"Bamboo Legs, Tofu Body, Steel Hands and Crystal Head". This Kuen Kuit indicates the way in which the Wing Chun practitioner has to defend and attack, being the extreme defense of the central line the fundamental pillar of the practice. A flexible body supported on flexible and fast legs, firm hands and the head absolutely closed after all the armies as the most precious treasure. With these premises, Sifu Salvador Sรกnchez tackles his fourth DVD, showing the exercises of free movement in the central line, the basic practice of defense and attack of the central line, the Chi Sao or "Sticky Hands" as a way of dominating the Central Line, training on unstable or reduced surfaces, defense exercises against kicks, ground combat applications, takedowns and projections from Chi Sao, Light Sparring / Da Lat Sao, and numerous examples of applications and exercises to protect the central line, a fundamental element in the Wing Chun Kung Fu system.
Ref.: โ ข TAOWS4
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“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.” Aristotle “One must have chaos and frenzy within oneself to give birth to a dancing star.” Friedrich Nietzsche
here is no Art with artifice. Art with capital letters is a mysterious, elusive and capricious touch of the gods, an ornament with which few are dressed, but that nevertheless, is capable of moving many. Art exists to the extent that an artist is capable of creating an invisible path of communication with the Universal. That is why Art is and has been admired in all times as a greater good and the artist capable of exercising his ministry is acclaimed by his peers, like a hero touched by the gods. Art moves, because it’s able to pull the invisible strings of the soul of those who experience it, and such exercise, its language and secrets, are part of the unfathomable mystery of the meeting between the human and the divine. The essence of Art transcends all technique and has much more to do with emotion than with aesthetics itself. True Art knows no shortcuts, no trickery, preconceived formulations or coined recipes. Obviously, a work of art can be afterward analyzed, but it can never be described beforehand. We can dismember one by one the elements of which it is composed; we can even reflect on the mathematical or geometrical points that make it possible, get its Divine Proportion and describe the reasons that are perceived behind the organization of its forms, composition, harmony and order ... Yes, of course, all that is possible. But, by the fact that we are able to analyze the whole thing, it cannot be inferred that, out of those reasons, it's also possible to obtain the key that allows us to compose another new work of Art. Therefore, Art cannot be learned through a certain technique; rather, it's an invisible connection, a summary and a representation of the spirit, and as
“Art is a lie that brings us closer to the truth.” Pablo Picasso “You use a glass mirror to see your face; you use works of art to see your soul.” George Bernard Shaw
such, it deals neither on sensationalisms nor preestablished solutions Art moves and disturbs the observer, when the artist has been able to compress in his or her work, a silent message capable of making us vibrate. That magic needs two points: an emitter, the work, and a receiver, the individual, who has to find some point of connection with it. Masterpieces may not do even the slightest dent in an observer alien to their message. But if they have managed to become highly considered, it's due to the fact of having succeeded in structuring a magic of great depth and scope, over a long time. Time, here's an indispensable factor to universalize a work of art. Once they have gone through that touchstone, true works of art can be raised to the altars because there is no fashion or marketing that will resist its passing. Art is an elusive matter to be defined, because it's mystery itself what it cradles inside. The great guitarist Paco de Lucía clearly differentiated dazzling from thrilling. "When people's attention starts declining in a concert, I raise them up with my ability; but nothing replaces the elf of Art, which is meek and profound". The technique is, or it should be, nothing but a resource, a tool, while Art is really a soul subterfuge embodying mystery. My dear Professor of Painting, Manolo Tarazona, insisted on showing me what Art was through painting, but he was very careful to make me understand that, rather than an act in itself, Art was a way of being. Painting was the final sequence of a vital process, where the painter's hungry eyes met with an intense and specific emotion that disturbed him or her, and his or her need to transmit it. Then
“Art moves, because it’s able to pull the invisible strings of the soul of those who experience it, and such exercise, its language and secrets, are part of the unfathomable mystery of the meeting between the human and the divine.� came painting itself, which was taken as a sacred act, where rigor and professionalism would stop individual excesses and the work acquired a value and a due respect, that extended even to the materials that would make it possible. It reminded me somehow of the care of a traditional Dojo, the reverence for a sacred place, the liturgies of an ancient and, at the same time, personal religion, that spirit which forced the painter when beginning any work, when "attacking the canvas", to undress so that, white and pure like the canvas itself, he could face it in a fair fight and on an equal footing. Without that emotional bond, the Art for my Master was only deception, trompe l'oeil and lie. Manolo talked to me about a lot of things but he didn't teach me many techniques. He considered, without ever saying it, that it would be to lower my divine condition; if he had accepted me as a student, he wanted to speak to "the great one" that existed palpitating inside me, instead of the "brushworker", as he referred to himself, in a jocular exercise of false humility. He trusted that, painting by his side, my eyes would fill up with what it was required to solve the technical issues, but he never ever passed up an occasion to remark and awaken the unfading reality of the mystery, the first and last reality of the true meaning of Art. Not being afraid was one of the secrets that he wanted to pass me on. Unlike in life, everything is fixable in a work. Rigor and boldness, work and perseverance; love for the means along with a genuine sensuality for the materials; absolute freedom to conceive the work, followed by containment, restraint and, at the end, the ability to release it all as an arrow, to finish the work. These were some of the many things that his genius and mastery bequeathed me, but beyond such
valuable teachings, Manolo, in his own way, wanted to convey to me that Art is nothing but magic, which, unmistakably, even if it ends up outwardly reflected, it must start from the inside. And it's there, in that stormy nest of the artist's soul, where it's mystery is cooked. It's in joy and pain, in serenity and despair, where wickers to weave the basket of the artistic mystery arise. The true artist, though seen as privileged person at times, is nothing but an emotional cripple who struggles to overcome his or her deficiencies and transcend his or her limitations and is the fruit of such effort, when he or she reaches to touch the ineffable. There is therefore no Art without a defective artist; it is from the artist's deficiencies that the creative act arises. In it blend the extremes of the beauty and the beast, the polarities of man and woman, king and slave, and it's in such a struggle, as a therapy some times, and as a simple vehicle for sustenance other times, when now and then, and only now and then, the Universe, compassionate, gives a piece of the mystery to the aching remnants of a human being, momentarily satisfying man's infinite thirst for the eternal. Any work thus achieved, is a robbery to the gods, and they always forward the bill; for that reason, it is not strange that frequently, the biographies of the artists are compulsive, intense and complicated. How many of them have immolated themselves in the pyre of the Art, seeking to repeat boldly the sensations that wrap its mystery! The most seasoned, however, achieved inner peace, calmed their torments and lived long and fruitful lives through it. Because in the end, Art is a target to which we shoot, it's the very act of extending the arrow, and not only the objective of hitting the target; the consolation of a dream, rebellion against finitude, Promethean arrogance
before the gods, the creative act, is the only thing that ultimately distinguishes man from the beast. As Manolo, my dear Manolo said ... "only the Art will save us".
Great Masters I had the pleasure and the honor of meeting Grandmaster Chiu Chi Ling on the occasion of the recording of the video "The interview", available on www.budointernational.com. Already at that video, part of the interview was made by his inheritor, Gran Master Mar tin Sewer, r egular collaborator in these pages. Grandmaster Chiu Chi Ling is a living myth of action films in the last decades. The new generation knew him in his role as "The Tailor" in "Kungfusion", but his long career in the Chinese Martial cinema first, and then also in We s t e r n p r o d u c t i o n m o v i e s , including producers such as Disney, have made him a true legend. Believe me folks, his sympathy responds to that comical image that convey many of his characters, nevertheless he also possesses a serious side: that of t h e M a r t i a l M a s t e r, h i g h l y demanding with his own pupils and with his traditions. It was under this double version o f h i m s e l f t h a t M a r t i n S e w e r, today Grand Master and heir of his lineage, had to deal for many years in his Martial path.
Great Masters Chiu Chi Ling can be so charming as he can be demanding. He is a born seducer who overflows energy and sympathy in abundance. The energy of a child, contrasted with that of a severe Martial Master, is an indescribable mixture that guarantees without a doubt that fascination and aura with which he surrounds himself. Five minutes after meeting him, you'll be unfailingly smiling because nobody can resist his charm, and in half an hour you'll be willing to adopt him as your favorite grandpa'. Anyway, it mustn't have been an easy task to coexist with such an overwhelming personality and earn his confidence and respect, much less acquiring the right to be called his successor. It's but clear that the work of Sifu Sewer has not been easy at all, but everything in his life and those years of experiences have made him what he is today: a worthy heir of an extraor dinar y and ancient ancestr y; a lineage that he not only has come to perpetuate with all his zeal, but he has managed to mold so that in the 21st century it keeps the proper charm and viability of an activity that continues being in force in the new stage of our millennium. To d a y, b o t h o f t h e m ( w i t h s o m e t i n y intervention from the undersigned) speak for all of you in this sincere, interesting and open interview that can leave no one indifferent. And because we should take the tip from the old, and he happens to be one of the greatest of our time ... Don't miss it! Alfredo Tucci
GM Martin Sewer: What does Hung Gar mean to you? GM Chiu Chi Ling: It is difficult to put into words what Hung Gar means to me. I was born into a Kung Fu family, into a very, very great family that is. World-wide Hung Gar is one of the most important Kung Fu styles, and I have been part of it since I was a little boy. I was able to experience many things in my life thanks to my Kung Fu. Due to this Kung Fu, my skills and knowledge, I have made it into the movie world, I was able to educate students all over the world, I could get to know different cultures and much more. Even today, many people want to learn from me. However, I cannot accept everybody as a student. A student has to fit in with us. He has to be sincere, honest and loyal, in other words she has to have a good character. I hardly find the time though to teach. GM Martin Sewer: How did you feel about your education as a little boy? GM Chiu Chi Ling: Already when I was a little boy, just as it was the case with the famous Chinese national hero, Wong Fei Hung, my mother and my father taught me Hung Gar Kung Fu. Kung Fu cannot be learnt overnight. 3 to 4 years of learning are next to nothing. At this stage one only scratches the surface. It takes years to develop and learn the mind, the emotion, the power and all the principles. Today, I can look back to almost 70 years of training. And even today, I am still learning something new every day. (Smiling), Of course when I was young I did not always feel like practicing. Sometimes I preferred to play. But my father, Chiu Kow was very strict. I was beaten with a baton when I was too lazy to learn. My mother was always trying to motivate me.
Great Masters “I was a little boy when I heard stories about Kung Fu on the radio. Movies appeared much later. I would never have thought that I would be able to make movies myself. Thanks to our Hung Gar I got the opportunity to be involved in movies. People liked it and I could shoot other movies. I would never have thought that I could do that.�
Great Masters Later, when I had completed the system, I learnt to promote Hung Gar world-wide and to make it well-known. M Martin Sewer: Was weight training already a part of the education back then? GM Chiu Chi Ling: Weight training has always been an integral part of our Kung Fu. Already in Shaolin, surely before that time as well, the body had been strengthened with heavy weighting. My grand children who have just visited my school in Hong Kong, were astonished by the many dumbbells, cable pulling machine and other equipment. My father was very strong indeed. In numerous photos he is with heavy weights, stones or even big pots. My brother was awarded Mister Hong Kong with his trained body. I followed my parents and brothers who had done it very well and very successfully. GM Martin Sewer:What do you do when you are not out and about promoting Kung Fu? Do you have any hobbies? GM Chiu Chi Ling: (Smiling), No, ‌Kung Fu is my hobby. I am interested in many things. But at the end of the day, I am thoroughly fascinated with and enthusiastic about Kung Fu.
“Today, I can look back to almost 70 years of training. And even today, I am still learning something new every day.�
Great Masters Alfredo Tucci: What does it feel like to know that one’s own legacy is carried on by Martin Sewer? GM Chiu Chi Ling: Martin is a very good student and a good person. He has very good leadership skills and there are people all over the world who love and respect him. I am very proud of him and of his students, in fact, very proud indeed. GM Martin Sewer: What kind of advice would you give to your next generation? GM Chiu Chi Ling: Listen carefully. Pay attention to details. Learn more. Practice, practice and practice some more, with as many different people as possible. Observe, how it feels. Think about it, and really deal with the depth of this art. GM Martin Sewer: Why do you think you are one of the best worldwide, if not even the best? GM Chiu Chi Ling: I have never said that I was the best. I would never claim such a thing. The people who learn from me at seminars or somewhere else say such things. The foundation is extremely important. If you don't understand the stances, it is very difficult to learn Hung Gar. Yin/Yang, Bagua, internal power, 5 elements and much more. Without the foundation you are never going to learn Hung Gar.
“…Kung Fu is my hobby. I am interested in many things. But at the end of the day, I am thoroughly fascinated with and enthusiastic about Kung Fu.”
Great Masters “Don’t be angry, ever, and enjoy the beautiful things in your life. Practice a lot and strengthen your health. Then, you are going to burst with energy!”
Alfredo Tucci: Is there a secret to your seemingly endless energy at your age? GM Chiu Chi Ling: Be happy. Open your heart. Being happy gives you a lot of energy. I am very happy and thankful. Thankful for my great life. I am able to teach this wonderful art and to pass it on, to act in movies in order to make our art known. Don’t be angry, ever, and enjoy the beautiful things in your life. Practice a lot and strengthen your health. Then, you are going to burst with energy! GM Martin Sewer: What does a typical day of yours look like? GM Chiu Chi Ling: Our Kung Fu family is very big. I am invited to many parties, Kung Fu gatherings and ceremonies. Unfortunately, I cannot be everywhere… Plus, I often shoot several movies at the same time. GM Martin Sewer: Was or is there a childhood friend of yours who has accompanied you on your journey? GM Chiu Chi Ling: Lau Gar Leung is my very good friend. His father, Lau Jam was a friend of my father’s. Both of them were Hung Gar masters. Now, Lau Gar Leung and I are good friends and of course brothers in Hung Gar. Our Hung Gar families are friends. GM Martin Sewer: Who is your partner or friend you turn to when you need some advice or help? GM Chiu Chi Ling: Sadly, many of my Kung Fu brothers have already passed away. There aren’t many alive today or they haven't learnt real Kung Fu. In the movie scene I have many friends who help me when I need it.
Great Masters
GM Martin Sewer: What do you like best about Hung Gar Kung Fu? GM Chiu Chi Ling: I like everything. I love our Hung Gar Kung Fu. My favourite form at the moment though is “Chuen Sam Cheung” (heart penetrating palm form). GM Martin Sewer: What do you like best about film shooting? GM Chiu Chi Ling: I don’t like movies… I was a little boy when I heard stories about Kung Fu on the radio. Movies appeared much later. I would never have thought that I would be able to make movies myself. Thanks to our Hung Gar I got the opportunity to be involved in movies. People liked it and I could shoot other movies. I would never have thought that I could do that.
“A student has to fit in with us. He has to be sincere, honest and loyal, in other words she has to have a good character. I hardly find the time though to teach.�
GM Martin Sewer: Do you have a favourite movie? GM Chiu Chi Ling: I am often asked this question. My favourite movie is a very old Shaw Brothers movie shot in black and white. You might not even find it any longer. In English the title means “Seven Swords go to the Mountain of Heaven�. GM Martin Sewer: What is your current film project? GM Chiu Chi Ling: I am working on several projects. With the famous producer Cheung Kam Ying I am working on a love story taking place in a bus.
Great Masters GM Martin Sewer: At what age do you intend to quit or retire? GM Chiu Chi Ling: Retire? I am never going to retire. I am going to continue. I don't believe that quitting is any good. I believe that once you do that, life also stops. I have assigned Martin to lead and manage Kung Fu and the organisation. Or course I am going to spread our Kung Fu and to make it known. Martin is going to do a very good job. I have great confidence in him. GM Martin Sewer: What does the world of Kung Fu look like in the distant future? GM Chiu Chi Ling: The new generation will have to work better together. The Chinese government promotes modern Wushu. Hung Gar and other traditional styles have to grow together. Mow Lam Yat Gar (Martial Arts are one family). We have to be a strong family and must not separate but instead come together. Martin is going to do it very well. I can feel that. GM Martin Sewer: What kind of advice would you give to your grand children of today? GM Chiu Chi Ling: Kung Fu is more than a hobby. Surely, you have already realised that. Even if you just have a minute, keep at it. Practice. This is your mindset, your attitude. Keep on going. Learn more. Keep this attitude. This is good for your health, your body, your muscles and finally also for your mind.
“Kung Fu is more than a hobby. Surely, you have already realised that. Even if you just have a minute, keep at it. Practice. This is your mindset, your attitude. Keep on going. Learn more. Keep this attitude. This is good for your health, your body, your muscles and finally also for your mind.�
“Thus, we are getting better and better. I have improved many things and our Hung Gar has become even better.�
Great Masters
GM Martin Sewer: Is there anything else, you would like to communicate to the martial arts community? GM Chiu Chi Ling: The world of the martial arts is world-wide. Our Hung Gar family is very strong everywhere. All teachers in different countries have to collaborate more, help and support each other. I hope and I wish that the new generation follows my lead. Thus, we are getting better and better. I have improved many things and our Hung Gar has become even better. GM Martin Sewer: Thank you, Grandmaster Dr. Chiu Chi Ling, for this interview. GM Chiu Chi Ling: Thank you, Martin. I hope that many people are going to read this and follow our lead.
Systema "We continue this month the anthropological analysis of the Russian Systema and its origins"
imilarly, according to popular beliefs, in a whirlwind of air celebrates the wedding of a witch with a devil. They are invisible, but if a knife is thrown into the whirlwind, the unclean will immediately appear in the flesh and come to the service of the daredevil. Here the knife acts as an object, subordinating strength to itself. Images of water, mermaids, woodpeckers, house, yard, bannery, etc., indicate that the reality existing around us is relative. Dream and our fantasies are also to some extent real, although there is reason to believe that this reality is special ... Myths and tales contain symbols of real life. This we can see in the prophetic epic "How the Holy Mountains let out of their stone caves their Russian mighty heroes." It was written in 1925 by Professor N. Misheev and published in 1938 abroad. According to Misheev, during the performance of the epic, the folk storyteller so truly contemplated something "behind" those present, that he even wanted to look back to see the unknown himself. I will not retell the past, I will briefly introduce you to the
fact that it was commented on in 1992 by a researcher, historian and ethnographer SO Prokofiev: "Of the five Russian heroes mentioned in the epic, three are of particular importance: Ilya, Dobrynya and Alyosha. In the full cycle of Russian epics, they occupy the central place and personify ... three soul members of the Russian people: his soul sensing (Ilya), the soul of the rational, or the character (Dobrynya), and the soul of the conscious (Alyosha). <...> the strength of the infant's state of the conscious soul, among Russian people, it is she who first succumbs to temptation. It [the temptation. - DS] begins with Alyosha, who at the beginning of the epic appears as the bearer of such an immature soul, and therefore easily inclined to materialism, a conscious soul. Therefore, it is he who seduces the other heroes to pride by their purely external earthly strength, to praise only head wisdom. Having arisen in the soul of the conscious, this Luciferic temptation quickly spreads to the other two members of the spiritual being of the Russian man, represented by the images of Dobryny and Ilya.
Dmitry Skogorev
Thus, <...> temptation is directed here against all earthly development. <...> Those punished for their pride, are now Russian heroes in stone imprisonment, without perceiving anything "in the darkness" by their external, physical feelings and connected reason, they again turn to the higher powers of their souls, to the hearer, to the seer and to everything comprehending " reason ". And what was revealed to them is the perpetration, in their absence, of the persecution of all Holy Russia by "Krivda": As for Holy Russia, Krivda went roaming. Krivda herself is rotten, bashuman, As she eats the Orthodox people, The Church of God closes, It kills Russian people ... "Krivda," as the opposite of Pravda, is in the byliny a being that consists entirely of lies alone "[13] . Having purified themselves by suffering, the Russian heroes leave the bowels of the Holy Mountains and begin the battle with Krivda. They oppose it in a special order: "in front Ilya, on the right Dobrynia, on the left Alyosha, behind Ivan, and around from all sides, where only his power is needed - Vasily." Thirty days,
Dmitry Skogorev
Dmitry Skogorev
three hours, three minutes Russian knights fight with Krivda. The number 333, which is half the number of the apocalyptic beast, reveals to us the mystery behind Krivda. This figure in the epic is contrasted with another: Ilya is armed with a "mace in forty poods". The number of forty points to the direct connection of the hero with the spiritual world. Forty days are the time between the resurrection of Christ and his ascension. After the death of a person, his soul, according to the belief, finally merges with the spiritual sphere. "Another of the possible interpretations of the number of Russian heroes is as follows. The very sequence of "Ilya-Dobrynya-Alyosha" is connected, as we have seen, with the path leading to the spiritualization of the conscious soul, from which a new spiritual life must grow in time. Its beginning is already Alyosha's question, the given "light-Egoriyah". Then Ivan Gostinny , a m e rc h a n t ' s s o n ... and Vaska Buslaev from free Novgorod ... joins Alyosha as a representative of democratic democracy ("veche"). Thus, in general, we get the following picture:
At the same time, Ivan's impulse is, as it were, metamorphosed and raised to a higher level by the economic impulse of Ilya (the latter happens after all from the peasant family), and Vasily's impulse is metamorphosed by the impulse of Dobryni, boyar son ... predecessor of the future Russian nobility - the basis of state and legal life tsarist Russia "[14] . In connection with the conversation about how the highest (sacred) reality can be revealed with the help of symbols and metaphors, I propose to consider the topic of crossroads, crossroads. Since ancient times crossroads were called crosses. "For the fighting rite, the cross is a symbol of four successive changes in time, the sides of the world, the crossroads, the choice of the road and the intersection of the two opposites, merging into a common quality at the intersection. In addition, it was believed that the ancestors love to gather on the crosses and attend battle fights, observing the ability of their kind to live and struggle "[15] . Usually crosses were far from the village, somewhere in the forest, most often this place was a constant place of fortune telling. "In many respects, the customs of each other are to be fought on hills (often barrows), frozen rivers and bridges. In the ancient Russian mythological tradition, the mountain, the river Smorodin and Kalinov Bridge were the image of a barrier that arose after death on the warrior's way into the bright kingdom of Viri, when the soul of the soldier was sent to another world, to his ancestors "[16] . The battle on the physical plane modeled the warrior's way in the world invisible.
