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Paraffine Companies Annual Meeting
Ihe Fortieth Annual Convention of The Paraffine Corlpanies, Inc., rvhich closed at the Bellevue Hotel, San Francisco, December 21 after four days of conferences, brottght out three important points of general interest to salesmen and sales organizations. These points are: the success of .\rnerican products in foreign countries in competition u'ith foreign products, the importance of a one price policy, unifolm discount, and the ultimate srlccess of a rigid, fair clealing.
According to the report of foreign representatives, American products have l>ecome more ancl rnore popular in tl-re Orient, and in the last few years the prodttcts of Tlre Paraffine Companies-roofing in particular-l.ras left English an<l German roof proclncts far behincl it is saicl. Even Australia. an English possession, \Ialthoid Roofing is three fourths of the entire roofing sales. Atttornobiles and hardl'are are ahnost equal to this record, ancl American toilet preParations are well knon'n even in the tnore retttote sections.
The matter of a one price policv rrras thoroughly discussed, and the consensus of opinion \\'as that a mtttual benefit rvas derivecl frotr-r such a plau, botlt by' the manufacturer and the dealer. With the case of contplicatecl ancl varying discounts, a good cleal of troul:le \\'as encountered in the auditing and invoicing departments, and many errors \\'ere liable to happen, causing the goods to be delayed, prices