0ffnLdf kl/jt{g cfPsf] 5 . ;“u;“u} a'4 Po/n] l/he]; { gsf nflu g]kfndf Po/nfoG;dWo]df klxnf]k6s sDKo'6/fOH8 l:f:6dsf] Joj:yf u/]sf] xf] . o;sf] ;k\m6j]o/sf] l8hfOg dG8nf ;km\6jo/ xfp;n] u/]sf] xf] . l/he]; { g k|0ffnLsf] dxTjk"0f{ efu eg]sf] cf]/s ] n ;k\m6jo/ xf] . h;n] a'lsªnfO{ l56f] ug's { f ;fy} ljZj;gLo, kf/bzL{ / ;lhnf] agfp“5 . clxn] a'4 Po/n] cgnfOg l/he]; { g k|0ffnL cfkm\gf] l;6L ;]N; sfof{no / lqe'jg cGt/f{li6«o ljdfg:yndf nfu" u/]sf] 5 . a'4 Po/af6 x/]s lbg sl/a ( ;o ofq'n] ofqf ul//x]sf x'G5g\ . tL ;a} ofq'sf] /]s8{ l/he]; { gn] g} /fv]sf] x'G5 . o;}n] l/he]; { gdf x'g;Sg] ;fgf] uNtLn] xfd|f ofq'x¿sf nflu 7"nf] c;/ ug{ ;S5 . o;af6 klg l/he]; { gsf] Po/nfoG; Joj;fodf slt c;/ u/]sf] 5 eGg] s'/f cfkm}+ :ki6 u5{ . jf:tjdf l/he]; { g eg]sf] ofq'x¿sf] klxNo} btf{ ug'{ klg xf] . x/]s ofq' l/he]; { g;“u st} g st}af6 ;DalGwt x'G5g\ . /, pgLx¿sf] cfjZostfadf]lhd l;6 Ans u5{g \ . l6s6 O:o' ug'e { Gbf cufl8;Dd l;6

Ans ul/G5 . of] olt ck8]6 x'G5 ls p8fgsf af/]df ;Dk"0f{ s'/f yfxf kfpg ;lsG5 . l6s6 /2 u/]sf] s'/f klg To;af6 v'N5 . l/he]; { g eg]sf] s'g} klg Po/nfoG; Joj;fosf] dfs]l{ 6ª ljefusf] Pp6f o'lg6 klg xf] . o;sf] d'Vo sfd k|efjsf/L p8fg tflnsf agfpg' / ofq'x¿sf] ;+Vofadf]lhd of]hgf agfpg' klg xf] . l/he]; { gsf w]/} ;|ft] dWo] ko6{g pBf]u Pp6f dxTjk"0f{ xf] . ;fdfGotof, ljleGg ljlhg]; xfp;, b"tfjf;, dGqfno, sDkgL, a}s + , cGt/f{li6«o u}/;/sf/L ;+:yf, /fi6«;3+ Lo kl/of]hgf cflbn] klg l/he]; { g ;|ft] sf ¿kdf sfd u/]sf] x'G5 . l/he];{ g o'lg6sf] sfo{ != kmf]g of kqåf/f ul/Psf] l/he]; { g;DaGwL cg'/f]wdf t'?Gt} Wofg lbg' . @= p8fg tflnsf ck8]6 ug'{ / l/he]; { g ug' { . #= l;6 5 ls 5}g eGg] s'/f ck8]6 ul//xg' . $= k|efjsf/L ¿kdf p8fgsf] k"jf{gd' fg ug]{ / of]hgf agfpg' . %= p8fg Joj:yfkg . ^= l/he]; { g ;Demf}tf ug]{ / /2 ug] { . &= l/he]; { gaf/] x/]s :6];gdf hfgsf/L u/fpg] . *= Ol~hlgol/ª, ck/];g / ljleGg :6];g;“u ;dGjo sfod /fVg] . (= ljleGg Jofkfl/s ;+u7g / 6«fen Ph]G6;“u ahf/ k|j4{g tyf cGo sfdsf nflu ;Dks{ sfod ul//xg] .

h'nfO{–;]K6]Da/ @))% ofqf


k|fk] mfOn Pp6f Po/nfoG;n] ljleGg 7fp“af6 l/he]; { g cg'/f]w kfO/x]sf] x'G5 . o;nfO{ 5f]6s/Ldf cf/ cf/ klg elgG5 . x/]s cg'/f]wnfO{ l/he]; { gsf nflu dxTjk"0f{ tTjsf ¿kdf lnOG5 . x/]s l/he]; { g cg'/f]w /]s8{ u/]/ /flvPsf] x'G5 / plrt k|ltlqmof lbOG5 . k|foM lgDg tl/sfaf6 l/he]; { gsf] cg'/f]w lnOG5— — 6]lnkmf]g snaf6, — k\mofS;, Od]n, 6]nS] ;nufotsf dfWodaf6, — 6«fen Ph]G;Laf6 cg'/f]w ul/Psf] cfwf/df, — sfof{nodf g} uP/ cg'/f]w u/]sf] cfwf/df, — nfdf] ;dob]lvsf] ;Demf}tfsf] cfwf/df . l/he];{ gsf k|sf/ != Uof/]G6]8 l/he]; { g Uof/]G6]8 l/he]; { gdf ofq'nfO{ s'g} lglZrt ;dosf nflu l/he{ ul/Psf] l6s6af/]df cfZj:t kfl/G5 . o;sf nflu ofq'n] l6s6 vl/b ug'{ cfjZos x'G5 . @= gg—Uof/]G6]8 l/he]; { g olb ljdfg sDkgL;“u kof{Kt l;6 5}g eg]

To; cj:yfdf cfkm\gf] l/he]; { g k|tLIff ;"rLdf /fVg ofq' tof/ x'gk' b{5 . of] Ps lsl;dsf] ;zt{ l/he]; { g xf] . s'g} ofq'n] l;6 lbg rfx]sf] v08df k|tLIff;"rLdf /x]sfn] l;6 kfpg ;Sg'xG' 5 . l/he];{ gnfO{ k|efj kfg]{ tTj != l/sGkmd{; ] g sGkmd]; { gsf] dtnj Po/nfoG;sf] ofq';u“ Ps lsl;dsf] k|lta4tf klg xf] . l/sGkmd]; { g eg]sf] p8fgaf/] klxNo} a's eO;s]sf] l6s6af/] k'gM hfgsf/L u/fpg' xf] . o:tf] a]nfdf p8fg tflnsf kl/jt{gh:tf s'g} s'/f eP hfgsf/L u/fOG5 . @= s]G;n];g of] eg]sf] l/he{ u/]sf] ;dodf p8\g g;Sg] hfgsf/L ofq'af6 u/fOPsf] cj:yf xf] . /2 ubf{sf ;]jf / zt{x¿ cufl8 g} l/he]; { gsf] ;dodf 6'Ëf] nufO;lsPsf] x'G5 .

#= gf]—zf] olb s'g} ofq'n] hxfh p8\g] ;do;Dd s'g} s'/f eg]sf] 5}g t/ p8fgdf cfPg eg] To;nfO{ gf]—zf] elgG5 . ofq'n] o;f] u/]df p;sf] lgof]lht sfo{ dflgG5 / ef8f lkmtf{ ul/b}g . $= cf]e/ a'lsª ljdfgsf] l;6 IfdtfeGbf a9L slxn]sfxL+ dfgjLo q'l6sf sf/0f a9L l;6 a'lsª ug'n { fO{ cf]e/ a'lsª elgG5 . %= jfNs OG; olb sf]xL ofq' klxn] a'lsª gu/L ;Lwf hxfh r9\g ljdfg:yn cfPdf pgLx¿n] ;zt{ p8\g ;S5g\ . o;sf] dtnj hxfhdf l;6 vfnL 5 eg] ofq' p8\g ;S5 . olb 5}g eg] p;n] csf]{ ljsNk vf]Hg'k5{ . s'g} klg Po/nfoG;df of] eO/xg] k|lqmof xf] .

Po/nfOG;df ;~rf/ ;|f]tsf] klxrfg ;+sNk pknAwtf cf/If0f :jLs[lt lgSof}{n / p8fg tflnsf

Visit Us for: Indoor, Outdoor plants seasonal flowers and garden designing and maintenance

;"rgfsf] cfbfg k|bfg j}slNks p8fgsf] k|:tfj k|tLIff ;"rL

Baglamukhi Nursery Narayan Bhawan, Mahila Bikas Prasikshan Kendra, Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal Tel: 5538954, 5532285

!= l6s]l6ª

l;6L ;]N; sfof{no xfQL;f/ ahf® ljefusf ljleGg xf“ufdWo] u|fxs ® 6«fen Ph]G6;“u k|ToIf ;Dks{sf nflu a'4 Po®n] xfQL;f®df cfkm\gf] sfof{no vf]ns ] f] 5 . b}glGbg sfo{nfO{ k|efjsf®L ¿kdf ;~rfngsf nflu o; sfof{nocGtu{t klg ljleGg rf® j6f o'lg6 vf]lnPsf 5g\ . tL lgDg 5g\—

tkfO{+ l;6L ;]N; sfof{nodf hf“bf cufl8sf] 8]: sdf al;®x]sf a'4 Po®sf sd{rf®L g} l6s]l6ªsf] sfd ug]{ sd{rf®L x'g \ . h;n] u|fxs ® 6«fen Ph]G6;“u ;Dks{ u5{g\ ® l6s6 l®he]; { g sf] sfd u5{g \ . of] Hofb} ;+jb] gzLn sfd ePsfn] xfd|f :6fkmx¿ Uf|fxssf lh1f;f ;'Gg ® k®]sf ;d:of tTsfn ;Daf]wgsf nflu To;tkm{ Wofg s]Gb|Lt ul®®x]sf x'G5g\ . l6s6 cfjZos k|lqmof k'¥ofP® lbG5g\ ® p8fg ;do ;Demfp“5g\ . km\nfO6sf] lj:t[t ljj®0f hfgsf®L u®fpg' pgLx¿sf] st{Jo x'G5 .

@= l®he]{;g o; o'lg6sf] sfd u|fxs ® 6«fen Ph]G6;“u kmf]gdf s'®f u®]® l6s6 l®he]; { g ug'{ xf] . Kf|ToIf ¿kdf pkl:yt u|fxsnfO{ pgLx¿n] ;Sbf] k|of; u®]® l6s6sf] Joj:yf u5{g \ . hfpnfv]n l:yt d'Vofnodf a9L rfk ePsf sf®0f xfdLn] o;;DaGwL o'lg6 xfQL;f®df ;f®]sf xf} + . h;n] ubf{ b®af®dfu{, 7d]n, sfGtLky, gfukf]v®L, jfg]Zj® ® gof“ ;8s If]qsf 6«fen Ph]G6 ®

xfdLaLr ;Dks{sf nflu ;lhnf] ePsf] 5 .

#= kmfOgfG; of] o'lg6sf] d'Vo sfd k};f n]gb]g ug'{ xf] . b}lgs ;]N; l®kf]6{ agfpg] ® aSof}tf;DaGwL ;Dk"0f{ ljj®0f d'Vofnodf k7fpg] sfd o;n] ub{5 .

$= df]afOn dfs]{l6ª o;n] lgoldt ¿kdf ljz]ifu®L 6«fen Ph]G6;“u ;Dks{ u5{ . h;cGtu{t kLcf® ;xfos b}lgs ¿kdf cfGtl®s ljdfg:ynx¿df uP® b}lgs ofq' cfjfudgsf af®]df 6«fen Ph]G6;“u a'em\g] sfd x'G5 . of] o'lg6n] tTsfn} s'g} klg s'®fsf] kmnf]ck u5{ . o;n] Joj:yfkgnfO{ ahf®sf] jf:tljs l:ylt ® k|lt:kwL{x¿sf] sfo{qmd ® of]hgf hfgsf®L lng dbt u®]sf] x'G5 .

