Martial arts magazine budo international june 2014

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KYUSHO If a Woman thinks or takes a defensive mentality or action based training, they open the door for many problems in an altercation with a predatory and aggressive societal deviant.

The idea of this interview arose just a month ago when Sachiko Kase, the youngest daughter of the late Taiji Kase master, told me that her sister Yumiko had written a book about her father's life. Then, we both thought to publish this on the best martial arts magazines. And Alfredo Tucci, kindly offered us his collaboration.

COMBAT HAPKIDO Most martial artists are familiar with various historical circumstances that led to the development of certain unusual and "unorthodox" martial arts weapons in different parts of the World. Probably the first example to come to mind is the factual events of 1604 when Okinawa was invaded and occupied by Japan and its military forces forbade the local population from possessing and carrying any "military weapons" such as swords.

THE SHIZEN TRADITION Ellos dicen: "¿Qué pasaría con el mundo si todos nos gustó el color amarillo?" En otras palabras, se puede decir que es muy importante que todo el mundo tiene una idea, un concepto y el razonamiento acerca de la vida y sus manifestaciones. Tal vez, visto desde el punto de vista de los eruditos orientales más preeminentes, todo esto nos llevaría también al concepto de Karma como la línea divisoria de los acontecimientos.

“BUDO INTERNATIONAL” is a publication of: BUDO INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. Central: Office: Andrés Mellado, 42 28015 Madrid - Spanien Local pages: Maurice Elmalem International pages: Alfredo Tucci:

BILLY BLANKS Mr. Tae Bo, Mr. Fitness, Mr. Competitor, Mr. Entrepreneur, Mr. Success Story, Mr. Nice Guy, Billy “Tae Bo®” Blanks is all of these and many more. After watching Billy Blanks teach an hour long Tae Bo® class, I realized that my 4 times a week 1 hour workout was nothing at all. Billy is nearly 60 years old and in the most amazing shape of anyone I have ever met at his age. In fact, I don't know anyone at any age who is in as good of physical shape as he is.

KAPAP “Born to Fight”. I was recently asked when I first learned how to “fight.” My philosophy is that I began fighting upon my first breath. I was born in a hospital emergency room; fighting to live, and I fought in intensive care for months until it was safe to be taken home.


Muchos practicantes de Wing Chun Gung Fu han oído hablar a lo largo de los años, de los comienzos míticos del arte, cuando tanto Yim Wing Chun como Ng Mui fueron testigos de un lucha entre una serpiente y una grulla. Luego incorporaron las ideas de esto, en un nuevo sistema de lucha, diseñado específicamente para que una mujer más pequeña y débil fuese capaz de derrotar a un hombre, en un combate mortal.


SDS-CONCEPT Cup 2014 Knife Competition in knife sparring Knife sparring and knife fighting - do they fit together? The answer is clearly Yes! The International Knife Cup will be held in Vienna for the fifth time this year, as a semicontact point-fighting tournament. Every hit gets you a point, reaction, speed and agility are crucial, just like in real life.

The Art of effectiveness There are many martial arts that are more or less effective. Six years ago I came across the Eskrima style developed of Frans Stroeven, I was looking for a new way to simultaneously become fit and practice an effective martial art, like many guys of my age want.

WINGTSUN Let's talk about the System... After a thorough analysis of the problems and strengths of the Wing Tsun system, we begin on this issue a series of articles focused on improving the understanding of some technical and tactical elements of the style.

SHAOLIN HUNG GAR KUNG FU The five elements of Shaolin Hung Gar Kung Fu. The elements of Hung Gar aren’t based on positions, stances or techniques, but are a philosophy of special powers within the human body. The theory of the elements is very abstract. But connected with the different animal styles, it becomes the source of enormous powers. Those powers are one of Hung style’s primary trademarks.

SHAOLIN XIAO HONG QUAN WENG CHUN KUNG FU Weng Chun Kung Fu evolved from two main lineages of Chinese martial arts history. First, there s the Weng Chun Kung Fu dating back to the time of the Shaolin temples, and furthermore the somewhat younger tradition of Weng Chun Kung Fu as it was practiced and handed down in secret within the Red Junk Opera Company during the Manchu reign. The 16 combat strategies of Weng Chun stem from this period of the underground movement.

Today we bring to our pages one of the greatest Masters emerged from the best generation of Shaolin: Sifu Shi Miaozhi. Pupil of the highly respected and beloved Master Shi de Yang, who is good friend and contributor to this magazine, Sifu Miaozhi has made a new DVD on one of the most characteristic forms of the Shaolin Xiao Hong Quan style. Recorded with the usual care with which we do all our videos, it will be available in the next few days for all those who are interested.

General Director & Art Director: Alfredo Tucci. Advertising: Alfredo Tucci. English Director Edition: Don Warrener. Columnists: Don Wilson, Yoshimitsu Yamada, Cass Magda, Antonio Espinós, Jim Wagner, Coronel Sanchís, Marco De Cesaris, Lilla Distéfano, Maurizio Maltese, Bob Dubljanin, Marc Denny, Salvador Herráiz, Shi de Yang, Sri Dinesh, Carlos Zerpa, Omar Martínez, Manu, Patrick Levet, Mike Anderson, Boulahfa Mimoum, Franco Vacirca, Bill Newman, José Mª Pujadas, Paolo Cangelosi, Emilio Alpanseque, Sueyoshi Akeshi, Marcelo Pires, Angel García, Juan Díaz. Photographers: Carlos Contreras, Alfredo Tucci.

"Common sense is the collection of prejudices accumulated through the centuries." Albert Einstein


"After living and dreaming, there is what matters most: awakening" Antonio Machado

pirituality, the way I understand it, not as a religion but as the knowledge of the unseen, is equally or even more difficult to explain than colors to a blind man who has never seen. However, unlike the blind from birth, we all have perceptual tools to interact with these dimensional planes, because we are all endowed with them by birth. It couldn't be otherwise, for we are spiritual beings living a material life. As tadpoles exited from the water in the shape of frog, we know how to go back in there to play and splash whenever we want; moreover, like the frogs, we soon discover that we love that environment in which we feel complete. The religiously oriented person believes by faith in a particular arrangement of the invisible world. The scientist believes ... by faith, in his method. To the student of spirituality there are, however, two ways, the development of mediumship, i.e., the sensory perception of the invisible, and / or the study and direct and personal interaction with the planes of the invisible. Faith in this case is constructed through direct experiences, which are often a good and healthy working stuff, provided that the student stays away from any mystification, a demand on the other hand extremely complex to concur. Sensitive people often lack the required strength and character, while strong people are short of sensibility or interest. All of them, however, tend to get caught in the meshes of perceptual deception, as the result of the received education, or the pressure of the consensual consciousness of their surroundings. The main problem to undertake spirituality in a coherent way is ignorance, not the one which is the result of not knowing, since it is easily fixable, but real and true ignorance, the one that doesn't want to know. In any case, building a solid knowledge of the invisible world is not an easy task for obvious reasons, the least of which is not that we can't see it. People of all traditions and times have come endowed with the ability to see what others can't see, hear what others can't hear, or feel what others can't feel. Some even smell the invisible energies and perceive subtle changes through this means. Obviously, this extraordinary use of the senses doesn't work as the ordinary procedure. Scholars say that every non-topical perception is related especially to the pineal gland and also with an unconventional use of the brain, capable of translating sensations seemingly spurious for most, in an amalgam of coherent information. It's not so much a skill or a kind of biological anomaly, but the development of an innate ability in all of us. My experience in this field attests it so, for I've seen how any person, by carrying out the right exercises, can easily accede to hidden information, within a symbolic or actual pattern that the individual absolutely ignored before. This is so because we all know to splash like frogs in that environment; and what is more, we do it constantly; but

only on extraordinary occasions, marked by exceptional events, we realize its existence. For the shamans of old Mexico, these extreme situations had the power to shake the energy bubbles of people, moving violently the assemblage point of their consciousness to a different location, thus completely changing their perception. The problem is that the result didn't last long and the assemblage point tended to return to its usual place, pushed by the routines and the consensus of others. But we need not wait for such situations occur to increase our perception of the invisible. Many schools and traditions have explored the human potential and developed methods to increase our awareness and our possibilities of interaction with the world of occult energies. The main problem for the neophyte lies always in identifying these processes and acquiring the accurate credibility of his true potential in front of himself. For that, it is essential to keep an open mind, attentive at the same time to any mystification and deception of his own or other's. So usually, the first step in any serious school is that of consolidating in the initiate a solid and well-formed character, combined with a capacity for self-introspection and waking before the own miseries. Nothing is more dangerous to an imbalanced individual than opening him the doors of the exceptional so that he can move at ease; sooner or later, the disaster will be served. Maintaining clarity is therefore the first command to get into such kettle of fish, and not because lucidity is necessary to discover our hidden potentials, but because it allows us to be ready to use them properly. These skills are but a weapon of our consciousness and weapons don't kill by themselves, the morons who fire them kill. There are also - we can't ignore them-, other hazards inherent to the ignorant use of our concealed capacities. Our energy bubble has automatic self-protection mechanisms that should be passed to manual and eventually canceled in the process of developing our mediumship. Fear is one of them, for it causes an immediate "coagulation" (so to speak) of our bubbles, thus rejecting contact with consciousness and energies present in the universe of the unseen. To attest and interact with these energies is essential to open up to them, and this, without proper precautions, means exposing yourself to unknown risks. There are also high voltage energies that you must be prepared to deal with, because unlike what the optimistic vision of many religions depict, there is everything out there, like in here ... and you don't go to the forest without a map or without the proper equipment. Sometimes it is even convenient to be "vaccinated", because infections are not only of this plane. Thus, with regard to the task of undertaking such explorations in an autonomous way, of course it's possible, but given its magnitude and the dangers that it could involve, it's something that I would never

Alfredo Tucci is Manager Director to BUDO INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. e-mail:

recommend. A lifetime applied to this task, no matter how extraordinary was the person who carried it out, would be something insignificant in the face of such a challenge. This is not the task of one individual, but of many. It takes time, skill and perseverance to this enormous challenge. Only when many lives and generations have been dedicated to this effort, it is possible to establish coherent ways. So it has been in all matters relating to human knowledge; we rely on the former to go further, we avoid roads that lead nowhere, impossible trails, hazards... we attest discoveries, ensure perimeters and move ahead ... It's called evolution! These trails in the invisible are known as the "navigable rivers of spirituality." I don't think there are many of them in which roads have been conveniently cleared of brush, good maps marked, coherent references established and information tested ... but I know there are some. Most of times they find you as much as you find them; usually they are "clubs" with the "right of admission reserved" hanging on their doors, that always keep a certain secrecy, because even if they could operate at daylight, they know with certainty that their knowledge is for the very few. Because ... How can you explain colors to a man born blind? The ever lucid Miryoku sages of the e-bunto tradition divided all human beings among hungry, sick, asleep and awake. The latter were also called generous. Awake, because they knew why they did things and understood the things they did; and generous, because sooner or later, when you are awake, you end up, just like in Matrix, being the link needed to the awakening of others. "There are more things between heaven and earth, Horatio, than what your philosophy supposes".

here is a great book called the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People� by Dr. Stephen Covey. In it he talks about Syn Energy and how if we all focus on what we do good and pool these resources, the sum of the result is greater then if we add up each others individual contributions. He is so right and Budo International is living proof of this fact. I am so surprised to see all the syn-energy we are experiencing from various sources, be it writers, technicians, promoters, historians, graphic artists, photographers and of course some of the greatest leaders in the martial arts, world wide. Kudos go out to people like Danny and Theresa Zaino who have helped in the distribution to over 40,000 of their subscribers MASBTV on top of our 26,000 subscribers meaning that over 66,000 writers like John Graden, Hal Sharp, Patrick McCarthy, Chris Sutton, Dr. Alex Bennett, Annette Hellingrath, Kent Moyer, technical stories on names like Billy Blanks, Kevin Brewerton, Jean Frenette, as an example and soon to come articles on names like Jean Claude Van Damme, who after seeing the recent issue contacted me personally asking if he can help out with it, Steven Seagal, Jeff Speakman, Isaac Florentine, Bruce Lee Estate and so many more. Some of our Advertisers, like World Protection Group, Mantis SD systems, USSSA karate Organizations, Asian World Of Martial Arts Supply, Masters Publications, Rising Sun Productions Warrener Entertainment and The World Karate Organization. Also lets not forget the Publisher himself Alfredo Tucci and his right arm Marga Lopez, who put it all together somehow to make it look so fabulous. I get a lot of compliments from people on the layouts and the colors being so eye appealing. Deep bo ws o f res pect an d th an ks to y ou al l for y ou r contributions in helping make Budo International English Edition into the greatest English Martial Arts Magazine in the world, not to mention the huge number of subscribers we have. We even had our friend from Egypt Waleed Al-Telbany send notice out to the 12 million members of Jean Claude Van Dammes fan club for us called Van Dammation on Facebook. Now that is what happens when people work together for common good and mutual benefit. It is a real pleasure to work with you all and I am honored to be able to say that you are all friends of Warrener Entertainment and Budo International Magazine.


“Kyusho Self Protection” for Women Let's face it the martial arts are filled with Women's selfdefense programs, which the name alone is a recipe for failure. The term "Self Defense" has a negative connotation that from the start can yield failure for the user. The problem is that this label already portrays in the mindset that the individual is a victim of a violent act or aggression and that the practitioner should perform a defensive action. This premise of acting after the fact is why most people succumb to the aggressors' actions and never fully recover from the initial attack or fear inducing situation. If a Woman thinks or takes a defensive mentality or action based training, they open the door for many problems in an altercation with a predatory and aggressive societal deviant. In taking the defense, they are allowing the attacker to initiate and build momentum in their attack. Being the typically smaller, weaker and less aggressive type, the female is now at an even greater disadvantage as the mindset actions and aggressiveness were not intercepted and allowed to gain. The Woman must not become defensive; she must be aware of her situation and not dismiss or ignore possible threat, she must become proactive and gain the initiative and momentum while manipulating the attackers' mindset to have a possibility of advantage. This opposite approach is actually a safer method and mechanism of prevention and protection. First she must become situationally aware and her attitude must become proactive or offensive as this will determine her ability and safety. This is a "Vital Point" in protection, being properly prepared for any eventuality with a honed mindset, targets and tools. The training must encompass far more than simple “techniques”, they must be reflexive, adaptable, spontaneous and possible under the effects of adrenaline rush during severe stress and emergency. Even beyond these limitations are inborn limitations that must also be addressed for the user to actually succeed, this is not technique, this is the very soul of the individual and their capacity to do what is necessary. There is a major difference in the pattern or gross motor skills that Men and Women have that must be addressed before they will in fact combat themselves in time of need. Everything thereafter must be based on these instinctive actions so that they obtain the most efficient protective skill that requires no thought or constant practice (although this of course is best approach). Proper tools must be trained that will be natural for the gender in accordance with the gross motor skills that are natural for the individual. This will increase their efficiency and affect without possible injury to themselves. Many physical skills you believe to possess (and do in the perfect environment), will be unusable

Text: Evan Pantazi - Trainee: Danielle Halley Photos by: Brian Hall -

Vital Points

when the adrenaline surge strips you of variable sensory, mental and muscle comprehension, processing or control. It will also spark an escalating or snowballing effect on the individual as more and more personal control is lost. The first skill that will evaporate is complex series of actions (exactly what stylistic techniques are), if you were counting on these, then you will be in a totally foreign position, this will lead to further stress, adrenaline and physical shutdown. Beyond the reflexive inborn tendencies are the mental barriers that range from normalcy bias (thinking it won't or cat happen to you, just others as it has not yet occurred) to getting past the common fear, repulsion or inability to strike another being. Far more people (especially in the female gender) have this repulsion or inability so the typical classes that try to teach damaging the eyes, throat, joints and bones will never become an accepted action their conscience will allow them to use instinctively. Additionally one must learn how not to present themselves as a potential target from their thoughts, actions or habits that actually place them more at risk. The practice of a set technique for a situation is so encumbered by limitation that it becomes a recipe for failure... they must instead be educated in target over technique that takes all the previously stated limitations and instinctual tendencies into account. They must discover their natural tendencies (not someone else's) and refine them into dependable and predictable assets. There are far too many ways that an individual could be attacked that it is impossible to practice a technique for all possibilities, rather they need to understand and learn a different mental attitude. Training specific targets with dynamic motion, timing, force and intensity as well as environments (as each will affect the abilities or the possibilities of the individual), will enable the practitioner in far greater adaptive possibility. These given targets should also not be reflexively protected by the assailant as that will diminish the efficiency or affect the practitioner is able to deliver. As example the strike to the groin or other typical targets taught, like the eyes, are protected by inborn reflexes that work to protect these targets with withdrawal or covering type actions. The vital targets learned must not have this reflex, yet still be potent enough to disable the attackers' physical functionality instantly, this is Kyusho. Training must be divided into separate modules with increasing mental and physical preparation along with intensity of attack. With this type of training, the practitioner will become 100% more empowered and capable of protecting themselves and loved ones... because it educates the individual to act naturally. No one is forced to perform a set of techniques, nor are they instructed in actions that are not instinctive to them they are refined to be safer and more effective under any circumstance. Initially the individual must be helped past many barriers that would stop her from action. She must get past the fear of

Self Defense

“Training must include timing, distancing and commitment so the attackers is actually struck as opposed to seeing it before the strike lands to stop or grab it” actually striking and dropping another individual that means no harm. This will be far more difficult than someone attacking her, but if there is even the slightest hesitation or reluctance in striking another, they will never act properly under the stress of real conflict. All of this training will be ineffectual if they are not first rid of something called “Normalcy Bias”. This means that they are not of the mindset that an attack could not or will not happen to them. They must understand that they, as anyone, may need to protect themselves, no one is immune. Next is the development of their natural weapons which are much different than a man's inclination or natural actions. This is done with actual bare hand strikes (proper weapons utilizing the natural open hand aptitude), to the instructor/s so that she callouses herself to fear and hesitation. Her actions should not be allowed to become emotional, but rather deliberate and immediate. Once her natural weapons are known, the stress level must increase so that she can see if they will still be natural and reliable in conditions of uncertainty, immediacy, high stress and mobility. If they are not the weapons she is naturally inclined to from stressed induced demonstration should replace the others that failed. And then once known they must be drilled incessantly and dynamically never faked or pulled. After the Woman's natural weapons are known and honed the targets must be taught… but only the ones she is natural at achieving under heavy stress and even multiple attackers in dynamic situational training. These targets must be weaker anatomical structures that will cause the greatest effect without massive power or speed. These targets must not be reflexively protected like the eye or groin, and best out of the attackers' sightline and therefore control. These should be very few in number as quality and assured accessibility is far more important than quantity. The principle is to be as simplistic as possible as there is less possibility of failure under pressure. Next in line is working coordination in their striking, working with their ability to access them correctly when being rushed, stepping back or to the side. They then must be trained to use either hand or leg with equal ability, effect and confidence.

Vital Points

Training must include timing, distancing and commitment so the attackers is actually struck as opposed to seeing it before the strike lands to stop or grab it. All speeds and intensities must be experienced by the Woman so she is fully aware of capabilities and possibilities and the trainer must be ever watchful to assist or change what is needed. Inducing stress will help develop the battle readiness and increase confidence, coordination, accuracy and dependability in their natural weapons, Kyusho targets and their response. This can be done with verbal attack, surprise, force, new situations and new environments. Environmental training will help them determine if are they able to handle the aggressor with accurate timing and targeting in various locations, environments, clothing, footwear and ground conditions. This will help them further develop their “Situational Awareness” in all areas. Once these traits are adopted we can then increase the demand and urgency by working against an attack they did not intercept and they are physically caught. This may change the dynamics but the principle discipline and simplicity already instilled will further protect the practitioner. The training starts again with this new paradigm but with a new idea. When grabbed the natural tendency is to resist or try to escape. A smaller women that has had both arms grabbed as example will naturally try to pull away or struggle away, but it is most time ineffectual as the stronger more aggressive attacker is ready for it as well as more powerful to retain the grip. The Woman must realize this and capitalize on it… and there is a very simple solution. As the attacker grabs, at first attempt to pull away from them and as they begin to resist or pull back, that is when we can jump in, turn, change height or use various other direction entries. They are pulling you in and you are entering faster to surprise and offset their strength and therefore control. This is now the time to attack the weaker Kyusho targets that were learned and trained during the first level of the Kyusho Self Protection program. This is now much closer combative need and therefore again we must watch that the original targets they used in the interception mode are still viable for them (our experience shows that most will be, but some additional targets and weapons may be needed). Again it is not based on technique, but from natural weapon, target and coordination abilities of each individual Woman. Any new targets or weapons must again be out of the main sight line (If they are a repeat attacker they will also be very aware of a knee or kick to the groin and be ready to stop it.), use gross motor skill accessibility and have greater effect with less generated power. Your continued study of Kyusho helps you understand the weaker anatomical structures that will help Women immeasurably, but it is more than that… they (anyone) must train Kyusho correctly to become real.

The term “Self Defense” has a negative connotation that from the start can yield failure for the user.  The problem is that this label already portrays in the mindset that the individual is a victim of a violent act or aggression and that the practitioner should perform a defensive action.  This premise of acting after the fact is why most people succumb to the aggressors’ actions and never fully recover from the initial attack or fear inducing situation. The Woman must not become defensive; she must be aware of her situation and not dismiss or ignore possible threat.   She must become proactive and gain the initiative and momentum while forcing confusion in the attackers’ mindset to have a possibility of advantage. Kyusho Self Protection is a vital training process that deals in the realities of an attack. It is simple yet powerful training process that enables the smaller, weaker, slower or older less aggressive individual a chance against the larger, stronger, more aggressive and potentially crazy attacker. By using the weaker anatomical targets of the body in conjunction with your own natural body actions and tendencies you can easily protect yourself or others, even under the stress and physical limitations when your adrenaline kicks in.  And by working in a stepped and progressive manner with your own gross motor skills (instead of someone else’s techniques), your chances victory are eminent. And by working in a stepped and progressive manner with your own gross motor skills (instead of someone else’s techniques), your chances victory are eminent.


