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Lumbermen's Reciprocal Association opens Los Angeles Office
The Lumberlnens Reciprocal Association, of Houston, Texas, an organization headed by Mr. George R. Christie, and writing an enormous amount of lumbermens and woodrvorkers cornpensation insurance, has invaded the Southern California field, by the opening of Los Angeles oflices, at 407 Fay Building.
This company, organized in 1917, is the largest company of its kind in the country. They specialize in, and write nothing but compensation insurance, for saw-mills, retail yards, planing mills and other industries having to do rvith the lumber and wood-working business.
Mr. Tad W. Jacobs, an old hand with the Lumbermens' Recoprocal Association, and lvell versed in the line, is to have charge of this new branch, and rvill call on the Southern California trade, in the interests'of his company.
Mr. Jacobs has been for some time past in the southern states, rvhere he was very successful in the placing of a considerable amount of business, and he predicts that this territorv rvill f ield a like amount.
Mark Lillard Back On Job
Mr. Mark Lillard, Los Angeles rvholesaler of doors, is back at his desk after a weeks' illness.
Catlfornia Pattera Hemlock Round Edge Rabitted Siding. White River Qudity Red Ceder Shingler, Star A Star Pcrfesb. Sanded Finirh and Factory Stock.
nIr. S. C. Hooper, more familiarly knorvn as "Cy" ancl formerlv of Hooper & Smith, of I.os Angeles, has just returned from a three-r,veeks' trip to the Pacific Northn'est.
After January lst he will operate under the name of S. C. Hooper Lumber Cornpany and rvill lte locate<l at the otfices recentlv occrrpied by Hooper ct Srnith, (rl1 ancl 612 Central Building, arrci can be reachecl l-ry calling the same phone nrlr.nbers, Iletrt-rpolitan 0183, and 0184.

NIr. Hooper expects to carry [-ttmber business, specializing in Dorrglas liir, both rail and cargo.
on a general Wholesale Humboldt Redwood ancl
Los Angeles Entertains Canadian Lumbermen
Los Angeles rvas visitecl last rveek, lrv trvo of British CoIumbia's $rell kno\vn lnmbermen, Mr. 1,. I'I. Stark, of the Canadian General Lrrmlter Company, of Toronto, and I\Ir. R. S. Platt, of the Vancouver Lun.rl;er Companv, of Toror-rto.
These gentlemen are on a six-rveeks' trip, taking in a goocl nrany points of interest. thel' r'isited Chicago, Neu' York, came rvest by 'ivay of the Grancl Canyon, and after a fen, clavs at San Francisco proceedecl home.