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To Our Many Friends We Extend
I fail to see why any hrmbennan, Needs books like these, n'hen carpenters all carr, With sttrbby pencil, paper, and a rule Drarv rtp a good old-fashioned plan.
What's that? You say tl-rat lSrorvn has bought a From Jones, the fellolv in the other yard ? I will Find out rvhat made hitn turn his trade from me To Jones. 'fhis drop nrv cup cloth nearly fill.
"Oh, Mr. llrot'n I Good ntorning, So you bought Your house from sor.neone else? Why did ]fotr not Give ME a chance to sell you? I rvill bet I could have cttt the other price a lot."
FIe's gone. And I rviil sa1- that rvhat I heartl Just norv from Brot,n, helcl many a scathing rvor<l ()f censttre. Yet. to rvorcls of fttlsorne llraise For n.ry orvn goo<1, it u'as to lre preferred.
I had not kept hinr aye in n.rincl of me While Jones took to his hottse some plans to see. Jones helpecl the IJrorvns select the kind of HO\IE They rvanted, and the plans he gave thenl IIREE.
Jones told thern WH\l, ancl WIIERE, I{OW X{UCTI, and WHAT, And Jones impressed on them that it rvas NOT
So much his rvish to In seeing that what
SELL as to ASSIST thev DESIRED thev to are shown forty million feet of air dried Redwood uppers from which immediate shipment can be made of siding, finish, batens, mouldings, columns, etc.
It seerns there are a lot of things which I Could rvell have had this year, but passed them by. And some of them perhaps, I rvill not ttse Next year. And some perhaps, I'll never try.
IJut one or trvo goocl'things, not being rash, I'll urrdertake THIS year. Nor think it trash When told of scientific.salesmanship. Indeecl There's rnan)' a thing 1,'ll tlo to get tl.re cash.
No longer rvill I say that: "I sell rvoocl.. Cement and lumber, all of them are goocl And cheap." The public rvell knorvs that I clo, ,\ncl holcls it no great lvonder that I shottlcl.

Ancl I rvill do '"vhat other men have done, .,\t least, I'll start. That I should have begun Long, long ago, I know. But I will start TODAY, for that's the rvay, SUCCIISS is rvon.