Today we bring to our pages one of the greatest Masters emerged from the best generation of Shaolin: Sifu Shi Miaozhi. Pupil of the highly respected and beloved Master Shi de Yang, who is good friend and contributor to this magazine, Sifu Miaozhi has made a new DVD on one of the most characteristic forms of the Shaolin Xiao Hong Quan style. Recorded with the usual care with which we do all our videos, it will be available in the next few days for all those who are interested. To present this work, nothing could be better than the advice and guidance of Master Shi Miaozhi. Do not miss it! High level Kung Fu! The student of Gong Fu (功夫) must have clear from the start that getting a strong athletic basis is essential in order to achieve a high training level, so he must make a continuous and repeated effort in

practicing these exercises. With a good physical foundation, it’ll be much easier for him to access the different and at times complex techniques that make up the Shaolin Gong Fu (少林功夫).

Technical training Once the student has achieved a high physical fitness level with the type of training described above, the most important thing is


practicing Ji Ben Gong (基本功) and basic techniques. This part is what will configure and define his value as a martial athlete. Many students, in their beginnings, feel unable to carry out precise and dexterous movements to develop all the strength that might be required, despite showing a solid physical condition. Some of them even

more advanced, and regardless of their efforts, realize that they fail to achieve the goals they had set concer ning the speed of execution of certain movements and the strength projected outwardly that make Shaolin Gong Fu make (少 林 功 夫 ) so characteristic. It can be said that the whole technical workout in the practice of

Gong Fu (功夫) relies in the hip. Its relevance is vital in achieving supple and strong movements. If we want to develop fluid and ordered movements, combined with those quick and strong, we must pay a special attention to the moving of the hips, because this way you can develop all the necessary strength, with a perfect projection toward the outside.

Shaolin This fast and strong hip movement must be followed by the shoulder, the arm and, finally, the hand. Likewise, the lower body has to act in a similar way; the hip action must be continued by the knee and the foot, thus developing the whole strength, which will keep increasing in its pathway along the leg. Developing this type of movements requires a deep workout

and blurred mirage, we are unattainable. There are eight points we must consider if we want to develop and improve our Xiao Hong Quan (小洪 拳) technique: Hands, eyes, body, steps, Qi (气), strength, attack and dexterity. Improving our technique and developing

with all the attention focused on the hip, until it occurs naturally and we can move our attention to other aspects. Again, earnestness and persistence in our daily training is vital to increase the quality of our movements. The next step is paying attention to the movements of attack and defense. Concentration in carrying out the correct movement and the quality thereof, noticing the sense and the reason of such movement, is crucial for the proper development and understanding of Shaolin Xiao Hong Quan (少林小洪 拳). We must think clearly about the way of using the movements of defense and attack, the way of attacking major points and the way of thwarting an attack. If we attack, our opponent should have the feeling that we are like his shadow, of which he can't get rid. If we are attacked, our opponent should have the feeling that, like a distant

and progressing in the study of Tao Lu (套 路 ) depends on the combination and interaction of these parts: our hands, whose speed is invisible to the opponent, followed by the eyes with no distraction; our hip, strong and flexible like a whip; the steps, firm and fast; the Qi (气), perfect in its plenitude; maximum strength; powerful attack and the upper and lower parts of our body perfectly interrelated. As you improve your technique, you will observe that these eight points are actually one, because if one of them fails the rest is

weakened and the concept of Gong Fu (功夫) is lost. Training the basic movements is essential to achieve such technical enhancement. When practicing the basic steps of Shaolin Xiao Hong Quan (少 林 小 洪 拳 ) a special attention must be paid to the hand

form and the technique thereof, the steps form and the technique thereof, kicking and the technique thereof, balance, etc. In

training these stages it's necessary to be strict so that they are perfect. The student will need to practice repeatedly until he achieves the correct position. Once the student has acquired the needed physical qualities as described in the previous chapter, understood the way in which the different parts of the body are interrelated in practice the Gong Fu (功 夫) and developed a good level of basic movements, he passes to practicing piece by

piece the Shaolin Xiao Hong Quan ( 少林小洪拳). To attain perfecting this Lu Tao (套 路 ), the student has to practice so that the quality of his performance can be steadily increasing until reaching an excellent level in the full development of the form. The first step is learning the routine, little by little, repetitively, in order to memorize it perfectly, without any doubt or hesitation. The movements have to be perfect in order to acquire good habits in their execution, which will permit the student to move to the next part. The second step of the Xiao Hong Quan (小洪拳) technique training is bringing together the movements in small series and practice them repetitively as an individual form and, in turn, joining these groups gradually on longer series until completing the form. Practice of these series must be repetitive as on the previous occasions. This is the moment when you must begin to perform the Tao Lu (套路) at a good pace, keeping in mind that if the move is slow, it has to be done slowly and

if it's quick it will have to be done quickly. Likewise, the student must practice the Xiao Hong Quan (小洪 拳 ) developing always the necessary strength and applying the flexibility that every move might require. The third and final step is a quality workout. The student must work out searching the highest technical demands in his practice without decreasing his technical level, the quality of his steps, his strength, or any of the features that make up Shaolin Xiao Hong Quan (少林小洪拳). The form will be performed repeatedly, resting every two or three times and correcting gradually any possible failure.

Mental training This type of training is essential in order to successfully achieve the challenging objectives that the student has set. Training Gong Fu ( 功夫) is a job of high physical demand, but it also requires attaining certain mental states, such as patience. This is imperative, given that one important section of training consists of developing the different stages in a recurring way. Some students, when reaching the part in which they have to constantly


repeat the basic steps or the Tao Lu (套路) series, give up training for lack of patience. Only those who take it seriously will stay and persevere. Coaches and teachers, or students who train on their own, must find the necessary incentive so that the martial athlete keeps progressing and developing himself in the practice and understanding of Gong Fu (功夫). The states of irritability, apathy, mental sluggishness, etc., can cause workouts don't bring about the expected results. A good personality and predisposition will make possible a good balance between both the body and mind of the student. This can make a clear difference between two Gong Fu (功夫) students whose physical training has been similar. In the same way that the student's physical body is subjected to a daily practice whose results are slowly seen if he

is persistent, his mind can be equally trained so as to develop a positive and active disposition before the difficulties he can find in his everyday workout. Exercises for mental relaxation, or intended to make us be objective with the strong and weak points and get a clear view of which way must the training steps follow, are necessary to reach the highest demanding goals set by the martial athlete.

Key points in the training of Shaolin Xiao Hong Quan (少 林小洪 拳) This chapter is dedicated to those parts with which the student must have a special care in training Lu Tao (套路). In this review of the different stages and movements, the Gong Fu (功夫) practitioner will learn to develop the technique and

to correct possible executing errors. There is some basic advice that you should follow. For example, training must be carried out with low stances and developing the strength, following also some similar and gradual training guidelines that can provide an increasing improvement in the development of the various parties that are involved in the apprenticeship of Shaolin Xiao Hong Quan (少林小洪拳). Mabu (马步). This position is basic to Shaolin Kung Fu (少林 功 夫). A recommendation in order to keep the correct separation of the feet is as follows:

“Training Gong Fu is a job of high physical demand, but it is also necessary attaining some mental states, such as patience.�

Shaolin Start with both feet together and facing forward, twist your left foot and place the tip in the middle of the right foot, so that it gets perpendicular, twist it on your heel so that it gets perpendicular, twist it again on your toes and finally twist it on the heel until it is facing forward, parallel to the right foot, then and start lowering down, making sure that your knees do not bend inward. The position has to be made low, keeping your back straight and the hip aligned with it; thighs must seek the horizontal just as water is sought wherever it might be. Gongbu (弓步). The correct way to adopt this position is that the front leg forms an angle of 45 ° with the knee, and the knee never exceeds the foot. The back leg is fully extended, with the foot facing forward at 45 º. The shoulders and back are lined up and facing forward in the direction of the front leg. Pubu (仆步). In this position you should pay special attention so that the hip is as low as possible and the back is straight - not tilted or curved - and facing forward. Both feet must rest completely on the floor. Dingbu (丁 步). As in the previous exercises, the back must be straight, in line with the hip. One foot must rest completely on the floor and the other on the tips of the toes - not on the toes flexed. It has to be made as low as possible. Ye Zhang Liao (撩叶掌). For a proper execution of this palm technique, you should pay a special attention to hand placement. It should be perfectly straight and vigorous, fingers together and thumb bent with the first phalanx leaning against the palm. When a blow is thrown with this technique, it’s also advisable to make a small recoil with the arm, so that the elbow gets somehow flexed. In this way, muscles and tendons remain relaxed, avoiding possible injury before an attack. This slight flexing also makes possible the next move be faster. Qi (气). There are several ways to work out this technique and allow the strength coming out in full. When you are training Shaolin Xiao Hong Quan (少 林 小洪 拳), you'll have to combine low and slow steps with very fast steps, and keep breathing under control at all times. When you throw a punch, you release the air; when you withdraw your hand, you take in the air. Exhaling should be done by a strong and short strike of air. This Tao Lu (套路) can be performed shouting or not in the blows. If you decide to use the shouting method, remember that the shout must come from the abdomen, not from the throat, and the sound has to be like a dry and short burst. Masters do not harm anyone; they are Masters of their bodies. Buddha

Conclusion There are many different techniques and Tao Lu (套 路 ) within the Shaolin Kung Fu (少 林 功 夫 ), but certainly the Shaolin Xiao Hong Quan (少林小洪拳) is a routine that anyone interested in learning this martial art should know in depth. If a student gets to learn successfully this technique in an accurate and deep way, this will help him progress in learning other Tao Lu (套路) forms, because it contains the very essence of Shaolin Kung Fu (少林功夫). Capturing in a book the content and meaning of this Tao Lu (套路) is a hard task, but here are the keys to the development and refinement of the Shaolin Xiao Hong Quan (少林小洪拳). Without doubt, the serious student who is really interested in learning this form will surely have to work hard for a long time before attaining an excellent quality in his movements. But, as stated above, the Gong Fu (功夫) consists of a constant and determined work aiming to overcome difficulties. The real Gong Fu (功夫) starts from now on in the training camp, using the exercises described, perfecting technique, controlling the mind, using the Qi (气) and, of course, enjoying and feeling pleasure to practice this martial art. The Shaolin Gong Fu (少林功夫) is much more than a sports or a method of traditional wrestling, since it has been created and shaped through centuries by combining confirmed physical experiences with a deep mental knowledge. It might seem that for practicing Gong Fu (功夫) it shouldn't be necessary to know Chinese culture, or their customs or philosophy, etc., but, undoubtedly, the student who delves into these fields will get to know the authentic Gong Fu from a new and totally different dimension, and he will be able to combine and harmonize all its parts in his own lifestyle.

Shifu Shi Miaozhi , is one of the best teachers who have emerged from the best generation of teachers of Shaolin , and he is a highly respected student of Master Shi de Yang. In this DVD he is going to introduce one of the most characteristic forms of the Shaolin style, Xiao Hong Quan . The origin of this Tao Lu is halfway between a historical reality and a legend. It is centuries-old but today it is still considered essential in the teaching of this martial art , because it contains the essence of Shaolin Gong Fu and is a good tool for learning the method of the Great Palm, Zhang Fa Palm Techniques. One of it s main features is that it is famous for its effectiveness in real combat . Shaolin Xiao Hong Quan could be defined as a Tao Lu whose development is accurate and with rhythm, the technique is powerful and strong, and when executed properly you could say it is like the wind . This is Tao Lu basic steps and movements from other types of Gong Fu . It can be said that it has a full set of combinations of techniques based on the movement of the hands, legs, eyes, step and footwork, and the whole system of theory and practice on the offensive and defensive projections. The DVD includes warm ups , a training routine at different speeds and angles , and step by step techniques for self-defense applications . A routine that anyone interested in learning this martial art should know in depth.


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The 16 Combat Strategies of Weng Chun Kung Fu – Part 1 Weng Chun Kung Fu evolved from two main lineages of Chinese martial arts history. First, there s the Weng Chun Kung Fu dating back to the time of the Shaolin temples, and furthermore the somewhat younger tradition of Weng Chun Kung Fu as it was practiced and handed down in secret within the Red Junk Opera Company during the Manchu reign. The 16 combat strategies of Weng Chun stem from this period of the underground movement. Loi Lau Hoi Song Huen Lau Kau Da Kwun Fun Jeet Tschuen Chum Kiu Biu Chi

opponent opens himself, loosing his center – thus providing to the Weng Chun combatant a breach as well as the power to use it for his own counter attack. An experienced Weng Chun fighter flows with the opponent s power and finds his way into extreme close distance, where he uses his proven tools such as strikes with knees and elbows, or specific combinations of punching and grappling or throwing and punching techniques. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, which is also taught within the International Weng Chun Kung Fu Association, shares a similar approach by striving to lure the opponent into grappling range, from where he would be forced into ground combat and finally into submission. The Weng Chun combatant likewise seeks to get into close range to control his opponents with combinations of punches, throws, joint locks, chokes etc., however he intends to remain standing on his feet while containing the opponent from above using specific kneeling techniques.

The intention was to develop a system both quickly to be learned and applicable for efficient self-defense, which would allow for even experienced opponents to be defeated by surprise. A strong focus was put on extreme close range combat where the opponent would be forced and held into, not allowing him to gain distance again. This is described by the first four words of the 16 combat strategies: Loi Lau Hoi Song.

Loi Lau (“when it comes, stay with it”) The common instinctive reaction to a threat is tension, exerting force against force. The Weng Chun combatant however surprises his opponent by seemingly not defending himself, rather encouraging him to attack and press forward. He is not using force against the opponent s force, but rather stays and “flows” with it, using it to his own advantage. That is the meaning of Loi Lau. The attacker doesn t realize how he s being lured into a trap using his own force, finding himself caught in a situation that he can hardly escape. Inapt fighters leave their opponents hardly any scope for mistakes. They tense up and right from the start try hard to prevent any opportunities from emerging. This, however, also entails that the opponent tenses up as well and withholds his power, acting carefully not to lose his center. This is where the principle of Loi Lau applies. A good fighter opens a “door” for his opponent, inviting him to “enter” and attack. This is when the trap snaps shut, because by attacking, for example with a sidekick, the

Text: Andreas Hoffmann, Christoph Fuß, Photos: Gabriela Hoffmann & Budo International

Hoi Song (“when it leaves, accompany it”) When the attacker realizes that he is about to be trapped, he seeks to retreat and regain distance, but is being prevented to do so by the Weng Chun practitioner who follows and subdues him, usually by attacking him from the side or the back. That is the meaning of Hoi Song. Loi Lau Hoi Song represents a paradigm shift within Weng Chun Kung Fu. While Shaolin Weng Chun also uses long distance strikes, the Weng Chun that stems from the Red Junk- tradition solely concentrates on extreme close distance methods. These are especially suitable for selfdefence or within the private security sector, but also have their limits: For MMA or Sanda, or in general for combat over all distances, it s certainly advisable to also learn Shaolin Weng Chun, which is part of the curriculum within the International Weng Chun Kung Fu Association headed by Sifu Andreas Hoffmann.

Weng Chun

Weng Chun

Weng Chun

Jujutsu - The Ways and the Time Throughout my life I've had the opportunity of knowing many types and lines of Jujutsu which I had never heard of. I've always thought that the opportunity to learn is even more sublime than the mere act of observing. Today, Europe is full of self-defense systems that receive the most varied names, which are increasingly demonstrating that "each head has its own hat and its own judgment." At an experimental observation level, this is wonderful. Man is gradually separating from the eastern origins of the Martial Arts and discovering that secrets no longer exist. Nowadays, if we look at it in a realistic way, those who remain stuck on a traditional or classical school are but a few devotees of the old ways, considering that, in most cases, the vast majority prefer the new systems, or even choose the freedom to fly here and there ... and learn from everyone. If we look back, we realize that the current world of Martial Arts is not so different than that of the East 300 years ago. Japan achieved the feat of having over 400 different styles of Kenjutsu! Now imagine China, with its countless styles of Kung Fu... Who could affirm then what was true or what was false? Likewise, who can say in our days which system is the most effective? We can point out the better organized schools and, therefore, the ones that offer a greater learning guarantee to their followers. However, this is not synonymous with having a better or worse technique, or that it is infallible! Of course, getting involved in the countless and confusing discussions about who knows more or who’s the best is absurd and illusory, meaningless... Claiming that there is or there is not martial truth, when current life is empty and shallow, has no meaning - living the way we live, what is true?! So we are not going to fabricate now a unique and specific sense of what is true and real. Each path must respond by itself to the needs of those who follow it. Krishnamurti says: "We need to establish a correct behavior, so that the mind is in complete order. A mind which is tortured, frustrated, shaped by its surroundings, which submits to the established social moral is, in itself, confusing; and a confused mind can't discover what the truth is." If we follow the guidelines of Lao Tse, we'll find truth and falsehood in everything. We must understand this idea very clearly: through a method, a system, or by fitting to a certain patter n or tradition, the mind is capable of discovering such Reality. Learning is infinitely more important than observing!

Traditional Arts One late evening, Juliana and I were with some friends on the balcony of my house. One of them, a professor of anthropology at one of the Catalonia Universities asked me: Torite? Imprisoning?? I had the feeling that I should respond in greater depth: Imprison (from Prison) - VT, to put or keep in prison; jail; detain; incarcerate; intern; confine. Actually, no one imprisons anyone. We adapt to the situations that life offers us and from there, we position ourselves according to the interests of the given moment. There's nothing more special than watching the reactions of a captured person. Perhaps the Torite has to do just with the moment in which the TORI-UKE actions merge. You don't need establishing the proper base to get a true understanding. Without the right thinking, wouldn't our understanding be illusory, considering that the moment is presenting us the imprisoned Uke's image? Yet, it's no more than his body: this is the point! Understanding is relatively easy; each one understands according to his or her own conditioning. We understand in accordance with our beliefs and ideals ... For a young student, practicing movements and Kata at high speed might seem wonderful. If we seek different schools, we'll see that tradition and beliefs determine o u r understanding; in the case of senior students, they don't attach to anything. When they perform their sequences they simply make them; they allow the moment

dictates the correct form. Life then achieves its goals through the reaction method. I once heard: "Let him move, he'll soon get tired". A fairly strong man was trying to loosen the ties and knots made on him in one of the Hojojutsu sequences applied in the Torite. What that statement meant was clear: when we're into a fight, launching an attack means to excite an equivalent reaction, under the universal law of balance. As you see, here we are speaking in terms of utilitarian psychology, since we know all too well that man doesn't understand or move but on the basis of a given advantage. And the advantage in this case is, for each one, a state of happiness scarcely depending on itself, and not on the environmental conditions and the will of others. The young man who feels lucky to learn alleged techniques of the ancient Samurai warriors; the old man, who understands the moment and the imprisonment... The position of Uke, in analogy with the modern materialistic world, shows despair of being imprisoned, limited ... From the point of view of Tori, it is projected by the sensory pathways, which are called objective, completely to the outside, and it's only there where he seeks the solution to his problems (that is, to tie the prisoner). We follow an opposite path. Instead of acting on effects, we penetrate into the causes, into the spiritual substance of things and problems, having previously understood how everything works. It is about understanding, and then acting in a way entirely different than usual. The sources of knowledge and power, wealth and health are not, as most believe, in the material world, external to us, but within the spiritual. It's about dominating the moment - so that we don't get imprisoned by circumstances. From the point of view of Jujutsu, Torite, Hojojutsu, everything that is accomplished on that, is merely a consequence of what was first accomplished on this. Everything stems from a center of the universe, which gover ns all ... After the ropes are unleashed, and the true paths projected by Tori and Uke are reflected, we verify that we are free and we can, if we want, reach consciousness. But everything comes from within and nothing will be all right outside, if it hasn't previously been well marked inside. Just by changing to the better we can positively transform our whole life. Indeed, every moment, every

technique, every understanding, are but demonstrations of spiritual and consciential ways we no longer need. Tori, the technique, the rope ... They are but forms... just that! "No problem is over before we conclude it completely." (She Wilcox Settle the Question Right). Moreover, within a rational analysis of the search path as an object, a conquest, there comes a time when the idol image is broken and new factors pass to interfere and sustain that same search, as an accessing path to a specific point. This means that real searchers are only interested in true experiences on the realities and illusions, so present in traditional schools. A great teacher (whose name I'll reserve) who got a PHD doctorate at an English University, told me once: "History is the source of all lies!" Since his last research in Japan, after being humiliated as a student in the mid-twentieth century - while still a young dreamer - he made up his mind that all that mattered to him was what concerns preservation. This meant breaking with the old and traditional values, expanding the horizon through the physics and history in a pragmatic and rational way. According to his research in centers considered impartial and laic, such as academic laboratories, state archives and others, long ago, traditional Martial Arts had become museum and admiration objects. A new

mentality, modern and sports, attacks Japan! This is a search that is taking place in the emerging institutions. In the past, it would be unthinkable that a Gaijin could give Martial Arts classes in Japan. Today, not only foreigners, but also foreign arts, are earning their space in the land of the Rising Sun. The old Budo collides with new dreams and lifestyles. A barrage of skeptical and aggressive temptations is invading schools and adulterating what is thought to be a martial culture. The Japanese are now invited to demonstrate their myths and legends, old and inflexible, and explore the new ways of the world and empiricism. Naturally, an increasing consensus of searchers with an "open mind" states that the truth of Budo, seen as a real art and not as a sport, is "too divisive" to fit into the new vision of arts that attempt to unify methods and styles influenced by the effect of globalization and new discoveries. In the past, I've seen many times a certain master telling stories, saying this and that, and leaving everyone open-mouthed and astonished. Positively, today someone would test such person, considering that is the current fashion... which, of course, doesn't make it a polite and ethical act! I certainly say that education and ethics can never travel on this route; every one with his particular needs and vanities, right? In truth, nothing is

Traditional Arts different from the ancient times of Musashi, Yagyu and others. It cannot be denied that, for centuries, there has been a manipulative influence through the information on Japanese Combat methods. In this contemporary era, strategies (adopted in the arts of the new paradigm, such as MMA, K1) that transform systems that focus their practices in rings, challenges, promotion of millionaires events (which, as in ancient arenas, seek the overcoming of man against another man), have set a new martial universe and have become the main agents of change in the world of Budo. Perhaps this c o u l d reformulate the

ignorance and arrogance of so many masters, who in the twentieth century with the expert use of words and the complexities of the systems - how deluded! -, have tended to blindfold us to the strange alliances and manipulative strategies. Well, let their conscience be their guide! "He who does not regard what he has as the biggest wealth, will always be unhappy, even if he is the master of the world" (Epicurus, fragment, 474) Meanwhile, it seems that human being is so afraid to be deceived, that he is no longer concerned about the rational line of his thought. In many cases, defense mechanisms are created, in which it is preferred to believe what is written on the cover of a book, than to read what actually exists in its content. That's us with car

brands, clothing, universities, schools... Truths and lies begin deeply within us. We can say and be sure that our eyes will find what they seek. Europe has so many styles of Jujutsu, Jiu Jitsu, Jujitsu, as ancient Japan had. It is true that for good men, it doesn't matter; nothing is more important than each one's personal way. We have a lousy habit to establish what is permitted and what is not permitted. It'd be much better wishing that a determined person could prosper in his or her way; because nothing will change my personal or sentimental life, if so and so is making a "false" or a "true" Jujutsu. I will never understand this premise that the world must be made safe from fraudsters. Even in our own personal history we can find many impostors; considering that many of them are part of our intimate and familiar environment...

