Ref.: • OCS1
Salvatore OLIVA est une autorité de renommée mondiale ainsi qu'un expert réputé dans divers domaines des arts martiaux. Son extrême passion pour les arts martiaux et les sports de combat, notamment dans le domaine de l'autodéfense pour les agents des forces de l'ordre, l'a incité à développer le système Oliva Combat. Un système de combat ultime et efficace, basé sur 3 principes fondamentaux : simplicité, efficacité, fonctionnalité, systèmes 3 de composé d'exploitation différents : P.D.S. (Progressive Defence System), P.L.E.T. (Professional Law Enforcement Tactics) et C.A.T. (Cobra Assault System), développés dans le cadre d'un programme spécifique pour la police, les officiers de agences les justice, les gouver nementales, militaires et la sécurité personnelle. Grâce à ses méthodes d'entraînement et ses techniques de défense réalistes, ainsi qu'à ses modules d'autodéfense et d'entraînement efficaces, le système de Salvatore OLIVA a fait sensation au niveau international. Dans ce premier volume, nous verrons le désarmement du pistolet, Explosive Straight Blast, les Rapid Safe Tools, outils de sécurité rapide (finger Jab, Slapping Hand, genoux, coups de pied, coup de marteau, ...), les attaques multiples, functional Trapping, les outils létaux (tête, genoux, coudes), la défense avec torche de poche, Ground & Pound survival, et le combat au sol avancé. Des outils simples, le développement des attributs et leurs moyens d'entraînement pour faire passer nos compétences d'autodéfense au niveau supérieur.
Tous les DVDs produits par Budo International sont scellés au moyen d’une étiquette holographique distinctive et sont réalisés sur support DVD-5, format MPEG-2 (jamais VCD, DICX ou similaires). De même, l’impression des jaquettes ainsi que les sérigraphies suivent les plus strictes exigences de qualité. Si ce DVD ne remplit pas ces critères et/ou si la jaquette ou la sérigraphie ne coïncide pas avec celle que nous vous montrons ici, il s’agit d’une copie pirate.
This ancient art that emerged more than 4000 years ago in northern India, is becoming a reference for the initiation of professionals and practitioners, for their contribution and development of numerous skills in hand-to-hand combat, for its effectiveness, quick response forceful and peculiar vision of combat with weapons, fencing and fighting. In this work, Docurdo (Master) Daniel Guijarro presents the Silaram methodology, which combines fencing, with the short stick and the Churi, razor or knife, and the long gypsy stick of 1.50m. In Silaram there is no center line because there is a continuous movement, while we move the center line disappears and the guard changes for defense and attack. A pragmatic approach that takes advantage of the natural qualities of the body's movement, with a natural methodology where self-control and instinctive responses to attack and defense are characteristic.
All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
"It is better to be silent and look foolish, than to speak and clear doubts definitely." Groucho Marx "I drink to make other people interesting." Groucho Marx
"If you feel useless and depressed, remember that one day you were the fastest spermatozoon of all" Groucho Marx "He may look like an idiot and act like an idiot, but don't be fooled, he's really an idiot" Groucho Marx
oday I was enjoying the excellence of a brilliant pen (excuse me), that of my friend Chema, ¡Cráneo privilegiao! As they called Max in Luces de Bohemia. Chema, besides being a great music critic, (many years writing about Jazz in El País), is above all a virtuoso storyteller, able to link with fainting, stories and different genres, in the context that he wants. This self-confidence, so typical of him, second incarnation of a jazzy and badass Groucho Marx, has stimulated me to write again today, without worrying about whether I will be understood or not, that is to say, with freedom. At the end of the day, this communication never goes as one wants, because the one who reads or listens, does it from his own knowledge and personality... Distortion is assured. When, on the contrary, one writes for oneself, one is usually more honest; one shares one's train of thought, and each one can reach it as he/she can. Today I am not here dictating any class, something I do very often lately, I am just letting my words surf, black on white, with no other limits than those of oneself, which, by the way, are bigger every day. Age is unforgiving and neurons often get lost along the way; since today the road is to nowhere, I'll let them stray as much as they want. One of the characteristics that I like the most about Chema is his humor; I don't even come close to that, I am very much on the way; I am, however, the king of the joke and the witticism, something that I inherited from my grandfather, who had the witticism and the "grasia" of his Huelva origins, he carried Andalusia in his veins, he, a professor of perfect diction! and only let it out from time to time, which added to his comments much more grace, because one of the components of humor is the unexpected, dislocated, the grotesque. As an example: While the great Antonio Mingote was on vacation with Alfonso Usía in Formentor, they came up with the idea of creating an award, "Humor and tolerance", I think they called it. The prize consisted of 250,000 pesetas of the time, but in hard coins, all of them put in a wheelbarrow, a prize that the honoree had to take as is. A success worthy of the geniuses who gave birth to it. Humor is one of the things I appreciate most in this life. A sign of intelligence where there is intelligence, it is also a sign of something else, of good disposition, that which is capable of taking the iron out of the worst of the news. Humor makes us light, and when intelligent, as opposed to losing depth, it fills everything with a patina of eternity, incorporating the opposites, combining forces and bringing them to a good port. Those who, like Chema, have this gift, do not know it, they simply lavish themselves in its exercise, because that is how they recycle their silent conversations with themselves, often more stormy than outsiders can imagine.
Nothing comes from nothing. Great virtues come from great defects; genius always emerges as a reaction to a fault, and it is in that excess that seeks its balance where its talent expresses itself. I had patent proof of this in my personal encounters with "remarkable men", and throughout my life I was fed up with admiring the virtues that arose in them, always from their deepest and most desolate deficiencies. Balance without tension produces nothing, it is a stagnant puddle. Each one solves his own desires as he can, each one in his own house and God in everyone's, we make our cloak a cloak with greater or lesser wisdom, with greater or lesser self-confidence. I tend too often to the dense perversion of seriousness. Like Chema, but contrary to his, I cannot avoid my nature, but from time to time, I am able to relativize the heaviness of my gloomy saturnine vibrations, letting in with humor, a touch of lightness, and for a moment, I sail through the clouds of charm, elf and sparkle. As rare as these comforting and consoling experiences are, they are part of my favorite moments, those that one would undoubtedly choose to recapitulate in one's last breath. You see, how dense! Even for this laughter one thinks of death! The king in this epigraph is undoubtedly that other genius, Woody Allen. I started this text with the healthy intention of laughing... and I have laughed little; it seems that today was not the day. The muses, always capricious, have led me down another path, and I still don't know which one it is... Let's see now how to title such a text! I am left with the affectionate consolation of having spoken of my dear Chema, I hope in flattering terms, because I admire him sincerely, for what he does and also for what he is like. Now he lives in Rio de Janeiro; brave to the point of unconsciousness, fluid, to the point of nonsense, but always genial, he is capable of wandering between the aristocracy and the lumpen, without solution of continuity, because he gives off that peculiar aroma that protects him: he reeks of humanity! and all those who cross paths with him, cannot harm him, because they recognize something of themselves in him. You are great my friend, so much so, that almost all of us fit in there.
"Nothing comes from nothing. Great virtues, come from great defects; genius always arises as a reaction to a fault, and it is in this excess that seeks balance where his talent expresses itself."
KAJUKENBO EKKA INTERMEDIATE 1 The Kajukenbo continues to grow day by day and after a few years of social upheaval by all the events, people more than ever demand forms of teaching updated to our times. The EKKA responds with this second intermetiate 1 video (soon the 2), in order to cover the basic techniques of the program from white belt to black belt. Nothing replaces your teacher, but these last years the students demanded to continue in spite of the circumstances and this is a good method for it. The following projects will be the advanced 1 and 2 where the complete program will be covered and thus be able to help those people who do not have access to the teachings in any other way and who intend to train. We hope that they will also serve as support for your regular classes.
rom the EKKA we are working and forming a board of directors (BOA) from around the world and different lines of Kajukenbo, Lua and Kenpo to give support and union to the arts coming from Hawaii and that continue to grow from their country of origin to the farthest continents of the island. All martial arts must evolve and adapt to the times without losing their traditions and roots that made them grow until today; everything evolves and from the throwing of a stone as a weapon, to the guns of today there is a great evolution, but the purpose is the same, to hurt or kill, what is the most effective way?
"All martial arts must evolve and adapt to the times without losing their traditions and roots that made them grow to the present day."
With the arts of Hawaii the same thing has happened as with any other: Evolution, no matter who it may concern! We must however maintain the principles that make them work... therefore it is not a matter of changing everything and not resembling the original art at all while insisting on calling it the same. If we don't keep the basics and do whatever we want, you better change the name... you have the right to create something different that may be good for everyone. Organizations should be there to support the practitioners and not to cultivate the ego of their leaders; when you partner with someone it is for mutual benefit, that is a two-way road. It is also imperative to move with the times, instead of insisting on being in complete possession of the absolute truth. From EKKA we work with all the people who really want to work and not simply with those who want degrees to adorn the walls of schools. We want to share knowledge and work with a program the different lines of the art; for this we have formed the BOA and the directors of their systems, they are the ones who direct their lines and not the organization imposing its rules. It is the union that makes the strength, but always with freedom of action of its members. Within our video program we work the traditional program, but always with evolution in different models of work adapting it to our days, always without losing the bases of
Kajukenbo Kajukenbo. The idea of the EKKA is the same as those young people who met in Hawaii to exchange techniques of their styles; we take one of the principles of Bruce Lee, to work all the distances, and although we will always have preference for some of them, we must not stop working the others, because within the Kajukenbo we have all those working distances, brought by the co-founders of the art. We must not forget Professor Okazaki and Danzan Ryu who already worked different arts for his system. Hawaii after the second world war has been the islands from where great masters and their arts evolved and expanded all over the world; if you trace many of the systems of Lua, Kenpo and Kajukenbo they will take you to the islands of paradise.
Kajukenbo "Another innovation is the return to the original concept of the term KA-JU-KEN-BO and to the idea of the founders of the art in its beginnings, working Palamas applications with new sets developed for this task."
What you will find in this new work are the forms (Palamas), club counters, punch counters, knife counters, grab arts, drill work and counters; you will also find the kick counters worked in EKKA, as well as a set of our own organization. You will have at your fingertips a form of logical evolution from my previous video "Basic Kajukenbo" that we recorded for Budo International; all this will help you to be able to continue with the next works and thus to be able to have the whole system in your hands. What you decide to do will be your decision, work on it or simply compare ... everything is fine, but there is only one secret and that is to work and work, if you want to evolve or master the art; our mission is to help you and here we are doing our bit ... it's up to you to decide. The new BOA of the EKKA is formed by different Senior Grand Masters, Grand Masters, Teachers of Kajukenbo, Kenpo and Lua, we have different lines or systems of these arts, because each one has something to contribute and many of them have been evolutions of the first students of these martial arts. No matter what suffix
Kajukenbo is put to the name they are part of the whole, the most important thing is to work together for the good of these arts and support each other without politics, all this for the good of our arts and practitioners. They all have and run their own organization, but they are part of the EKKA, together we continue to move towards a changing future faster than we could think. But it does not end here, because as far as the Grand Masters are concerned, we have many of the best of these arts as well, and many others who are yet to come, always without politics and with the desire to work for the martial arts and not for positions or decorative roles, so from here I encourage you to be part of a future project that is already moving forward, of course not without detractors who love the only truth, theirs. In this work we will be advancing in the art from the basics to the most advanced, so you can see how it works inside the most effective and complete self-defense system of today, of course from my point of view, other people do not think so, but it is my opinion. Surely there is much work to do, because as the saying goes practice makes perfect, the work you have in your hands will be useless if you do not put it into practice and as the master Masutatsu Oyama said to perfect something we must repeat it 10,000 hours or others say 10,000 times, I opt for the first, which is why I advise you to see it again and again, you will see that you will get different things each time. You must keep in mind that what you will find here is my expression of Kajukenbo with the classic techniques and others with small modifications adapted to our days, as well as a work of kick counters that do not appear in the original work of the art of Kajukenbo, but that I have believed that they would be a great complement for the practitioner and his
"The EKKA wants to be a meeting point for practitioners who want to evolve within the tradition and with respect for the founders and all those other teachers who made Kajukenbo reach our days as a strong and respected system, for its effectiveness.”
Kajukenbo evolution; for some this will be a daring, for others something good, let each one draw his own conclusions. Another innovation is the return to the original concept of the term KA-JU-KEN-BO and the idea of the founders of the art in its beginnings, working the applications of Palamas with new sets developed for this purpose, always with the idea of seeing the same technique and its application for the real fight in the street from different approaches. The EKKA wants to be a point of union of practitioners with the desire to evolve within the tradition and with respect for the founders and all those other masters who made the Kajukenbo reach our days as a strong and respected system, for its effectiveness. As in all
"Do not succumb to the narrow mindedness of some teachers, who think that theirs is the absolute truth."
Kajukenbo families/Ohanas, there are problems due to politics and those egos bigger than the art itself; but follow the maxim to work and let your work speak for you and not just what it says on a piece of paper to decorate the wall, the paper supports everything! No, do not succumb to the narrow mind of some masters, who think that theirs is the absolute truth, masters who do not advance and do not let others advance, so I repeat my favorite maxim: "Only you decide what to do! We all have a time and a place in space, so do what you consider appropriate and do not get carried away by those people who claim to be in possession of the absolute truth; I repeat, the most important
"Always respect your seniors even if they have a different opinion from yours. Do it without servility, those times are gone, now your time has come."
thing is not the name it puts on a paper, it's what you can do with what you have! Do not turn off your light! shine like never before and you will advance like few others, do not leave behind your dreams, your goals ... work, work and more work. Another tip for you: Always respect your seniors even if they have a different opinion than yours. Do it without servility, those times are over, now your time has come. Only you will decide what to do with my proposals, only you will decide how far you want to go.
Kajukenbo From here I want to thank the trust placed in our projects to SGM Will Lopez of Lua and Korva, GM Nicolas Buelna of Hawaiian Lua for being part of the Ohana and help us move forward with visions of own arts of Hawaii and Puerto Rico, as well as, lines of Kajukenbo of SGM Luciano, represented by GM Jose Alvarado and teacher Jose Alberto, kenkabo of SGM Sid Asuncion, represented by GM Daniel Barreto, Hemenes Method SGM Hemenes, GM H. Wolf WHKD , SGM Alfon Carraso Shaolin Kenpo Kung Fu and so a long list of other masters of Hawaiian Kenpo, American Kenpo etc. , that would be too long to extend here, but so you can check a small list of Kajukenbo lines. Over time we will continue to expand the work as the alphabet, classic Kajukenbo palamas with weapons, as well as other forms of lines to expand the curriculum and not have to look outside the system, own sets of the EKKA, floor work with street application and most importantly you will have the complete system for your work from basic to advanced without forgetting our roots of doing hard work, not having to bleed on the street as mentioned in the early years of Kajukenbo in Hawaii and the motto that says train hard to be hard. Of course, it is understood these days, that it is essential not to injure our practice partners; for this we must use the proper protections and be as realistic as possible in our daily training.
"Enjoy with the daily practice of your art; if you only suffer sooner or later you will abandon the training."
Enjoy the daily practice of your art; if you only suffer sooner or later you will abandon the training, just as if you frequently suffer an injury you will end up abandoning something that is wonderful, something that could save your life or yours someday. Pay attention also to the social relationship that you establish with your partners in the art, because not everything is kicking and punching, but also laughing and sharing moments that will remain in the memory over the years. I have little more to say, but well I'm going to reveal the great secret of martial arts that few know, are you ready for something that will change your life from today, Yes? Well there you go, open your eyes wide because you will not believe it, Ready? Well come on, don't let it wait any longer: PRACTICE, PRACTICE and more PRACTICE! I know it seems incredible to you, but there you have the great secret of martial arts, but I am not going to leave it here and I will tell you another equally important secret, Ready?...CONSISTANCE! Don't stop until you MASTER it, follow your dreams! Thank you all for giving me the opportunity to share this time with you and I hope you find it helpful... from my heart... Aloha/ Mahalo....
Oliva Combat System
Progressive Self Defense System for anyone and everyone Progressive Defense System In this text I describe and explain the Progressive Defense System (P.D.S.), translated Progressive Self Defense System, that I have developed. P.D.S. classes have one goal and are based on three principles. The classes focus predominantly on civilians, but can also come to the aid of law enforcement officers.
"The system is based on short, precise, logical and instinctive movements whose sequences are simple and to be executed with maximum speed, fluid technique and full force."
Oliva Combat System he following chapter was not intended to play politics or be critical of SV instructors such as instructors or the civilian training module. Think of it as a resource. There are countless systems of self-defense and unfortunately, based on my experience, I must confess that many of them are no good, not least because of the visual image of a street fight. I have found that many people strive to acquire the best techniques into their own style, art or system for self-defense, and then integrate them. But the point is not to develop techniques, but rather to be able to apply the technique under stress and pressure in an altercation. Always remember, when practicing techniques for self-protection, that the attacker has the worst in store for you. This is the only way to practice it much more effectively and realistically so that there is more doggedness in front of the opponent.
"The Progressive Defense System (P.D.S.) is not a traditional martial art, but a revolutionary self-defense program."
Oliva Combat System
The Progressive Defense System (P.D.S.) is not a traditional martial art, but a revolutionary self-defense program. It is an authentic street self-defense concept and is purely for the self-protection of civilians. The program emphasizes above all functionality and effectiveness of the fighting means. The system is based on short, precise, logical and instinctive movements, whose sequences are simple and to be executed with maximum speed, fluent technique and full force. The goal is to present a system that serves exclusively for perfect defense in case of emergency and ensures the fastest possible termination of aggression. I want to train practitioners. In other words, to put the individual person in a position to defend himself as effectively and directly as possible. The primary requirement of the program is to be able to easily maintain the techniques. By the way, this applies to all programs of the OLIVA Combat System, because they are not based on traditional martial arts or specific martial arts backgrounds. The P.D.S. program concept is a pragmatic and structured system and is divided into different levels from 1-6, with level 6 being completed with the BLACK BELT. Instructor rankings go from 1-9 and end with the title of Grand Master. The short excerpt about the P.D.S., its training method and defense strategy as well as techniques etc., is meant to be an aid for self-defense on the street. The 3 different levels with the defense techniques described in this text can be learned regardless of gender and age.
Oliva Combat System The whole with a common goal: first and foremost, to give self-confidence and a sense of self-assurance. The whole is based on three principles: "Functional, Simple and Effective". Whoever absorbs this principle will feel more confident, move properly and, above all, radiate this feeling. Never forget that effectiveness lies in simplicity. Whenever techniques of self-protection are practiced, you should imagine that the attacker is going to do the worst to you. Only in this way you can train the whole thing much more effectively and realistically, so that there is also more doggedness than the opponent.
Target groups P.D.S. System courses focus mainly on civilians, but can also help law enforcement officers. The different defense techniques can be lear ned regardless of gender and age. OLIVA's P.D.S. teaching program builds on the students' own potential, promotes their strengths and sharpens their awareness.
Oliva Combat System
Course Objective The primary goal is to instill self-confidence and self-assurance. This is achieved through an extreme self-defense system, which alone serves the perfect defense in an emergency and ensures the quickest termination of aggression. The course participants will be put in a position to defend themselves as quickly and directly as possible.
Course content The 10 Golden Rules of Street Fighting Defusing conflicts Behavior during kidnapping Body hardening Stamina and endurance training Different training applications Leverage techniques and control of the opponent
Helpful everyday objects Defense concepts, tactics and techniques Offensive and defensive techniques Defense with stick threat Pistol threat defense Defense against knife threats Extreme/efficient close combat techniques Dynamic energy drills with knife attack Dynamic Energy Drills and Fast Trapping Ground fighting techniques and survival tactics Rescue techniques in different situations Basics of anatomy Knowledge of the sensitive parts of the body and the consequences of their injuries Efficient defense against an/several unarmed/armed attackers Process B.B.O.E.H. (observe, assess threat, orient, decide, act) Communication and body language Defense in low conditions without light/low light Work in a team
Oliva Combat System Development of characteristics: Strength Timing and precision Agility and coordination Recognition of dangerous situations Control of one's emotions under stress Extremely increase aggression reduction and performance Transforming fears into self-confidence and self-assurance "P.D.S. system will enable the practitioner to adapt to all circumstances in order to protect his life in the best possible way."
