5 minute read
California Cleans Up and Paints Up
Voluminous reports of 1923 Clean Up and Pa.int Up.campaigns are few elements.in this world of ours which bring such large received from communities throughout California by the njti"-nat results ".. i.*-"* of paint. Improved property always means headquarters of the National ctein up and Paint -up campiign F c.; &td.;d; -r]rJ irr"i" ;s no &eape, 'way to improve one,s Bureau, 3713 Washington Ave., St. Lbuis, have been .t"una 6y h.1--g!"gr-iit";'ii,. i,i,ii.iii;;;;ip;i;;.""
Executive secretarv R. w. nnierson to greatly "*...1 "ii pr"- "Hoi."i'-aie-;;i h;-... Take a shack, paint it and clean it. vious results from lhe Pacific io"J- '-' The reports show that it wasn't a "week" or a month., but a l"v-.r d"ilv r".rifiie-of roui irra"d.uJilo"'"ia you have a home. ccontinuous campaign in the Golden state. The reports inaliate -lBr.ivtfri"s.';t;;-;!, put into it makes a better home. But :li,t- jh:-31t^,:1-glic^" has become a full fledged- rival oi th" no matter what its dimensions it *iri-l*"ys remain a bare :9.,t"9 ..1*,!"ianl .in..point of. achievements,.and that Clean Up house withouath; two factors.,'--'--^ *"J anq rarnt up actrvltres have Drought enthuslasm to a high pitch 'The,Venice-Vanguard-hailed the campaign with an editorial in communities throughout california ^, _ -" , admonition *rri.rr -ri"i.a-th;i-,.ii;:;;;;"ir'u.g.d to action in ,.t?l'j.::?o::S:010,.u.'_l;il",ed entire editions or many pages ;;;i;;;,i'plii-'t;'ig',ir, 'iiiJ rfiJi''il"'orter .that Venice may thc aid of material .u""iiJ[ ,. .)E ^ face the winter months witir bv National cl"r" ufplt:dn tO Fl --\ _ _ -]__ r .pi"[ira s,pan appearance. 8""'J"',;T"t"?;X?""'o*Xt1 |#^ quarrers.- .,,.y' ..ri...,o 1-"," *-sJ=.f D .lldklJ u5eoIpatnfanc'r-arnt.::.T;eJ--.rY-N}-rrN1=:'--^:-..-...=.'lii.-..''c<^ words "crean up "na piini E- '.pffi=trS*tt*A-v- lJl-r i.1^ll*1, !t'",'cleaning out-"i " '"'nifrl" Fi'o -.^3"3t :::ifll-,'y...1o!gf,-ai{r!e re- Up" were spattired t :i::;5i .:====.,,.-=,rl;l
*i,#:*q*.ilqt,"il:[ of which were full page and newspapers were in the news and editori:
Jm, *lq*f*;iii;i,;,1'S1f
For example the Er Herald of Fiesno publisl;;'"i;;;'ci;"'" G'i""i ffi INIIIIil ffi 3:d-l::l'-:".r-irtelJagiep! !'YvIvLPqllt",""',"|i.f,"itt|ffil[||lilililrulffi|||l||l||nNIl||||||l||ill|ffi$ryp?,l9-t,.Tll-"Jio''s,.u'g"dih" Paint Up edition, in wt urgedtire;;".irpJrii't"i"'t WffiryHKffi$ffiil llllllllf|f \ll, !,";;1,x?,',':tg'd,11'I the protection of heiltl u;;;ili;;1l"jii1-'::p".", lF// lPry'f,Sg--qlilnuuor " l#gt-t\ lll ^si:,",'il--."'x:1^oj_-_heusins up-i"iir"iiir,;.'Sii.i.'clJ'j V-I%\lL\5-7- ltruffi;# ',l*i.tj:':: EishtLraseswerE a?.,i".,;-1r,"-H;i;',"#1 n n%ffiffi;.r/ s/-*s24zu lilflgi!,ili.{il,h ,. __"A 'Clean up' withr 'r"int ii;-;i "[r..l"ii'1"'"u1 ltffi,ffilfiJt/>/ r.r sued, over.a, !f']gd of t91 surd. Not onrv oll"li.l\'{N$'rXHfdT \fae n'eeks'-a t"tit 5i ni* ;;';;i ji}H.i:i,j#".H,#:,iif \HA\iWv -t-?*:, lffi-'*i'%i'l'*'rvt;t; Lrv rvrlr '""""' "*"';i"i;: ofril/ | T'y' and Fix [Jp, Too, :i1]:,si$'";&*o' :t l:t' more conspicuous af 'clean up'-but because the ffi/ - e ' a p"iii'a'i"'i"1:'":;:ii:,#;i
