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San Francisco Lumbermen's Golf Tournament
'[-he lumbertnen of San Iirancisco are shol'ing nruch interest in the Lumbermen's Golf Tournar.nent, rvhich u'ill get tunder rvay after the first of the 1'ear, and present indications are that there rvill be a.large numlter of cornpetitors out for the prizes.
Dave Painter, of the liruit Grorvers' Supply Co., chairman ol'the Golf Comnrittee, has sent out notices to the lumlternren golfers advising that the applications for entry tvill ciose on Decen.rber 24. Games rvill be olaved one afternoorr a u,eek on the various courses arorrncl fn"-n"y District, antl playing on a different foursome evely rveek, each entry will have an opportunity to test his skill against all the other entries. The initiation fee is five dollar:s and will lte rrse,:l to purchase prizes and any other necessary expenses that r1lay arlse.
Last u.inters Golf Tournament, rvhich u,as participatecl irr by the White and Sugar Pine manufacturers and u'holesalers, was such a srlccess that it rvas decidecl to repeat the tournament again this rvinter and to inclucle any lumberman in San l.-rancisco that lvoulcl like to uarticioate. There are sorne crack golfers anlon[I the lrrrulrei'meu .lf the San Francisco District, ancl u,itl-r all tl.rese "cracks" lined up, the prizes rvill be spiriteclly contestecl for.
The pictures above shorv on the left, I.red Palmer. of the Frederic Palrner Company, San Tirancisco, clistributors of California White and Sugar .['ir.re, rvho n,on the grand first prize in last year's tonrnament. Frecl is one of the most enthusiastic lun-rbermen golfqrs in the state; he is a good golfer, and lvill be on the links in the coming tournament to deferrcl his honors. Dar-e Painter, of the Fruit Grorvers' Srrpply Con.r1:any, San Francisco, is the gentlernan in the cerrter. arrtl he is the chairman of the cornmittee arrangir-rg for the tourrrament. On the right, is F-rarrk }Iurph_r-, of the tr. S. N{urphy Lurnlter Co., San Francisco, arrd the runrlerup in last 1,-ears tournar.rlent. Frank is one o{ the "high lights" in San Francisco golf<lom, and the Boys rvho comltetecl against hirn in tl.re last tournarnent, say that he plays a rvhale of a game of golf.
'fhe committee arranging for the approaching tournament 'rvill consist of f)ave Painter. Chainnan. Cl. Storvell Smith. 'l'heo<lore Lerch, and Frecl Palmer.