The course content is pragmatically split into three levels: Level 1: Is designed to build solid foundations and principles. Within it is the body hardening method, communication and body language, defusing conflicts, basic anatomy, various training applications, knowledge of the sensitive areas of the body and the consequences of their injuries, helpful everyday items, and the 10 golden rules of street fighting, among others. Level 1 is basically designed to be able to defend oneself with simple techniques, tactics and concepts against an attacker with the threat of weapons (stick, knife, gun) or unarmed from different fighting distances and especially specifically from close combat distance. Level 2: Here the knowledge of level 1 is refreshed and deepened, then supplemented with leverage techniques and control of the opponent, dynamic energy drills with knife attack, dynamic energy drills and fast trapping, extreme/efficient close combat techniques, offensive and defensive techniques.
"The goal is to present a system exclusively for perfect defense in case of emergency and to ensure the quickest possible termination of aggression."
Oliva Combat System
"Never forget that martial arts is fair and has a "dojo etiquette" but on the street there is no law and there are no rules."
Attacks on the three attack heights are also trained, which can come at us laterally, diagonally and frontally. On the deeper line of diagonal and frontal attack, I show how to defend and attack in the easiest and fastest way. All this with the aim of achieving maximum success with minimal effort and reflexively applied simple techniques. Level 3: This covers kidnapping behavior, the process B.B.O.E.H. (Observe, Assess Threat, Orient, Decide, Act) and efficient defense against an unarmed/armed attacker(s). It includes to get out of ground fighting situations as fast as possible to finish the fight or to escape as well as to continue the fight in standing position. The art of Kino Mutai (The Filipino Art of Beiting, Eye gouging) is used, which means biting and eye gouging, combined with elbows and punches. Another important component in P.D.S. is the Mass Attack. This is also an important part of this system, especially nowadays. Basically it is important to know that in the OLIVA Combat System special attention is paid to improve certain characteristics of the trainee. Another important requirement of the program is to be able to maintain the techniques as well as the concepts easily. By the way, this is true for all programs of OLIVA Combat System. The goal is not to defeat an opponent, but to master any threat. "Never forget that martial arts are fair and have "dojo etiquette" - but in the street there is no law and there are no rules."
If you want to learn a dynamic realistic self-defense system, then this is your chance to train with Frans Stroeven. Do you want to train directly under Frans Stroeven? Do you want to pursue or organize a seminar? Do you want to pursue or organize a training camp? Do you want to become an instructor in SCS? Do you want to train and be part of an elite group with the same passion? You can contact Frans Stroeven via Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, or email-
Ref.: • SKOGOReV-30
Personal safety is a set of activities, knowledge and skills that provide a certain level of protection of a person, his family and friends. Only a developed culture of personal safety can reduce these risks. Personal safety is not just physical selfdefense. The perception of the city is broader. It comprises a set of individual skills, knowledge and abilities of a person, which give him an internal state of protection. Nature has endowed humans with amazing survival mechanisms, which over time have strengthened, transformed and adapted to a changing environment. Importantly, these innate instincts manifest themselves outside of a person's will, they work, they are included in the work long before the awareness of a dangerous situation arrives. RMA SYSTEMA Sibirskiy Viun is aimed at practical research and application of tools and methods to create operating systems for fast and effective learning. In this work, Dimitry Skogorev offers a complete seminar on personal safety, analyzing many different solutions, sitting position, against a wall, corridors and corners, knife attacks, multiple attackers, team interaction, as well as the use of everyday objects such as umbrella, belt, hanger, book, newspaper, etc. All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
Ref.: • KAPAP-12
LARP and Soft Combat are spreading like wildfire and are increasingly present in medieval fairs and events associated with tourism and local festivals. Medieval fencing, in addition to its increasingly widespread presence in reproductions of ancient battles, has also become a new leisure activity and sport that is spreading around the world in dojos for children and adults, in the form of role-playing games, or preparation for actors in the increasingly frequent series framed in the Middle Ages. Because of his extensive martial experience, Avi adds veracity to the combat, and realism conveying unexpected completely approaches to the genre lovers will enjoy this video. His 6th Dan of Kendo, 5th Dan of Iaido, 5th of Jodo, his knowledge of Kenjutsu and so many other martial arts, put him in a great position to deal with the subject.
All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
Muay Thai
Professional Muay Thai: Body or head shots?
Body or head shots? What is the best way to knock your opponent out in a fight? What kind of attack is more damaging? The question obviously offers a wide range of possible answers, mostly depending on the personal experience of who is answering the question. In addition, if we turn to professional fighters the answer will mainly vary according to the rules of the fight: for instance let’s take amateur Boxing or amateur Muay Thai fights. Athletes are basically forced to focus their shots on the head, rather than working their way to the opponent’s body, since according to amateur rules it is very unlikely to score with anything different from a head shot. On the other hand, in professional fighting (be it Muay Thai, Kickboxing or Western Boxing) working both t h e b o d y a n d head is widely accepted and guarantees high scores on the judges’ cards.
Muay Thai hat being said, we observe that most fighters are generally sufficiently good at using effectively both head and body hitting techniques and can be considered as ‘hybrids’ in this regard. However, in the history of combat sports, just like in any other human activity, along with the vast crowd of decent and good individuals sometimes particularly gifted specimens appeared. Those champions have contributed actively to the development of a real specialization in their area of expertise. The first ones are the so called “head hunters”, fighters who focus their strategies on keeping at a distance from their opponent so that, at any given time during the fight, they are able to aim at a head shot. Nose, chin, jaw, temples, and even the neck (particularly in Muay Thai): these are the targets that the typical head hunter methodically manages to reach with craftiness causing irreparable damages to whoever dares to face him. In boxing, classic examples of this technical category have been the great James J. Corbett (also known as the “inventor” of the Jab) and the “Greatest”, Muhammad Alì. Both of these champions are still considered two of the all-time
Professional Muay Thai: Body or head shots?
“For a specific development of the speed and accuracy of head punches both in Boxing and in Muay Thai, an intensive training with the small mitts (Focus Gloves) is highly recommended.”
experts of the straight lead. Both became famous for their great skill in hitting their unlucky opponents in the head from every possible position hurting them and causing devastating effects (who does not remember the face of the brave Henry Cooper ravaged by the jabs of Muhammad “The Greatest” Ali throughout their second epic fight which inspired the Rocky Balboa saga?). But both rarely engaged in attacks to the body. In Muay Thai, one of the all-time great was Golden Leg Pud Pad Noi. He was the typical Muay Thai head hunter. All of his actions and movements were always a mean to reach the same goal, that is landing his epic Tae Ken Ko (or roundhouse
neck kick carried out with the shin or instep). This kick was an extremely powerful blow that even the toughest and mostused-to-getting-hit opponents couldn’t resist. These great athletes based their fighting strategy mostly on Boxing’s “Side Stepping” o Muay Thai’s “Salab Fan Pla”. Such evasive maneuvers, once executed with the right timing, allowed them to hit with great power even when moving backwards. The accuracy of their actions, developed throughout hours and hours of training with their sparring partners, combined with the superb timing they possessed made these fighters’ head shots comparable to hammer or club strokes.
Muay Thai “In Muay Thai the body shots which usually lead to the end of a fight are the knee strikes, mostly used during in clinches.”
Professional Muay Thai: Body or head shots?
The second category includes those who believe in the ancient saying: “kill the body and the head will die”. The classic example in modern boxing is represented by the legendary Mexican fighter Julio Cesar Chavez . In more remote eras, the heavyweight champion Bob Fitzsimmons became so famous for his body uppercuts (which he skilfully employed to defeat the mighty Corbett) that he is now remembered as the ”inventor” of the solar plexus punch. All of Chavez’ opponents can attest how painful can be trying to stand the ground when facing him. In fact, in his fights the champ used to move forward relentlessly since round one. Skilfully closing the gap he cornered the opponents and started a merciless body pounding which squished their ribcage and left them breathless. This procedure usually paved the way to brutal head shots which usually brought the fight to an end, abruptly. In the event that a body shot reached one of the three vital spots (liver, solar plexus or heart) the fight was over in a few minutes. On this very topic the great heavyweight champion “Smoking” Joe Frazier (who defeated Ali in one of their legendary fights) claimed that in his veteran fighter’s opinion, getting punched in the jaw is way less painful and handicapping than getting punched in the liver (you have to try it to believe it). In Muay Thai the body shots which usually lead to the end of a fight are the knee strikes, mostly used
Muay Thai during in clinches. As already analysed in other articles, the greatest representative of Thai Boxing’s knees destructive power of the modern era is undoubtedly Diesel Noi. The extraordinary mixture between his fierce neck hold and his mighty knee strikes (Chap Ko Ti Kao) made Diesel Noi’s body attacks an extremely efficient method to wear down opponents and prepare a finishing head blow. The effectiveness of the neck grab and solar plexus knee strike technique has been analysed by a National Geographic Channel team which, with the help of the scientific equipment used for automobiles crash tests, demonstrated that Muay Thai’s Chap Ko Ti Kao is the most devastating attack in all combat sports.
Professional Muay Thai: Body or head shots?
However, in order to employ Chavez’ or Diesel Noi’s lethal techniques in a fight one must have the courage and the skill to close the gap with the opponent, constantly pushing forward and cutting the ring, forcing him to mix it up at close range. It is clear that someone who wants to effectively land some telling body shots must not being afraid of in-fighting, especially if he wants to overpower the opponent. But once the close-range fighter has reached the right distance (even by using clinching techniques, like it is done in Muay Thai) and unloaded the full power of his body strikes it will be very hard for the opposition to resist. Obviously, it would be ideal for every fighter to be proficient in the use of strategies, landing head as well as body shots. However, in reality, it is extremely unlikely to find such ‘complete’ fighters even among professionals. In most cases, every good trainer knows that the best thing to do in order to put a fighter in condition to win by knock-out is to identify his strong points and work on them methodically. The final goal is to provide the fighter with a ‘secret weapon’ he can use anytime to knock opponents out. The ‘secret weapon’ could be a hook to the jaw or a liver knee strike, it does not matter; what really matters is that this blow represents a constant threat for the opponent – a hidden danger, always ready to crush his defences and knock him out.
Muay Thai Training systems The overall training systems that are used by both the head-hunters and the body strikers to refine their skills are the following (see also ) : • Heavy bag work • Pad work (focus gloves for Boxing and Muay Thai and Thai Pads for Muay Thai) • Sparring (Boxing sparring and Clinch sparring) Moreover, for a specific development of the speed and accuracy of head punches both in Boxing and in Muay Thai, an intensive training with the small mitts (Focus Gloves) is highly recommended. The trainer must move around, feeding the boxer with the right mitt at the right moment. Accuracy, speed and timing will be greatly developed by this kind of pad work. These are the characteristic a head puncher must possess in order to become a real knockout artist. On the other hand, for a body striker’s preparation the trainer must employ thick leather belts and body shields and allow the boxer to close the gap and unleash his attacks. Punches, shin kicks, knee strikes must be worked over and over against a pad man properly equipped with Thai Pads and body protector. Muay Thai body strikes are respected by all martial artists because of their power and lethal efficiency. Proper impact training with a pad-man is the “secret” of this effectiveness.
For more information about Muay Boran IMBA: • IMBA Official website: • Europe: Dani Warnicki (IMBA Finland) • South America: Juan Carlos Duran (IMBA Colombia) • Oceania: Maria Quaglia (IMBA Australia) • General Secretary: Marika Vallone (IMBA Italia)
Professional Muay Thai: Body or head shots?
“Muay Thai body strikes are respected by all martial artists because of their power and lethal efficiency. Proper impact training with a pad-man is the “secret” of this effectiveness.”
Ref.: • KAJ-8
Kajukenbo is an eclectic and versatile system that was born as a useful and credible tool for self-defense in modern times, it is not a martial art of sports or traditional profile and therefore its learning is suitable for all types of people whatever their condition and in which there is only one premise according to its creator Sijo Emperado. "Fight to train, train to fight, fight to win.... go for broke". The standard techniques, above all, have to serve as a model of application of different wellstructured basic principles whose purpose is purely efficiency, sometimes even supported by the ability of creative improvisation. This is basically achieved by training different combinations of the same principles and avoiding their excessive mechanization. Every aggressor has a plan or a predetermined intentionality, so it is unquestionable to be extremely effective in the blocking and subsequent response by correctly using coordination and synchronization to break the opponent's initiative and position ourselves with advantage, and as Emperado said, suffocate him with quick and forceful bursts of blows in specific areas and move with dynamic and overwhelming transitions that prevent the aggressor's reaction.
All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
PANGAMOT Pangamot means empty hand in Filipino a hard realistic fighting style developed in the Philippines and modernized by Frans Stroeven. The pangamot is a very realistic, aggressive self-defense adapted to these times and created for the 21st century. Created for the street, created for self-defense, created for you!!! With this slogan, Frans promotes this unique form of self-defense and with success all over the world Frans gives training and seminars in this fascinating way of fighting his view on martial arts and self-defense is unique.
Frans Stroeven “The pangamot is more than excellent for self-defense both for men and women.”
FRANS STROEVEN This is what Frans Stroeven says about the pangamot a very realistic way of fighting that fits perfectly with my ideas of self-defense that more than meets my needs and is easily adapted to my idea of what real selfdefense entails. My Pangamot is based on my own experiences in street fighting I have incorporated my experiences in my way of self-defense and tested them many times in my gym, which is my laboratory where all ideas are worked out and tested just as long as it works if it does not work then it is not trained.
PANGAMOT FOR THE STREET Pangamot for the street as self-defense that's it no more and no less! Frans has developed the Pangamot for pure selfdefense look at Frans his Eskrima is hard, fast, aggressive, and yet controlled that's his fighting style these principles are carried through to unarmed fighting, everything on the body is used as a weapon, think of punches in many ways fist, palm, fingers, knuckles, for arm, elbows, bicep, shoulder, headbutts, kicks, knees, shins, heels, hair pulling, biting so really everything but really everything is used as a weapon and all in a very realistic, aggressive way that you often do not find in other martial arts.
Frans Stroeven
BOX SYSTEM No, this is not classic boxing but a concept of stick fighting that Frans teaches. The length of the stick determines the distance of the opponent. Anyone who comes within this distance is either defended or attacked (usually attacked for the simple reason that attack is usually the best defense). The idea is that you imaginary have a box around you and defend everything that comes at you such as punches kicks knees etc. but the unique thing about this concept is that you parry every attack with a counter-attack e.g. if your opponent punches you catch the punch with an elbow, if he kicks low you use your knee to block, if he kicks high you block with your elbow, if he wants to knees you block with your elbow in this way the chance that you get hit small and the chance that you eliminate your opponent is bigger.
“Pangamot means empty hand in Filipino a hard realistic fighting style developed in the Philippines and modernized by Frans Stroeven.”
DUMOG (GROUNDWORK) What many people do not know is that in pangamot a grappling system is also used the name is dumog. Dumog is not jiujitsu, or judo, No the dumog has its own techniques and tactics. The old dumog was limited and it was certainly not intended to engage in a ground fight with people armed with knives. You can then also go for yourself what the consequences are imagine you make a nice shoulder throw where at judo matches you would get an ippon but in the real street fight, you get a knife stab as soon as the ground fight starts. In the Philippines, there was a knife culture, and it is very dangerous to engage in a ground fight. Now unfortunately this culture is also common in Europe and carrying a knife is considered tough more and more people carry a knife and find it very normal and do not hesitate to use the knife.
“So only if there is no other way, we engage in ground combat but with a different mentality than judo or jiujitsu, or grappling.”
Eskrima Modern Dumog The dumog of Frans is different but still, the same principles are applied as in the pangamot. So only if there is no other way, we engage in ground combat but with a different mentality than judo or jiujitsu, or grappling. While standing we also use the ground, punches, kicks, elbows, trapping, immobilizing the hands, headbutting, pulling, biting, spitting, everything that is forbidden in martial arts. Also, other tactical weapons are used such as pen key, telephone, sand, stone, short stick, etc. Frans's philosophy is as follows remember the word anti, anti-boxing, anti-grappling, anti-kicking so to say your opponent wants to punch you, kick, and try to immobilize your opponent. Same with grappling your opponent wants to engage in a ground fight, you grab a weapon or pull his hair, start punching and elbowing, headbutting, and if necessary, biting.
Frans Stroeven Self Defense As you have now read, the pangamot is more than excellent for self-defense both for men and women. Humble people can also practice pangamot and gain more self-confidence in combat and in everyday life. If you want to learn selfdefense that works, don't hesitate to join this group of people willing to train hard and invest in their own safety. All you need now is a good teacher who can train and convince you how effective pangamot is.
Eskrima Conclusion Total combat with a high form of self-defense with principles of Eskrima makes the pangamot very realistic selfdefense that is unlike anything else!!! Be able to fight with any weapon, any weapon, no weapons!!! then your body is your own weapon and your own bodyguard. If you want to know more about Pangamot contact Frans or even better visit a seminar of Frans and I promise you will not regret, it because this man is the real deal! For information and visit our website
Frans Stroeven
“What many people do not know is that in pangamot a grappling system is also used the name is dumog.”
Ref.: • PSD1
How safe do you feel in today's world? In this DVD, GM Pedro Rodriguez and Darylibeth Gil of Jeet Kune Do Cadre will teach you simple and devastatingly effective moves that can be learned in a matter of hours not years. In 2020, the violent crime rate in the United States was 398.5 cases per 100,000 of the population. End some of the Most common attacks in 3 to 5 seconds. Learn some of the best hand to hand skills used by military and law-enforcement and civilians world. the around assaults Aggravated accounted for 68 percent of violent crimes reported to law enforcement in 2020. Don't be a victim!, learn to use and apply these techniques with ease and own your become bodyguard, a MODERN DAY Pedro GM WARRIOR. Rodriguez, Martial Arts Instructor with over 40 years of training and teaching experience (Hapkido, Jeet Kune Do, Ju Jitsu, Ar nis, Wing Chun ...), has collaborated with law enforcement and law enforcement personnel and Military Special Forces Units, and trained with some of the Top Martial Artists in the World. Thanks to this impressive background, he has blended the different styles and systems he has learned into a Simple, Effective and Direct "Purely Self Defense System"!
All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
Ref.: • KeYSI-4
In this fourth work, Justo Dieguez, creator of the Keysi Fighting Method, focuses on the area of grabs and traps. We will see 10 technical sequences in which the grab, the trap, are the objective, although it will be treated as a consequence. At KEYSI we do not think beforehand about performing a grab, it is something that will be the consequence of a certain situation. In a risk situation, your senses connect you with your environment, you are pure instinct, auditory, visual and contact. This ability allows you to focus your concentration, recognize your surroundings and decide what actions to take. It is you with your mental capacity that makes everything a weapon, a wall, a corner, a step, etc. On the street, in a real situation, the rules don't work. With technique you are not going to achieve your goals. Technique is that bridge that will get you to the target, but it is not the target. In a risky situation, instinctive responsiveness has to prevail over technique. When you train with this mentality you know that a millisecond can be vital. You understand that you don't have the possibility to extend the time, that you can't play on your opponent's patience or ability to manipulate him. You understand that you are at a complete disadvantage, that your response must be explosive and that you have to get out of there.
All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
Military Combat We are in the era of globalization, and this has also affected martial arts and contact sports for decades. Especially since the advent of the internet, where everyone publishes their best techniques on networks or even complete seminars. Long gone is the idea of that oriental master who lives hidden in the mountains and teaches his secret style to one or several lucky disciples.
