1 minute read
lVlake lVloney With ATTAS B0ARD
A Steady, Rapid Seller
ATLAS BOARD is used for all jobs you associate with higher priced wall boards. Nothing better f or walls and ceilings-for clothes closets, work rooms, etc. Easy to apply and gives immediate and lasting satisfaction. ATLAS BOARD is fibre-sized and prim-dipped-Will not warp, crack, buckle or chip. .Takes beautiful finishes. Popular for new jobs or for remodeling. Big repeat business.
Distributors Wanted Now
If you can handle ATLAS BOARD in carload lots you can easily build a big wall board business supplying dealers in your territory. Complete advertising co-operatio.n-circulars, letters, local newspaper advertising, etc. Every local lumber yard is a waiting prospect, for ATLAS BOARD costs lcr, gives more profit and sells quicker. \Arrite or wire at once for full particulars.