W*rii.:*:i{.. ::::"::::1,,:.:::l::'T l:1-'i,',i\.!tiii&{tili outside, can be keot sani.tary and germ pioo san*arv serm "'",i,ff
"The New York cit partment of health, in m€ntrng on one of th ''1"'!!"s u'one "'T'4lj h(fi1?ii?fiI-fpj$mi*i$'riul;[""'l,-'ffir]if .ii'hi*i3-i$,tff';ti*rffi
/JVfi$ffily.f:?'*':r".i'rilllrrr':"1*l[:F,,ffi fiift;i*.li;fq,,,ffi tional bureau's bor said: "'the' interestinl ture- of the booklet i iii"tii'J'i'ldT;i:i, f .i?: llll )Y"l::.-:l:ything lor cleaning up, painting up, fixing up and "Tn. ,",,," Monica Even_ gests an alliance of att,,,:"]- I I | | lor gardening. i,itr, t".ii".;; ;"r:i;!ul'r[ ll ll ing outlook in full page ediuil;".:i;-**l:'',;rff I ll :*fiir-"-r#,,-ssir.in-$rkTi1{#f#;$ f':::',"frf:*#$# this is viewed, it cannr be regard.ed-L "i-"iJ"'uiIIlf fiGlttt"-[.r.^;o,';dto-";il6d'j|[e'il[ilffi1?4 *r", ^"/j ,..1:.19t"9:^^:* sL rrrsoruru as an exceuent ll w.-.,u-E what paint would iccomp_ plan., certainlv.realth oifr- | I lish in establishing cleanli_ crals long ago enlisted the co- | I ness, sanitation, and Ereater operatioi -;i ih;";;j";:,;'i; f f Ereater il'lh#iT,.,il"'l,i--+:lt f l
(Dearers Name Here) *Fi,jJ"nli_'F.:'jifi; ot.tuDerculosis in. New York ll i"r-'?r,.litr"Iii.,i"ii iJ,fi: Lrtv' tor example. th" .9": ll i;G ;;; permanent residents nrr+h6h+ ^t L^^Lr- r partment of health has relied lJ :,",:""'::..""'u4's'r rcsrsenrs :ai{{t:"ji91,!;';:.;"" cir scrubbing, painting,and kalsomining gan: "Make rhem want to Live t" 3i,i*'Tij,ltl,Yg$ bv the sloto make premises safe foi-".* t"r"?tJ. -As-the St. Louis ReI rhe van_N,uys News in a.'clean uo',,rrrrJ,rtit"t!ft"n,, editoriallv publican remarks. ''e ""igiltotrrio?"iil"t'has. cleaned up and recommended ihe liberal use of paint,,, to make Van Nuys more painted up is a better .pne i" *r,i"r, to tirr". piirrt m.t es foi a;;ti;ir.* -;;OO; other Califo.ri" -r"*.p"pers which gave self-respect and iustifiabte-prid.;-;--'- -' " '. ^ - "". ":-.-. '"- attractivi ioi iiiiaeitial purposes.
The Santa Monica outlool in-an editorial tl-ej yp the-National ulgoiour.eiito.i"i'r'rpport to the.Clean Up and paint Up cam- clean Up and Paint up-C"-l1ign;ii{-ld. Natiinal Fire Pre- paign in their respectrve communrtres were the calexico chron- vention campaign, and-B.ettei H--om.es campaign. iclelthe i;lr;r_ a;i;.N";r:-th"-Ei-a;;tio'-i..r., the Heraldsburg
"Preventing fires, cleaning up- and--paintins-and better homes Trib!l;, tr1e-i;gi,!il Enterprise, the awtsonvile pajaronian, ,are certainlv closelv allied. We all-want "better homes. We the Bialto R""".i-;h; Grass Valley Union. tir" p"i"r"*"'t";;;:
'want them cleaner and fresher and by all means *. do ttoi ttr. Cii[ir.v-c."ii!i, the r os_ Angeles Times, the vallejo News, want them menaced bv the grcat ravagir-fire. tne fortuna g;"";-'.na the La j-"ir"-f""iii"r.