Military Combat
In the old days we only knew those styles to which we had direct access or at most those we could see in books or in the specialized p r e s s . Tr e m e n d o u s d e b a t e s a b o u t t h e i r technical arsenal, rivers of ink talking about the definitive system. Nowadays, all of them show, to a greater or lesser extent, their skills in the biggest showcase that exists, the social networks.
Military Combat he reason for this introduction, is simply to give the reader to understand that everything is invented, everyone knows this or that style or school or even competitor or Master. Or maybe not! Maybe they only show a small part of their technical background, maybe they only show what is most attractive to the public, what might fill the school with students. Today we do not want to talk about the techniques used in Gladius sugnum, today we want to talk about what is above the techniques, at least for us. Something that probably makes more appreciable differences between the same styles, than between different styles using a similar method.
"We have defined many variables that bring us closer to a slight advantage over our opponent. Undoubtedly all this knowledge needs a ground wire that materializes it, it is just at that point where the technique takes its vital importance."
Military Combat
"Everything is invented, everyone knows this or that style or school or even competitor or Master. Or maybe not!!!"
What we want to transmit would be perhaps the first thing we should ask ourselves when giving a training. How useful is what I want to transmit to the students? Sometimes we get carried away by the routine and we teach inefficiently what we learned in the first place, trying to create a replica of our own. A much more attractive option would be, show me what you know how to do, let me see what raw material I am going to work with and let's start developing your skills. Sometimes we implement our system so strongly that we forget that we are working with people, often with people with a lot of experience in martial arts. In a system that has a good work plan in place, there must be a previous examination of the student, to know his strengths and weaknesses. Here the method plays a fundamental role to enhance what he is good at and try to remedy those deficiencies he has. In our system we have implemented a method in which the skills are carried out through exercises, drills, sparring, etc.. We start from the skills that the student already has and we take him to the point where we need him to be to carry out his function. Parts of this method are tactics, strategy, physical work, sparring, psychological work and of course, techniques. Of all of them, the most common is perhaps the technical section. Everyone knows how to hit to cause this or that effect on his opponent. But if we look for the right moment, we
look for the concrete range of distance because our adversary is armed, we have noticed if that weapon is cutting, blunt, its range, we consider that he is physically more powerful than us, we calculate the moment, we take into account his position with respect to me and the environment in which we find ourselves. We have defined many variables that bring us closer to a slight advantage over our opponent. Undoubtedly all this knowledge needs a ground wire to materialize it, it is just at that point where the technique is of vital importance. In a deep search for continuous improvement, we make a constant feedback with the people who attend our trainings. A very recurrent question to people who already practice martial arts is to define the keys of their system. That is to say,
Military Combat how do you plan to face this situation from your system? As in an advertisement for dentists, 9 out of 10 people tell us about the techniques they would use. What really interests us is to know what plan they have to apply those techniques, not the techniques themselves. We want to know if they have taken into account the environment, if they have considered the options of success as well as those of the so feared failure that is so present. If they have decided to match forces with some kind of weapon or tool, if they will act immediately or wait for the moment in which their success rate increases considerably, an endless number of options that a good method can provide. A physical training is of vital importance, should you reproach those ads that claim that by learning such a style, you will be able to defend yourself against any adversary, regardless of age, sex or physical condition !!!!. Really? Really? can you imagine something like that in an advertisement to climb to the top of Everest? How many people would be left on the way. Physical training must be prepared within that method. To provide the student with the technical resources that he/she will have to learn later on. At the same time a technical training, to get more power, speed, precision, etc. and to use the minimum use of energy in the realization of the technique.
"In a deep search for continuous improvement, we make a constant feedback with the people who come to our trainings."
Let's talk now about tactics and strategy. Tactics are those actions that will lead me to achieve an objective. It comes from Latin and means to put in order, clearly it has a military origin. Every tactic must fulfill two characteristics: it must have an objective, or it will become something isolated, as it could be a technique, and secondly, it must be part of a strategy that would be the major plan, Strategy can be defined as a plan that groups a series of tactics to achieve an objective. It must include a plan of actions that allow us to achieve the desired goal, and includes specific information on its execution. It must be easy to understand, all students must understand what it is based on. It must be coherent with the system. It should be efficient, using as little technique and energy as possible. Visible results must be seen, otherwise we will not be able to know if it works or not. In the section of sparring or combat talking about a sporting method or recreations or maneuvers if we speak in a military environment, we must include everything we learned previously. It should be given in a simple and natural way if the method is good. Since all of the above should lead us right to this point. TAOWS UNIVERSITY VALENCIA WingTsun and Escrima Concepts.
Ref.: • KfRISAN-5
Master Frisan starts a new series of DVDs on the best Kyusho points for different situations. In this first installment, of 2 volumes, we focus the study on the defense against the main arm attacks: grabs, thrusts and punches. We will analyze the solutions against grabs and thrusts to understand the basic principles of Kyusho and then we will analyze the solutions against direct fist strikes such as the Jab and the Cross, and circular strikes such as the hook. Dermatome stimuli, pressure points and various exercises are discussed in order to train and learn. The exercises are performed by M° Gianluca Frisan, and his instructors from CSEN / Kyusho Institute because, in order to master Kyusho, it is necessary to train with as many people as possible, with different bodies, and with different reactions and sensitivities. DVD 1: Intro & Medical Informations, arm points, leg points, body points, neck and head points, Kyusho Jitsu Grab Drills Points, Conclusion Kyusho Jitsu Nerve Stimulation. DVD 2: Kyusho Jitsu Push Drills Points, Kyusho Jitsu Punch Informations, Kyusho Straight Punch Drills Points, Kyusho Hook Punch Drills Points, Conclusion Kyusho Jitsu Nerve Stimulation.
All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
Ref.: • KfRISAN-6
Master Frisan starts a new series of DVDs on the best Kyusho points for different situations. In this first installment, of 2 volumes, we focus the study on the defense against the main arm attacks: grabs, thrusts and punches. We will analyze the solutions against grabs and thrusts to understand the basic principles of Kyusho and then we will analyze the solutions against direct fist strikes such as the Jab and the Cross, and circular strikes such as the hook. Dermatome stimuli, pressure points and various exercises are discussed in order to train and learn. The exercises are performed by M° Gianluca Frisan, and his instructors from CSEN / Kyusho Institute because, in order to master Kyusho, it is necessary to train with as many people as possible, with different bodies, and with different reactions and sensitivities. DVD 1: Intro & Medical Informations, arm points, leg points, body points, neck and head points, Kyusho Jitsu Grab Drills Points, Conclusion Kyusho Jitsu Nerve Stimulation. DVD 2: Kyusho Jitsu Push Drills Points, Kyusho Jitsu Punch Informations, Kyusho Straight Punch Drills Points, Kyusho Hook Punch Drills Points, Conclusion Kyusho Jitsu Nerve Stimulation.
All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
Photos courtesy from: Spanish Karate Federation (J.M. rodriguez) & Spanish Taekwondo Federation
Tatami Mats: Japan’s Most Famous Flooring The first association for many people when they hear the word "tatami” is judo or some other martial arts sport which is practiced on this type of surface. But, in short, tatami is much more than that! Throughout history, tatami mats have been a key part of Japanese culture, design, and even sports. The woven rush grass of tatami mats creates a comforting, relaxing space that can be enjoyed by all. Tatami is a style of flooring that is ubiquitous throughout Japan.
atami mats date back to at least the Nara period, in the 8th century. They were originally used primarily for sleeping, and only for nobility and upper-class citizens. Around the 16th century, tatami mats began to be used as flooring to cover entire rooms, rather than only for sleeping or sitting. At this time, they were still primarily for the upper classes, and Japanese architecture was developing into the style we now associate with traditional Japanese homes. By the 17th century, tatami mats were common among all levels of society, and it became normal for most houses to predominantly have tatami mat floors. Due to extensive use of tatami mats as the flooring of choice throughout Japanese history they came to be the standard unit for measuring room size. Rather than meters or feet, tatami is used to calculate room size by referring to how many tatami mats will fit in a room.This measurement system is commonly used by realtors and architects including for rooms that are not intended to have tatami flooring. However, tatami mat sizes are not standardized across the country, and vary between regions.
One of the most well-known uses of tatami mats is as flooring for Japanese martial arts. Traditionally, normal tatami mats are used for their firm yet yielding quality, along with their ability to withstand impact. Judo, karate and aikido all use tatami, and stepping onto the tatami mat is considered a sacred entering of the martial arts zone. It all began with judo. In February 1882, Kano founded a school and dōjō at the Eisho-ji (昌寺), a Buddhist temple in what was then the Shitaya ward of Tokyo (now the Higashi Ueno district of Taitō ward). Ejsho-ji dojo was relatively small and was formed out of 12 mats inside the training area. Only after 2 years had passed, the dojo could be called a Kodokan (講 道館, Kōdōkan, a place to reveal a path) and this is thought to be the founding moment of the Kodokan Institute. Traditionally, rush grass (IGUSA) was woven around a rice straw core to keep the tatami mat firm. However, now the rice straw core is often replaced with more modern materials, such as wood chips or polystyrene foam. In modern times, the tatami mats used for martial arts are regularly made of a thick foam, similar to that used for gymnastics. It is made to imitate the texture and qualities of tatami mats while being more durable and flexible. These foam mats are often still
“Tatami mats date back to at least the Nara period, in the 8th century. They were originally used primarily for sleeping, and only for nobility and upper-class citizens. Around the 16th century, tatami mats began to be used as flooring to cover entire rooms, rather than only for sleeping or sitting.”
referred to as tatami in the martial arts world and are still treated with the same respect as real tatami mats. Over time, tatami spread its meaning and function and became a mat used in many martial arts because it secured a firm support to trainees and, in comparison to other materials, maximally reduces traction and slipping. It is also specific by its non-slippery characteristics so, apart being suitable for certain martial arts (judo, karate, jiu jitsu, aikido, kick boxing, wrestling, tae kwon do, MMA, sanda kung fu, boxing etc.) it is also convenient for pilates, dancing, fitness and well as crossfit. So, such a surface is suitable for all types of training which is need of a soft mat. Today, in many martial arts, various gymnastic elements are performed with a lot of acrobatics. Tatami mats are needed for the training of such technically demanding elements for the safety of the trainees. Tatami mats are also extremely useful in any contact sport where the opponent is knocked to the ground with a blow. Apart from that, the thickness and elasticity of the tatami lowers the risk of injury because it absorbs all types of physical stress which can case joint, knee, neck or spine injuries. Besides being soft, the tatami is very easy to assemble and disassemble, it is flexible, easy to maintain non-slip surface. Tatami mats play an important role in the training method as an important element for preparation and learning (methodology of fall down techniques) for mastering many throwing techniques in judo, aikido, jiu jitsu, wrestling, but also in karate, tae kwon do, hapkido, kung fu, MMA, and many other martial arts. Tatami surfaces and usually called tatami mats, tatami pads or tatami puzzles and the only differences among them are their thickness and the fact that the puzzles, as their name suggests, are assembled like a jigsaw which is convenient because it lowers
the possibility of their parting. When can surely say that tatami mats are a precursor ro all other mats which are used in today's martial arts. Tatami mats are most often produced in three colors; blue, red and black. Sometimes they can be found in gray and even yellow or green colors. Reversible, two-tone for easier stacking and better functionality. When the mats are placed by color, it is easy to determine the arena with one color and the edge of the arena with another. Today,tatami mats are a frequent floor covering of all modern martial arts centers. Besides being used in martial arts halls, tatami is a surface which is more and more being used in other sports and fitness centres because its thickness is excellent in absorbing hits and falls. This is why they are very popular and are a favorite in various sorts of trainings. Trainings become more safe because they absorb the effects of hits and reduce the pressure on all joints. Tatami mats are inevitably used in the training methodology for all jumping kick techniques for example: many techniques of jumping kicks that are performed in tae kwon do, karate, kick boxing as wellas in many other styles that were previously performed on the parquet floor are now performed on tatami mats. Tatami mats are not only used for hops or jump in martial arts or some judo technique on the ground, nor for falls or throwing techniques, their application is much greater. Nowdays, tatami mats are increasingly used when practicing many so- called soft or internal styles of kung fu as well as when practicing various other techniques. They are an ideal surface for performing different katas (forms) as well as for weapon practice (sai, kama, nunchaku, bo—staff, tonfa, bokken, katana, naginata etc.) Basically, if the weapon accidentally is dropped out of one's hand, it won't get damaged (the weapon nor the surface). Many fitness centres place such surfaces under their fitness machines and other equipment so as to protect the floor from any kind of damage. Tatami secures the floor from scrapes, it reduced the amount of noise during training with
dumbbells, as well as vibrations made during training and it provides a comfortable support. It can be used as padding for different pieces of fitness equipment, such as benches, exercise bikes, dumbbells etc. Tatami mats are used not just in martial arts, but also in children's playrooms, rehabilitation centres, clubs, kindergartens (as a playmat), schools, yoga centres, fitness, crossfit, pilates, dancing halls, and it is also an excellent mat to used for play at home. By using a tatami mat in your exercise space, there should be no fear from injuries, severe falls or scratches during training. Tatami is a perfect surface for rooms where children often reside in so, apart from sports centres, we often see it in kindergartens as well as children's dormitories, among all ages. Apart from being a safe surface when in comes to falls, hits and injuries, it is much warmer in comparison to any other classic surface because it has a thermally processed layer which keeps warmth in. In the beginning, tatami was made from rice straws, but today its main material is rubber or some other type of synthetic material. The tatami mat is made out of a high-quality material which is immune to flexing and hitting. Tatami mats are usually made out of EVA (Ethylene-vinyl acetate) which is very durable and absorbs hits.
The upper side has a embossed surface which is comfortable and safe during contact with one's foot, whereas the lower side is a spongy surface which safely adheres to the floor. Official tatami mats which are assembled together are ideal for judo, karate, taekwondo and kickboxing arenas for competition (and dojos) and are used as surfaces in rings as well as in other halls, schools etc. Tatami mats can be easily transported and do not require a larger vehicle. For this reason, tatami mats can be placed very quickly on any surface in the environment. As an example; on the grass in nearby park, on the sand, somewhere in a parking lot, in the yard, on outdoor tiles or on parquet floors in halls and many other places. It is especially easy to maintain the tatami's cleanliness and hygiene; it is enough to wipe it with a wet cloth on a regular basis and you will be safe from any kind of dirt. From its beginnings as a sleeping area for nobility, to its use in martial arts, and its common use today across houses, tea rooms, restaurants, and more, tatami mats have kept their place as an important aspect of Japanese culture.
Ref.: • GLADIUS-1
In this new work filmed in the spectacular landscapes of Fuerteventura, declared Natural Heritage of Humanity, we will see part of the work done by the Federation of Garrote Canario Fighting along with the Cabildo, island government institution, to promote this traditional indigenous activity, the Garrote Canario or Lata Majorera. We will have the opportunity to see in action the Grand Master Jorge Domínguez developing "Torciadas" with the Garrote, learned directly from the old Majorero Masters like Simeón Alberto. In the Corralejo Dunes, Grand Master Carlos Barrera performs several series of Garrote Canario and Mano Canaria (empty hand) techniques, bringing the martial artist closer to the application and parallelism of these traditional techniques. This natural tatami on a fine blond sand, is the most suitable place to perform Zapatas and Trabas. Also presented are several technical series of work with the Tolete Canario, adapted to the field of Police Defense. An excellent sample not only of techniques, but also of the activities carried out by the Federación de Lucha del Garrote Canario in Fuerteventura, the Island of the Majoreros.
All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
In this first DVD by Krav Maga I.M.A.D.S., entitled “A single defense against different aggressions”, Stéphane Denis and his team present a complete panel of pragmatic and expeditious personal defense techniques. All of them without exception illustrate the logical principles of this unique selfdefense system that is all the rage today. Throughout the different chapters, the key principles are revealed one by one in a clear and precise way, in the various subjects studied in Krav Maga, such as multidirectional defenses against armed and unarmed attacks. Defenses of third parties, an integral part of our system, are also included. They are presented with different completions, depending on the particular aggression situation. A section of defense against the threat of several attackers is also detailed, so that you get to know the logic of the adoption of measures; in Krav Maga we will opt in this type of dangerous situations by the principle of One against One! Finally, you will discover the use of specific exercises so as to increase the realism of your training sessions, which you can also integrate into your own courses.
Ref.: • kdenis-1 All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
The problem we have in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is that many practitioners drop out after achieving a blue belt. This is because for most GJJ practitioners, the blue belt is not only considered the "first" higher level, but the understanding of the fundamentals, which is very important in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, is achieved. In fact, achieving a blue belt is not as easy as in other martial arts or combat sports. In our case, we decided to follow the program given to us by one of the most important students of the founders of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, Grandmaster Pedro Hemetério, and we elaborated a program of 54 lessons in four parts (Fundamentals, Intermediate, Advanced I, and Advanced II). This new DVD, GRACIE INTERMEDIATE, includes lessons 24 to 34, and is aimed primarily at those who are preparing for the purple belt. However, it is useful for anyone who is ready to learn more about the next level. The Gracie Intermediate DVD will help motivate you (and/or your students) by giving you a glimpse into the future of a Gracie Jiu-Jitsu black belt. This material helps people who feel lost in (Brazilian) Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. Regardless of the reason why you have lost interest in it, and will help you understand the connection between "Gracie Fundamentals" and "Gracie Advanced". A work that will provide a complete overview of the curriculum for the belt exam and a solid program for our future generations of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu.
Ref.: • publi VACiR-7 All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
Jukoshin Ryu. An effective self-defense system. The Jukoshin Ryu style of Jiu Jitsu was designed to be a powerful and definitive tool in hand-to-hand combat. Its precise movements, fast, direct and convincing, are focused on doing away with all the options of our opponent allowing us to fluidly face all kinds of attacks and defending ourselves from one or more adversaries, which makes it one of the most efficient self-defense systems currently existing. Without superfluous movements or frills, Jukoshin Ryu makes numerous tactical options accessible to its practitioners, so that the student will always find those techniques that best adapt to his or her particular condition. That's why Jukoshin Ryu is a system suitable for everyone, regardless of sex or physical condition. What you are going to see in this video is a small sample of the different ways of solving hand-to-hand combat situations when we are attacked with or without weapons, and how to reduce our adversary as quick as possible, so that we are able to immediately continue our combat if necessary. I hope you enjoy it. See you on the mat!
Ref.: • eDSAN1
All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
“Know Thyself” In my over for ty years of teaching, I have witnessed all types of students from all walks of life: students with autism, attention deficit hyperactive disorders, learning disabilities, behavioral problems, survivors of child abuse, alcohol & dr ug addictions, anger issues, victims of rape and incest, and many more. I have seen them all from teenagers who refused to clean his room, living in conditions of knee-high garbage to women who were afraid to fall to the ground, going into full panic attacks until passing out. I have had students who pimped themselves for money to get drugs; little girls 5, 6 yrs. old throwing never-ending uncontrollable temper tantrums yelling, screaming, and kicking until they get what they want; and even a teenager who went on hunger strikes to manipulate his parents. These are only to name a few. I have taught children as young as two years old to grandparents in their late sixties. My students range from people who were living in their cars jobless and homeless to Hollywood celebrities and multimillionaire executives. I have had students who traveled from all corners of the globe and even had a student hitch-hike almost a thousand miles from Northern California to LA.
“You must not only memorize countless number of techniques, but you also have to understand what makes the technique work and why it works as well as to know when to modify depending on the purpose of its application. There is no way to just mimic the movements and progress in Hwa Rang Do.”
