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California S.tgar Pine
Properly Cured by Nature
The location of our mills enables us to utilize the most favorable natural climatic conditions for the proper air-curing ond d,rying of California Sugar Pine.
From the high Sierres, our California This, combined with proper rrNnu. Su-gar Pine -goes to mid.California facturing, and our thirty years' €x. valleye, world-famed for even, dry periencJinhandlingCalifornia Sugar heat' : : : : : : Pine, assure, yotr o? the best in this ' flere it is possible to obtain an air, dependable lumber. : : : i curing and-naturat drying-thatcannot be approximated in a dry kiln. : :
E. J. SrnNToN eL SoN
For Thiny Ycars Spccblittt in Californio Sugar ond Vhite Pine
516 Union Building Home O6ce: CLEVELAND, OHIO
3Sthend Alameda Strecr