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Mr. Pip's New Year
,,\rvake.! , No longer.write it "trventy three," Ilut take your last year's calender, you see, -.\nd throw away. Thus seek to hide Our errors, so you nevermore shall see.
I )rearning a horrid dream of culls piled high, I heard a voice within the wood yard cry; "Awake;- for while you sleep you cannot knorv l'he half you can accomplish r,vhen you trl ."
,\ncl, as big nen clestroyecl the peace of night I woke to find that it rvas broad daylight, Yet sleepily I turned again, but Ben Cried "Nay. au'ake !" and rang rvith all his might.
\-ainly berreath my pillows did I hide. -\s well attempt to stop Niagara's tide .\s Ben. Ah ! what a lesson does he teach ! He does his rvork-and will not be deniecl.
With many a yalvn I uprose from the hay, ,\nd to the office took my easy way. What odds if any customer HAD cotne ? Ii he \{UST have some lumber-rvhy, he'll stav.
Within n.ry dustv office I began
I\,[y morning lvork quite liesurely to plan There were no orders there, and so 'lhe latest "Lumber Merchant" I did scan.
What's this ? It says: "Fforv to find ottt the cost Of doing business. Have you gained or lost?"
How foolish does tbat seem to those who know; To us who Vears ago that bridge have crosseC.
What use to me to list rvhat I have sold ?
What use to rvrite a thing already cold ?
,\ shingle and a piece of marking chalk
Were good enough my take of sales to hold.
Fforv can these "nrles" nlore infornration lerr<l ? If I take in more rxoney tharr I spend I gain. I hardly knorv the facts today
But I n,ill knorv for sure at this I'ears encl.
.\h ! 'Irventy years ago trvete u'ell enon' To keep your records anvu,here or horv.
Dame Business full attention now demancls: Neglect or carelessness she u'on't allou'.
See ! Here is one lvho savs: "Goocl frien<l, arise, And tell of that which irr i'our yarcl norv lies."
Pooh, Pooh ! I've been here years. All men know me.
Wh1' tlrrou' arvay goorl coin to ADVIIRTISE?
Insure mv stock and sl.red? It is to smile. This torvn has had no fires in quite a u'l.rile. I'll pay no tribute, prenriurn, or tax. No fire insnrance agent gets rny pile.
Nou.. here's a graft. I{orv have thev got the nerve To say that buying books of plans rvill setve The dealer lvhen he gives the plans arvay Yet buys them first? .\ scolding they deserve.