Hwa Rang Do
Hwa Rang Do have also worked in a mental hospital for Adult Survivors of Child Abuse for over two years, discovering for the first time the most heinous and atrocious acts of humankind. It traumatized me to realize the true extent of what malice we can inflict as human beings on each other, trying to come to grips with the evil that is human. This moment of realization was my real maturity, the loss of innocence stained by human suffering and indignity; naiveté never to be recovered with images of evil once seen can never be erased; ignorance never to be used again to deny the human condition of suffering. It has been my experience that what we offer through Hwa Rang Do® training, unknowingly has helped to transform many lives even before I knew of such evils of humankind existed. In trying to better understand how Hwa Rang Do was able to transform people’s lives by its mere
instruction and practice, I have discovered that it is “self-empowerment” that is at the core of what is the transformative nature of Hwa Rang Do. Previously, I trained and taught Hwa Rang Do because of its physical beauty and complexity; the vastness and comprehensiveness of its curriculum; the deep connection to culture, tradition, and philosophy; the honor, integrity, and discipline of a warrior ethos; and because it was just simply very “COOL”! However, once my eyes were opened to this new reality, I have dedicated myself to helping others through the teachings of Hwa Rang Do for the purpose of self-empowerment and realized that all those components together which compromised Hwa Rang Do is the means in which self-empowerment as the end can be best achieved. It is the unique
Hwa Rang Do combination and integration of culture, tradition, discipline, physicality, spirituality, healing, metaphysics, philosophy, history, meditation, warriorship, brotherhood, honor, morality, chivalry, accompanied by a strict adherence to order and hierarchical structure in all its entirety allows the individual the means in which to strive to maximize their human potential amidst a safe and comforting environment of support and familyship. I have discussed many ways in which to improve ourselves and our condition to live better and have more fulfilling lives. The true path to selfempowerment is not a simple task of adding some positive affirmations and ridding of negativity, reading a self-help book, or following some rules to live by, it is a full commitment to a way of life, a lifestyle, an outlook, a worldview which cannot be practiced in parts but in all its entirety and continuity. I have addressed many issues concerning the limitations and the factors which prevent ourselves from moving forward, advancing, and succeeding in fulfilling the goals of personal development
and excellence. In this article I will address a few key factors which inhibit one’s progress and growth in the hopes of giving some resolve in how we may address our own personal struggles, challenges, and limitations. In order for the individual to grow and progress they not only need to do more, but more importantly they must first fix existing problems. This is an apparent idea and seems simple enough, but throughout my years what I have found is that this is one of the most challenging things for people to do. “Know Thyself” has been a maxim for humankind since the beginning of human thought throughout most cultures. This is not because it was simple and easy, but because it is so elusive and difficult, especially in today’s society it is almost an impossibility. To know the self, one requires self-reflection and deep contemplation; for such to take place one needs moments of peace, quiet, and solitude, which in our current times, it is almost impossible to have without making special plans with lots of effort. We are constantly living in distractions from the core self, thinking and worrying of external factors, never having the opportunity to examine the internal mechanisms of the self. Furthermore, in our modern society we are wired and
“We are constantly living in distractions from the core self, thinking and worrying of external factors, never having the opportunity to examine the internal mechanisms of the self.”
“The body does not exist without the mind and the self without consciousness.”
Hwa Rang Do programmed to be task oriented. Most of our adult lives consist of learning and performing some specialized tasks, which then consumes most of our conscious thoughts as that task becomes our profession and career. Having moments with our own thoughts becomes a luxury and even in these moments when we should be focused on the self, we voluntarily distract ourselves from the self with external means of pleasure seeking to escape and detach from our mind (the self) in all forms of entertainment, sports, gaming, sex, drugs, alcohol, and with the advent of our great technologies we are connected constantly to these distractions through our handphones with the handphones being a distraction in itself. We have all becomes addicts of today’s drug of choice, dopamine, with our handphones as the syringe and the Big Tech as our drug cartel. This is the reality we are faced with and living in today. The result is a generation of people who are highly skilled in performing their specialized jobs yet clueless to the question of why we do what we do, unable to figure out why they feel the way they do, and when faced with mental or emotional issues, they once again seek out external help through so called experts, psychiatrists, who then once again use external means of medication to resolve their patients’ problems. This only exasperates the problem by further distancing the individual from their inner self, creating greater dependencies on nonself, external remedies which further incapacitates their ability to self-rectify. Furthermore, when such a person takes on a physical activity whether it be jogging, aerobics, yoga, in our case martial arts, they are doing it for the purpose once again to escape, however this time with the delusion that they are doing something good for the self, for the body, yet it is another distraction from the self, the mind (consciousness). The body does not exist without the
Hwa Rang Do mind and the self without consciousness. In fact, many physicists and philosophers believe that consciousness is fundamental and is what constitutes reality.
“The Mind is the General and the Body is the Soldier” So many students, in fact most if not all are very surprised when I tell them that the mind is the general and the body is the soldier and that the mind must command the body in all that it does. It is an obvious fact, however, that’s not what they signed up for, that’s not what they want to do. They precisely took up such activity to not think as that is what they have been doing all day at work, solving problems, planning, and strategizing, they came to class to free themselves from that rigor and stress, abandoning their agonizing brain. Although in jogging, yoga, aerobics, you can do exactly that and be somewhat mindless and just follow, mimicking the instructor, however, martial arts, especially Hwa Rang Do with its vast comprehensive curriculum, that is not possible. You must not only memorize countless number of techniques, but you also have to understand what makes the technique work and why it works as well as to know when to modify depending on the purpose of its application. There is no way to just mimic the movements and progress in Hwa Rang Do.
“Hwa Rang Do is simply the practice of mindfulness.”
“In trying to better understand how Hwa Rang Do was able to transform people’s lives by its mere instruction and practice, I have discovered that it is “self-empowerment” that is at the core of what is the transformative nature of Hwa Rang Do.”
“We have all becomes addicts of today’s drugWe have all becomes addicts of today’s drug of choice, dopamine, with our handphones as the syringe and the Big Tech as our drug cartel. This is the reality we are faced with and living in today.
Hwa Rang Do Hwa Rang Do is simply the practice of mindfulness. It is not just that you should know and be thinking about every action, every second in your daily life, although that is a good practice, what we are referring to is awareness. That you must be aware of every action you take and know why you do what you do and yes, in everything in every moment. Your mind, consciousness, is the greatest gift and power for humankind, which then should be the primary focus to enrich and enhance. Too often I hear my students saying that they didn’t know what they were doing, or why they did it, and wasn’t thinking as though it is a completely acceptable excuse. In fact, what they are saying is absolutely ludicrous, absurd, and unacceptable. It is like saying that I was asleep while I am awake, or had a sober black out, or I’ve lost my mind which are completely nonsensical and ridiculous. In Korean, when a person blacks out from excessive consumption of alcohol and can’t remember anything, we say that he ran out film. This is a perfect metaphor, like a camera without film (or for digital cameras without memory cards), it is a person with an empty skull. Furthermore, if a person does not know what they are doing, then they should not do it until they understand what to do. However, this is not as simple as it sounds, as we must consider our emotional self. While it makes complete sense to know what you are doing before you do it, a person who’s anxious, excited, stressed, nervous, fearful, does in away lose their mind and react purely emotionally, abandoning the logical mind. Literally, they are experiencing micro panic attacks which can be seen when you ask a beginner student in sparring if they remember what they did or when a student under pressure blanks out and forgets everything. This as a barometer for yourself is good to do, try to recall all that took place during a sparring match and see what you remember. If you don’t remember much and everything is a blur, then you know you were under panic. Another element which is commonly seen as a positive attribute is the “I can do it!” attitude. Yes, this works in such activities as running, weightlifting, sports which involves basic physical mechanics based on endurance and strength that doesn’t require too much brain activity. However, in Hwa Rang Do when you must perform intricate movements considering angles of joints, angels of attack and defense, positioning in relation to the opponent, proper gripping with the hands, proper manipulation of the foot, and much more while striving for perfect execution, with so many variations it becomes 90% mental and 10% physical. No matter how much motivated and spirited you are, chanting to yourself the mantra that you can do it and don’t give up, it will not make up for your inability to see clearly and understand the movements in its detail. Even though your conscious self says that you know it and can do it, the unconscious self in your subconscious knows the truth, that you really don’t have a clue which then only makes louder the chanting, “I CAN DO IT!” Just by saying affirmations like “I can do it”, “Don’t give up”, “Love myself”, “I am the best,” without any substance never translates into success in the real world; it only inflates the ego and feeds the delusional mind which further distances the self from objective reality by affirming their subjective reality. Therefore, when a student lacks the awareness to know that they don’t understand and is afraid to make a mistake along with the chanting of the “I can do it!” mantra, the result is disastrous! Charge! This is the goal for a soldier; they are not trained to think, but only to charge ahead and to kill as too much thinking might clutter their mind, creating reluctance and hesitation which can result in fatal consequences. A soldier is trained to be in the frontlines to charge into the enemy, risking their lives while the general sits back comfortably at basecamp far away from any danger and risk of death, but we are both the general and the soldier in one. Hence, we must become great intelligent generals and at the same time become strong, resilient soldiers. Where government aims to create people more like soldiers or automatons, which are then easier to control, our aim is to create generals. Ultimately, the goal of Hwa Rang Do is to help the individual face their weaknesses, fears, and deficits, confronting them without ceasing until they are subdued and no longer a limitation or a threat, but remain as only a humble reminder of the frailties and flaws of our human nature. It is not to change the world, but to transform the individual; it is not to control the external world, but to practice self-control; it is to be calm within a chaotic society and not detach from the society to be at peace; it is not about being best but doing our best; it is to live life in humility with gratitude, not feeling deserving with spite; to live in reverence to the Almighty and not in pride.
The problem we have in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is that many practitioners drop out after achieving a blue belt. This is because for most GJJ practitioners, the blue belt is not only considered the "first" higher level, but the understanding of the fundamentals, which is very important in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, is achieved. In fact, achieving a blue belt is not as easy as in other martial arts or combat sports. In our case, we decided to follow the program given to us by one of the most important students of the founders of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, Grandmaster Pedro Hemetério, and we elaborated a program of 54 lessons in four parts (Fundamentals, Intermediate, Advanced I, and Advanced II). This new DVD, GRACIE INTERMEDIATE, includes lessons 24 to 34, and is aimed primarily at those who are preparing for the purple belt. However, it is useful for anyone who is ready to learn more about the next level. The Gracie Intermediate DVD will help motivate you (and/or your students) by giving you a glimpse into the future of a Gracie Jiu-Jitsu black belt. This material helps people who feel lost in (Brazilian) Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. Regardless of the reason why you have lost interest in it, and will help you understand the connection between "Gracie Fundamentals" and "Gracie Advanced". A work that will provide a complete overview of the curriculum for the belt exam and a solid program for our future generations of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu.
Ref.: • publi VACiR-7 All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
HOW TO SENSITIZE THE HARA Center of centers. Source and sink of psychophysical energies and movements, it is essential to sensitize the hara in order to progress in the centered mastery of the technique and, through it, in self-knowledge. - Wild animals, not subjected to the emotional blockages and bodily tensions of human beings, are the most genuine example, together with newborn children, of centered movement and the most primary and instinctive vital breathing. Observing each other in their games, struggles, stalking and crying, we find key references to sensitize the hara. Among them: Panting as canids and felines do in their fights and to restore energy after the effort. - Fighting imitating the fights and nuptial parries of animals such as: • The cobra • The cat • The dog • The horse • The kangaroo • The monkey • The gorilla • The goose • Ostrich - Contract the pelvis and then distend it forcefully. The buttocks should contract powerfully against the lower abdomen and the lower abdomen against them. The exercise is practiced in different directions. - Change the direction of the guard of a very low zenkutsu dachi (grasshopper stance), turning quickly and powerfully on the tips of the feet without changing the height of the plane of the hara, powerfully contracting all the muscles of the hips.
- Always practice the various techniques and positions in such a way as to perform a few more repetitions of our more awkward laterality, in order to equalize skills and center our geometrical and mass structure on the vertical middle plane passing through our spine. This is the only way to avoid displacing the geometric and mass center: to the right of the hara if we are right-handed, and to the left if we are left-handed. - To exercise, until their compensation, the two hemispheres of the brain. The sinuosidal and instinctive right, and the linear and rational left. A Martial Arts practitioner is not the rabid beast of the crude movies of the genre, but a particularly sensitive being who cultivates his body and mind to strengthen his psychophysical balance and learn, thus, how to enjoy and respect life in its multiple manifestations. - Practice the various techniques in such a way that the contraction, rotation or simultaneous contraction and rotation of the pelvis is an extension of deep attention. Otherwise we would become unbalanced and lose the possibility of making the ki flow in the kime. - Do not lose sight of the gaze of the opponent, the point of reference that gives us his eyebrow to cover the maximum possible visual field. In this way we can intuit the opponent's actions. At the same time, fixing the gaze gives stability to the balance and to the action, allowing us to powerfully contract the pelvis and to punctuate the ki. - Do not limit the "sensitive awareness of the action" to being and being at the point of contact, of punctuating the ki, as we read in the ancient texts. It is necessary to know oneself energetically at that point and to see oneself structurally stable "from outside". Let us remember that it is the position of force that allows us to punctuate the ki, putting into action certain muscular bundles, energy meridians and feelings, while the rest of our selfhood must be in the void, in present absence.
"To know oneself, one must first open oneself, to break the armour that defends us by suffocating us, only then will we be able to look inward."
When the action is centered, we have to feel, then, the punctualization of ki, together with the psychophysical stimulations that make it possible, as well as the absences and emptiness of ki that this punctualization generates on the rest of our structure. Something like feeling nothing while feeling everything. This kind of "awareness of the consciousness of the action", which the Martial Art demands for its practice and through it develops, explains the poor results on the tatami of people who claim to be in higher degrees of mental control, or of professionals of techniques of selfawareness of the movement. Rational consciousness can make us feel whatever we wish to feel; a little enthusiasm, self-conviction or self-confrontation is enough to make the fourteenth cell of our left elbow aware, even if it is not aware of it. But it is precisely this exclusivist consciousness of feeling only that cell (something that we cannot verify from the outside) that falsifies the experience, by not allowing room for intuitive consciousness; for the sensations that support the experience when it is real and not the product of a more or less sophisticated inner rational speculation. In order to know ourselves, we must first open ourselves, break the armors that defend us by suffocating us, only then will we be able to look inside ourselves. In this sense, and converging with all the above, learning on the tatami follows the progression: I. Spontaneous movement, trying to imitate who teaches us the technique without blushing for our initial clumsiness, with a playful sense, until we get uninhibited and free of rigid canons and stereotypes constipated, but with generous respect and self-critical sense before our clumsiness. II. When the body has recovered part of its forgotten language, the work enters a slow and sensitive stage, unconcerned about the power of impact, which should coordinate the hara, not the Pac-Man. III. The following phase incorporates the power, in static positions, to the slow and sensitive work centered on the hara. IV. Next, the technique is practiced in movements of increasing speed, trying to sensitively control the footwork from the hara, even if power is lost. In this way we will be able to develop the balance capable of allowing us to punctuate the ki. V. Finally, we enter the phase of fast, powerful and sensitive movements, minimizing energy expenditure and optimizing performance and efficiency; in the kime phase.
Zen in motion The Storyteller and the Swordmaster One winter day in Japan, I had a six-foot-long bo in my hand and was facing my sensei, Yoshida Kotaro, who was holding a tessen (iron fan). We were facing each other in the courtyard of my house, which was on a hill overlooking the city of Yokohama. My sensei, who lived with me, had woken me up at 5 a.m. and told me that the time had come to pass the ko-budo (ancient martial art) test.
s I went around Yoshida Kotaro, the sword master, I was thinking: -My bo is longer than his tessen and he is in his seventies. I can use my youth and strength to hold him and hold him. After all these years, I should be able to use the size of my bo to my advantage. As I circled him, I kept thinking and looking for a place to attack. He stood in front of me looking unalterably calm. I heard the voices of the maid in the kitchen and looked back at my sensei. He was not moving. I felt frustrated. And then I thought: -I'll trick him with an ankle strike, like in sakugawa bo and when he makes a defensive move, I'll go up to the groin area. As I was thinking this, my sensei came just as I was distracted and with my mind occupied and gave me a slap on the wrist, knocking the bo out of my hands. I felt sunk; I had failed the test. We returned home, where the maid had prepared hot tea for us. As we drank it, my sensei told me the story of the Storyteller and the Sword Master. One day, in ancient Japan at the time of Miyamoto Mushashi, a storyteller was strolling through the city at dusk. The storyteller was hungry because he had come a long way and it was too late to ply his trade, telling stories to children. So he kept thinking how he could get food. Then an idea came to him. He remembered that he had seen a Kankan (sign) at the entrance to the city, advertising a dojo where a well-known master taught the art of the sword. In those days it was a very common practice in the dojos to give overnight money and food to any samurai who passed by and challenged the dojo. The dojo could accept the challenge and give money to the samurai, or simply give money without accepting the challenge. It depended on the skill of the dojo master. Although the storyteller was a novice in swordplay, as he was desperate he decided to challenge the dojo to earn a good amount of money. He approached the entrance of the dojo and in a clear, crisp voice said: -Where is the master? I have come to give him a lesson in the art of the sword. Don't be late! I have neither the time nor the patience to stand here for eternity. One of the students who was practicing in the main hall came out and asked: -Why do you want to see our master? If you want to train, an advanced student might be good for you. -I don't want an advanced student to practice with," replied the storyteller. I want a session with your teacher. He has a great reputation and I want to test his skills. Where is he?
The sword master, who was in the next room, heard the storyteller announce his challenge and began to think: -I wonder who this unknown samurai is. I am famous in Japan, but if a ronin challenges me so recklessly, that means he is good. I have to be careful. And he entered the main hall, ready for the challenge. They stood face to face, the sword master and the storyteller. The master looked at the storyteller's kamai and thought to himself: -What is that? This guy doesn't even know how to hold a sword properly. I can attack him whenever and wherever I want. But if he has challenged me like this, I have to be careful. He might be as good as Miyamoto Mushashi, who was famous for his sloppy appearance. The storyteller looked at the master's sword and thought: -What's wrong with this famous master, why doesn't he start? I'm so hungry I can hardly stand up. But he waited. After fifteen minutes without either of them moving, the master, realizing that his reputation was at stake, made up his mind. -I don't care if this stranger is like Miyamoto Mushashi. I have to beat him, even if it costs me my life. And he prepared to attack. Just as he was ready to strike, the storyteller threw down his sword and said, "I don't care if this stranger is like Miyamoto Mushashi. threw down his sword and said: -Stop it. I'm just a storyteller and I'm tired. I thought that by challenging you I could get money to eat. I haven't eaten since I passed through the last town. I'm sorry. I don't know how to handle a sword, but since you are a famous master, I thought you would beat me easily and I could be on my way. The master, hearing this myo (true fact), realized what fantasies every person's mind can create. He thanked the storyteller and renamed his style mu-nen ryu (the school of thoughtless sword). Many branches of mu-nen ryu still exist today.
Ref.: • viet-9
For 4 decades, Patrick Levet has been involved in the propagation of Vietnamese martial culture. It is now time to move on to a more precise and detailed description of this form of combat, but also of its various forms of evolution which are the Vật de Vovinam Việt Võ Đạo and the Vật de Vovinam Integral. With this new DVD, Vietnamese Vat is presented in a completely new way. Instead of simply filming the techniques of the official program, fixed and without real application, Vat is shown in its traditional form detailing its main aspects (dress, refereeing, ritual, techniques, counter-attacks, tactics), its technical evolutions, as well as its differences, demonstrating why such evolutions occurred. This discipline is completely unknown to the general Western public despite being thousands of years old. The art of Vật is composed of hundreds of techniques and variations. However, the Vật techniques in Vovinam Việt Võ Đạo do not represent the proportion they deserve, only 28 techniques, despite the fact that the Founding Master was a Vật fighter. At Vovinam Integral we have tried to remedy this by adding many traditional Vật techniques, with over a hundred attack techniques (takedowns and projections) making up the overall program. To that we must add all the counter attacks for each takedown and projection technique as well as the defenses once on the ground. All this is complemented by all the techniques of compression, arm and leg locks, strangulation and choking, immobilization and controls, many of which are drawn from Jiu-jitsu, as is already the case in Vovinam Việt Võ Đạo.
