2 minute read
Happy New Year! Fe Lumber Co.
(Continued from Page 23) proportion to their QUALITY. And poor shingles should be sold for poor shingles. AS poor shingles, for poor shingle PURPOSES, and at poor shingle PRICES. They slrould be laid on the good olcl barrel head and appraised at their VALIJE. The shingle industry has been engaged entirely too long in trying to protect the fellow who hasn't the timber or the equipment to make quality shingles, by trying to sell his stuff on a par rvith the better shingles.
It's a wrong system, and you can't make it right. Let each shingle stand on its orvn feet, be shor.vn and sold and used for what it is fitted for, and at the proportionate price that its quality recommends.
Let shingles be sold by men who know what they are trying to sell, and let them show their wares. Let the consumer know the difference between the various kinds of shingles, and let him krrorv the truth concerning the comparitive costs and VALUES of quality shingles and poor shingles.
There hadn't ought to be a retail lumber yard in America rvithout a display of shingles of the various grades and , kinds and rvith figures attached to shorv the interested builder the facts concerning eacl-r.

Accomplish TIJAT, and you have saved the shingle industry.
I know a Texas dealer who has a small section of roof covered with each grade of shingles he carries in stock, and also with some lower grade shingles rvhich he NEVER carries in stock. This section is so arranged that when a visitor wants to talk shingles, the dealer can adjust the sec- tion of roof at just the angle so that the eye of the customer sees the length and thickness of the various ROOFS rvhich he offers for sale, and then this dealer proceeds, with the roofs for a demonstration, and his facts and figures for a selling talk, to shorv the customer what a fool he rvould be to buy anything but the quality shingle rooi.
If I were a Moses appointed to lead the shingle people out of the wilderness, some how, sorne way, I would get into every retail yard that sells shingles, a visualization of r that kind. No objection to selling the poor shingle if the crlstomer r,vants it, but let him be shown and told the huge difference in value and the small difference in cost FIRST, and then let him take his choice.
Bureaus and men and efforts to DEFEND shingles are all right and doing good work; but let me leave THIS for my New Year Shingle Text, friends of mine:
Common Tree Names Standardtzed
To correct the use of local and frequently confusing or contradictory common names for tree species, a committee composed of members of the Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, has been at work for some time endeavoring to standardize these terms. The committee, headed by George B. Sud'worth, a recognized authority on tree species and author of lumerous bulletins on forest trees, has just completed the task of going over the entite list of tree species of the United States to decide I upon standard common names to be used in all Forest Service publications. The committee's final report is expected to be readl' before the first of the year.