1 minute read
By Jach Drcnne
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told for 2O years-Some less.
A Couple Of Youngster Stories
Two ladies of the neighborhood had come to call on a newcomer, and were met at the door by a very little girlie, who ushered them into the living room, asked them to be seated, told them that Mama would be down at once, and who then sat down gravely to entertain them in the meantime. They looked her over, and she looked about five years of age.
One of them said to the other, guardedly: "She's not very p-r-e-t-t-y is she?"
And promptly the little girl cut in: "No, she's not very p-r-e-t-t-y but she's awful s-m-a-r-t."
Short And Snappy
The J. D. l{alstead Lumber Company, at N'Iesa, Arizona, likes us. He says, "We think your paper tl-re 'BEST LU}IlSItR PAPER YET.'Monev rvell spent."
The Final Question
"Now listen" said Father tersely, "I've done nothing but answer questions for you all evening. Now I'm only going to answer one more question, and then you're going to bed, and I'm going to read in peace. Now what do you want to ask?"
"Just this" said ten year old Johnnie: "Supposing you and Ma hadn't married each other. but had each one married someone else, and each of those couples had a boy. Now, which of those boys would I be, and who would the other one be, and what relation would we be to each other, and if so, why?"
The Michigan California l.umber Company has decidecl to start the mill and factory January lOth for the 1924 season, instead of remaining closed for tl-re usual six-week period during the rvinter months. This is orving to an increased contract for ser-eral rrillion rnore feet of lumber.