4 minute read
To Lumber Yards Handling
The Brininrtool Co. have pcrfected in their "SANA-ACOTE BLENDE" a 6nirh for two coatr for wallboard that ir unrurparcd for beauty and ecoaomy, giving a high grade wallpaper colored btendc efrect.
Sample pattern3 on wallboard witl bc gladly furnirhed on application.
That your wallboard ralcs will be increared by ahowing there ramplee har bcen proven by othcr dealen.
Hoo-Hoo Club. The Parson predicts that they rvill decide to a{filiate 'rvith Hoo-Hoo. and make it the fiist such club in the state of Oregon.
A fine team officiated at the evening Concat.
Here is the list of the kittens. Wm. Denman, chairman I3uilding Directors, Coos Bay Lbr. Co., S. F., Fred A. Warner, V. P. & Gen. Mgr. Coos Bay Lbr. Co., S. F., Fred W. Payne. Mgr. Western Lbr. Co., Marshfield; C. S. Kinnear, Supt. Westeln l,br. Co., I\{arshfield; Henry J. Leaf, Gen. Supt. Coos Bay Lbr. Co., Marshfield; W. W. Stout, Treas. Stout Lbr. Co., Marshfield; N. A. Busteruo, Asst. Mgr. Coos Bay I br. Co., North Bend; E. E. F'oss, Mgr. Prosplr I-br. Co., Prosper; E. A. Balderree, owner, Bald=erree Log- ging Co., Marshfield; T. M. Searles, Mgr. Marshfield Mill & I-ogging Co., Marshfield.
The Reinstatements were: A. T. Lagerstrom, Sec.-Treas. Lambert Pac. Lbr. Co.; Ben C)stlind, Pres. Coos Veneer & Box Co.; W. T. Conracl, Sec. Western W. Cedar Co.; A. P. Davis, Super. Pac. Lbr. Insp. Bur.; S. A. Foss, Acct. Stout Lbr. Co.; C. A. Bock, Gen. Mg.. Stout Lbr. Co.; W. Vaughan, Pres. Coos Bay Log. Co.; L. A. Simpson, Vice Pres. Coos Bay Log. Co.; W. C. Parker, Insp. C. C. Cedar Co.
Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 Meeting
- _ Iiighty-one members and guests of the Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9, divided into groups of. nine persons seated at nine tables, met at luncheon in the French Room of the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, ol'r Thursday, December 13.
Orving to President R. A. Hiscox being in the North'ivest, the meeting rvas presided over by Vice-President J. Walter Kelly. After a short business session that consistecl of reports of the various committees and the introduction of the r.isiting Hoo-Hoo and guests, the meeting was turned over to Rod Hendrickson who acted as chairman.
l4uch humor and fun rvas evident among the gathering, rvhen a messenger boy entered the room in snappy fashion, paging Rod Hendrickson. R. F. Hammatt and Frank 'lrorver. "Rod's" n-ressage turned out to be a cal'rlegram frorn Tokio, 'ivhich read as follor'vs:
GlfAs. il|. RosE & G0.
6O7 Flatiron Bldg., San Francirco
Douglar o166
California Representativee hibit that was on clisplay in the luncheon room an(l which rvas attracting a great deal o{ attention from the lumbermen. The exhibit rvas designated "Berkeley Fire Facts" and rvas compiled by Charies Bird, of the Stockton Lumlter Co., oi Stockton. Through the efforts of Mr. Trorver, Mr. Bird shipped the exhibit to San Francisco so as to be on display at the luncheon and the Clult voted Mr. Bird a vote of thanks for his interesting exhibit.
"Hon. Rodn.ran Hendrickson. San Francisco Lumlterman rvho cuts lurnlter ltut not prices.. In custody Hoo-Hoo Clulr No. 9, Palace Hotel, San Francisco."
"I have honor to infonn you that Japan n'ill continue to consunrption mrrch lumber in near also distant future. N.Iay I express hope that Los Angeles rvi1l not require all Pacifit Woods, but will leave some for my country, rvhich is suffering from effects of earthquakei. Hoping you are the same."
(Sigried) I. YEETA TA\,IATA.

Other speakers at the luncheon were R. F. Hammatt, of the California Red.ivood Association, r,vho spoke on the
"Rod" Heldrickson advisecl that Santa Claus l-ra6 Drom- Berkeley shingle situation and Dr. Dye, of Washington, ised to attend the luncheon, but orving to some unforseen D. C', who spoke on the housing conditions in Europe. circumstance, he rvas nnable to be present. Nine Christ- Jerryl Casey., of the Hart-Wood Lumber Co., San F ran- nras gifts lvere distributed, one prize being gir-en to one per- cisc4f,'won'the "attendance prize, rvhich tvas a Gillette safety son at each of the nine tables. The gifts ranged from a r?qi.fr' Fted-tlo1mes, of the Holmes-Eureka Lurnber Co., rniniature "Spark Plug" of Barney Google farne, rvhich rvas trad'the h6ngr of paying the first club fine. Fred checkecl yyon by Walter Ward, to a miniature nursing bottle won by in latb Atrthe fneeting and to shon' that he was a good sport Theodore Lerch. he jusf.poplributed double the amount of the fine. The rrver Drg. vvrln tne assrsfance or $rr. tlenfy Iaylo!
After the reading of telegrams and the distribution of the finesulitl.go into a special fund for charitable.purposes. Christmas prizes, Rod }{endrickson introdgced Frank Durmg the luncheon and at other times during the enThompson, of Pasadena, rvho gave several intpresting reci-, .J-e;I4i9rpent, Bob Gehering, of the Hartt-lVood Lumber Co., tations of famous characters of fiction. "fiqftid lrrmber-jack orchestra of four pieces provided some ALRyan, prominent San Francisco realtor, and managel: wonderful. jazz mvsic. Everybody hopes that Boll's orol the Ryan Real Estate Company, entertainecl the paity 'bbestra",tvill appear often at the Club luncheons' rvith a large number of his magiiians trieks. Mr. hvaii ,;).,Fog4the excellent entertainment furnished by Mr. Frank sure did shou' his stuff and his slight-a-hand trlcks wgrjl.tl,fb@pson and Mr. Al Ryan, they rvere given a vote of over big. With assistance of NIr. Henry Taylafj'6{,.:thalrks by the Club.
B.erkeley, _a,life,member of the lloo-Hoo "nO-,rtt4,gf i Jhe next meeting of the Club rvill be held on f)ecember 1!{tor; of.t}e -day, N{1. Ryan perl,orm_e_d one 6i'$ilp m5sg '27,'and Bert Dimrfrick, of the Dimmick I-umber Co., San difficult tricks but during the shuffle N{r. Tayfor; Francisco, rvill be the chairman of the day. e,xpensive scarf pi1 ; he r,vas rather surprised'w{iinr fir,, The committee that had charge of the December 13 meetRyan handed hirn his pin at the close of his perfonngdte.,, ! ing u,as made up of Rocl Hencirickson, I_loycl Harris, Boll Mr. Frank Trorver called attention to the instrrgfive e*- Giiring, Frank Troruer and It. F'. Hammatt.