Dmitry Skogorev The problem of choosing the path is connected with the intersection. Choosing and being able to make choices is a reflection of inner flexibility and freedom of behavior. The lack of choice is a consequence of narcissism and inability to move away from stereotypes. Let's admit, some actions bring benefit or give a positive result one, two times, and then (for the seventh time) you can not get the desired result. If a person still continues to do the same, he will refuse to choose and flexibility of behavior. As a rule, this leads to a loss of visual acuity, an inability to soberly assess the current situation. In Russia, the concept of "fate" is associated with the image of a beautiful girl (the symbol of Rus). Fate is not uniform - it's both Liho and Talan; and weekdays, and holidays, between which all our successes and failures are located. "In paganism, the development of the human (God's) - in man was viewed as a continuous chain of actions from the past to the future, from life to life. The purpose of human life is to live it dignifiedly, as a result of recruiting a certain complex of virtues to enter the blessed firmament of the island of Buyan - to approach God. The choice of actions in each situation is the choice of one's step on the ladder of the ascent to God. Life in general is viewed as a path up the ladder, and every act either raises a person to a step or several steps to the Light, or lowers it downwards - to the Darkness. Therefore, a special place in our tradition is occupied with the concept of the exploit. Not a step on the stairs, but a strong shift, a leap that brings God closer. <...> The meaning of deed in general - self-denial and sacrifice Âť[17] . According to Orthodoxy, "there is a visible and sensible struggle, where the enemies are visible, corporeal; but, on a par with this abuse, there is also the mental and invisible warfare that every Christian perceives since the day he baptized and gives before God a vow - to fight for Him, to the glory of His divine name, even to death, and the enemies incorporeal and implicit, from what are the different and the fancies of the flesh, demons are evil and hateful, day and night who do not cease to fight against us. Warriors fighting in this invisible battle are essentially all Christians: Jesus Christ is the
Dmitry Skogorev military leader, surrounded and accompanied by the chief captains and monarchs, that is, all the ranks of angels and saints; the battlefield, the place where the struggle takes place - there is our own heart and the whole inner world of man, the time of battle is our whole life. What is the essence of the weapon, in which this invisible warfare clothe its warriors? A helmet for them is a complete disbelief and self-inflicted selfincrimination; shield and chain mail - a daring faith in God and a firm hope in Him; armor and breastplate - the doctrine of the suffering of the Lord; belt cutting off the fleshly passions; shoes - humility in their infirmity, constant recognition and feeling; Spurs - patience and temptation; The sword, which they hold unceasingly in one hand - a prayer, both verbal and mental - heart; the spear of the triostrian, which is held in the other hand-a firm determination not to agree to a great passion, to tear it away from itself with anger and hatred from the heart "[18] . "The central theme of the moral philosophy of Russian military art was the fight against Krivda on earth and the affirmation of Truth, and the battle must be waged in the physical and spiritual terms of being. Who will live by Krivda. He is desperate from the Lord, That soul does not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven; And who will be the Truth to live, He is a descendant in the Lord, That soul inherits the Kingdom of Heaven. These lines are taken from the "Dove Book" - an ancient epic verse. Since time immemorial, the symbol of the battle between Krivda and Pravda - two clasped wolves - has become the emblem of the Russian military outlook "[19] (Figure 3).
Fig. 3. The symbol of martial arts
Systema [Rybakov, 1988] BA Rybakov on the meaning of this composition writes: "The meaning of this pair composition, obviously, is to give the symbol of struggle, the opposition of equal forces. The presence of a magnificent sprout between the bodies of wolves, perhaps, indicates the cause of the struggle - the struggle for vitality, personified in medieval art by a sprout, budding bud, a hint of hop "[20] . The world, which is a struggle and the unity of opposites, people gave their name, dividing it into two camps, white and black, good and evil, Truth and Krivda, etc. In Russia, from time immemorial, there was understood "reality" and "nav". Reality is the light power that governs the world. Confronts the Nav. Nav is a dark power that governs the world. Resists. Yav and Nav are true opposites. When we apply and navi, we get, as noted in the work of G. Bazlov, a pragmatic place (the right), which we can perceive in a certain state of our consciousness. Here space and time are intertwined. Rule - the universal law established by the Creator, according to this law there is peace. This is the future, the future, the present. Reality is what is called order, fret, cosmos, samsara. This is a cosmic mind in which every single thing has its own order. The orders of different things can be similar and at the same time have individual differences. Each epoch has its own order, called explicit time . Nav - the absence of order, discord, chaos, nirvana. Great uncertainty and infinity is the Nav (the free world). These opposites constantly replace each other. "The task of every fighter is to establish truth on earth. To do this, he must kill the beast Krivdu in himself and around him, only after that he can enter the Kingdom of Heaven or (according to the pagan tradition) to pass over the Smorodina River (Smor - death - Killing) along the Kolinov Bridge (Kolo circle, cycle of a new life in a new capacity), to defeat the Serpent guarding the bridge leading to the Buyan Island, not to break into the river of non-existence - the Smorodin. This can only be done by a person capable of self-sacrifice, devoid of self-interest and self-interest - Ivan the fool, a peasant son. How can the warrior Krivdu, embodied in the wolf (we, on Earth) or in the Serpent of Gorynych (near the virgin lands of Virii, on the edge of the worlds) be able to defeat the warrior? Only following the path of Truth "[21] . As such a fighter with Kryvda consider the hero of the Russian folk tale "Ivan Bykovich". Let me remind you the story: In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, the tsarina, her favorite cook and cow, were born at one time. "Children began to grow up by leaps and bounds ...." All three young fellows succeeded in one person, and it was impossible to recognize which of them was a royal child, who was a cook and who was born of a cow "[22] . They were powerful forces. But Ivan Bykovich, cow's son, was stronger than his brothers, and so they decided he would be the eldest. Somehow the brothers went for a walk in the garden and found a huge stone. Ivan Tsarevich could not move him from his place. Ivan, the cook, son, the stone moved a little. And Ivan Bykovich "how he will move his foot - a stone agiot wailed, rolled to the other side of the garden and broke many trees. Under that stone the basement was opened, in the basement there are three horse heroic, the harness hanging on the walls: there is something good for the good fellows to clear up "[23] . This stone was just at a crossroads, the moment of choice, when the white and black wolves, Krivda and Truth fight for the human heart, trying to influence the way that man will go to the end of his days. The bogatyrs mounted horses and "started off on the road ... they drove through the valleys, through the mountains, through the green meadows and came to a dense forest; in that forest there is a hut on chicken legs, on sheep's horns, when necessary - turns around "[24] . The forest is a different world, a different reality. And the hut protects the entrance to this world, it is not by chance that it stands in front of the forest, and to the backs that came, in other words, it is in the place of contact between our and non-our reality (yav - nav). Lives in the cabin of Baba Yaga. Baba-Yaga is an old and powerful sorceress (sorceress). It is served by frogs, black cats, crows, snakes - all creatures in which threat and wisdom "get along".
Dmitry Skogorev
Systema Baba-Yaga in fairy tales serves as an assistant, a conductor to another, alien, supernatural world. Baba-Yaga simultaneously belongs to two worlds (located on the border), so it has great flexibility of behavior and has great power. Ivan Bykovitch tells Baba-Yage that he is traveling with his brothers to the Smorodin River, to the Kalinov Bridge, he heard that there is not one miracle Yudo lives. "The brothers spent the night with the Baba Yaga, early in the morning they got up and went on the road-road. They come to the Smorodino River; On all coast bones human, bones on knee will be piled! <...> It came to evening. Says Ivan Bykovich: "Brothers! We drove into the alien side, we must live with care; let's take turns to walk. " They threw a lot - it took us the first night to guard Ivan Tsarevich, the other - Ivan, cook's son, and the third - Ivan Bykovich "[25] . But Ivan Bykovich did not rely on his brothers, secretly walked with them at night in the watch and fought for them with a threeheaded and six-headed monsters, that is, with evil spirits. He cut their heads and folded them under the Kalinov Bridge, and threw the bodies into the River Smorodin. Thus, he destroyed the impure force, destroyed it on the cosmic level, but he does not pass through the Kalinov Bridge, since this is the path of reincarnation, which at the moment he does not need. Then Krivda, in the guise of miracle wives, tempts warriors, letting them hunger, thirst and sleep. And only Ivan Bykovich does not allow the impure force to fool himself and his brothers. It did not work out a dark matter. Then Krivda does not affect the physical desires, but the positive spiritual qualities of the brothers. "Miracle wives of my wife died. As an old witch told about it, dressed as a beggar, ran out onto the road and stood with a knapsack. Ivan Bikovich is going with his brothers, she reached out her hand and begged for charity <...>. Ivan Bykovitch took out a chervonetz and handed it to the old woman; she does not take money, but takes him by the hand and in a moment disappears with him "[26] . Here we see an uncontrolled action that leads to a sad turn in life. A simple person is subject to his desires and does not control every action, thought, reaction. Notes 13 The prophetic epic "How the Holy Mountains let out of their stone caves their mighty Russian bogatyrs" / Intro. Art. and comments. S.O. Prokofiev . - Yerevan, 1992, p. 20-22. 14 Ibid., P. 33-34. 15 Bazlov GN N. Utaman removed the gray hat ... // Russian style. Martial arts. - 1992. - No. 1. - p. 21. 16 Ibid., P. 21-22. 17th Ibid., P. 21. 18 Bishop Theophanes. Invisible abuse. - M., 1912. 19 Bazlov GN N. Utaman removed the gray hat ... // Russian style. Martial arts. - 1992. - No. 1. - p. 23. 20 Rybakov BA Paganism of Ancient Russia. - M., 1988, p. 332. ( back ) 21 Bazlov GN N. Utaman removed the gray hat ... // Russian style. Martial arts. - 1992. - No. 1. - p. 23. 22 Folk Russian fairy tales. From the collection of A. N. Afanasyev. M., 1982, p. 142. 23 Ibid., P. 143. 24 In the same place. 25 Ibid., P. 144. 26th Ibid., P. 148-149.
Dmitry Skogorev
Trust Martial Arts, TRUST Tiger Program: La autodefensa para los niños, la educación en valores, formación del carácter, entrenamiento de movimientos, asertividad, seguridad en sí mismo, autocontrol, seguridad y habilidades para la vida, “Confía en nosotros para una vida mejor”. La creciente preocupación de los padres por la seguridad de sus hijos ante los peligros a los que están expuestos en la sociedades moder nas, no es un asunto que ha p a s a d o desapercibido a los profesores de AAMM. Pocos profesores han elaborado sin embargo proyectos específicos sobre el particular con tanto éxito como el Profesor Andreas Shuster; un proyecto del que aquí nos habla y explica detalladamente. Padres y profesores de Artes disicplinarias encontrarán en él guía y inspiración para incrementar la seguridad de esas personitas tan importantes para todos nosotros. Original, practico y brillante
Ref.: • DVD/TRUST1
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ORDERS: Budo international.com
â&#x20AC;&#x153;MoshĂŠ Feldenkrais was a scientist and the founder of the Feldenkrais Method, which was designed to improve human performance by developing self-awareness through movement.â&#x20AC;?
Mens Sana in Corpore Sano “A healthy mind in a healthy body” Text by Avi Nardia Photos by Catie Hall Mishel Horovitz RIP was the head Instructor for KAPAP in the days of the Palmach and he developed the stick fighting for historic KAPAP. I had the honor of visiting him in his home in Israel where I presented him a copy of the my KAPAP Krav Maga book and KAPAP DVDs that were published by Budo International Magazine. During my visit, Mishel shared with me old pictures and manual books that he owned. I noticed one book in particular titled “Practical Unarmed Combat” by Moshe Feldenkrais (1942). This name brought be back to my childhood memories of one of the pillars of Israeli martial arts. I remember so many Judo and self defense books I used to read written by Moshe during my early years. I also recalled that he used to teach some fitness style and that he was known as the one who stood the Israeli Prime Minister on his head. Moshé Feldenkrais was a scientist and the founder of the Feldenkrais Method, which was designed to improve human performance by developing selfawareness through movement. Feldenkrais' theory was that thought, feeling, perception and movement are closely interrelated and influence each other. He was one of the greatest thinkers in the 20th Century and was way ahead of his time in promoting the idea that you can change your brain. Israeli first Prime Minister David Ben Gurion known as stand on head as training under Moshe Feldenkriz that was first Judo Black belt by Jigro Kano and first Judo club in France before moving to Israel I grow up as study his books as fitness and he made first Judo Jiujutsu and self defense books in Israel
After many more years of martial arts experience, I got involved in Machado RCJ Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with John Machado at his school in Los Angeles. With Professor Machado in the year 2001, I began to follow the principles of Bioginastica as developed by Orlando Cani. This whole way of natural body movement reminded of my childhood sense of freedom of mind, body and spirit. One day as I was in Tel Aviv university teaching some natural movement exercises a man asked me if I taught Feldenkreis Method. That made me smile, especially because the man asking the question was a Feldenkreis Method teacher, himself. I responded, “No, but body movement is common to all humans, isn’t it?”
Years later while visiting India to teach KAPAP, I met a yoga teacher who performed natural body movements similar to our style. When I returned to BJJ class in Los Angeles with Professor Machado, he smiled and agreed with my observations on bringing together BJJ, yoga, and natural body movement. On my 2017 visit to RCJ Machado in Texas, my very talented student and a teacher in his own right Ken Akiyama demonstrated how he is leading the study of movement into a new era. I find a great reward in seeing how he is furthering the state of the art and I’m proud to see where his work has led from the initial level where I introduced him.
These experiences have inspired me to define a few principles on how we practice movements in KAPAP Krav Maga: PRACTICAL To be useful. Movement should be helpful in everyday life. Whether we are simply rising out of bed or fleeing from danger, our movements should be based on need. ADAPTABLE Movements should be useful in various contexts and environments. EFFICIENT Movements should be performed with regard for minimum energy input to produce maximum work output.
Kapap VITAL Movement should be safe and help keep us safe; they should promote long term health and also be useful in times of emergency. INSTINCTUAL Movements should be natural and reflexive. Techniques should be approached with the mindset to optimize natural movements. COOPERATIVE The culture of movement should incorporate values, morals, and social skills to promote friendships and community. We work in groups to accomplish what no individual is capable of. Practice can be done alone or with a group. ENVIRONMENTAL Movement should be practiced outdoors and indoors in order to maximize health benefits and increase well-being while fostering a connection with nature and a healthy lifestyle. EVOLUTIONARY Our movement is shaped by the qualities of our bodies and environment. We are built to move and our health demands it.
UNIVERSAL Movement belongs to all human beings, regardless of origin, gender, or age. We need more results not excuses - Avi Nardia
Build your Armor - Mind Body Spirit Your armor will not defend you from the fear in your heart Avi Nardia “you’re only as old as your spine” Chinese proverb
“We see in order to move; we move in order to see.” William Gibson “Nothing happens until something moves.” Albert Einstein
Moshe Feldenkrais The only thing permanent about our behavior patterns is our belief that they are so. Feldenkrais had a scientific mind that pushed Japanese jujitsu which had exploded as an international phenomenon in the early 1900s. Feldenkrais learn jujitsu techniques for real life application in the street. He published a book on Jujitsu that was based on what he had learned fighting and teaching others and was intended as a training tool for the Haganah, or Jewish defense forces . Much of his work was incorporated into the system that became known as KAPAP - Krav Maga today for sure . he was from First Judo Black Belts and from First Judo clubs in Pairs France. His ideas and principles of â&#x20AC;&#x153;maximum efficiency with minimum effortâ&#x20AC;? to everyone.
Ref.: • DVD/hwa3
Grandmaster Taejoon Lee, 8th Dan of Hwa Rang Do, and son of the founder, Dr. Joo Bang Lee, presents a comprehensive introduction to Gumtoogi, the Hwa Rang Do Sword Fighting. In swordsmanship, in a duel, it is about life or death, not winning or losing. There’s only one price for a mistake “death”; there are no do-overs. This is the true warrior’s mind-set. Gumtoogi is the best way of cultivating this “Warrior Ethos”, “The Hwarang Spirit!” Another way we like to think of it as: “One Cut, One Life!” In the search of creating a modern sport venue of weapon fighting that aligns with the comprehensiveness of the Hwa Rang Do curriculum, we seriously looked into the possibility of adopting an existing weapon fighting system with its equipment and armor. Thereby we have decided to use the Kendo/Kumdo armor by adding a modification in the form of a leg protector (Hache Hogu), that allows for leg strikes as well as spinning cuts, and incorporated the rotational strikes to make it unique to our Art of Hwa Rang Do. In addition, we practice fighting with all sizes, variations and combinations of swords (made in bamboo) as well as incorporating a wide range of movements and techniques. In this DVD, Grandmaster Taejoon Lee explains in detail the bases of stepping, distancing, basic strikes to head, wrist, waist and legs, spinning leg strike, counters and an introduction to Ssang-gum, Twin Swords.
All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo Inter national, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
ORDERS: Budo international.com
Shaolin A monthly column on one of the pillars of the world Martial Arts, such as the Shaolin Temple, is something that every Martial magazine should always consider. At this moment, I can't find anybody better suited to undertake such significant task than Shi Xing Jing, also known by our readers by his Western name, Sifu Bruno Tombolato, whose passion for the Arts of China has led him to investigate tirelessly for years about this topic, so prone to deceit or mystification. Bruno is a direct pupil of that Great Master and friend of this magazine, the monk Shi of Yang, Master of Masters and a true living icon of the Shaolin Temple. Through these pages, Bruno will share with you a lot of rich and proven information on a subject as interesting as indispensable of the Eastern martial heritage. Alfredo Tucci
The Shaolin Temple Foundation Geographical location of the Shaolin Monastery The Shaolin Temple is one of the most famous monasteries in China and is considered the birthplace of Chan (Zen) Buddhism and Kung Fu. The Shaolin Monastery is located west of Song Mountain, 13 kilometers northwest of the city of Deng Feng, in Henan Province, China. Behind the Shaolin Temple you can see the Five Peaks (Wuru), renowned for their landscapes and lush vegetation. Songshan Mountain is one of the Five Sacred Mountains of China. Its geographical position makes this mountain the center of the five famous mountains, and therefore the most important, given that, due to its strategic location, it was the epicenter of the culture, art and development of Buddhism and Martial Arts in China.
Shaolin BÁTUÓ arrives from India and founds the Shaolin Temple Buddhabhadra or Bátuó was a Buddhist monk from India who came to China in the fifth century, crossing the great barrier of the Himalayas and bringing with him the teaching of the Xiao Sheng (Xiǎoshèng 小乘) Buddhism. It was also known as Fo Tuo (Fótuó 佛陀), but many historians refer to the founder of the Shaolin Temple as Batuo (Bátuó ( 跋陀). It is said that he brought Buddhism to China during the reign of Emperor Xiaowen (467-499) of the Northern Wei dynasty, where he was very well received and respected. Emperor Xiaowen established a Temple for him in the Shaoshi forest on Mount Song, which they named Shaolin Si (少 林 寺 ). Therefore, Batuo became the founder and first Abbot of the Shaolin Temple. During his stay, he translated the Buddhist scriptures from Sanskrit into classical Chinese. He translated the Vimalakirti Sutra and the Lotus Sutra. Also, according to the book "Register of Famous painters of successive dynasties" by Zhang Yanyuan of the Tang dynasty (Tang Chao 唐朝 / 618-907), monk Batuo was also a great painter; this fact refers to a painting made in a wall, that is believed to have been made by Him. Two of his most important disciples were Hui Guang (Huìguāng 慧光 / 487-536 AD) and Seng Chou (Sēngchóu 僧 稠 / 480560 AD), who were also properly trained in Martial Arts; many historians have considered them as the founders of the Martial Arts of the Shaolin Temple (Shaolin Si Wǔgōng 少林寺 武功), or the first to introduce Martial Arts into the Monastery.
Shaolin About the arrival of Batuo in China, legend has it that one dawn, in March of the year 492, while a red sun started to slowly come up in the East, a man dressed in monk's cloths appeared in the horizon; he was medium build and had big eyes, populated eyebrows and a prominent nose. While still in India, one day, thirsty, he had approached the banks of a river in order to drink some water. Suddenly a thick fog spread everywhere, the clouds covered the sun and it was heard a whisper that came from the sky. The man got shocked, he stepped back, raised his head and looked up; and there he saw the kind and honest face of Bodhisattva Guan Yin (观音 菩萨) appearing in the middle of the sky, and he heard a voice saying: ¨BaTuo (跋陀), if you expect to find your destiny, you must go to China. You will have to walk along more than 30 thousand kilometers of a rugged road; there you will meet your destiny and you can spread Buddhism in the lands of the East." BaTuo bowed his head, put his hands out palms together in respect and answered with true devotion: "I will follow the Buddha's teachings." When he looked again at the sky, the figure of Bodhisattva Guan Yin had already disappeared along with the clouds and the fog, as if nothing had happened. BaTuo sailed in a boat through the Ganges River toward the East, crossed the Himalayan mountains and reached the capital of Tibet - Lhasa. He then continued his way to the town of Yu Men (in the Gan Su province). When he reached Yu Men city, BaTuo fainted from hunger and thirst, it had been nine months since he left India. On the verge of passing away, a man approached him and offered him food and water, and gave him a camel. After recovering and thanking him for saving his life, BaTuo resumed his journey through the Gobi Desert to reach LuoYang city in April of the year 493 of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Once in Luoyang, BaTuo met with Emperor XiaoWen (孝文帝) and told him: "I am a monk from India, I come from far away to spread Buddhism in
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The construction of the Shaolin Temple ended in May of the year 495. The main red gate and the majestic halls of the Temple emerged from the grove of green pines.â&#x20AC;?