Ah! But that's different, right? Each one with his or her truths and lies, dreams, happiness, sadness ... Instead of trying to remedy the evil, those who hold power and culture, should have the obligation of taking the initiative to correct it internally in their thoughts and feelings. "Before intending change the world, go around your own home three times." The system of this charity of salvation of impostors and false, and in fact, paternalistic beneficence, is very convenient for the enshrined professional; considering that this, when unsure, is incapable of having competitors. Many of my teachers when they saw something with which they didn't agree, they said: "It looks like..." Good reputation is inside, for oneself; good men don't fear being alone with their thoughts. They understand that what is evident doesn't need to be highlighted! It's simple; being the Universe ever present in its various evolutionary phases and dimensions through which beings go across in the infinite, the limit of perceptible only exists in individual perception means and not in the phenomena. So, for example, human ear does not extend beyond a determined range of sound vibration frequency; beyond that, perception stops. Thus, there are no boundaries in the perceptible, but in the relativity of our evolutionary position; if this rises, the perceptible also expands automatically. In depth, necessity has always been the mother of progress. Let's see: Unlike what is commonly thought in tropical countries, the cold is really significant for the war. To begin, we must remember that the human being is a homoeothermic animal, i.e.,

Traditional Arts there is a narrow band of temperatures - which is around 36.1 ° C - within which our body can operate properly regulating the functions of our cells; outside this band, serious problems can occur and even cause death. Imagine what would it be a battle ??at a temperature of 30º below zero. To avoid that our body temperature falls outside this narrow strip, our organism has created defense mechanisms. When the environment is cold and we start losing heat, first the small “arrector pili” muscles, that are attached to hair follicles spread throughout the body, are automatically contracted. That contraction produces immediately the well-known chills, a wave of muscle

shake throughout the body. That trembling, which immediately extends to other muscles, is our first protection, because shivering with cold is a mechanical process to generate heat. Bugei masters of ancient times Sengoku period - said that their men should be prepared for any attack at any time. This means that an attack at the break of day, at less than 10 º, 15 º ... requires something, but what? Kanetsu is a Japanese word that means heating; in this case internal heating. Initially used by teachers of Jujutsu, considering that Kenjutsu provides another view of this episode, such practice consists of raising the existing Ki in the hara, through specific breathing practices (Danbo), bass sounds emitted from the inside out, which are studied in Haragei (Kinmekki no Oto). With this practice they seek to raise the Ki to the skin layer, so that the bristly hairs assist in the retention of an air layer on the skin and, as the air is a good insulator, here is our first natural shelter. The colder the weather, more air is trapped and the better the natural shelter. Hence the fact that it is correct to state that this technique hails from

the peoples and masters who lived in Hokkaido. The more Caucasian origin of the Ainu reinforces this vision and possibility. In birds, such coat is formed by the feathers. A student asked me one time: "But why do we contract all our muscles closing and shrinking the body during breathing?" Let's see. Another natural protection of the body is that of "making ourselves a ball of yarn"; we close our hands, cross the arms, shrink our legs and curve the body all in order to reduce the external surface exposed - the smaller the exposed surface, the smaller the area through which heat can escape into the atmosphere. If you observe carefully, in the cold, cats sleep completely coiled, oxen come close as much as they can among themselves; nature in its infinite wisdom teaches us that the secret is to decrease the exposed surface! When this is not enough, we must resort to winter clothes - that make thicker layers of air around our skin, providing a greater insulation. In a deep way, masters seek the comprehension that everything that exists, exists also within us. So, if we take the determined resolve of achieving full understanding, everyone will also have that resolution at the same time. So there is no difference between our mind and time; they are linked by the resolve of achieving the highest understanding. That's when the term Kanetsu, in many cases, was associated with the state and the heating of the mind in search of understanding, that has nothing to do with the term "hot head" of Westerners. Max Gehringer tells something curious:

A matter of repositioning In professional life, there is much talk about the need for change, the collapse of paradigms, reconstruction and engineering renewal. This can be good, but it can also be a trap. That's what happened with two fleas. Two fleas were chatting among themselves and one said to the other: - You know what our problem is? We do not fly; all we can do is jump. Therefore, our ability to survive when we are perceived is null. That's why in the world there are many more flies than fleas: flies fly. So the fleas made ??the decision to learn to fly. They hired a fly as a consultant, signed up for an intensive program and went out flying. After some time, the first flea said to the other: - Flying is not enough, because we get stuck to the dog's body. Therefore, our response time is less than the dog's scraping speed. We must learn to do like bees, who suck and take flight quickly. And fleas hired the consulting service of a bee, who taught them the art of "reach-suck-fly". It worked, but didn't solve. The first flea said: - Our blood storage bag is very small, so we have to be sucking long. We do escape, but we are not feeding properly. We must learn from the grasshoppers, so that we can feed faster. And a grasshopper taught them how to increase the size of the abdomen. And the two fleas were happy ... but not for long. As they had grown in size, the dog could easily notice them approaching and began to drive them

away even before they could perch on him. Then they met up with a jumping little flea of the old times: - Hey, what's happened to both of you? You are huge! Did you get aesthetic surgery? - Well, now we're fleas adapted to the big challenges of the XXI century. We fly instead of jumping, we bite quickly and we can store much more food. - Then why do you look so malnourished? - That is temporary. We are already consulting with a bat to teach us the art of radar. How about you? - Oh, I'm fine, thanks. I'm strong and agile. It was true. The flea looked good and well fed. But the two big fleas refused to give in: - Aren't you worried about the future? Haven't you ever thought of a consultancy? - And who says I don't have one? I hired a slug as a consultant. - What? What slugs have to do with fleas? - Everything. I had the same problem as you two, but instead of telling the slug what I wanted, I let her assess the situation and suggest the best solution. The slug stayed still for three days, watching the dog, taking notes and thinking. Then the slug gave me the diagnosis of the query: "You do not need to do anything radical to be more efficient. Often, a big change is just a simple matter of repositioning". - What does that mean? - What the slug told me to do was: "Sit on the dog's crown. It's the only place that he can't reach it with his paw."

Experts The Great Hagakure Paradox - An Affirmation of Life? Properly titled Hagakure-kikigaki (literally “Dictations given hidden by leaves”), Hagakure is undeniably the most infamous treatise on bushido, and possibly the most misunderstood. Completed in 1716, it consists of 11 books containing approximately 1,300 aphorisms and contemplations concerning the people, histor y, and cultur e of the Saga domain in the southern Japanese island of Kyushu. The first two books of Hagakure were dictated by Yamamoto Jōchō Tsunetomo (1659–1719), a middle-ranking retainer of Lord Nabeshima Mitsushige (1632–1700), to fellow clansman Tashiro Tsuramoto (1678–1748). Books 3 to 6 are about the Nabeshima lords and episodes that occurred in the Saga domain; Books 7 to 9 delve into the “meritorious feats” of Saga warriors; Book 10 is a critique of samurai from other provinces; and Book 11 provides supplementary information about miscellaneous events and various aspects of warrior culture. Some of the vignettes are short and to the point; others are quite long and convoluted, and difficult to make sense of without a sound contextual understanding of the dilemmas faced by samurai in a time of peace. In a nutshell, Hagakure is a memoir of Jōchō’s service in the

Nabeshima clan chronicling the feats of individual samurai, and the trials and tribulations of trying to succeed in the samurai’s community of honor. It serves as a fascinating window into the maelstrom of retainership and the strong emotional bonds that bound vassal and lord. It is violent in places, slightly erotic in others, but sought to clarify the purest kind of “hidden love” represented by absolute and selfless devotion to one’s overlord. Jōchō was so enamored with his lord that his greatest desire was to martyr himself and follow him to the afterlife. To his chagrin, the practice of self-immolation known as junshi had already been outlawed, so he retired from the mundane world and took the tonsure instead. It was at his hermitage shaded by the trees that Tsuramoto interviewed Jōchō in his twilight years. Some of the stories are told with thoughtful reflection, and others are passionate rants about the ideal mindset for a warrior. Rather than being a well-ordered philosophical discourse on bushido, the content represents an emotional rollercoaster ride, randomly plunging the reader into the darkest chasms of insanity, only to bring the tone back to a profound sense of equanimity and acceptance of the ephemeral nature of our existence. There is even the occasional smattering of humor to be gleaned from the pages if one looks for it. Hagakure’s underlying theme is absolute loyalty to one’s lord to the extent that a warrior must be “prepared to die” in the course of duty ‒ a notion symbolized by the legendary phrase, “The Way of the warrior is to be found in dying” (Bushidō to iu wa shinu koto to mitsuketari). The anonymous hero of the discourse is the kusemono ‒ that being a warrior who remains inconspicuous when things are calm in the realm, but can be relied on in times of calamity to serve his lord with matchless effectiveness and vigor, with no concern for self-preservation. In fact, Jōchō asserts that the only way a warrior can reach the praiseworthy heights of exemplary service is to live as if he was already dead ‒ to know that each and every moment could be his last. As long he was prepared for his imminent death, then he would be liberated from the shackles of egotistic desire, and his life would be so much more meaningful for it. Different ranks of samurai had distinctive duties and responsibilities, but self-sacrifice (death) predicated on fanatical service to lord and clan was emblematic of personal honor, and was ultimately the defining moment of an admirable life.


Predictably, such notions of total self-sacrifice fitted well with the designs of Japan’s militaristic machine before and during WWII. Most readers will immediately conjure up images of kamikaze pilots and their one-way missions to certain death. Indeed, pilots were not unknown to have pocket-sized editions of Hagakure in their jackets as they flew to their doom. That is why the book was shunned in the postwar period as representing an irrational and repugnant ideal that glorified meaningless death and warmongering. Books such as Hagakure were subjected to intense criticism as being tools for militaristic propaganda that sought to instill Japanese youth with an indomitable sense of patriotism, and prepare them to discard their own lives for the emperor and the mother country. Hagakure provided a powerful and emotive creed for wartime ultranationalists, in no small part due to its one-dimensional affirmation of loyalty to the point of “frenzied death” (shini-gurui). Was this, however, a fair interpretation of what Jōchō really meant? Hagakure provides the reader with a window into the confusing predicament of samurai ‒ professional warriors ‒ in Pax-Tokugawa (1603-1868). Although Jōchō often comes across as a disgruntled old curmudgeon, grumpy at the degeneration of the age, one can detect method in his madness by reading between the lines. After painstakingly translating Hagakure over the last four years, I came to the realization that Jōchō’s morbid infatuation with death was actually an affirmation of life. It is possible to take his words literally, as the militarists did. In the course of translating the text, however, I was especially careful to avoid judging the content from a contemporary

moral stance (as much as that is possible), nor did I try to conveniently fashion his words into something that would have more significance to modern readers. Instead, I tried to ‘communicate’ with Jōchō (and Tsuramoto for that matter), and get to the crux of his angst and intent, contextualized by an historical understanding of samurai society. Although this also has its limitations, I feel that I was able to tap into the spirit that underlies Jōchō’s sentiments. Is Hagakure a useful book for understanding samurai military strategy? To a certain extent, but unlike other classic samurai treatises like Miyamoto Musashi’s Gorinno-Sho, it is not a book on strategy per se. Will it help your study of the martial arts? Certainly not from a technical perspective. Will it assist you in your comprehension of the didactic culture of the samurai, and the essence of that nebulous term ‘bushido’? Absolutely! And by virtue of that, it will certainly provide the reader with valuable clues for accessing the fundamental philosophy of Japanese martial arts. It is a stretch to claim that the “wisdom of the samurai” extracted from the pages of Hagakure will be life changing. Nevertheless, read with an open mind, Hagakure will press the reader to confront the reality of his or her mortality ‒ the transience of all things. On the surface, Hagakure is fraught with contradiction. A careful study of the text, however, will reveal that the seemingly paradoxical lessons being spiritedly espoused by Jōchō are in fact interdependent pieces of the puzzle of life. The greatest such paradox is the view that embracing the inevitability of one’s death (both figuratively and literally) is the most productive and honorable way to live.

“TAOWS Academy. Wing Tsun Advanced”. Sifu Salvador Sánchez Wing Tsun is an excellent style of Chinese boxing that permits a lifetime training experience and an integral development of the individual. Its ideas, techniques, philosophy etc , it all belongs to an ancient art and must be studied and understood in its whole. Sifu Salvador Sánchez focusses his second dvd on the wooden dummy and how it influences all of the Wing Tsun practice. Given that the wooden dummy form is taught at the final levels of the actual system of today, most practitioners that leave the system before time don't have the opportunity to know the ideas and concepts hidden within the form, and they cannot incorporate them in their practice. For TAOWS academy it is very important that the practitioner understands what he is doing always and in every aspect, and for this, in this dvd we are going to follow the same outline that we follow in our classes, seminars and training sessions. Our outline follows six steps, the first one is to develop an idea, what we want to achieve. The second part are the forms, Siu Nim Tao, Chum Kiu, Biu Jee, the wooden dummy form, depending on each s level, the third part is footwork, mobility understood. The fourth pillar is Chi Sao, Chi Gerk, stickiness, the soul of the system. The fifth element is non stickiness and no contact, to know what to do in order to reach contact with the opponent in a safe way.


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.

ORDERS: Budo international. net

Great Masters Learning how to use elbow strikes with the traditional forms of Muay Boran It is known to all that Muay Thai is the Martial Art with the deepest research about elbow techniques, which leads its followers to become true experts in the use of this powerful natural weapon. The elbows of a Nak Muay, "sharp" as blades or picks, can cause serious injury to the opponent's body, and each athlete can effectively resort to them as mighty weapons in the attack, or make them defensive shields, regardless of their physical structure. Elbows are used to hit in every aspect of the actions of attack and defense, as well as to block, catch, divert or crush. In this sense, elbow techniques include not only the bony prominence usually referred to as the "tip of the elbow", but also a part of the forearm. Among the numerous training systems used by Thai Masters to instruct their students in the use of elbow techniques, the most popular consists in striking repeatedly on the different items of the specialized Martial Arts training equipment: first on heavy sand bags, then on Paos and mitts. But training to impact is only a part of the preparation required to become an expert in the art of using the elbows, and it has to be complemented with the rest of the exercises of the workout session: A) Practicing the attacks with a partner in close-in combat training. B) Performing only sequences of elbow techniques. Actually, this latter procedure has virtually disappeared from the methods used today by the Kru Muay, and only some traditional schools and masters, like Master Sane Tubtimtong, keep instructing regularly their followers in the use of elbows in combat through the constant practice of Ram Muay forms. Similarly, the technical programs of the IMBA (International Muay Boran Academy) have always placed great emphasis on the research and practice of these forms and recently, many seminars have focused in deepening this subject. Let's analyze now in detail the various training methods that use the elbow Forms, keeping in mind that the apprenticeship of the sequences must follow a rigid progression path, starting from the elementary series, before getting into more complex practices of multiple attacks. The basic exercises are designed to teach the student how to automate the using of elbows by following eight main trajectories of attack; these exercises highlight the importance of using a rotational movement of the hips around the central axis of the body, in order to permit the arms collect the energy taken from the ground through that sharp turn and quick twisting of the hips. All this can be achieved only through a perfect coordination between the leg movements and the rest of the body. As with all exercises, these sequences should be first performed slowly and aiming to scrutinize the details of each blow, then in a fast and fluid way, and finally explosive and intentional. In this last phase, visualizing the opponent and his movements is essential to the correct execution of the sequence. Another of the obvious technical benefits (the good learning of both defensive and offensive actions) is that elbow exercises also increase the flexibility of the shoulder muscles as well as the upper and middle back area muscles. An elbow strike can't be based on the wrist joint and the elbow itself to generate power, as it happens, for example, in the fist, which uses a much longer kinetic chain. Suppleness in the back movements becomes a crucial element to successfully bring about an elbow strike; maintaining properly the back during the execution of the blow is an essential element to consider when carrying out this type of attacks, and the fair "concentration" can only be achieved through a constant and correct practice of basic elbow Forms. After improving their technical level, students can start in the practice of more advanced elbow Forms that combine other natural weapons with elbow strikes. The difficulty of overcoming this phase consists of acquiring an easiness in the movement of the forms that will permit insufflate a large acceleration to the weapons to be simultaneously used (e.g., elbow and knee) without "loading" excessively the undertaken actions, and making the attacks unpredictable and therefore, practically impossible to block.

The energy required will be impressed on an explosive contraction of the legs and trunk muscles, projecting itself with determination and forcefulness from the Nak Muay weapon against the opponent.

The study of the basic and advanced elbow Forms was, and still is, an indispensable complement in order to develop a seamless technique and unusual physical endowments; only by combining the practicing of exercises with the impact training, and the study of the different actions with a partner in the grappling sessions, can be achieve a level of excellence in the martial use of one of the most effective natural weapons available to practitioners of the Fighting Arts.

"FORCE MULTIPLIERS" - Part 1 by Grandmaster John Pellegrini Most martial artists are familiar with various historical circumstances that led to the development of certain unusual and "unorthodox" martial arts weapons in different parts of the World. Probably the first example to come to mind is the factual events of 1604 when Okinawa was invaded and occupied by Japan and its military forces forbade the local population from possessing and carrying any "military weapons" such as swords. The ingenious Okinawans responded by transforming innocent farming and fishing every-day implements into deadly weapons. Thus the Kama, the Tonfa, the Bo, the Nunchaku, etc…were born, became deadly weapons and they are still studied today in many traditional martial arts schools. The machete, the scarf, the bullwhip, the walking cane and the fan are just a few other examples of objects that were not originally intended as weapons but that were converted to that use by different cultures at different

“Those who believe that the police will be protecting them, are living in a fantasy world not in the real one”

“The police almost always arrives AFTER the violence has taken place and a little too late to protect you”

times. Interestingly, this process is still continuing in the present day in the self-defense community. But why, you may ask, in this age of high-tech handguns and high quality tactical blades, should we continue to research ways to transform ordinary objects into self-defense weapons? The answer is painfully simple and comes in two parts. The first is the reality that many laws strictly regulate the sale, possession and, most of all, the carrying of handguns and knives in most countries around the World. Those laws vary from nation to nation and range from strong control to absolute prohibition. (In the USA, where I live, the laws are different in all 50 States!). The second reason is the obvious fact that, even in the few places where you may be allowed to own and carry a weapon, you will not ALWAYS have it with you (think of an airplane as an example). But, before I continue with our discussion on improvised weapons in the martial arts and connect it specifically with Combat Hapkido, allow me to take a moment to share with you my personal philosophy on weapon laws: they are oppressive, unjust, and they unfairly "punish" law-abiding citizens by depriving them of the means to protect themselves. The laws are also mostly useless. Criminals, gangs and terrorists (by definition!) do not respect nor obey laws, no matter how many we put on the books, and they will always find ways to obtain weapons to inflict violence, injury and death on innocent victims. Those who believe that the police will be protecting them, are living in a fantasy world not in the real one. The police almost always arrives AFTER the violence has taken place and a little too late to protect you. Another disturbing and potentially dangerous aspect of prohibitive weapons laws is the historical evidence that in totalitarian regimes the military and police forces behave worse than the criminals and are more violent because of their absolute power over an unarmed population. I believe in freedom, individual responsibility and the right of good people to defend themselves and their loved ones and even to protect their property. It is very sad that most gover nments, unfortunately, do not trust the people to have weapons and do not care about the countless tragedies resulting from their paranoid laws. Therefore, to compensate for this sorry situation imposed upon us, we must turn our attention to the subject of "improvised weapons" and, like the Okinawan farmers of 400 years ago, we need to again exercise our creativity in finding defensive uses for regular, common, seemingly innocuous objects.