Authorised Distributor for Nepal Kumaripati Lalitpur Nepal Tel: 5549553 f a s h i o n

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h'nfO{–;]K6]Da/ @))% ofqf


k|fk] mfOn



4 Po®sf] dfgj ;+;fwg ljsf; ljefun] o; ;+:yfsf] ;Dk"0f{ k|zf;lgs sfd ub}{ cfO®x]sf] 5 . dfgj ;+;fwg ljsf; ljefu s'g} klg ;+:yfsf] d]?b08 g} xf] eGbf km®s kb}g{ . o; ljefun] ;+:yfsf] gLlt, sd{rf®L ® ltgLx¿sf] dfgjLo cfjZostf, sd{rf®Lsf] sfo{Ifdtf a[l4 ® ;f];DaGwL b}glGbg sfo{ u5{ . Joj:yfkg ® sd{rf®Lsf] sfo{Ifdtf a[l4sf nflu of] ljefun] sd{rf®Lsf] sfo{Ifdtf Joj:yfkg k|0ffnL -P;kLPdP;_ sf] Joj:yf u®]sf] 5 . tfls k|zf;lgs lx;fjn] pgLx¿sf] sfo{Ifdtf a[l4 ug{ ;lsof]; \ . P;kLPdP; k|0ffnL sd{rf®Lsf] cfGtl®s dfgjLo ;|ft] df ;'wf®sf nflu nlIft ®x]sf] 5 . sfof{Gjogsf] 5f]6f] cjlwdf g} o;sf ®fd|f ;+st] x¿ b]lvg yfln;s]sf 5g\ . xfn of]

ofqf h'nfO{–;]K6]Da/ @))%

k|0ffnLdfkm{t\ sd{rf®Lx¿sf] dfl;s ® jflif{s d"Nof+sg ug]{ sfd eO®x]sf] 5 . kl®0ffd:j¿k sd{rf®L;“u lnlvt k®LIff lnP® To;df kf; ePsfnfO{ a9'jfsf nflu cGtjf{tf{ ;d]t lnOPsf] lyof] . o;®L @@ hgfeGbf a9L sd{rf®LnfO{ a9'jf u®]® pgLx¿nfO{ lhDd]jf®L klg tf]lsPsf] 5 . of] sfo{qmd Hofb} k|efjsf®L l;4 ePsf] 5 ® sd{rf®Ln] klg lgs} rf;f] lnP® cfkm\gf] st{Jo lgjf{x ul®®x]sf 5g\ . a'4 Po®n] sfdsf] plrt d"Nof+sg ub}{ pTs[i6 sfd ug]{ sd{rf®LnfO{ gub k'®:sf®sf] klg Joj:yf u®]sf] 5 . h;cGtu{t k'®:sf® ® b08 b'j} s'®fsf] Joj:yf ul®Psf] 5 . klxnf ;DalGwt sd{rf®LnfO{ g} kmd{ eg{ lbOg] u®]sf]df clxn] o;sf nflu sDo'6®s} ;km\6j]o® ljsf; u®L sd{rf®Lsf] d"Nof+sg ul®b} 5 . of] ;km\6j]o®

ljsf;sf nflu dG8]nf ;km\6j]/ -k|fln_ n] dbt ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . klxnf kmd{ e®]kl5 ;'k®efOh®sf] wf®0ff ®fvL dfgj ;+;fwg ljsf; ljefudf k7fOg] u®]sf] lyof] . t® clxn] ;km\6j]o®s} dfWodaf6 ;Dk"0f{ sfd x'G5 . h;sf nflu lgDg s'®fnfO{ cfwf® agfOPsf] x'G5 — s_ dfl;s sfo{of]hgf l®kf]l6{ª o;cGtu{t x®]s sd{rf®L cyf{t ;d"xn] cfkm\ gf of]hgf ® tL of]hgf sfof{Gjogsf nflu rfNg'kg]{ sbd ® nIoaf®] hfgsf®L lnOG5 . v_ dfl;s sfo{bIftfaf®] 5nkmn o;cGtu{t l®kf]6{ tof® ul®;s]kl5 To;sf] sfof{Gjog s:tf] ®x\of] ® sfof{Gjogsf nflu

s] s] afwf cfOk®] eGg] ;DaGwdf 5nkmn ul®G5 . u_ cw{jflif{s ;];g sd{rf®Lsf] sfo{Ifdtfaf®] ^ dlxgfdf lj:t[t ;];g ®flvb} cfPsf] 5 . To; a]nf sd{rf®Lsf af®]df cfdg];fdg]df g} ®fd|f] / g®fd|f] 6Lsfl6Kk0fL x'G5 . 3_ sd{rf®Lsf] cfTdd"Nof+sg dfl;s l®kf]6{ ® ^ dlxg] d"Nof+sgdf sd{rf®Ln] cfkm\g} d"Nof+sg ;d]t ;fd]n ug'k{ 5{ . 3_ lkm8Jofssf ljleGGf ;|ft] ;'k®efOh®sf cltl®Qm sd{rf®Lsf af®]df yk cGo b'O{ ;|ft] af6 ;d]t sd{rf®Lsf]

lkm8Jofs lnOG5 . ª_ b'O{ tTjsf] cfwf®df dfkg sd{rf®Lsf] d"Nof+sg cyf{t dfkg sfdsf] kl®0ffd ® p;sf cfnf]rgfTds Jojxf®sf cfwf®df ul®G5 . sfdsf] kl®0ffdsf] dfkg % a'b“ fsf cfwf®df ul®Psf] x'G5 . tL ;Gtf]ifhgs gePsf], ;'wf® cfjZos, ck]Iff k"/f ePsf], ck]Iff gf3]sf] ® ljz]if ¿kdf ;kmn x'g \ .

cfnf]rgfTds Jojxf®sf ;Gbe{df klg sfdsf] kl®0ffddfh:t} % a'b“ fdf d"Nof+sg x'G5 .

h'nfO{–;]K6]Da/ @))% ofqf


k|fk] mfOn


4 Po®df rf® hgf OG:6«S6® kfOn6 ;lxt !* hgf clws[t ®x]sf 5g\ . kfOn6x¿sf] Jo:ttf ® a9L ysfj6sf sf®0f ljZjdf k|foM xjfO{ b'36{ gf x'g] u®]sf 5g\ . xfd|f ;a} kfOn6sf aLr– !()) hxfhdf $))) 3G6fsf] p8fg e®]sf] cg'ej 5 . ;a} u®]® pgLx¿n] *))) 3G6fsf] cg'ej xfl;n ul®;s]sf 5g\ . ;a}h;f]n] cd]l®sfsf] Vofltk|fKt ;+: yfaf6 tflnd lnPsf 5g\ . a'4 Po®n] km\nfO6 qm' d]Da®nfO{ tflnd lbg kfpg] :jLs[lt g]kfn gful®s p8\8og k|flws®0faf6 lnPsf] 5 . pQm tflndsf nflu a'4 Po®sf] k|of; lgDg sf®0faf6 ePsf] xf] —


— qm' d]Da® ck 6' 8]6 ug{ / hxfhsf kf6{kh ' f{ 7Ls eP, gePsf] pgLx¿nfO{ a'emfpg , — :jLs[t OG:6«S6®n] tflndnufotsf cfjZos sfd u/fpg , — cfjZostfcg';f® cfktsfnLg tflnd lbnfpg hxfhsf] ;'®Iff ® qm' d]Da®nfO{ tflndsf nflu a'4

ofqf h'nfO{–;]K6]Da/ @))%

Po®n] clxn] b'O{ j6f ljz]if1tfo'Qm l8lehg ®fv]sf] 5 . km\nfO6 ;]km\6L l8lehgsf] k|dv ' sfd p8fg ;'®Iff ® b'36{ gfaf6 hf]ufpg] ' xf] . 6«l] gª l8lehgsf] k|dv ' sf] sfd tflnd lbg] ® gful®s p8\8og k|flws®0fsf] l;kmfl®;nfO{ sfof{Gjog ug]{ xf] . ;a} sdfG8®x¿n] Po®nfoG; 6«fG;kf]6{ nfO;]G; lnPsf x'G5g\ . ®, cfjZos k|lj0ftf k®LIf0f jif{sf] b'Ok6s x'G5 . o:t} ;a} qm' d]Da®x¿n] sdl;{on 6«fG;kf]6{ nfO;]G; lnPsf x'G5g\ ® jif{sf] Psk6s k|lj0ftf k®LIf0f

u®fp“5g\ . o:t} x®]s qm' d]Da®nfO{ l;d'n6] ® 6«l] gªsf nflu jif{sf] Psk6s a}s + s k7fOG5 . a'4 Po®sf x®]s qm' d]Da®sf] nfO;]G;df OG:6'dG] 6 ®]l6ª klg v'nfOPsf] x'G5 . sskL6 qm' d]Da® ® Soflag qm' d]Da®nfO{ ofq'x¿;“u cf®fdbfoL ofqf ® xjfO{ ;'®Iffsf nflu …l®k|m; ] ®Ú tflnd lbg] ul®Psf] 5 . a'4 Po®n] aLr—!()) sf] tflnd ® l®km|; ] ® tflnd sDKo'6®fH8 k|0ffnLdfkm{t lbg] u®]sf] 5 . h;sf nflu cd]l®sfsf] ljlrtf sDkgLsf]

a'4 Po/n] gful/s p8\8og;DaGwL cfjZostfx¿ ljdfg:ynsf] ;'/Iff, hxfhsf] ;+/If0f, ofq', qm", ljdfg:ynsf sd{rf/L;DaGwL Joj:yf / ;'ljwf;DaGwL ;a} dfkb08 k"/f u/]sf] 5 . cui6 @))% b]lv a'4 Po/n] cfkm\gf] p8fgdf yk Ps aLr– !()) hxfh yKb} 5 . To;} a]nfb]lv a'4 Po/n] gof“ uGtJo lrtjgsf] e/tk'/df p8fg yKb} 5 . gof“ hxfhsf nflu qm' d]Da/ v6fpg] sfd eO;s]sf] 5 . ;f] hxfhsf ;DaGwdf a'4 Po/ / /]lyof]g

;xof]u lnOPsf] 5 . k':tsfno ® leh'cn P8 pks®0fx¿ lg®Gt® ck 6' 8]6 ug'k{ g]{ cfjZostf ®x]sf] 5 . p8fgsf] ljZj;lgotf a9fpgsf nflu a'4 Po®n] rf® hgf l8:Kofr®sf ¿kdf v6fPsf] 5 . pgLx¿n] yfONofG8 ® g]kfnsf] gful®s p8\8oog sfof{noaf6 nfO;]G; lnPsf 5g\ .