Shaolin China, I hope that Your Majesty will help me". The Emperor replied: ¨Master, I know that you have come from far away to my land to develop Buddhism. Your mission is the fate of my Wei Dynasty, it is the decree of the gods. You will have my full support, you have a great desire, just as I want. Have you thought of somewhere to start teaching Buddhism?" BaTuo replied: "I have heard of a place called SongShan Mountain, I think it may be the ideal place for the practice and teaching of Buddhism. I would like to settle near that mountain." The emperor accepted his request and BaTuo made his way to SongShan Mountain by recruiting three disciples, whose names were HuiGuang (慧光), DaoFang (道 房) and SengChou (僧稠). The following day they reached the SongShan Mountain. At dusk, as the sun with reddish tones was setting in the west, there could be seen on the horizon the five WuRu peaks wrapped in reddish clouds and surrounded by valleys, a brook and a beautiful vegetation. BaTuo, fascinated by the beautiful landscape, told his disciples: "Here we will build the Temple." At dusk some inhabitants of the mountain approached Batuo and provided everything necessary for him and his disciples. The construction of the Shaolin Temple ended in May of the year 495. The main red gate and the majestic halls of the Temple emerged from the grove of green pines. On the day of the inauguration, BaTuo, accompanied by his disciples and natives of the area, waited patiently in front of the door of the Temple with the palms of their hands together, to welcome Emperor XiaoWen. Once reunited, Batuo and the Emperor engaged in the following dialogue: The Emperor: ¨Master, the Temple is already built, can you put a good name? ¨ BaTuo replied: ¨Your majesty, my knowledge is scarce. Could you do the honor of giving a name to the Temple?" Xiao Wen was very pleased with Batuo's response, so he consulted with Minister Li Wei:" What do you think?" Minister Li Wei looked closely at the mountain and asked Officer Li: ¨What name does this chain of mountains have? ¨ Officer Li replied: ¨This chain of mountains is called Shao Shi." Then Minister Li Wei thought and told the Emperor: "Since the Temple has been built in the forest of the Shao Shi chain of mountains, then the Temple should be called Shaolin Si 少林寺." Emperor XiaoWen gave his approval to the name proposed by Minister Li Wei and informed BaTuo, who climbed up the Temple stairs and proclaimed in front of the people: "Today is the day of the opening of the Shaolin Temple!" Once they heard the news, all of them fell down on their knees before Emperor XiaoWen, as a sign of gratefulness. From then on, BaTuo, founder and first abbot of the Shaolin Temple, started to spread the ¨Xiao Sheng 小乘¨ Buddhism in China Maestro Bruno Tombolato (Shi Xing Jing)
One of the reasons why Markus Schinhammer has produced this DVD is to pass on the standard of Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu as it was passed on to me by GM Samuel Kwok and his teachers GGM Ip Chun and GGM Ip Ching. We hope that with this DVD we will be able to help all those who wish to acquire the unique legacy and the tradition of Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu. Combat applications of techniques from all forms, such as from Siu Nim Tao – structure and basics, Chum Kiu – footwork, turns, combinations - Chum Kiu is the key to combat, Biu Gee – will not leave the Master's house. Two-way energy – footwork – elbows – finger techniques – makeshift techniques – most effective attack techniques, Muk Yan Chong Fut – the "wooden dummy" techniques – strength in techniques – toughening up – footwork – angle work. This works also includes excerpts from the Chi Sao programme and how to use these techniques in real combat, coupled with Fan Da techniques - effective and functional techniques with no frills. We will also discuss subjects such as simultaneity, structure, footwork, strength in techniques, plus many others, in detail. Like a key that is used to unlock a door, this DVD can be used to decrypt and demonstrate the hidden applications and the power of the Ip Man Wing Chun system.
Ref.: • DVD/IMWC-1 All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo Inter national, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
ORDERS: Budo international.com
Kyusho is the highest level of expression of any martial art. To understand Kyusho is to understand the knowledge of the reactions of the human body. In this DVD we will analyze the First Encounter, intended as the first analysis of a possible situation of confrontation, and the first evaluation of the possible progressions. We will analyze how Kyusho can help us and, as we know the reactions of the human body, we can reach the closest and most accessible point by anticipating the reactions of the aggressor. We will analyze Kyusho, according to my vision, developed in more than 20 years of practice of this art, but also derived from my experiences in other martial arts, including Ryukyu Kempo, Yoseikan Budo, Kick Boxing & Karate. Kyusho is the "turbocharger" of any technique, which can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of our action exponentially. And as the turbo for an engine is a part of a more complex and complete system, Kyusho is a part of any martial art, and can not replace the technical skill of the practitioner but can enhance any and all arts and techinques. Each martial art has its strategy, its principles and its techniques. If we analyze pure Kyusho I need the knowledge of 3 elements: an area to hit, an anatomical weapon to use, and what we call "Force Multipliers" to attack the opponent internally.
Ref.: â&#x20AC;˘ KfRISAN-1 All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
ORDERS: Budo international.com
The third DVD of the KMRED group tackles the issue of self-defense against knives. True to our values, we have tried to share with you our approach to this area with the utmost humility. With no special effects, tricks or miraculous techniques, this work makes up a thorough analysis on the harsh reality of a knife attack. Discover here the result of a part of our research and experimentation.
Ref.: â&#x20AC;˘ KMReD3
All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo Inter national, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
ORDERS: Budo international.com
In this first DVD, GM Licesio Prieto, of the European Kajukenbo Kosho Ryu Kenpo Association, presents the essence of the Art of Kajukenbo, as it was transmitted to him by his Sifu SGM Cherry Ortega and many others. We will see the 1, 2 and 14 Palamas Sets and their applications from a more traditional point of view, from the perspective of the "Ka" (Karate and Kenpo), and then an application more suited to the Kajukenbo Kosho-Ryu school, working more the "Ju" aspects (Judo and JuJitsu) of the art. We will also study the first two Tricks or Punch Counters (cons against fist attacks), Grab arts (defenses against grabs), the GM Tony Ramos' cons, Knife counters (against knife attacks), Club counters (against stick attacks), various drills, and a sample of the work on the "Ju" aspects, emphasizing dislocations and controls. An excellent DVD that will help you assimilate the concepts and ideas of the Kajukenbo essential program, that GM Licesio Prieto will progressively develop in future works.
Ref.: â&#x20AC;˘ DVD/LPRIeTO-1
All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo Inter national, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
ORDERS: Budo international.com
Armas THE SAI - History Behind the Weapon Sai is a metal weapon and belongs to a type of dagger which is usually used in pairs, each hand using one. It is similar to a short sword, i.e. a trident dagger, but is traditionally blunt on its top. Its optimal length usually depends on the length of the user's for ear m. Most often, its length varies from 37 to 50 cm, as well as its weight which ranges from 1.5 to around 2 kg. Two shorter tines (shields) on each side on the dagger's handle are turned upwards and ar e used for blocking, catching and breaking the attacker's weapon, for example, a stick, knife, dagger, halberd or a Samurai sword â&#x20AC;&#x201C; katana. he Sai dagger has a couple of different models (apart from four basic ones, there are a few modifications) and its choice and usage depends on the procedure one wishes to execute with a certain martial technique, i.e. it depends on the goal which wants to be obtained by the technique. For example, blocking an attack, defending oneself from an armed attacker, hitting the opponent, shooting at the opponent with a dagger, apprehending the opponent or breaking the opponent's weapon. It is believed that the Sai dagger was made as a shorter version of the trident. The trident was a well- known and popular weapon among many nations across the world. The history of the trident is extremely long and very interesting. In many world mythologies, one of the most popular deities, i.e. gods who used the trident was certainly the Ancient Greek god of sea and lightning â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Poseidon as well as the Ancient Roman god Neptune. The trident owned a certain symbolism in the hands of Poseidon because it represented a division of power and dominion among three gods- brothers by the power of which they ruled. Zeus ruled the land and the skies, Had ruled over the underworld and Poseidon ruled over the seas. Also, it is known that in Indian mythology some gods used the trident which, in the Sanskrit language, is called trishula or trisula. According to some theories, the trishula (trident) represents three philosophical texts found in Indian Veda's called Sattvika, Rajasika and Tamasika. It is interesting that, in Indian â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Hindu mythology, the god Indra used the trident and he is also known as the god of lightning. In the later Buddhist period, this role was taken over by the god Shiva. The trident is often quoted as a weapon in various parts of the world. So, for example, in Ancient Rome, famous gladiators called retario were armed with a trident and a net. Also, in Korea during the 17th and 18th century fights with a trident called Dangpa are also mentioned. Statues of tomb guards in China which date from the time of the arrival of Buddhism to that area are also armed with tridents. This can also be seen on certain reliefs which represent tomb guards. As a weapon, the trident had a certain philosophical meaning even in the Taoist philosophy
Text: Sensei David Stainko
Kobudo in China. According to the basic traditional martial arts which were used there (there are 18), the trident is also one of them. Also, in Japan, an old fighting technique is also popular and it is mentioned in the Nin Jutsu skill under the name of Sasu Mata Jutsu (a fishgig with three or four prongs). In early Indian mythology and somewhat later in China, it is evident that various reliefs depict a dagger which is, in its form, very similar to the Sai dagger and which was used as a weapon by different Hindu gods. Later on, it was adopted by some Buddhist monks. Some historians believe that today's Sai, in fact, derives from a short sword which the Hindu god Indra holds in his hand. This is clearly shown on a relief in Java. Also, a visualization of some early Indian gods using a trident in the form of the Sai dagger is also present on pictures that represent them. A painting of the god Indra found in Tiruchirappaili dated in 1820 or a painting which shows the god of love- Kama with the ruler of hell- Yama which was made in the same year can be taken as examples. A painting of the god Shiva with a dagger- trishula dated around 1590 was found in Harivamse. Today, the paintings are located in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. It is assumed that a dagger with such a shape represented the trinity which the god Indra brought together by making three steps- a step on earth, in the air and sky, by which he connected them. According to a different interpretation of the legend, the dagger represents the trinity of energy- the sun, lightning and fire (because Indra was the god of lightning). A differently shaped- model of the Sai dagger has the tines reversed in opposite directions in a way that one shield is facing upwards while the other one is directed towards the ground. It is called a Manji Sai or Nunti Sai. In contrast to a traditional handle, this model has a handle which is identical to the dagger so that it can be spinned and used equally on both sides. It can sometimes be attached to a spear and used as its point because it is handy for defending oneself from various weapons. Such a form of spear is known in Japan as Nunti- Bo and the skill in which it is used Nunti- Jutsu. T h e re a re l e g e n d s t h a t s a y h o w N u n t i B o designed by fishermen and was used as a tool for catching fish (just like Sasu Mata). According to some legends, a dagger with such a shape also represented a sort of a trinity. However, in this case, a trinity according to Buddhist belief and conceptualization of the world. The Buddhist world is called Cakravala and it has three levelsabove, around and underneath the Meru mountain. So, this type of the Sai dagger, in some ways, signifies the Buddhist understanding of the Meru trinity. In accordance, the branch that stems downwards represents hell, i.e. the underworld, the middle and upward branch represents reincarnation and rebirth whereas the dagger's very top represents a kind of a nirvana, i.e. the fusion of the soul and the universe. A legend according to which the Sai dagger got its shape thanks to the human body is well- known and it can be noticed that it (Sai) has a head, arms, body and legs. Also, according to one of those legends, a god (Indra, Shiva) gave the Sai to men so that they could use it if needed. The legend says that Sai was a gift from god which was used by people for selfdefence. Because of that, various Buddhist monks, when in need to protect themselves or their temple, used a trident, i.e. a Sai dagger. Because of the need to use a dagger of such sorts, the skills of using a dagger for self- defence was born. Over some time, such daggers became famous in India, in some parts of Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam. Also, they were called by different names, such as Tekpi or Tja Bang and, in Indochina and China, Titi Djo (in someplaces, they were called Chai).
Kobudo A lesser- known fact is that, somewhere around 1350, a similar dagger was made in Italy. The dagger was used in combination with a sword. Some historians connect this type of an Italian dagger with the return of Marco Polo. It is certain that the most famous skill of using this dagger is known under the Japanese term Sai (sometimes Chai). The Sai dagger is constitued of a couple of parts that hold the following Japanese names: the handle is called Tsuka and its very end Tsukagashira; the tines (shields) are called Yoku; the central point where the branches meet is called Moto; a sole branch of the dagger is the Monotsuki and the top of the dagger Saki. The Sai dagger can have a round, hexagonal or octagonal shape. The basic difference between Chinese and Indonesian (Tekpi, Tja Bang, Titi Djo, Chai) in contrast to the Japanese models (Sai, Chai) is not only in their smaller size and weight, but also in the fact that they are almost always of a round shape, whereas
Japanese daggers are hexagonal or octagonal. It is interesting that the identical difference exist regarding another famous weapon- the Nunchaku sticks. There is also a basic difference between the Tekpi dagger in comparison to the traditional Sai, Titi Djo or Tja Bang which is noted in its sharpness. This is the reason why we can say that the so- called Manji sai version of the Sai dagger (Nunti Sai) looks more like a Tekpi dagger than a traditional Sai. According to some stories, the Sai dagger was also used as a tool in agriculture, for example, when planting rice. Although the dagger is useful for such purposes, his smaller and somewhat lighter Chinese and Indonesian version (Tekpi, Tja Bang or Titi Djo) seems more practical. However, this theory is improbable for several reasons. Firstly, in that
time, farmers didn't own many tools made from iron so crafting it would be very expensive, but also unnecessary because a soft and water- soaked soil is easy to poke with a regular wooden spike. Such a theory that tells us that farmers used Sai as a agricultural tool was never officially confirmed by historians and the notion was never recorded, except for some insufficiently argumented discussions. According to some historical legends, when they arrived on Okinawa around 1370, Chinese monks brought with themselves a self- defense skill that used a metal weapon which they called Titi Djo. Titi Djo is a less- known weapon that some Kung Fu masters used in the southern parts of China. It is a dagger of a special type and purpose which is an equivalent to the Sai dagger, but a bit shorter. It is made
of metal and its length ranges from 26 to 46 cm, and weights from 1 to 1.5 kg. It can have a number of shapes, but it always retains its basic characteristics. The dagger also be crafted with a dull top and edges or, in rare cases, with a sharp top and edges. A similar dagger was used in Indonesia and it was named Tja Bang (in some places even Cha Bang). In 1429, carrying a weapon became banned on Okinawa and its full application became apparent in 1609 when carrying and using weapons was strictly prohibited for the local citizens. Because of that, they used their manual tools to depend themselves from various attackers. Also, the Sai dagger was oftentimes used as a successful asset in self-
defence from attackers who have sticks, daggers, spears, halberd or even a katana. The dagger was practical because it could be hidden easily, for example, in a kimono sleeve or hung under a belt (especially its shorter version- Titi Djo). As far as 1669, the Japanese police started using a version of the Sai dagger, called Jutte, which was a device for defense from a stick, dagger or katana. The usage of that dagger was authorized by the Okinawan prince, Moto Chohei. Jutte is a dagger made from iron with a small shield on one side which purpose is to block or break a sabre. The skill in which it is used is called Jutte- Jutsu. The Sai dagger started to become used in the Japanese police force much later. While the Jutte dagger was used as
Kobudo a single weapon, the Sai dagger was seen as more practical because it could be used in a pair, i.e. one dagger for each hand. The Sai daggers were first used by the police in the village Shuri by a police captain and a famous martial arts master from Okinawa, Kanagushiku (Kinjo Sanda) Ufuchikui (1841 – 1926). His teacher was master Higa Matsu (1790 1870). Although it is known that there were other policemen before him and others while he was alive that used the Sai, it was never recorded being in usage as an official piece of equipment of the police force on Okinawa. It is, mostly, thought that the Sai dagger was used exclusive in pairs (one for each hand) and that they are carried attached to a belt, hanging down the thighs, one on each side. A lesser- known historic fact is that, traditionally, three Sai daggers were used per person. Two daggers were attached on the thighs on each side, while the third, which was a bit smaller, i.e. shorter, was carried on the back, attached to a belt. The third dagger was usually used only if one of the daggers was broken, i.e. damaged during the fight. Sometime, which was rarely the case, it was thrown at the opponent because it was shorter, lighter and it had a pointy end (the model is known as Nunti Sai). It is known that various martial arts masters from Okinawa were famous for their skills of using Sai daggers and they could skillfully throw them at an opponent. In the beginning, Sai was practiced as a martial art in Japan within the Ju- Jutsu skill. Later on, it was practiced as part of Karate and, even later, within the Ko - Budo martial arts. One of the founders of the Sai usage in Karate was the famous master Yasutsune (Anko) Itosu (1830 – 1891). Famous masters such as Yabiku Moden (1878 1941) and Matayoshi Shinko (1888 - 1947) must also be mentioned as we own them credit for developing the Sai dagger technique. The Ko- Budo martial arts was especially promoted by the Ishin Ryu Karate style master Shinken Taira (1897 – 1970). Sai became much more famous and popular as a weapon of self- defence after the skill was demonstrated in Budokan (Tokyo) in 1970. Master of Karate, Ryusho Sakagami (1915 – 1993) and his son Sadaaki presented the skill of using Sai daggers. One of the pioneers in promoting the Sai daggers technique were masters Minowa Katsuhiko (1927 – 2003) and Kei Tsumura. One of the first books about the given technique was published in Tokyo in 1969 by master Ryusho Sakagami. Several years later, in 1978, the master of Shito Ryu style of Karate, Fumio Demura, published a book of the same topic in
America and it was a great success. Well- known books about Sai dagger were written by masters Motokatsu Inoue (1918 - 1993), Patrick McCarty, Nick Adler, George W. Alexander and Andrea Guarelli. Apart from the aforementioned famous experts in traditional weapons from Okinawa, masters Fumio Demura and Sadaaki Sakagami, in recent years, one of the most famous experts in Sai daggers is a master of the YammaniChinen- Ryu style, Toshihiro Oshiro. Additionally, masters Yoshimura Miroshi and Shugoro Nazakato need to be mentioned as well. Today, the Sai dagger technique is used in almost all Karate styles as well as in some Korean martial arts, for example, Tae Kwon Do, while the Chinese skill, Titi Djo, is less present, mostly in Hong Kong and its surrounding area. The Tja Bang martial art (sometimes named Cha Bang) is also less- known in the world and it is practiced in some parts of Indonesia. The technique of handling the Sai dagger is correctly called Sai- Jutsu and is most often used as one of the martial arts skills with traditional weapons from Okinawa called Ryukyu Kobu Jutsu or with a shortened and more popular name- Ko Budo.
Older Karate masters often use heavier Sai daggers in their practice because they serve as a type of weights with the goal to strengthen the muscles of the fist and arms. This is why hand punches are often performed with them and they are sometimes carried while running or practicing some other exercizes that develop explosiveness or strength. In today's martial arts, the so- called hard or solid type of Sai daggers are usually used in various demonstrations â&#x20AC;&#x201C; representations of martial arts in the Ko Budo skill (the skill of utilizing weapons) and somewhat more rarely in performing certain katas. For beginners, those who are just starting to train or children, Sai daggers from a more solid plastic material are made. While performing katas ( f o r m s ) , l i g h t e r m a t e r i a l s a re u s u a l l y u s e d i n t h e production of Sai daggers, for example, aluminium, while masters of the skills predominantly use heavier, iron or galvanized daggers. In recent years, action and superhero movies such as Electra (a movie from 2005) or characters such as Rafaelo in the Ninja Turtles movie who uses the Sai dagger, added up to its popularity, especially among young people and teenagers.
Commando Krav Maga has proven popular with many other martial arts instructors around the world, from various schools, who wish to enhance their own abilities and provide a reality based fighting system to their existing students that is both accessible and dependable. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Simplicity is geniusâ&#x20AC;? is Moni's catchphrase but this trademark humility belies the work and thought which has to be done to distill anything to its core essence. Now suitably refined, this is a system which is suitable for, and accessible to, both teachers and their students. Military and civilian sectors. The experienced and the novice. This is because, quite simply, it works. It is based on fundamental principles and practices which, if adhered to, and with a little luck, will keep you safer on the street. So maybe it's time to take what ever you know onto another level. In this new DVD, Moni Aizik teaches us in all detail how to solve various situations that can usually occur in the street: kinfe attacks, punches, threats from the back with a knife or a gun and holding our hand, various examples on the ground as knife attacks or situations in which the aggressor applies us an Armbar or a Triangle, and how to solve weapon threatening situations against third parties.
Ref.: â&#x20AC;˘ DVD/aizik5
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ORDERS: Budo international.com
Master Dmitry Skogorev is one of the most prominent figures of the Systema Russian Martial Art and leader of an international organization widely spread throughout the world. Systema SV (Sibirskyi Vjun) has a very well developed didactic formulation, which has given Master Skogorev a great deal of credit and recognition in many countries, where he regularly teaches seminars every year. This video presents a very complete work of empty handed defense techniques against various types of grips and kicks; an interesting section on ground fighting, with the characteristic falls of the Systema biomechanics, and defenses in different positions on the ground against fist attacks, kicks and grabs; defense techniques with the whip, defense against threats and knife attacks, and the use of the knife in a defensive-offensive way as well as a sample of special energetic work. An impressive demonstration of the biodynamic principles that have made this Martial Art a reference of effectiveness in the whole world.
