1 minute read
Boards-Dimension-Green Clears and lath, for Marine boats, and solicit your inquiries.
Highest quality lumber and lath manufactured to be misunderstoocl and friction to occur betvgeen the accounting and sales departments.
A rigid policy had the support of every member of the convention, and many points were brought up to support such a stand. Treating every buyer alike, makes for stability of sales and the long run pa)'s dividends in new accounts,
The convention rvas attended by 125 delegates from all parts of the United States. All divisions of the Company convened each morning, t,hile afternoons and evenings rvere taken up rvith departmental discussions. Prominent business men of San Francisco and rvell knolvn industrial figures of the Pacific Coast spoke before the gathering, and the convention u'as generally considered as being the most successful in the forty vears of The Paraffine Companies, Inc.. existence.
Lemaster Sends New Years Greetings
n'tr. C. D. LeN{aster, of Fresno, Snark of the lJniverse, has sent his compliments to the members of the order, in tl-re form of a handson.re folcler, containing the Code of llthics of the Orcler, ancl also a Nerv Years Greeting.
I'{r. I-eMaster, in the c'ard, sa1's, "C)t1r Inclustrv is Our Worlcl. We Helpecl to Create it and Will l{elp to Keep it on a Fligh Stanclard."