All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
Ref.: • AfLOReS1
Guro Ariel Flores Mosses introduces for the first time, how the fighting arts of Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite of Lameco, GM Christopher N. Ricketts of Ilustrisimo and GM Conrad A. Manaois of Manaois Eskrima transitions to Firearms combat training. Guro Mosses shares the Importance of footwork such as Retirada Ilustrisimo, Retirada Caballero and Hakbang Paiwas and the effectiveness of footwork to create the distances and angles you need to pull off your arsenal. Long, Medium and Close range drills are shown to understand where to place yourself against an opponet(s). In addition, Guro Mosses covers the transitional techniques thru various firearm drills including LIVE FIRE exercises and for the first time on DVD shares the "MG-5" gun retention technique against any attacker attempting to seize your gun. These training drills are a must for any level or discipline and reveals the practicality of the Fighting Arts of the Philippines.
All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co.
Ali content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws.
Table of contents - NEW DVDs! ............................................................................................................................................................... 135 - DVD Kung Fu ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 - DVD Tai Chi ................................................................................................................................................................... 8 - DVD Shaolin Kung Fu ................................................................................................................................................ 11 - DVD Wu Shu ................................................................................................................................................................ 13 - DVD Wing Chun .......................................................................................................................................................... 15 - DVD Wing Tsun ........................................................................................................................................................... 19 - DVD Other Styles China ............................................................................................................................................. 23 - DVD Judo and Ju-Jitsu .............................................................................................................................................. 25 - DVD Iaido..................................................................................................................................................................... 29 - DVD Karate .................................................................................................................................................................. 31 - DVD Aikido .................................................................................................................................................................. 37 - DVD Kobudo ............................................................................................................................................................... 42 - DVD Ninjutsu ............................................................................................................................................................... 45 - DVD Other Styles Japan ............................................................................................................................................ 47 - DVD Kyusho Jitsu ...................................................................................................................................................... 51 - DVD Capoeira.............................................................................................................................................................. 55 - DVD BJJ Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu ....................................................................................................................................... 57 - DVD Staff and Cane .................................................................................................................................................... 61 - DVD Kali Arnis Eskrima ............................................................................................................................................. 63 - DVD Nunchaku ............................................................................................................................................................ 67 - DVD Other Weapons .................................................................................................................................................. 69 - DVD Pro, Military, Police ............................................................................................................................................ 73 - DVD Krav Maga ........................................................................................................................................................... 80 - DVD Systema .............................................................................................................................................................. 85 - DVD Knife Fighting ..................................................................................................................................................... 87 - DVD Women´s Self Defense ...................................................................................................................................... 89 - DVD Other Self Defense Styles ................................................................................................................................. 91 - DVD Jeet Kune Do ...................................................................................................................................................... 96 - DVD Kenpo .................................................................................................................................................................. 99 - DVD Kajukenbo ......................................................................................................................................................... 102 - DVD Martial Arts Vietnam ........................................................................................................................................ 104 - DVD Other Martial Styles ......................................................................................................................................... 106 - DVD Pencak Silat ...................................................................................................................................................... 110 - DVD Tae Kwon Do .................................................................................................................................................... 112 - DVD Hapkido ............................................................................................................................................................. 114 - DVD Other Styles Korea ........................................................................................................................................... 116 - DVD Muay Thai ......................................................................................................................................................... 118 - DVD Kick Boxing ...................................................................................................................................................... 121 - DVD Grappling Wrestling ......................................................................................................................................... 124 - DVD MMA - Vale Tudo .............................................................................................................................................. 126 - DVD Other Contact Sports ....................................................................................................................................... 129 - DVD Health - Wellness ............................................................................................................................................. 132
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD COMBAT FILIPINO Kyusho & FMA Tegumi in WingMARTAL Chun ARTS Ref. DVD/AFLORES1 Siu Nim Tao Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR Ref. DVD/KYUSHO28 Price Inc. Tax......22,00 EUR
DVDKeysi COMBAT MAI KREDFighting MUAY THAI DVD Risk Situations BORAN Technique Ref.DVD/KEYSI2 DVD/CESAR13 Ref. Price Inc.Tax......22,00 Tax......20,00EUR EUR Price Inc.
DVD CHURI ROMA. DVD ESGRIMA Tong LongLA Pai. Southern Praying GYPSY Mantis KNIFE & STICK Ref. Ref. DVD/CHURIROMA1 DVD/SAPIR1 Price Price Inc. Inc. Tax......20,00 Tax......22,00EUR EUR
DVD ESGRIMA CRIOLLA VOL.2. Creole Fencing CREOLE FENCING Ref. DVD/ECRIOLLA1 Ref. PriceDVD/ECRIOLLA2 Inc. Tax......22,00 EUR Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVDWing CANARIAN ADVANCED DVD Tsun LatSTAFF. Sao Advanced. TECHNIQUES TAOWS Academy Ref.DVD/TAOWS4 DVD/GARRO2 Ref. PriceInc. Inc.Tax......22,00 Tax......20,00EUR EUR Price
DVD GARROTE & TOLETE DVD CANARIAN RMA Systema SV Empty Hands & Ref. KnifeDVD/GARRO3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR Ref. DVD/SKOGOREV-11
DVD GLADIUS MILITARY COMBAT Paul VunakSIGNUM PFS Asymmetrical Ref. DVD/GLADIUS1 Violence Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR Ref. DVD/VUNAK1 Price Inc. Tax......22,00 EUR
DVDKyusho KAJUKENBO GARCIA´S DVD and Boxing Connection METHOD Ref. DVD/KLINE3 Ref. Inc. DVD/KAJ8 Price Tax......22,00 EUR Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD DVD KEMPO Kyusho,AIKI-JUTSU First Encounter Ref. Ref. DVD/KAJCG1 DVD/KFRISAN1 Price Price Inc. Inc. Tax......20,00 Tax......22,00EUR EUR
Tai-Chi and DVD KAPAP GUNQi-Gong FU. THEForms MARTIAL ART OF GUN Ref. DVD/LYN7 Ref. PriceDVD/KAPAP11 Inc. Tax......22,00 EUR Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Long PaiSITUATIONS Kung Fu DVDGham KEYSI RISK VOL.2 KFM Ref. DVD/VDSPEK1 Ref. Inc. DVD/KEYSI3 Price Tax......22,00 EUR Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD KEYSI Advanced Aikido, Kisei Dojo DVD KFM. TRAPS & GRABS Ref. Ref. DVD/KEYSI4 DVD/KISEI2 Price Price Inc. Inc. Tax......20,00 Tax......22,00EUR EUR
Price Inc. Tax......22,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD KYUSHO BARAI Kyusho & GEDAN Tegumi in Wing BUNKAI Chun Ref. DVD/KFRISAN4 Siu Nim Tao Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR Ref. DVD/KYUSHO28 Price Inc. Tax......22,00 EUR
DVDKeysi KYUSHO JITSU NERVESTIMULADVD Risk Situations Fighting TION AFFECTING VOL.1 Technique Ref.DVD/KEYSI2 DVD/KFRISAN5 Ref. Price Inc.Tax......22,00 Tax......20,00EUR EUR Price Inc.
DVD JITSU NERVE Praying DVD KYUSHO Tong Long Pai. Southern STIMULATION AFFECTING VOL.2 Mantis Ref. Ref. DVD/KFRISAN6 DVD/SAPIR1 Price Price Inc. Inc. Tax......20,00 Tax......22,00EUR EUR
DVD KYUSHO & TENSHO KATA Creole Fencing CAT. : DVD Kyusho Jitsu Ref. DVD/ECRIOLLA1 Price Inc. Tax......22,00 EUR Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVDWing LINGTsun GARLat TZAI DO DVD SaoKUNE Advanced. Ref. DVD/LYN8 TAOWS Academy Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR Ref. DVD/TAOWS4
DVD MANO SYSTEM DVD KALI RMALARGA Systema SV Empty Hands & Ref. KnifeDVD/MALTE5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR Ref. DVD/SKOGOREV-11
DVD IONIAN FENCING, SCERMA JONICA Paul Vunak PFS Asymmetrical Ref. DVD/MALTE6 Violence Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR Ref. DVD/VUNAK1 Price Inc. Tax......22,00 EUR
DVDKyusho OKICHITAW INDIGENOUS DVD and Boxing Connection COMBAT ART Ref. DVD/KLINE3 OKICHITAWI Price Inc. Tax......22,00 EUR Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD DVD OKICHITAW Kyusho, FirstTOMAHAWK Encounter Ref. Ref. DVD/OKICHITAW2 DVD/KFRISAN1 Price Price Inc. Inc. Tax......20,00 Tax......22,00EUR EUR
Tai-ChiFU andQIQi-Gong DVD KUNG GONG. Forms VOL.1 Ref. DVD/QIGONGPC1 DVD/LYN7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 Tax......22,00 EUR EUR
DVD Long PaiGONG. Kung Fu DVDGham KUNG FU QI VOL.2 Ref.DVD/VDSPEK1 DVD/QIGONGPC2 Ref. PriceInc. Inc.Tax......22,00 Tax......20,00EUR EUR Price
DVD RUSSIAN Advanced SAMBO Aikido, Kisei Dojo DVD Ref. Ref. DVD/SAMBO2 DVD/KISEI2 Price Inc. Tax......22,00 EUR Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
Price Inc. Tax......22,00 EUR
Price Inc. Tax......22,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD JOOK SOUTHERN KyushoLUM & Tegumi in WingMANTIS Chun KUNG Siu NimFU Tao Ref. DVD/SAPIR2 DVD/KYUSHO28 Price Price Inc. Inc. Tax......20,00 Tax......22,00 EUR EUR
DVDKeysi HUNG GAR BAK HOK PAI. DVD Risk Situations Fighting THE CRANE Technique Ref.DVD/KEYSI2 DVD/SEWER6 Ref. Price Inc.Tax......22,00 Tax......20,00EUR EUR Price Inc.
DVD CHUN FUNDAMENTALS. DVD WING Tong Long Pai. Southern Praying TAOWS Mantis Ref. Ref. DVD/TAOWS5 DVD/SAPIR1 Price Price Inc. Inc. Tax......20,00 Tax......22,00EUR EUR
DVD SYSTEMA SV GUN DEFENSE VOL.1 Creole Fencing Ref. Ref. DVD/SKOGOREV28 DVD/ECRIOLLA1 Price Price Inc. Inc. Tax......20,00 Tax......22,00 EUR EUR
DVDWing SYSTEMA SVSao GUN DEFENSE DVD Tsun Lat Advanced. VOL.2 Academy TAOWS Ref.DVD/TAOWS4 DVD/SKOGOREV29 Ref. PriceInc. Inc.Tax......22,00 Tax......20,00EUR EUR Price
DVD SV SELF DEFENSE DVD SYSTEMA RMA Systema SV Empty Hands & WITH Knife EVERYDAY ITEMS Ref. Ref. DVD/SKOGOREV30 DVD/SKOGOREV-11 Price Price Inc. Inc. Tax......20,00 Tax......22,00EUR EUR
DVD VUNAK ENIGMA II. VOL.2 Paul Vunak PFS Asymmetrical CONTEMPORARY JKD Violence Ref. DVD/VUNAK8 DVD/VUNAK1 Price Price Inc. Inc. Tax......20,00 Tax......22,00 EUR EUR
DVDKyusho GRACIE DVD andJIU-JITSU Boxing Connection INTERMEDIATE Ref. DVD/KLINE3 Ref. Inc. DVD/VACIR7 Price Tax......22,00 EUR Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD VIETNAM. VIETNAMESE DVD VAT Kyusho, First Encounter WRESTLING Ref. DVD/KFRISAN1 Ref. PriceDVD/VIET9 Inc. Tax......22,00 EUR Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
and Qi-Gong Forms DVD ITai-Chi CAVALIERI D´ONORE E UMILTÀ Ref. DVD/VUOVOLO1 DVD/LYN7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 Tax......22,00 EUR EUR
DVD Gham Long Pai Kung Fu Ref. DVD/VDSPEK1 Price Inc. Tax......22,00 EUR
DVD Advanced Aikido, Kisei Dojo Ref. DVD/KISEI2 Price Inc. Tax......22,00 EUR
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DVD Kung Fu
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DVD Kung Fu
DVD Tong Long Pai. Southern Praying Mantis Ref. DVD/SAPIR1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Pachi Tang Lang Chuan Ref. DVD/PACH1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kung Fu Tang Lang Ref. DVD/TANG1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Sanda Ming Chuan Kung Fu Ref. DVD/SANDA Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tao Yin Internal Kung Fu Ref. DVD/YIN Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Shaolin Hung Gar Yap Moon Kuen Ref. DVD/SEWER1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tsui Pa Hsien Kung Fu Drunken Style Ref. DVD/BOR Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Hung Gar Kung Fu Zum Kap Kuen Form Ref. DVD/SEWER2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Hung Gar kung Fu Lau Gar Kuen Form Ref. DVD/SEWER3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Gham Long Pai Kung Fu Ref. DVD/VDSPEK1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Shaolin Hung Gar Gung Gee Fook Fu Doy Dar Ref. DVD/SEWER5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Weng Chun Kung Fu Vol2 Ref. DVD/WENG2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Kung Fu
DVD Combat Kung Fu Free Style Ref. DVD/CMBT Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kung Fu Chin Na Vol 2 Ref. DVD/PC3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kung Fu Chin Na Vol 1 Ref. DVD/PC2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kung Fu Masters Historical Series Taiwan 1964 Ref. DVD/BC18 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kung Fu Pa Kua Pa Men Chan Form Vol 1 Ref. DVD/PAMEN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kung Fu Pa Kua Pa Men Chan Form Vol 2 Ref. DVD/PAMEN2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kung Fu Pai Lum Tao Ref. DVD/PAI Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kung Fu Toa Forms & applications Vol 2 Ref. DVD/TOA2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kung Fu Mou Sii Lion's Dance Ref. DVD/MOU Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Ling Gar Kung Fu Gun Disarming Ref. DVD/LYN6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Ling Gar Kung Fu Dim Mak Ref. DVD/LYN3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Ling Gar Kung Fu Knife Defense Ref. DVD/LYN5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Kung Fu
DVD Ling Gar Kung Fu Self Defense Ref. DVD/LYN2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Weng Chun Kung Fu Ref. DVD/WENG Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Hung Gar Gung Gee Fook Fu Kuen Form Ref. DVD/SEWER4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kung Fu Toa Forms & applications Vol 1 Ref. DVD/TOA Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kung Fu Choy Li Fut Forms Ref. DVD/LIFUT1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Weng Chun Kung Fu Fa Kuen Ref. DVD/WENG3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Choy Li Fut Leopard & Tiger Form Ref. DVD/PR4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Hung Gar Kung Fu Gong Gee Fook Fu Kune Form Ref. DVD/HUNG1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Hung Gar Gong Gee Fook Fu Kune Form Vol 2 Ref. DVD/HUNG2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kung Fu Weapons Ref. DVD/KFW Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Ling Gar Kung Fu Chin Na Ref. DVD/LYN4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kung Fu Splashing Hands Ref. DVD/NEIL1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Kung Fu
DVD Hung Gar Kung Fu Ref. DVD/PA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kung Fu Pa Kua Ref. DVD/PC1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kung Fu Choy Li Fut Tiger & Dragon Forms Ref. DVD/PR2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Shaolin Xiao Hong Quan Form Tao Lu Ref. DVD/MIAOZHI1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD The 18 movements of Shaolin Kung Fu Ref. DVD/HONG Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Shaolin Kung Fu Boxing Ref. DVD/SHAOLIN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Shaolin Kung Fu Essential Ref. DVD/TOMBOLATO1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Shaolin Luohan Shi Ba Shou Form Taolu Ref. DVD/YANTI1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Shaolin Qin Na Ref. DVD/YANTI2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Shaolin Kung-Fu Shi De Yang Interview Ref. DVD/DEYANG Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Shaolin Secret Techniques Jin Gang Ba Shi Ref. DVD/TOMBOLATO2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Tai Chi
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DVD Tai Chi
DVD Tai Chi Yang Style Vol 3 Ref. DVD/FUSE3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tai Chi Chen Style Tui Shou Ref. DVD/YU3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tai-Chi and Qi-Gong Forms Ref. DVD/LYN7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tai Chi Chen Style Pao Chui Er Lu Form Ref. DVD/YU2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tai Chi Yang Style Vol 2 Ref. DVD/FUSE2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tai Chi Yang Style Vol 1 Ref. DVD/FUSE Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tai Chi Chen Xia Jia Pao Chuie Form Ref. DVD/CHEN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tai Chi Chen Style Ref. DVD/YU Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tai Chi Chuan for Seniors Ref. DVD/TAI4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tai Chi Yang Style Kung Chia Form & Applications Ref. DVD/TCC Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tai Chi Beijing Jen The Straight Sword Ref. DVD/TCE Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Ling Gar, Tai Chi & Qi Gong Ref. DVD/LYN Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Tai Chi
DVD Mongolian Tai Chi Chi Kung Ref. DVD/MONGO1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tai Chi Chuan Yang Style Ref. DVD/PR1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tai Chi Wind Chasing Fan Ref. DVD/PR3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tai Chi Yang Style & Chi Kung Vol 1 Ref. DVD/TAI1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tai Chi Yang Style & Chi Kung Vol 2 Ref. DVD/TAI2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tai Chi Che Sword Ref. DVD/TAI3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Shaolin Kung Fu
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Shaolin Kung Fu
DVD Shaolin Xiao Hong Quan Form Tao Lu Ref. DVD/MIAOZHI1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Shaolin Secret Techniques Jin Gang Ba Shi Ref. DVD/TOMBOLATO2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD The 18 movements of Shaolin Kung Fu Ref. DVD/HONG Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Shaolin Kung Fu Boxing Ref. DVD/SHAOLIN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Shaolin Kung Fu Essential Ref. DVD/TOMBOLATO1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Shaolin Luohan Shi Ba Shou Form Taolu Ref. DVD/YANTI1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Shaolin Qin Na Ref. DVD/YANTI2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Shaolin Kung-Fu Shi De Yang Interview Ref. DVD/DEYANG Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Wu Shu
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DVD Wu Shu
DVD Olympic Wu Shu Ref. DVD/WUSHU1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wu Shu San Jie Gun The 3 Section Staff Ref. DVD/FAN2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wu Shu Hou Kun The Monkey Staff Ref. DVD/FAN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Wing Chun
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DVD Wing Chun
DVD Wing Chun International WCI Ref. DVD/Cameron1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu Ref. DVD/IMWC1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho & Tegumi in Wing Chun Siu Nim Tao Ref. DVD/KYUSHO28 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wing Tsun Lat Sao Advanced. TAOWS Academy Ref. DVD/TAOWS4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho Jitsu in Forms Siu Nim Tao Ref. DVD/KYUSHO12 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Form Part 1 Ref. DVD/MUKRAN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Form Part 2 Ref. DVD/MUKRAN2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Form Part 3 Ref. DVD/MUKRAN3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Form Part 4 Ref. DVD/MUKRAN4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Form Basic Drills Ref. DVD/MUKRAN5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Form Advanced Drills Ref. DVD/MUKRAN6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wing Chun Kung Fu Siu Lim Tao Ref. DVD/RANDY1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Wing Chun
DVD Wing Chun Kung Fu Chum Kiu Ref. DVD/RANDY2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wing Chun Kung Fu Biu Jee Ref. DVD/RANDY3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wing Chun Kung Fu Concepts and priciples Ref. DVD/RANDY4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wing Chun Traditional vol 1 Ref. DVD/WCH1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wing Chun Traditional vol 2 Ref. DVD/WCH2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD WTU Chum Kiu Form & Applications Ref. DVD/WTU2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wing Tsun Universe. Siu Nim Tao Form & Applications Ref. DVD/WTU1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wing Tsun Self Defense Ref. DVD/WTINCE1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho Gock'Ng 'Sing Ref. DVD/KYUSHO14 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Chi Sao Wing Tsun TAOWS Academy Ref. DVD/TAOWS3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Weng Chun Kung Fu Ref. DVD/WENG Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Weng Chun Kung Fu Vol2 Ref. DVD/WENG2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Wing Chun
DVD Weng Chun Kung Fu Fa Kuen Ref. DVD/WENG3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Wing Tsun
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DVD Wing Tsun
DVD Wing Tsun Lat Sao Advanced. TAOWS Academy Ref. DVD/TAOWS4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD WTU Chum Kiu Form & Applications Ref. DVD/WTU2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wing Tsun Self Defense Ref. DVD/WTINCE1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wing Tsun Universe. Siu Nim Tao Form & Applications Ref. DVD/WTU1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wing Revolution Combat Fundamentals Ref. DVD/WR1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD WingTsun The Mith of the Wooden Dummy Ref. DVD/WTK Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wing Tsun Right or Wrong? Ref. DVD/LT Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wing Tsun Taows Academy Ref. DVD/TAOWS1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wing Tsun Advanced TAOWS Academy Ref. DVD/TAOWS2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Chi Sao Wing Tsun TAOWS Academy Ref. DVD/TAOWS3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wing Tsun Alliance and Escrima Ref. DVD/WTAL Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD WingTsun Combat Techniques Ref. DVD/WTS1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Wing Tsun