Ref.: â&#x20AC;˘ SKOGOReV-1 All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
ORDERS: Budo international.com
What happens when two people practice Chi-Sao, what is the meaning of their practice and what the objectives? In this 3rd DVD, "Chi Sao from the base to an advanced level," Sifu Salvador SĂĄnchez addresses perhaps the most important aspect of Wing Chun: ChiSao, the soul of the system itself, which provides the practitioner with some special characteristics which are completely different from others, and gives him great virtues. This role deals with some aspects quite basic in principle, but as you delve into them, they'll be surprising to you. It is a very clear feature traditional Chinese culture; what it's very obvious at first glance, it nevertheless contains a second or third reading, which will surely change your approach, practice and understanding. We will discuss how to practice Chi Sao through our working drills and how to apply those drills, that ability in a sparring, linking certain concepts, perhaps not so much tied to traditional Kung Fu, such as biomechanics, structures, knowledge of physics, etc., in order to obtain better results in our practice.
REF.: â&#x20AC;˘ DVD/TAOWS3 All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
ORDERS: Budo international.com
Master Bruno Tombolato is chairman and founder of the Shaolin Cultural Center Spain and the SAN WEI Center of Chinese Culture in Madrid. His secular name is Shi Xing Jing - 释 行 净 -, which represents the thirty-second generation of the Shaolin Temple in Songshan, and that was bestowed on him by his Shifu, Grand Master Shi De Yang, of whom he is a direct disciple. With more than 30 years devoted to Chinese Martial Arts, in this his first DVD, Master Tombolato presents us with a series of essential techniques of Shaolin Kung Fu that will help the practitioner to obtain the mastery of fundamental Shaolin Jibengong, also essential for the development of higher level forms. For this reason, all this set of techniques must be trained by both beginners and advanced students alike. This first pedagogical work seeks to enrich the practitioner with the essence of the Shaolin art, so that he can connect with those concepts that will serve as a guide both in practice and in teaching.
Ref.: • TombolaTo-1
All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo Inter national, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
ORDERS: Budo international.com
WT Universe
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Conditioning or rather reconditioning is the tool of ideologies in whatever form. Whether political, religious, social, psychological or scientific, etc...â&#x20AC;? Si-Fu Alfred Johannes Neudorfer (AJN)
WT Universe “People love clichés and clichés in all areas. Simple images that confirm their expectations but can not do justice to reality in the least. On the contrary, they just consume reality to the contrary.” Si-Fu Alfred Johannes Neudorfer (AJN) “We deal with everything in the same way, in the same patterns, and therefore recognize only the same pattern in different forms for the reason. That's what we call experience or learning. Not because these patterns of events are inherent, but because we look at them with them” GM Alfred Johannes Neudorfer Wing Tsun Universe (WTU)
WT Universe “The organization of Wing Tsun Universe (WTU) is a holistic matrix in which each part reflects all the other parts. Nothing is at odds with everything else, or rather, everything unfolds because of organic growth.” GM Alfred Johannes Neudorfer Wing Tsun Universe (WTU)
“Acting as necessary is not always pleasant, but it is positive, that is developmental.” GM Alfred Johannes Neudorfer Wing Tsun Universe (WTU)
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The basis of every development is the critical mass of understanding the contents of the terms "attention, identification and conditioning" in the human movement, thinking and feeling center.â&#x20AC;? GM Alfred Johannes Neudorfer Wing Tsun Universe (WTU)
WT Universe
â&#x20AC;&#x153;By learning I mean not the accumulation of information and data, but the recording and digesting of all the ingredients necessary to understand something, that is food of the 3rd order.â&#x20AC;? GM Alfred Johannes Neudorfer Wing Tsun Universe (WTU)
WT Universe “Every problem is a hidden desire of our soul.” Si-Fu Alfred Johannes Neudorfer (AJN)
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Believing, knowing or knowing something is the biggest obstacle to learning and changing, and that applies to everyone.â&#x20AC;? Si-Fu Alfred Johannes Neudorfer (AJN)
Master Rondy Mckee is one of the most distinguished and renowned female martial artists ever, with over 22 years leading the "White Tiger Taekwondo and Martial Arts", known to be the largest MA school in the entire world, and through which have passed more than 12,000 students. She is also a 7th Level Black Belt and a certified judge by the Kukkiwon World Taekwondo Federation, apart from Hapkido 6th Dan, Certified Instructor in Wing Chun by "Sifu" Samuel Kwok, Yoga and Fitness among many other disciplines. In this very special work, she approaches the rethinking of the applications of the 1 to 8 TaeGeuk forms, through the Martial Science, developed by the Dragon Society International Martial Arts Science, with the assistance of her mentor, Wayne Adams. Martial science is the study of armed and unarmed combat, a deep understanding of all the fighting facets, on the basis of the study of the ancient Chinese Traditional Medicine in terms of anatomy, pressure points and physiology. In the second part of this DVD, and also as Master of Marketing, Master Rondy presents a seminar on the business of teaching Martial Arts, focused on the keys to success in the organization of summer activities in Martial Arts schools.
Ref.: â&#x20AC;˘ RONDY1 All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo Inter national, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
ORDERS: Budo international.com
The PeĂąa Brothers, Marcos and JosĂŠ Antonio, still more mature and reflective in their Aikido, present us in their new work some of the techniques they practice in class, which are directed to help Aikido students to get out of the comfort zone in which they normally find themselves. In their own words: "The idea is that if you always do the same, your results will always be the same. There's no change in equality, but in diversity. That is why we have introduced some techniques in several attacks; with different angles, leg and hit, with weapon, with hook ... so that Aikido practitioners can train different distances and different rhythms, and respond to usual and real attacks. A functional Aikido, without being a robot without any form or stability; a natural Aikido, fluid and effective at the same time. Aikido is Budo and, as such, it must work in a real situation, and for that it must be functional and effective. Our Aikido, like any other Martial Art, aims to neutralize the attacker, and it tries to do so by means of the greatest possible proportionality." A characteristic approach to the Art of Ueshiba that, far from rejecting its roots, delves into it without renouncing its essences, but redefining its contents, and bravely calling things by their right name.
Ref.: â&#x20AC;˘ KISeI-2 All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
ORDERS: Budo international.com
Hwa Rang Do “The True Meaning of Martial Art” Continued: Part 3 – Morals & Implications Instinctively, at the core of men, they are ready to die; they are just looking for an excuse to sacrifice their lives. However, the nature of women on the other hand preserves life; they choose life over death and is much more selective on who or what they would die for, as the survival of humanity lays in their hands, possessing the power, the gift of life giving birth. However, there is one person a woman will die for without question, without a second thought and that is their child. The bond between a woman and their child cannot be described in words. In their bond lies the ideal of “Love,” which is again sacrifice. The thought of having a child is delightful and the act of creating a child is the most pleasurable experience of humankind. However, from the moment of giving birth through the entire span of the child’s life, the parent has momentary joy, but mostly hardship. The cuteness and the fuzzy feelings dissipate quickly during the child’s infancy as it is replaced with countless sleepless nights, feeding, caring, cleaning, worrying, and protecting from harm as the baby is completely helpless without you.
“Instinctively, at the core of men, they are ready to die; they are just looking for an excuse to sacrifice their lives. However, the nature of women on the other hand preserves life.”
Hwa Rang Do oon, they grow older into their wonderful, rebellious teens as they search for identity by experimenting and pushing their boundaries, gaining strength by challenging the parent’s authority. Meanwhile, you labor, toil, and save so that you can start your child on the right steps into adulthood. They leave your home to start their own family without any gratitude, whom you hardly see except on holidays, or when they are in trouble. Then, most often than not, they complain of how you failed them as parents. There were no real moments of happiness, pleasure, or joy rearing a child, only glimpses of it; mostly it is filled with stress, worry, and anxiety, yet a parent would not think twice to lay down their life to save their child. This is the true nature of love. I am sure that Wonsul could not even raise his own head and face his father. There were many moments in my life that I did not want to face my father. The consequences of my mistakes, of my wrongdoings were severe; it was a wrath that even if I were to say, it would be hard to believe. There were every reason to run, to hide, to avoid, but I had to face it and accept whatever discipline I received. Imagine Wonsul falling to his knees in front of the King and more importantly his father and then having to hear his father requesting to have his own son beheaded. The despair, the shame, the dishonor, the regret that he lived, and burdening his father to even say such words must have been overwhelming, a price far worse than dying for a Hwarang, to live in shame. Wonsul died in that moment, his soul was crushed and absolutely, he would have wanted to die even if it meant by
putting a sword to his neck himself, but as a Hwarang he could not commit suicide, the only redemption was to die in battle. Then, consider the mother, Lady Jiso, certainly she was listening to every word, to every decree hidden from sight and how relieved she must have been when the King showed mercy and did not take her son’s life. But, that relief was quickly overwhelmed with grief. It’s unfathomable to even consider the level of her suffering, as she had to hold back her words, her emotions, her tears, and obey the decree of her husband. How could she stand by and watch her son be cast out, to be cut off forever? For her, loyalty to her husband was at the center of her heart and she showed her love by making the ultimate sacrifice of her son, forever carrying the pain and suffering of her loss. Why didn’t Yushin Kim accept the mercy the King offered to his son and forgive Wonsul by showing gladness and gratitude to the King for his compassion, being relieved that the King did not accept his plea of his own son being beheaded? Why would a father even recommend the death of his own son; why wasn’t he merciful of his own flesh and blood? In order to understand
â&#x20AC;&#x153;So easily we use it to justify our ill actions, wrongdoings, failures, and our sins, demeaning the value and appreciation of the gift of intellect all for the sake of selfpreservation.â&#x20AC;?
Hwa Rang Do this we must look deeper into General Yushin Kim’s character. Years past, before King Munmu was crowned as King, although Yushin Kim was not of royal blood, the people wanted the General to be King, as he was most popular by the people for his courage, wisdom, and outstanding leadership, which he consistently demonstrated throughout his entire life. However, Yushin Kim declined, remaining as a general, as he felt he would be of greater service to the Silla Kingdom if he remained in the frontlines to battle and protect Silla against it’s enemies. Instead of enjoying a life of luxury sitting at the thrown far away from the horrors of battle, of bloodshed, and hardships, he chose the harder path; he chose anointment of his hands by blood rather than fragrant oil; he chose suffering over bliss; he chose death over life. He was not only a true a leader who led by example, but was an outstanding strategist and a fierce warrior, which his deeds were chronicled by countless stories of his incredible bravery and pure acts of selflessness. The “Hwarang Segi” is an ancient text that documented the lives of 200 Hwarang Knights, the majority of which was written about General Yushin Kim. Here is just one small anecdote, illustrating his fortitude and strength of conviction, demonstrating his leadership and his ability to inspire others. He was known to have been gone for many years on the battlefield. Once, as the Silla Army was on an arduous war campaign, bloodied, tired, and hungry, they passed in front of the General’s home. His wife, family members and all of his servants lined up outside the house gates waiting to receive the great General, hoping he would take a night of rest at his own home. General Kim stopped in front of his wife without breaking formation or dismounting his horse and said to the servant, “Bring me a bowl of water from our well.” The servant rushed and retrieved a bowl of water and handed it to the General. The General drank from the bowl and said, “Ah… It tastes as I remembered it.” Without even looking at his wife, without one word of greetings, he gave the command for the army to march on. At the center of Yushin Kim’s heart was not only the King, but the Kingship, the law, better yet the “unwritten law” that binds everything and holds it in place, the sense of justice and truth that is not written in a finite worldly text but embedded in the
Hwa Rang Do
hearts of all human beings written on the garments of our eternal soul, placed there by God. The law had to apply to everyone, even if it meant killing his own son. Because of his position he could not look for excuses, or exemptions. If Yushin Kim were king, he would have without a doubt beheaded his son with his own hands. However, since he was not King he had to obey the King’s mandate and could not take his own son’s life. Therefore, he took justice that was within his power, he disowned Wonsul as his son and banished him forever. Wonsul had lost everything that he held dear, he lost what was at the center of his heart, the love of his family. In that moment, for him, God, Kingdom, King, none of it truly mattered; they were just ideas, traditions, culture. The only thing that really mattered was the respect, recognition and love from his parents, especially his father, Yushin Kim. He would have rather died than to have been rejected by his own father. In utter despair, he went into seclusion not to be seen or heard by anyone. He had no reason or purpose to live; he was waiting to die. This was a defining moment for Wonsul: He had a choice; to abandon all who he was and what he lived for, adopting a new way of life with new goals and values; or to remain loyal to who he was, a Hwarang. He realized that no matter where he went, no matter what he did, that ultimately, he could not run from himself and unless he found resolution, he would forever be in turmoil. For most, the initial reaction would have been anger and blame the parents for disowning him for something he didn’t even do. It wasn’t him who did not charge into battle out of cowardice, but it was because of Tamnung. Maybe, this is what he was thinking when he tried to come back after the passing of his father to plea to his mother, hoping
Hwa Rang Do
she would be more compassionate and understanding than the father. It must have been a great shock, when Lady Jiso did not take him back. It did not matter that he was prevented from dying in battle, robbing him of a noble death, by Tamnung or for that matter anybody else or for any other reason. The fact remains that the decisions in his life ultimately belongs to him and only he can be held accountable, thus he must bare and suffer the consequences no matter how grave they might be. The human intellect is a gift to be used to search for meaning and Truth, becoming closer to God. However, so often, so easily we use it to justify our ill actions, wrongdoings, failures, and our sins, demeaning the value and appreciation of the gift of intellect all for the sake of self-preservation. Once again, the choice to elevate or devalue even the greatest of powers, gifts, and wonders lies within our hands, our own choices. In addition, when a person is punished and suffers for a wrongful, sinful act it is justice and to be expected. However, to suffer for something one did not do is what makes it most noble and is the highest form of sacrifice. A serial killer or a terrorist who took the lives of many innocent people put to death is just, but an innocent man accused of a crime he did not commit and was put to death is truly unjust. Then, imagine this innocent man dying voluntarily for some one elseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wrongdoing in order to protect and save another person. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inconceivable! Yet, this would be the ultimate and the truest form of sacrificeâ&#x20AC;Ś
The founders of WTU Wing Tsun Universe, GM Sifu Alfred Neudorfer and Si-Mo Rosa Ferrante Bannera, present a new work, focused this time on Chum Kiu, the second of the "solo" movements or classic forms of Wing Tsun, from the WTU perspective. The WTU Chum Kiu, or "4 waves", is especially characterized by the use of the falling step, the 3 basic kicks (a Wing Tsun slogan for kicks says that "each step is a kick, and each kick is a step"), and the arm bridges, long and short bridges, which determine the way we come into contact with the attacker. The DVD includes the execution of the complete Chum Kiu movement, the 4 Chum Kiu sections with 3 applications for each one of them, with the use of the 3 basic kicks and the arm bridges. Finally, the video shows the sequences 2-7 of the Chum Kiu movements with a training partner or ChiSao. An excellent work which presents to us a new way of experiencing both the "solo" movements and those with a training partner in the Art of Wing Tsun.
Ref.: â&#x20AC;˘ DVD/WTU-2 All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo Inter national, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
ORDERS: Budo international.com
Humans have been involved in many forms of struggle since the beginning of history. In most systems, techniques can be practiced in an alternative way, so that everyone can increase their fighting skills, although, over time, some systems have progressed focusing only on selfdefense and others on the sporting aspects. Boxing is strictly composed of short distance hitting techniques. Kyusho Jitsu is a high level component found in ALL hand-to-hand combat methods, that uses the pressure points and weakest parts of our body in hitting and attack situations, to subdue or control an opponent. Properly trained, both systems can be effective means of self-protection, and the same movements that a boxer practices can be used to improve our selfdefense skills. In today's world, we must be very careful about what we use and how we use it to protect ourselves. We can get by in a self-defense situation, only to suffer later at the hands of the legal system. Today's question is: "How can you defend yourself in a quick and efficient way without causing long-term damages to your opponent?"
Ref.: â&#x20AC;˘ Kline-3
All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo Inter national, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
ORDERS: Budo international.com
The Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak is a system based on both weapons and empty hands at the same time. It incorporates many of the new-generation weapons, swords, knives, circular kerambits, bars, batons of different lengths and other more particular weapons. Even in our empty hand training methods we face an opponent who attacks us with weapons in both hands, as well as several opponents at once. This type of training makes us more aware of everything that happens during an altercation and what do and not do when facing one or more armed aggressors. In this second DVD, Maha Guru Horacio Rodrigues, heir to the lineage of Pendekar Pak Victor De Thouars, of Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak, addresses its particular way to train and use the different weapons, laying the foundations for more advanced future plans of study and the application of technique. This video includes the principles of work, angulation, Sambuts, Jurus and drills with the short sword "Pedang", short knife "Pissau", short stick "Tonkat Matjan", Sarong, and applications of selfdefense with empty hands.
REF.: â&#x20AC;˘ DVD/SERAK-2
All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
ORDERS: Budo international.com
Paul Vunak presents "Asymmetric Violence" in a video which is a prelude to his work during the last 5 years, focusing more on MMA and developing 4 new "RAT" (Rapid Assault Tactics) programs, at the request of several U.S. military agencies. The expression Asymmetric Violence makes reference to the fact that a small entity can defeat a much bigger entity through deception, which, in our case, involves using attacks to the eyes and genitals as well as biting techniques of the Filipino Kino-Mutai system. To increase the chances of success in the reality of the street, you must know however the basics of MMA, Thai-Boxing and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu as well as Kali weapons, so as to obtain a perfect flow of natural combat. Then, by adding Asymmetric Violence, you will have rescaled the sports up to the military version of violence. And we only do it for situations of life or death. Vunak presents in detail a series of new Drills, in which he will progressively introduce new elements, in addition to increasing stress, so as to recreate the same emotional responses as in reality. Get one of the best tournament fighters in the world, that is, a MMA practitioner, then include Asymmetric Violence (eye gouging, genital attacks and bites), finally add the using of weapons, and you'll have the complete fighter.
Ref.: â&#x20AC;˘ VUNAK-1 All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
ORDERS: Budo international.com
Wing Chun doesn't really have a name for a two man fighting, what they have is the Chi Sao drills, for striking, trapping and warding off, but that does not mean you can not apply it to Wing Chun... even Siu Nim Tao! Other Martial Styles employ these hands as does Wing Chun such as White Crane and Pangainoon or even in Karate Styles such as Goju-Ryu, Uechi and others. As the Wing Chun was derived from the White Crane of Shaolin, we then must dig deeper into that art to find the core realities. Now how can this stationary, slow Martial Form, be transposed into a dynamic Kyusho Tegumi or fighting drill? The incorporation of the contractive and or compressive applications within the hands, arms, legs and body postures, can instantly double the Wing Chun practitioners arsenal. With the addition of Kyusho (attacking the inner vulnerable human anatomical targets), you have a complete fighting style (Striking, Kicking, Trapping, Grappling), that has greater range, scope, efficiency and affect.
Ref.: â&#x20AC;˘ KYUSHO-28 All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
ORDERS: Budo international.com
Master Rudolf Winterstein, with almost 40 years of Taekwondo practice, presents his first work as a support tool for the practitioner, and with the aim of spreading his idea of traditional Taekwondo. The DVD contains the three main pillars in Kampfkunst Blackbelt: Hyong (forms), breaking tests and combat. We will see all the traditional form from 1 to 11: ChonJi Hyong, Tan-Gun Hyong, To-San Hyong, Won-Hyo Hyong, Yul-Kok Hyong, ChungGun Hyong, ToiGye Hyong, Hwa-Rang Hyong, ChungMu Hyong, Gwang-Gea Hyong and PoEun Hyong. Additionally, the DVD contains the necessary material for the tests: the program for little dragons between 3 and 5 years; breaking tests for children and adults; sparring workout (one step sparring Ill-bo taeryon, traditional sparring and sparring with protections), Hosinsul , self-defense, defense against stick, and the number 1 stick form, Ssang Dung-i.
Ref.: â&#x20AC;˘ TKDOWINT-1 All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo Inter national, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
ORDERS: Budo international.com
Fu-Shih Kenpo TIGER AND DRAGON The Fu-Shih kenpo advanced programme The Fu-Shih advanced technical section, called “Tiger and Dragon”, was born from the ability, intuition and energy of our Founder. The study programme is made of 21 techniques, and it has been structured and formalised after an experimental and codification phase, through constant, daily training. Soke Raùl Gutiérrez, pervaded f r o m h i s K e n p o e n e r g y, f o l l o w e d h i s intuition, creating something new, unique a n d p a r t i c u l a r, t h a t c o u l d s h o w h i s physique, sensibility, per ception and technique. In many different occasions sensei Raùl told me:
Fu-Shih Kenpo “There are occasions where I move, naturally and instinctively, I feel that everything falls perfectly into place, I make movements that feel impeccable, I don't make any physical effort, I don't feel any tireness , simply, everything flows”! Some years ago, we were together in a town called Almunecar, having lunch in a chinese restaurant. During the lunch we were talking about experiences, life, martial arts and kenpo. I asked sensei how he managed to build a special technical programme such as “Tiger and Dragon”. The answer was simple and direct: “Nobody has teached me these techniques, I just moved in a natural way and they came themselves”!
Components The Tiger identity, widely developed in the previous programmes, is completed and balanced through the Dragon technique and energy. Tiger is strenght, aggressivity, determination. Dragon is fluidity, evasion, variation. Concerning the technique, Tiger and Dragon represent a balanced and complete development: offence and defence, body and mind, arms and legs. The use of inferior limbs is very frequent, both at the offensive and defensive levels. The application of fluidity, continuity and mouvement economy has to be, at this stage, a part of an acquired, experimented and interiorised baggage. The constitutive elements of the Tiger and Dragon's Techniques can be divided in three fundamental cathegories: Offence – Defence – Control
Offense application of three different offensive types: Shock blow: it hits the opponent's body as a flick, very fast, it targets superficial vital body areas. Penetration blow: this technique performed through an explosive movements, penetrates into the opponent's body in order to reach sensible areas situated inside the body. Depth blow: it goes through the target to reach areas more in depth, it is often used to finalize a combination.
Defense In Fu-Shih Kenpo, the defensive principle is always an active defensive principle that can damage and weaken the opponent's body and give the opportunity to a natural, coordinated and progressive offense.
