1 minute read
Happiness and Progress
By Mr. C. J. Williarns, Jr., President of the Moore Dry Ililn Co.
Gradually we begin to appreciate and enjoy the teachings of successful leaders, even though the process is slow. These leaders become worthy because they took advantage of the possibilities that were before them'that controlled their existence, acts and habits for their own benefit and the benefit of others.
For your. own sake, remember that whatever you do in the way of honest work you do first of all for yourself. There is no kind of. work that can fail to make you a better man and more successful if you work at it honbstly and loyally. The man content, is an enthusiast and optimist, an admirable combination, does his best work and devotes his energies to that which is worth while.
To study hard, think quietly, act frankly and talk gently, always sincerely isrto lead a life of self control, a life that is worth while, a life that leads to something and helps forward the improvement of the human race. To live in contentment means to realize the fullest possibilities of life. Train your mind through your work. Study the lives of those who have succeeded. Then you will more clearly understand, that they did whatever they did as well as they could.
The way of a human being in the midst of life is like that of a ship on the o_cean. -lff-tg up your mind, that in your own way at least, shall be controlled by the