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Much Enthusiasm Being Shown Over i February Convention of Western I getail Lumbermen
I t Mr. M. H. McCall, Los Angeles manager for the Western f/ Retail Lumbermens Association, exDresses his gratification over the great amount of enthusiasm that is being shorvn by It their members, for the coming Institute, to be held by their Association, at the Biltrnore l{otel, Los Angeles, February lSth to 23rd.
From ten states they are receiving inquiries, indicating a record attendance. It is estimated that well over three thousand people will be attracted to Los Angeles by this event.
The Los Angeles Committee on Arrangements, composed of six men from various of the Southern California lumber institntions are meeting weekly, to perfect the entertainment arrangements, and they report satisfactory progress with their plans.
Mr. O. A. Spear, of the Smoot Lumber Company, Provo, Utah, is president of the association, and Mr. A. L. Porter, of Spokane, is secretary and manager.
Bill Woods Returns From Northwest Trip
Bill Woods, of the Coos Bay Lumber Co., San Francisco, has returned after a three-weeks' business trip to the company's mill operations at Marshfield, Oregon. He reports that the Coos'Bay lumber operators are all looking towards the new year with optimism. After spending a few days in the San Francisco of6ce, he left for Chico with his family, to spend the Christmas holidays with relatives.
rudder of conscience and learn from passing ships a lesson of use in your own life. It is harder to beat against the wind and many men have had hard struggles to steer themselves to a good port in the face of an adverse start, a hard beginning or inclinations difficult to overcome.
Think of the things that are wrong and of the possibilities of righting them. Take inventory of your own weaknesses and imperfections, as a man thinks he grows. Brain, like muscles, need well planned exercise. There is no limit to its possible results. There is power in the brain of every man to do greater good if he will only develop that power.
The world needs honest, conscientious men and women, able to do good work themselves. In order to improve things, to do the good that you can, then begin by improving yourself. Your hardest effort may fail to reach a definite goal but honest work will, however, make it impossible for you to become a failure.
You can and will achieve self respect and success as you are endowed and at least become abler men and women which brings the desired measure of happiness and lights the way to further progress.
Lumber Consumption Figures From The Southern Pine Association
NEW ORI-EANS, Dec. 20.-Approximately trvo billion feet of lumber will be consumed this vear bv the automobile industry of the United States in'its various departments, according to a revised report of the automobile industrv's lumber requirements made by Rodney E. Browne, director of market research of the Southern Pine Association and just made public by H. C. Berckes, Secretary-Manager. It was stated in a trade extension report made earlier in the year that 2,750,ffi automobiles rvould be produged in 1923. This estimate, however, has been found to be considerably under the actual production, for up to December l, the number of cars manufactured is greatly in excess of that quantity. It is norv conservatively estimated that the production figures lor 1923 u'ill reach 3,400,000 cars, of thi5 number, approximately 37 per cent being closed cars. In addition, the production of trucks rvill aggregate 4O0,000.