From the beginning, my vision for Combat Hapkido was of a well-structured, comprehensive and effective system of realistic self-defense, so it was logical (actually inevitable ) that in its syllabus we would include the study and proper use of selected personal protection items. We, correctly, refrain from calling them weapons because they are not and were not designed to be. They are objects of every-day use, available to anyone, and, most importantly, legal to possess and carry at any time, virtually everywhere in the World. We like to call them "Force Multipliers" because, quite literally, these items, when properly employed, greatly increase the power of empty hands techniques such as blocks, strikes, pressure points activation and joint manipulation. Substantially augmenting the force of a technique is particularly crucial in the frequent situation of a larger, stronger attacker assaulting a smaller, weaker person (think of the elderly, children, petite women, etc…). An expertly used Force Multiplier will go a long way to "even the odds". So, what are Combat Hapkido chosen Force Multipliers? Before I describe them to you, I need to take another short detour to make a certain concept absolutely clear: in an emergency, almost ANYTHING can serve as a self-defense tool (or a Force Multiplier). A hairbrush, a bottle, a laptop, a hat, a book, a briefcase, a shoe and a million other things around you can be successfully used to protect yourself against an attack. As students of the fighting arts, we must always be ready, open minded and resourceful. We must possess the "survival" spirit, without which, no weapon, real or improvised, will help us resolve combat in our favor. So it is important to understand that, just because we have selected a small group of specific objects to train with, wet are not disparaging other choices and we are not excluding the exploration and practice of other implements in our effort to improve our chances for survival. In part 2 of this article, we will review in details the arsenal of Force Multipliers in the Combat Hapkido system. We will take a close look at those objects and I will reveal to you why they were chosen, which type is of the best quality and even where to find them. Do not miss it…. I promise that your patience will be rewarded.

“I believe in freedom, individual responsibility and the right of good people to defend themselves and their loved ones and even to protect their property”

The DVD "Krav Maga Research and Development" comes from the will of four experts in Krav Maga and combat sports, Christian Wilmouth and Faustino Hernandez, Dan Zahdour and Jerome Lidoyne. To date, they lead several clubs and a group of twenty instructors and monitors from multiple disciplines, from Krav Maga or Boxing to the MMA, Mixed Martial Arts. This work is not intended to highlight a new method or a specific branch of Krav Maga, it simply aims to present a Krav Maga program that focuses on the importance of the "content" and share their experiences.


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.

ORDERS: Budo international. net


Talking to Sachiko KASE: By Martín Fernández Rincón

The idea of this interview arose just a month ago when Sachiko Kase, the youngest daughter of the late Taiji Kase master, told me that her sister Yumiko had written a book about her father's life. Then, we both thought to publish this on the best martial arts magazines. And Alfredo Tucci, kindly offered us his collaboration.

First, I want to thank you, your sister and your mother for the confidence you have placed in me. I have had the privilege of reading the draft of the book, with some great photos (mostly unpublished) and seeing the two DVDs that accompany them with numerous photos and video clips. And, I want to tell readers that, KASE's family has made a great c o n t r i b u t i o n t o Ta i j i Kase sensei fans, and people who did not know the sensei but, follow his teachings, of the hand, of those who were lucky enough to be his pupil. In these lines we will show details about the person to get to know the MASTER. Note: Some of the topics covered in this interview are treated more extensively in the book...

Great Masters 1- MF: This book and the audiovisual material that accompanies it is wonderful, deep and emotional. Could you tell us how the idea for this book came about, and why in the format of 2 DVDs + the Book? SK: I am happy to see that you liked the book. I really think that my sister Yumiko did a great job but you have to know that she has been working on it for more than 3 years!! Yes, you are right Martin. I think we make a very good team Yumiko and I. As we have very different characters, we complement one another; it could not

have been better!!! When my sister began to write the book, she didn't have any idea about the format of the book. So, we have started to gather many things like pictures and videos. Looking at all these material gathered, my sister had the idea of making a photo album with lots of private and personal pictures. As there were many pictures they could not put in the book, they had the idea of making a DVD with those pictures. Then, with all the videos gathered, she had the idea of making an special DVD which shows our father teaching in Europe. We wanted to show how he was teaching, the way he behaved with

the students, and above all, his wonderful techniques. The person responsible for this task had the good idea of choosing different techniques with different assistants. That was brilliant!!! After this first draft, she had to find out how to structure the book. She came to France to find inspiration, and I have scheduled interviews with some French students. One of them, Alain Verbeeck, a very close French assistant of my father, gave her the inspiration so that she could start the book. This is, how the package in this format (book + 2 DVD) came about. 1bis- MF: But what role did your mother, Mrs. KASE have in the writing of this book? SK: She was the source of the principal information, short stories and anecdotes, that my sister tells in the book; one of our great supporters as well!! She is still the pillar of the family!! 2- MF: And why has it now been written on the tenth anniversary of the death of your father? SK: At the beginning, we didn't think about writing it for this occasion‌ We needed time to recover after our father's death, and to be able to move forward again, in the way he had taught us. Then, came the idea of writing a book, to share our memories with those who loved our father. We thought we could release it earlier, but we had a lot of trouble in writing the book itself. There were many errors and misunderstandings in the English translation, the editorial staff in Tokyo has changed its staff because of internal troubles and so on... With all these delays, we have decided that it would be a good idea to release it for the 10th year commemoration of our father's death in 2014. 3- MF: The truth is that there are many questions that come to mind, but I will not reveal too much of it so that readers can enjoy it first hand like me. But, could you talk a little bit about how your mother contributed, so that her husband could devote his body and soul to the practice and teaching of karate? SK: Honesty, my father would not have been able to have the career he had without the unconditional support of my mother!!!.

Great Masters - Picture left: Sensei Taiji Kase when he was 14 years-old. - Large picture right: 1941, during WWII. Sensei Taiji Kase (far left, in his junior high school uniform) with his parents & siblings. - Centre picture below: in the middle: a treasured picture taken in a photo studio with his parents & younger brother Yasuaki in 1933.

I really think that my mother had a difficult time when she came to France with the 2 little children she had in 1967. She didn't speak the language, she had no friends, no family. She must have felt very lonely. France and Paris were completely different at that time (46 years ago). Very few Japanese people, no Japanese food store, no Japanese TV channel. But she never complained. But, speaking only about my mother is not enough according to me. There is another member of the family I would like to talk about and who has contributed greatly in my father's history and family: my elder sister Yumiko!!. 3bis- MF: Can you tell us more about this? SK: If it is true that my mother was a pillar of the family, it is because she could count on her first daughter. This is something which is not revealed in the book, because she is the writer, but I'd find it interesting to talk about this.As my mother had difficulties in speaking French,

my elder sister helped her from a very young age. And she also played a big role beside my father and I can say that, in a certain way, she was my father's first assistant !!! She also played a major role when I was a teenager and when I was often in conflict with my father. As I arrived in France when I was 3 years-old, I was more “Frenchâ€? in my mind and I found his strict budo education quite difficult to bear, for me unlike my elder sister. So, I argued with my father, because I have the same strong independent character as him. My mother and sister had a really hard time, caught in between, and they have suffered very much due to this‌ Today, I feel bad about it, but at that time, I had no other way to express myself!! However, my sister and my mother have always tried to stand up for me, because they didn't want the family to split. 4- MF: Definitely, your father was one of the most important masters of the twentieth century because he had a long

Karate career with great significance globally. In fact, there have been other great masters of this style, but very few have left such a profound and illustrious legacy (Ha). Kase Ha Shotokan Ryu, is recognized as a specific and original line of work all over the world. Then, what do you and your family feel knowing that

your father's work is alive, and he has followers in many countries? SK: We find it is amazing that after 10 years, people are still continuing his work through Kase-Ha Academy, in other places, or in their own dojo. We feel very happy of course and proud. The most unbelievable thing is, that the closest assistants and students, are still in touch with us in France and in other European countries. And this, is the biggest legacy for us, a legacy coming from the heart, it is really priceless. When you compare what's usually happening when a great master (not only in karate) disappears, it's just incredible. Usually, even if

- Picture left: Sensei Kase's wedding on 15 April 1952. - Picture middle: During their honeymoon in April 1952, in a “ryokan�, a Japanese-style hotel, in Shuzenji. - Picture above: Sensei Taiji Kase with his elder daughter Yumiko, around 1963. - Picture right: Sensei Taiji Kase with his daughters & Sensei Shirai in their garden, January 1965. The building in the background is Sensei Kase's self-made Karate dojo.

Great Masters there is a continuation at the beginning, it fades away quickly. The most incredible thing is the impact my father had on his direct students. Recently, I went to a French seminar to do the promotion of our book. I met very young students who had never met my father, and had never been taught by him. But they, are learning from those who knew him directly and it is just amazing how alive he is. 5- MF: In your opinion, how did your father feel about the mission of teaching and transmitting to us what he learned from his teachers and instructors and all that he included of his own? SK: He had Faith and Belief in what he was teaching, the teaching of sensei Yoshitaka Funakoshi, his sensei. My father had a shock when he passed away, and you can notice that, my father passed away the same date: 24th November. What he did on his own was to develop sensei Yoshitaka's learning. 6- MF: Could you tell us if your father told you about his concer ns regarding the

development and involvement of his students in different countries? And if so, in what aspects did he used to talk more? SK: Just before he died, my father wanted to go back to South Africa, the first country he visited when he went abroad for the first time from Japan. My father liked this country very much. He wanted to give his support to his Shotokan students, as other karate styles were developing. We wanted to go with all the family !! 7- MF: Kase sensei was always very happy and involved with what he did. But, could you tell us how was a normal day in your father's life when he was at home?. What kind of things did he used to do? SK: When he was not teaching, he liked to rest at home. He needed to recharge his batteries, because he had a very interesting, but very tiring and “stressful� job in the way he paid attention to everything and everybody. So that's, why when he was at home, he

Karate liked reading a lot. It is a quiet activity which enables him to rest and to stay “active” in a way, to learn things. So, regularly, he used to order lots of books from the Japanese bookstore “Junku” that my mother used to go and get for him. He also liked to collect cameras and different parts of them. He liked to test them. He also had a telescope that was installed near the window of our living room to watch

the stars when it was possible. He also had a collection of watches that he kept with care in a box. My sister and I have shared them at his death. He loved my mother's home-made cooking. She really cooks well. When he was in a good mood, he liked to share his free time and his experiences from his trips with us, what he ate, who he met etc... We were privileged for these precious moments we had with him. 8- MF: Everyone who knew him knows that he was and he is loved and respected. But, have you had any kind of problem after Kase sensei death?

- Picture left: 1960, during a trip to South Africa. - Picture centre: 1971, during a summer camp in Saint-Raphael. - Picture right: 1975, at his “Fudo Karate Club” dojo. - Small picture above: Sensei Taiji Kase with his elder daughter Yumiko, summer 1960.

Great Masters For example, some groups or people have tried to claim to be the true representatives of sensei kase? SK: Yes, it is true. 1 or 2 years after his death, some French and European students pretended to be his heir. Recently, at the end 2013, just before Xmas, a very close assistant of my father, claimed to be the same. We just thought that, as my father was so nice towards everyone, some

“arrogant” people think that they have the right to do so. Unfortunately, these guys didn't understand very much about my father's teaching. They are not numerous, but this is just shocking and we have no words to describe such an attitude. We just have pity for them. Now, it would be very interesting to know what a “real” heir or “official” successor has to do. Because many people talk about that, but I am not sure that people understand the real meaning of all this!!! This is a very interesting topic we can develop further!! 9- MF: I have heard about your association AKS (Amicále Kase Souvenir) but I don't know very much about it. Can you explain me what it is?

SK: AKS is an association I have created with all the members of my family, including my mother and my Elder sister Yumiko who wrote the book. It was created when my father was still alive by the end of 2003. Its aim was to work with my father at his side to give him a “support” as I realized that when I came back from Japan in 2002, and when my father got sick in 2003, we could have financial problems if we didn't do something. That's why, I have asked for support from everybody, including the French federation, and I started to do a good job until he died 1 year later. I was devastated, because just at the moment when I started to reconnect with my father after leaving home at 22 years old. I have no word to describe what I felt at that time. But at least, I have spent a whole year at his side, discussing various subjects and above all karate, his favourite topic, with him. When he was good humoured, he could speak for hours, but when he was tired or felt no mood for that, he just remained silent. It took us 10 years for the family, to accept his death and to move forward

Great Masters again, in the way he had taught us. And because people who really loved my father kept on supporting us, now, the aim of AKS is to maintain and perpetuate our father's legacy, like writing a book which will be available soon. We also keep contact with everybody who has counted on my father in France and abroad. That's why we (my mum & I) will travel quite a lo t this y ear fo r t his s pecial occasion. My sister Yumiko will join us when she can. AKS represents my father and I will do my best to stay worthy of his name. My mother and my sister are always behind me. I have their support, as long as I stay faithful and honest in what I am doing. I have several projects I would like to do, but it is too early to talk about that. I would like first, to see how people react to our package (Book+ DVD). Then, I will decide what to do. 10- MF: A word concerning the KSK-Academy? SK: The Academy which was created while my father was still alive has to continue without him. Dirk

Heene, the president, has the difficult assignment of continuing to direct the Academy without my Father. Our family has always kept in contact with him and supported him as much as we could. My mother is the honorary president. 11- MF: Your father told me that when he was teaching in Japan, he sometimes, felt misunderstood because the Japanese did not understand very well the focus of his work. He said: I feel more understood in other countries ... but he was also a little prankster. What can you tell us about it? SK: I think that my father's teaching and his way of thinking, suited more to occidental people than Japanese People, even if he was born in Japan and had his education in Japan. That's why he felt the need to go abroad and to live somewhere in Europe. Because he loved France for a very special reason, he decided to settle down in France. 12-MF: Can you tell us about a time when your father was especially happy about any Karate event or karate life?

SK: He was especially happy when he was talking about the 4th dimension karate. When he was in good mood, he could talk about that for hours, trying to explain to me and my sister what this 4th dimension karate was about. As I didn't understand everything, and being very far from it, I have asked very close assistants for some more explanations. But, they couldn't answer me either. 13- MF: Besides all that we have said in this conversation, is there anything in particular that you would like to convey to the readers, so they know the more human family and professional life of your father? SK: For my part, I would say that my father had the same kind of problems with his daughters, especially me, as any other father!! So, in a certain way, we are a family like many others, except for one thing: my father was exceptional in what he did!! He always kept this wonderful quality in his personality, which is to be interested in people he met and to be curious at any time. His eyes were always twinkling. A real big family event for my father was the birth of my nephew Yuusuke. My father was really happy when his

Karate grand son Yuusuke was born. and Yuusuke had received a huge influence from my father. If it is true, that they haven't lived together, my sister managed to come to visit my parents as much as she could. For example, before going to Chile, my sister came to spend two months in Paris and

Yuusuke was 3 years-old. They spent time together and Yuusuke has unforgettable memories even at that age!! Then, they have been living for 3 other years in Argentina (between 9 & 11). My father passed away at that moment, so Yumiko, came with Yuusuke. and he has lived the death of his grandfather first hand. In fact, Yuusuke was present at very special moments of my father's life, so he will keep these memories (good & bad) forever!! 14- MF: Nelson Mandela recently deceased and I know that your father greatly admired this great person. Could you talk about the topic?

Great Masters SK: Absolutely yes. There is no doubt that my father has been inspired by this great person. Especially when he had difficulties with different organizations, financial partners or students who betrayed him. Nelson Mandela had this strong conviction in his fight because he knew what was right. Even while kept in jail for 27 years, he was able to keep Faith. And then, to be able to forgive the people who were responsible for his captivity… My father has always kept this strong conviction, because he wanted to continue the karate of sensei Yoshitaka Funakoshi. If you belong to a big organization, you cannot do what you want. You have to make compromises. He didn't make any. He wanted to remain free to be able to pursue the karate he wanted to develop. Freedom has its price, that's why he didn't get very rich (but he had enough money to live comfortably) because he wanted his family and especially the

daughters to REALLY appreciate the things we had. What I appreciate the most, it is this legacy he left us, my sister and I: All this Budo education has enabled us to survive and has enabled us to pump up the power that we had somewhere deep inside us. It is, also, to be connected to the people he loved and took care of, these people who had supported us during difficult moments. 15- MF: Your father was a great reader of many subjects. Do you remember the name of one of the last books your father read? SK: His last reading was magazines only. A magazine he appreciated very much was: Bungei Shunjun, a japanese monthly magazine, that I would compare with “L'Express”, Le Nouvel Observateur” or “Le Figaro”, in France but more oriented literature. I don't know the equivalent in the other countries.

16- MF: Could you comment to us, when your father and Shirai sensei were invited by the French government to make an exhibition to mark the relay the Olympic torch at the Olympic Winter Games January 1, 1968 in Grenoble? SK: It was one of the biggest moment in his life. He thought it was a great honor to demonstrate karate, a Japanese budo in such a great occasion. It was just a dream for him. 16bis. What impact could it have on the life of your father? SK: It had a huge impact in his implication of the teaching karate in France. 17- MF: One of the features that characterized the teaching of your father was freedom, far from stereotypes and gridded rules, he just encouraged us to train, rethink and practice, in his karate there were no shortcuts. But, there were people who tried to put impediments for not having the degree that was required by the French government ... ? SK: I don't like to talk too much about this because the query of the French government at that time was just amazing!!! And because my father was so hurt after this episode!!! 18- MF: In my opinion, it is very difficult to write about your father, without mentioning his student and friend: Hiroshi Shirai sensei. What can you tell us about the relationship between them and their families? SK: It is long story of Great Strong Friendship which started a long time ago, before I was born. There are lots of things to tell you about. They first met at the JKA ,when my father was already an instructor, and Shirai was the assistant of sensei Nishiyama. Sensei Shirai was accepted at the JKA as a trainee. It was in 1960. From that moment, their friendship began and never faded!!!! Sensei Shirai had this very severe training from my father, received himself from sensei Yoshitaka Funakoshi. All this happened before coming to Europe. So their relationship is much more than what you can imagine!!

THE CLASSICAL MAN by Richard Kim The author of THE CLASSICAL MAN, Richard Kim, was born on November 17, 1919 in Honolulu, Hawaii. His martial arts training began when he was six years old. This book features short stories originally published in Black Belt Magazine. Each short story concerns just one of many aspects of the martial arts. The first story is about a man named Hariya Sekiun, known as the greatest swordsman of his time. Through meditation he had managed to overcome his regrets and fears and settled into a quiet life. One day, while in his yard, he was approached by two men. They were there to challenge him to a fight because they wanted to test his skills. Hariya refuses to fight them. He also ignored all their rude comments, but the men continued to taunt him. Eventually the men headed back to town and told everyone that Hariya turned down a fight and that he didn’t have that ‘mighty blow’ he was famous for. After a while they returned and this time Hariya told one of the two men to put on a helmet and gave him a real sword to use. Hariya himself used a wooden sword. As soon as Hariya squared off with the man, he hit him on top of his helmet. The man dropped to the ground, blood pouring from his mouth. Richard Kim manages to bring the psychology of the martial arts into his stories, karate is afteralllll not just for fhe body but also for the mind. THE CLASSICAL MAN by Richard Kim is very popular, best selling book, published by Masters Publication in 1981. 194 pages US$29.95 paperback. Contact us at or see our website

TCS KNIFE FIGHTING CONCEPT Knife Cup 2014 - Competition in knife sparring Knife sparring and knife fighting - do they fit together? The answer is clearly Yes! The International Knife Cup will be held in Vienna for the fifth time this year, as a semi-contact point-fighting tournament. Every hit gets you a point, reaction, speed and agility are crucial, just like in real life.

Knife Defense

Peter Weckauf

November 15, 2014 is the big day: the International Knife Cup will take place in Vienna for the fifth time, with participants from Austria and abroad. The previous events have seen contestants from Russia, the Czech Republic, Germany, England, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Greece, Argentina, Switzerland, Slovakia, and of course from Austria. Knife sparring is primarily a sports competition, with the focus on skills, speed, precision and agility. Knife sparring is based upon real knife fighting, of course with the big difference that there are rules, categories, referees and points in

The tournament

knife sparring. The idea of the event is to meet other contestants in a sporty exchange of skills. Fairness will receive special attention, excessive force will be punished, just like kicks, punches or throws, which will lead to disqualification. Contestants will use practice knives made of foam (Soft Sticks). Participants must wear a helmet, shoes, cups and fist protection (Free Fight gloves) to reduce the risk of injury.

each category (Beginners, Advanced, Ladies) will proceed to the main event. In the main event KOmodus will be used, the first four ranks will be decided upon (semi-finals and finals).

Who can participate? Everybody is welcome to participate beginners and advanced fighters from all organizations and groups, rookies and old combat hands alike. To provide even chances for all, there will be a Beginners Class for participants without previous experience in competition and an Advanced Class for the more seasoned fighters. Women will fight in their own Ladies Class, which has become more and more popular over the years and has already produced some amazing encounters.

