2 minute read
For intcrior trim and ."bir."t work it cannot bc rurpared-Inrurer bcauty, pGrmanence, and durebility{ortr very littlc morc than toft woodr-l\Ic own end opelrete our rnillr in the Philippinc lrlrndr oficring thc dcelcr a dependeble rupply.
Here's hoping that 1s24 brings # # you much j"v und prosneritY.
This message comes from our to progress in the transportation and other large industries.

(Continued from Page 57.).
"Larger investments of money in the basic industries of the country rvill mean greater employment and greater prosperity.
"Larger investment in the railroad indttstry zrntl other legitimate industries is necessary to keep pace rvith the cduntry's growth and needs. That is not likely so long as capital is driven into tax free securities by the present prohibitive surtax rates."
Mr. Blodgett said the lumber inclustry is keenlv alive ttr the national necessity that no'iv exists for rernoval of ttnnecessary handicaps rtnder which the railroads are compelled to operate. He believed that stronger financial support for the railroads, and extensiou of their facilities to meet the requirements of industry rvottlcl follou' as a natural consequence if Congtess reduces the srrrtax rates, and thus render investment in railroacl secttrities more attractive to those with capital to invest.
Mr. Rlodgett said that another {actor that cliscourages investment in railroacl securities is the constant agitation lly certain grotlps for an extension of the Government's regttlatory powers over the carriers. \'tr' Rlodgett said that Congre.ss shorrlcl reject all legislative llrollosals clesigned that rvould have a rtrinous effect upon the credit of the railroads or the efliciency of their service.

In his letter to Secretary Mellon, voicing the opinion of representative lumbermen from all parts of the United States,.who are directors of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, Mr. Blodgett said:
"At the quarterly meeting of the Directors of the National I-umber Manufacturers' Association a resolution commending the 'Mellon policies,''as set forth in your recent report and approved by the President, were enthusiastically ancl unanimorrsly endorsed.
"Every sbction of the United States is represented in this Association and all recognize the enormous value of your service to the nation.
"You have met all obligations; you have reduced the national debt; you have made our dollar the standard of value the rvorld qver. Yott now propose to continue this good work and at the same time materially reduce the tax burden of our people. I{amilton in the earlv days and you of todav r,vill always be held in grateful remer.nllrance.
"In the name of one of the great industries of the United States and at the request of its directors, the National Luml>er Manttfacturers' Association expresses to you its appreciation of your courage, ability and devotion."
ARKANSAS OAK for flcmring
It is easier to sell a well-known brand of anything. Your customers have greater confidence in its value. Stock "Perfection" Brand Oak Flooring-the flooring with a long established reputation.
We have two large plants manufacturing "Perfection" brand, plain and quarter sawed. .This insures dependable service. Write today for full details. Watch for our national advertisements.
Arkanrar Oak Flooring Company
PineBluff, Arkensrg