Fu-Shih Kenpo It is necessary: Knowledge and control of the 8 corners of evasion and escape. Correct management of the distance and timing. Correct mechanic, functionality and automation. Conditioning of the body's weapons.
Control The Fu-Shih Kenpo, during the different fighting phases, constantly uses methods that control the aggression and potentional offense of the opponent. There are three control methods:
Isolation Through the destructive techniques, generate an opening, a functional block, a momentary â&#x20AC;&#x153;isolationâ&#x20AC;? of the opponent defensive perimeters.
Trapping To compromise or limit the movement of some areas of the aggressor's body, while proceeding, in the same moment, with an effective offence.
Pressure Principle connected to the progressive advancement phase: apply a constant pressure on the opponent's body that compromises the barycentre management, depriving them of the balance necessary for an offence or defence.
Goals Technical/cognitive completion. Higher level coordinative development. Improvement and energetic balance. Speed, strenght, harmony and efficacy.
Fu-Shih Kenpo
â&#x20AC;&#x153;In Fu-Shih Kenpo, the defensive principle is always an active defensive principle that can damage and weaken the opponent's body and give the opportunity to a natural, coordinated and progressive offense.â&#x20AC;?
Fu-Shih Kenpo
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Ali content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws.
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND DIGITAL VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
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Paul Vunak PFS Asymmetrical Violence Ref. VOD/VUNAK1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho, First Encounter Ref. VOD/KFRISAN1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho and Boxing Connection Ref. VOD/KLINE3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Traditional Taekwondo Hyeong Ref. VOD/TKDOWINT1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shaolin Kung Fu Essential Ref. VOD/TOMBOLATO1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Hwa Rang Do Gumtoogi Sword Fighting Ref. VOD/HWA3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Krav Maga RED Vol.3 Knife Defense Ref. VOD/KMRED3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho Handicap Ref. VOD/KYUSHO27 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Best of Commando Krav Maga Ref. VOD/AIZIK5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Jun Fan Gung Fu JKD Ref. VOD/DELJKD1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kids Self Defense: Dealing with strangers Ref. VOD/TRUST1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kapap Israeli Jiu Jitsu & Martial Arts Ref. VOD/KAPAP9 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND DIGITAL VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
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Kyusho Pyramid Vol.1 Ref. VOD/KLINE1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho Pyramid Vol.2 Ref. VOD/KLINE2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
WTU Chum Kiu Form & Applications Ref. VOD/WTU2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu Ref. VOD/IMWC1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kenpo, My Favorite Techniques Ref. VOD/LARRY4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Systema, Fighting Basics Ref. VOD/SYSWEITZEL1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Advanced Grappling Vol.1 Ref. VOD/TBELTRAN-1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Advanced Grappling Vol.2 Ref. VOD/TBELTRAN-2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Keysi Method Original Ref. VOD/KEYSI1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kali Ilustrisimo Laban Laro Drills Ref. VOD/FLORES3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kajukenbo Essential Ref. VOD/LPRIETO1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kaisendo Self Defense Ref. VOD/KAISEN5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND DIGITAL VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Poker Of Aces Ref. VOD/GSBJJ1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wing Tsun Self Defense Ref. VOD/WTINCE1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Viet Vo Dao. Long Stick Vol.2. Quyen Tu Tuong Con Phap Form & ... Ref. VOD/VIET8 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho Sanchin Kata Vol.2 Ref. VOD/KYUSHO26 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TRU System Self Defense for Women Ref. VOD/TRU1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
RMA Systema SV 2016 Self Defense Seminar Vol-2, Italy Ref. VOD/SKOGOREV-8 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho and Kali. Empty Hands Vol.2 Ref. VOD/KYUSHO25 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak. Weapons Ref. VOD/SERAK2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Ground Survival Program Vol5 Ref. VOD/COMHGSP5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Tactical Pressure Points Program Vol5 Ref. VOD/COMHTTP5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Martial Science Ref. VOD/RONDY1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 1. Sylvio Behring Progressive System Ref. DWVOD/RS1365 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND DIGITAL VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
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Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 2. Sylvio Behring Progressive System Ref. DWVOD/RS1366 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 3. Sylvio Behring Progressive System Ref. DWVOD/RS1367 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Sylvio Behring Hollywood Seminar Vol.1 Ref. DWVOD/RS1369 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Sylvio Behring Hollywood Seminar Vol.2 Ref. DWVOD/RS1370 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Inappropriate Behavior Progressive Manage... Ref. DWVOD/RS1371 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mastering Shotokan Karate Kumite. Vol.6 Ref. VOD/KANA7 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Secrets of Karate Vol.2. Naha-Te Kata Ref. DWVOD/RS989 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shaolin Temple Kung Fu Jiben Basics Ref. DWVOD/RS985 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Kickboxing Joe Lewis Fighting Systems Ref. DWVOD/JL1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mastering Groundwork Vol.8 Throws Ref. DWVOD/RS670 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mastering Boxing Bag Work & Footwork Ref. VOD/MERCER4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mastering Judo Shime Waza Ground Work Ref. VOD/JUDO7 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND DIGITAL VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
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Chanbara Long Sword Ref. DWVOD/RS75 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Art and Science of Shotokan Karate. Kicking Ref. DWVOD/RS38 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kanken Toyama Kobudo Ref. DWVOD/RS990 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mastering Tae Kwon Do Hand Basics Ref. DWVOD/RS343 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Secrets of Karate Vol.1. Shuri-Te Kata Ref. DWVOD/RS988 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND DIGITAL VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
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Table of contents - Judo and Ju-Jitsu ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 - Iaido ............................................................................................................................................................................... 7 - Karate ............................................................................................................................................................................ 9 - Kobudo ........................................................................................................................................................................ 21 - Ninjutsu ....................................................................................................................................................................... 26 - Other Styles Japan ..................................................................................................................................................... 28 - Aikido........................................................................................................................................................................... 32 - Wu Shu ........................................................................................................................................................................ 36 - Wing Chun ................................................................................................................................................................... 38 - Wing Tsun ................................................................................................................................................................... 41 - Oher Styles China....................................................................................................................................................... 44 - Tai Chi.......................................................................................................................................................................... 46 - Shaolin Kung Fu ......................................................................................................................................................... 49 - Kung Fu ....................................................................................................................................................................... 52 - Pro, Military, Police .................................................................................................................................................... 57 - Krav Maga ................................................................................................................................................................... 66 - Systema Russian M.A. ............................................................................................................................................... 70 - Knife Fighting ............................................................................................................................................................. 73 - Women´s Self Defense ............................................................................................................................................... 75 - Other Styles Self Defense .......................................................................................................................................... 77 - Capoeira ...................................................................................................................................................................... 82 - BJJ Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu ............................................................................................................................................... 84 - Hapkido ....................................................................................................................................................................... 89 - Other Styles Korea ..................................................................................................................................................... 92 - Tae Kwon Do ............................................................................................................................................................... 94 - Staff & Cane ................................................................................................................................................................ 97 - Nunchaku .................................................................................................................................................................... 99 - Other Weapons ......................................................................................................................................................... 101 - Arnis Kali Escrima .................................................................................................................................................... 105 - Kick Boxing ............................................................................................................................................................... 109 - Muay Thai .................................................................................................................................................................. 113 - MMA Grappling Wrestling ........................................................................................................................................ 117 - Boxing and other Contact Sports ........................................................................................................................... 121 - Kyusho Jitsu - Pressure points ............................................................................................................................... 124 - JKD Jeet Kune Do .................................................................................................................................................... 129 - Kenpo ........................................................................................................................................................................ 133 - Kajukenbo ................................................................................................................................................................. 136 - Martial Arts Vietnam ................................................................................................................................................. 138 - Other Martial Styles .................................................................................................................................................. 140 - Pencak Silat .............................................................................................................................................................. 144 - Health - Wellness ...................................................................................................................................................... 146 - Documentaries.......................................................................................................................................................... 150
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Judo and Ju-Jitsu
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Judo and Ju-Jitsu
Unlimited Ju Jitsu Ref. VOD/LOU2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Jiu Jitsu Kyoo Soku Seishin Ryu Ref. VOD/NUNES Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Judo Atemi Ref. VOD/JUDOIT Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Loubet Jiu-jitsu Ref. VOD/LOU1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Power Jiu Jitsu Juko Ryu Jiu Jitsu Vol 2 Ref. VOD/JUKO2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Juko Ryu Jiu Jitsu Vol 1 Ref. VOD/JUKO Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Jiu Jitsu Ryu SDA Vol 1 Ref. VOD/JJRYU Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Jiu Jitsu Ryu SDA Vol 2 Ref. VOD/JJRYU2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Ju Jutsu Do Combat Ref. VOD/SAN3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Traditional Ju Jitsu Vol 4 Ground Combat Ref. VOD/DAB4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Traditional Ju Jitsu Vol 3 Upright Techniques Ref. VOD/DAB3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Budo Goshin Jutsu Ryu Ref. VOD/DAB5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
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Judo and Ju-Jitsu
Traditional Jujitsu Vol 1 Ref. VOD/JUJ Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mastering Judo Introduction Ref. VOD/JUDO1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mastering Judo Te Waza Hand Techniques Ref. VOD/JUDO2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
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Judo and Ju-Jitsu
First 100 Years of Judo Ref. DWVOD/M47 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
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Toyama Ryu Iaido Ref. VOD/TOYAMA2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Toyama Ryu Batto Jutsu Ref. VOD/TOYAMA1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
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Iaido Vol 1 Ref. VOD/IAIDO1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
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Goju Ryu Karate Yamashita Ref. VOD/YOSU Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shotokan Karate Kata Bunkai Vol1 Ref. VOD/SHJ1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
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Mastering Shotokan Karate Ashi Waza. Vol.2 Ref. VOD/KANA3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mastering Shotokan Karate Te Waza. Vol.1 Ref. VOD/KANA2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
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Mastering Shotokan Karate Dan Kata. Vol.5 Ref. VOD/KANA6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mastering Shotokan Karate Kumite. Vol.6 Ref. VOD/KANA7 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
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Shito Ryu Karate Pinan Kata and Bunkai Vol 2 Ref. VOD/SHITO2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
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Shotokan Karate International Ref. VOD/KANA Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Sport Karate Kumite Ref. VOD/BENE1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
To-De Karate The hand of the infinite Ref. VOD/TODE Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Okinawa Bujutsu Motobu Udunti Ref. VOD/SU1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
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Karate-do Shotokan Kata & Bunkai Vol3 Ref. VOD/SHJ3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
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Karate Shito-Ryu Hayashi-Ha Kata & Bunkai Ref. VOD/SHITO3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
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Goju Ryu Karate Vol 1 Kihon Waza Ref. VOD/CHINEN1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
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Goju Ryu Karate Okinawa, the Meaning Ref. VOD/CHINEN2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Goju Ryu Karate Kata Bunkai Oyo Part 1 Ref. VOD/CHINEN3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
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Okinawa Isshin Ryu Karate Kata Ref. VOD/CAN2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Best Karate Kumite Ref. VOD/BIERMAN3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Beginner's Guide to Kata Ref. DWVOD/RS201 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Beginners Guide To Karate Ref. DWVOD/RS54 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
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Secrets of Championship Karate KUMITE BEGINNERS Ref. DWVOD/RS249 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Secrets of Championship Karate KUMITE BLACK BELT Ref. DWVOD/RS250 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
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Art and Science of Shotokan Karate Vol-1 Ref. DWVOD/RS35 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Art and Science of Shotokan Karate Mechanics Vol-2 Ref. DWVOD/RS36 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Art and Science of Shotokan Karate. Mechanics Ref. DWVOD/RS37 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Art and Science of Shotokan Karate. Kicking Ref. DWVOD/RS38 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Art and Science of Shotokan Karate. Kata Ref. DWVOD/RS39 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Art and Science of Shotokan Karate. Kumite Vol.1 Ref. DWVOD/RS40 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Art and Science of Shotokan Karate. Kumite Vol.2 Ref. DWVOD/RS41 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Art and Science of Shotokan Karate. Self Defence Ref. DWVOD/RS42 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wado Ryu Karate Kihon and Basics Ref. DWVOD/RS56 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wado Ryu Karate Kata and Ju-Jitsu Ref. DWVOD/RS57 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wado Ryu Karate Sword Ju-Jitsu and Advanced Kata Ref. DWVOD/RS58 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shito Ryu Karate Tomiyama Original Ref. DWVOD/RS47 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
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Shito Ryu Karate Tomiyama Classical Ref. DWVOD/RS48 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shito Ryu Karate Tomiyama Traditional Ref. DWVOD/RS49 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Chuck Merriman's Sanchin Goju Ryu Ref. DWVOD/RS254 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Chuck Merriman's Tensho Goju Ryu Ref. DWVOD/RS255 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Chuck Merriman's Goju Kaishu Kata Goju Ryu Ref. DWVOD/RS256 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Traditional Okinawa Shorin Ryu Karate Do Ref. DWVOD/M18 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Meitoku Yagi Meibukan Goju Ryu Ref. VOD/RS607 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Katsuya Miyahira Shidokan Shorin Ryu Ref. VOD/RS608 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shuguro Nakazato Shorin Kan Shorin Ryu Ref. VOD/RS609 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Eiichi Miyazato Jundokan Goju Ryu Ref. VOD/RS610 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Jundokan More Then Just Kata Ref. DWVOD/RS611 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Masanobu Shinjo Shobukan Goju Ryu Ref. DWVOD/RS612 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Kanei Uechi Uechi Ryu Ref. VOD/RS613 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tatsuo Shimabuku Isshin Ryu Ref. DWVOD/RS614 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Matayoshi Shinpo Matayoshi Kobudo Ref. DWVOD/RS615 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tetsuhiro Hokama Bo Jitsu Ref. DWVOD/RS616 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shoshin Nagamine Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu Ref. DWVOD/RS617 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Yoshimatsu Matsuda Shorin Ryu Ref. VOD/RS618 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Chosen Chibana Shorin Ryu Ref. DWVOD/RS619 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Seikichi Odo Ryu Kyu Kobujitsu Ref. DWVOD/RS621 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Masaji Taira Bunkai Master Ref. DWVOD/RS622 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Dr. Tsuyoshi Chitose Chito Ryu Karate Ref. DWVOD/RS623 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Eihachi Ota Shorin Ryu Ref. VOD/RS624 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Hojo Undo Supplementary Training Ref. VOD/RS625 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
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Yoshitsune Senega Uechi Ryu Ref. VOD/RS626 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Martial Arts Monuments Museums and More Ref. DWVOD/RS627 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Jundokan Old School 1984 Ref. VOD/RS628 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Gichin Funakoshi Shotokan Ref. DWVOD/RS629 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Karate Kobudo Masters of the 1900's Ref. DWVOD/RS630 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shito Ryu Sankudo Sankukai Ref. DWVOD/RS154 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Lost and Forgotten Classic Okinawan Katas Vol.1 Ref. DWVOD/RS951 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Lost and Forgotten Classic Okinawan Katas Vol.2 Ref. DWVOD/RS952 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Lost and Forgotten Classic Okinawan Katas Vol.3 Ref. DWVOD/RS953 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Lost and Forgotten Classic Okinawan Katas Vol.4 Ref. DWVOD/RS954 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
The Art of The White Crane Ref. DWVOD/M13 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Makiwara and Conditioning Ref. DWVOD/RS3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
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Patrick McCarthy's The Bubishi Nepai Ref. DWVOD/RS959 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Patrick McCarthy's Weaponless Warrior Seminar Ref. DWVOD/RS961 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Patrick McCarthy's Okinawan Karate Secrets Ref. DWVOD/RS962 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Patrick McCarthy's Dai Nippon Butoku Kai Ref. DWVOD/RS958 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Funakoshi Shotokan Karate -1 Ref. DWVOD/RS30 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Funakoshi Shotokan Karate -2 Ref. DWVOD/RS31 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Funakoshi Shotokan Karate -3 Ref. DWVOD/RS32 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Funakoshi Shotokan Karate -4 Ref. DWVOD/RS33 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Karate - Empty Hand Fighting Ref. DWVOD/RS118 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Traditional Shorin Ryu Karate Kata Ref. DWVOD/RS2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shotokan Karate Bassai Dai Ref. DWVOD/RS22 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shotokan Karate Kanku Dai Ref. DWVOD/RS26 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
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Karate Wrist Escapes Ref. DWVOD/RS24 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Karate Do My Way of Life Ref. DWVOD/RS19 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Karate Do, Body, Mind, Spirit Ref. DWVOD/RS20 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Karate Winning Edge Ref. DWVOD/RS27 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Isshin Ryu Karate Ref. DWVOD/M75 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Budo Japanese and Okinawan Masters of the Martial Arts Ref. DWVOD/M49 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Competition sparring - Broken Rhythm Ref. DWVOD/RS73 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Patrick McCarthy Unsettled Matters Vol.2 Ref. DWVOD/RS957 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Patrick McCarthy Unsettled Matters Vol.1 Ref. DWVOD/RS956 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
History of traditional Japanese Karate Ref. DWVOD/RS995 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shito Ryu Karate Vol.6. Kata Kushanku & Kanku Ref. DWVOD/RS449 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shito Ryu Karate Vol.5. Kata Seisan & Hangetsu Ref. DWVOD/RS448 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
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Shito Ryu Karate Vol.3. Kata Bassai Dai Ref. DWVOD/RS446 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
The Classical Man Ref. DWVOD/M6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Isshin Ryu Karate Shimabuku Ref. VOD/P1V7 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kani Uechi Uechi Ryu Karate Ref. VOD/P2V7 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
JKA Kumite 1970â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ref. VOD/P2V4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu Karate Ref. DWVOD/M1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
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Okinawa Shorin Ryu Karate-do Ref. VOD/KOBU2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Okinawa Kobudo Shorin Ryu Karate-do Ref. VOD/KOBU1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kobudo Kata Ref. VOD/BIERMAN1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Webbs Kobudo Ref. VOD/JUKO3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kobudo Fighting Drills Ref. DWVOD/RS257 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Okinawa Bujutsu Motobu Udunti Ref. VOD/SU1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Traditional Japanese Okinawan Kobudo BO-KAMA-SAI Ref. DWVOD/RS234 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Traditional Japanese Okinawan Kobudo TONGFA-TAN BO-NAGINATA Ref. DWVOD/RS235 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Traditional Japanese Okinawan Kobudo BO-TONGFA-SAI-TAN BO Ref. DWVOD/RS236 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Traditional Japanese Okinawan Kobudo Bo-Jo-Techu-Yari-Kama Ref. DWVOD/RS237 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Traditional Japanese Okinawan Kobudo Sai Tongfa and Kobudo Basics Ref. DWVOD/RS239 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Master Odo's Traditional Okinawan Kobudo Ref. DWVOD/RS74 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Meitoku Yagi Meibukan Goju Ryu Ref. VOD/RS607 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Katsuya Miyahira Shidokan Shorin Ryu Ref. VOD/RS608 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shuguro Nakazato Shorin Kan Shorin Ryu Ref. VOD/RS609 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Eiichi Miyazato Jundokan Goju Ryu Ref. VOD/RS610 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Jundokan More Then Just Kata Ref. DWVOD/RS611 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Masanobu Shinjo Shobukan Goju Ryu Ref. DWVOD/RS612 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kanei Uechi Uechi Ryu Ref. VOD/RS613 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tatsuo Shimabuku Isshin Ryu Ref. DWVOD/RS614 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Matayoshi Shinpo Matayoshi Kobudo Ref. DWVOD/RS615 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tetsuhiro Hokama Bo Jitsu Ref. DWVOD/RS616 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shoshin Nagamine Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu Ref. DWVOD/RS617 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Yoshimatsu Matsuda Shorin Ryu Ref. VOD/RS618 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
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Chosen Chibana Shorin Ryu Ref. DWVOD/RS619 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Seikichi Odo Ryu Kyu Kobujitsu Ref. DWVOD/RS621 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Masaji Taira Bunkai Master Ref. DWVOD/RS622 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Dr. Tsuyoshi Chitose Chito Ryu Karate Ref. DWVOD/RS623 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Eihachi Ota Shorin Ryu Ref. VOD/RS624 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Hojo Undo Supplementary Training Ref. VOD/RS625 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Yoshitsune Senega Uechi Ryu Ref. VOD/RS626 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Martial Arts Monuments Museums and More Ref. DWVOD/RS627 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Jundokan Old School 1984 Ref. VOD/RS628 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Gichin Funakoshi Shotokan Ref. DWVOD/RS629 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Karate Kobudo Masters of the 1900's Ref. DWVOD/RS630 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Beginner's Guide to Bokken Wooden Sword Ref. DWVOD/RS183 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
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Beginner's Guide to Katana Ref. DWVOD/RS184 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Beginner's Guide to Japanese Okinawan Kobudo - Jim Wilson Ref. DWVOD/M92 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kobudo Traditional Okinawan Weapons Ref. DWVOD/RS1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Classical Kobudo Ref. DWVOD/M44 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Budo Japanese and Okinawan Masters of the Martial Arts Ref. DWVOD/M49 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kanken Toyama Kobudo Ref. DWVOD/RS990 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Eisuke Akamine Kobudo Hozon Shinkokai Ref. DWVOD/RS620 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
