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Schumacher Patents By Sweeping Appeal Upheld Decision
By this decision all ftve patents in suit now stand valid and infringed. tohn Schumacher and toseph Schumacher nou permit Buttonlath Manufacturing Com"pany, Defendant, to manufacture Buttonlath on a royalty basis under one Schumacher process pclenl.
No Wall Board License Granted Therefore Peters Wall Board Discontinued
In a sweeping decision, following over three years of litigation, the United Stateg Circuit Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit sustains the last of five of the most important basic patents held by John Schumacher and Joseph E. Schumacher of the Schumacher Wall Board Co. and finds them all to have been infringed by the defendant, the Buttonlath Manufacturing Company, manufacturers of Peters Wall Board and Buttonlath. This decision greatly broadens the effect of the lower Court decision.
Defendant Granted License
' The Buttonlath Manufacturing Company has been granted by John Schumacher and Joseph E. Schumacher, the owners of the Schumacher patents, a license to manufacture Buttonlath-a Plaster Lath-under Schumacher patents on a royalty basis provided each piece of Buttonlath is duly stamped with the words: "This board is manufactured under a license from John Schumacher and Joseph E. Schumacher in accordance with their patent dated March 21, 1916."
Warning to
Warning is hereby given to all innocent investors to put money into enterprises which infringe on any the many Schumacher patents.
to Manufachrre Buttonlath
No Wall Board license has been granted, therefore the
' manufactured of Peters Wall Board has been discontinued by the Buttonlath Manufacturing Co.
Since this decision the Buttonlath Manufacturing Company, now having purchased a license under one important Schumacher process patent, are enlarging their plant and greatly increasing their output of Buttonlath.
Innocent Investors
So that the public may know that the rights of the Schumacher patents will be upheld, we give notic that all violators and inf ringers of our many patents will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
LOOK FOR THE WORDS: "This board is manufactured under a license from John Schumacher and Joseph E. Schumacher in accordance with their patent."
This means that products bearing such a license notice are the best attainable and are the result of the years of experience and knowledge enjoyed by the Schumachers, and that no makeshifts are resorted to in order to attemDt to avoid infringement
Schumacher Wall Board is manufactured under Schumacher patents and has had the best of the knowledge and experience of the Schumachers and such improve- ments are protected by apparatus.and patents and is the best Wall Board obtainable. Look for the name of Schumacher.