"And paint never hurt anything yet, if properly applied. There irre Criin up ."a-e"int Up campaign in san Francisco, say, the refrort,, constitutes a book in itself. San Francisco news. ?,aper.s, including the Chronicle, the Examiner, the Bulletin, ar f tne Journat, cooperated energetically to make the campaign a succiss. Health I'as stressed-, and bne of the featuies' oi opening of the ca.moaign, was the sacrifice of -a pet rat, which tor many. years had been the property of a prominent club y,?,T-T.of.the city, who wished to set "n "*".ripl. i; ih"-;;i Killrng teature ot the campaign. ;.i . Organizations which worked in the San Francisco campaigi included City^and Count_y Federation of--Women's Ci"b;;-;f,; Lnamber ot Lommerce, the Advertising Club, the Down iown Association, the Improve_ment Clubs, Ca'[ifornians, i"..,-iria oifr"i ctvrc and commercial bodies.
-The.Army and Navy, the police and firc departments, the Board of Public Works, the-publif schools. the Bof Scouts, ifr" -Cn-ii*." and Japa.nese colonics, the paint and varnijh establishments and ottrer Dodres were represented in a Clean Up and paint Up parade. -_r.n..tg, was a larger.psychology involvcd in the Clean Up and I"tTt..Uq.campaign-than that of mere tidy streets, Or. b. M. r<astall, Manager of the. advertising campaign of Californians, tnc., ls quoted€s sa1-ing in ..San Francisco Business," the officiai organ ot the Chamber of Commerce.
"Beauty and color lviil be tremendous assets to San Francisco at a time when the campaign of Californian., 1n"., l, ;ttr;;ii;; multitudes of visitors from-all parts of the U'iied-Si;i;;I'h;
Washington, Dec. 2O.-John W. Blodgett, of Grand Rapids, Mich., president of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, today gave unqualified endorsement of the Administration's tax reduction program.
Mr. _Blodgett, as spokesman lor the lumber industry, wrote Secretary of the Treasury Mellon that the lumber industry is squarely behind him in his plan. Mr. Blodgett said adoption by Congress of the Mellon tax proposats wifl mean greater prosperity.
"Reduction of the tax rates on earned income is simply a matter of equity," Mr. Blodgett said. "There can be no question that the Government as a matter tice must lorver the levies nou' iqrposed earns by his labor.
"Lower taxes on earned incomes would ings of those of moderate incomes, rvith of common juson what a man increase the savthe result that neces- more money rn'ould be put into circulation. More money would be available for home building and for other necessary development. L,c4rr s.rrccrs ano. nlgnways, Dut lt wlll generate the forces maKe tor achlevlng thc utmost beauty f or San Francisco_a "Lorverirrg of the high surtax ltrackets sity to trade ancl industry. pltysical^appearance that rvill be cornmeirsuratc with th; ;;;1""t things God and Natrrre have bestorved upon th" b;;k_.J;i;; at our door. said. "The "'l'he campaigrr will not on11. make us think in terms of clean s-treets a nd h ighways, but it will generate the f orces that it will generate forces that
"This campaign will make us think of these thirrgs.,'
Mr. G. A. Kramer. sales manager of the Redrvood Manufacturers ConrpanJ-, of Pittsbuig, spent several days in Lo.s Angeles recentlr','rvhere he n'is in conference rvitfi the Southern California representatir-es of the companv.
"N'Ioney is norv held out of investments in commercial enterprises because of the .high srlrtaxes. Wealth has sought refuge quite naturally in the tax exempt security field. That rvealth is not'not' ar.ailable to aid and stimtiIate legitimate industrial activity.
"Railroad transportation is perhaps more vitally affected by this tendencl. of investors to diyert their money into tax free boncls of states and municipalities. If Congress lowers the surtax rates it rn'ill remove one of the chief impediments
(Continued on Page 59.)