The tournament will start off with the preliminary rounds, divided in categories, the categories will be divided in groups, depending on the number of participants. Fights will be held Round Robin. Each fight lasts three minutes. This allows each participant four or five contests and the chance to qualify for the main event. Beginners and Ladies will get intermediate results depending on the number of rounds won. When tied, points will decide upon the result. The participants ranked first and second from

Training techniques Training for the Knife Cup should focus o agility, speed and flexibility as well as on tactics. The following exercises and techniques can help to hone these skills. For this year's Knife Cup we are looking forward to seeing many participants from all organizations and groups because it is sport that unites us all. The deadline for applications is November 13, 2014. Register here: h t t p s : / / s a m i Further information and tournament rules: h t t p : / / w w w. k n i f e f i g h t i n g For further information about seminars and instructors' courses go to

Knife Defense

Peter Weckauf


"Vital spot in Taekwon-Do is defined as any sensitive or breakable area on the body vulnerable to an attack. It is essential that the student of Taekwon-Do has a knowledge of the different spots so that he can use the proper attacking or blocking tool. Indiscriminate attack is to be condemned as it is inefficient and wasteful of energy". - General Choi Hong Hi (___), ENCYCLOPEDIA OF TAEKWON-DO, Volume II, page 88. Taekwon-Do is one of the largest and most professional martial arts in the world today, (founded on April 11, 1955, by General Choi Hong Hi (___)), and continues to flourish even after the passing of its founder in June of 2002. Over time the sporting factors took precedence and much was either ignored or discarded in the area of the original self-protection methods. In the original writings of General Choi much of the focus, structure and even the use of the vital points "Kupso" (__ or Kyusho), as well as the weapon development to access them, was outlined but never fully taught. Kyusho International has developed a program to enlighten, educate, integrate and develop this incredible Martial Art back to it's founders concepts. This new program has the full support of the founders surviving son Choi Jung Hwa. The focus of this series is to investigate the Patterns (teul), which are performed in accordance with the founders precepts in "The Encyclopedia of Taekwon-Do" (an astounding 15 volumes written by General Choi Hong Hi, including his "Vital Spots"). It is through this structure that Kyusho will be initially integrated back into Taekwon-Do. Kyusho International is proud to assist in this monumental and historic collaborative undertaking.

All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.

ORDERS: Budo international. net

by Chris Sutton

hen facing a real-life situation that could prove dangerous or even fatal, most people panic and freeze in their tracks. When we’re overcome by fear and panic, our mental and physical abilities become greatly impaired. Have you ever been really nervous about an upcoming event, such as playing in a sporting event, or giving a big speech at work? If so, you know how it can put you on edge, or even fill you with fear. Now imagine being in a situation where your life literally hangs in the balance. Under such circumstances, fear can be paralyzing. If you don’t learn how to control it, your whole life can change in a second. Fear and panic never completely go away – nor do you want them to. But by controlling our fear, we can use it to our advantage. When properly channeled, fear heightens your senses during a confrontation. It can also increase your strength and improve your reaction time.


What’s affected during a conflict? • • • • • • • •

Vision Hearing Decision making ability Perception of time Memory Pain Perception Balance and Control Voice inflection

With training and experience you can access and use the effects of fear to your advantage instead of letting them impair your ability to function. So how do we control fear and panic? It’s not something you can learn in a classroom setting. It takes repeated applications of stress to build up your nervous system and break down those paralyzing barriers. Realistic martial arts and self-defense training can help you deal with, and adjust to, fear and panic. Imagine going to a gun range for the first time. You’re at the front desk, and although you’re aware of where you are, you jump and become nervous when you hear the gunshots. Then you notice that the employees and regular customers go about their business like it’s no big deal. After a while, it won’t be a big deal to you, either. Or how about the first time you rode a roller coaster? You were probably filled with fear and at the edge of your seat. As you rode the coaster repeatedly, your senses and nervous system eventually adjusted to the situation, and you probably found yourself wanting to figure out where the cameras are so you could smile for them. Reality training has the same effect. When you train in a realistic manner, your body and mind will remember, and be prepared to react appropriately whenever you’re in a real-life altercation. You’ll still experience fear and anxiety, but because of the training you’ve received, you’ll be able to work through it instead of shutting down. You’ll be in control of your emotions and actions during a crisis, which will give you the upper hand in any situation. The goal of scenario-based training is to give you the ability to make your fear your fuel. Let fear be a warning that prepares you, not an emotion that overwhelms you. A former street cop, sheriff, and maximum security prison guard. Chris Sutton is the founder of Cobra-Defense in Clearwater, FL. Cobra-defense is a law enforcement based self-defense system. Cobra-Defense is the official self-defense system of John Graden’s Martial Arts Teachers’ Association ( Instructor certification in Cobra-Defense is at: Chris Sutton is availble for seminars and special training. He can be reached at (1) 727-791-4111 or

Eskrima The Art of effectiveness There are many martial arts that are more or less effective. Six years ago I came across the Eskrima style developed of Frans Stroeven, I was looking for a new way to simultaneously become fit and practice an effective martial art, like many guys of my age want ;-). My name is Niels a 39 years old Eskrima student, so If you 're 39, you are wary to start practicing a complete new martial art, or at least for me that was the case. Anyway I already had practiced various martial arts in my past, which gave me a strong foundation. Frans asked me to give my opinion on his Eskrima and asked me to write about it from my own perspective. Well Frans is my teacher and there are many students who are far better and more experienced in the art of Eskrima than I'll ever be, so I am honoured to do so. In my childhood I started practicing Judo until I was 21 years of old. My performance was not without merit. I reached the highest podium several times during various national and international tournaments and I've often been Souther n Dutch Champion and became 3rd in the Dutch championships with team

Peter Snijders. I also have a military background and there I learned Kempo and Boxing and had weapons training (knife and guns off course). With that background you look critically at what teachers can do and I look primarily for effectiveness and perhaps less for art and beauty. I'm not fond of whole complex styles with many elements of art in it. Ultimately just you and your opponent remain. In addition, there was another reason which influenced my choice. At that time I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, the observed genetic variation. it made it more difficult to practice a new sport with that respect. From that perspective, I started looking for an effective martial art which I could do at a more recreational level.

Discovering Eskrima When I started my search of course using the internet I remembered that I had a book on martial arts with especially impressive photos and that this book was a kind of reference book, with a list of all known martial arts . I had purchased in my youth, and had read a lot in it during that time. I had it in my hands and looked through it all again, with, I admit, a feeling of nostalgia. Kung Fu, Karate, Taekwondo, Nin Jutsu, it was all there. Of course I saw the beautiful pictures of Taekwondo masters who came flying through the air and destroy thick planks, or the Karateka breaking 20 stones. Superhuman performances, you might say. But then again when you're 39, you're able to relative and you do yourself a favour and have no wish for breaking 20 stones. I also saw myself not wearing a Ninja outfit to sneak out at Night through the woods in search of an imaginary enemy that I should finish off. But I can imagine that this art speaks to the imagination. Now my brother practiced Karate and this fits very well with him , the Kata's and the method in which he learns Karate techniques, matches his character. He is a man of discipline, and he's made strong progress in that martial art. Worthy of admiration. He asked me to join him in training, but I decide karate wasn't for me. I came across Jiu Jutsu. In my case logically with a judo background . But I noticed that I looked critically at the way the teacher taught. And I was very familiar with the techniques. There are simply many elements of Judo in Jiu Jutsu. I quickly decided that Jiu Jutsu fell off my list, I felt the teacher didn't match my criteria. After I saw the movie " Hunted ", a Hollywood production in which the former military and survival expert Lt . Bonham along with FBI agent Durrell must capture his former pupil, the trained assassin Hallam. Hallam was killing several hunters in a forest where he lived. Hallam knows how to keep the two at a distance. Constantly one step ahead. A film with Tommy Lee Jones and Benicio del Toro. The nice thing about this film is that there are a lot of knife techniques shown in the film. It inspired me to focus on armed combat instead of the empty hand combat training.

Frans Stroeven The beauty of this era is that we have the internet at our disposal. So with a quick search, I came across Frans Stroeven. A teacher in Utrecht that teaches stick and knife, Eskrima . I was very unfamiliar with Eskrima at that time. So I decided to go give it a


look. When I first stepped into his gym, I was impressed within 10 minutes. I saw someone at work that is not only able to do the techniques at a very high level, but is also happened to be an excellent teacher to his students. In fact most of all his students were very proficient in general. I was immediately hooked.

Modesty in philosophy The whole style was very effective, practical and no-nonsense. I saw art, but the difference from other martial arts and their teachers was that the art had a function and was supportive to that what is really at issue, beat your opponent. In addition, you can easily learn the style of Frans Stroeven. The techniques are in terms of principles, particularly logical. Frans has always strived to perfect the techniques, which also means that if there are elements in the techniques that are not effective, they are removed. The result is that a maximum effect is reached. This philosophy combined with logic, flows through his system which makes his system unique, one of kind. I must say that you see this philosophy practiced by the really good teachers in the Netherlands. That is why Holland performs well in many martial arts. It's a certain mindset, a certain modesty which with martial arts is practiced in the Netherlands. That modesty is reflected in the techniques. Also, a lot of attention is put into the way in which they are taught. I know Frans puts lots of energy into his teachings and he knows how to inspire his students again and again and helps them in their learning process. Frans exercised different styles of Eskrima during a long period. By exploring these styles he noticed that the Eskrima styles are different from one another. If you really study the different styles you also will discover the differences in effectiveness. In fact if you strip a martial art to a bare minimal, that is to strip it of its art, the techniques that actually work are very basic and not complex.

The Flow The philosophy practiced by Frans has always to do with agility, and what he calls ' the flow'. Movements of attack and defences easily follow each other continuously. This flow is at the core of his system. Series of attacks cannot be stopped because when an opponent makes defensive movements, there is a sense of predictability of what is to come. So the series of attacks within 'the flow' are anticipating the defensive techniques or counter attacks of the opponent. What Frans did is combining the various techniques of the different Eskrima styles with his own extensive


You can visit our website or and you can contact me to or , For Switzerland you can contact Lavinel Olcan

experience and his insight in what damage weapons can do. But these principles also apply to unarmed combat. In fact what you learn to do with a weapon (stick or knife) you can also do empty-handed. 'Flow' can only be understood when one sees the principles behind an attack or defense. Sometimes the principles are to be found in the way one stands in attack mode, or in the way you keep distance, or in the way you come close to your opponent. Drills in his system are used to master principles and are not for show. Drills are only there to increase the speed of your attacks or master an attack or defense. In defense the attack is hidden, because counterattacks are also based on the principles of flow. Frans is used to training his students 'the flow' that is why his students are very agile and effective even at a low-grade. Development in training is very important. According to Frans Eskrima is a living martial art. But the search for new combinations, new techniques must go on. Frans has developed many new techniques in his system. The criteria to put them to good use are based on aggressiveness and on agility and predictability. The flow is endless in that way, you can find his movies on you tube, illustrating what he does. See for yourself what the Stroeven Combat system makes so effective. In a way you might say that his system reflects his character. He himself is a modest living man, no frills and very no-nonsense. But also with great selfinsight. Which I think makes a teacher a great teacher. Good sense of humor too, by the way. And the prove is that he has produced many Eskrima champions, even European and World champions. Also many other disciplines of martial arts come for training or follow his courses.

Developments A few years later, I still experience a lot of fun, I followed the knife training and instructor courses. And still love it. Frans is also developing and expanding internationally and is able to teach far beyond the borders of the Netherlands, and even Europe. I 'm glad I only have to drive 70 kilometers and then can get training from the master himself. I realize that's a luxury that not everyone has. If you get a chance to join his lessons, do not let that opportunity pass! You might regret it. Follow his regularly posts on Facebook and videos on you tube and see for yourself. For now, I welcome you to the world of Frans Stroeven!



“Here is a basic phone or walk in script.�


ere is a basic phone or walk in script. This doesn't deal too much with price. We'll address that in future columns, but for now, this is an excellent script to learn. The rule is this: Always finish anything you say with a question. If you do not ask a question, they will ask you about pricing so you want to have a tool box worth of good questions that not only help you maintain control of the conversation, but lead the prospect to tell you exactly how to sell them. Answer the phone on the 2nd or 3rd ring. - Good afternoon! [Your school], how may I help you? Then the potential client will ask you a number of very predictable questions. The most common is: - How much does it cost to take lessons there? Always answer a question with another question, because the one who asks the questions controls the conversation: - Are these classes for you or for someone else? - Oh these classes are for me. Build some rapport with the person by asking: - "My name's John. What's your name?" - "My name's Rhonda, Rhonda Smith." Now we have our prospective client's name, we need to get some information from here - "Hi Rhonda. What are you looking for in the martial arts?" - "I read that martial arts practice is really good for fitness."

Martial Arts Pro

www.MartialArtsSchoolOwners.c om Now that we have some general information about Rhonda, we need to get a little more specific information so that we can tell her how martial arts can benefit her. We need to show her how martial arts training can benefit her, because she's the one wanting the information. To determine this, ask another question: - "Are you already in an exercise program?" - "Yes, I do aerobics, but they get boring after a while, and sometimes when I work late I get nervous about walking to my car because I always read in the paper about attacks in the area I work in. I'd really like to learn some self-defense skills also." Now that we have some specific information, Feed It Back: - "Rhonda, it sounds to me as if what you're looking for is... " While Rhonda was talking, you were listening, and writing down what she wanted. By telling her you were listening to her she feels important and she feels you care about her needs, which you do. The next step is telling her what she told you in your own words: ... an exercise program that will stimulate you mentally as well as physically, and learn some streetwise self-defense. Is that right? The "Is that right." at the end of the line is also important. That gives the prospective client a chance to clarify for you anything you may have missed, or that she may have

“We need to show her how martial arts training can benefit her, because she's the one wanting the information” neglected to tell you. It also helps you stay in control. - "That's right." The next line is the "close" line. Remember that we're trying to sell an appointment, not the martial arts: - "We can certainly help you with that. The best thing for you to do is to take a couple of classes to see if this is what you are looking for. We have a two-lesson introductory class that is specifically for first timers like you. The course is $20 and includes you uniform. We have a class tonight at 6p.m. or tomorrow at 7. Which works best for you?" Memorize this paragraph. "The best thing for you to do is..." What this does is calls the future student to come to the school where you can sell your martial arts program though the introductory lesson. We give Rhonda the choice between two nights to help

her make her decision to come to the studio. Either answer is a Yes. - Tonight will work. How long is the class? - About a half-hour and you'll want to get here 15-minutes early so you can get into your uniform. Let me get your phone number in case something comes up: 555-1212. - OK. You're all set for tonight at 6p.m. Do you know where we're at? - I think so. - "We're next the KFC on Alderman Road and Hwy. 19. " - I know right where that is. -"Good. I'll be in a blue uniform. I look forward to working with you. See you tonight. " -"Thanks." What we did here at the end is personalize the conversation, and give Rhonda a person to come and see, not just a studio. The whole phone conversation should take less than 2-minutes. You should answer a question with a question, and find out what the prospective client wants, tell them how you can give them what they want, make the appointment and get off the phone! It's that simple. John Graden is the Executive Director of the Martial Arts Teachers' Association and the author of the bestselling books on how to run a successful martial arts school without selling out.

“You should answer a question with a question, and find out what the prospective client wants, tell them how you can give them what they want, make the appointment and get off the phone! It's that simple”

Fu Shih Kenpo

Knowledge, in all its aspects and fields, has always been passed on over time through its essence, and zealously kept, evaluated and evolved from the personal perspective of its transmitters. Martial Arts, and specifically Kenpo, couldn't escape this logic, which, to date, has allowed us to access the knowledge of the original roots or sources of their configuration as a Martial Art and therefore, a self-defense system.

Great Masters

Fu Shih Kenpo

Forms or Kata of Fu-Shih Kenpo The first thing we transmit a student is a form of "moving" specific to the style, a way of orienting oneself in space, accompanied by a series of forms or methods of breathing, and an attitude marked in its origins by the founder himself. Therefore, it is about conveying certain characteristics about the transport movement of our body mass, directly linked to the gestures of defense and / or attack with our legs, arms, etc. These original forms of transmission in their simplest unit is what is known as basic technique of a particular Art, Style or System, which in most cases, is treated in an individual way, up to its full understanding and application, focusing its practice to other forms individualized but integrally linked, with which enclose or keep some logic or consistency with respect to the movement patterns that define the martial art in question. The amalgamation of these primary elements, considering their origin, creates or encompasses a number of elements under the seal and personal development of their author, in addition to the geographical area of origin and influences

“Forms, in general, are sophisticated synthesis of martial values and aspects, coated with a certain aura of war dances.�

Fu Shih Kenpo thereof (ground, weather, etc..), social and cultural characteristics of the development environment, etc., which lead us to establish differences in the understanding of combat; there differences are the result of the evolution and personal analysis of the various diffusers that have molded basic concepts of motion which, altogether, give rise to such forms or katas. Forms, in general, are sophisticated synthesis of martial values and aspects, coated with a certain aura of war dances. From this standpoint, its transmission value is crucial for the survival of art or system, which doesn't mean they are accepted without further ado only because they are repeatedly performed, without deepening, analyzing and understanding the essential aspects of its composition with the intention of acquiring "knowledge", the last phase of the transformation of our previous task of hoarding information. To some extent, we tend to take a broad view their practice and method of study from a standpoint of efficiency: What is the good of this? Why should I waste my time practicing it? On the other hand, the studious of forms or kata usually tends to focus his practice towards the apprenticeship of kata increasingly remote in their origin and transmission, ancestral forms which postulate the so earnestly sought martial "secrets" that everyone wants to know;

this situation is at least curious, because sometimes it can make us position ourselves as protectors of centuries of tradition and become defenders at any cost of such knowledge. However, making a historical analysis with some rigor, the first thing we find is the shortage or even lack of graphic or testimonial records on the subject, and that's why all these claims that sometimes turn us into "heirs of tradition" should be performed with deep respect and humbleness.

personal fulfillment standpoint, which we understand as development based on self-discipline and effort.

From another perspective, the practicing of kata or forms is also approached from the sports arena, although perhaps the exclusive practice to this goal shows little relation to the purposes for which they were created, especially from an educational a n d

Similarly, their interpretation becomes an exercise of searching and personal understanding of the Art or System, from the outlook of health (movement and breathing, alignment of the body structure, etc.) and personal defense (body positioning and angles, synchronization of techniques, analysis thereof, concept development, etc.).

Kata are the core of our growth as martial artists, the basic support that identifies us with our Art or System, granting our personal style the source of the definition of Art, since at all times it's an individual and personal interpretation of a given knowledge, supported by very defining bodily aspects of our physical and emotional characteristics.

Regarding Fu Shih Kenpo system, the core of teaching through forms is staggered in a consequent manner, initiating the pupil or student in the precise and necessary skills, tailored to the specific learning process he or she may require. It is a series of forms, those of a more traditional nature within the system if any, that proceeding from a very basic acceptation of American Kenpo, have been adapted and enriched by Master GutiĂŠrrez. Thus, in its initial phase, the student learns the so-called "Form of Positions", a space orientation form, so that he can go developing the successful transmission of body weight on his shifting. This chapter is to be continued in next issue in my column.

Photos & Edited by Ken Akiyama

“Born to Fight” I was recently asked when I first learned how to “fight.” My philosophy is that I began fighting upon my first breath. I was born in a hospital emergency room; fighting to live, and I fought in intensive care for months until it was safe to be taken home. Since then, I have been in many fights: from the streets of Tel Aviv, through a war in Lebanon, to my service with the YAMAM counter terror unit and more. All of these experiences reminded me to respect and appreciate life as a gift. I draw inspiration from the Latin word 'spiritus', which means 'breath', 'soul', and 'vigor' in English. This is to explain that martial arts involves much more than fighting other people. There is a great deal of depth in learning martial arts and such learning shouldn't be rushed. You can't be a swimming teacher the first time you fall into a pool.

Great Masters The Spirit of Israeli Martial Arts The more I teach Israeli martial arts, the more I wonder if anyone understands these arts or if it's just a fashionable image. Israeli martial arts are not the best in every way. For example, Filipino martial arts have depth of knowledge in stick and knife fighting, thai boxing and karate focus more on impacting, whilst grappling and BJJ excel on the ground. So, what defines the Israeli systems? Hanshi Patrick McCarthy taught me that, in order to understand a martial art, it helps to study the culture and people who developed it. For example, Japanese martial arts come from a culture of conformity; while Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is more laid back. Each art is shaped by the attitudes of the people who develop them. To describe Israeli culture, I will say that if you tell me something fantastic, I want to see it; if you show me something incredible, I want to feel it. Only if your claim passes this test, will I believe you. Israeli martial arts are focused on practicality; that is why I like to describe Avi Nardia Academy as “Practical Martial Arts.” I recently designed a knife with FOX Knives called the 'Israeli Tracker'. My inspiration for the design was based on the spirit of the knife as a practical tool for basic survival. A survival knife must excel at tasks such as cutting rope, building fires, building shelter and so much more. First and foremost, the knife is a life giving tool; yet most systems only show how evil the knife can be. Any fool can take a life, and even a child can fatally wield a blade. Further to the point, why not just use a stone? In order to prove this concept, I would like to teach a workshop called “Only Knife.” In this course students can use any knife they want. Immediately, they will have to think, “How will I survive, camp, and build a shelter with karambit?” The karambit is for sure the last knife I would choose for a special forces team. They need a tactical knife that can work and perform functional duties. At Avi Nardia Academy, we teach students to understand the knife as a whole, and not just as a killing tool. We also teach about the use of force and point out that what is taught in many knife classes will be considered murder by a court, and not as self defense. At my academy, we don't fight because we hate the man in front of us. We fight to defend our friends and families behind us. The ultimate spirit of Israeli martial arts is understanding that you will never have another opportunity to defend yourself. We must use mind, body, and spirit in conjunction with techniques, principles

of motion, and situational awareness. It's not the better technique that wins the fight for your life, it is the spirit of determination to survive; the spirit of never giving up.