Po/qmfKfm\6 sDkgLaLr ;xdlt eO;s]sf] 5 . g]kfn gful/s p88og k|flws/0fn] p8\ 8og ;'/Iff;DaGwL /fli6«o gful/s p8\8og ;'/Iff sfo{qmd kl/eflift ul/;s]sf] 5 . a'4 Po/ cfkm}n + ] klg ;'/IffnfO{ pQ/bfoL 9+un] cufl8 a9fpg To;;DaGwL Dofg'cn g} tof/ kf/]sf] 5 . a'4 Po/n] cfkm\gf qm' d]Da/nfO{ cfjZos tflndsf] Joj:yfsf nflu !) xhf/ cd]l/sL 8n/eGbf a9L /sd nufgL u/]sf] 5

. of] tflnd k|0ffnL sDKo'6/fOH8 k|lqmofåf/f cl3 a9fOPsf] 5 . h'g cGo Po/nfoG;df 5}g . a'4 Po/sf] k':tsfnodf ljZjs} k|Voft h]kG] ;]g cl8of] leh'cn 6«l] gª P8 / ;Gbe{ k':tsx¿ pknAw 5g\ . Jojl:yt k':tsfno, pks/0fo'Qm pRr u'0f:t/sf] tflnd, sDKo'6/fOH8 tflnd k|lqmofh:tf s'/ fn] a'4 Po/sf qm'x¿sf] Ifdtf j[l4df dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf v]ns ] f] 5 .

h'nfO{–;]K6]Da/ @))% ofqf

‘k"jf{wf/ agfOP xfdL b'u{ddf hfg tof/ 5f}+’ k|aGw lgb]{zs aL/]Gb| a:g]t

ofqf h'nfO{–;]K6]Da/ @))%


4 Po/sf k|aGw lgb]z { s aL/]Gb| a:g]t zfob Po/nfoG; Joj;fodf nfUg' x'Gy]g xf]nf . vf;u/L kfl/jfl/s cyf{t efOsf sf/0f o; Joj;fodf nfUg'ePsf] xf] . pxf“n] ofqf;“u eGg'eof]— …efO lzj]Gb|n] Pd cfO{—!& x]lnsf]K6/ rnfpg] 6«l«] gª lnP/ cfPsf] lyof] . To;}n] p;sf] cfu|xcg';f/ ;'?df x]lnsf]K6/ Joj;folt/ nfUg] ;f]r agfof}+ . t/, of] If]qdf Tolt 7f]; sfd x'g g;s]kl5 xfdLn] a'4 Po/tkm{ kfOnf cufl8 a9fPsf xf}+ .Ú xf], o:tf] ;f]raf6 ;'? ePsf] a'4 Po/ clxn] lghL If]qsf] ljdfg sDkgLdWo]df pTs[i6df u0fgf x'G5 . pxf“sf] nug / d]xgtn] g} of] sDkgLnfO{ clxn]sf] l:yltdf k'¥ofPsf] xf] eGbf km/s kb}g{ . pxf“sf] egfO 5— xfdLn] …dWod ju{sf] kl/ jf/n] klg o:tf] sfd ug{ ;Sbf] /x]5Ú eGg] s'/fsf] k'li6 u/]sf 5f}+ . xfd|f] ;kmn syfn] EfG5, rfx]sf] v08df ug{ g;lsg] s'/f s]xL x'b“ f] /x]g5 .

cGtjf{tf{ k|:t't 5, a'4 Po®sf ;kmn k|aGw lgb]z { s a: g]t ® ofqf k|ltlglwaLr clxn]sf ultljlw ® efjL of]hgfaf®] ePsf] lj:t[t s'®fsfgL— a'4 Po®sf] l:ylt clxn] s:tf] 5 < —a'4 Po®sf] l:ylt clxn] ;Gtf]ifhgs g} 5 . xfdLn] of] Po®nfoG; ;~rfng u®]sf] sl®a * jif{ eof] ] . * jif{sf] sfo{cjlwdf lgs} ptf®r9fjsf] xfdLn] ;fdgf ug'k{ ®]sf] 5 . t®, tL ;a} l:yltsf] ;fdgf u®]® clxn] xfdLn] o;nfO{ Pp6f ao:s ;+: yfsf] ¿kdf ljsl;t ug{ ;s]sf 5f} + . gfkmf 3f6fsf] l:ylt lg < —clxn] xfdL gfkmfdf 5f} + . xfd|f] l:ylt lgs} dha't 5 . a'4 Po® ;fd' b]lvPsf s'g} r'gf}tL 5g\ ls < —clxn] ljdfg sDkgLx¿aLr …km]o® jf®Ú ef8f 3l636fp ug]{ k|lt:kwf{_ 5, ToxL g} clxn] xfd|f] r'gf}tL xf] . x'g t xfdLn] o;nfO{ :jfefljs klg dfg]sf 5f} + . xfdLn] o;sf nflu ljleGg dfs]l{ 6ª ®0fgLlt ;d]t agfP® cl3 al9®x]sf 5f} + . o; afx]ssf r'gf}tL xfdLnfO{ 5}gg\ . ljdfg sDkgLaLr ;fx|} c:j:y k|lt:kwf{ 5 eGg] klg ul®G5, o; af®]df s] eGg'xG' 5 < —ef8fsf] ;Gbe{df o:tf] x'g] u®]sf] 5 . l6Sg} g;Sg] ef8fb® ®fVof] eg] ljdfg sDkgL g} aGb ug'k{ g]{ l:ylt ;d]t cfp“5 h'g xfdLn] b]vs ] f klg 5f} + . vf;u®L cfGtl®s p8fgsf nflu o:tf] EfO®x]sf] 5 . ljdfg sDkgLnfO{ ;x'lnot lbgsf nflu s'g} ;®sf®L gLltlgoddf ;'wf®sf] ck]Iff ug'e { Psf] 5 ls < —gLlt t 7Ls} 5 . t®, lg0f{o k|lqmof cToGt nfdf] ePsfn] To;df ;'wf®sf] cfjZostf b]lvPsf] 5 . xfdLn] ljdfg:yndf x\ofË®sf nflu cfu|x u®]sf] nfdf] ;do eP klg cem} To;af®]df lg0f{o x'g' ;s]sf] 5}g . t®, g]kfn gful®s p8\8og k|flws®0fsf dxflgb]z { sHo"n] ;xof]uL e"ldsf g} lgjf{x ul®®xg'ePsf] 5 . To;}n] gLltut ¿kdf ;lhn} dx;'; ul®®x]sf 5f} + . lghL ljdfg sDkgLx¿ b'ud{ If]qdf hf“bg} g\ eGg] cf®f]ksf af®]df s] eGg'xG' 5 < —xfdLnfO{ ! xhf® @ ;o ld6® kLr u®]sf] wfjgdfu{sf] cfjZostf k5{ . t®, o;vfn] wfjgdfu{sf] cefjsf sf®0f g} xfdLn] p8fg ;~rfng ug{ g;s]sf xf} + . t'lDnª6f®df eg] wfjgdfu{ 7"nf] ePsfn] Toxf“ kLr u®] hxfh nUg

;lsG5 . dtnj k"jf{wf® rflxof] eGg vf]Hg'ePsf] xf] < —xf], k"jf{wf® ePdf xfdL hxfh rnfpg ;S5f} +} . xfdLn] jf®fxL Po® btf{ u®fP® l;+un O~hLg hxfh rnfpg dfu u®]sf 5f} + . clxn] 6\jLgc6® hxfh aGg g} 5f]l8;s] . ;f®f+zdf eGg'kbf{ hxfh g} gkfOg] l:ylt 5 . xfdLn] l;+un O~hLg hxfh rnfpgsf nflu dGqfnonfO{ eg]sf 5f} + . dGqfnon] clxn] k|fT] ;fxg gug]{ atfPsf] 5 . Soflag]6n] kf; ug'k{ g]{ xf], cem} x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . ®fhgLlts sf®0fn] of] Joj;fonfO{ slQsf] k|efj kf®]sf] kfpg'ePsf] 5 < —®fhgLlteGbf klg b]zsf] lx+;fn] of] Joj;fonfO{ lgs} k|efj kfl®®x]sf] 5 . lx+;fsf] cj:yfdf ljb]zL ko6{s sd x'g' :jfefljs} x'b“ f] ®x]5 . ;+s6sfn nfu" ePkl5 t emg ko6{ssf] ;+Vof k"®} 36\bf] ®x]5 . lsgls ljb]zdf ;+s6sfn eGgf ;fy} o'4df ®x]sf] b]zsf ¿kdf a'lem+bf] ®x]5 . o;n] ubf{ dfG5] cfpg 5f]8g\ ] ®x]5g\ . clxn]sf] l: yltdf ljb]zL ko6{snfO{ s'g} xflg t k'us ] f] 5}g tfklg ®fhgLlts cj:yf ® zflGt;'®Iffsf] sf®0fn] ljb]zL ko6{s 3l6®x]sf] cj:yf ®x]sf] 5 . To;n] ubf{ ljdfg sDkgLnfO{ o;n] k|ToIf c;® ul®®x]sf] 5 . hxf“;Dd g]kfnL ofq'sf]] s'®f 5, af6f]df s'g} ;d:of k®]sf] a]nfdf hxfhdf rfk a9\g] u®]sf] 5 . t®, g]kfnL ofq'nfO{ dfq p8fp“bf xfdLnfO{ kmfObf 5}g . a'4 Po®n] gof“ uGtJo st} yKb} 5 ls < —t'?Gt} e®tk'®df p8fg yKb} 5f} + . Toxf“ cui6 ! b]lv p8fg ub}5 { f} + . xfdLn] ;'gc ] g';f® wgu9Ldf klg l56} kLr x'b“ } 5 . wgu9L kLr ePdf Toxf“ klg hxfh nUg] ;f]rdf 5f} + . tkfO{x+ ¿n] ;fdflhs sfo{ klg cl3 a9fO®xg'ePsf] 5, o;af®]df s]xL atfOlbg'xG' 5 ls < —xf], xfdLn] ;fdflhs sfo{ klg cl3 a9fO®x]sf 5f} + . ha s'g} Jofkfl®s k|lti7fg cfkm\gf] v'§fdf pleg] l:yltdf k'U5, To; a]nf p;n] ;dfhk|ltsf] bfloTj klg dx;'; ug'k{ 5{ . To;nfO{ Wofg lbP® xfdLn] s]xL sfd cl3 a9fPsf 5f} + . ;dfh;]jf eGgf;fy} xfdLsxf“ Ps lsl;dsf] bfg bftJosf] ;f]rfO cfp“5 . t® bfgbftJon] g} xfd|f] d'ns ' kl5 k®]sf] xf] ls eGg] dnfO nfU5 . To;}n] ;xsfl®tfsf] efjgf ljsl;t ug{ df]®ªsf] 6+lsl;gj®Ldf Pp6f kl®of]hgf ;~rfng u®]sf 5f} + . xfd|f] d'ns '

