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H. E. VcfiIc,


List of officers-San Joaquin Valley Dist. Year ending Sept. 9th, 1923:

H. E. Verble-l Vicegerent Snark.

E. M. Prescott-2 Senior FIoo-Hoo.

A. J. Lucas-3 Junior Hoo-Hoo.

P. N. Nordstrom-4 Bojum.

E. L. Smith-S Scrivenoter.

Martin D. Johnson--6 Jabberwock.

Cecil W. Bingham-7 Custocatian.

Earl J. Eyeman-_S Arcanoper.

R. W. Bagby-9 Gurdon.


Friday night, I)ecember 14th, was the date, not of the largest Concatenation by the l-os Angeles District, but the most unique and the most highly enjoyed. Dinner was served at the Los Angeles City Club, at 6 p. m. The members had been asked to shorv up at this place for dinner, and were told that the place of the Concat was to be kept secret until after the dinner.

Snark Rosenberg presided, there were no ceremonies, except the assessing of a fe'r.v fines to some of the boys over in-the corner who got a little noisy. Jimmie Chase passed out written instructions to the members, to proceed to

O. H. Bart. Saath,SnlaArc

Venice, to the "Palace of Fuh," rvhich had been leased by the Scrivenoter, C. J. I-aughlin.

This is an ideal place for such an affair. lL codltains numerous trick stunts, such as revolving barrels, moving stairrvays, long slides, etc., and the seventeen boys who went through this night surely knerv that the| were being initiated.

The ritual was capably handled by the following team:

Snark-H. L. Rosenberg.

Senior Hoo-Hoo-C. S. Estes.

Junior Hoo-Hoo-F. M. Connelly.

Arcanoper-Ted Lawrence.

Jabberwock-Berne S. Barker.

Boium-Sam T. Havtvard.

Cuitocation-Curtis -Williams' Scrivenoter-C. J. Laughlin.

Gurdon-Phil B. Hart.

These boys put on the rvork in fine shape, and they w-ere assisted in the Junior work by Clint Laughlin and Jim Chase.

Here is a list of the Kittens:

A. A. La'ivyer, Olson Lbr. Co., Alhambra.

I{. F. Anawalt, Jr., Anawalt Lbr. Co., Sawtelle'

E. T. Nelson. E. K. Wood Lbr. Co., L. A.

H. DeCah'in, C. Ganahl Lbr. Co., L. A.

(Continued on Page 46)

(Continued from Page 45)

H. C. Wehlast, Hayward I br. & Inv. Co., L. A.

J. F. Tighe, Ou'ens Parks l-br. Co., L. A.

A. T. Ku-vkendall, Hipolito Screen Co., L. A.

F. H. Van l.eer, Cadwallader Gibson Co., I-. A.

R. A. Cole, Wheeler Osgood Co., L. A.

E. Steffenson, Osgood Lbr. Co., L. A.

C. L. Hacker, Hamrnond l-br. Co., L. A.

S. Dean, Osgood Lbr. Co., L. A.

F. C. Osgood, Osgood Lbr. Co., L. A.

T. W. Jacobs, Lumbermens Reciprocal Assn., L. A.

F. K. Gerstle, Flammond Lbr. Co., L. A.

I. F. Cou'an, Bemis & Cowan, L. A.

Ed. Cook, McCullough Fagan Lbr. Co., L. A.


G. R. Tully, L. A. Lbr. Products Co., L. A.

H. W. Brown, I.os Angeles.

W. N{. Brorvn, Hendrickson Lbr. Co.. L. A.

Splendid Concat at Coos Bay

The Hoo-I{oo of Coos Bay, Oregon held a verv successful Concatenation at Marshfield, on the evening of Dece-ber l4th, at the North Bend Hotel, when ten Kittens u,ere initiated into the rnysteries of the order, and nine old Cats rvere reinstated.

Parson Peter A. Simpkin, of Santa Monica made the trir> to Marshfield to attend this affair, and he states that thi work was done in a fine manner. The lumbermen of this district met at ldncheon on this date, rvith Mr. Frank A. Rotrj presiding. Parson Simpkin addressed the meeting on "Intelligent Organization and the Program of HooHoo." A committee was appointed by Mr. Ron,e. to ap- point officers for a new club for the Coos Bay District. ancl to decide if the club rvill be a local Lumllerrriens Club or a

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