DVD WingTsun Wooden Dummy Street Aplications Ref. DVD/WTS10 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD WingTsun Re-Evolution Ref. DVD/WTS11 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD WT Re-Evolution 2 Ref. DVD/WTS12 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD WingTsun Combat Program Ref. DVD/WTS13 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD WingTsun Anti-grappling Ref. DVD/WTS2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD WingTsun Street Shock Vol 1 Ref. DVD/WTS3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD WingTsun Street Shock Vol 2 Ref. DVD/WTS4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD WingTsun Lat Sao Ref. DVD/WTS5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD WingTsun Chi Sao Vol1 Ref. DVD/WTS6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD WingTsun Chi Sao Vol2 Ref. DVD/WTS7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD WingTsun Advanced Combat Ref. DVD/WTS8 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD WingTsun AntiGrappling & Chi Gerk Ref. DVD/WTS9 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Wing Tsun
DVD Wing Chun International WCI Ref. DVD/Cameron1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Other Styles China
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DVD Other Styles China
DVD Tong Long Pai. Southern Praying Mantis Ref. DVD/SAPIR1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Bao-Din Shuai Chiao Ref. DVD/CHANG Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Bao-Din Shuai Chiao Advanced Program Ref. DVD/CHIAO3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Bao-Din Shuai Chiao Combat Ref. DVD/CHIAO2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Shuai Chiao Black Belt Program Ref. DVD/CHIAO1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Chinese Kempo Karate Ref. DVD/HAYEN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Fu Shih Kenpo Vol.2 Tiger Forms & Self Defense Ref. DVD/FUSHIH2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Sanda Ming Chuan Kung Fu Ref. DVD/SANDA Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Gham Long Pai Kung Fu Ref. DVD/VDSPEK1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Judo and Ju-Jitsu
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DVD Judo and Ju-Jitsu
DVD Unlimited Ju Jitsu Ref. DVD/LOU2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Ju-Jutsu Torite Ref. DVD/JTORITE Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Jukoshin Ryu Jiu Jitsu Ref. DVD/EDSAN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Jiu Jitsu Kyoo Soku Seishin Ryu Ref. DVD/NUNES Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Judo Atemi Ref. DVD/JUDOIT Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Power Jiu Jitsu Juko Ryu Jiu Jitsu Vol 2 Ref. DVD/JUKO2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kodokan Judo Mifune Ref. DVD/BC24 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kapap Israeli Jiu Jitsu & Martial Arts Ref. DVD/KAPAP9 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Mastering Judo Introduction Ref. DVD/JUDO1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Mastering Judo Te Waza Hand Techniques Ref. DVD/JUDO2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Mastering Judo Koshi Waza Hip Techniques Ref. DVD/JUDO3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Mastering Judo Ashi Waza Foot & Leg Techniques Ref. DVD/JUDO4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Judo and Ju-Jitsu
DVD Mastering Judo Sutemi Waza Sacrifice Techniques Ref. DVD/JUDO5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Mastering Judo Katami Waza Ground Work Ref. DVD/JUDO6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Mastering Judo Shime Waza Strangulation Techniques Ref. DVD/JUDO7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Mastering Judo Kensetsu Waza Joint Locking Ref. DVD/JUDO8 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Mastering Judo Ne Waza Clinic Ref. DVD/JUDO9 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Mastering Judo Master Okada Interview Ref. DVD/JUDO10 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Loubet Jiu-jitsu Ref. DVD/LOU1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Judo Classics Jigoro Kano Ref. DVD/BC16 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Budo Goshin Jutsu Ryu Ref. DVD/DAB5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Traditional Ju Jitsu Vol 4 Ground Combat Ref. DVD/DAB4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Jiu Jitsu Ryu SDA Vol 2 Ref. DVD/JJRYU2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Jiu Jitsu Ryu SDA Vol 1 Ref. DVD/JJRYU Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Judo and Ju-Jitsu
DVD Traditional Ju Jitsu Vol 3 Upright Techniques Ref. DVD/DAB3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Traditional Jujitsu Vol 1 Ref. DVD/JUJ Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Juko Ryu Jiu Jitsu Vol 1 Ref. DVD/JUKO Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kapap Israeli Jiu Jitsu Vol.2 Ref. DVD/KAPAP10 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Ju Jutsu Do Combat Ref. DVD/SAN3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Iaido
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DVD Iaido
DVD Toyama Ryu Iaido Ref. DVD/TOYAMA2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Toyama Ryu Batto Jutsu Ref. DVD/TOYAMA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Iaido Kihon Waza Ref. DVD/IAIDO7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Iaido Shinai Ref. DVD/IAIDO5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Advanced Iaido Mugen Kai System Ref. DVD/IAIDO4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Iaido Vol 3 Mugenkai Ref. DVD/IAIDO3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Iaido Vol 2 Sen No Sen, Go No Sen Ref. DVD/IAIDO2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Iaido Vol 1 Ref. DVD/IAIDO Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Yari and Shinai Ref. DVD/IAIDO6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tenshin-Ryu Hyoho Vol.1 Ref. DVD/TENSHIN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tenshin-Ryu Hyoho Vol.2 Ref. DVD/TENSHIN2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tenshin-Ryu Hyoho Vol.3 Ref. DVD/TENSHIN3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Karate
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DVD Karate
DVD Shoryn Ryu Karate Kyudokan Ref. DVD/SHORIN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Okinawa Bujutsu Motobu Udunti Ref. DVD/SU Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Okinawa KenpoOdo Ref. DVD/ODO1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Okinawa Shima-Ha Shorin-Ryu Karate Jutsu Ref. DVD/OSHIRO1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Mastering Karate Kumite Ref. DVD/KANA7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Goju Ryu Karate Vol 7 Interview Ref. DVD/CHINEN7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyokushinkai Karate Ref. DVD/KYOKU1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Karate Shito-Ryu Hayashi-Ha Kata & Bunkai Ref. DVD/SHITO3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Best Karate Kumite Ref. DVD/BIERMAN3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Sport Karate Kumite Ref. DVD/BENE1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Shotokan Karate International Ref. DVD/KANA Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Okinawa Goju Ryu Seibukai Karate Ref. DVD/NAKA Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Karate
DVD Goshin Jutsu Kata Ref. DVD/BIERMAN2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Shito Ryu Karate Pinan Kata and Bunkai Vol 2 Ref. DVD/SHITO2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Shito Ryu Karate Pinan Kata & Bunkai Vol 1 Ref. DVD/SHITO1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Goju Ryu Karate Yamashita Ref. DVD/YOSU Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Uechi Ryu Karate Ref. DVD/UECHI1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD To-De Karate The hand of the infinite Ref. DVD/TODE Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD TY-GA Karate Stretching & Kicking Ref. DVD/TYGA Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Goju Ryu Karate Vol 6 Self Defense Ref. DVD/CHINEN6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Goju Ryu Karate Vol 5 Kumite Ref. DVD/CHINEN5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Goju Ryu Karate Vol 4 Bunkai-2 Ref. DVD/CHINEN4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Goju Ryu Karate Vol 3 Bunkai-1 Ref. DVD/CHINEN3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Goju Ryu Karate Vol 2 The Meaning Ref. DVD/CHINEN2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Karate
DVD Goju Ryu Karate Vol 1 Kihon Waza Ref. DVD/CHINEN Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Mastering Karate Dan Kata Ref. DVD/KANA6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Mastering Karate Kyu Kata Ref. DVD/KANA5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Mastering Karate Kihon Ido Ref. DVD/KANA4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Mastering Karate Ashi Waza Ref. DVD/KANA3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Mastering Karate Te Waza Ref. DVD/KANA2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Karate-do Shotokan Kata & Bunkai Vol3 Ref. DVD/SHJ3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Karate-do Shotokan Kata & Bunkai Vol2 Ref. DVD/SHJ2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Shotokan Karate Kata Bunkai Vol1 Ref. DVD/SHJ1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Karate JKA Masters 70's Ref. DVD/BC6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Ishin Ryu Karate Ref. DVD/BC23 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Karate JKA Masters 50's Ref. DVD/BC14 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Karate
DVD Karate 1924 Kata & Vintage Footage Funakoshi Ref. DVD/BC13 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Okinawa Shorin-Ryu Karate Chibana Ref. DVD/BC20 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Goju Ryu Karate GYamaguchi Ref. DVD/BC9 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Karate JKA Masters 60's Ref. DVD/BC3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Karate-Do The early years Funakoshi Ref. DVD/BC1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyokushin Karate Mas Oyama Ref. DVD/BC5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Okinawa Isshin Ryu Karate Kata Ref. DVD/CAN2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Shotokan Karate Nakayama, the last interview Ref. DVD/NAKENT Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Uechi Ryu Karate K.Uechi Ref. DVD/BC21 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wado-Ryu Karate Ref. DVD/BC15 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD World Karate Championships 2004 Pack Ref. DVD/WKF2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Karate-do Shinshinkan Okinawa Kata Ref. DVD/CAN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Karate
DVD Karate Wado Ryu - I Dori, Tanto Dori, Shitei Kata Ref. DVD/WADO1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Classic Martial Arts Masters of Budo Japan & Okinawa Ref. DVD/BC8 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Meitoku Yagi Meibukan Goju Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.1 Ref. DVD/RS607 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
DVD Katsuya Miyahira Shidokan Shorin Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobud... Ref. DVD/RS608 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
DVD Shuguro Nakazato Shorin Kan Shorin Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kob... Ref. DVD/RS609 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
DVD Eiichi Miyazato Jundokan Goju Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobudo V... Ref. DVD/RS610 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
DVD Kanei Uechi Uechi Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.7 Ref. DVD/RS613 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
DVD Yoshimatsu Matsuda Shorin Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.12 Ref. DVD/RS618 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
DVD Masaji Taira Bunkai Master. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.16 Ref. DVD/RS622 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
DVD Hojo Undo Supplementary Training. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vo... Ref. DVD/RS625 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
DVD Yoshitsune Senega Uechi Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.20 Ref. DVD/RS626 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
DVD Jundokan Old School 1984. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.22 Ref. DVD/RS628 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
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DVD Aikido
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DVD Aikido
DVD Aikido Technique Yamada Ref. DVD/YAMA4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Advanced Aikido, Kisei Dojo Ref. DVD/KISEI2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Aikido Osaka Aikikai vol3 Keiko Ref. DVD/NOMURA3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Aikido Osaka Aikikai Vol 2 En-ten & Sabaki Ref. DVD/NOMURA2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Aikido Osaka Aikikai Vol 1 Ref. DVD/NOMURA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Aikido Tanto Dori Ref. DVD/FUR4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Dynamic Aikido Ref. DVD/AVK Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Aikido Kobayashi Ryu Ref. DVD/SAVE Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Aikido Tenshin Dojo Vol 1 Ref. DVD/MIYA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Aikido Combat Vol1 Ref. DVD/LONG6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Very Strong Aikido Kobayashi Ryu Ref. DVD/JACEK Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tomiki Aikido Ref. DVD/TOMI1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Aikido
DVD Shinno Aikido Aikido & Bokken Ref. DVD/SHINNO Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Aikido Kisei Dojo Basic, intermediate & advanced Ref. DVD/KISEI Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Aikido Evolution Ref. DVD/LONG5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Advanced Aikido Longueira Ryu Ref. DVD/LONG4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Aikido Defense Longueira Ryu Ref. DVD/LONG3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Old & Rare Aikido Ref. DVD/LONG2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Aikido Longueira Ryu Ref. DVD/LONG Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Aikido Furuya VOL3 Ref. DVD/FUR3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Aikido Furuya VOL2 Ref. DVD/FUR2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Aikido Furuya VOL1 Ref. DVD/FUR1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Aikido Moriteru Ueshiba Interview & Seminar Ref. DVD/DOSHU Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Aikido Yamada Seminar Barcelona Ref. DVD/YAMA2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Aikido
DVD Aikido Yamada Seminar Peru Ref. DVD/YAMA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Aikido Kisshomaru Ueshiba Interview & Technique Ref. DVD/KISHO Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Aikido Classics MUeshiba Ref. DVD/BC2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Takemusu Aikido Empty hands Ref. DVD/BC11 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Takemusu Aikido Jo Technique Ref. DVD/BC10 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Takemusu Aikido Bokken Ref. DVD/BC7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Aikido 100% Uchi Kaiten Ref. DVD/AKIS5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kobudo & Aikido Bo-Jutsu Ref. DVD/AKIS6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Basic Bokken Aikido Ref. DVD/AKIS10 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Aikido 100% Kokkyu Nage Ref. DVD/AKIS1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Police Aikido Ref. DVD/AKIS2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Aikido Kumi-Tachi Ref. DVD/AKIS3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Aikido
DVD Classic Martial Arts Masters of Budo Japan & Okinawa Ref. DVD/BC8 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Aikido Ni-To Ichi Ref. DVD/AKIS8 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Kobudo
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Kobudo
DVD Okinawa Shorin Ryu Karate-do Ref. DVD/KOBU2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Okinawa Kobudo Shorin Ryu Karate-do Ref. DVD/KOBU1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kobudo Kata Ref. DVD/BIERMAN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Naginata & Kumidashi Kihon Ref. DVD/NAGI1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kobudo Akamine Ref. DVD/BC19 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Traditional Okinawa Kobudo Ref. DVD/BC17 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Bo Jitsu Okinawa Ref. DVD/BC22 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Webbs Kobudo Ref. DVD/JUKO3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Classic Martial Arts Masters of Budo Japan & Okinawa Ref. DVD/BC8 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Meitoku Yagi Meibukan Goju Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.1 Ref. DVD/RS607 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
DVD Katsuya Miyahira Shidokan Shorin Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobud... Ref. DVD/RS608 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
DVD Shuguro Nakazato Shorin Kan Shorin Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kob... Ref. DVD/RS609 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Kobudo
DVD Eiichi Miyazato Jundokan Goju Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobudo V... Ref. DVD/RS610 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
DVD Kanei Uechi Uechi Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.7 Ref. DVD/RS613 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
DVD Yoshimatsu Matsuda Shorin Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.12 Ref. DVD/RS618 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
DVD Masaji Taira Bunkai Master. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.16 Ref. DVD/RS622 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
DVD Hojo Undo Supplementary Training. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vo... Ref. DVD/RS625 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
DVD Yoshitsune Senega Uechi Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.20 Ref. DVD/RS626 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
DVD Jundokan Old School 1984. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.22 Ref. DVD/RS628 Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR
DVD Okinawa Bujutsu Motobu Udunti Ref. DVD/SU Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Ninjutsu
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Ninjutsu
DVD Bujinkan Budo Tai Jitsu Ref. DVD/FLE1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Japan Ninjutsu Shinobiken Ref. DVD/JH5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Bujinkan Dojo Taijitsu Taikai Vol 1 Ref. DVD/HATSU1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Bujinkan Dojo Taijitsu Taikai Vol 2 Ref. DVD/HATSU2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Iga Ryu Ninjutsu Empty Hands Techniques Ref. DVD/JH4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Koga Ryu Ninjutsu Weapons Ref. DVD/JH3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Koga Ryu Ninjutsu Empty Hands Ref. DVD/JH2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Other Styles Japan
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Other Styles Japan
DVD Toyama Ryu Batto Jutsu Ref. DVD/TOYAMA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Ju-Jutsu Torite Ref. DVD/JTORITE Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tenshin-Ryu Hyoho Vol.3 Ref. DVD/TENSHIN3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tenshin-Ryu Hyoho Vol.1 Ref. DVD/TENSHIN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tenshin-Ryu Hyoho Vol.2 Ref. DVD/TENSHIN2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Advanced Kendo Ref. DVD/KENDO2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Yoseikan Budo complete course Ref. DVD/HIRO3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Aiki Yoseikan Budo Ref. DVD/HIRO2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Yoseikan Budo Ref. DVD/HIRO Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Bugei Kusari-Jutsu Ref. DVD/EBUGEI1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Fuji Ryu Tai Jutsu Ref. DVD/TAIJ Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Bugei Koppo-Jutsu Ref. DVD/EBUGEI5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Other Styles Japan
DVD Bugei Shuriken-Jutsu Ref. DVD/EBUGEI4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Bugei Aiki Jujutsu Vol2 Ref. DVD/EBUGEI6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kendo Ref. DVD/KENDO Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyudo Kyu-Jitsu Ref. DVD/KYUDO1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Yari and Shinai Ref. DVD/IAIDO6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Nihon Taijitsu Vol 1 Defense against Front Grabs Ref. DVD/NT1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Nihon Taijitsu Vol 2 Defense against Front Attacks Ref. DVD/NT2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Yawara Jitsu Ref. DVD/YAW Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Yawara Kubotan Ref. DVD/YAW2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kempo Jutsu Ref. DVD/KIMO Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Shugendo Ref. DVD/SASHU Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Bugei Aiki-Jujutsu Ref. DVD/EBUGEI2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Other Styles Japan
DVD Bugei Ogawa Ryu Ref. DVD/BUGEI1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Classic Martial Arts Masters of Budo Japan & Okinawa Ref. DVD/BC8 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Jo Jutsu Ref. DVD/JO Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Genbukan Ninpo Bugei Ref. DVD/VERME1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Naginata & Kumidashi Kihon Ref. DVD/NAGI1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kubotan Ref. DVD/KUBOT1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Jukoshin Ryu Jiu Jitsu Ref. DVD/EDSAN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Kyusho Jitsu
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Kyusho Jitsu
DVD Kyusho Vitality. 5 Pressure Points for Self Defense and He... Ref. DVD/KLINE4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho & Tegumi in Wing Chun Siu Nim Tao Ref. DVD/KYUSHO28 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho & Pencak Silat Ref. DVD/KFRISAN3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho and Boxing Connection Ref. DVD/KLINE3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho 2, Close Encounter Ref. DVD/KFRISAN2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho Tactical Control Program Module 1 Ref. DVD/KYUSHO22 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho Pyramid Vol.2 Ref. DVD/KLINE2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho Pyramid Vol.1 Ref. DVD/KLINE1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho Sanchin Kata Vol.2 Ref. DVD/KYUSHO26 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho, First Encounter Ref. DVD/KFRISAN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho Handicap Ref. DVD/KYUSHO27 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho and Kali. Empty Hands Vol.2 Ref. DVD/KYUSHO25 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Kyusho Jitsu
DVD Kyusho and Kali. Empty Hands Vol.1 Ref. DVD/KYUSHO24 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho Sanchin Kata Vol.1 Ref. DVD/KYUSHO23 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho Self Protection for Women Ref. DVD/KYUSHO21 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho First Aide Ref. DVD/KYUSHO19 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho Jitsu in Forms Siu Nim Tao Ref. DVD/KYUSHO12 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho Gock'Ng 'Sing Ref. DVD/KYUSHO14 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho Jitsu Seizing Ref. DVD/KYUSHO18 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho The 6 Ji Hands Ref. DVD/KYUSHO17 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho Compressions Ref. DVD/KYUSHO16 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho Jitsu Kyusho Top 10 Points Ref. DVD/KYUSHO15 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho Jitsu Tuite Joint Locking Ref. DVD/KYUSHO8 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho Jitsu The Iron Shirt Ref. DVD/KYUSHO13 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Kyusho Jitsu
DVD Kyusho Jitsu Takedowns & Controls Ref. DVD/KYUSHO6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho Jitsu Points on the Legs Ref. DVD/KYUSHO5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho Jitsu Points on the Head Ref. DVD/KYUSHO3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho Jitsu Points on the Body Ref. DVD/KYUSHO4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho Jitsu Points on the Arms Ref. DVD/KYUSHO2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho Jitsu Points for Sex Enhancement Ref. DVD/KYUSHO10 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho Jitsu KO Energetic Transfer Ref. DVD/KYUSHO11 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho Jitsu Vol 1 Ref. DVD/KYUSHO Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho Jitsu Grappling Methods Ref. DVD/KYUSHO7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho Jitsu Knife Attacks Ref. DVD/KYUSHO9 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho in Taekwon Do Ref. DVD/KYUSHO20 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Capoeira
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Capoeira