s[lifk|wfg d'ns ' xf] . s[lifdf g} *^ k|ltzt hgtf lge{® ®x]sf 5g\ . To;}n] s[lifdf qmflGt gu®];Dd s]xL x'g] b]lv+b+ g} . xfdLn] s[lifdf ;xsfl®tf a[l4 ug]{ p2]Zon] dfOqmf] ;]leª k|fh ] S] 6 ;~rfng u®]sf 5f} + . h;n] ;xsfl®tfsf dfWodaf6 s[lifdf gof“ k|ljlwsf nflu ls;fgnfO{ ;xof]u ug]{ nIo lnPsf] 5 . xfdLn] of] kl®of]hgf ;~rfng u®]sf] % dlxgf k'lu;s]sf] 5 . oxf“x¿sf] cGoq klg nufgL ug]{ sfo{qmd 5 ls < —lzv® OGof]®G] ;df a'4 Po® s} tkm{af6 nufgL u®]sf 5f} + . To;df xfd|f] !@ k|ltzt nufgL 5 . ca jf®fxL Po®df nfO;]G; kfof}+ eg] Toxf“ klg nufgL u5f{ +} . cGo lrQ a'em\ g] 7fp“df klg nufgL ub}{ hfg] ;f]rdf 5f} + . tkfO{+ of] Joj;fodf ;Gt'i6 x'gx' G' 5 < —d k"®} ;Gt'i6 5' . cf7 jif{ eof] sfd u®]sf] . o;af6 g} …PS;kf]hÚ x'g kfOof] . d}n] h'g cg'ej xfl;n u®],+ o;af6 lhGbuLs} ;a}eGbf 7"nf] lzIff k|fKt ePsf] 5 . xfdLsxf“ clxn] $ ;o hlt sd{rf®L 5g\ . ;a}sf] eljio of] Po®nfoG;;“u hf]l8Psf] 5 . o;}n] o; Po®nfoG;nfO{ cem ;zQm 9+un] cl3 a9fpg xfdL k|of;®t 5f} + . cGo b]zsf] t'ngfdf g]kfnsf] Po®nfoG; Joj;fo sxf“ 5 < —If]qsf] lx;fan] xfdLsxf“ 7fp“ ;fgf] 5 . t®, ;"rgf k|ljlwsf] lx;fan] x]bf{ xfdL c¿eGbf k5fl8 5}gf} + . glhssf] ef®ts} s'®f ubf{ xfdL pgLx¿sf] ;dsIfdf g} 5f} + . xfdLn] ef®td} klg p8fg ;~rfngsf nflu k|of; u®]sf xf} + .t®, Po®nfoG; If]qdf ljb]zL nufgL k|fT] ;flxt gug]{ pgLx¿sf] gLltsf sf®0f ;Dk"0f{ …ljlhg]; KnfgÚ agfP® klg ;~rfng ug{ kfPsf 5}gf+ } . xfdL k|of;®t 5f} + . o;sf nflu naL eO®x]sf] 5 ls < —xfdLn] …nljªÚ u®]sf 5}gf} + . elh{g Po® klg ef®tdf cfpg] tof®Ldf 5 . pgLx¿sf] glthf s] x'G5, xfdL To;}nfO{ x]l®®x]sf 5f} + . Po®nfoG; sDkgLx¿n] ;®sf®nfO{ ltg'kg]{ ®fh:j glt®]sf] eGg] af®]df a]nfa]nfdf ;'Ggdf cfO®x]sf] 5 lg < —c¿sf] af®]df dnfO yfxf 5}g . t®, xfdLn] ;Dk"0f{ sd{rf®Lsf] tnasf] s®b]lv cGo a'emfpg'kg]{ ;a}vfn] s® a'emfPsf] 5f} + . zfob cfGtl®s ®fh:j ljefudf klg o; ljifonfO{ lnP® xfdLnfO{ pRr : yfgdf ®flvPsf] 5 .

/fhgLltseGbf klg b]zsf] lx+;+ fn] of] Joj;fonfO{ lgs} k|efj kfl// x]sf] 5 . lx+;fsf] cj:yfdf ljb]zL ko6{s sd x'g' :jfefljs x'b“ f] /x]5 . ;+s6sfn nfu" ePkl5 t emg ko6{sx?sf] ;+Vof k"/} 36\bf] /x]5 . h'nfO{–;]K6]Da/ @))% ofqf

profile uGtJo COMPANY

lrtjgleqsf]] ;+;f/ n

ofqf h'nfO{–;]K6]Da/ @))%

lgzLt l/hfn

h+unL hgjf/sf] cfsif{0f lrtjg ofqf ug'{ eg]sf] h+unL hgjf/;“u /dfpg' klg xf] . Toxf“ cS;/ ul/g] sfd eg]sf] xfQL r9\g] xf] h;n] kl/jf/;lxt hf“bf kfs{ leq l5g{ ;d]t d2t ul//x]sf] x'G5 . o; qmddf xfQLsf] x]/rfx ug]{ dfx'tn ] ] xfdLnfO{ d2t ul//x]sf] x'G5 . o; afx]s tkfO{+ /fKtL gbLdf 8'Ëf ;o/ klg ug{ ;Sg'xG' 5 . 8'Ëf ;o/df hf“bf kIfL / hgfj/sf lqmofsnfksf] /;:jfbg ug{ ;Sg'xG' 5 .

slxn] hfg]<


dfnosf] km]bLdf ®x]sf] lrtjg t®fO{sf s]xL zfGt 7fp“dWo]df kb{5 . of] 7fp“ ljz]if u®L ljleGg hLjhGt' ® jg:kltsf nflu ;d]t k|Voft ®x]sf] 5 . oxf“ ®x]sf] ®fli6«o lgs'~hdf ljZjd} guGo cj:yfdf ®x]sf] Psl;+u] u}8+ f dfq xf]Og a+ufn 6fOu®sf nflu Ps clGtd cf>o klg xf] . To:t} oxf“ 38Lofn, du® uf]xL ® lrt'jf klg kfOG5 . lrtjgsf] gfd vf;df lrt'jfsf] jg eGg] cy{af6 ®xg uPsf] xf] . o:t} lrQf jg eGg] k|;u+ af6 ;d]t o;sf] gfd lrtjg ®xg uPsf] atfOG5 . To;sf] dtnj rflx+ h+unsf] d'6' xf] eGg] 5 . lrtjg ®fli6«o lgs'~h ljlwjt ¿kdf ;g\ !(&# df :yfkgf ePsf] xf] . h;nfO{ ;g\ !(*$ df ljZj;Dkbfsf] ¿kdf klg dfGotf lbOPsf] lyof] . of] kfs{ sf7df8f}a+ f6 ! ;o $) lsld blIf0f klZrddf dlnnf] lrtjg pkTosfdf kb{5 . o;n] emG8} ( ;o #@ ju{ lsld If]qkmn cf]u6]sf] 5 . gf®fo0fL ® ®fKtL

gbL o;sf] 5]paf6 aU5g\ . kfs{ ;dlztf]i0f h+un, 3f“;] d}bfg, kxf8L If]q ® ;dy® e"efu ;a}vfn] hldgaf6 3]l®Psf] 5 . x®]s jif{ cf};tdf @ xhf® $ ;o ldlnld6® kfgL oxf“ kg]{ u®]sf] 5 . of] lgs'~h hgfj® ® r®fsf nflu :ju{ ;dfg dflgG5 . ;g\ !(&# df u}8+ fsf] lzsf® x'g yfn]kl5 lgoGq0fsf nflu zfxL g]kfnL ;]gf v6fOPsf] lyof] . of] kfs{ ljZjel® g} k|Voft 5 ® ;“u;“u} ljsl;t klg 5 . ®f0ffsfndf of] :yfgnfO{ lzsf® v]Ng] :ynsf ¿kdf ;d]t k|of]u ul®Psf] lyof] . hxf“ b]zL ljb]zL ljleGg JolQmsf nflu lzsf® kf6L{sf] g} cfof]hgf ug]{ ul®Psf] lyof] . ;g\ !(!! df a]nfotsf

®fhf hh{ kf“rf+} ® pgsf 5f]®f ;lxtsf] kf6L{ oxf“ lzsf® v]Ng cfPsf] Oltxf;sf®x? atfp“5g\ . pgLx¿sf cg';f® ®fhs'df®n] #( j6f af3 ® !! u}8+ fsf] lzsf® u®]sf lyP . lrtjgdf clGtd ® lgs} 7"nf] lzsf® v]Ng] sfd ;g\ !(#( df ePsf] lyof] . a[l6z efO;®fo ;+nUg ;f] kf6L{n] ! ;o @) af3, #* u}8+ f, @& lrt'jf ® !% j6f efn'sf] lzsf® u®]sf] lyof] . Tolt a]nf ;fgf af3 klg y'k}| lzsf® ul®Psf] lyof] . clxn] lrtjgdf u}8+ fsf] ;+Vof $ ;o ®x]sf] 5 . h'g ljZjdf ®x]sf] s'n u}8+ fsf] Ps rf}yfO xf] . oBlk jf;:yfgdf ePsf] sdL clxn] h+unL hgfj®sf nflu 7"nf] r'gf}tL ePsf] 5 . clxn]sf] s'®f ubf{ lrtjgsf] lgs'~hdf s;®L hgfj® ;+®If0f ug{ ;lsG5 eGg] Pp6f dxTjk"0f{ pbfx®0f klg xf] . tkfO{+ lrtjg uP® xfQL r9\g ;Sg'xG' 5 ® u}8+ f x]g{ klg ;Sg'xG' 5 . o;afx]s oxf“sf r®fr'?ËLsf] ;d]t ®fd|; } u“ cg'ej ;+ufNg kfpg'xg' 5 ] .

h+unL hgfj/ x]g{] pko'Qm ;do km]ac '| /L k5fl8 / jif{ft ;'? x'ge ' Gbf cufl8sf] ;do xf] . kfs{ d] dlxgfdf aGb x'G5 . /, ;]K6]Da/sf] cGTolt/ k'gM v'N5 . cS6f]a/df lgs} udL{ x'G5 . gf]eD] a/ df s]xL sd x'G5 / l8;]Da/ / hgj/Ldf t'ngfTds 9+un] lr;f] x'G5 . hf8f]df lrtjgsf] kfgL / flt lr;f] x'G5 t/ lbp“;f] eg] lgs} tftf] x'G5 . jif{ft dWo h"gdf ;'? eO{ dWo ;]K6]Da/;Dd sfod /xG5 . o; a]nf 7"nf] jiff{t x'g] ePsfn] gbLdf af9L klg cfp“5 . t/ of] df};ddf jl/kl/ b]lvg] xl/ ofnL lgs} cfsif{s 5, h'g c¿ df};ddf b]Vg ;Sg'xG' g .

v'jfO / a;fO lrtjgdf kfs{ leq} tkfO+{ y/Ly/Lsf nhdf a:g ;Sg'xG' 5 . glhs} /x]sf] ufp“ ;f}/fxf lgs} rlr{t /x]sf] 5 . hxf“ tkfO{n + fO{ c8{/cg';f/sf ;fdfg pknAw x'G5g\ .

s;/L hfg] < a'4 Po/n] cfp“bf] cui6af6 sf7df8f}— + e/tk'/ xKtfsf] tLg j6f Kfm\nfO6 ;~rfng ub}5 { . h'g lrtjg hfgsf nflu ;xof]uLl;4 x'g5 ] . ;8sdfu{af6 klg ;lhn} lrtjg k'Ug ;lsG5 . lsgls /fli6«o /fhdfu{af6 of] :yfg hf]l8Psf] 5 .