The Classical Man Ref. DWVOD/M6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Bujinkan Budo Tai Jitsu Ref. VOD/FLET Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Japan Ninjutsu Shinobiken Ref. VOD/JH5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Iga Ryu Ninjutsu Empty Hands Techniques Ref. VOD/JH4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Koga Ryu Ninjutsu Weapons Ref. VOD/JH3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Koga Ryu Ninjutsu Empty Hands Ref. VOD/JH2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Bujinkan Dojo Taijitsu Taikai Vol 1 Ref. VOD/HATSU1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Bujinkan Dojo Taijitsu Taikai Vol 2 Ref. VOD/HATSU2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Other Styles Japan
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Other Styles Japan
Toyama Ryu Batto Jutsu Ref. VOD/TOYAMA1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Toyama Ryu Iaido Ref. VOD/TOYAMA2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Aiki Yoseikan Budo Ref. VOD/HIRO2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Yoseikan Budo complete course Ref. VOD/HIRO3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Yoseikan Budo Ref. VOD/HIRO1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Advanced Kendo Ref. VOD/KENDO2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Genbukan Ninpo Bugei Ref. VOD/VERME1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Jo Jutsu Ref. VOD/JO Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kubotan Ref. VOD/KUBOT1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Iaido Shinai Ref. VOD/IAIDO5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Naginata & Kumidashi Kihon Ref. VOD/NAGI1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Bugei Ogawa Ryu Ref. VOD/BUGEI1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Other Styles Japan
Bugei Aiki-Jujutsu Ref. VOD/EBUGEI2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Bugei Aiki Jujutsu Vol2 Ref. VOD/EBUGEI6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Yari and Shinai Ref. VOD/IAIDO6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Bugei Kusari-Jutsu Ref. VOD/EBUGEI1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Bugei Koppo-Jutsu Ref. VOD/EBUGEI5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kendo Ref. VOD/KENDO1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kempo Jutsu Ref. VOD/KIMO Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Fuji Ryu Tai Jutsu Ref. VOD/TAIJ Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Nihon Taijitsu Vol 1 Defense against Front Grabs Ref. VOD/NT1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Nihon Taijitsu Vol 2 Defense against Front Attacks Ref. VOD/NT2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyudo Kyu-Jitsu Ref. VOD/KYUDO1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Yawara Jitsu Ref. VOD/YAW Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Other Styles Japan
Yawara Kubotan Ref. VOD/YAW2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Bugei Shuriken-Jutsu Ref. VOD/EBUGEI4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shugendo Ref. VOD/SASHU Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Beginners Guide to Kendo and Iaido Ref. DWVOD/RS55 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Chanbara Long Sword Ref. DWVOD/RS75 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Beginner's Guide to Kendo and Iaido Ref. DWVOD/RS202 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
The Samurai Sword of Miyamoto Musashi - Ni Ten Ichi Ryu Ref. DWVOD/RS660 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Beginner's Guide to Bokken Wooden Sword Ref. DWVOD/RS183 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Beginner's Guide to Katana Ref. DWVOD/RS184 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
This Is Kendo Today Ref. DWVOD/M25 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
The Book Of Five Rings Ref. DWVOD/RS16 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Code of The Samurai Ref. DWVOD/RS21 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Aikido Technique Ref. VOD/YAMA4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Aikido Osaka Aikikai Vol 1 Ref. VOD/NOMURA1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Aikido Osaka Aikikai Vol 2 En-ten & Sabaki Ref. VOD/NOMURA2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Aikido Osaka Aikikai vol3 Keiko Ref. VOD/NOMURA3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Aikido Kobayashi Ryu Ref. VOD/SAVE Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Aikido Tanto Dori Ref. VOD/FUR4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Dynamic Aikido Ref. VOD/AVK Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Very Strong Aikido Kobayashi Ryu Ref. VOD/JACEK Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Aikido Tenshin Dojo Vol 1 Ref. VOD/MIYA1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Aikido Tenshin Dojo Vol 2 Ref. VOD/MIYA2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Aikido Longueira Ryu Ref. VOD/LONG Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Old & Rare Aikido Ref. VOD/LONG2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Aikido Defense Longueira Ryu Ref. VOD/LONG3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Advanced Aikido Longueira Ryu Ref. VOD/LONG4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Aikido Evolution Ref. VOD/LONG5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Aikido Combat Vol1 Ref. VOD/LONG6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tomiki Aikido Ref. VOD/TOMI1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shinno Aikido Aikido & Bokken Ref. VOD/SHINNO Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tomiki Aikido Ref. DWVOD/M35 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Aikido 100% Kokkyu Nage Ref. VOD/AKIS1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Basic Bokken Aikido Ref. VOD/AKIS10 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Police Aikido Ref. VOD/AKIS2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Aikido Kumi-Tachi Ref. VOD/AKIS3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Aikido 100% Uchi Kaiten Ref. VOD/AKIS5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Kobudo & Aikido Bo-Jutsu Ref. VOD/AKIS6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Aikido Nito Ichi Ref. VOD/AKIS8 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Aikido Moriteru Ueshiba Interview & Seminar Ref. VOD/DOSHU Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Aikido Kisei Dojo Basic, intermediate & advanced Ref. VOD/KISEI Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Aikido Kisshomaru Ueshiba Interview & Technique Ref. VOD/KISHO Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Aikido Yamada Seminar Peru Ref. VOD/YAMA1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Aikido Yamada Seminar Barcelona Ref. VOD/YAMA2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Wu Shu
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Wu Shu
Olympic Wu Shu Ref. VOD/WUSHU1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wu Shu Hou Kun The Monkey Staff Ref. VOD/FAN1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wu Shu San Jie Gun The 3 Section Staff Ref. VOD/FAN2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Wing Chun
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Wing Chun
Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Form Part 1 Ref. VOD/MUKRAN1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wing Chun Kung Fu Siu Lim Tao Ref. VOD/RANDY1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu Ref. VOD/IMWC1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Form Part 2 Ref. VOD/MUKRAN2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Form Part 3 Ref. VOD/MUKRAN3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Form Part 4 Ref. VOD/MUKRAN4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Form Basic Drills Ref. VOD/MUKRAN5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Form Advanced Drills Ref. VOD/MUKRAN6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wing Chun Kung Fu Concepts and priciples Ref. VOD/RANDY4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wing Chun Kung Fu Chum Kiu Ref. VOD/RANDY2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wing Chun Kung Fu Biu Jee Ref. VOD/RANDY3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wing Chun Traditional vol 1 Ref. VOD/WCH1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Wing Chun
Wing Chun Traditional vol 2 Ref. VOD/WCH2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
WTU Chum Kiu Form & Applications Ref. VOD/WTU2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wing Tsun Universe. Siu Nim Tao Form & Applications Ref. VOD/WTU1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wing Tsun Self Defense Ref. VOD/WTINCE1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Chi Sao Wing Tsun TAOWS Academy Ref. VOD/TAOWS3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Wing Tsun
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Wing Tsun
WTU Chum Kiu Form & Applications Ref. VOD/WTU2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wing Tsun Self Defense Ref. VOD/WTINCE1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wing Tsun Universe. Siu Nim Tao Form & Applications Ref. VOD/WTU1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wing Tsun Taows Academy Ref. VOD/TAOWS1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wing Tsun Right or Wrong? Ref. VOD/LT Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wing Tsun Advanced TAOWS Academy Ref. VOD/TAOWS2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Chi Sao Wing Tsun TAOWS Academy Ref. VOD/TAOWS3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
WingTsun Advanced Combat Ref. VOD/WTS8 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wing Tsun Alliance and Escrima Ref. VOD/WTAL Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
WingTsun The Mith of the Wooden Dummy Ref. VOD/WTK Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
WingTsun Combat Techniques Ref. VOD/WTS1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
WingTsun Wooden Dummy Street Aplications Ref. VOD/WTS10 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Wing Tsun
WingTsun Re-Evolution Ref. VOD/WTS11 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
WT Re-Evolution 2 Ref. VOD/WTS12 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
WingTsun Combat Program Ref. VOD/WTS13 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
WingTsun Anti-grappling Ref. VOD/WTS2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
WingTsun Street Shock Vol 1 Ref. VOD/WTS3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
WingTsun Street Shock Vol 2 Ref. VOD/WTS4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
WingTsun Lat Sao Ref. VOD/WTS5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
WingTsun Chi Sao Vol1 Ref. VOD/WTS6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
WingTsun Chi Sao Vol2 Ref. VOD/WTS7 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
WingTsun AntiGrappling & Chi Gerk Ref. VOD/WTS9 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Oher Styles China
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Oher Styles China
Bao-Din Shuai Chiao Ref. VOD/CHANG Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Bao-Din Shuai Chiao Advanced Program Ref. VOD/CHIAO3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shuai Chiao Black Belt Program Ref. VOD/CHIAO1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Bao-Din Shuai Chiao Combat Ref. VOD/CHIAO2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
The Tao Of Yi Chuan Ref. DWVOD/RS14 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Chinese Kempo Karate Ref. VOD/HAYEN1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
The Art of War Ref. DWVOD/RS15 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
The Internal Arts of Shanghai Ref. DWVOD/RS238 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
San Soo Kung Fu Total Body Fighting Ref. DWVOD/RS50 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
San Soo Total Body Fighting Vol-2 Ref. DWVOD/RS51 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
KI - The Unstoppable Life Force Within Us All! Ref. DWVOD/M39 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Sanda Ming Chuan Kung Fu Ref. VOD/SANDA Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Tai Chi
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Tai Chi
Ling Gar, Tai Chi & Qi Gong Ref. VOD/LYN Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tai Chi Yang Style Vol 3 Ref. VOD/FUSE3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tai Chi Yang Style Vol 2 Ref. VOD/FUSE2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tai Chi Yang Style Vol 1 Ref. VOD/FUSE1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tai Chi Chen Style Tui Shou Ref. VOD/YU3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tai Chi Chen Style Pao Chui Er Lu Form Ref. VOD/YU2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tai Chi Chen Style Ref. VOD/YU Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tai Chi Beijing Jen The Straight Sword Ref. VOD/TCE Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
The Tao Of Yi Chuan Ref. DWVOD/RS14 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tai Chi Chen Xia Jia Pao Chuie Form Ref. VOD/CHEN1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tai Chi Chuan for Seniors Ref. VOD/TAI4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tai Chi Che Sword Ref. VOD/TAI3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Tai Chi
Tai Chi Yang Style & Chi Kung Vol 2 Ref. VOD/TAI2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tai Chi Chuan Yang Style Ref. VOD/PR1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tai Chi Wind Chasing Fan Ref. VOD/PR3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tai Chi Yang Style & Chi Kung Vol 1 Ref. VOD/TAI1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mongolian Tai Chi Chi Kung Ref. VOD/MONGO1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tai Chi, Learn The Magical World Ref. DWVOD/M20 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Shaolin Kung Fu
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Shaolin Kung Fu
Shaolin Qin Na Ref. VOD/YANTI2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shaolin Kung Fu Essential Ref. VOD/TOMBOLATO1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
The 18 movements of Shaolin Kung Fu Ref. VOD/HONG Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shaolin Luohan Shi Ba Shou Form Taolu Ref. VOD/YANTI1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shaolin Xiao Hong Quan Form Tao Lu Ref. VOD/MIAOZHI1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shaolin Kung-Fu Shi De Yang Interview Ref. VOD/DEYANG Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shaolin Kung Fu Boxing Ref. VOD/SHAOLIN1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shaolin Temple Kung Fu History and more Ref. DWVOD/RS982 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shaolin Temple Kung Fu Qi Gong Standing Ref. DWVOD/RS983 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shaolin Temple Kung Fu Qi Gong Sitting Ref. DWVOD/RS984 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shaolin Temple Kung Fu Jiben Basics Ref. DWVOD/RS985 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shaolin Temple Kung Fu Zen-Chan Meditation Ref. DWVOD/RS986 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Shaolin Kung Fu
Shaolin Temple Kung Fu Da Hong Quan Erlu Ref. DWVOD/RS987 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Kung Fu
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Kung Fu
Shaolin Hung Gar Gung Gee Fook Fu Doy Dar Ref. VOD/SEWER5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Weng Chun Kung Fu Fa Kuen Ref. VOD/WENG3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kung Fu Chin Na Vol 2 Ref. VOD/PC3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kung Fu Chin Na Vol 1 Ref. VOD/PC2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Hung Gar Gung Gee Fook Fu Kuen Form Ref. VOD/SEWER4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Hsing - I . Shaolin Kung Fu Ref. DWVOD/RS67 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Pachi Tang Lang Chuan Ref. VOD/PACH1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Hung Gar kung Fu Lau Gar Kuen Form Ref. VOD/SEWER3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Hung Gar Kung Fu Zum Kap Kuen Form Ref. VOD/SEWER2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shaolin Hung Gar Yap Moon Kuen Ref. VOD/SEWER1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Weng Chun Kung Fu Vol2 Ref. VOD/WENG2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Weng Chun Kung Fu Ref. VOD/WENG1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Kung Fu
Sanda Ming Chuan Kung Fu Ref. VOD/SANDA Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kung Fu Pai Lum Tao Ref. VOD/PAI1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kung Fu Splashing Hands Ref. VOD/NEIL1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kung Fu & Muay Thai Dragon & Tiger Ref. VOD/MUAYKUN1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Hung Gar Gong Gee Fook Fu Kune Form Vol 2 Ref. VOD/HUNG2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Hung Gar Kung Fu Gong Gee Fook Fu Kune Form Ref. VOD/HUNG1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tsui Pa Hsien Kung Fu Drunken Style Ref. VOD/BOR Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tao Yin Internal Kung Fu Ref. VOD/YIN Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kung Fu Pa Kua Pa Men Chan Form Vol 1 Ref. VOD/PAMEN1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kung Fu Pa Kua Pa Men Chan Form Vol 2 Ref. VOD/PAMEN2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kung Fu Choy Li Fut Tiger & Dragon Forms Ref. VOD/PR2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Choy Li Fut Leopard & Tiger Form Ref. VOD/PR4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Kung Fu
Kung Fu Tang Lang Ref. VOD/TANG1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kung Fu Mou Sii Lion´s Dance Ref. VOD/MOU Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kung Fu Pa Kua Ref. VOD/PC1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kung Fu Weapons Ref. VOD/KFW Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Hung Gar Kung Fu Ref. VOD/PA1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Kung Fu Free Style Ref. VOD/CMBT Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Ling Gar Kung Fu Gun Disarming Ref. VOD/LYN6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Ling Gar Kung Fu Knife Defense Ref. VOD/LYN5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Ling Gar Kung Fu Chin Na Ref. VOD/LYN4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Ling Gar Kung Fu Dim Mak Ref. VOD/LYN3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Ling Gar Kung Fu Self Defense Ref. VOD/LYN2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shaolin Kung-Fu Shi De Yang Interview Ref. VOD/DEYANG Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Kung Fu
Kung Fu Choy Li Fut Forms Ref. VOD/LIFUT1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kung Fu Toa Forms & applications Vol 1 Ref. VOD/TOA Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kung Fu Toa Forms & applications Vol 2 Ref. VOD/TOA2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Buk Sing Choy Kung Fu Ref. DWVOD/RS70 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Real Chinese Kung Fu Ref. VOD/M5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
KI - The Unstoppable Life Force Within Us All! Ref. DWVOD/M39 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Ling Gar, Tai Chi & Qi Gong Ref. VOD/LYN Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Pro, Military, Police
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Pro, Military, Police
Paul Vunak PFS Asymmetrical Violence Ref. VOD/VUNAK1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Russian Martial Art Systema SV Training Program Vol1 Ref. VOD/SKOGOREV-1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Krav Maga Israeli Survival System. Hand to Hand Combat Ref. VOD/KMISS1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Krav Maga Israeli Survival System. Disarming Techniques & Comm... Ref. VOD/KMISS2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Self Defense 5 Experts x 5 Street Attacks Ref. VOD/DP1 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
Kyusho Tactical Control Program Module 1 Ref. VOD/KYUSHO22 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
SPK Self Pro Krav Evolution Ref. VOD/LEVI8 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Russian Martial Art Systema SV Training Program Vol2 Ref. VOD/SKOGOREV-2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
US Special Forces Hand to Hand Combat Elbows Ref. DWVOD/RS580 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
US Special Forces Hand to Hand Combat Basics Ref. DWVOD/RS581 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
US Special Forces Hand to Hand Combat Combinations Ref. DWVOD/RS582 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
US Special Forces Hand to Hand Combat Takedowns-Locks-Arm Bars Ref. DWVOD/RS583 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Pro, Military, Police
US Special Forces Hand to Hand Combat Knees Ref. DWVOD/RS584 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
RMA Systema SV Seminar Vol-1 Turin, Italy 2013 Ref. VOD/SKOGOREV-5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
RMA Systema SV Seminar Vol-2 Turin, Italy 2013 Ref. VOD/SKOGOREV-6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Russian Systema, Disarm techniques Ref. VOD/SYSTEMA2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Russian Martial Arts Systema Ref. VOD/SYSTEMA1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Russian Systema Ref. VOD/KADY1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
RMA Systema SV Seminar Paderborn, Germany Vol-1 Ref. VOD/SKOGOREV-3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
RMA Systema SV Seminar Paderborn, Germany Vol-2 Ref. VOD/SKOGOREV-4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
SOG Close Combat Vol 6 Ref. VOD/SOG6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
SOG How to be your own Bodyguard Ref. VOD/SOG5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Self Pro Krav Knife Defense Ref. VOD/LEVI5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Operational Locks Self Defense Pro Ref. VOD/LEVI4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Pro, Military, Police
Bodyguard The Canadian Way Double Impact Protection Ref. VOD/DIP1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Canadian Bodyguard Defensive Tactics Ref. VOD/BODY2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Police Self Defense Ref. VOD/DPOL1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Hidden Weapons Professional Self defense Ref. VOD/DEL3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Professional Self Defense Ref. VOD/DEL1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Police Grappling Ref. VOD/PGRAP1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Professional Bodyguard Ref. VOD/AKIS4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kokkar Especial Combat Black Cobra II Vol 1 Ref. VOD/OMAR2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
kokkar Special Combat Black Cobra II Vol 2 Ref. VOD/OMAR3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Police Kaisendo Dim Mak Pressure Points Ref. VOD/KAISEN3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kaisendo Police Control Ref. VOD/KAISEN2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Commando Combat Knife Assault Ref. VOD/JH1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Pro, Military, Police
SWAT International Weapon Retention Ref. VOD/DAVID1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Europol Intervention Techniques Ref. VOD/CARTER3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Knife Commando Ref. VOD/AKIS9 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Scuba Fighting Ref. VOD/CARTER2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Bodyguard Dynamic Training Ref. VOD/BODY1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kokkar Handgun Defensive Tactics Ref. VOD/OMAR5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Police Jukaikido Ref. VOD/SAN2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Police Tonfa Ref. VOD/TON1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
SOG Extreme Close-Combat Ref. VOD/SOG4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Military SOG for civilians Ref. VOD/SOG3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
SOG Close-Combat DAS Techniques Ref. VOD/SOG2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
SOG Close Combat Vol 1 Ref. VOD/SOG Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Pro, Military, Police
ROS Real Operational System Ref. VOD/LEVI3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Self Pro Krav Ref. VOD/LEVI2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Professional Tonfa Ref. VOD/TONFA2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Reality Based Ground attacks Ref. VOD/SARG16 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Reality Based Protecting the Others Ref. VOD/SARG15 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Reality Based Multiple Attackers Ref. VOD/SARG14 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Metric Arm Strikes & Blocks System Ref. VOD/SARG10 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Reality Based Conflict Exercises Ref. VOD/SARG12 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Metric Leg Strikes & Blocks System Ref. VOD/SARG11 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Advanced Police Jukaikido Ref. VOD/SAN4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Police Commando Ref. VOD/AKIS7 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kokkar Kenpo Ref. VOD/OMAR1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Pro, Military, Police
Kokkar Anti-Terrorism Advanced Tactics Ref. VOD/OMAR4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Reality Based Knife Attacks from around the World Ref. VOD/SARG9 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Reality Based Training with Air Guns Ref. VOD/SARG7 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Reality Based Defensive Tactics Ref. VOD/SARG6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Reality Based Police & Military Knife Defense Ref. VOD/SARG1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
RMA Systema SV 2015 International Seminar Vol-1, Germany Ref. VOD/SKOGOREV-9 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
RMA Systema SV 2015 International Seminar Vol-2, Germany Ref. VOD/SKOGOREV-10 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
RMA Systema SV 2016 Self Defense Seminar Vol-1, Italy Ref. VOD/SKOGOREV-7 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
RMA Systema SV 2016 Self Defense Seminar Vol-2, Italy Ref. VOD/SKOGOREV-8 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Operational Tonfa Ref. VOD/LEVI7 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Police Telescopic Baton Ref. VOD/TELE1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Police Weapons Ref. VOD/LEVI Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Pro, Military, Police
Advanced Professional Tonfa Ref. VOD/DEL2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Reality Based Self Defense Ref. VOD/SARG4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Reality Based American Baton Police Tactics Ref. VOD/SARG8 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Reality Based Police & Military Knife Offense Ref. VOD/SARG2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Reality Based Police & Security Arrest & Control Ref. VOD/SARG5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Reality Based Police Ground Tactics Ref. VOD/SARG3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Police Kaisendo Handcuff Defense Ref. VOD/KAISEN4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
The Side-Handle Police Baton Ref. DWVOD/RS90 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
The Persuader Self Defense Weapon Ref. DWVOD/M34 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Close Combat. Self Defense for the Elite Ref. DWVOD/M78 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
EXECUTIVE PROTECTION. Formations Advances and Equipment Ref. DWVOD/RS850 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
EXECUTIVE PROTECTION. Advances Ref. DWVOD/RS851 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Pro, Military, Police
EXECUTIVE PROTECTION. Defensive Tactics Ref. DWVOD/RS852 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tactical Hand Signal Ref. DWVOD/RS94 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Edged Weapons Ref. DWVOD/RS95 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Executive Protection - WPG The Way We Do It Ref. DWVOD/RS849 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Executive Protection - WPG Inside My World Ref. DWVOD/RS848 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Airplane Security Ref. VOD/AKIS11 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Becoming a Cop Ref. DWVOD/RS103 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Krav Maga
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Krav Maga
Krav Maga RED Vol.3 Knife Defense Ref. VOD/KMRED3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kapap Israeli Jiu Jitsu & Martial Arts Ref. VOD/KAPAP9 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Best of Commando Krav Maga Ref. VOD/AIZIK5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Krav Maga RED Vol.2. Concept & Pedagogy Ref. VOD/KMRED2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Protect Krav Maga Ref. VOD/GIL1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kapap Lotar Krav Maga Gun Disarming Keys Ref. VOD/KAPAP4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Commando Krav Maga Urban Survival Ref. VOD/AIZIK4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Original Krav Maga Blue Belt program Vol3 Ref. VOD/YARON4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Krav Maga Kobi Lichtenstein Ref. VOD/KOBI1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Krav Maga Vicious attacks Ref. VOD/IDS6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Krav Maga Israeli Survival System. Disarming Techniques & Comm... Ref. VOD/KMISS2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Krav Maga RED Research, Evolution, Development Ref. VOD/KMRED1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Krav Maga
Krav Maga Israeli Survival System. Hand to Hand Combat Ref. VOD/KMISS1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
IDS Krav Maga Airplane Security Ref. VOD/IDS4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kapap Empty Hands Ref. VOD/KAPAP8 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
SPK Self Pro Krav Evolution Ref. VOD/LEVI8 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Authentic Krav Maga Ref. VOD/IDS5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kapap Shooting Firearms Ref. VOD/KAPAP7 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kapap Lotar Krav Maga Panim el Panim Ref. VOD/KAPAP3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Krav Maga for Security Professionals Ref. VOD/IDS3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
IDS Krav Maga The Will to Survive Ref. VOD/IDS2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
IDS Krav Maga Ref. VOD/IDS1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Commando Krav Maga Knife Attacks Ref. VOD/AIZIK3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Commando Krav Maga Street Survival Ref. VOD/AIZIK2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Krav Maga
Combat Survival Krav Maga Ref. VOD/AIZIK Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kapap Lotar Krav Maga The Kapap Academy Experience Ref. VOD/KAPAP5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Self Pro Krav Knife Defense Ref. VOD/LEVI5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kapap Lotar Krav Maga Ref. VOD/KAPAP Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Original Krav Maga Blue Belt program Vol4 Ref. VOD/YARON5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Original Krav Maga Blue Belt program Vol2 Ref. VOD/YARON3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Original Krav Maga Blue Belt program Vol1 Ref. VOD/YARON2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Original Krav Maga Bukan School Ref. VOD/YARON1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kapap Lotar Krav Maga Gun Disarming Ref. VOD/KAPAP2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Self Pro Krav Ref. VOD/LEVI2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kapap MMA Ref. VOD/KAPAP6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kapap Combatives Muay Thai Self Defense Ref. VOD/MUAYKAP1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Systema Russian M.A.
