1 minute read
There was no cheer in Volstead mince pie. Neither was there cheer in Volstead eggnog.
-but there's a world of cheer for the retail lumbermen in California. for Redwood-sales for 1923 went ,.over the top", Seoen Million Feet-that's Redwood's lg23 gain.
It is an encouraging record, when one looks back over the year that Father Time has just pigeonholed.
Many retail dealers say that Redwood Service" and its 800,000 ,,Silent Salesmen" helped them materially in making this increase possible. We hope so-because that is what our service is for.
There are many indications of national prosperity for lgz4.
For the new year we are going to help make Redwood sales even larger than in 1923. Our "Redwood Service" to the retail dealer will embrace all that was furnished during the past twelve months, supplemented by many new features.
A prosperous new year is indicated for the California Retail Lumber Dealers who tell their customers.