h'nfO{–;]K6]Da/ @))% ofqf


;d:of ;dfwfgsf] pQd ljsNk—;+jfb 8f= ;f a{ clxn] t km';b{ df x'gx' G' 5 Sof®, s] ub}{ x'gx' G' 5 < cWoog, n]vk9 o:t} sfd ul®®x]sf] 5' . cfkm"n] b]vs ] f cg'ej Pscsf{df eGg] sfd ul®®x]sf] 5' . o;®L g} lalt®x]sf]] 5— ;do . kfl®jfl®s hLjg rflx+ s;®L lalt®x]sf] 5 lg < xfdL clxn] >Ldfg\>LdtL -8f= ®Ltf yfkf_ b'j} l®6fo8{ nfOkm latfO®x]sf 5f} + . w]®} ul®of], ca slt ug'{ < Pp6f 5f]®f] Soflnkmf]lg{ofdf Ol~hlgol®ªsf] sfd ub}5 { . h]7L 5f]®L x'dg ®fO6; jfrdf sfd ul5{g \ . xfd|f] kl®jf®df afa'cfdf, Ps 5f]®f ® b'O{ 5f]®L ;d]t % hgfdWo] $ hgfn]] kLPr8L u®]sf 5f} + . kLPr8L gug]{ sfG5L 5f]®L -d~h'>L_ dfq} x'g \ . pgsf] n]vg ;d]t ®fd|f] 5 . ;a}n] ®fd|f] lzIff kfPsf]n] d ;Gt'i6 5' . gk'Ubf] s]xL 5}g . tkfO{+ ls sfG5L 5f]®L d~h'>Lsf] kl5Nnf] k':ts kmu]6{ sf7df8f}+ t lgs} rrf{df cfO®x]sf] 5 lg, o;sf af/]df s;}n] tkfO{;+ u“ klg u'gf;f] u®] ls < Tof] t a]nf a]nfdf ul®®xG5g\ . c:tL dfq} Pp6f klqsfdf 5]85f8 u®]® cfO®x]sf] lyof] . t®, ug]n { ] ul®®xG5g\ . d}n] nufP® 5f]®Lx¿n] ug]{ xf]Ogg\ . g pgLx¿n] eg]® g} d}n] s'g} sfd u5' { . ;a} hfGg], a'emg] 5g\ . o:tf] cj:yfdf u'gf;f] cfP klg d}n] s] ug]{ ® < clxn]sf] b]zsf] l:yltnfO{ s;®L x]ge {' Psf] 5 < b]zsf] l:ylt Hofb} uDeL® 5 . åGån] ubf{ g]kfnaf®] cGt®f{li6«o rf;f] a9]sf] 5 . cfk;L ;b\efj ®x]sf] o; zflGtk"0f{ d'ns ' df clxn] of] s'®f Oltxf;h:tf] ePsf] 5 . åGån] ubf{ d'ns ' ® d'ns ' jf;Lsf] dg cldlnPsf] cj:yf 5 . ;a} dflg; b]zsf] zflGt ® k|ultsf nflu lrlGtt 5g\ . clxn]sf] cj:yfk|lt dfq xf]Og eljiok|lt klg plQs} lrlGtt ePsf] b]V5' . o;}n] of] ;d:of ;dfwfgsf nflu ®fhgLlts kxn x'gk' 5{ . k|ultsf] af6f]df s;®L nUg] eGg] tof®L x'gk' 5{ . df3 !( kl5 cGt®f{li6«o hutsf] k|ltlqmofnfO{ s;®L x]ge {' Psf] 5 < ljleGg vfn] k|ltlqmof cfPsf 5g\ . lx+;fsf] lj®f]w ® k|hftGqsf] kIfdf cfjfh cfPsf 5g\ . oL ;a} s'®fnfO{ Ps txdf cfP® :yfoL ¿kdf ;Daf]wg ug'{ cfjZos 5 . ;Dk"0f{ ljZj g} of] s'®fnfO{ lnP® clxn] Ps 7fp“df 5 . To;df ofqf h'nfO{–;]K6]Da/ @))%

k|lta4tf b]vfpg'k5{ . sfdaf6 k|dfl0ft ug'k{ g]{ r'gf} tL 5 . ljZjn] h] eg]sf] 5 g]kfnsf] d"nwf® klg clxn] ToxL xf] . lx+;f ® åGån] NofPsf] ljrng Ifl0fs 5 . o;af6 kf® kfpg'k5{ eGg] c7f]6 ;a}df b]lvg'k®]sf] 5 . ca ljutdf ePsf lj;+ultnfO{ ;'wfg'k{ 5{ . ®fhgLlts ® ;fdflhs k|lqmof clg hg;xeflutfs} dfWodaf6 ;d:of ;dfwfg ug{ ;lsG5 . bnx¿sf] e"ldsf s:tf] 5 < ha xfdL hgkl®rfng ® k|hftflGqs k|lqmofsf] s'®f u5f} +{ . Toxf“ j}rfl®s d"No ® dfGotfsf] s'®f klg cfp“5 . t®, s'G7Lt ljrf® lnP® ;dfhnfO{ ljefhgdf nUg] ;d'bfon] s;}sf] klg lxt ub}g{ . ®, ;xL af6f]df nUg ;Sb}g . t® lj;+ultnfO{ x]®®] ;a}nfO{ lt®:sf® klg ug'{ x“b' g} . c¿sf] cg'ejn] klg oxL b]vfPsf] 5 . t®, k|hftGqsf nflu n8]sf] eGg]n] ck|hftflGqs sfd u®]sf] klg b]lvPsf] 5 . 3f]if0ffkqdf Psyf]s t® cs}y{ f]s u®]sf] klg b]lvPsf] 5 . o:tf] ug'{ x'b“ g} . tkfO{+ ef®t, cd]l®sfh:tf b]zdf ®fhb"t eO;Sg'ePsf] 5 . pgLx¿sf]] g]kfnk|ltsf] e"ldsf s:tf] kfpg'ePsf] 5 < emG8} @) jif{ d}n] s"6gLlts ;]jfdf sfd u®] + . ®fhb"tsf] x}l;otn] ® dGqfnodf ®x]® . o; cj:yfdf d}n] ldl>t cg'ej xfl;n ug{ kfPsf] 5' . Psftkm{ jfx\o ;+;f®;“u cnu x'g ;ls+bf] ®x]g5, ®fhgLlts sf®0fn] clg ljsf;;“u ;DalGwt s'®fn] ubf{ . pgLx¿n] ljsf; sfo{df ;xof]u ug]{ t® ;fy;fydf zt{ ®fVg] u®]sf] klg kfPsf] 5' . of] jf~5gLo xf]Og . o;df cGt®f{li6«o hutn] klg ;Demg'k5{ . xfd|f] s'®f dfGg'k5{ . cfGtl®s åGån] ubf{ clxn] g]kfndf s"6gLlts If]qn] cfjZostfeGbf a9L rf;f] lnPsf] xf] ls eGg] klg b]lvPsf] 5 . To;nfO{ jf~5gLo ;Ldfleq ®fVg'k5{ . ef®tn] g]kfnsf x®]s dfldnfdf x:tIf]k u5{ elgG5 . tkfO{+ ®fhb"t ePsf] a]nfdf To:tf] kfpg' eof] < Hofb} lgs6 ;DaGw ePkl5 slxn]sfxL+ x:tIf]k xf] ls eGg] cfef; x'G5 . of] xfdL cfkm}d+ f klg lge{® ug]{ s'®f xf] . cfk\mgf] 3®sf] e08f®df s] ®flvPsf] 5 eGg] s'®f l5d]sLnfO{ b]vfPkl5 pgLx¿n]

8f= e]ifaxfb'/ yfkf, al/i7 s"6gLlt1 jf cy{ljb\ h'g;'s} ljz]if0f nufp“bf klg clxn]sf] g]kfndf pxf“ cjn bhf{df ulgg' x'G5 . cfheGbf sl/a $) jif{cl3 !(^% df g} cd]l/sfsf] Solnkm]flg{ofl:yt Sn]o/ df]G6 o'lgel;{6Laf6 cy{zf:qdf kLPr8L u/]sf yfkfn] d'ns ' sf] ljleGg cf]xf]bfdf /x]/ ;]jf ug'e { Psf] 5 . kl5Nn]f ;dodf c;f]h !* k|s/0fkl5 : f"oa{ xfb'/ yfkf k|wfgdGqL ePsf] a]nfdf pxf“ ;'?df ;/sf/sf k// fi6« dfldnf;DaGwL ljz]if k|ltlglw / kl5 k//fi6«dGqL;d]t /x]/ sfd ug'e { of] . ;a}vfn] cg'ej xfl;n ul/;s]sf yfkf clxn] lj>fdsf] lhGbuL latfO/xg'ePsf] 5 . pxf“n] cfh{g ug'e { Psf] cg'ej efjL kL+9Lsf nflu c;n af6f] b]vfpg] plQs} /fd|f k|/] s j:t' x'g ;S5g\ . ljleGg cf]xf]bfdf /x]/ klg lg:sn+s JolQmsf] 5lj sfod /fVg ;kmn 8f= yfkfn] xfn} cf“vf pkrf/sf nflu cd]l/sftkm{ k|:yfg ug'e { Gbf s]xL 3G6fcl3 sf7df8f}s + f] 6+sk|;fbdfu{l:yt lgjf; …e]/Laf;Ú df ofqf k|ltlglw n]vgfy clwsf/L ;“u ljleGg ljifodf lj:t[t s'/fsfgL ug'e { Psf] lyof] . k|:t't 5, s'/fsfgLsf dxTjk"0f{ c+zx? .

o:tf] 5 p:tf] 5 eGg] l6Kk0fL ug{ ;S5g\ . g]kfn ef®t ;DaGwdf To:tf] a]nfa]nfdf x'g] u®]sf] 5 . d ef®tdf ®fhb"t ePsf] a]nfdf sltkon] cfkm\g} g]kfnL efOsflj?4 ef®tdf uP® kf]n nufpg] u®]sf] ;d]t b]vs ] f] 5' . To;}n] xfd|f klg sdhf]®L 5g\, tL sdhf]®L ;Rofpg ;Sg'k5{ . df3 !( kl5 ;'?df ef®tn] cfqmf]; JoQm u®]sf]df kl5 ;}Go ;xof]u ;'rf? Uf¥of], o;nfO{ s;®L lng], o;df ef®tsf] s'g} :jfy{ hf]l8Psf] x'g ;S5 < x]g; {' ,\ ef®tn] ;'?df cfj]zdf cfP® JoQm u®]sf] k|ltlqmofnfO{ x]®®] b'O{ b]zsf] ulx®f] ;DaGwnfO{ cf“sng ug'{ s"6gLlts dof{bfcGtu{t kb}g{ . b'O{ b]zsf] lr;f] ;DaGw nfdf] ;do;Dd ®xg ;Sb}g eg]® d}n] eGg] u®]sf] 5' . g]kfn clxn] kl®jt{gsf] df]8df ®x]sf] 5 . Tof] jf:tljstf xf] . of] qmdz= x6\b} hfG5 . g]kfn–ef®t ;DaGwsf g};lu{s cfwf® y'k}| 5g\ . ;'®Iff, ;fdflhs ljsf;, cfly{s ljsf; nufotsf y'k}| kf6f 5g\ . To;}n] Ps txeGbf tn of] ;DaGw emg{ ;Sb}g . tTsfnsf] Ifl0fs cfj]znfO{ o;}cg'¿k a'em\ g'k5{ . Ifl0fs cfj]zdf jf:tljstf x'b“ g} . ;DaGwsf y'k}| cfwf® 5g\ . jf:tljstfn] b'jn } fO{ Pp6f ynf]df k'¥ofp“5 . g]kfndf s]xL 36gf eof] ls ;xh} ef®tsf] e"ldsf eGg] ul®Psf] 5, o;nfO{ s;®L lng'ePsf] 5 < d}n] cl3 klg eg],+ cfkm\gf] 3®sf] ;d:of l5d]sdf lnP® uof] eg] pgLx¿n] klg rf;f] lnG5g\ . cfkm\gf] sk8f l5d]ssf] wf®fdf lnP® w'g hfg'eof] eg] slt d}nf], slt ;'lsnf] ®x]5 eGg] s'®f pgLx¿n] klg b]V5g\ . ljZjdf nu]® w'ge ' of] eg] s:tf] ®x]5 eGg] s'®f ;a}nfO{ yfxf x'G5 . cfkm\gf cfGtl®s s'®fx¿ cfkm}d+ f ®fVbf o: tf] x'b“ g} . Pp6f d"No ® dfGotf rflxG5 . cfkm}d+ f ;a} s'®f ldnfpg] xf] eg] s;}n] xKsfpg'kg]{ jftfj®0f g} x'b“ g} . :jtM s'®f ldN5 . xfdLn] sfd ubf{ cGt®f{li6«o k|jfxsf] klg Vofn ug'k{ 5{ . k|hftGq, dfgj clwsf®h:tf s'®f s'g} ;Ldfdf dfq 5]lsg] s'®f xf]Ogg\ . cGt®f{li6«o k|jfx ® ®fli6«o :jfy{ eg]sf gbLsf b'O{ lsgf®f h: tf x'g \ . Psgf;n] cl3 al9®xg] . xfdLn] cfkm\gf] dof{bf 5f]8o\ f}+ eg] aflx®af6 klg cltqmd0f x'G5 . dof{lbt eP® a:g] xfd|f] st{Jo xf] eg] dof{bfdf ®xg' aflx®Lofsf] klg st{Jo xf] . bf]if dfq} lbg] sfd xf]Og, xfdL klg cfkm\gf] 7fp“df al;lbPdf

