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Sam E. Barr Opens Los Angeles' Hardwood Offices
i\'lr. Sarn Ii. l3ztrr, t-ith rnain ofrhces at Nerv York, large distributors of harcls'ood flooring, and hardrvood lumber. has been in Southern California for some tirne, and has just left there to return to Nerv York, going r.ia Philadelphia, lvhere he maintains a branch office.
While in Los Angeles, i\{r. I3arr nracle arrangerrrents {or Southern California offices for his company, these rvill be in charge of N{r. S. L. Ilelknap, formerly of Nerv C)rleans.
This company clistriltrrtes an elrormous cluantitv of harclu'oods, this year their sales rvill rtln close to thirty rrillion feet. They orr'n the Kentncky Flooring Cornpany, at Winchester, Kentuckr', aud also control the Huclson llarclrvood Flooring Conrpany, at Mernphis. The Kentuck-r'mill turns out the rvell l<nor,r'n line of "O. K." flooring, and thermanufacture floorir.rg onl-v. A \Iernphis they rlake tl're "Htldson" llr-ancl floolir.rs, this mill also specializirrg orr flooring onlv.
IIr. Otis Ii. Johnson, \rice I)resicient of the Union Lumber Company. spent a n.eek rvith the l-os Anseles force recently.
While in the south. Ilr. Jol.rnson \\'as in conferetrce n'ith \'l r. ll. r\. (iooclrich. Los ,\ngeles rranager {or the Unior.r I.umber Co.
Mr. IJarr is ar.r old har-rd at the harchvood garne, having entered the business in 1904, and having been engaged in the line every since. They rvill handle lumber ancl flooring of every clescription at the nerv branih, and rvill have a dependable supply to offer the tracle in this district.
I\{r. Belknap is rvell knorvn in California. He came to Los Angeles about a year ago, har.ing been engaged in the rvlrolesale l>usiness at Nerv Orleans prior to this move. FIe s'as the presiclent of the S. L. Relknap Lumber & Export Corrrlranr'. of Nel- Or'leans.
Compton Yard Making Improvements
The Central Lunrber Cotnpany, that live organization at Compton, rrnder the r.nanagernent of X'Ir. J. E. Smith, has just conrpletecl a fine nel. finish shecl at their plant, and lrar.e also built a ner.r' fence arouncl the establishn-rent. This companv has acc;rrirecl an aclditional piece of ground, across the street frorn their present site. ancl 'lvill use this space for expansion of the bnsiness.
Canadian Firm Buys Wood For Airships Here
\''icker's T-imited oi Llanada, builders of airplanes for the Ilritish governrnent. have place<l an or<ler rvith the L. A' Lumber Prodttcts Courpany for a clttantity of Graham Island sprrlce. u'hich is to be shipl>ecl this rveek to \{ontreal from the !ocal plant.