DVD Capoeira Brasil Ref. DVD/CAP4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Capoeira Banzo de Senzala Ref. DVD/CAP3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Capoeira Gerais Ref. DVD/CAP2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Capoeira Ref. DVD/CAP1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD BJJ Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD BJJ Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
DVD Gracie Jiu Jitsu Fundamentals Ref. DVD/VACIR6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kapap Israeli Jiu Jitsu Vol.2 Ref. DVD/KAPAP10 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Ultimate Competition Techniques 1 Ref. DVD/FABRI1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kapap Israeli Jiu Jitsu & Martial Arts Ref. DVD/KAPAP9 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Advanced Grappling Vol.1 Ref. DVD/TBELTRAN-1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Advanced Grappling Vol.2 Ref. DVD/TBELTRAN-2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD The Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Bible Vol 2 Ref. DVD/MANSUR6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Poker Of Aces Ref. DVD/GSBJJ1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Vacirca Jiu Jitsu Self Defense Ref. DVD/VACIR5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Advanced Techniques Vol 2 Submissions Ref. DVD/REGO5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Gracie Jiu Jitsu Submissions, escapes and Self Defense Ref. DVD/GRACIE2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD BJJ Kioto Jiu-Jitsu Self Defense Vol 2 Ref. DVD/MANSUR5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD BJJ Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
DVD BJJ Kioto Jiu-Jitsu Self Defense Vol 1 Ref. DVD/MANSUR4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD BJJ Kioto Jiu Jitsu Defenses against submissions Ref. DVD/MANSUR3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD BJJ Kioto Jiu Jitsu Submissions Ref. DVD/MANSUR2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD BJJ Brasilian Jiu Jitsu Kioto System Ref. DVD/MANSUR Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Brazilian Jiu Jitsu White to Blue Belt Program Ref. DVD/VACIR4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Conditioning Ref. DVD/VACIR3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Vol 2 Blue Belt Program Ref. DVD/VACIR2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Vol 1 Ref. DVD/VACIR1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Gracie Jiu Jitsu Throws & Selfdefense Ref. DVD/GRACIE1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Advanced Techniques Vol 1 Ref. DVD/REGO4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Brazilian Jiu Jitsu The Guard position Ref. DVD/REGO3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Cross & Side Mount Ref. DVD/REGO2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD BJJ Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
DVD Brazilian Jiu Jitsu The Mount position Ref. DVD/REGO1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belt Grand Prix Ref. DVD/BRA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Staff and Cane
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Staff and Cane
DVD La Canne de Combat Combat Cane Ref. DVD/CANNE1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Cane & Staff Defense Ref. DVD/LEVI6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tolete Canario Traditional & Police Weapon Ref. DVD/TOLE1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD O Jogo Do Pau The Portuguese Staff Ref. DVD/NUNO1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Palo Canario Canarian Stick Ref. DVD/ACOSTA Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Garrote Canario Canarian Staff Ref. DVD/GARRO Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Viet Vo Dao Long staff Vol 2. Quyen Tu Tuong Con Phap Form... Ref. DVD/VIET8 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Viet Vo Dao Con Phap. Long staff Vol.1 Ref. DVD/VIET7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD American Cane System Ref. DVD/CANE Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Jo Jutsu Ref. DVD/JO Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Latosa Escrima Hand Sticks Ref. DVD/LAT4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Kali Arnis Eskrima
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Kali Arnis Eskrima
DVD Latosa Escrima Hand Sticks Ref. DVD/LAT4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kali Ilustrisimo Laban Laro Drills Ref. DVD/FLORES3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho and Kali. Empty Hands Vol.2 Ref. DVD/KYUSHO25 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho and Kali. Empty Hands Vol.1 Ref. DVD/KYUSHO24 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Latosa Escrima Edge Weapons Training Ref. DVD/LAT3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Lameco Eskrima Single Sword Ref. DVD/FLORES2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Lameco Eskrima Backyard Sulite Original Group Ref. DVD/FLORES1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Lameco Eskrima Doble Baston Ref. DVD/GOULD6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Doce Pares Eskrima Ref. DVD/STROEV1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Dog Brothers Kali & Krabi Krabong Ref. DVD/DOG2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Warriors Eskrima Ref. DVD/GURO Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Lameco Eskrima Essential Knife Vol4 Pakawalan Ref. DVD/GOULD5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Kali Arnis Eskrima
DVD Lameco Eskrima Solo-Baston Single Stick Ref. DVD/GOULD4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Lameco Eskrima Essential Knife 3 Ref. DVD/GOULD3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Lameco Eskrima Essential Knife 2 Ref. DVD/GOULD2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Lameco Eskrima Essential Knife 1 Ref. DVD/GOULD1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Filipino Martial Arts Inosanto System Ref. DVD/ALM4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Arnis Tapado Single Stick Ref. DVD/ARN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Arnis Tapado Double Stick Ref. DVD/ARN2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Dog Brothers Power Development Ref. DVD/DOG3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD The Dog Brother's Way Ref. DVD/DOG1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Arnis Koredas Obra Mano Ref. DVD/OLIV1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Latosa Escrima Vol 1 Ref. DVD/LAT1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Latosa Escrima Vol 2 Ref. DVD/LAT2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Kali Arnis Eskrima
DVD Filipino Kali Eskrima Ref. DVD/SILAT2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kalavera Eskrima - Largo Mano Ref. DVD/BRU1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Filipino Olisi Balaraw Sword & Dagger Ref. DVD/SILAT4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Creole Fencing Ref. DVD/ECRIOLLA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kali, Arnis, Eskrima Ref. DVD/MALTE1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Nunchaku
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Nunchaku
DVD Nunchaku Advanced Method Ref. DVD/TMNUN2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Nunchaku The Method from 0 to 100% Ref. DVD/TMNUN Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Artistic & Combat Nunchaku Ref. DVD/SCHM Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Nunchaku Ref. DVD/RGNUN Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Combat Nunchaku Ref. DVD/GLNUN Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Other Weapons
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Other Weapons
DVD Lameco Eskrima Single Sword Ref. DVD/FLORES2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Verdadera Destreza Española, Spanish Fencing Ref. DVD/DESTREZA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Toyama Ryu Batto Jutsu Ref. DVD/TOYAMA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Nova Scrimia Vol 1 Ref. DVD/NOVA Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Creole Fencing Ref. DVD/ECRIOLLA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Yari and Shinai Ref. DVD/IAIDO6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Toyama Ryu Iaido Ref. DVD/TOYAMA2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kali Ilustrisimo Laban Laro Drills Ref. DVD/FLORES3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Hwa Rang Do Gumtoogi Sword Fighting Ref. DVD/HWA3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Filipino Olisi Balaraw Sword & Dagger Ref. DVD/SILAT4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kerambit Ref. DVD/KERAM1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kapap Shooting Firearms Ref. DVD/KAPAP7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Other Weapons
DVD Bugei Shuriken-Jutsu Ref. DVD/EBUGEI4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyudo Kyu-Jitsu Ref. DVD/KYUDO1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD American Cane System Ref. DVD/CANE Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Jo Jutsu Ref. DVD/JO Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Extreme Katana Ref. DVD/KATA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Police Kobudo Ref. DVD/MONTES2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Novascrimia Bastone The Cane Ref. DVD/NOVA2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Nova Scrimia The Sword Ref. DVD/NOVA3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tai Chi Che Sword Ref. DVD/TAI3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Naginata & Kumidashi Kihon Ref. DVD/NAGI1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kubotan Ref. DVD/KUBOT1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kendo Ref. DVD/KENDO Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Other Weapons
DVD Advanced Kendo Ref. DVD/KENDO2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Hwa Rang Do Hoshinsul Vol.1 Joint Manipulation Ref. DVD/HWA4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Hwa Rang Do Hoshinsul Vol.2 Joint Manipulation Ref. DVD/HWA5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Hwa Rang Do Hoshinsul Vol.3 Joint Manipulation Ref. DVD/HWA6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Latosa Escrima Hand Sticks Ref. DVD/LAT4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tenshin-Ryu Hyoho Vol.1 Ref. DVD/TENSHIN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tenshin-Ryu Hyoho Vol.2 Ref. DVD/TENSHIN2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tenshin-Ryu Hyoho Vol.3 Ref. DVD/TENSHIN3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD DSDWS Dulas Self Defense Whistle Stick Ref. DVD/DULAS1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Pro, Military, Police
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Pro, Military, Police
DVD Paul Vunak PFS Asymmetrical Violence Ref. DVD/VUNAK1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD SOG Real Close Combat Vol-7 Ref. DVD/SOG7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Keysi Risk Situations Fighting Technique Ref. DVD/KEYSI2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Russian Martial Art Systema SV Training Program Vol2 Ref. DVD/SKOGOREV-2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD DSDWS Dulas Self Defense Whistle Stick Ref. DVD/DULAS1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Keysi Original Ref. DVD/KEYSI1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Krav Maga Israeli Survival System. Hand to Hand Combat Ref. DVD/KMISS1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Self Pro Krav Evolution Ref. DVD/LEVI8 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Russian Martial Art Systema SV Training Program Vol1 Ref. DVD/SKOGOREV-1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD SOG Close Combat Vol 1 Ref. DVD/SOG Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD SOG Close-Combat DAS Techniques Ref. DVD/SOG2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Military SOG for civilians Ref. DVD/SOG3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Pro, Military, Police
DVD SOG Extreme Close-Combat Ref. DVD/SOG4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD SOG How to be your own Bodyguard Ref. DVD/SOG5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD SOG Close Combat Vol 6 Ref. DVD/SOG6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Bodyguard Dynamic Training Ref. DVD/BODY1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Police Grappling Ref. DVD/PGRAP1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Russian Systema, Disarm techniques Ref. DVD/SYSTEMA2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Bodyguard The Canadian Way Double Impact Protection Ref. DVD/DIP1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Canadian Bodyguard Defensive Tactics Ref. DVD/BODY2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Operational Tonfa Ref. DVD/LEVI7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Police Self Defense Ref. DVD/DPOL1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kokkar Handgun Defensive Tactics Ref. DVD/OMAR5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Europol Intervention Techniques Ref. DVD/CARTER3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Pro, Military, Police
DVD Metric Leg Strikes & Blocks System Ref. DVD/SARG11 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Reality Based Conflict Exercises Ref. DVD/SARG12 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Police Jukaikido Ref. DVD/SAN2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Metric Arm Strikes & Blocks System Ref. DVD/SARG10 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Advanced Police Jukaikido Ref. DVD/SAN4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Systema, Fighting Basics Ref. DVD/SYSWEITZEL1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kaisendo Police Control Ref. DVD/KAISEN2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Police Kaisendo Dim Mak Pressure Points Ref. DVD/KAISEN3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Police Tonfa Ref. DVD/TON1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Reality Based Multiple Attackers Ref. DVD/SARG14 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Reality Based Protecting the Others Ref. DVD/SARG15 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Self Pro Krav Knife Defense Ref. DVD/LEVI5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Pro, Military, Police
DVD Operational Locks Self Defense Pro Ref. DVD/LEVI4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD ROS Real Operational System Ref. DVD/LEVI3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Self Pro Krav Ref. DVD/LEVI2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Police Weapons Ref. DVD/LEVI Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Professional Self Defense Ref. DVD/DEL1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Advanced Professional Tonfa Ref. DVD/DEL2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Hidden Weapons Professional Self defense Ref. DVD/DEL3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Reality Based Ground attacks Ref. DVD/SARG16 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD SWAT International Weapon Retention Ref. DVD/DAVID1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Police Kaisendo Handcuff Defense Ref. DVD/KAISEN4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kokkar Anti-Terrorism Advanced Tactics Ref. DVD/OMAR4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kokkar Kenpo Ref. DVD/OMAR1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Pro, Military, Police
DVD kokkar Special Combat Black Cobra II Vol 2 Ref. DVD/OMAR3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kokkar Especial Combat Black Cobra II Vol 1 Ref. DVD/OMAR2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Reality Based Self Defense Ref. DVD/SARG4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Reality Based Police & Security Arrest & Control Ref. DVD/SARG5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Reality Based Defensive Tactics Ref. DVD/SARG6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Reality Based Training with Air Guns Ref. DVD/SARG7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Reality Based Knife Attacks from around the World Ref. DVD/SARG9 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Reality Based American Baton Police Tactics Ref. DVD/SARG8 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Reality Based Police Ground Tactics Ref. DVD/SARG3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Reality Based Police & Military Knife Offense Ref. DVD/SARG2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Reality Based Police & Military Knife Defense Ref. DVD/SARG1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Commando Combat Knife Assault Ref. DVD/JH1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Pro, Military, Police
DVD Scuba Fighting Ref. DVD/CARTER2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Combat Knife Commando Ref. DVD/AKIS9 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Professional Bodyguard Ref. DVD/AKIS4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Police Commando Ref. DVD/AKIS7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Police Telescopic Baton Ref. DVD/TELE1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Professional Tonfa Ref. DVD/TONFA2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Krav Maga Israeli Survival System. Disarming Techniques Ref. DVD/KMISS2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Enigma 2 Vol.1 Paul Vunak Contemporary JKD Ref. DVD/VUNAK7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD KMRED VOL.4. R.E.D. Training Ref. DVD/KMRED4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Krav Maga
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Krav Maga
DVD KMRED VOL.4. R.E.D. Training Ref. DVD/KMRED4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kapap Israeli Jiu Jitsu Vol.2 Ref. DVD/KAPAP10 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Krav Maga I.M.A.D.S. Ref. DVD/KDENIS1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Krav Maga RED Vol.3. Knife Defense Ref. DVD/KMRED3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kapap Israeli Jiu Jitsu & Martial Arts Ref. DVD/KAPAP9 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Best of Commando Krav Maga Ref. DVD/AIZIK5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Protect Krav Maga Ref. DVD/GIL1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Krav Maga Vicious attacks Ref. DVD/IDS6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kapap Lotar Krav Maga Gun Disarming Keys Ref. DVD/KAPAP4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Krav Maga RED Vol.2. Concept & Pedagogy Ref. DVD/KMRED2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Krav Maga Kobi Lichtenstein Ref. DVD/KOBI1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Commando Krav Maga Urban Survival Ref. DVD/AIZIK4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Krav Maga
DVD Original Krav Maga Blue Belt program Vol3 Ref. DVD/YARON4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Krav Maga Israeli Survival System. Hand to Hand Combat Ref. DVD/KMISS1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Krav Maga Israeli Survival System. Disarming Techniques Ref. DVD/KMISS2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Self Pro Krav Evolution Ref. DVD/LEVI8 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Krav Maga RED Research, Evolution, Development Ref. DVD/KMRED1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Original Krav Maga Blue Belt program Vol4 Ref. DVD/YARON5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Authentic Krav Maga Ref. DVD/IDS5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kapap Shooting Firearms Ref. DVD/KAPAP7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD IDS Krav Maga Airplane Security Ref. DVD/IDS4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Combat Survival Krav Maga Ref. DVD/AIZIK Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Commando Krav Maga Street Survival Ref. DVD/AIZIK2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Commando Krav Maga Knife Attacks Ref. DVD/AIZIK3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Krav Maga
DVD IDS Krav Maga Ref. DVD/IDS1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD IDS Krav Maga The Will to Survive Ref. DVD/IDS2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Krav Maga for Security Professionals Ref. DVD/IDS3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kapap Empty Hands Self Defense Ref. DVD/KAPAP8 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kapap Lotar Krav Maga Panim el Panim Ref. DVD/KAPAP3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kapap Lotar Krav Maga Gun Disarming Ref. DVD/KAPAP2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kapap Lotar Krav Maga Ref. DVD/KAPAP Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Original Krav Maga Bukan School Ref. DVD/YARON1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Original Krav Maga Blue Belt program Vol2 Ref. DVD/YARON3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Original Krav Maga Blue Belt program Vol1 Ref. DVD/YARON2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Self Pro Krav Ref. DVD/LEVI2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Self Pro Krav Knife Defense Ref. DVD/LEVI5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Krav Maga
DVD Kapap Lotar Krav Maga The Kapap Academy Experience Ref. DVD/KAPAP5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kapap MMA Ref. DVD/KAPAP6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kapap Combatives Muay Thai Self Defense Ref. DVD/MUAYKAP Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Systema
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Systema
DVD RMA Systema SV Empty Hands & Knife Ref. DVD/SKOGOREV-11 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Russian Martial Art Systema SV Training Program Vol1 Ref. DVD/SKOGOREV-1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Russian Martial Art Systema SV Training Program Vol2 Ref. DVD/SKOGOREV-2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Systema, Fighting Basics Ref. DVD/SYSWEITZEL1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Russian Martial Arts Systema Ref. DVD/SYSTEMA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Russian Systema Ref. DVD/KADI1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Russian Systema, Disarm techniques Ref. DVD/SYSTEMA2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Knife Fighting
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Knife Fighting
DVD Lameco Eskrima Essential Knife Vol4 Pakawalan Ref. DVD/GOULD5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Knife Tactical Response CSSD Ref. DVD/FRANK1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Novascrimia Defense against Knife Ref. DVD/NOVA4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Close Quarter Combat Knife & Counter Combatives Ref. DVD/HOCH1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Lameco Eskrima Essential Knife 3 Ref. DVD/GOULD3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Lameco Eskrima Essential Knife 2 Ref. DVD/GOULD2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Lameco Eskrima Essential Knife 1 Ref. DVD/GOULD1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Ultimate Knife Training Ref. DVD/SARG13 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Knife Survival Evolution Fighting Systems Ref. DVD/EFS Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Seal Program Knife Combat Ref. DVD/FAR2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD JKD Knife Fighting Survival Ref. DVD/SALVA2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Women´s Self Defense
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Women´s Self Defense
DVD Kyusho Self Protection for Women Ref. DVD/KYUSHO21 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kids Self Defense: Dealing with strangers Ref. DVD/TRUST1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Women's Self Defense Ref. DVD/CYNTHI2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Female Self Defense Kenpo Ref. DVD/DPF Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Other Self Defense Styles
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Other Self Defense Styles
DVD Keysi Risk Situations Fighting Technique Ref. DVD/KEYSI2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD SOG Real Close Combat Vol-7 Ref. DVD/SOG7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Paul Vunak PFS Asymmetrical Violence Ref. DVD/VUNAK1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Keysi Original Ref. DVD/KEYSI1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD SDS Concept Ref. DVD/SDS1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Russian Martial Art Systema SV Training Program Vol2 Ref. DVD/SKOGOREV-2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD KMRED VOL.4. R.E.D. Training Ref. DVD/KMRED4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Krav Maga RED Vol.3. Knife Defense Ref. DVD/KMRED3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kids Self Defense: Dealing with strangers Ref. DVD/TRUST1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Russian Martial Art Systema SV Training Program Vol1 Ref. DVD/SKOGOREV-1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Russian Martial Arts Systema Ref. DVD/SYSTEMA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Russian Systema, Disarm techniques Ref. DVD/SYSTEMA2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Other Self Defense Styles