;+If]kdf yfkf hGd— dfr{ $, !(#&,tgx“' lzIff— cd]l/sfsf] Sn]o/df]G6 ljZjljBfnoaf6 cy{zf:qdf ljBfjfl/lw ;+nUgtf— ;b:o;lrj /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]u tyf tTsfnLg cfly{s dfldnf;DaGwL dGqfnosf :


pgLx¿nfO{ klg dof{bf pnª\3g ug{ ufx|f] k5{ . @))& ;fnb]lv g} ef®t :jtGq ePkl5 o; ljrdf g]kfn–ef®t ;DaGwsf] k|;u+ df w]®} cldNbf s'®f ePsf 5g\ . t®, Pp6f :jfledfgL ®fi6«sf] x}l;otn] b'O{ b]zsf] ;DaGw lgwf{®0f x'b“ } uPsf] kfPsf] 5' . km]l® klg ef®ts} k|;u+ df hfcf},+ ef®tn] x:tIf]k u®]sf] s'®f :jLsfg'x{ G' 5 ls x'Gg < lgs6 ;DaGw ® b'O{ b]zaLrsf] Jofks cfjthfjtsf sf®0f o;nfO{ hf]8g\ ufx|f] 5 . d ef®tdf ®fhb"t ePsf] a]nfdf gf®fo0flx6L sf08, ljdfg ckx®0f, x[lts ®f]zg sf08h: tf kL8fbfoL 36gf eP . oL 36gfdf ef®tsf tkm{af6 :jfefljs rf;f] ®fv]sf] kfOof] . o:tf s'®fdf cfjZos cg'udg x'gk' 5{ . cfjZos ;dembf®L eO®xg'k5{ . sltkon] ;fgf] b]z eg]® bafjsf :j® lgsfNg gvf]hs ] f klg xf]Ogg\ . o:tf] a]nfdf cfKfm\gf] kIfdf ljZjf; lbNffP®, cfk\mgf] s'®fdf cl8u ®xg' ;Ddflgt lqmof xf] . xfdLsxf“ slxn]sfxL+ u'xfg{ hfg], g]kfnL efOs} af®]df s'®f nufpg] ;d]t rng 5 . To;nfO{ lgoGq0f ug'k{ 5{ . ;fgf] eg]® x]Kg vf]Hg], nf~5gf nufpg vf]Hg] klg w]®} 5g\ . To;}nfO{ kf®:kl®s ;DaGw vnaNofpg] cfwf® agfpg' x'b“ g} . b]lvg]lalQs} ;dfwfgsf] k|lqmof cl3 a9fpg'k5{ . ;kmn s"6gLlt eg]sf] klg ToxL xf] . ptf®r9fj cfO®xG5g\, To:tf] a]nfdf dWodfu{ vf]Hg' cfjZos x'G5 . tkfO{+ k"jk{ ®®fi6«dGqL ;d]t x'gx' G' 5, klxn]eGbf clxn] k|efjsf®L s"6gLlt ;~rfng ul®Psf] bfaL ul®b} 5 lg < jf:tjdf g]kfnsf] k®®fi6« gLltdf s'g} kl®jt{g ePsf] 5}g, ;w+} Ps¿ktf ®x“b} cfPsf] 5 . h'g;'s} ;®sf®n] klg l5d]sL, To;kl5 If]q ® af“sL ljZj;“usf] ;DaGwsf] cfwf®df k®®fi6« gLlt ;~rfng ub}{ cfPsf 5g\ . klxnf g]kfnsf] 5lj ;sf®fTds lyof] . t® åGån] ® lx+;fn] ubf{ g]kfnLsf] :j¿k clxn] gof“ b]lvg k'us ] f] 5 . klxn] eGbf 5lj wldnf] aGg k'us ] f] 5 . k®®fi6« gLlt Ps}vfnsf] eP klg cK7]®f] cj:yfdf b]lvPsf] 5 . t®, k|efjsf®L xf] of xf]Og eGg] s'®f cfcfkm}n + ] bfaL ug]{ s'®f x'g\ . t® d]®f] ljrf®df o;nfO{ t'ngfTds 9+un] x]g{ ldNb}g . e'6fgL z®0ffyL{ ;d:of t tkfO+{ s} sfo{sfnb]lv

g]kfn–e"6fgaLr af]nrfn aGbsf] cj:yfdf 5 lg, o;nfO{ s;®L x]g{' ePsf] 5 < of] lgs} hl6n ;d:of 5 . o;sf] sfof{Gjogsf] s'®fnfO{ dxTj lbg' h?®L 5 . cGt®f{li6«o hutn] låkIfLo d'2fnfO{ sfof{Gjog u® eg]® bafa ® ;Nnfx lbO®x]sf 5g\ . o;sf] sfof{Gjogsf] cfwf® !% cf}+ r®0fsf] dGqL:t®Lo a}7sn] to ul®;s]sf] 5 . t;y{ o;tkm{ nfUg' h?®L 5 . hxf“;Dd v'bg' fjf®L lzlj®df ck|Tofl;t 9+un] 36gf x'g k'us ] f] 5 . o;nfO{ k5fl8 ®fv]® !% cf}+ r®0fsf] dGqL:t®Lo jftf{cg'¿k sfof{Gjog x'gk' 5{ . lsgls o;n] ;a} s'®fnfO{ ;Daf]wg u®]sf] 5 . of] s;sf] sdhf]®L eg]® Pscsf{nfO{ cf®f]k k|Tof®f]k ug]{ s'®f xf]Og . ToxL 36gfsf sf®0f ;'lgof]lht ¿kdf s;}nfO{ klg cK7]®f] kfg]{ sfd ug'{ x'Gg . clxn] e'6fgdf gof“ ;+ljwfg aGgnfu]sf] s'®f cfPsf] 5 . To;n] klg z®0ffyL{ ;d:ofnfO{ ;Daf]wg ug{ ;S5 . h'g ;sf®fTds s'®f xf] . t®, ;+ljwfgn] z®0ffyL{nfO{ ;Daf]wg u®]g elgb} 5 lg< ;+ljwfgdf s]s] x'gk' 5{ eg]® xfdLn] eGg] s'®f xf]Og . of] pgLx¿sf] s'®f xf] . t® z®0ffyL{nfO{ 7fp“ lbPsf] 5}g eg] lbOg'k5{ . pgLx¿sf gful®snfO{ ;Daf]wg ug]{ st{Jo pgLx¿sf] xf] . csf]{ k|;u+ df hfcf},+ dGqLaf6 x6]kl5 >L % ;“u tkfO{s + f] s'g} ;+jfb ePsf] 5 < xf];,\ clxn] o;tkm{ ghfcf} + . d'ns ' sf] clxn]sf] ;+s6sf] lgsf; s] x'g ;S5 < clxn] d'ns ' df cK7]®f] kl®l:ylt 5 . Pp6f ®fli6«o :jfy{leqsf] ;xdltsf] ljGb'sf nflu k|of; x'gk' b{5 . o;sf nflu ®fhgLlts kl®rfng k|lqmofsf] yfngL x'gk' 5{ ® cGt®f{li6«o ;d'bfosf] ;xdlt Pj+ ;dembf®Lsf] klg plQs} cfjZostf k5{ . ;+jfbsf dfWodaf6 ;d:of ;dfwfgsf] k|of; x'gk' 5{ . of] kxnsbdLsf nflu sf] cl3 k5{ Tof] x]g{ af“sL 5 . t®, ;®sf® t dfcf]jfbL;“u jftf{ g} gug]{ atfO®x]sf] 5 lg < of] s'®frflx+ d}n] klg a'em]sf] 5}g . xltof®af6 k®f:t u®]® 5f]8g\ ] eGg] s'®f pko'Qm h:tf] nfUb}g . o;df dfgjLo d'No ® dfGotfsf s'®f klg cfp“5g\ . To;}n] ;+jfbsf] k|lqmof cl3 a9fpg' k5{ .

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h'nfO{–;]K6]Da/ @))% ofqf


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ofqf h'nfO{–;]K6]Da/ @))%

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3 !( otfsf] g]kfnL /fhgLlt Psbd} ljeflht cj:yfdf /x]sf] 5 . /fhfsf] sbdsf] kIfdf Psy/L 5g\ eg] d"nwf/sf /fhgLlts zlQm pQm sbdsf] lj?4df 5g\ . ptf dfcf]jfbL kIfn] klg pQm sbdsf] lj/f]w ub}{ ljutb]lv g} ;~rfng ub}{ cfPsf] e"ldut cfGbf]ngnfO{ lg/Gt/tf lb+b} cfPsf] 5 . of] l:yltdf ljb]zLx¿sf] rnv]n ghflg+bf] u/L al9/x]sf] 5 . pgLx¿sf ultljlw a9]sf dfq xf]Ogg\ xfdL cfkm}n + ] klg pgLx¿sf ultljlw a9fpg dbt u/]sf 5f}+ . df3 !( nuQ} b/af/ lgs6 dflgg] z/brGb| zfxn] ef/t e|d0f u/]/ ef/tLo pRr clwsf/L;“u uf]Ko dGq0ff u/]sf lyP . To;kl5 k//fi6«dGqL /d]zgfy kf08] gof“ lbNnL hfg'eof] . pxf“n] Toxf“ uP/ ljb]zdGqL s]= g6j/ l;+xnfO{ e]6g\ e ' Psf] ;Dd s'/f ;fj{hlgs eof] . yk s] eof] eGg] s'/f v'nfOPg . To;kl5 >L % / ef/tLo k|wfgdGqL 8f= dgdf]xg l:f+xaLr ck|mf]—Pl;ofnL lzv/ ;Dd]ngsf ;dodf OG8f]gl] ;ofsf] hsftf{df e]6jftf{ eof] . Tof] jftf{nfO{ ghflg+bf] 9+un] dxTj lbOof] . o;sf] k|df0f s] xf] eg] cGo /fi6«fWoIf tyf ;+oQ ' m /fi6«;3+ sf dxf;lrj;“u >L % sf] e]6jftf{ x'b“ f hf/L gul/Psf] jQmJo ef/tLo k|wfgdGqL;“usf] e]6jftf{kl5 k//fi6«dGqL kf08]n] ;fj{hlgs ug'e { Psf] lyof] . cyf{t\ of] kl/k]Ifdf /fHo cfkm}+ k|rf/df plqof] . >L % af6 hsftf{ e|d0f ;s]/ kmls{Pkl5 ljdfg:yndf ef/tLo k|wfgdGqL …Ps /fhg]tf ePsf]Ú eGb} k|z; + f ul/aS;]sf] lyof] . ljb|fx] L kIf / Pstfsf dfq xf]Og clxn] klg gLltut ¿kdf ef/tnfO{ lj:tf/jfbL eGg] cf/f]k nufp“b} cfPsf] dfcf]jfbLsf zLif{:y g]tf 8f= afa'/fd e§/fO{sf] g]tT[ jsf] 6f]nLn] klg ef/tLo pRr clwsf/L;“u gof“ lbNnLdf pRr:t/Lo jftf{ u/]sf] s'/f k'li6 eO;s]sf] 5 . To;kl5 g]kfnL sf+u; ]| sf ;efklt lul/hfk|;fb sf]O/fnf / hgzlQm kf6L{sf cWoIf ;"oa{ xfb'/ yfkfn] klg pkrf/sf] axfgfdf lbNnL uP/ ef/tLo pRr clwsf/L;“u e]63f6 ug'e { Psf] 5 . PsLs[t cfGbf]ng ;~rfng ul//x]sf ;ft bnn] cGt/f{li6«o ;dy{g h'6fpg] cfkm\gf] d'sfd g} gof“ lbNnLnfO{ agfPsf 5g\ . bnx¿sf ljleGg eft[ ;+u7gn] klg ef/t / cGo bft[ /fi6«lt/ g} d'v tfs]sf] cj:yf /x]sf] 5 . oL k[i7e"dLsf sf/0f km]l/ clxn] …lbNnL ;Demf}tfÚ sf] rrf{ x'gyfn]sf] 5 . @))& ;fndf /fhf lqe'jg efu]/ gof“ lbNnL uPkl5 ToxL+ /f0ff, /fhf / g]kfnL sf+u; ]| aLr lbNnL ;Demf}tf ePsf] lyof] . pQm ;Demf}tf x'gc ' l3 cfk\mgf] zf;g l6sfpgsf nflu /f0ffx¿n] ef/t;“u ljjfbf:kb ;g\ !(%) sf] ;lGw u/]sf lyP . cflv/ pgLx¿sf] zf;g klg

