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Building Plan A'
The wonderful transformation in the merchandising of building materials can to a large meaneure be credited tb building plan services.
Attractive pictures of home exteriors, compact room arrangements, witt carefully detailed conveniences, together with the various forms of creative advertising has enabled lumber merchants to appeal direct to the public and has oftered the very means of personal cooperation.
The public is, has been and alwajs will be, hungty for practical building information and they have a right to expect modern service.
They want the new home to reflect attractiveness and be convenient. Durability, kinds and grades of materiala to be used are important considerations. Good workmanship, competent efforts and trustworthiness are also real fac. tors, which you, with your rubstantial investment and recogni2ed horne-buildfi.g authority, should advise upon and supply.
While most lumber dealers have adopted some form of plan service, comparatively few have modernized their business to properly display plans and materials.
A Service Room, looked after by a competent \attendant, can be made the most important department of your business, for here is where both home builders and contractors \rill come for information, and the more complete and reliable you can maintain it, the greater will be its usefulness and productiveness.
Every other business in the world has shown 5/ou what display and service means. 9OVo oi all merchandising outside of building materials, is accomplished through these two modern methods, that's why silks, firs, automobiles and the many other secondary investments are considered and adopted first.
You can change the coruse of these mad dollars. All of the argumentr and appeals ever created are at your comrnand if you are equipped to follow up and satisfy the enthusiasrn you instill, and it is profitable business too, because creative business is non-competitive, and each new home and satisfied home owner is a permanent e:rample of your good intentions to serve.
We have and always will endeavor to create for you to show, furnisb and use, the best Home Building ldeas, the most complete and practical Building Plans, Creative Advertising Copy, etc., and will welcome an opportunity of advising with you on Service Rooms by furnishing photographs and plans featuring practicd rooms as they are maintained by many progressive, successful building material merchants.