1 minute read
Your Duty
1924! A new year. I upon your shoulder,s resl of sheltering the thousat ifornio.
This new population is : to stay. They must be hous come a great empire, it mus PERMANENT homes.
Your duty is to sell buil, permanence. Convince then ting highquality, durable mi ineH g,ving honest value to I
As the roof is every bt your custorners a roof that rn
Our duty is to provide i plant the multitude of che, widely sold.
You can honestly recor is rnade from the longest structed and processed esp weather conditions in Califo We honestly believe th money can buy---and we gu protection thanordinary roo neu responsibility- - for of the great tash of newcomers to Cal' transient. They are here if California to befounded on substantial, on the idea of building for they profit rnost by putinto their buildings--- s most vital point---sell throughthe years.
-lived roofing to suproofings now so is GO[unusual