ofqf h'nfO{–;]K6]Da/ @))%

l6s]g b]zn] clxn] ;Dd ;f] ;lGwsf] kL8f ef]Ug' kl//x]sf] 5 . ljleGg ;dodf g]kfnsf cfGtl/s dfldnfnfO{ lnP/ ljleGg kIfaf6 ef/t k'sfg]{ ubf{ hjh{:tL cfGtl/s dfldnfdf x:tIf]k ug{ nufOPsf] h:tf] b]lvPsf] 5 . v/fa lgotaf6 o;f] ul/Psf] gx'g ;S5 . t/, o:tf ultljlwn] v/fa kl/0ffd lgDTofPsf 5g\ . clxn] JbGbdf ;fd]n hf];s ' } ef/ t k'u/] …cfcfkm"nfO{ ;dy{g u/Ú eGg'n] ghflg+bf] u/L ef/tnfO{ …x:tIf]k u/Ú eGg vf]lhPem}+ b]lvPsf] 5 . ef/tdf nfdf] ;do /fhb"t /lx;Sg'ePsf k"j/{ fhb"t 8f= e]ifaxfb'/ yfkfn] x:tIf]k lgDTofpg'df xfdL :jo+sf] klg uNtL ePsf] atfpg'ePsf] 5 . pxf“n] ofqf;“u eGg'ePsf] 5— cfkm\gf sk8f l5d]sLsf] wf/fdf w'g yfn]kl5 sk8f d}nf] ;'lsnf] s:tf] 5 eGg] s'/f pgLx¿n] :jfefljs ¿kdf yfxf kfp“5g\ . To;kl5 x]Kg] sfd klg x'g;S5 -x]gx{' f];\ cGtjf{tf{_ . clxn] hf];s ' n } ] cfkm\gf ;d:of ef/t lnP/ hf“bf ;d:of s'g} xfntdf ;dfwfg eOxfn]df klg To;sf] u'g g]kfnn] nfdf] ;do;Dd ltg'k{ g]{ x'g;S5 . s'g} kIfn] ltg]{ Tof] u'g /fli6«o :jfy{sf lx;fan] cg'sn " gaGg ;S5 . ljutdf o:t} u'g ltbf{ sfnfkfgL ;d:of g]kfnsf nflu bL3{sfnLg 3fp ag]sf]] 5 . o:tf 3fp ljutsf uNtLn] y'k}| k|s6 ePsf 5g\ . ;d:ofsf] jf:tljs ;dfwfg hgtfs} aLraf6 vf]lhPdf g} To;n] /fli6«o :jfy{nfO{ an k'U5 . clxn] hgtfsf] rfxgf eg]sf] b'Mv gkfOof];,\ d'ns ' df zflGt 5fcf];\ eGg] xf] . b]zsf] x/lx;fan] k|ult xf];\ eGg] g} pgLx¿sf] rfxgf xf] . g]kfndf clxn] Pscfk;df åGå/t kIfn] cfkm"nfO{ a9LeGbf a9L /fi6«jfbL / hg;]jL b]vfpg vf]hs ] f 5g\ . ;a}n] u/]sf] /fhgLltnfO{ b]z / hgtfsf nflu eGg] gf/f lbOPsf] 5\ . o:tf] gf/f lbg' cfkm}d+ f g/fd|f] xf]Og, To;nfO{ k|z; + gLo dfGg'k5{ . t/, o:tf s'/f gf/fdfdfq ;Lldt x'gx' b'“ g} , Jojxf/df klg nfu" x'gk' 5{ . To;}n] of] of Tof] kIf cfkm\gf] b]zsf] ;d:of ;dfwfgsf nflu gof“ lbNnL wfpg] a]nf of] xf]Og . lglj{jfb s'/f xf]— ;a} ldq/fi6«;u“ ;DaGw /fd|f] x'gk' 5{ t/ To;sf] dtnj ;Ldf gf3]/ x/cfGtl/s dfldnfdf pgLx¿nfO{ g} k|jz ] u/fpg'k5{ eGg] xf]Og . o;tkm{ a}nd} f ;f]Rg'kg]{ clxn]sf] vf“rf] xf] . clxn]sf] d'ns ' sf] t/n l:yltdf t emg\ of] g;f]rL gx'g] s'/f xf] . To;}n] km]l/ lbNnL ;Demf}tf xf]Og sf7df8f}+ ;Demf}tfsf] oxf“ rrf{ x'gk' 5{ . sf7df8f}+ ;Demf}tfsf nflu ;a} tof/ x'g] jftfj/0f agfOg'k5{ . xfdL ;a} b]z / hgtfs} gf/f lbG5f}+ eg] lsg tfSg] lbNnL ;Demf}tf < clg lsg gug]{ sf7df8f}+ ;Demf}tf <

b]z÷ljb]z >L % sf] ljb]z e|d0f >L %af6 ut a}zfvdf O08f]gl] ;ofsf] hsftf{ ® rLg tyf h]7 clGtdaf6 c;f®sf] klxn]f ;ftf ;Dd stf® ® o'POsf] e|d0f ul®aS;]sf] df oL b'j} e|d0f rlr{t AfGg k'us ] f 5g\ . cl3Nnf b'O{ 7fp“df ck|mf] PlzofnL lzv® ;Dd]ng ® af]cfcf] kmf]®ddf ;xeflutfsfnflu ®fhfsf] e|d0f ePsf] lyof] eg] kl5Nnf dWo] stf®df blIf0ff blIf0f lzv® ;Dd]ng ® o'POdf Toxf“sf ®fi6«kltsf] lgdGq0ffdf e|d0f ePsf] xf] . oL b'j} e|d0f o; cy{df rlr{t eP ls df3 !(sf] sbd kl5 ;Dk'0f{ ljZjn] g]kfnlt® gh® lbO®x]sf a]nfdf oL e|d0f ePsf lyP .cl3Nnf] e|d0fdf ®fhfaf6 ®fhgLlts d'4f ® kl5Nnf]df cfly{s ljifonfO{ p7fOaS;]sf] lyof] .

lgo'QmLsf] nx/ of]hgf cfof]u ®fli6«o of]hgf cfof]usf ;b: odf ;®sf®n] gof“ lgo'QmL u®]sf] 5 . h]7 @^ ut] u®]sf] lgo'QmLdf

kg]d{ f nlntk'®sf 8f= ljho >]i7 ® 8f= ®fh]Gb| ;'jfn tyf sf7df08f}s + f 8f= rDks k|;fb kf]vn ]| ® af®fsf 8f= ®fdk|;fb rf}w®L x'gx' G' 5 . cfof]usf pkfWoIf 8f= z+s® zdf{nfO{ eg] oyfjt ®flvPsf] 5 . dfgjclwsf® cfof]u ;®sf®n] ®fli6«o dfgjclwsf® cfof]udf klg k'®fg} cWoIf g}g jxfb'® vqLnfO{ oyfjt ®fVb} gof“ ;b:o x?sf] lgo'QmL u®]sf] 5 . lgo'QmL kfpg] ;b:ox?df ;'lznf l;+x …lzn'Ú, ;'lbk kf7s , uf]sn ' kf]vn ]| ® 8f= ®fdbofn ®fs]z ®xg'ePsf] 5 . ®fhb"t o;]a} Lrdf ;®sf®n] k"j{ jfdkGyL lx®0onfn >]i7nfO{ ?;sf nflu, k"j{ k|wfg;]gfklt k|HHjn zd;]® hj®fnfO{ k|mfG;sfnflu ,leS6/ zd;]® ®f0ffnfO{ DofGdf®sfnflu ® cj'nO] ; 7s'®fO{nfO{ ;fpbLc®]ljofsfnflu ®fhb"t lgo'Qm u\s ] f] 5 .

kqsf/sf g]tf 5flgP

kqsf®x?sf] 5ftf ;+u7g g]kfn kqsf® dxf;+3sf] gof“ g]tT[ j klg rog ePsf] 5 . h;sf] ;efklt ,pk;efklt, dxf;lrj, sf]ifWoIf ® ;lrjdf qmdz lji0f' lgi7'®L , zLj ufp“n-] DfWodf~rn_ , dx]Gb| lji6 ® an®fd aflgof“ rog ePsf 5g\ . To;}u®L k'jf{ ~rn, klZrdf~rn, dWodf~rn ® ;'b®' klZrdf~rn pk;efkltdf qmdz ;~ho ;Gtf]ifL ®fO{, u+ufw® k®fh'nL, s[i0fk|;fb a: ofn ® l8= cf® = kGt ®x]sf 5g\ . gof“ sfo{;ldltdf % lgjf{lrt ® # Pzf]lzP6 ;b:o klg ®x]sf 5g\ .