Shin Gi Tai Recently, my Aiki Kenpo Jujutsu teacher, Hanshi Patrick McCarthy, spoke of the ancient Chinese maxim: “shin gi tai” Condition the body, cultivate the mind, nurture the spirit. Nowadays, many people only pursue the way of the body; mostly with the new wave of MMA. However, it's often overlooked that most top MMA fighters have a background in one primary style such as jiu-jitsu, karate, or thai boxing; not just “MMA” as its own style. It is very important for new students to understand that. I have competed in a variety of contact martial arts, trained vale tudo fighters, and some of my friends and students (including UFC champion Carlos Newton) are world renowned in sport fighting. Thus, my words are based on experience. Sport fighting is a way to explore ourselves and our abilities, but it doesn't teach us how to deal with losses in our daily lives, the deaths of people we love, or losses in business. Competitions are a small part of life, and a small fight when compared to standing face-to-face with something as dangerous as cancer, for example. Whereas sport is a fight for achievement, a personal battle is a fight for survival. Survival requires the ability to think in challenging situations, develop and maintain physical health, and training the 'spirit', itself. Sun Tzu pointed toward this idea when he wrote, “Know yourself and you win all battles.” __This is the key to transcending from being a sport fighter into being a true warrior. During the past few years I have been involved in survival training projects in the arctic, desert and jungle. My academy holds training camps in the jungles of Thailand called 'Warrior by Nature' with meditations on nature itself. When you go into the jungle, the heat, humidity, flies, snakes, bees and other dangers constantly tempt you to give up. Everything there wants to kill you. This environmental stress, combined with long days of thai boxing, MMA and KAPAP Combatives creates an experience which challenges one's mind, body and emotions. Training in these extreme conditions inspired me to reflect on how important mental fortitude is. After the jungle, I worked on a project in the Arctic with my old friend, student, and UFC champion, Carlos 'The Ronin' Newton. We developed a martial arts program for native Cree and Inuit

tribes, based on Avi Nardia Academy. We experienced real arctic training at 45 degrees, where any mistake could be your last. It was an honor to be welcomed into the community and to study how these tribes live on a daily basis in this astonishing cold. The whole experience was sort of a spiritual revival and when I left, the kids came and hugged me. I was proud to have done something for them that they understood and valued. This experience with the Inuit and Cree reminded me of an old Native American saying: “Certain things catch your eye. But pursue only those that capture your heart.” The wisdom behind those words gave me pause to reconsider the past, present, and future of KAPAP and Avi Nardia Academy.

KAPAP: Then, Now, and Into the Future When I returned to Israel after 8 years studying martial arts abroad (mostly Japan), I was recruited back into the Israeli Army by Lt. Colonel Avi Harus (RIP) to create a new hand-tohand system for Army special forces recruits. I had previously been a senior NCO and was by that time a field grade officer at the rank of Major. When I assessed their existing program, I found that the martial arts system they were practicing hadn't been updated in more than 30 years. I developed a new hand to hand curriculum that was more practical, effective, and fit the mission of the school. This program I developed here was the basis for what would later become one of the world's most respected martial arts. When Israeli's elite counter terror unit wanted to refresh their system, every CQB trainer in Israel applied for the prestigious position; including former operators. The unit is called the YAMAM and it is the special operations division of the Israeli national police; renowned as one of the most experienced and combat ready units in the world. All of the applications and proposals for this prestigious position were reviewed, and I got the job. As Sergeant Major of Command in the YAMAM, I worked with Lt. Colonel Chaim Peer, a highly respected man from the army's top special forces unit (similar to Delta force in the USA). Lt. Col. Peer brought great knowledge of unit needs and tactics, and with my knowledge of martial arts, we created a new close quarters battle system for one of the most elite combat operations units in the world. I named it KAPAP. KAPAP was a mostly forgotten WW2 era Hebrew acronym which means “Face to Face Combat.” I named the new system KAPAP in order to ensure our new system was distinguished from krav

maga styles. For reference, 'Krav Maga' became the default name for military hand-to-hand from the late 1960's onwards. When we first developed KAPAP we were specifically building a program for specialized unit of operatives. However, it wasn't long until our new system was recognized as an extremely effective and cutting-edge combatives program. Even though our system was not originally intended for the general public or even martial artists, KAPAP quickly gained popularity and a strong reputation amongst the CQB community. Eventually, I moved outside of Israel and began sharing principles and methods for civilian and police defensive

tactics. KAPAP continued to grow and during these last few years, I've been travelling non stop for teaching. Now, I have a great team of instructors with KAPAP schools throughout the entire world. We have even taught KAPAP in Antarctica. In just 15 years, KAPAP has moved from being a system for a small group of operators to a worldwide, world class system for all. M y pri ma ry f o c u s i s o n c o n t i n u a l l y g ro wi n g a n d developing the quality of my instructors so that the same message, techniques and spirit can be learned in every school. In order to accomplish that, organization is essential. Following the encouragement of my friends

Great Masters a n d t e a c h e r s , I b u i l t Av i N a rd i a A c a d e m y a s m y worldwide team of schools. As I also carry black belts in Karate, Judo, Japanese Jujutsu, and Machado Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Avi Nardia Academy is a school of practical martial arts that includes hand-to-hand, knife, stick, f i re a r m s , a n d e v e r y t h i n g i n b e t w e e n . We t e a c h traditional, sport and combatives under a single flag for anyone who wishes to learn and progress with only one major prerequisite: integrity. KAPAP is no longer just the “Martial Arts of the Israeli Special Forces.� I am honored to have a wonderful student aged 72 in my academy. This is an example of KAPAP as I

see it progressing into the future. We need to support civilians; including women, children, seniors, and teenagers. I see my personal achievements in life very differently than I used to, and I now value teaching handicapped children in a disabled centre as more important than teaching special forces. I teach from the heart and as a warrior. My ethos is centered on truth, love, and peace. I encourage my students to be compassionate, without being vulnerable. The interesting thing about people, whether they are physically strong or weak, is that we can all choose to be kind, respectful and peaceful.


Let's talk about the System...

After a thorough analysis of the problems and strengths of the Wing Tsun system, we begin on this issue a series of articles focused on improving the understanding of some technical and tactical elements of the style.


“My purpose in making this reflection in this month's column is placing the reader before the enormous difficulty that represents getting to know the true nature of the Chinese Martial Arts, as well as the "why's" of this fighting system.� n many cases, perhaps as the result of Chinese idiosyncrasy itself, some aspects have not been discussed in depth and that makes difficult the correct understanding thereof. There have been several reasons generating all those small "confusions" that have produced such a profusion of versions and different views among practitioners of Wing Tsun. These dissimilar adaptations wouldn't be a big problem if it wasn't because such changes have gone so far that sometimes have engendered quite opposite opinions! I wonder to what extent "quite opposite" opinions can be maintained within one same style and its various branches.


If we are to ascertain the reasons which have led to such a spectrum of different branches and options, we must turn our attention to the "break" of Chinese Martial Arts. If there is something that links Wing Chun with other Chinese fighting styles, this is undoubtedly the date 1960. On that fateful year, the communist gover nment declared the launching of the socalled "Proletarian Cultural Revolution". The movement, that was seen in China as a breath of fresh air and a jump forward of the Chinese people, proposed to put an end to the so-called "Four Olds": old customs, old habits, old culture and old ways of thinking. Such extreme approach, which was heartedly welcome by the working and disadvantaged Chinese classes in the latter half of the twentieth century, brought by

the hand a number of side effects that surely no one took into account: the extermination of Martial Arts. Considered part of the most ancestral traditions of China, and therefore part of the "Four Olds", Martial Arts were chased as well as martial artists and the rest of practitioners of the ancient Chinese arts (painting, sculpture, poetry, etc.). Chinese Martial Arts masters were forced into exile or to hide in the deepest shadows of the great "revolution." The most daring, those who refused to adhere to the Communist ideology, were persecuted, imprisoned or, in the worst cases, hanged and executed in public squares. This had a devastating effect on every Martial Arts system, due to the transmission system traditionally used by Chinese culture: "one to one", i.e., direct transmission from parents to children or disciples. Picturing this scenario, it is not difficult to understand the difficulties many styles have gone through to get to our days in good "health". Just think it is estimated that there were about 600 different fighting styles under the "designation of origin" Kungfu / Wushu / Chinese Martial Arts, but if we try to find nowadays schools with direct and complete lineages, we will have many problems finding over 20 genuine styles and

fighting practices. In most cases, some of them were even "reconstructed" later by order of the Popular Government, so it's not difficult guessing that surely such new versions will be quite different from their original style. If we focus on Wing Chun, it won't be easy to find schools or branches outside the lineage of Grandmaster Yip Man, but everything has a logical evolution, if we consider the development of the famous "cultural revolution." GM Yip Man's name and school grew in Hong Kong, a British colony at the time and, therefore, the only place in China where it was possible to practice Martial Arts without being harassed. Beyond that, it is difficult to find practitioners of different branches of the Wing Chun system of which we could really rescue "coherent" fighting techniques, although... it's rather curious to see how some of them have preserved certain peculiarities that have been lost in the branch from which I come... There are several teachers (Sifu Sergio Ladarola is perhaps the best exponent in the recovery of

“I wonder to what extent "quite opposite" opinions can be maintained within one same style and its various branches.�


"Or, put it another way, why don't we start asking ourselves something as simple as why? what for? how? and when? the style roots, which serves many who are interested in rescuing the history of the system for its research and synthesis) to whom thanks must definitely be given for their work. There is no way to design the future without knowing the past ... or is there any? In short, it's a matter of opinion. My purpose in making this reflection in this month's column is placing the reader before the enormous difficulty that represents getting to know the true nature of the Chinese Martial Arts, as well as the "why's" of this fighting system. Funny, but our style is constantly debating in the ongoing struggle between the ones who want to rescue its tradition and origin and those who don't mind at all where we come from and all they are looking for is how to apply efficiently this fighting method. Unfortunately, it's a sterile debate without a meeting point in sight ... since generally those who are absurdly attached to either faction hardly convince the others of the merits of their reasoning. Giving lessons on fighting systems or war arts without being able to show one's own style with at least some effectiveness is not certainly an easy task. On the other hand... recovering the origin of the Chinese martial traditions is quite hard if we're not able to trace back deeply into the past, the time when techniques were created to fight in a scenario of total and absolute realism. Keeping the middle point would be ideal... Don't you think? Being difficult to position in either end, I chose another one in the WingTsun Academy TAOWS. I will start by asking myself about each

of the techniques and tactics that we have in the style forms (authentic and technical treaties like real books of wisdom for the transmission of the style that have passed from generation to generation). One of those sentences that spread by social networks, accompanied by a beautiful and inspiring image says something like: "Change the way you look at things and things will begin to change..." In one sense, this is what I mean. How would you like to begin by looking at what we have, trying to understand why it was created and what we want to use it for...? Or, put it another way, why don't we start asking ourselves something as simple as why? what for? how? and when? These simple questions could undoubtedly serve as a bridge or meeting point between both tendencies walking in opposite directions. Today I would also like to cast on our followers a technical reflection that can help us understand this concept. To this aim, we'll use a very clear technical example: MAN SAO. Known as the "hand that questions," is one of the most important techniques of the Wing Chun style If we search in the "kuen kuits" of the style, we'll find something similar to "the hand that attacks also defends". That would be the starting point. The second step would be analyzing how, why and when to apply this concept. Once we've understood why using the lead hand, and what things it should "ask" our adversary (we can detect distance and its changes, its

strength and direction, input or output, straight or curved attack, etc.), we should give the one last step: Fighting! After the first two phases are consolidated, we get into the THIRD one: Trying in combat! If we look at history to understand the style and then we practice in the different points that technique allows us, you will agree with me that it will be necessary to try to apply the techniques and ideas underlying this simple notion, against any opponent who tries to enter our "guard ". Is the study and understanding of these three phases what will take us to the ideal point, in which our art will become extremely effective and its practice itself will turn thrilling. I am absolutely convinced that if we all look at it from this perspective, both ends will surely begin to walk in a similar direction. They could even converge some day at a point to share, enrich themselves mutually and g r o w together. Authentic Martial Arts spirit! Authentic Wing Tsun spirit! Thank you for your attention and support

“Giving lessons on fighting systems or war arts without being able to show one's own style with at least some effectiveness is not certainly an easy task.�

"Recovering the origin of the Chinese martial traditions is quite hard if we're not able to trace back deeply into the past."

Kevin Brewerton on the left in black uniform. Opponent on the right in white uniform Photo 1 Kevin left side forward in fighting stance Photo 2 Right leg crosses in front while left hand throws a back fist while right hand is ready to block. Photo 3 He steps forward with left leg and readies right hand to punch Photo 4 He steps down and throws the right hand to the body.

“Bruce Lee was for sure one of my greatest idols, as he was really in amazing shape all of the time” “You see many martial artists are just not in shape but I believe that to become the best you can be as a martial artist, you have to first be in great shape. ”

M r. Ta e B o , M r. F i t n e s s , M r. Competitor, Mr. Entrepreneur, Mr. Success Story, Mr. Nice Guy, Billy “Tae Bo®” Blanks is all of these and many more. After watching Billy Blanks teach an hour long Tae Bo® class, I realized that my 4 times a week 1 hour workout was nothing at all. Billy is nearly 60 years old and in the most amazing shape of anyone I have ever met at his age. In fact, I don't know anyone at any age who is in as good of physical shape as he is. I couldn't wait to sit down with him and do an inter view on his life in martial arts and fitness. Billy began his life's passion in Erie Pennsylvania under the tutelage of Tom Meyers. After only 3 years of training, he earned his first black belt by the age of 14. By Don Warrener

“Billy Blanks Ancient Arts BI- What were your biggest wins as a competitor? BB - I had many wins when I started competing but I think the most significant win was in 1975 when I won the AAU Nationals. All the top fighters from around the world came to this tournament and I had 24 fights to win. I had 12 fights on Saturday and another 12 on Sunday. I was the first American to win that title. Before me the winners had all been foreign fighters. Names like Victor Moore were competing and many of the fighters I fought there were big names at the time. I didn't even want to compete in the tournament, as I didn't believe I could beat any of these great fighters, but I got talked into it. It was because of this experience that I really began to truly believe in myself. BI - Did you train in any other martial arts? BB - Yes, I also did a lot of boxing when I was a kid and won the Golden Gloves Championships. BI - Who were some of the legends you fought back then? BB - I think I fought them all at one time or another. I fought Wally Slocki, a Canadian who had the greatest kicks I have ever seen. Then I fought Joe Lewis at my school. He used to come over and we would box as he was getting into kickboxing at that time and was looking for someone different to spar with. Then, of course, Bill Wallace used to come to my gym and we would train and spar all the time when he lived in LA. BI - Who were your heroes from back in those days? BB - Wow, that's a hard one because I had so many I looked up to... Wally Slocki is who I tried to model my kicking after, as he had the strongest and best kicks of anyone I have ever seen. Then, when it came to fitness, Bruce Lee was for sure one of my greatest idols, as he was really in amazing shape all of the time. I also loved

Interview watching Tadashi Yamashita. He was the fastest of anyone I have ever seen. There is also, my good friend, Don Jacob from Trinidad. He is an amazing martial artist and rarely gets credit for his true greatness. He is an amazing teacher, as well the best demonstrator I have ever seen, bar none, and to top it all off, he has an outstanding personality and is a terrific role model for our youth. But the one person that I still look at in awe is Grand Master Park Jong Soo from Toronto, my teacher. Not only is he a true gentleman, but his technique and fighting ability are second to none. I mean NONE. I remember when I was at his school one time and he said “your attacking is very good but now lets see how you are on defense� Then I got a lesson and a half. He was strong fast and very deceptive. Many have offered

me high ranks in the past but I never accepted any of them except when Grand Master Park offered me my 8th dan and I accepted it from him with sincere humility. BI - What is your opinion of the UFC and MMA? BB - When the UFC came out it changed the public's perception of martial arts, as many now believe that this is the standard for all martial arts. UFC fighters are a mixture of moder n day gladiators and martial artists. Characteristics of true martial arts schools teach each artist discipline, mental focus and selfawareness, where these characteristics do not seem to be as present in some parts of the UFC. There are some fighters, such as Lyota Machida and Georges St-Pierre, who really do have a true martial arts spirit and background and that personality shows in the way they respond during interview. The good thing about the UFC is that they have turned it into a sport that is seen by millions on TV. BI - How and why did you end up in Hollywood from Erie PA.? BB - I always had the dream of being like Bruce Lee in the movies so I decided to move to Boston first and establish my Tae BoÂŽ program. Then at

28 I made the move to LA and tried to make it in the movie business. BI - How successful were you in Hollywood? BB - I did OK but when Tae Bo® took off I had to put this all on the backburner. I did do some big feature films like “The Last Boy Scout” with Bruce Willis and “Kiss The Girl” with Morgan Freeman. BI - Do you have any plans to now get back in the business. BB - Yes I do plan on getting back in the movie business very soon. I just finished writing a script that I really like and I am hoping to star in as well as produce. BI - If a young person came to you and wanted to get into the Hollywood scene what would you tell, he or she they should do? BB - The first thing I would say is that they must first off believe in themselves and have faith in themselves that they can do it. Then they need to have very specific goals in mind of what they want to accomplish. They should never lose sight of their personal life style as Hollywood can be a nasty place and yet again someone will always have to become the next big superstar. BI - So where did you get the idea for Tae Bo®? BB - Back in about 1975 I used to work out in my basement with one of those old cassette recorders with earphones attached to it. It really helped me a lot and then one day I was with the coach (Chuck Merriman) and the 'Transworld Oil Team' and I asked him if I could take the team through a workout and after many of them just could not keep up, I knew right then I had something good. I first called it Karaerobics but then I thought, “I do Tae Kwon Do, not karate and I also do a lot of boxing so I am going to call it Tae Bo®.” You see

many martial artists are just not in shape but I believe that to become the best you can be as a martial artist, you have to first be in great shape. This is the one reason I think I was so successful in competitions. I was in great shape compared to many of the others. Do you know what Tae Bo® stands for? BI - No, what does it stand for? BB - Well it is also an acronym for: T = Total A = Awareness E = Excellence B = Body O = Obedience BI - That is great but was there any other style of martial arts involved in its creation? BB - Well no other style of martial arts but I did ballet for 12 years and my Russian teacher taught me how to count music. I use this in every Tae Bo® exercise. The stretching in ballet is excellent and I use that as well. I was also fortunate enough to dance in 12 different ballets including The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, and Billy The Kid.

BI - What was it that made Tae Bo® so successful? BB - I think it was several factors. The first and most important was that I told the truth, that getting in shape was hard work and staying in shape was even harder work. Also it was the first real workout where you see women really sweat. If you do Tae Bo® you are going to sweat, that is for sure. BI - Did it change over the years and if so how did it change? BB - Yes, we change it all the time to keep pace with the times. The biggest change is the music, as it has to be always updated. BI - What was the biggest break that took it over the top? BB - Well a guy walked in to my studio one day and asked if I wanted to put this on tape and I said yes right away after that it was all history. BI - So what happened to it? It seems to have disappeared… BB -Everything has its season and it's a new season. We were very successful with Tae Bo® and had sold over 175 million DVD's by 1999. By now I think we are over 200 million sold. That is the most Fitness DVD's anyone in history has ever sold. It is second only to Titanic in sales when it was that popular. So far I have done over 175 different DVD workouts. Well, you remember my school in Sherman Oaks when you came to see me and how packed it was. We would have classes all the time and we would have 200 or so on the floor for a workout and another 200 lined up to get into the next class. I remember the first time I went to Japan to teach and there were 20,000 fans waiting for me at the airport. They said that that was the same as what came to meet the Beatles when they came to Japan. It was a huge crowd of people all over the place.

BI - Why did you end up moving to Japan? BB - Well, being in Hollywood and all the things that happened there, I had to get away from it all. I moved to a real small village in Japan where I just did my training for myself and ran every day. I went back to doing all of my own exercises daily, eating healthy and getting back to the things that counted for me. I was single at the time after going through a divorce and I wasn't really interested in getting into another relationship then, until I met the most amazing and wonderful lady. We eventually got married and now we have a 5 year old daughter and life couldn't be much better. BI - How was Japan different then America? BB - It was really different for me as the Japanese don't show emotions like we do in America; that is just part of their culture. I remember I was teaching once and I noticed no one was counting with me so I stopped and told them I wanted them to count out loud. They were in shock but they did it, and they came out of their shell a bit. Now my wife, daughter and I travel back three or four times a year to Osaka to teach, as we still have a school there. BI - What did you learn from them? BB - I learned how to control my emotions, how to not show my emotions, and how to be more patient. BI - What about martial arts wise? BB - I trained quite a bit in Shotokan karate as well in Okinawan Karate. I even met and trained with one of the last Ninjas. It was really terrific and I really value all that knowledge. BI - I know that religion is very important to you can you tell us about how you found God? BB - I am really happy you asked this. When I was young I went to church all the time but I swore the day I was 18 I would

“The next thing is the “Billy Blanks® Ancient Arts Center” that we are opening up in Dana Point California in September 2014”

Interview never go back again. Then one day after moving to LA I was at home watching TV and I saw this preacher Frederick Casey Price preaching and he was talking much different than those I had known before who were real hypocrites. They all talked the talk but didn't walk the walk, but he was different. So the next day I was in class and asked my students if they knew where this mans church was and an 18 year old kid said I can take you to the church sir. So I went. When I got there I was listening to the sermon and kept saying to my self I can't wait for this to be over so I can get out of this place. When it was

over I got up and was getting ready to run out of there but found myself running down to the alter crying my eyes out. It was then and there I gave my life to Christ and started to really study the bible. You see I was bor n in the ghetto and I dreamed about getting out of the ghetto, becoming a martial arts champion, becoming like Bruce Lee and having money cars and the fast life. But after I had all of these things I realized that they didn't really give me any satisfaction like I thought they would. I was still empty. It was only when I accepted Christ into my life that I felt fulfilled. BI - What is next for Billy Blanks? BB - The next thing is the “Billy B l a n k s Ž

Ancient Arts Center� that we are opening up in Dana Point California in September 2014. It will be an amazing facility with a complete Japanese Health Spa as well a fitness center with lots of room for me to teach Tae BoŽ and Martial Arts the way I have always wanted. My goal is to have a studio where discipline and self-awareness are at the forefront of the teaching, plus of course, serious fitness. BI - Well Billy it has been over 40 years sense we first met in Buffalo and became friends at that tournament when I did the first ever interview with you for my old magazine. I think I have a knack for picking winners. I knew then that you were a winner and you sure as heck have proven me right. I hope we can do this again in another 40 years Billy. BB - I hope so as well. Thank you very much.

