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A l{ew Year Merchandising Sermon
Bg Jacft Dionne
"A city that is built upon a hill cannot be hid."
"Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works."-Matthew v. l4-16.,
There you are !
One of the finest authorities for advertising your business that has ever been written. If Matthew had lived in this day and generation he would be one of the biggest booster! the advertising game could have.
If a dealer wants authority for advertising his business, for visualizing it, and for keeping it before the attention of his trade, grab these two splendid scriptural injunctions.
"A city that is built upon a hill cannot be hid." Certainly not. And a retail lumber business that is operated upon so high and intelligent a basis that it demands and commands the attention of the community, cannot be "hid" either.
"Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works." How is that for directions for running a retail lumber business? Let the folks in your town see YOUR good works, your good equipment, your good stocks, your good plals, and let them hear much of your good service, your good ideas, and of your good willingnesS to serve them.
You might use this one too: "And the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister." Doesn't that cover YOUR case? Isn't service YOUR real job? The giving of service is a sacred thing, not merely a theory.
This one isn't from the Bible, but it's the same spirit and essence: "He prospers most who serves best." IIe receives the most prosperity who gives the best service to OTHERS.
That's an absolutely true philosophy, but don't forget THIS fact: THE SERVICE MUST PRECEDE THE PROFIT.
The four quotations given above make a mighty fine foundation for starting a New Year of business, and starting it RIGHT.
I would like to add just one more to those four, as follows: HAVE A DEFINITE PLAN FOR EVERY DAY, EVERY WEEK, AND EVERY MONTH OF THE YbAR. Because the man who has a definite and intelligent plan, and follows it, has within his grasp a thread that will successfully lead him through the labyrinth of every business trouble.
Let's try these five THIS YEAR.