SnLg lr6\

zfxL cfof]uJbf/f bz}+ vr{ af“8s ] f] cf/f]kdf 5fglag ul//x]sf ljleGg k"j{ dGqLx?n] c;f/ !# ut] SnLg lr6 kfPsf 5g\ . o;/L SnLg lr6 kfpg]df k"0f{ axfb'/ v8\sf , 8f= df]xDdb df]xl;g , xf]dgfy bfxfn, ab|L k|;fb d08n , hf]ud]x/ >]i7/ o'j/fh 1jfnL /x]sf 5g\ . k"j{ Kf|wfgdGqL z]/ axfb'/ b]pjfnfO{ ;d]t o; k|;u+ df SnLg rL6 lbPsf] 5 .

cGo s]xL k|d'v 36gfqmd — hu]8f ;lrj lbg]zrGb| Kofs'®n ] Jbf®f cfTdxTof, sf®0f c1ft-h]7@^_ — ofq'jfxs j;dfly lrtjgsf] af“b®d"8] vf]nfdf dfcf]jfbLsf] cfqmd0f , #* lgbf]i{ f gful®ssf] d[To' , &@ 3fOt]-h]7 @%_ . — cfKKff z]kf{Jbf®f kGw|f+} k6s ;u®dfyf cf®f]x0f ul® gof“ lslt{dfg-h]7@#_ — kf6gdf ;8s ;+;b-h]7@)_ — k"j{ k|wfgdGqL z]®jxfb'® b]pjf ;“u d]nDrL 7]Ssf k|s®0fdf clgoldttf u®]sf] cf®f]kdf zfxL cfof]uJbf®f %) nfv w®f}6L dfluPsf]df pxf“n] ltg{ gdfg]kl5 y'gfdf-h]7!&_ . — zfxL sbdsf] ;dy{g u®]sf] cf®f]kdf g]kfnL sf+u; ]| sf s]Gb|Lo ;b:o k|sfz sf]O®fnf kf6L{af6 lg:sfl;t –-h]7*_ — ef®tn] dfcf]jfbLnfO{ jftf{df af]nfPsf] Joxf]®fsf] 6]k zfxL g]kfnL ;]gf Jbf®f ;fj{hlgs-h]7^_ — u[x dGqfnoJbf®f a]kQf agfOPsf $* hgfsf] l:ylt ;fj{hlgs-h]7@)_ — klxnf] u}x| z]kf{ g]kfnL dlxnf df]gL d'nk] lt Jbf®f ljZjsf] ;jf]R{ r lzv® ;u®dfyfsf] cf®f]x0f .pgn] ;u®dfyfsf] r'r®' f]d} csf{ cf®f]xL k]Daf bf]hL{ z]kf{ ;“u ljjfx u®]® ;u®dfyfdf ljjfx ug]{ klxnf] hf]8Lsf] ljZj ®]s8{ ®fv]sL 5g\ .

o;lardf g]kfnsf

s6\6"df ;4FDF

‘8Lk y|f]6’ rrf{

a]nfotL klqsf… lb ;gÚn] O/fssf rlr{t k"j/{ fi6«klt ;4fd x';g] n] s6\6" nufPsf] kmf]6f] ut d] dlxgfdf PsfPs ;fj{hlgs u/]kl5 pgL km]l/ Ps k6s rrf{sf] lzv/df k'u] . ;gn] ;4fdn] df]hf w'b“ } u/]sf] / ;'Tg] 7fp“ j/k/ ;kmf ul//x]sf] t:jL/ ;fj{hlgs u/]sf] lyof] . ;4fd clxn] cd]l/sL ;]gfsf] lgu/fgLdf O/fs l:yt h]ndf /x]sf 5g\ . o; k|sf/sf] uf]Ko kmf]6f] ;fj{hlgs ePkl5 To;nfO{ cd]l/sfn] h]ge ] f ;GwL ljkl/tsf] sfd eGb} 5fgljg ug]{ atfof] . h;df o'4jGbLnfO{ s}bLu[xdf /flvPsf] ljj/0f ;fj{hlgs ug{ gx'g] eGg] 5 . ;gn] ;}lgs ;|ft] sf] xjfnf lb+b} clxn] a[4 ;4fd ljgd| ePsf] hgfPsf] 5 . cd]l/sfn] 5fgljg ub}5 { t/ ;gn] ;|ft] vf]Ng rfx]sf] 5}g . ;4fd l8;]Da/ , @))#df kqmfp k/]sf x'g\

ljZj kqsfl/tfsf] /x:o ag]sf] …l8k y|f6] Ú sf] lyof] eGg] s'/fsf] / x:o o;kfln v'ns ] f] 5 . jflzË6g kf]i6sf kqsf/Jbo aa p8jf8{ / sfn{ ag{l:6gn] ;g !(&@ cfkm\gf] klqsfdf ;g;lgv]h ;dfrf/ 5fk]kl5 tTsflng /fi6«klt l/rf8{ lgS;gn] ;g !(&$df /flhgfdf lbg'k/]sf] lyof] . jf6/u]6sf08sf] gfdn] rlr{t jflzË6g kf]i] 6sf] ;f] l/kf]6s { f] ;|ft] sf] lyof] eGg] af/]df clxn] ;Dd /x:o /x]sf]df ## jif{ kl5 o;kfln Eoflg6L km]o/ klqsfn] o;sf] /x:o vf]ns ] f] 5 . o;kfln tTsflng PkmljcfOsf pkk|dv ' 8ANo' dfs{ km]N6n] cfkm" g} l8ky|f6] ePsf] pQm klqsf ;“u atfPsf 5g\ . Tolta]nf ;dfrf/ n]Vg] kqsf/ Jbon] eg] 8Lky|f6] gd/];Dd ;|ft] gvf]Ng] s;d vfPsfn] To; af/] af]ns ] f lyPgg\ . t/ o;kfln ;|ft] cfkm}+ v'nk] l5 eg] b'j} kqsf/n] 8Lky|f6] dfs{ g} ePsf] atfPsf 5g\ . cyf{t ## jif{ kl5 klxnf] k6s ljZj kqsfl/tf dfemsf] Pp6f /x:o pbfËf] ePsf] 5 . /fi6«klt lgS;gsf] Pkm lacfO dflysf] x:tIf]k dfs{n] g?rfPsf sf/0f k|dv ' k|ltkIfLkf6L{ 8]df]qm]l6s dfly eO/x]sf] if8oGq pgn] jflzË6g kf]i6 dfkm{t ;fj{hlgs u/]sf lyP . h'nfO{–;]K6]Da/ @))% ofqf

sf]7]kb ! $





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u|fxs—tkfO{s + f] xf]6ndf ;/;kmfO{ eg] lgs} /fd|f] x'bf] /x]5 . Dofg]h/—wGojfb , s'g s'/faf6 w]/} k|efljt x'ge ' of] < Uf|fxs—d ev{/ afy?d uP/ cfzPsf] lyP“ . kms]/{ cfp“bf t k;{ g} ufoa eO;s]sf] /x]5 .

ofqf h'nfO{–;]K6]Da/ @))%

t];f]{ != v';Lsf] sfdsfh $= 6fpsf] gePsf] z/L/ %= g/d ^= OlGb|osf] ljifo gePsf] * ;+s6df k/]sf !!= cfSsn em'Ssn !$= ph'/L !%= emsf]{ nfUbf] kmtkmt !^= cgfjZos emd]nf !&= cToGt a9L !*= clt cfgGb

7f8f] != ;'g;fg @= b'jf{i6dL kj{ #= ;w}+ ;“u} lx+8g\ ] ;fyLx¿ %= Kofnf ^= kfos gkg]{ &= lxdlvd *= d:of}bf sfg'g (= wfgv]tsf] u/f] !)= sjfhsf] cEof; !@= cfbt !#= yfngLsf] k9fO !$= pd]/ gk'us ] f] !^= s'/f}6] !&= Hofbf *****

afa'—x]/, p Tof] afns slt d]xg]tL 5 . t}n + ] p h:t} ef“8f dfem\g ;S5;\ < 5f]/f—d klg sd 5' / , p;n] d]/f] h:tf] csf{sf] kfs]6af6 yfx} glbO k};f lemSg ;S5 .

/fzLkmn d]ifM ;®sf®L c8\8f cbfnt tkfO{s + f] kIfdf x'g5 ] . ;'?sf] dlxgfdf 5f]6f] b'®Lsf] ofqf x'g] ;Defjgf 5 . cui6df cfly{s ;+s6n] ;d:ofsf] ¿k wf®0f ug]5 { . ;fdflhs tyf wfld{s If]qdf eg] pRr ;kmntf k|fKt x'g5 ] . ;]K6]Da®df ;do dWod vfnsf] ®xg]5 . cfo Joo a®fa®Lh:t} 5 . k|d] df dw'® ldngsf] of]u 5 . j[ifM k|d] df dw'® ldngsf] If0f cfpnf . :jf:Yodf tGb'?:tL a9g'sf ;fy} cWoogdf ulx®f] ?lr a9g] of]u 5 . cS6'a®df kfl®jfl®s emd]nf cfOk®] klg ;dfwfg x'g5 ] . k7gkf7gsf sfo{df ;Gtf]ifhgs k|ultsf] of]u 5 . ;]K6]Da®df 3®kl®jf®df s'g} z'e sfo{sf] af®]df 5nkmn xf]nf . k9fOdf ?lr geP klg k9\g afWo x'gk' g]5 { . ldy'gM zq'n] 3®kl®jf®df bvn lbg ;S5g\ . ;fdflhs Voflt tyf dfg dof{bf a9\nf . k9fO dWod 5 . cui6df tkfO{s + f k5fl8 s'®f sf6\gx] ¿ sfd laufg{ nfUg]5g\ . Joy{sf] si6s® ofqf x'g] of]u 5 . ;]K6]Da® dlxgf tkfO{s + f] nflu ®fd|f] 5 . pBf]u Joj;fo of cGo Joj;fodf ;kmntf xft nfUg]5 . gof“ 7fp“sf] ofqf xf]nf . ss{6M glrtfPsf] s'®fdf 7"nf] wg®flz vr{ eO{ cfly{s ;+s6 cfOknf{ . tkfO{s + f] ef]s lgb|f ;a} x®fpg] ;Defjgf 5 . cui6df sfo{l;l4sf] of]u ePsfn] of] ;do cf“6s ] f sfddf ;kmntf xft nfUnf . k|d] df dw'® ldngsf] of]u 5 . ;]K6]Da® dlxgfdf tkfO{n + fO{ >Lk|flKtsf] of]u 5 . wg, sd{ ® efUon] ;fy b]nf . l;+xM sfd ug]{ hf]z, hf“u® ® cfTdljZjf;df a[l4


xf]nf . z'e ;dfrf® ;'Gg kfOPnf . cfly{s nfesf] of]u 5 . cui6df dgdf lrGtf ® z®L®df cfn:otfn] ;tfpg] 5 . b}lgs sfdsf®f]jf® vf;} k|efjsf®L b]lv+bg} . ;]K6]Da® nfu]kl5 zq'x¿n] tkfO{l+ j?4 ug{ vf]lh®x]sf] if8oGq e08fkmf]® x'g5 ] .

5 . b}lgs sfd sf®f]jf®af6 k|z: t} cfly{s nfe x'g5 ] . Oi6ldqsf] ;xof]un] dxTjk"0f{ sfddf ;kmntf xft nfUg]5 . ;]K6]Da® nfu]kl5 gjLg sfdsf nflu hf]z hf“u® a9\g5 ] . cfly{s l:ylt dha't x'g5 ] . ;Gtfgaf6 ;'v ;Da[l4sf] of]u 5 .

sGofM cfly{s sf®f]jf®af6 k|z:t nfe xf]nf . wft', sk8f jf cGo s'g} j:t' k|fKt xf]nf . k|d] df ;kmntfsf] of]u 5 . cui6 nfu]kl5 3®kl/jf®df ;fgfltgf ljjfb kg{ ;S5 . dlxnf ;xsdL{ of k|l] dsfaf6 glrtfPsf] s'®f ;'Gg' knf{ . ;]K6]Da®df ljk®Lt lnªuLaf6 ;fy ® ;xof]u k|fKt x'g5 ] . ljz]if dfg;Ddfg jf k'®:sf®n] dg xlif{t x'g5 ] .

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cfr{gf k|; ]

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