DVD SOG Close Combat Vol 6 Ref. DVD/SOG6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD SOG How to be your own Bodyguard Ref. DVD/SOG5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Close Quarter Combat Pistol Disarming Ref. DVD/HOCH2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Self Defense with everyday objects Ref. DVD/MONTES3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kaisendo Self Defense Ref. DVD/KAISEN5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Jukoshin Ryu Jiu Jitsu Ref. DVD/EDSAN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Self Defense 5 Experts x 5 Street Attacks Ref. DVD/DP1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Verbal Self Defense Ref. DVD/VERBAL1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD SOG Extreme Close-Combat Ref. DVD/SOG4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Military SOG for civilians Ref. DVD/SOG3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD SOG Close-Combat DAS Techniques Ref. DVD/SOG2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD SOG Close Combat Vol 1 Ref. DVD/SOG Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Other Self Defense Styles
DVD Russian Systema Ref. DVD/KADI1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Realistic Self Defense Vol 2 One step ahead Ref. DVD/PAYNE2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Realistic Self Defense Vol 1 Ref. DVD/PAYNE Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD The Street Fighters Toolbox Vol 1 Ref. DVD/HUBAR Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kasen Ryu - Operative SelfDefense vol 2 Ref. DVD/KANSEN2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Progressive Street Fighting Ref. DVD/PSF1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kansen Ryu Self Defense Ref. DVD/KANSEN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Close Combat Vol 2 Ref. DVD/MALTE4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Close Combat Vol 1 Ref. DVD/MALTE2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Elite Combat Program Hand to Hand Combat Ref. DVD/ECPO1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Jukaikido Ref. DVD/SAN Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Airplane Security Ref. DVD/AKIS11 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Other Self Defense Styles
DVD Kaisen Do Ref. DVD/KAISEN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD DSDWS Dulas Self Defense Whistle Stick Ref. DVD/DULAS1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Enigma 2 Vol.1 Paul Vunak Contemporary JKD Ref. DVD/VUNAK7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Jeet Kune Do
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Jeet Kune Do
DVD JKD Elements of Attack Ref. DVD/JKDTIM4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Jeet Kune Do Sparring Ref. DVD/JKDTIM3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Jeet Kune Do Self Defense Ref. DVD/DELJKD2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Bruce Lee in Memoriam Documentary Ref. DVD/BL Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Bruce Lee The Man & his Legacy Documentary Ref. DVD/TV2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Jeet Kune Do Unlimited Ground Fighting Ref. DVD/BURTON2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do Vol 2 Ref. DVD/JKDTIM2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do Vol 1 Ref. DVD/JKDTIM Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Jeet Kune Do Unlimited Ref. DVD/BURTON Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Jun Fan Gung Fu Ref. DVD/DELJKD1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD JKD Streetfighting Ref. DVD/ALM5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wooden Dummy Jeet Kune Do Sets Ref. DVD/ALM3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Jeet Kune Do
DVD Wooden Dummy JKD Jun Fan Sets Ref. DVD/ALM2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Jeet Kune Do Trapping to Grappling Ref. DVD/ALM1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD JKD Street Trapping Ref. DVD/SALVA7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Explosive Dumog Filipino Grappling Ref. DVD/SALVA6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD JKD Street Defense Tactics Ref. DVD/SALVA5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Filipino Kino Mutai PFS Ref. DVD/SALVA4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD JKD Profesional Fighting System Ref. DVD/SALVA3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD JKD Knife Fighting Survival Ref. DVD/SALVA2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD JKD Street Safe Ref. DVD/SALVA Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD JKD Seal Program Hand to Hand combat Ref. DVD/FAR1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Enigma 2 Vol.1 Paul Vunak Contemporary JKD Ref. DVD/VUNAK7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Paul Vunak PFS Asymmetrical Violence Ref. DVD/VUNAK1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Kenpo
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Kenpo
DVD Kenpo, My Favorite Techniques Ref. DVD/LARRY4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Free Style Kenpo Ref. DVD/LARRY3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Extreme Kenpo Ref. DVD/LARRY2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kenpo Ed Parker's System Ref. DVD/LARRY Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Fu Shih Kenpo Vol.2 Tiger Forms & Self Defense Ref. DVD/FUSHIH2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kenpo Golden Rules Ref. DVD/PLANAS3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Ed Parker's Kenpo Rules and Principles Ref. DVD/PLANAS2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Ed Parker's Kenpo Planas Lineage Ref. DVD/PLANAS1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Ed Parker's Kenpo Trejo Lineage Ref. DVD/TREJO1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Blended Kenpo Ref. DVD/KOVAR1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kosho Ryu Kempo Ref. DVD/KOSHO1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Fu Shih Kenpo Ref. DVD/FUSHIH1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Kenpo
DVD Kara-Ho Kempo Karate Ref. DVD/KARA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kenpo Knife Defense Ref. DVD/NEGRE2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Ed Parker's Kenpo IKKA Ref. DVD/PARKER1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD American Kenpo Karate Ref. DVD/NEGRE Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wolf Extreme Defense Ref. DVD/WOLF1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD American Kenpo Karate Police Instruction Ref. DVD/KENPOL Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Kajukenbo
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DVD Kajukenbo
DVD Kajukenbo Emperado Ref. DVD/KAJ4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kajukenbo Essential Ref. DVD/LPRIETO1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kajukenbo WHKD Forms & Techniques Ref. DVD/WHKD3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kajukenbo Gaylord's Method Ref. DVD/GAYLORD Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kajukenbo Dirty fighting Ref. DVD/NEW1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kajukenbo Wun Hop Kuen Do Ref. DVD/WHKD2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kajukenbo Modern Concepts Ref. DVD/KAJ7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kajukenbo Weapons Ref. DVD/KAJ6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kajukenbo Evolution Ref. DVD/KAJ5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kajukenbo Vol 3 Ref. DVD/KAJ3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kajukenbo Vol 2 The Training Method Ref. DVD/KAJ2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Martial Arts Vietnam
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DVD Martial Arts Vietnam
DVD Viet Vo Dao Long staff Vol 2. Quyen Tu Tuong Con Phap Form... Ref. DVD/VIET8 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Viet Vo Dao Con Phap. Long staff Vol.1 Ref. DVD/VIET7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Integral Vovinam Ref. DVD/VIET6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Vovinam Viet Vo Dao saber and Halberd Ref. DVD/VIET5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Vo Co Truyen Vietnamese Martial Arts Ref. DVD/VOC Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Viet Vo Dao Phan Don Counter Techniques Ref. DVD/VIET4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Vovinam Viet Vo Dao Moc Ban Phap & Vat Ref. DVD/VIET3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Vovinam Viet Vo Dao Vol 2 Ref. DVD/VIET2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Vovinam Viet Vo Dao Vol 1 Ref. DVD/VIET1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Other Martial Styles
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DVD Other Martial Styles
DVD Self Defense for Everybody Ref. DVD/DON Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Verdadera Destreza Española, Spanish Fencing Ref. DVD/DESTREZA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Filipino Kino Mutai PFS Ref. DVD/SALVA4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Creole Fencing Ref. DVD/ECRIOLLA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kaisendo Self Defense Ref. DVD/KAISEN5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD The Tai Karate Way Ref. DVD/GERMAN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Chin Na Catching & Locking Ref. DVD/HARFOU2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Chokes & Strangulations Shorite Ryu Tai Jutsu Ref. DVD/HARFOU3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kaisen Do Ref. DVD/KAISEN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Psi Power for Martial Artists Ref. DVD/LILLA Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Aloe Lima Lama Samoa Ref. DVD/LIMA Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Hawaian Lua Ref. DVD/LUA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Other Martial Styles
DVD Martial Arts Night Gala Italy 2005 Ref. DVD/MAN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Novascrimia Abraçar Ref. DVD/NOVA5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Filipino Panantukan Ref. DVD/PANAN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Vital Points Atemi & Kuatsu Ref. DVD/PV Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Wind Warriors XXI Ref. DVD/RIBEIRO1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Indonesian Sarong Ref. DVD/SARONG Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD How to Martials Arts Show Ref. DVD/TEO1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Martial Arts The Way of the Warrior Documentary Ref. DVD/TV1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Lan Do Chen Siue Pay Vol 1 Ref. DVD/VIL1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Lan Do Chen Siue Pay Vol2 Ref. DVD/YANIS2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Martial Science Ref. DVD/RONDY1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Explosive Dumog Filipino Grappling Ref. DVD/SALVA6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Other Martial Styles
DVD JKD Knife Fighting Survival Ref. DVD/SALVA2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Budo Martial Arts International Festival 2002 Ref. DVD/FESTI1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Budo Martial Arts International Festival 2003 Ref. DVD/FESTI2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Budo Martial Arts International Festival 2007 Ref. DVD/FESTI3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD International Grand Prix 2000 Martial Arts Festival Ref. DVD/GPX Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Hall Of Fame ISMA 2006 Ref. DVD/HALL1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Martials Arts Night Gala Italy 2006 Ref. DVD/MAN2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Pencak Silat
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DVD Pencak Silat
DVD Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak. Weapons Ref. DVD/SERAK2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho & Pencak Silat Ref. DVD/KFRISAN3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak. Empty Hands Ref. DVD/SERAK1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Warrior Silat Ref. DVD/WSILAT Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Buka Jalan Pencak Silat Ref. DVD/SILAT3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Pencak Silat Java & Sumatra Ref. DVD/SILAT Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Pencak Silat Ref. DVD/MALTE3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Tae Kwon Do
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DVD Tae Kwon Do
DVD Traditional Taekwondo Hyeong Ref. DVD/TKDOWINT1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Martial Science Ref. DVD/RONDY1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Super Taekwondo Ref. DVD/TEAM Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Taekwondo WTF Basic Poomsae Ref. DVD/TKDE2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Taekwondo WTF Superior Poomsae Ref. DVD/TKDE1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho in Taekwon Do Ref. DVD/KYUSHO20 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Taekwondo Superior Poomsae & Applications Ref. DVD/PUM2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Taekwondo Basic Poomsae Ref. DVD/PUM1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Taekwondo ITF Tul Vol 1 Ref. DVD/TUL Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Taekwondo ITF Leg Techniques Ref. DVD/TPT Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD The Power of Combat Taekwondo Ref. DVD/MAURI Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Taekwondo Fighting Secrets Ref. DVD/MAURI2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Hapkido
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DVD Hapkido
DVD Hapkido WHF Ref. DVD/KWANG Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Hapkido Technique WHF Ref. DVD/FEH1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Hapkido Official Program Ref. DVD/HAPFET1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Combat Hapkido Self Defense Ref. DVD/COMH3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Combat Hapkido Ref. DVD/COMH2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Combat Hapkido Tactical Pressure Points Program Vol1 Ref. DVD/COMHTTP1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Combat Hapkido Ground Survival Ref. DVD/COMH4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Hapkido Hoi Jeon Moo Sool Vol 1 Ref. DVD/KIM1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Hapkido Hoi Jeon Moo Sool Vol 2 Ref. DVD/KIM2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Sin Moo Hapkido Ref. DVD/SMH Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Other Styles Korea
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DVD Other Styles Korea
DVD Hwa Rang Do Gumtoogi Sword Fighting Ref. DVD/HWA3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Hwa Rang Do Hoshinsul Vol.1 Joint Manipulation Ref. DVD/HWA4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Hwa Rang Do Hoshinsul Vol.2 Joint Manipulation Ref. DVD/HWA5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Hwa Rang Do Hoshinsul Vol.3 Joint Manipulation Ref. DVD/HWA6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Modern Farang Mu Sul How to develop Speed and Reaction Ref. DVD/FARANG1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Haidong Gum Do Ref. DVD/GUMDO Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Hwa Rang Do Knife Fighting Ref. DVD/HWA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Hwa Rang Do Extreme Takedowns Vol1 Ref. DVD/HWA2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kuk Sool Won Ref. DVD/KUK1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Sib Pal Ki Ref. DVD/PALKI Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Sun Mu Do Ref. DVD/SUN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tang Su Do Ref. DVD/TANGSU1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Muay Thai
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DVD Muay Thai
DVD Muay Thai & Kick Boxing Punching Bag Ref. DVD/CESAR8 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Muay Thai Boran Elbow Techniques Ref. DVD/CESAR9 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Muay Boran Mae Mai Vol2 Ref. DVD/CESAR12 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Muay Thai Boran Mae Mai Vol 1 Ref. DVD/CESAR11 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Phasom Muay Thai Ref. DVD/CESAR1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Muay Thai Boran Flying Techniques Ref. DVD/CESAR10 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Muay Thai Boran Master Pimu Ref. DVD/BORAN Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Muay Thai Boran Chap Ko Ref. DVD/CESAR2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Muay Thai Boran Kon Muay Kee Ref. DVD/CESAR3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Cross Fighting Muay Thai & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Ref. DVD/CESAR4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Muay Thai Kick Boxing Sparring Ref. DVD/CESAR5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Muay Thai Boran Muay Kaard Chiek Ref. DVD/CESAR6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Muay Thai
DVD Mae Mai & Look Mai Muay Thai Ref. DVD/CESAR7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Muay Thai Program 1st to 4th Khan Ref. DVD/EC1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Muay Thai Competition Training Ref. DVD/EC2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Modern Muay Thai Ref. DVD/EC3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Muay Thai Cheng Muay Ref. DVD/LEK1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Sillapa Muay Thai Ref. DVD/LEK2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kapap Combatives Muay Thai Self Defense Ref. DVD/MUAYKAP Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kung Fu & Muay Thai Dragon & Tiger Ref. DVD/MUAYKUN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Muay Thai Master Woody Ref. DVD/WOODY Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Kick Boxing
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DVD Kick Boxing
DVD Kick Boxing Defense & Counter Ref. DVD/EGUZ Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD WKA Kick Boxing Ref. DVD/WKA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Full Contact & Kick Boxing Ref. DVD/DON2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kick Boxing Training with Equipment Ref. DVD/KARIM2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD The training of Kick boxing and Full Contact Ref. DVD/CONDE1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Sport Karate, Full & Kick-Boxing Ref. DVD/MIKE1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kick Boxing Explosive Low Kicks Ref. DVD/KARIM1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Full Contact & Kick Boxing On the Ring Ref. DVD/FULL3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kick Boxing Joe Lewis Seminar Germany Ref. DVD/LEWS Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Semi Contact Ref. DVD/SEMI Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Super Sparring! Full Contact & Taekwondo Ref. DVD/BARADA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Police Defense Kick Boxing Ref. DVD/KIKPOL Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Kick Boxing
DVD Boxing for Martial Artists Ref. DVD/JEPSON1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Grappling Wrestling
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DVD Grappling Wrestling
DVD Advanced Grappling Vol.1 Ref. DVD/TBELTRAN-1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Advanced Grappling Vol.2 Ref. DVD/TBELTRAN-2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Combat Submission Wrestling Vol 1 Ref. DVD/ERIC1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Combat Submission Wrestling Vol 2 Ref. DVD/ERIC2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Olympic Wrestling Ref. DVD/LUCHA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Pancrase Ref. DVD/PANCRA Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD MMA Brazilian Grappling Ref. DVD/ALEXP Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Police Grappling Ref. DVD/PGRAP1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Police Grappling Techniques Ref. DVD/PGRAP2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Sambo Techniques Ref. DVD/SAMB1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD MMA - Vale Tudo
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DVD MMA - Vale Tudo
DVD MMA Brazilian Grappling Ref. DVD/ALEXP Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Brazilian Thai Boxing Ref. DVD/FEITO1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Ultimate Fighting X-Treme3 Ground fighting Ref. DVD/HUB3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Ultimate Fighting X-Treme2 Upright fight Ref. DVD/HUB2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Ultimate Fighting X-Treme1 Takedowns Ref. DVD/HUB1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Shoot Vol3 Fighting Techniques Ref. DVD/SHOOT3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Shoot System Ref. DVD/SHOOT1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Shoot Mix Fight Ref. DVD/SHOOT Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Total Grappling & Vale Tudo Escapes & Submissions Ref. DVD/TG4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Professional Vale Tudo Ref. DVD/TG3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Total Grappling & Vale Tudo Vol 2 Evolution Ref. DVD/TG2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Total Grappling & Vale Tudo Vol 1 Ref. DVD/TG1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD MMA - Vale Tudo
DVD Kapap MMA Ref. DVD/KAPAP6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD MMA Free Fight Strategies Ref. DVD/NICO Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Ruas Vale-Tudo Ref. DVD/FERRE2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Bugei Total Combat Ref. DVD/BTC1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Knock-Out Cup MMA Ref. DVD/BRA3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Vale Tudo The Very Best of IVC 6 &9 Ref. DVD/BRA2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Meca World Vale Tudo The Very Best Ref. DVD/MECA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Storm Samurai Brazil MMA & Muay Thai Ref. DVD/BRA4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
K-1 Gladiators Tournament 2008 Spain Ref. DVD/GLA2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD K-1 Gladiators Tournament 2007 Spain Ref. DVD/GLA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Other Contact Sports
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DVD Other Contact Sports
DVD Kyusho and Boxing Connection Ref. DVD/KLINE3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Olympic Wrestling Ref. DVD/LUCHA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Sparring! Ref. DVD/GRAD1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kick Boxing How to be an efficient counter fighter Ref. DVD/GRAD2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Savate French Boxing Ref. DVD/SAVAT Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Total sparring Semi, light & Full Contact Ref. DVD/MUGEN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Mastering Boxing Basics Ref. DVD/MERCER2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Mastering Boxing Combinations Ref. DVD/MERCER3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Mastering Boxing Bag Work & Footwork Ref. DVD/MERCER4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Mastering Boxing Ring Smarts Ref. DVD/MERCER5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Mastering Boxing My Story Ref. DVD/MERCER6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Mastering Boxing MMA & Boxing Fit Ref. DVD/MERCER1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Other Contact Sports
DVD Kyusho Vitality. 5 Pressure Points for Self Defense and He... Ref. DVD/KLINE4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Health - Wellness
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DVD Health - Wellness
DVD Kyusho Vitality. 5 Pressure Points for Self Defense and He... Ref. DVD/KLINE4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho First Aide Ref. DVD/KYUSHO19 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Martial Arts Extreme Stretching Ref. DVD/CYNTHI Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tai-Chi and Qi-Gong Forms Ref. DVD/LYN7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Conditioning Ref. DVD/VACIR3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kyusho Jitsu Points for Sex Enhancement Ref. DVD/KYUSHO10 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Weights Training for Martial Arts Ref. DVD/SIMAC1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Sport-Psy for competition Ref. DVD/MARCE Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Psi Power for Martial Artists Ref. DVD/LILLA Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Facial Yoga Natural rejuvenation exercises Ref. DVD/FY1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Kids Self Defense: Dealing with strangers Ref. DVD/TRUST1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tai Chi Chuan for Seniors Ref. DVD/TAI4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Health - Wellness
DVD Tai Chi Chen Style Ref. DVD/YU Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tai Chi Yang Style Vol 1 Ref. DVD/FUSE Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Mastering Boxing MMA & Boxing Fit Ref. DVD/MERCER1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tai Chi Yang Style Kung Chia Form & Applications Ref. DVD/TCC Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
DVD Tai Chi Yang Style Vol 2 Ref. DVD/FUSE2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Tai Chi Yang Style & Chi Kung Vol 1 Ref. DVD/TAI1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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DVD Shaolin Luohan Shi Ba Shou Form Taolu Ref. DVD/YANTI1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
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