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Systema Russian M.A.
Systema, Fighting Basics Ref. VOD/SYSWEITZEL1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Russian Martial Art Systema SV Training Program Vol1 Ref. VOD/SKOGOREV-1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Russian Martial Art Systema SV Training Program Vol2 Ref. VOD/SKOGOREV-2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Russian Systema, Disarm techniques Ref. VOD/SYSTEMA2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Russian Martial Arts Systema Ref. VOD/SYSTEMA1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Russian Systema Ref. VOD/KADY1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
RMA Systema SV 2015 International Seminar Vol-1, Germany Ref. VOD/SKOGOREV-9 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
RMA Systema SV 2015 International Seminar Vol-2, Germany Ref. VOD/SKOGOREV-10 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
RMA Systema SV 2016 Self Defense Seminar Vol-1, Italy Ref. VOD/SKOGOREV-7 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
RMA Systema SV 2016 Self Defense Seminar Vol-2, Italy Ref. VOD/SKOGOREV-8 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
RMA Systema SV Seminar Vol-1 Turin, Italy 2013 Ref. VOD/SKOGOREV-5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
RMA Systema SV Seminar Vol-2 Turin, Italy 2013 Ref. VOD/SKOGOREV-6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Systema Russian M.A.
RMA Systema SV Seminar Paderborn, Germany Vol-1 Ref. VOD/SKOGOREV-3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
RMA Systema SV Seminar Paderborn, Germany Vol-2 Ref. VOD/SKOGOREV-4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Knife Fighting
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Knife Fighting
Lameco Eskrima Pakawalan Ref. VOD/GOULD5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Lameco Eskrima Essential Knife 3 Ref. VOD/GOULD3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Close Quarter Combat Knife & Counter Combatives Ref. VOD/HOCH1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Knife Tactical Response CSSD Ref. VOD/FRANK1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Lameco Eskrima Essential Knife 2 Ref. VOD/GOULD2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Lameco Eskrima Essential Knife 1 Ref. VOD/GOULD1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Knife Survival Evolution Fighting Systems Ref. VOD/EFS Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Ultimate Knife Training Ref. VOD/SARG13 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Seal Program Knife Combat Ref. VOD/FAR2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Novascrimia Defense against Knife Ref. VOD/NOVA4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Women´s Self Defense
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Women´s Self Defense
Kyusho Self Protection for Women Ref. VOD/KYUSHO21 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TRU System Self Defense for Women Ref. VOD/TRU1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Female Self Defense Kenpo Ref. VOD/DPF Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Women´s Self Defense Ref. VOD/CYNTHI2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho Tactical Control Program Module 1 Ref. VOD/KYUSHO22 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Look, Act, Be STRONG Ref. DWVOD/RS749 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kids Self Defense: Dealing with strangers Ref. VOD/TRUST1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Other Styles Self Defense
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Other Styles Self Defense
Keysi Method Original Ref. VOD/KEYSI1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kids Self Defense: Dealing with strangers Ref. VOD/TRUST1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Tactical Pressure Points Program Vol1 Ref. VOD/COMHTTP1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Systema, Fighting Basics Ref. VOD/SYSWEITZEL1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Military SOG for civilians Ref. VOD/SOG3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
JKD Street Defense Tactics Ref. VOD/SALVA5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Realistic Self Defense Vol 2 One step ahead Ref. VOD/PAYNE2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Verbal Self Defense Ref. VOD/VERBAL1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Ground Survival Program Vol2 Ref. VOD/COMHGSP2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kansen Ryu Self Defense Ref. VOD/KANSEN1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Russian Martial Arts Systema Ref. VOD/SYSTEMA1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kasen Ryu - Operative Self-Defense vol 2 Ref. VOD/KANSEN2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Other Styles Self Defense
Airplane Security Ref. VOD/AKIS11 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Self Defense for Everybody Ref. VOD/DON1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Elite Combat Program Hand to Hand Combat Ref. VOD/ECPO1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Close Quarter Combat Pistol Disarming Ref. VOD/HOCH2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
The Street Fighters Toolbox Vol 1 Ref. VOD/HUBAR1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Ling Gar Kung Fu Knife Defense Ref. VOD/LYN5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Close Combat Vol 1 Ref. VOD/MALTE2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Close Combat Vol 2 Ref. VOD/MALTE4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Self Defense with everyday objects Ref. VOD/MONTES3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Realistic Self Defense Vol 1 Ref. VOD/PAYNE Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Progressive Street Fighting Ref. VOD/PSF1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Jukaikido Ref. VOD/SAN Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Other Styles Self Defense
SDS Concept Ref. VOD/SDS1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
SOG Close Combat Vol 1 Ref. VOD/SOG Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
SOG Close-Combat DAS Techniques Ref. VOD/SOG2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
SOG Extreme Close-Combat Ref. VOD/SOG4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
SOG How to be your own Bodyguard Ref. VOD/SOG5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
SOG Close Combat Vol 6 Ref. VOD/SOG6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
The Persuader Self Defense Weapon Ref. DWVOD/M34 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Close Combat. Self Defense for the Elite Ref. DWVOD/M78 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Tactical Pressure Points Program Vol2 Ref. VOD/COMHTTP2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Tactical Pressure Points Program Vol3 Ref. VOD/COMHTTP3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Tactical Pressure Points Program Vol4 Ref. VOD/COMHTTP4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Tactical Pressure Points Program Vol5 Ref. VOD/COMHTTP5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Other Styles Self Defense
Combat Hapkido Ground Survival Program Vol1 Ref. VOD/COMHGSP1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Ground Survival Program Vol3 Ref. VOD/COMHGSP3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Ground Survival Program Vol4 Ref. VOD/COMHGSP4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Ground Survival Program Vol5 Ref. VOD/COMHGSP5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
The Cane Ref. DWVOD/RS78 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Encyclopedia of Self Defence Ref. DWVOD/RS17 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Close Encounters Ref. DWVOD/RS52 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kaisendo Self Defense Ref. VOD/KAISEN5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Martial Science Ref. VOD/RONDY1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Paul Vunak PFS Asymmetrical Violence Ref. VOD/VUNAK1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Capoeira Brasil Ref. VOD/CAP4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Capoeira Gerais Ref. VOD/CAP2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Capoeira Ref. VOD/CAP1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Capoeira Banzo de Senzala Ref. VOD/CAP3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Cardio Capoeira Ultimate Workout Ref. DWVOD/RS12 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Capoeira for Beginners Ref. DWVOD/M31 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Capoeira Advanced Ref. DWVOD/M32 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Cardio Capoeira Vol 1 - Brazilian Flashdance Ref. DWVOD/RS10 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Cardio Capoeira Vol 2 - Energy Fitness and Self Defence Ref. DWVOD/RS11 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
BJJ Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
BJJ Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 1. Sylvio Behring Progressive System Ref. DWVOD/RS1365 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 2. Sylvio Behring Progressive System Ref. DWVOD/RS1366 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 3. Sylvio Behring Progressive System Ref. DWVOD/RS1367 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Sylvio Behring Hollywood Seminar Vol.1 Ref. DWVOD/RS1369 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Sylvio Behring Hollywood Seminar Vol.2 Ref. DWVOD/RS1370 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Inappropriate Behavior Progressive Manage... Ref. DWVOD/RS1371 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
BJJ Mastering Groundwork Vol.1 Basics and Warm up. Ref. DWVOD/RS663 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
BJJ Mastering Groundwork Vol.2 Chokes Ref. DWVOD/RS664 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
BJJ Mastering Groundwork Vol.3 Self Defence Ref. DWVOD/RS665 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
BJJ Mastering Groundwork Vol.4 Passing The Guard Ref. DWVOD/RS666 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
BJJ Mastering Groundwork Vol.5 Attacks and Escapes from the Mount Ref. DWVOD/RS667 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
BJJ Mastering Groundwork Vol.6 Sweeps Ref. DWVOD/RS668 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
BJJ Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
BJJ Mastering Groundwork Vol.7 Advanced Techniques Ref. DWVOD/RS669 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mastering Groundwork Vol.8 Throws Ref. DWVOD/RS670 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Ultimate Competition Techniques 1 Ref. VOD/FABRI1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Gracie Jiu Jitsu Throws & Self-defense Ref. VOD/GRACIE1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Gracie Jiu Jitsu Submissions, escapes and Self Defense Ref. VOD/GRACIE2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Poker Of Aces Ref. VOD/GSBJJ1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kapap Israeli Jiu Jitsu & Martial Arts Ref. VOD/KAPAP9 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Brasilian Jiu Jitsu Kioto System Ref. VOD/MANSUR Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kioto Jiu Jitsu Submissions Ref. VOD/MANSUR2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kioto Jiu Jitsu Defenses against submissions Ref. VOD/MANSUR3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kioto Jiu-Jitsu Self Defense Vol 1 Ref. VOD/MANSUR4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kioto Jiu-Jitsu Self Defense Vol 2 Ref. VOD/MANSUR5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
BJJ Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
The Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Bible Vol 2 Ref. VOD/MANSUR6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu The Mount position Ref. VOD/REGO1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Cross & Side Mount Ref. VOD/REGO2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu The Guard position Ref. VOD/REGO3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Advanced Techniques Vol 1 Ref. VOD/REGO4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Advanced Techniques Vol 2 Submissions Ref. VOD/REGO5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Advanced Grappling Vol.1 Ref. VOD/TBELTRAN-1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Advanced Grappling Vol.2 Ref. VOD/TBELTRAN-2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Vol 1 Ref. VOD/VACIR1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Vol 2 Blue Belt Program Ref. VOD/VACIR2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Conditioning Ref. VOD/VACIR3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu White to Blue Belt Program Ref. VOD/VACIR4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
BJJ Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Vacirca Jiu Jitsu Self Defense Ref. VOD/VACIR5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Hapkido WHF Ref. VOD/KWANG Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Hapkido Hankido Ref. VOD/HANKI1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Self Defense Ref. VOD/COMH3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Tactical Pressure Points Program Vol1 Ref. VOD/COMHTTP1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Tactical Pressure Points Program Vol2 Ref. VOD/COMHTTP2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Tactical Pressure Points Program Vol3 Ref. VOD/COMHTTP3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Tactical Pressure Points Program Vol4 Ref. VOD/COMHTTP4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Tactical Pressure Points Program Vol5 Ref. VOD/COMHTTP5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Hapkido Technique WHF Ref. VOD/FEH1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Ground Survival Ref. VOD/COMH4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Ground Survival Program Vol1 Ref. VOD/COMHGSP1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Ground Survival Program Vol2 Ref. VOD/COMHGSP2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Combat Hapkido Ground Survival Program Vol3 Ref. VOD/COMHGSP3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Ground Survival Program Vol4 Ref. VOD/COMHGSP4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Ground Survival Program Vol5 Ref. VOD/COMHGSP5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Hapkido Hoi Jeon Moo Sool Vol 2 Ref. VOD/KIM2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Ref. VOD/COMH2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Hapkido Official Program Ref. VOD/HAPFET1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Hapkido Hoi Jeon Moo Sool Vol 1 Ref. VOD/KIM1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Sin Moo Hapkido Ref. VOD/SMH1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Other Styles Korea
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Other Styles Korea
Hwa Rang Do Gumtoogi Sword Fighting Ref. VOD/HWA3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Hwa Rang Do Extreme Takedowns Vol1 Ref. VOD/HWA2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Hwa Rang Do Knife Fighting Ref. VOD/HWA1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Modern Farang Mu Sul How to develop Speed and Reaction Ref. VOD/FARANG1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kuk Sool Won Ref. VOD/KUK1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Sun Mu Do Ref. VOD/SUN1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Haidong Gum Do Ref. VOD/GUMDO Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Sib Pal Ki Ref. VOD/PALKI Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tang Su Do Ref. VOD/TANGSU1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Tae Kwon Do
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Tae Kwon Do
Traditional Taekwondo Hyeong Ref. VOD/TKDOWINT1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Martial Science Ref. VOD/RONDY1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Super Taekwondo Ref. VOD/TEAM Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Taekwondo Superior Poomsae & Applications Ref. VOD/PUM2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Taekwondo WTF Superior Poomsae Ref. VOD/TKDE1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Taekwondo WTF Basic Poomsae Ref. VOD/TKDE2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Taekwondo Basic Poomsae Ref. VOD/PUM Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Taekwondo ITF Tul Vol 1 Ref. VOD/TUL Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
The Power of Combat Taekwondo Ref. VOD/MAURI Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho in Taekwon Do Ref. VOD/KYUSHO20 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Taekwondo Fighting Secrets Ref. VOD/MAURI2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Taekwondo ITF Leg Techniques Ref. VOD/TPT Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Tae Kwon Do
Mastering Tae Kwon Do Kicks Ref. DWVOD/RS344 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mastering Tae Kwon Do Under Black Belt Patterns Ref. DWVOD/RS345 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mastering Tae Kwon Do Black Belt Patterns Ref. DWVOD/RS346 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mastering Tae Kwon Do Under Black Belt Sparring Ref. DWVOD/RS347 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mastering Tae Kwon Do Black Belt Sparring Ref. DWVOD/RS348 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mastering Tae Kwon Do Self Defense Ref. DWVOD/RS349 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mastering Tae Kwon Do Muay Thai, Boxing etc Ref. DWVOD/RS350 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Early Masters Of Tae Kwon Do Ref. DWVOD/M7 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mastering Tae Kwon Do Hand Basics Ref. DWVOD/RS343 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mastering Tae Kwon Do Demo and Bio Ref. DWVOD/RS352 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mastering Tae Kwon Do Historical Interview Ref. DWVOD/RS351 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Super Sparring! Full Contact & Taekwondo Ref. VOD/BARADA1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Staff & Cane
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Staff & Cane
Tolete Canario Traditional & Police Weapon Ref. VOD/TOLE1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Palo Canario Canarian Stick Ref. VOD/ACOSTA Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
La Canne de Combat Combat Cane Ref. VOD/CANNE1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Garrote Canario Canarian Staff Ref. VOD/GARRO Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Cane & Staff Defense Ref. VOD/LEVI6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
O Jogo Do Pau The Portuguese Staff Ref. VOD/NUNO1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Viet Vo Dao Côn Pháp. Long staff Vol.1 Ref. VOD/VIET7 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Viet Vo Dao. Long Stick Vol.2. Quyen Tu Tuong Con Phap Form & ... Ref. VOD/VIET8 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Nunchaku Advanced Method Ref. VOD/TMNUN2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Nunchaku The Method from 0 to 100% Ref. VOD/TMNUN Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Artistic & Combat Nunchaku Ref. VOD/SCHM Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Nunchaku Ref. VOD/GLNUN Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Nunchaku Ref. VOD/RGNUN Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Super Nunchaku Ref. DWVOD/RS89 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Other Weapons
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Other Weapons
Kapap Shooting Firearms Ref. VOD/KAPAP7 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
American Cane System Ref. VOD/CANE Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Filipino Olisi Balaraw Sword & Dagger Ref. VOD/SILAT4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Police Kobudo Ref. VOD/MONTES2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Nova Scrimia Vol 1 Ref. VOD/NOVA1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Jo Jutsu Ref. VOD/JO Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Novascrimia Bastone The Cane Ref. VOD/NOVA2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kubotan Ref. VOD/KUBOT1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Extreme Katana Ref. VOD/KATA1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tai Chi Che Sword Ref. VOD/TAI3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Toyama Ryu Batto Jutsu Ref. VOD/TOYAMA1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Nova Scrimia The Sword Ref. VOD/NOVA3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Other Weapons
Lameco Eskrima Single Sword Ref. VOD/FLORES2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Iaido Shinai Ref. VOD/IAIDO5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Naginata & Kumidashi Kihon Ref. VOD/NAGI1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Yari and Shinai Ref. VOD/IAIDO6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyudo Kyu-Jitsu Ref. VOD/KYUDO1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kerambit Ref. VOD/KERAM1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Bugei Shuriken-Jutsu Ref. VOD/EBUGEI4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Novascrimia Abraรงar Ref. VOD/NOVA5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Novascrimia Defense against Knife Ref. VOD/NOVA4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Chanbara Long Sword Ref. DWVOD/RS75 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
The Side-Handle Police Baton Ref. DWVOD/RS90 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Toyama Ryu Iaido Ref. VOD/TOYAMA2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Other Weapons
Beginner's Guide to Bokken Wooden Sword Ref. DWVOD/RS183 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Beginner's Guide to Katana Ref. DWVOD/RS184 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
The Persuader Self Defense Weapon Ref. DWVOD/M34 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
The Cane Ref. DWVOD/RS78 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Chanbara Long and Short Sword Ref. DWVOD/RS76 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Fist Load Weapons Ref. DWVOD/RS88 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Arnis Kali Escrima
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Arnis Kali Escrima
Kali Ilustrisimo Laban Laro Drills Ref. VOD/FLORES3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho and Kali. Empty Hands Vol.2 Ref. VOD/KYUSHO25 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho and Kali. Empty Hands Vol.1 Ref. VOD/KYUSHO24 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Latosa Escrima Edge Weapons Training Ref. VOD/LAT3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Lameco Eskrima Doble Baston Ref. VOD/GOULD6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Dog Brothers Kali & Krabi Krabong Ref. VOD/DOG2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Lameco Eskrima Single Sword Ref. VOD/FLORES2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Lameco Eskrima Backyard Sulite Original Group Ref. VOD/FLORES1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Doce Pares Eskrima Ref. VOD/STROEV1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Lameco Eskrima Pakawalan Ref. VOD/GOULD5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Lameco Eskrima Essential Knife 1 Ref. VOD/GOULD1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Lameco Eskrima Solo-Bastรณn Single Stick Ref. VOD/GOULD4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Arnis Kali Escrima
Lameco Eskrima Essential Knife 3 Ref. VOD/GOULD3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Lameco Eskrima Essential Knife 2 Ref. VOD/GOULD2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Arnis Koredas Obra Mano Ref. VOD/OLIV1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Filipino Olisi Balaraw Sword & Dagger Ref. VOD/SILAT4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Warriors Eskrima Ref. VOD/GURO Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Phillipino Stick Fighting Ref. DWVOD/RS65 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
The Dog Brother´s Way Ref. VOD/DOG1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Filipino Martial Arts Inosanto System Ref. VOD/ALM4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Arnis Tapado Double Stick Ref. VOD/ARN2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Arnis Tapado Single Stick Ref. VOD/ARN1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Latosa Escrima Vol 2 Ref. VOD/LAT2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Filipino Kali Eskrima Ref. VOD/SILAT2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Arnis Kali Escrima
Latosa Escrima Vol 1 Ref. VOD/LAT1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Dog Brothers Power Development Ref. VOD/DOG3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
JKD Profesional Fighting System Ref. VOD/SALVA3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kali, Arnis, Eskrima Ref. VOD/MALTE1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kalavera Eskrima - Largo Mano Ref. VOD/BRU1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Leo Fong On Angel Cabales Ref. DWVOD/RS942 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Kick Boxing
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Kick Boxing
Full Contact & Kick Boxing Ref. VOD/DON2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kick Boxing Defense & Counte Ref. VOD/EGUZ Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Muay Thai & Kick Boxing Punching Bag Ref. VOD/CESAR8 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
The training of Kick boxing and Full Contact Ref. VOD/CONDE1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
WKA Kick Boxing Ref. VOD/WKA1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kick Boxing Training with Equipment Ref. VOD/KARIM2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kick Boxing Explosive Low Kicks Ref. VOD/KARIM1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Sport Karate, Full & Kick-Boxing Ref. VOD/MIKE1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Super Sparring! Full Contact & Taekwondo Ref. VOD/BARADA1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Full Contact & Kick Boxing On the Ring Ref. VOD/FULL3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Boxing for Martial Artists Ref. VOD/JEPSON1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Semi Contact Ref. VOD/SEMI Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Kick Boxing
Police Defense Kick Boxing Ref. VOD/KIKPOL Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Fighting Techniques of a Champion Timing and Distancing Ref. DWVOD/RS939 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Fighting Techniques of a Champion Fighting Fit Ref. DWVOD/RS940 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Fighting Foundation of a Champion Basics Ref. DWVOD/RS938 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kickboxing Vol.1 Ref. DWVOD/RS83 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
What Bruce Lee taught me. Joe Lewis Ref. DWVOD/JL16 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Weight Training for Martial Arts. Joe Lewis Fighting Systems Ref. DWVOD/JL15 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
The Ten Best Self Defense Techniques. Joe Lewis Fighting Systems Ref. DWVOD/JL14 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