The five elements of Shaolin Hung Gar Kung Fu The five elements of Shaolin Hung Gar Kung Fu The elements of Hung Gar aren’t based on positions, stances or techniques, but are a philosophy of special powers within the human body. The theory of the elements is very abstract. But connected with the different animal styles, it becomes the source of enormous powers. Those powers are one of Hung style’s primary trademarks.

Most of the people practicing original Hung Gar Kung Fu know about the existence of the five animal styles. Less well known, however, is that the theory of the five elements is a part of this ancient art as well. Both, the doctrine of the animals and the elements, are true treasures of profound knowledge and skills for the interested student. Here in the west we speak primarily of four elements: air, water, fire and earth. On the contrary traditional Hung Gar Kung Fu knows five of them: fire, wood, water, metal and earth.

They are deep-rooted in the Hung style and as mentioned above directly associated with the five animal styles. In one of my earlier articles about the dragon style you read about the connection between the dragon an element earth for example. But first things first. Most of literature found in books or the internet use flowery phraseology. You read such things as the element wood means using low and rooted stance “like a mighty tree striking roots into earth” for example. Mostly, such advices aren’t a real help or they are just too abstract to make any progress while studying Hung Gar. But the student eager for knowledge wants to understand precisely what technique lies behind an element. He has learned that everything in Hung Gar Kung Fu bears a meaning for fighting. But a traditional Hung Gar teacher never hands the solution on a silver platter. A sifu likes to say: “Watch carefully, my student! This is a typical metal technique”. The ambitious student watches carefully and might think in the beginning great this must be metal, no big deal and end of story. But it isn’t so easy. The master is right. He demonstrated a typical metal technique. But what exactly this means and why it is associated with the element metal remains concealed for the student. As mentioned earlier the theory of the five elements is abstract and goes beyond single techniques and movements. It’s much more about five different philosophies of power. We could talk about five different kinds of force either. Or five fundamental ways to use the body in combat to generate power, respectively. I leave it to the ambitious student and his thirst for knowledge what precise movements and philosophies these are. Even though they reveal enormous and dangerous powers causing severe injuries to the attacking opponent when used in combination with the hand techniques and the animal styles, once uncovered they appear very banal. Exactly those powers are responsible for the reputation of Hung Gar over the last thousand years. Serious injuries caused by minimal, precise and perfected combat movements let observers shiver with fear. This explains why men and women practicing Hung Gar often are characterized as superhumanly fast, tough and strong. Often, when spoken from the theory of the elements, the different relations between the elements and the resulting conversion cycles are meant as

well. However in the original Hung style they are unimportant. The primary goal of Hung Gar and the motivation of its development have always been to be as efficient as possible in combat. During battle for life or death, there is no time to think about which element the opponent uses to attack and then apply the counter element. A split of a second decides on victory or defeat. One of my Hung Gar brothers likes to summarize the theory of the elements the way: “It’s only about destroying the human body of the opponent”.

Earth: The element earth stands for the steadiness of a mountain and the smoothness of dry sand running through the fingers. The power originates from a low stance, deep-rooted in earth and is transmitted to the fist, like an uppercut. It affects the vital functions of the organs spleen and stomach. Earth is one of the five elements of Hung Kuen. In general, earth techniques are characterized by low stances and round, upward movements supported by a very strong qi. This explains the relation to the dragon style of Hung Gar mentioned in an earlier article. Qi and technique are best specified by the adjectives “solid” or “steady”. But in Hung style we neither prefer the hard nor the soft side exclusively. The two sides are equally important. It is more about using the talents of both as the situation requires. Are my opponent’s strikes hard and stiff in relation to mine, I prefer the soft side. On the other hand I favor the hard side of Hung Gar, if the attacks are soft and weak. Symbolically, it’s safe to say that the element earth is in combat rock-solid and smooth as dry sand running through the fingers. The ambitious student might know that earth is the epicenter of all the elements. This explains the circular illustration with earth forming the center. As we know, the Traditional Chinese Medicine was always a part of the original Hung style. Injuries during exercise or combat must be medicated. In this regard the element earth has its place as well. It is in association with the organs spleen (Yin) and stomach (Yang). If we want to take care of our “center” organs we treat them well by eating quietly and on a regular basis. Equally important is what we eat, because this determines how we feel and

how good our physique is. “You are what you eat”. Further the element earth is related with many other things like the color yellow or the sweet flavor. It is possible to project the theory of the five elements to almost everything. At this point we lose focus of what really is relevant. All these symbolic meanings shouldn’t be taken too serious, because they distract from the

essence within the Hung Gar system. We should always remember what the primary intent of this art is. It has been designed to be as efficient as possible in battle for life or death and to conserve the practitioner’s health for a long time. For us this means in a practical way that the element earth stands for one certain kind of power in combat.

“Don't be only a martial artist”, legendary Sensei Richard Kim liked to say, “Be an Artist of Life.” If I heard that once I have heard it a thousand times. My own martial arts career, like many others I know, is influenced by the relationship of being a “warrior” and finding the art within the discipline. While I have met many martial arts greats over the past fifty years, only one I know took Richard Kim's statement literally. I call Bob Mueller “The Picasso of Martial Artists”. His work is colorful and vibrant. It moves with energy and passion that unmistakably displays the heart and focus of a martial artist. Like watching a top kata preformed or a great fighter move, the best always have the championship look, or the 'it”

factor. His work has that special look. His art is celebrated in many sports circles like professional NFL Football and NHL Hockey but it's his renditions of martial artists that intrigue. Incredibly, he didn't even start painting until he was almost fifty years old and only after he spent thirty years as a karate practitioner and sensei. The focus and determination he learned on the dojo floor also gave him the tools, the chops if you will, to create art. What he learned about leadership and promotion got him noticed. So much so, that NFL Films heard about him and was so impressed that they had to tell his story. Mueller's “Finding Your Butkus” life story about discovering his artistic

passion won the 2008 Emmy Award for Outstanding Feature. His art was presented at the Superbowl, NFL & NHL Hall of Fame and a special presentation at the Canadian Black Belt Hall of Fame. His 2013 work of M. Tsuruoka Sensei, the father of Canadian Karate was the highlight of the evening. Actually I met Mueller about thirtyfive years ago when I first introduced him to Mr. Kim and the idea of being an artist of life. Then, he was just beginning to find success as a karate teacher in eastern Ontario. Recently I called him with a few questions about his martial “Art”. DW: Bob, is there a parallel between what you do with a brush and your experiences on the dojo floor? BM: Absolutely! About 2 - 3 years after I began painting on canvas, a prominent art gallery asked for my Artist Statement and CV. First off I didn't know what a CV was (your record of shows and accomplishments) and I certainly didn't have a formal statement about my art. It reminded me, years before, of writing my first Black Belt essay “What does karate mean to me?” I went to write my artist statement, and found I had nothing to say because I had only been an artist for a few years. So I drew on the only background I had, karate-do and the idea of being an artist of life. Here's a little of what I wrote “As a boy, I began my life as an artist but lost my way with the brush and the canvas, replacing it with the fist of a martial artist. For the next three decades I left the brush, while I made the martial

study of body-movement my canvas. At the age of 47, I again picked up the brush and began to color the canvas with my life's lessons. A Karate-do Sensei's intense study of expansion, contraction and power of how to move became the basis for my art. Movement was my life and now it is my art.” DW: Interesting, yes I can see that when I look at your work. Would you say that you draw from your physical training or is the mental approaches that drive your work? BM: Both. First - what is the most important physical skill in sparring or

“the best skill is the one you have and know now! Many classic martial arts teachings, like Sun Tzu, speak of “Know Yourself First”

kumite? Is it speed, power, timing or is it confidence, determination or simply the will to win. I say, the best skill is the one you have and know now! Many classic martial arts teachings, like Sun Tzu, speak of “Know Yourself First”. It takes a similar kind of belief and confidence to make a powerful stroke with a brush or a palette knife on a canvas. It's like having timing while fighting - first seeing the opening and then having the guts to take your best shot. DW: Do you have a favorite martial arts piece that you have done? BM: With me, it's like what they say at the end of the Olympics every four

years “This was the best yet!” I always like my most recent work the best. I have had the honor of painting some truly great martial artists, you, the incredible Don Jacob, Tsuruoka Sensei and others. I would have to say that being asked by John Graden to create a work of the legendary Joe Lewis was a big challenge. I had to take an iconic image, one that everyone had seen over and over, like his flying sidekick or his powerful fighting stance and somehow turn that into a work of art that was mine. Not to mention, Graden told me that Joe, in his youth, was a fine arts student, was very particular

and not easily impressed. That was a lot of pressure! DW: Did Joe get to see the piece before his death a few years ago? If so did he like it? BM: Yes he saw the work, and like it? (smiling) I knocked him out! DW: Any final thoughts? BM: I'll go way back and quote Bruce Lee “Be like water. Put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.”

In my younger days I was taught to make a fist you must become the fist and hit with not just your body, but your mind and your spirit. When I paint I become, like an actor, taking on the persona of what I paint. I imagine moving like they do and feeling like they feel and the instinct of what I feel instructs me. My art represents the human experience of the athlete. It fascinates me. Like water, becoming an artist of life is about going with the flow. Contact Bob Mueller at : for Art Commissions or Corporate Key Note Speeches.

Passion to vocation Between the late 1970's and early 1980's I spent considerable time and effort reading all I could find on the history of the “Okinawan" fighting arts. I was fascinated to discover that much of Okinawa's socalled native fighting arts had actually come from surrounding cultures (i.e., China, Japan and SE Asia). Understandably, the passion to better understand this diverse history prompted me to look into the fighting arts of its neighboring cultures. During that research it became evident there were gaps in Okinawa's fighting arts history... information most likely lost in the sands of time, if even recorded in the first place! Ninety-two year old Kinjo Hiroshi, noted historian, best selling author and Okinawan Karate master, explained to me that, “in spite of the importance we place upon studying the origins, history and lineage of this art today such was not the case during Okinawa's old Ryukyu Kingdom Period.” In fact, according to Kinjo, and in spite of the anecdotal references to “a liaison with [Fujian] China,” there never has been a definitive explanation for the history of Okinawa's empty hand fighting arts! During the dawn of the 20th century local Okinawan authorities decided to take out from behind closed doors their secretive empty-handed fighting arts, and introduce to the public domain (albeit with an ulterior motive) a modified version of kata as a form of physical fitness, ostensibly to serve school children. With a need to fill in the historical blanks, and no official source from which to corroborate information, local enthusiasts drew liberally upon anecdotal reference to describe its origins: “Karate traces its historical origins back to China!”

Major Avi Nardia is one of the leading head official instructors for the Israelite army and police in anti terrorism and CQB, he along with Ben Krajmalnik have made a new basic dvd in the field of firearms and safety, training techniques in IPSC. Instinctive Shooting in Combat. Combat Instinctive Point Shooting - IPSC is a shooting method based on instinctive reactions and kinematics to shoot short distances fast and in dynamic situations. A self defense discipline in order to survive in life t h r e a t e n i n g situatuations , where you need a very fast and accurate shooting abilities, when you must take the gun out as soon as possible and shoot at a short distance without using the sight. In this first volume you will study how to handle the weapon ( revolver and semi -automatic ) dry firing practice and security, "Point Shooting" or instinctive shooting , at a close range and a series of movements and exercises for weapon retention , low stress and multiple attackers ; exercises on how to recharge with one hand, ... and finally practice shooting gallery with guns such as AK- 74, M -4 , M -249 machine gun and even M -16 grenade launchers .

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Text & Photos: GM Maurice Elmalem

The Weekend of Wonders - Sports, Fun, Excitement. The Arnold Schwarzenegger Sports Festival Feb 27March 2, 2014 was the place to be and have a wonderful time with an experience of a lifetime. With 800 booths, more than 18,000 athletes from more than 75 nations, featuring over 50 sports including 12 Olympic sports throughout downtown Columbus Ohio. With so much excitement and things to do you had the feeling to just keep on moving and attend as many or all the electrifying events because there is no other event like the Arnold's, World's Largest Sports Event with over 200,000 spectators and visitors from around the world. Arnold Schwarzenegger the actor, former Governor, 7 Time Mr. Olympia, author and co-producer Jim Lorimers have been partner since 1976 and always pledge to do better each year to bring the best of the best sports to be part of the Arnold Sports Festival with the very best hospitality to all who attend. 2014 new events included pole fitness, swimming, tennis and wrestling. The Arnold Fitness Expo is the largest health and fitness exposition and was the main attraction with top industry companies presenting elaborate showcase throughout the weekend that amazed everyone. The event opened Friday Feb 28th at 9:30 am with entertainment/contests throughout the day at Greater Columbus Convention Center, Ohio. Some of

the sports competitions that took place during the three day weekend were: arm wrestling, Zumba, pole fitness, table tennis, pro boxing, martial arts, strongman competition, bodybuilding, miss bikini, gymnastics, powerlifting, jump rope, dance sports, fencing, art at the Arnold, grappling, weightlifting, archery, cheerleading, cross fit, 5k run and much more. On Saturday afternoon, for the second year on the row I attended the International Sports Arnold Hall of Fame hosted by the governor himself and Dr. Goldman. It was fantastic to be among the HOF inductees, such as actor Jason Statham, star of the Transporter movies and more. He's graciously took pictures and exchanged a few words with the audience. My dear friend Cynthia Rothrock, a great martial artist with more than 30 movies to her credit. Lee Haney, 8 Time Mr. Olympia in the body building surpassing Arnold's record, The Gov. mentioned to everyone that he would have loved to break Mr. Haney's record but with great respect he gave him a big round of applause for his dedication, determination hard work that it takes to achieve this goal especially in body building when

you have to watch your weight and sculpt your body to stay in top shape. It is not an easy process to achieve. Betty Weider, top model and fitness enthusiastic of her time, a good friend of the Arnold and wife of editor of Muscle Magazine among other publications, Dan Gable World Olympic Wrestling Champion who broke the barriers for all to achieve the ultimate in pro wrestling championships. The HOF event was great success. Dr. Goldman did an excellent and ensured that everyone was attended to. He took the time to meet and greet while lunch was being served to the special guests. Among some of the winners that I have witnessed during the Arnold Sports Festival were: World Strongest Man, Zydrunas Savikas who broke the world record held by Brian Shaw of 1128 pounds and lifting 1155 pounds off the ground. It was an unbelievable record feat to witness what power a human body can lift. Mr. Savikas, a native of the Ukraine went on to win 65K prize money for lifting the magic. 274 pounds bar bell with one hand over his shoulder extended all the way up four times in 1:30 (I minute 30 seconds), making him 7 time winner of the Arnold Strong Man sports festival. Kai Green 2nd place Mr. Olympia was among the crowd to witness this incredible feat at Ohio Veteran Memorial downtown where the Arnold Classic had the finals.

News Dennis Wolf, of Germany won the 2014 Arnold Classic 1st place Body Building and received $1000K Prize money. He was the favorite, who won with such a massive body of 5'11” tall and weight 310lbs. The incredible world most famous body machine Encho did perform his magic acrobatics stunts that mesmerized everyone. John Blain received Lifetime Achievement Award for his outstanding contribution to the world of bodybuilding and sports magazine editorial. Overall the year's event was awesome. AMONG THE 2014 SPORTS FESTIVAL WINNERS: JAMES “FLEX” LEWIS ARNOLD CLASSIC 212 - CASH PRIZE: $25,000 CANDICE KEENE WINS ARNOLD FIGURE INTERNATIONAL - CASH PRIZE: $16,000 OKSANA GRISHINA FITNESS INTERNATIONAL - CASH PRIZE: $25,000 ASHLEY KALWASSER - BIKINI INTERNATIONAL - CASH PRIZE: $7000 ZYDRUNAS SAVICKAS - 13TH ARNOLD STRONGMAN CLASSIC - CASH PRIZE: $65,000

Text: Franco Vacirca, Sandra Nagel Photos: Alica Frรถhlich

The way to black belt, with the Vacirca Brothers. Part I The question most frequently asked in Martial Arts, and thus in Gracie Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, is, probably: how long does it take to get a black belt? In this point, it couldn't be otherwise, every school, every fighting style and every teacher will answer the question very differently, as it depends on what is your personal goal or what having a black belt should mean. Most people hope being answered that, in fact, it's possible get it in about a year or two. There is also the case that, through action films, the public has created a distorted and false picture of the true Martial Arts. It is true that today, in some martial circles, you can see very young people (including children and adolescents) bearing brown or even black belts, which doesn't surprise me. Being so, it is also quite common the incorrect image given by many of the current black belt holders, regardless of the fighting style and school they practice. Today, many Martial Arts even offer black belt programs through the Internet, since in these cases money is put in the first place instead of the effort. So, currently, in Martial Arts trading, this is much easier because you can get a black belt certificate with just one mouse click. I've just recently returned from a Sport Jiu-Jitsu Association which, without being requested, has granted me a certificate so that my students can join in tournaments. Again, medals and belts go hand in hand and very few care about the true values of our work and long term commitment. Having a black belt doesn't mean much today, because there are fighting styles in which such title is granted at the beginning and not at the end of a long martial training. The Dan or Master doesn't say much more, because in certain Martial Arts, there are not only 10 mastery degrees, but 15 or more. On the other hand, is not always clear whether someone

wearing the black belt is or can be also at the same time a master or an instructor. When I started in the Martial Arts, in the late 70's, those who wore the black belt were even called "masters"; this no longer happens today, because many fighting styles and schools have much eased the requirements for getting the black belt, in order to give more people the opportunity to achieve that goal. I would like to emphasize the principle that although many points in the assessment of the belt as it stands now, were established here by my master Pedro Hemetério, in my personal opinion the Gracie's, Machado, etc., approach the subject in a similar way.

The way to blue belt; more than a base In the Zurich Triangle Academy, the blue belt marks the first stage; in the Vacirca Brothers Jiu Jitsu, it is obtained after between one and one and a half year of a regular and constant workout. In our Academy we use a development checking form with the coach or instructor after each workout with the participation of the students enrolled. I have also continuously improved this route in recent years. The first six months of a student in the Triangle Academy are probably the most intense ones, because our style of Jiu-Jitsu is very physical and it demands from the student practicing from the first lesson to "measure himself" against his training partners. This "measuring" is carried out under a friendly aspect of "trial and error" and should not be considered in any case as negative experience, since no one goes back home with a black eye. The Jiu-Jitsu, such as we practice it, virtually forces us to not only confront each other at a theoretical level, but it also shows us that the technique and the application of the theory are closely linked together. So we learn to adapt the JiuJitsu technique to us instead of adapting ourselves to the technique. What we can lear n from Grandmaster Hélio Gracie is that the Jiu -Jitsu he developed can be really mastered by a vast majority of the population to defend themselves, and so it must remain in the Triangle Academy, without frills or glib chattering, as is the case other schools of Jiu -Jitsu.

In the first months, the student must reflect over the odds to survive a situation and concentrate in wanting to dominate any circumstance. A Jiu Jitsu rookie can't avoid going thru this experience, no matter how strong and athletic he might be, as this is the way and there are no shortcuts to soften this stage. During the first months, he is increasingly able to see and improve his possibilities of perceiving and controlling the enemy in a gradual and natural way, being also able to implement an efficient self-defense. In this phase he also learns to better use the energy and not let it escape easily, so that in the first two minutes of combat all the consumed strength and resistance equalize. Over time, one can also learn to relax in the "game." Gradually a game plan is drawn; through proper tactical behavior, it slowly works its way to reach the right targets. Who manag es t o dev elo p a g o o d technical and tactical sense, will get one step beyond, virtually forcing his opponents to make mistakes, so he can even get an advantage. His way of moving gets better and better what I call" the circle", because at the beginning one moves as if he had corners (square) - and he also increas es his flexibilit y, as techniques have been repeatedly practiced. In order to achieve exactly this, we work as instructors in the Triangle Academy on a fixed schedule, in the so-called basic curriculum, which I developed in our Academy in 1995. It is a series of exactly 36 techniques that are taught in 23 consecutive lessons. These basic techniques are much more than the foundations of our Gracie Jiu -Jitsu, as they are still practiced; no matter at what belt level we might be working in a given moment, these 36 basic techniques are always there to help us understand what is really an "advanced art." Unlike many schools of BJJ and GJJ, I don't work in a linear way or collect techniques and tricks in order to retain students beside me. A s w i t h m y t e a c h e r P e d ro Hemetério, I put first the "efficiency" and the "essence". I cling to Master Pedro's teaching concept, since he was himself a modernizer of JiuJitsu, but without desecrating the basic principles of Hélio Gracie JiuJitsu. I work with my Jiu Jitsu colleagues today like Rigan Machado, who in turn counts on Rickson Gracie, one of the greatest

technicians of our time. However, I follow my own way, because to me, it is important to do so. Those who come to the Triangle Academy with experience in other Martial Arts, often ask us when they will see the first striking techniques, if they are familiar with the Vacirca Brothers Jiu-Jitsu. Most people still think you can defeat an opponent with a single blow, as many fighting styles claim, even more in our century. There are always exceptions; and I don't mean that a good kick or a good blow with the knee in the stomach cannot be definitive. Others come to us believing they have enrolled a Mixed Martial Arts school, but when they learn that Jiu-Jitsu has nothing to do with the brutality of MMA, they soon leave this path, which I don't really regret. When a white belt makes his first randori (sparring between partners), he hardly can make a correct takedown and usually ends up on the ground. Most people think of the experience when they go back home after training and they feel as if they had been run over by a flattened bulldozer. Many get frustrated because things in training not always go as easily as one would like. Maybe you'll be surprised if I say that you should see training as a sweet little beating. You mustn't worry whether you've won or lost. Consider it as an experience with lots of fun and joy. And after training, keep your head high and say again to yourself that it's been fun and you've lear ned something new ... even if it's a small movement of the hand or foot that you can try again at your next training session. Those who have problems in parking their ego at the Academy main gate and can't control their fears, will have lots of problems in Jiu-Jitsu, because with that unnecessary emotional baggage, body and mind get blocked and that makes the learning process difficult, no matter if you are a beginner or you've been practicing Jiu-Jitsu or any other martial art for years. Many of them are constantly going from school to school because they believe that this will not happen to them in another place, but things are not like that and eventually they give up training and leave this path to end up in their houses, sitting in front of the TV set in slippers, with a beer in their hands and some popcorn on the table... to keep on dreaming, instead of going out to live things with others.


alifornia USA seems to some how always be the fountain head of new trends in martial arts and fitness and it looks like they have done it again. Paul Reavlin CEO of is the creator of this new trend in martial arts and fitness. Business form s and weekends usually have 80% business and 20% technical seminars Paul has reversed it and his will have 80% technical and 20% business where he blends the latest fitness trends like Zumba and Crossfit with classical martial arts, XMA and Muay Thai. He will be bringing in the leading leading exponents of the arts and business to train all in attendance. We asked Paul to explain a little more of what he is doing. One of the exciting components of the martial arts is to appreciate many different forms and styles. Although many martial arts often think that one

style maybe more effective than another, we can all agree that it's fun to study different arts and gain different perspectives. For many people who are just starting out in their martial arts journey it really is difficult for them to decipher the differences between all of the different martial arts: Traditional systems, stand up systems, ground systems… Korea, Japan, Thailand so many sources of information. For so long I wanted to build an event where people could come train in many different martial arts. Because no matter what people can or can't agree on when it comes to the martial arts, we can all agree that we like to train. Well, what started as a simple vision to provide a weekend where people could learn from a full variety of different martial arts, started to grow into a full blown convention where we could try to bring instructors the latest and greatest martial arts and fitness. I say “try” because there are so many

amazing instructors that it would be impossible to get them all in one place. The vision then became, “let's get some of the most influential martial arts instructors on the planet in one place so instructors could get some amazing training and get recharged about their business. We figured that if we could get a fantastic group of instructors in one place, to teach wide array of martial arts and fitness, we could provide a truly rewarding training experience and show people stuff they have never seen before. And that is what we set out to do. By now the vision continued to grow and soon many people were asking us for a business component. And although I didn't really see it at the beginning, I guess training your brain could be considered training, so we fit it in. And now we have 3 tracks: A martial arts track A fitness track and A business track

Each year we hope to add more tracks and more curriculum so that it gets better and better. The martial arts world is endless so we know there is no end to how things can grow and improve. Here is a sampling of just a few of the teachers at the event: Kru Mark DellaGrotte is owner Sityodtong USA, Instructor, coach and competitor. With over 30 years in martial arts experience Kru Mark became certified in Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do, Indonesian Pencak Silat, Boxe Francaise, Savate, Filipino Kali-Escrima, Catch Wrestling and Muay Thai. Kru Mark spent more than a decade living in Thailand learning versions of Muay Thai including Mae Mai Muay Thai, Kun Khmer, Muay Boran, Muay Lao, and Burmese Boxing. Sensei Erik Paulson's martial arts journey began in 1974, in Judo. From there, he went on to train in the disciplines of Freestyle and GrecoRoman Wrestling, Boxing, Jeet Kune Do, Filipino Martial Arts (Kali/ Eskrima/ Arnis), Shoot Wrestling, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Many of his teachers included training with Rorion Gracie, Royce Gracie, Rickson Gracie, in a garage, Greg Nelson, Rob Kaman, and Nicolas Saignac. He is world renown for his grappling, and is considered a leading authority in MMA. Darren Levine, Krav Maga Worldwide & Head Deputy District Attor ney for the County of Los Angeles. Darren Levine is the Chief Instructor of Krav Maga Worldwide. A 6th degree black belt, he is one of the highest-ranked Krav Maga instructors in the world and received extensive training directly from Imi Lichtenfeld, the creator of Krav Maga. In recognition of his extraordinary contributions to the Krav Maga system, Darren Levine received one of only two Founder Diplomas ever issued by Imi Lichtenfeld. An internationally recognized self-defense and counterterrorism expert, Darren Levine

has taught thousands of civilians and police officers, as well as military special operation and anti-terrorist units in the United States and abroad. Mike Chat, XMA Xtreme Martial Arts Known as the Tony Hawk of martial arts, 7-time World Forms & Weapons Champion and former Blue Power Ranger, Mike Chat is the founder of XMA, Xtreme Martial Arts. With over 1,400 licensed facilities worldwide, Mr. Chat is responsible for training over 175 world champions, Hollywood superstars Taylor Lautner (Twilight Saga), Jaden Smith (Karate Kid) & Willow Smith, and Grammy artists Usher, the Black Eyed Peas, stunt doubles for Brad Pitt, George Clooney ,Matt Damon, Keanu Reeves and more! Steve Maxwell: Master Trainer Steve's seemingly supernatural talent at program design comes from more than 45 years of experience in fitness training and coaching. He has a Master's in Physical Education, and was the first person certified to teach Gracie Jiu-Jitsu in the USA. He was the first North American Relson Gracie black belt. Maxwell is a six-time Pan-American BJJ Champion and three time International Master Senior Champion. Steve is also known as the American Master of the Russian Kettlebell. He founded Maxercise, a personal training gym, which was the first Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu school in Philadelphia and the first kettlebell gym in the USA. Dubbed by Philadelphia Magazine as "The Best Place to Get Your Ass Kicked". Steve's original ideas and ability with kettlebells is internationally renowned.

The list of instructors/presenters goes on and on and we are committed to providing a truly exceptional martial arts training experience. We look forward to seeing you there. Paul Reavlin, CPA and black belt in Krav Maga, founded Revgear in 1996. While training for his brown belt, Paul grew frustrated with the existing training equipment on the market. Tired of false claims of quality and poorly designed products, he decided that creating a quality branded product line was the only alternative. Paul then changed his career path as a CPA and Revgear was born. Paul serves as a consultant for Pro Shop Mentor, a merchandising program he created for martial arts school owners. In addition, Reavlin shares his expert advice on merchandising techniques and tools of the trade as a contributing writer for magazines and other industry publications, trade show presenter and frequent guest speaker for radio and webinars.

hen I first started working in security almost 20 years ago, most security companies thought executive protection was an off-duty police officer whose primary advantage was that he could carry a gun. Very few, if any, had formal Executive Protection training. Most security companies are slowly beginning to change, but many still do not have any Executive Protection training program or hiring requirements for formally-trained Executive Protection Agents. Instead you will see that the gun holds a critical place in their tool kit and marketing endeavors. Let me tell you the gun is the most useless tool in executive protection. Further, if you have to resort to the gun, you have failed.


How many times do you see the US Secret Service or even Executive Protection Agents in the private sector use their guns? So called Executive Protection companies and training schools promote guns and weapon training on their web sites, in YouTube videos, and other social media sites. When was the last time that the US Secret Service or any Executive Protection company protected a client by using a firearm? Never. So why promote this in their marketing? It probably looks sexy, cool, or promotes that the company 'is better and badder because we have the toughest Executive Protection agents in the world'. I was always taught that less is more. And this is true in the world of Executive Protection where discretion is key, both in terms of confidentiality but also in terms of not drawing attention to your client. In fact displaying guns and weapons in addition to promoting the gun can be a liability. For instance, if you are involved in a use of force or deadly force incident and you have promoted aggressive behavior on the internet and social media sites, it will be used against you. Why is the gun the most useless tool in Executive Protection? In studying assassination attempts or attacks you will see that when the bad-guys start shooting, the Protection team is already behind. A race has begun between the shooter and the protection team's response, which can only be to get the client out of harm's way or “cover and evacuate�. This race is summed up as: Time, Speed and Distance. Time: If the bad guy pulls out a gun and starts shooting, the Executive Protection Agent must have a fast reaction to recognize the threat and put his plan into action. Speed: Evacuate the client to a safe area in the fastest amount of time. Distance: The further this safe area is from the attack zone the better, keeping in mind that the work of the Executive Protection Agent is to find the right balance. An Agent does not have time to get the gun out of his holster, return fire and defeat the attacker. The key to making this plan work is Advance Work. This is the planning that happens prior to the security detail that allows an Executive Protection Agent to know the game plan on where they will safely and quickly go to get out of the kill zone.

By Kent Moyer, CEO of The World Protection Group, Inc. in Beverly Hills, Ca.

great weekend of competition filled with excitement and indelible memories. This outstanding event commenced on Friday April 4th and accommodating over 2500 competitors from across the globe including Canada, Italy, Russia, Egypt, Venezuela, Poland, Hungary, England, Australia and much more. The promoters and hosts, Don & Christine Rodrigues once again presented another superb event ensuring that everything went orderly and flawless throughout the 3 days of completion. As customary this year's event took place at the Crown Plaza Hotel R.I. Friday all the under belts young and old competed in all the ranks of under belts and move on to the finals. 1st to 3rd place


winners and grand champions. Also slated for the day was the hosting of the 2014 WAKO-USA Jr National Team trials where the winners in this segment will represent the United States at the WAKO world Championships later this year and be a part of the North American Sport Karate Association (NASKA) World Tour. This year's event is being rated by KRANE and NASKA. Saturday was the main attraction for all Black Belt competitors/elimination of all ages. Here the expertise of GM Don & Christine Rodrigues becomes evident as the best promoters. As a team their hard work and dedication to the martial arts will be something that especially the young aspiring martial artists will live and learn to appreciate for many years to come.

They make it their uttermost responsibility to promote martial arts as well as encourage others to be enthusiastic about competing and excelling in the rings as they extend to them a fair shot at winning and proving their talents. This year I had great pleasure to seeing and interviewing my good friend, World champion, movie star and creator of Taebo exercise prodigy Billy Blanks who won the 1986 OSGN Men's B/Belt fighting Grand Champion.

INTERVIEW I also had great pleasure to meet with World Champion and actor Ernest “The Cat” Miller who played a big part in the movie “The Wrestler” alongside Mikey Arork, a very

Text & Photos: GM Maurice Elmalem energetic and humble man. Among this year's Grand Champion winners that took place on Saturday night finals is as follows: Youth Black belt forms Grand 13/under winner Kiren Kormov, B.B. Weapons Grand 14-17 Jackson Rudoplh, Synchronizing team Paul Mitchell, Women's B/Belt Forms Grand Caitlin Dechelle, Men's B/Belt Forms Grand, Tyler Weaver Men's B/ Belt overall fighting Grand Final Justin Ortiz. Then came the most dramatic part of the evening, the surprise guest of the show, World Champion Grand Master Kevin Thompson whom I competed with for years. He was an awesome martial artist, energetic and full of passion for the

arts. On a personal level I consider him to be the “champion of champions” fighter with thunder speed and agility, a rounded martial a r t i s t t h a t h a s b e e n a ro u n d f o r many years. P re s e n t l y h e ' s dependent of a wheel chair as he is now challenged with ALS disease (Lou Gherigs disease) Yet even though the situation presents itself he takes the opportunity to speak to all he come in contact with about the values of the simple things in life that we often take for granted. In his moving speech he mentioned a few important facts: 1. “Make sure to enjoy life to the fullest while you are strong, young and able. 2. Laugh. Do it as often as you can, have laughter in your heart, help your soul.

3. To be emotional to have compassion for someone, for everyone if possible. To exercise and continue with great help and the last thing I am your brother and you are my brothers and sisters Martial Arts has been my life since the age of 5. As the feather new Jack City say I am my brother's keeper. To me this was a fantastic yet emotional moment. I hug my friend Kevin and we both felt the energy for one another. I was extremely happy to see him smile when he said to me “Stay strong, God bless you.” To sum it up for this really unforgettable weekend I would like to thank Don& Christine Rodrigues as well as all who helped with their generosity and raised over $20,000 to buy a wheelchair accessible van to transport Kevin in his every day activities. All the best

The Zen Nihon Toyama Ryu Iai -Do Renmei ( ZNTIR ), once reviewed and adapted the concepts and methodology of a school that proceeds from a method of real combat, is the body that currently intends to maintain this tradition and original forms alive through a system that unifies body, mind and spirit in a realistic and effective way. This DVD was done at the instance of practitioners of the Spanish subsidiary of the Zen Nihon Toyama Ryu Iaido Renmei (ZNTIR - Spain Branch) to present to everybody a combat style with a real sword, created last century, but with roots in the ancient fighting techniques of feudal Japan. In it you will find the basic structure of the methodology applied in the style, from the coded warm up and preparation exercises, cutting exercises, guards, the school kata, work in pairs and initiation in the Tameshigiri or cutting exercises on a real target , the cornerstone of the Toyama- Ryu. We hope that knowledge of the existence of a style such as the Toyama-Ryu Batto-Jutsu acts as a revulsive of a traditional way and yet very different from current combat disciplines, that attract those who want to go further in their martial practices. Those interested in the Japanese sword and initiates, will find useful this DVD both as support to their learning and as a reference.


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.

ORDERS: Budo international. net

Wing Chun THE SNAKE AND THE CRANE Part 2 -The Crane Many practitioners of Wing Chun Gung Fu have been told throughout the years of the art's legendary beginnings, when either Yim Wing Chun (for whom the art was named) or Ng Mui (a Shaolin nun, if we are to believe she existed) witnessed a fight between a snake and a crane. She then incorporated the ideas of each into a new fighting system specifically designed for a smaller and weaker woman to be able to defeat a man in mortal combat. Another more likely version is that someone took the two Shaolin animal styles that were the least reliant upon size and strength (the snake and the crane), and created an entirely new combat system that would focus on scientific concepts and principles to overcome someone larger and stronger, possible even skilled in the other animal styles of Shaolin and other Gung Fu styles that were in existence at that time in China. Some of those concepts included Reference, borrowing power, Cutting Angle blocking, Facing, Economy of Motion and Time, Footwork, Timing, Trapping, Multi-Directional Movement, Lever and Fulcrum, Body Unity and Centerline Theory. Each of these are topics covered in the Combat Theory A to Z essay in Volume VI of this series. But for now, I would like to explore further into Wing Chun's snake and crane roots. We often read that Wing Chun uses snake and crane motions, but the discussion usually ends with the mention of the Boang Sau Wing Arm Deflection to represent the crane's wing, and the Biu Jee Finger Jab illustrating the snake. Instead of stopping there as most usually do, I am going to discuss here many more of the characteristics of the snake and the crane that influence CRCA Wing Chun. In this second part, we will examine the part played by the crane in combat.

Characteristics of the Crane Use of Wings - Due to its small size and light weight, rather than using forceful blocking motions, the crane relies instead on expanding its wings to deflect attacks with their sharp, bladed edges, as well as to cut into the opponent in attack. Like the crane, the Wing Chun fighter also uses 45-degree “Cutting Angle” blocking, as well as bent arms to attack and defend with the elbows, which can do maximum damage with very little weight or muscular force necessary.

Simultaneous Attack/Defense - Another skill Wing Chun takes from the crane is the idea of blocking and striking at the same time. In this way, the Wing Chun man can hit the opponent sooner, and with borrowed power. In other words, if two punches come, and you respond with Block-Block-Counterstrike, you will hit the opponent back on the third “syllable” with only your own punching power. But if instead you block the first punch, then simultaneously block the second AND strike at the same time, you will hit him sooner (on the second “syllable”) with both your own power as well as power “borrowed” from his forward momentum. This will maximize the effect of the counterstrike when fighting someone bigger and stronger. In more advanced stages, a kick can also be delivered with the counterstrike, thus exemplifying the Wing Chun maxim “Som Jiu Chai Doh” - “Execute three motions at once.” Use of its beak - Anyone observing a crane in combat will immediately notice that it will use its beak repeatedly to sharply peck at its opponent. Many of those attacks are to the eyes, the most vulnerable point of the human body in combat. Just think, what other part of the body could you touch with so little force as to cause so much pain, damage and injury as the eyeball? And since we as humans do not have a beak, in CRCA Wing Chun, we interpret this characteristic in a few ways; as a Headbutt, or to use the sharp points of the fingers and nails to attack the opponent's eyes -if he can't see, he is a much less effective fighter and the threat is reduced. It doesn't take muscular force to effectively attack the eyes of a larger, stronger opponent. And when grappling, the thumb and index finger can create a formidable twisting pinch, similar to the bite of a crane in a technique known as the “Phoenix Eye.” Standing on one leg - One of the most prominent characteristics of the crane is its ability to stand for long periods balanced on one leg. Known in Wing Chun as Dook Lop Ma, the Independent Single Leg Stance is used when Kicking, multiple “Invisible” Kicking, leg blocking, Stopkicking, sweeping, evasion and Sticky Foot training. Use of its talons - When cranes fight, they use their claws for grabbing and scratching aggressors. This gives birth to the Wing Chun idea of Trapping while striking, which helps when going against a stronger opponent, especially when pulling them directly into a strike to “borrow” their power. At Biu Jee level, the fingers are used as nerve-shocking joint, flesh and hair grabs. Angular Attack - When a crane fights, it will attack relentlessly, but when overwhelmed with too great a force, it will fly backwards momentarily and then re-engage from another more effective angle. This inspires CRCA's use of footwork to add power, change the distance, improve Facing and to add or relieve pressure. Loyalty - Chosen by the Japanese as the symbol for marriage, the crane is known for its extreme loyalty, as cranes mate with only one single partner for life. Taking inspiration from yet another of the crane's traits, the Traditional Wing Chun Rules of Conduct encourage loyalty to country, family, instructor, fellow students and one's own students. As you can see, the CRCA Wing Chun practitioner derives much inspiration from the snake and the crane in combat, both in action and in principle. It is the reason I chose to include them as part of the Close Range Combat Academy logo seen here (note that the crane's wings are actually knives).

Wing Chun

Wing Chun

WING CHUN GUNG GUNG FU: FU: The Explosive Art of Close Range Combat

Five brand new Wing Chun DVDs 1 DVD: “Bot” Jom Doh Basics Complete “Bot” Jom Doh Form, 108 Motions, Historical Information about the Wing Chun Broadswords, Detailed Knife Blocking and Striking Techniques, “Bot” Jom Doh Footwork, Details of the footwork orientation of the form, One-man “Bot” Jom Doh Drills 2 DVD set: “Bot” Jom Doh, Applications, Drills, Concepts & Principles Applications of the motions from the “Bot” Jom Doh form, Knife vs. Knife, Knife vs. Pole, Drills, Concepts and Principles, Specially created Knife drills for the Wooden Dummy, Detailed Knife Blocking and Striking, Knife techniques as compared to their empty-hand counterparts, Cutting Principles

Sifu Randy Williams’ extensive collection of books on Wing Chun in 6 volumes, the series contains the history of Wing Chun, the theory and description of all Wing Chun forms in detail, Volume 6 is focused on instructing the system and provides additional information about Wing Chun Combat Theory from A to Z! This great work, originally written in 1988 and newly revised and updated is a must for the library of any serious student of the art. You can order the entire series as a set of 6 books, or by individual volume, and the new DVDs can also be ordered individually or in sets directly from us through our website:

1 DVD: CRCA Wing Chun “Biu Jitsu” Groundfighting Contents: The concept of “Reverse Engineering,” Chokes; Rear, Front Standing, “Guillotine,” Head-and-Arm, Side-Mount Shoulder Choke, and many other Groundfighting drills and techniques.

2 DVD set: “Look Deem Boon” Gwun Volume 1 ( 55 min. ) Content: Pole Details, Pole Drills, Pole Footwork, Form Overview, “Look Deem Boon” Gwun Form, 6 ½ Strikes of the Pole, Applications: Pole vs. Pole One Volume SingleWeapon DVD Biu Jitsu DVD DVD Set (all 5)

€ 49,90 € 39,90 € 25,90 € 149,90

The shipping & handling costs are not included for more information please contact us: Copyright © 1989 CRCA Enterprises Publisher CRCA-Lopez / Mario Lopez, Atroper Str. 56, 47226 Duisburg, Germany E-Mail:

“Look Deem Boon” Gwun Volume 2 (60 min.) Heavybag Drills, Dummy Drills, Two Man Drills, Form overview, Pole vs. Knife

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