The Art of Deceptive Penetration. Joe Lewis Fighting Systems Ref. DWVOD/JL13 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Supercharge Workout Vol.2. Joe Lewis Fighting Systems Ref. DWVOD/JL12 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Supercharge Workout Vol.1. Joe Lewis Fighting Systems Ref. DWVOD/JL11 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
How to use Broken Rhythm Attacks. Joe Lewis Fighting Systems Ref. DWVOD/JL9 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Kick Boxing
How to use Angular Attacks. Joe Lewis Fighting Systems Ref. DWVOD/JL8 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
How to Spar. Joe Lewis Fighting Systems Ref. DWVOD/JL7 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
How To Setup Your Opponent. Joe Lewis Fighting Systems Ref. DWVOD/JL6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
How to Critique Sparring. Joe Lewis Fighting Systems Ref. DWVOD/JL5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
How to Control the Firing Line. Joe Lewis Fighting Systems Ref. DWVOD/JL4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
How to Control Distance. Joe Lewis Fighting Systems Ref. DWVOD/JL3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Footwork Joe Lewis Fighting Systems Ref. DWVOD/JL2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Kickboxing Joe Lewis Fighting Systems Ref. DWVOD/JL1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
How to Use Tactical Footwork. Joe Lewis Fighting Systems Ref. DWVOD/JL10 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Muay Thai
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Muay Thai
Muay Thai Nine Weapons Vol.1 Ref. DWVOD/M93 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Muay Thai Nine Weapons Vol.2 Ref. DWVOD/M94 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Muay Thai Vol.1. Mechanics of Basics, Hands, Shifting and Elbows Ref. DWVOD/RS59 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Muay Thai Vol.2. Mechanics of kicking knees and Blocking Ref. DWVOD/RS60 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Muay Thai Vol.3. Drills Ref. DWVOD/RS61 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Muay Thai Special Drills Ref. DWVOD/RS71 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Muay Thai Boran Master Pimu Ref. VOD/BORAN Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Phasom Muay Thai Ref. VOD/CESAR1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Muay Thai Boran Flying Techniques Ref. VOD/CESAR10 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Muay Thai Boran Mae Mai Vol 1 Ref. VOD/CESAR11 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Muay Boran Mae Mai Vol2 Ref. VOD/CESAR12 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Muay Thai Boran Chap Ko Ref. VOD/CESAR2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Muay Thai
Muay Thai Boran Kon Muay Kee Ref. VOD/CESAR3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Cross Fighting Muay Thai & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Ref. VOD/CESAR4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Muay Thai Kick Boxing Sparring Ref. VOD/CESAR5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Muay Thai Boran Muay Kaard Chiek Ref. VOD/CESAR6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mae Mai & Look Mai Muay Thai Ref. VOD/CESAR7 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Muay Thai & Kick Boxing Punching Bag Ref. VOD/CESAR8 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Muay Thai Boran Elbow Techniques Ref. VOD/CESAR9 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Muay Thai Program 1st to 4th Khan Ref. VOD/EC1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Muay Thai Competition Training Ref. VOD/EC2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Modern Muay Thai Ref. VOD/EC3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Muay Thai Cheng Muay Ref. VOD/LEK1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Sillapa Muay Thai Ref. VOD/LEK2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Muay Thai
Kapap Combatives Muay Thai Self Defense Ref. VOD/MUAYKAP1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kung Fu & Muay Thai Dragon & Tiger Ref. VOD/MUAYKUN1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Muay Thai Master Woody Ref. VOD/WOODY Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
MMA Grappling Wrestling
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
MMA Grappling Wrestling
Advanced Grappling Vol.1 Ref. VOD/TBELTRAN-1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Advanced Grappling Vol.2 Ref. VOD/TBELTRAN-2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
MMA Brazilian Grappling Ref. VOD/ALEXP Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Submission Wrestling Vol 1 Ref. VOD/ERIC1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Submission Wrestling Vol 2 Ref. VOD/ERIC2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Total Grappling & Vale Tudo Escapes & Submissions Ref. VOD/TG4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Olympic Wrestling Ref. VOD/LUCHA1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shoot Vol3 Fighting Techniques Ref. VOD/SHOOT3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Ultimate Fighting X-Treme3 Ground fighting Ref. VOD/HUB3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Ultimate Fighting X-Treme2 Upright fight Ref. VOD/HUB2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Ultimate Fighting X-Treme1 Takedowns Ref. VOD/HUB1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Pancrase Ref. VOD/PANCRA Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
MMA Grappling Wrestling
MMA Free Fight Strategies Ref. VOD/NICO Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Brazilian Thai Boxing Ref. VOD/FEITO1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Ruas Vale-Tudo Ref. VOD/FERRE2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shoot Mix Fight Ref. VOD/SHOOT Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shoot System Ref. VOD/SHOOT1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kapap MMA Ref. VOD/KAPAP6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Sambo Techniques Ref. VOD/SAMB1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Bugei Total Combat Ref. VOD/BTC1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Police Grappling Techniques Ref. VOD/PGRAP2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Police Grappling Ref. VOD/PGRAP1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Total Grappling & Vale Tudo Vol 1 Ref. VOD/TG1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Total Grappling & Vale Tudo Vol 2 Evolution Ref. VOD/TG2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
MMA Grappling Wrestling
Professional Vale Tudo Ref. VOD/TG3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Early MMA Ref. DWVOD/M192 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Fighting Techniques of a Champion Fighting Fit Ref. DWVOD/RS940 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Fighting Foundation of a Champion Basics Ref. DWVOD/RS938 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Fighting Techniques of a Champion Timing and Distancing Ref. DWVOD/RS939 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Boxing and other Contact Sports
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Boxing and other Contact Sports
Kyusho and Boxing Connection Ref. VOD/KLINE3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Savate French Boxing Ref. VOD/SAVAT Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mastering Boxing MMA & Boxing Fit Ref. VOD/MERCER1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Olympic Wrestling Ref. VOD/LUCHA1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Savate, French Boxing Ref. DWVOD/RS63 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Sparring! Ref. VOD/GRAD1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kick Boxing How to be an efficient counter fighter Ref. VOD/GRAD2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Total sparring Semi, light & Full Contact Ref. VOD/MUGEN1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Boxing for Martial Artists Ref. VOD/JEPSON1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mastering Boxing Basics Ref. VOD/MERCER2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mastering Boxing Combinations Ref. VOD/MERCER3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mastering Boxing Bag Work & Footwork Ref. VOD/MERCER4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Boxing and other Contact Sports
Mastering Boxing Ring Smarts Ref. VOD/MERCER5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mastering Boxing. Ray Mercer, My Story Ref. VOD/MERCER6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Fighting Techniques of a Champion Timing and Distancing Ref. DWVOD/RS939 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Fighting Techniques of a Champion Fighting Fit Ref. DWVOD/RS940 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Fighting Foundation of a Champion Basics Ref. DWVOD/RS938 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Full Contact & Kick Boxing Ref. VOD/DON2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Super Sparring! Full Contact & Taekwondo Ref. VOD/BARADA1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Kyusho Jitsu - Pressure points
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Kyusho Jitsu - Pressure points
Kyusho and Boxing Connection Ref. VOD/KLINE3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho, First Encounter Ref. VOD/KFRISAN1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho Handicap Ref. VOD/KYUSHO27 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho Pyramid Vol.2 Ref. VOD/KLINE2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho Pyramid Vol.1 Ref. VOD/KLINE1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho Sanchin Kata Vol.2 Ref. VOD/KYUSHO26 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho and Kali. Empty Hands Vol.2 Ref. VOD/KYUSHO25 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho and Kali. Empty Hands Vol.1 Ref. VOD/KYUSHO24 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho Tactical Control Program Module 1 Ref. VOD/KYUSHO22 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho Sanchin Kata Vol.1 Ref. VOD/KYUSHO23 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho Self Protection for Women Ref. VOD/KYUSHO21 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho First Aide Ref. VOD/KYUSHO19 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Kyusho Jitsu - Pressure points
Kyusho Jitsu Seizing Ref. VOD/KYUSHO18 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho in Taekwon Do Ref. VOD/KYUSHO20 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho The 6 Ji Hands Ref. VOD/KYUSHO17 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho Compressions Ref. VOD/KYUSHO16 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho Jutsu Kyusho Top 10 Points Ref. VOD/KYUSHO15 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho Gock´Ng ´Sing Ref. VOD/KYUSHO14 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho Jitsu The Iron Shirt Ref. VOD/KYUSHO13 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho Jitsu in Forms Siu Nim Tao Ref. VOD/KYUSHO12 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho Jitsu KO Energetic Transfer Ref. VOD/KYUSHO11 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho Jitsu Points for Sex Enhancement Ref. VOD/KYUSHO10 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho Jitsu Tuite Joint Locking Ref. VOD/KYUSHO8 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho Jitsu Grappling Methods Ref. VOD/KYUSHO7 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Kyusho Jitsu - Pressure points
Kyusho Jitsu Knife Attacks Ref. VOD/KYUSHO9 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho Jitsu Takedowns & Controls Ref. VOD/KYUSHO6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho Jitsu Points on the Legs Ref. VOD/KYUSHO5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho Jitsu Points on the Body Ref. VOD/KYUSHO4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho Jitsu Points on the Head Ref. VOD/KYUSHO3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho Jitsu Points on the Arms Ref. VOD/KYUSHO2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kyusho Jitsu Vol 1 Ref. VOD/KYUSHO1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Tactical Pressure Points Program Vol1 Ref. VOD/COMHTTP1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Tactical Pressure Points Program Vol2 Ref. VOD/COMHTTP2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Tactical Pressure Points Program Vol3 Ref. VOD/COMHTTP3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Tactical Pressure Points Program Vol4 Ref. VOD/COMHTTP4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Combat Hapkido Tactical Pressure Points Program Vol5 Ref. VOD/COMHTTP5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Kyusho Jitsu - Pressure points
Ling Gar Kung Fu Dim Mak Ref. VOD/LYN3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Police Kaisendo Dim Mak Pressure Points Ref. VOD/KAISEN3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
JKD Jeet Kune Do
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
JKD Jeet Kune Do
Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do Vol 1 Ref. VOD/JKDTIM1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Paul Vunak PFS Asymmetrical Violence Ref. VOD/VUNAK1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do Vol 2 Ref. VOD/JKDTIM2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Jeet Kune Do Sparring Ref. VOD/JKDTIM3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
JKD Elements of Attack Ref. VOD/JKDTIM4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Jun Fan Gung Fu JKD Ref. VOD/DELJKD1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Jeet Kune Do Unlimited Ref. VOD/BURTON Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Jeet Kune Do Unlimited Ground Fighting Ref. VOD/BURTON2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Jeet Kune Do Trapping to Grappling Ref. VOD/ALM1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wooden Dummy JKD Jun Fan Sets Ref. VOD/ALM2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wooden Dummy Jeet Kune Do Sets Ref. VOD/ALM3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
JKD Streetfighting Ref. VOD/ALM5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
JKD Jeet Kune Do
Bruce Lee in Memoriam Documentary Ref. VOD/BL Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
JKD Seal Program Hand to Hand combat Ref. VOD/FAR1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
JKD Street Safe Ref. VOD/SALVA Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
JKD Knife Fighting Survival Ref. VOD/SALVA2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
JKD Profesional Fighting System Ref. VOD/SALVA3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Filipino Kino Mutai PFS Ref. VOD/SALVA4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
JKD Street Defense Tactics Ref. VOD/SALVA5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Explosive Dumog Filipino Grappling Ref. VOD/SALVA6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
JKD Street Trapping Ref. VOD/SALVA7 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Bruce Leeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Inner Game JKD Ref. DWVOD/RS13 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Bruce Lee JKD Patrick Strong Lord Of SPEED Ref. DWVOD/RS4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Bruce Lee JKD Patrick Strong Lord Of POWER Ref. DWVOD/RS5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
JKD Jeet Kune Do
Bruce Lee JKD Patrick Strong Lord Of SHOCK Ref. DWVOD/RS6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Jeet Kune Do, Bruce Lee original art Ref. DWVOD/RS64 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Leo Fong On My Friend Bruce Lee Ref. DWVOD/RS941 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Kenpo, My Favorite Techniques Ref. VOD/LARRY4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Free Style Kenpo Ref. VOD/LARRY3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Extreme Kenpo Ref. VOD/LARRY2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kenpo Ed Parker´s System Ref. VOD/LARRY1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kenpo Golden Rules Ref. VOD/PLANAS3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Ed Parker´s Kenpo Rules and Principles Ref. VOD/PLANAS2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Ed Parker´s Kenpo Planas Lineage Ref. VOD/PLANAS1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Ed Parker´s Kenpo Trejo Lineage Ref. VOD/TREJO1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Blended Kenpo Ref. VOD/KOVAR1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kosho Ryu Kempo Ref. VOD/KOSHO1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Fu Shih Kenpo Vol.2 Tiger Forms & Self Defense Ref. VOD/FUSHIH2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
American Kenpo Karate Police Instruction Ref. VOD/KENPOL Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Fu Shih Kenpo Ref. VOD/FUSHIH1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kenpo Knife Defense Ref. VOD/NEGRE2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wolf Extreme Defense Ref. VOD/WOLF1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
American Kenpo Karate Ref. VOD/NEGRE Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kara-Ho Kempo Karate Ref. VOD/KARA1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Ed Parker´s Kenpo IKKA Ref. VOD/PARKER1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Kajukenbo Emperado Ref. VOD/KAJ4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kajukenbo WHKD Forms & Techniques Ref. VOD/WHKD3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kajukenbo Essential Ref. VOD/LPRIETO1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kajukenbo Wun Hop Kuen Do Ref. VOD/WHKD2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kajukenbo Gaylord´s Method Ref. VOD/GAYLORD Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kajukenbo Dirty fighting Ref. VOD/NEW1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kajukenbo Modern Concepts Ref. VOD/KAJ7 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kajukenbo Evolution Ref. VOD/KAJ5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kajukenbo Vol 3 Ref. VOD/KAJ3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kajukenbo Vol 2 The Training Method Ref. VOD/KAJ2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kajukenbo Weapons Ref. VOD/KAJ6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Martial Arts Vietnam
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Martial Arts Vietnam
Viet Vo Dao. Long Stick Vol.2. Quyen Tu Tuong Con Phap Form & ... Ref. VOD/VIET8 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Viet Vo Dao Côn Pháp. Long staff Vol.1 Ref. VOD/VIET7 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Integral Vovinam Ref. VOD/VIET6 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Vovinam Viet Vo Dao saber and Halberd Ref. VOD/VIET5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Vo Co Truyen Vietnamese Martial Arts Ref. VOD/VOC Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Viet Vo Dao Phan Don Counter Techniques Ref. VOD/VIET4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Vovinam Viet Vo Dao Moc Ban Phap & Vat Ref. VOD/VIET3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Vovinam Viet Vo Dao Vol 2 Ref. VOD/VIET2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Vovinam Viet Vo Dao Vol 1 Ref. VOD/VIET1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Other Martial Styles
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Other Martial Styles
Martial Science Ref. VOD/RONDY1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kaisendo Self Defense Ref. VOD/KAISEN5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kalarippayattu. Most Ancient India Martial Art Ref. DWVOD/M0155 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Flexibility Training for Martial Arts Ref. DWVOD/RS23 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Weight Training for Beginners Ref. DWVOD/RS29 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Weight Training For Intermediates Ref. DWVOD/RS43 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Weight Training For Advanced Ref. DWVOD/RS44 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Hawaiian Lua Self Defense Ref. DWVOD/RS66 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
The Tai Karate Way Ref. VOD/GERMAN1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Chin Na Catching & Locking Ref. VOD/HARFOU2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Chokes & Strangulations Shorite Ryu Tai Jutsu Ref. VOD/HARFOU3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kaisen Do Ref. VOD/KAISEN1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Other Martial Styles
Kerambit Ref. VOD/KERAM1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Psi Power for Martial Artists Ref. VOD/LILLA Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Aloe Lima Lama Samoa Ref. VOD/LIMA Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Hawaian Lua Ref. VOD/LUA1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Pencak Silat Ref. VOD/MALTE3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Novascrimia Abraรงar Ref. VOD/NOVA5 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Filipino Panantukan Ref. VOD/PANAN1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Vital Points Atemi & Kuatsu Ref. VOD/PV Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Wind Warriors XXI Ref. VOD/RIBEIRO1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Indonesian Sarong Ref. VOD/SARONG Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak. Empty Hands Ref. VOD/SERAK1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak. Weapons Ref. VOD/SERAK2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Other Martial Styles
Pencak Silat Java & Sumatra Ref. VOD/SILAT1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Buka Jalan Pencak Silat Ref. VOD/SILAT3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
How to Martials Arts Show Ref. VOD/TEO1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kids Self Defense: Dealing with strangers Ref. VOD/TRUST1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Lan Do Chen Siue Pay Vol 1 Ref. VOD/VIL1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Warrior Silat Ref. VOD/WSILAT Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Lan Do Chen Siue Pay Vol2 Ref. VOD/YANIS2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Pencak Silat
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Pencak Silat
Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak. Weapons Ref. VOD/SERAK2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak. Empty Hands Ref. VOD/SERAK1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Warrior Silat Ref. VOD/WSILAT Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Pencak Silat Java & Sumatra Ref. VOD/SILAT1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Buka Jalan Pencak Silat Ref. VOD/SILAT3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Pencak Silat Ref. VOD/MALTE3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Health - Wellness
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Health - Wellness
Kyusho First Aide Ref. VOD/KYUSHO19 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Reflexology for Beginners Ref. DWVOD/RS744 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
You don't have to be flexible to do Yoga Ref. DWVOD/RS8 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Martial Arts Extreme Stretching Ref. VOD/CYNTHI Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Facial Yoga Natural rejuvenation exercises Ref. VOD/FY1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Weights Training for Martial Arts Ref. VOD/SIMAC1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tai Chi Chuan for Seniors Ref. VOD/TAI4 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tai Chi Yang Style Vol 3 Ref. VOD/FUSE3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tai Chi Yang Style Vol 2 Ref. VOD/FUSE2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tai Chi Yang Style Vol 1 Ref. VOD/FUSE1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tai Chi Yang Style & Chi Kung Vol 2 Ref. VOD/TAI2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tai Chi Chen Style Ref. VOD/YU Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Health - Wellness
Tai Chi Che Sword Ref. VOD/TAI3 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Sport-Psy for competition Ref. VOD/MARCE Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Tai Chi Yang Style & Chi Kung Vol 1 Ref. VOD/TAI1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Mongolian Tai Chi Chi Kung Ref. VOD/MONGO1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Weight Training for Beginners Ref. DWVOD/RS29 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Weight Training For Intermediates Ref. DWVOD/RS43 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Weight Training For Advanced Ref. DWVOD/RS44 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Flexibility Training for Martial Arts Ref. DWVOD/RS23 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Amazing Secrets Of Yoga Ref. DWVOD/RS7 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Cardio Capoeira Vol 2 - Energy Fitness and Self Defence Ref. DWVOD/RS11 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Cardio Capoeira Vol 1 - Brazilian Flashdance Ref. DWVOD/RS10 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Maui Yoga Ref. DWVOD/RS9 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Health - Wellness
Crystal Healing for Beginners Vol.2 Ref. DWVOD/RS746 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Crystal Healing for Beginners Vol.1 Ref. DWVOD/RS745 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Japanese Reiki Ref. DWVOD/RS747 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Look, Act, Be STRONG Ref. DWVOD/RS749 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Developing your Intuition Ref. DWVOD/RS748 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Kids Self Defense: Dealing with strangers Ref. VOD/TRUST1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Ling Gar, Tai Chi & Qi Gong Ref. VOD/LYN Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
Martial Arts The Way of the Warrior Documentary Ref. VOD/TV1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Budo Masters Martial Arts Meeting 2016. Free Video Ref. VOD/BUDOMAST16-0 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
Budo Masters Martial Arts Meeting 2016. Vol.3 Ref. VOD/BUDOMAST16-3 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
Bruce Lee The Man & his Legacy Documentary Ref. VOD/TV2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Budo Masters Martial Arts Meeting 2016. Vol.1 Ref. VOD/BUDOMAST16-1 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
Budo Masters Martial Arts Meeting 2016. Vol.2 Ref. VOD/BUDOMAST16-2 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
Budo Masters Martial Arts Meeting 2016. Vol.4 Ref. VOD/BUDOMAST16-4 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
Budo Masters Martial Arts Meeting 2016. Vol.5 Ref. VOD/BUDOMAST16-5 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
Chiu Chi Ling, the Interview Ref. VOD/CCLING-1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
The Shizen. The People of Tengu Ref. VOD/TENGU-1 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
Shojobu Tengu Shizen Celebration Ref. VOD/TENGU-2 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
The Book Of Five Rings Ref. DWVOD/RS16 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
The Art of War Ref. DWVOD/RS15 Price Inc. Tax......12,90 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: www.budointernational.com - Contact Email: shop@budointernational.info
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